The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 19, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 42.
MSrstllP -i'i iri'irrl iiflV -rimri'i i.i lHlW)W''Vl'r"lli'"y r'-'ri' Wrtimm-.r,-!
v.ll--'"r : a?r,'-L''BiaEM;CiYi.'V.w
M;iP(Wi!iittinr-, .. . -. flam . mai,,isr?lv , ..mmmMfflmm
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-TW?.V. i'"& I in ff'.nih .e. .BCm. 'WI1M.iIIB1'M SB' i 1 - ' tUlWSJI lJ,F.rM'tt:aBBBBrBBT.lBBaaBSg,SsTI.4 .-f- HHK,l,Bn'w ' ' ' - .jLt mn
. " . " '',.. TSSBWiM. .'J'tiUasltldBHsanW?' '' I 1 , f
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V . i mr. 'v" Lbbrbrv '-1! lfNftl .tif- . AbrrV
RjgaWMa.l'Q '
De.lsnatnd DapoiUarjr anil Vlnanolal Ant of the United State
FreaMent, U.'W, Corbtttf cMhlcr; E. 0, Wlthlngton! mltnt cher, J. W.Kewklrkt tecond
, MlstntCHihler, W. C. Alronl.
letter, ot credit (wued, Vill1e In Kutopo and tho Eastern states. Bight exchanira. and
tetf graphic transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chlcagoy Omaha, Bt. Paul, Ban Kranclfco and
the principal points In the Northwest. Sight and time CIlls drawn lu sums to suit on Loudon,
rarla, Berlin, Vranklort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections Made on favorable terms at all accessible points.
Established In 1859.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on
fttailabto in Europe- and the Jbastcrn states.
Sight exchange and Tele'ftraphjo Transfers sold on New York, Wasliinston,
Chicago, St. IJtiis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
I '
Trausacti n (Icnei at Hank tlusfneM. Drafts Issued Avallalde In all cities of the
' United Btates nnd.Kuropc.
, President... .! , ..TYLER WOomVAItl)
Vice-President .. JACOII KAMM
tiashler ......... ........ , , ....K, C. Mll.I.KK
Pendleton, Oregon.
' Capital, 170,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits,' 00,000,00.
. RESERVE) AGENTS Flnt National Bank. Chicago. III.; Kirt National
Bank, Portland, Ortgon; Ghemiral National Bunk, New-York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIUEOTOKS T,-vl Ankeny, President; W. F. Matlock,
Vice President: 0. B. Wade, Cashier; H. O. (iuerensy, Assistant Catliler; J. S.
McLeod, W. 8. ByerH, W. K. Matlock, H, F. Johnson.
' Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 960,000; Surplus, 853,500.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collection!.
, . - W. J. Famish, President; J. N. Toal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashlor.
iMiltors of Credit luoi avallabtoln Dip
'iransivn fniu uu inuw Kirat i.nieKo, m. iwnuis,tnn rranciscn, roriiauu, uro, maiiir. nsui.
and VHrloui points In Uregonauil Washington. Colk-ctlonsmadeatall nolntson favorable tonus.
Loewenberg &
Mam f M3B Tmymr St
199 tm 19 9mtSt
r"p' " '"" "3 I
H RRRRRRRRRr7 ewTaaaam
Irs ffism
Land aud Immigration Agents Loan and Inaurauca Altai
v. M. I.. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Co.
Farm, Fruit antl Timber Lands, Stock Ranch
Mining: Properties. j j j j j
Office: Fole'yRoche Building.
Attar a continuous residence of orer 10 years
lal accompllsnmeuu ana future rosl bill ties ot I M soil, and a personal knowledge, ot
snata, 1 feel tbat no oar, seeking a borne, will make any mistake In locating bare.
Your Correspondent? la Sellelt.e), anal All Qutlana
....Ch.aifully Anaw.r.d....
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
IStMSM AN tMlltVSRR OF . . .
