ana r-bar4i ! ....fy il d-,., , laV ,a. .. 4W-V - , . ... . in nWwfcanmiaiiHiiiiiwi'iiMyi"iniMi'iM(i -gg v -J.,.-t.M iti iiiti i iinw.iiimipi.w&wtiiiinw '.V-C.m. !-. v i J Jt.rtiwiiryitMP'-"' x -w'" - ---. 4 J V .-.--,..W -. flW4lllllMlhlM M HiJs-'lMl,. ftai a. ! Sfc v i. i ii !' m.adw m.miMMMiii Al -- Ll.lll'.l.t,,' " ?l WTWPti. . .k. " ' V v " J"' Georgie's Gab, Fa on College ICducatloil. "I wonder why Tlicy dou't mako them qulfplayllig Football' maw told paw after she Uot thru reading about tbo Latest doth In the dame. "It's too Bad pcoplo can't raise a Boy enny tnoro without bavins him go to Collldgo and get Ills back broke when be mite of got a job In a grocery and been a help to tbo Fambfy If they wouldu't of had muuny cnuff (o dive hlui a neduca tloa." "Maw, you can't see tbo Onward march of Sivvlolzatlon," paw Sed. "If you Ilad deep reasoning powers you mlto understand theso things Better. The trubblo with you and a Lot more pccplo Is you don't no times havo Changed, It was nil rite when most of us lived In the country and didn't have cnnythlng to Do but hard work all Day and kill a Wild cat with a pitchfork every Little white for tljo Boys to get along without Learning generalship and Clotting coufadunco In Themselves, but What sho would, a1 man That started In Life by working In a Blacksmith shop or on a Farm for loven dollars a muutli and Is prcsadent of a Bank or gcuurul manldgcr of somo ralcrodo Havo If ho would Start In llfo To-day without a Cojlldgc education? "Do you think a Boy that never got a pint or so of Tobasco boss poured down bis throte or was Ducked In a mill pond with bis bands and Feat tied tbo first nlto after he entered col lldgo would stand enny chance to be a Great organizer and get Looked up to fey his Folio sltar.ens now. Not muteb. You seem to think nil alloy ot to Learn In collldgo Is how to rlta with the Cap. Itnls wbcro they Hcloug and got so ho can tell what's The value of V when W Is as It with U eakwul to 111. drum mer's all Kite as far as It does, and mobby It's a dood thing to leru how to do sums In Alglo Hray that you could flguro by mciitlo rlthmuttlck without half tbo trubblc, but That's not all they arc to a collldgo education. Not mutch inary Ann! If It would only bo for tho tblDgs n Boy could Loru out of Books that would count In Llfo they wouldn't be onny uso of sending Our sons to col lldgcs, because It would bo Cheaper to Havo tutor Come around to the Houses and tutu by tho Dny the Snino sb wo get tho portch painted nud tho Furnaco tended to. Hut It's the gratu erpcrlanco of Lornlng gcucrulshlp on tho Foot Hall Held and thinking up bow to start a I'aulck at a meeting by Hitch ing off a Dyuummllo explosion In It that helps tho most whon'u Yung man hast to Face the world alone. They aro not mutch llopu for a Boy that falls to Commence his Collldgo carver by dot ting bis nose Broko lu a Cauo ltusli m being tied ho Ho can't move and Throw In a well or Hiimthlng. That gives him Confadunco lu hluiKolf, and by tho tlmo bo Begins his Rcckoud year ho dots over tho mensully habit of Thinking shout oxpciiRCri nnd his nil ml Is broad ened so ho can think up IMaus to do tho mimo Things or mobby worso ones to Home other folio (tint Just got there." "I don't see How that's going to Help n Hoy along thru Life," maw sed. "Of course you don't," paw told her; "but that's Ih'coj: you can't sou nhed. Think what u (Irulo start It gives him over pccplo that have uo education when ho hast to dot (ulsheyalted In somo Lodgo whore they push a Folio offn Homo High place nud ho mlto Hol ler for help If ho wouldn't have cur- ridge ii nd Generalship nud n Broadened mind." "But what If he dots killed before ho Lorns how to have currldgo and denernlshlp, and dots his mind broad ened Out?" maw ast. "That shows ho was a Coward nud would of Been a Failure In llfo enny way," paw sed, "so they nro no uso Making a Fuss or Feeling