Marin and Stationary Efiglnaa an) Boilara,
aw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Rail Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
rawor tranamiaalan Machinary.
1 A ttsU i . V-
igl.t i W RRT iWWW99J9IW1f
Uv4m(ak Modern
i plant 'enaaUs us'.t
oaRONRNOE souoiTia. -am
iaKi'lM"11 ' ' i .."'J. '-"! ',' "i" . '- j""' jj i"'inji .mi '!!!
Letters of credit issued
favorable terms.
Kastern Mates. Blglil Kxchanso and Telegraphic
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware p
Handled by AH First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
In the Market t . ,
In this Famous Valley, and a close etudr of th
MacMnery far saeclal purposes, which
aulld accurately and 'wanomlcally.
J ff ,
v,v'.a .mu-
NEWS Of I Wftl
From All Paris oMhe New, WorwJ
ana ine uia.
&.V- : .-"
Comprthtntlvc Review of the Important HfM-
penlngi of the Past Week In a .
Cotukmed Form.
Tho' Britirh mot with
at Murruyabufg.
Itciuforoomeutq will
Kitchener Ht once.
Two hundred mill hands at FlorMt,
Colo., have strtfek. JVJ
Fred T. Dubois Was elected United;
States senator from Idaho. ,
The sentencing of Alvord, the eat
bezaler, has been postponed. ,
Colombian rebels were defeated by.
the governmout ttoops Jat Panama.
The nresident has onoointed Vada
Mooro postmaster at Irousldo. Oregoa
Fiod Alexander, the Negro murderer,'
was burned at the stako at Leaven
worth, Kaus.
A BHWinlll for Astoria, with a daily
capacity of L'UQ.OOO feet, hits been
flunucutl in Now York.
Tim O. It. & N. Co.'s wharf at
was currieu away uy uign
Loss about $1,000.
Two carlonds of Portuguese laborers
bound .for thosugnr plantations of
Hawaii pnpsud tliroujh Chicago en
routo (or. Hun Frnuaisuo.
Chicago detectives raisod a counter
foitor'a den, captured J. P. McUarry,
the supposed leader of the bknd and
securod three bags of spurious coin.
t Kear'Adtniral (leorgo W. Melville,
englneor-in-chiof of the' Unilbd States
navy yaul, says that English mad.
warships are not uoar aa stable aa
those of our own build.
The Venezuelan government has
soiied two steatneia flying tho. British
flag. The company owuiag tba vessels;,
has an American preeideut aad several
of the uriaclial ' stockholders' are
Americans. '
Scott Wllke, no servodla-te-l
lower.. boat o!-r-oongress two terms, I
beginning with 1880, and who was as
sistant controller of currency daring
Piesldent Cleveland's last term, is
dying at his home near Barry, Pike
county, 111
CQquard, tho inttn who defied the
Paris police, has' committed suio'ide.
Ho was' pursued by tlie police to bis
house where ho barred the doors, and,
from au' upstairs window, warned all
to keep away or ho would shoot them.
Later an army o Ulcer with aaetaobV
meut of troops forced the door aad
found Coquard hanging in' the garret
with a bullet bole through his chin.
Dewet is no longer a lion with the
Another ocean-to-ocean railroad is
ltussla turned over the Tien Tala
railroad to Germany.
1 Admiral Dewey is confined to bis
home by au attack of the grip.
T. M. Patterson was nominated for
senator by Colorado fuaionists.
The supreme court decided that
Neely must be extradited to Cuba,
Oregon will send three messengers
to curry the presidential vote to
Much damage, has boon done by
snow and landslides aud high water
in Oregon aud Washington.
Thero is a famine in the province
of Shan Si, China, and it is said ft, 000,
000 people are faciug starvation.
A county superintendent at Seattle
and a county treasurer at Spokane re
fuse to'glve np their respective offices
to1 successors.
Ten persons were killed and many
were injured us the result of an ex
plosidn in a hat faototy at Deatoa.
neat Manchester, Kngland.
The steamet Tillamook, carrying
United States mail between Juneau
and Dutoh Harbor, Alaska, was
wrecked on Wood Island reel and is
a total loss,
A special from Ashcroft, D, C says
that three cates of smallpox are re
ported to have broken out among the
Indians on the reservation near Que
nelle. The place has been quaran
tined, Word jast received from Dawson re
ports a fire on January 7. Three large
buidiBgs were entirely destroyed. Hut
little of tho contents were saved. The
origin of the fire is unknown. Lois
The most serious seeideat that has
resulted from the combination of heavy
snowfall and high winds occurred to
day, says a special from Vancouver,
V., when almost the entire aorta
era end of tne bow brick drill hall el
' 1
, rffl
severe lotstm
ba te.Wl
the Puke of Counaaght'a rifles sol- .sylvaawi Oeorge F. lleat.Maaiaeha.
Ispsed. The wall was Imllt to 4 feet4 mHs) II. K. Buraham, ijsw Ilamp.
ia aelght, aBd was six'teet wide. The Ww5 - MoMlllaa, MIcMgan; T,
scattered frriaks renveseat a toss sal ,
to approximate 1,000.
.. ', -i hJOtB&. eVV . 'JRRRI
mjmst-. v tflRRWm - . - , -v $, f : , r ..ltMu
Afttiewiceineflt Mde In New York Amount
New York, Jan. IB. Announcement
was made in Wall street of the author
ization by the kingdom of Saxony of
a new 3 per cent loan ,for 80,000,000
marks, equivalent to about $20,000,
,000. It is expected that subscriptions
toward this loan will be roceived in
this oity in much thasame mannor as
in the case of the Bavarian loan offoiod
last week. (
It is tho opinion of foreign bankers
that the imperial German .government
has decided to withhold its own na
tional lon, stated to be for 000,000,
000 marks; or $150,000,000, until tho
various stated of the government havo
made their negotiations.
JB'autck succession have been oflrtrai
lloajof the free oity of Hamburg, tho
lugdom of Bavaria, and now the king
dom, of Saxony. It is definitely known
in baaklng circles that both Germany
na .ureat BritalU havo the Issuance
I 'heavy loans in contemplation,
lea will be the first announced.
waver, cannot be learned. It Is
ubtful if satisfactory arrangements,
n be made to finance buy conalderaif
ile portion of these loans here. At
fleast, the
arrauHements that can be
'itade. It is reuorted. am not as favora.
'lile aa those mtJe whea the 510,000.-
gw iintiiu exoneqtier loan ana tnei
W.OO0.U0O marks Imperial German
1 treasury lonu were organized. Iho
German govornmont, it is understood,
Has""- sounded Atnoticau "financiers
through their Borlin correspondents on
the prospects of nlaciuu n portion of
the contemplated loan here, but has
fdund that conditions wero not highly
tavorable. Tho German loan oould be
placed in that country on better terms
tu hero.
Between Florida sad Cubs to 8 Can
structsd for the UaMtd Statu.
?Nw Yprk,'Jsn 17. The first andsr
SB telephone' built, according to the
la'vsutioa of Dfi Michael Pa pin, Is to
bespat dewa between Florida aad Cuba
faftaeUalted States government, by " X 1. dM Tl ... iTJL i 7
M&boyerof the aateatV the Bell Tele-' ")hdt i. dr,.,! ?J&?Jl
idtaaaaUeay. Last July Dr. Pupla, i'1 ",l 0H " .
hU-.Bataata .aere sad
Mtiiimwv ; ta
Mattel Jaaaary. U lkW '"Thea,
vr. Pnpln's direction, the com
equipped' a line from Bedford
:...(;- T.- si. ti..i.'..iiMirf i,int.
ford! Maw., tbenoe to Albany and on
to Pittsburg. There the wire ran over
land, The coils were placed at inter
vals of about two' miles, and were lu
closed ob glass lusluatore on the polos.
The test was so satisfactory that about
two weeks before the optica expired
u ,..M.l..n.n...n,lnl.,u.l
ii!I AiTst-niish nr pZ '
tb-StV ?i,? "Snt. ni Pk,
eJSSSf m. lhl.. : ,reD,t,,,i:
Z. A V-linK nn,n., ha. n-lrt .
him, Instead of the $900,000 as origin-1
ally stated, nearly $100,000. for his
recent luventioa of a system by which
oceaa telephone is made possible.
This is is additloB to the annual royal
ty el 10,000 a year daring the life of
the patents. ,
Proprietary Tax DetWen.
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 17. Judge
Howe, in the United States district
court here
f. . i i i i I i
rjbere to-lay, rendered an import-.
decision in the case of the
ter mewing company va, ma umu t
States.. iuvolvlua the taxing of a pro
prietary medicinal preparations The
.court sustained the cpmplalnant'a con'
aarnton inat . m aruc.o. was no. .no-
rjeot to taxat on, and rendered a decls-
ioa against the government for $3,300,
the amouut iald by the brewiug com -
pany under protest The complainant
00.wP?y b"' " W,b".., Ib"y teriTu
a ''toBlc'' pu np in hot les, on which
had already been paid the regu ar $3
Pcrl-vrel. The revenue department
atWMblngtoa bed thaHtwas taxa -
ble as a proprietary MlclBal article,
While the company coateBded that it
WM tld " l
w m.V.u.. ...-.j
- 0 , , V u a,
gan, Fraselsco, .;. la. Mrs. M.
A. Mllllcan. wife of the editor of tha
New York Medical Journal. Tsras 'badly
burned In tiro wn en part any ne-
stroyed the bouse in this, city In which
she resided, and no hopes of her recov
ery are entertained, She was rescued
from the (lames in an uuoouxolous cob
To Test WaihtaioB fir.
Washington, Jan. 17. The uavj de
nartuiatit has notified. Senator Foster
aad Hepreseutative Jones that it will
he pleased lo receive vaiiiples of yellow
sir for examination and test and if
foBBdto meet requirement, will use!
this lumber in the construction of ships
for the' navy. j
Seaater i EUdwL
Feaators have been elected is. the
following states; M. 8. wy, Pean-
M. "Wtterson, uoioraao; w. r. rrjre.
Negro Murderer Burned
the Stake.
Suspected SUyer of Pearl Forbu Wat Taken
From Jail by Leavenworth Mob,
Chained to a Rail and Cremated.
I Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 17. Fred
1 Alexander, the murderer of Pearl
I Forbes and tho fiend who attempted to
cilminally assault Miss Eva Both last '
Saturday night, suirouuded by a yell
ing mob, his clothes torn, his face
bloody with his own blood, was
I dragged from his cell in the court
use,, pieauiusj tor jui we, ana, a iter
being dragued around the court house
7d for 15 minutes, was loaded into
wagon with his oaptora and taken to
the place where Miss Forbes' body was
louna, to oe uurnea to neatn. i
"Burn him; hang, burn
ntm," re-echoed tlirousn the air, and
aoh moment the uncontrolled passions
of the mob became wilder.
iUD ""a" " " ot
" state puuivmiary w tins auor-
noon nnu loauou into a lutolc and
brought to town, 00 deputy marshals
surrounding him. Deputy Shorlffs
Vance Myers and Tom ilrown sat In
tho haok on either sido of him. There
wete GO buggies and wagons in tho pro
cession which 'followed tho buck, aud
,it was an nwftil march iudood for Trod
Alexander. Thu trip to town was
mado ' quickly, and there was no at
tempt to create a disturbance.
When Fourth aud Olive streets were
reaohed the police, who were in the
haok following the one in whioh Alex
ander was concealed, jumped out and
chatted several negroes. This created
a diversion, which attracted the, at
tention of every one, aBd, la the ex
citement, the haok ia whisk Alexander
was concealed, was frantically driven
to the county jail, aad jast as the mob
court house.
Is the meantime ' the erowd bad
sssJsesi dr the. aide gala of ; the stock
thor, w
iron, was the next object of attack.
Several of the thoughtful ones of the
no ntt provmea tnemseives witn
mob had provided themselves with
Is was the work of only a few moments
befoia the hinges were. cut from this
aud, with the help from luside, it was
off its hinges in a moment. More men
pushed luside, and the Iron bar was
again oallod 'into play, and the'doors
of the cell room broken dowa. A man
'",' J" opi-Ju niHiiciom,
.!!. .!.. ... ..l..t . .I.....! -
1 "ringing mass crouched dowa lu one
corner of the dark cell. Tl.e mob
!i - d moment, dtagglng the fiend
-V the COSt Collar.
At a quarter past 6 o'olook Alexaud
er was brought to the scene of the
murder of Pearl Forbes. The exaot
spot where the murdered girl wss
found was located by the leaders of the
crowd, Alexander was brought np in
a wagoa with a dozen men.
The first thing done was to plant a
railroad iron upright in thu mud. This
was made fast to cross lions firmly
bound to the upright Iron with wires.
io mis me man was uraipgea ami
o)iaIuef, to ia npr,ght railroad Iron,
chslui ,U(Uront ere wrapJ)an ttbout
To this the man was dragged aud
M, wh ,.,. ,,.,. ..i .i.u,.,irt r..t
to the tost. Coal oil was then poured
over him and the match touched to
vv,,u, t M d Alexander
MiM to frJedi 0, bJ, j (h orowd
mn(J Ud, bew U00,U) ,, dld mt
i Mtm to ,,,1 that he was to be
bBrHej ,t the tUiV Aluuder w
'""ke a confession, but tie.
oUr(J MnmU ,naooewti Al tllB
fl.mM , ,, gbDUt ,,,, AliXIMldwP
tMi hrt) , IH, then for the
iflulua. mJ,d ,M ,,,, ()eatl, w
Bw,r lH Jm- ,hjH flveu,,Mutt)8 ne WH
hanKlng umpiod lifeless by the chains
l td him.
As soon as the crowd saw that life
WM Mtlnot,! began to slowly dls-
pBre. There were hundreds how
-wr 0f the more, morbid, who stayed
to xb9 M8t MeB kB. p,,u.. ou wood
Bj tne ,i,ne ,utu ntout 7 o'clock.
when the flames were allowed to die
down. As soon as the flames had died
down suflloieutly to allow the crowd
to approach there was a wild scramble I
to obtain relics.
The VljUsatU Ashore.
Havana, Jan. 17. The Ward
steamer Vigilancia is aground off tho
banks of Los Colorado, about 100
wiles westward of Havana
The Vlgianoa sailed from Vera
Crus, Mex., Jan. 10, for Progresso,
Havana and New York. She had. 68
i paswBgeni on uuaru, ana is command
.J !. .!... Im U.mhaI.1.
She struck
early yesterday morning during a fog,
six miles from the mala land. Word
of the aeeldeat reached her ageats here
last Blaht. The tteamer Is fast ob ths
reefs, sad is pounding la the norther
which is bow .hkiwlBg. She is ia aa
tatatsdiste daBger, however.
Deljado and Ills Command Lay Down Thek
Armi In Panay,
1 Washington, Jnn 10. General Mao
Arthur reports the surrender of Del
gado, coniuiundor-iU'chlof of Ho )hi
proiluce, Panay. He also reports that
(other important surrenders are expect
ed during tho uoxt fow days. General
MncArthur's tologram to the war de
partment is as follows:
"Dolgndo, commandant in Ho Ilo
prbvlnco, Panay, surronderod January
11 to Brigndlor-Gonoral Hughes, with
four olllcers, 21 mon and 41 rifles.
His command was scattered. Othur
surrenders are expected during tho
next few days. Important signs of
the end ot "organized urmod resistance
In fin lln nmulnna !.iiinu '
The dispatch gives muoh aatlafac
tion to the' war department, altbougli
the command surrendered is not a
large one. It also was noted by tho
ofllolala that the assurances wore for.
the end of ''organised armed resist-.
ance," indloating that there was con
siderable unorganised
marauding still
la progress.
A BrUjhttr Outlook.
Manila; Jan. 16. Optimism is tak
ing tho place of conservatism among
the military usn here, the cause beltiit
the numerous surrenders, captured un I
destruction ot insurgent eamp.,
coupled with tho increasing under
standing of the Americana' intention
among tho natives. The propagation
of tho principles of the Federal party
aud the knowledge that they are ap
proved by thu Uuitod Statoa Philip
pine commission and tho military au
thorities nnd the carrying out of the
torms of Uoneral MncArthur's procla
mation, whluh clasnos all who com
mit acta inimical to the interests of
the army as rebels and traitors, are
having pointed effect The cutting of
communications and supplies has de
stroyed the remnants of the insurgents'
organisation. The inhabitants el the
towaa are disinclined aBy loafer fas
contribute to a hopeless oatiae, aad M
is generally believed that the paelttva
tloa of the aenessary number el pruv
laoes to inaugurate the schema of prov
incial goverameat will be aceem
pllshed before many more weeks have)
elapsed. The moat pronounced resist
snae t nrsssat ia In r snfca'. annthaaia -
Luaon, ... m.Jt - n. -. ' pfr $&,
iTaad ef ,0mm' wl sail aa sU 7
transport Hosecrans tomorrow.
General Wheatou reports that SS
armed bulomea have surrendered as
Sixteen of Qeroulmo's band were
captured Sunday night aud brought ta
EvtrytWej In Ruebwit for the Uvasesek.
Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 10. Kvery-thing-
Is in readiness for the fourth aa
Baal coaveatlon of the National Live
stock Association. The ball has heed
gorgeously decorated aad every eea
veaisBce provided for the delegates
aad members of the press, Theiadi
oatloas are that it will be the meet
Mcosesful convention la tha history f
the association, The headquarters of
the assoolatlon anttthe priabipal hotel,
are throng) with visitors tonight.. A
large number of delegates arrived dar
ing the day It ia safe to say that
aearly every prominent stockman weat
ot the Missouri river will be present.
A large delegation Is present from Chi
cago, aud a fair attendance from ethir
points east of tho Missouri river, The
famous Pueblo Cowboy Band arrived
this afternoon and was met at'tbe de
pot by the local oomtnlttee aad es
corted through the principal streets ot
the city. The executive committee ol
the association held a meeting this af
ternoon and discussed, la a gsaeral
way, the subjects to be takes np by tha
From Speksac lo the Ml.
Spokane, Wash,, Jan. 18, A aew
railroad line is being plapued to ran
from Spokaue to Hepubllo,, with
branches to the Methow and Okanogan
raining districts in Kastern Washing
ton, about SCO miles of road ia all,
The estimated cost is about f 4,000,
000, II. W. Mangold, the promoter,
claims he has the necessary captlal lu
sight, He promises to cat the present
freight rates from those district
squarely in two when the line Is com
pleted. He pioposes the building of
a big smelter in Spokane to handle the
ores of these districts to ba broaght in'
by the new railway.
Astsulttal by HIwayaHa,
Chicago, Jan, 16. Kdward Kelly,
a prominent race horse man, is at
home la a dangerous condition as the
result of a desperate battle with twa
highwaymen. Kelly was oa his way
home and la. aa effort to save hU
money ana valuables resisted when
the footpads preseatsd revolvers at his
bead and ordered him to hold np hi
beads. In conseqaenee he was ksoeked
dowa sad thea brutally asatea ami
robbed of money and valuables ta tha
suaouat of $500.
V -''' ;.
SSBW, V " JT",,?Xu7iimii; ill 11 'U.ISilSIU WS h
,tA?fcjaBUt ? I w1 TAvT