bad about It, nnd thn Fnckutty can prove It was a naxldent enny way," Chicago Tlulcs Herald. A Topty-Tiirvy Country. "I should say thlH country wiih upside down," exclaimed 11 young American builder nud contractor who canto down from Philadelphia to erect it four-story htool frame building In San Juan for a wealthy l'orto Itlcau, The young builder Is dcslruiM of making a success In the Island, and contemplates taking up his permanent residence thoro If business will warrant It. "I wanted thin building of mine to attract nttentlou," ho continued. "In order to do this, I bad practically de rided to build the walls from tho top downward. I consulted tbo man for whom I was doing the work. " 'When tbo steel frame Is up, I said to him, 'wo will begin to lay brick at tho second story.' Then I watched to see what effect the remark would bavo upon blm. Ho didn't seem surprised lu tho least. "'It might be bettor to begin at tbo third story,' he replied. 'Sometimes we begin ut tbo top,' " 'Wlmt's thatl' I cried. " 'Sometimes,' he said, 'wo begin ut tho very top;' nud bo seemed to regard It tiH a very ordinary thing tu do. " 'I'd like to know bow you do It,' I fairly bbouted. 'There Isn't a steel-, frame building In l'orto Ulco.' " 'I know that,' ho answered calm ly; 'but It Is generally cheaper to build from tbo top down. We 'most ulwuys do IU i " Then wo'll begin at tbo bottom this tlmo,' I said. ' "1 bavo tried to And out since," eon tlnuod tbo builder, "whether that na tive was kidding me; but nutlves never Joke, they take everything seriously Including themselves." Chicago Inter , Ocean. USE GILT SPANGLY. " W ITS PRESENCE IS A NEWNESS. MARK 4 , OF Mere Barbaric Fplendor Ja, Ifowerer, to Be Avoided Ileadwork la Rnpidlr IlecotnlnK Popular urn a Trimming Material Note from Gotham. New Tork correspondence. PLASHES of gilt are avoided lu ball and evening dresses, but the gilt Is there just thu same, often as an Indistinct part of the weave, again In line applied linos. Naturally when such a noticeable avoidance of bar baric richness holds In evening finery, It exists with greater 'emphasis In cloth gowns even when these arc mndc very tlressy. let nothing so surely differentiates the workaday cloth dross from the drcss-up grade as does gilt .trimming, so in the lat ter the gilt Is often used, though rarely In great quantities, Very simple effects ot It produce the up-to-date look and at the same time advertise the wearer's good taste. When a fashion comes in this ,.CA1X AT.. THE BANK CAFE Next Doot? the First Nations! Dunk, The Onlr KInU-CIhis 1'Irco In tho Clt) Wines and Cigars I 'i I il Mia Jfff &. yjjr nrja O. J. STUBLINO, Prop. broidery appeared on the coru-eolore When in The Dalles satin yoke and collar. Hose pink velvet nl,C" Hl IH? 1aWICS gave the bodice bolt. The net of th'xese, dresses showed how little of gilt Is need ed to effect the fashionable touch, , the niotfll appearing only In buttons that held red cloth strappings. Cloth of a brighter red than the strappings was the dress goods. Bead embroidery showed on cuffs ' and bolero layers of the last of these dresses, nlle green silk floss being further ( trimming. The goods was cloth Of gold.' While a few women have forced the . . ., tight waist fashion, and wear bodices ' OOOICO LlqUOrS, buttoned close up the front, they aro ' those wlio are pretty sure of the sym- me try of their figures. The close-fitting jacket that buttons double breasted, or that Is double breasted at the bust line, Is more generally becoming. Mnny of j alt.,1, t.nhnf. n .. hiim, Inmntilw In flatlet'. out... juvni-ui uir Bviitiuiimiiij in uuiou, others show1 the rovers faced with con trasting material, and the upper collar. Is often exaggerated Into cape or epaulette effect. To be sure, the strictly gentle manly is the best Investment if one'doys not have many gowns, because the sim pler the style the longer It seems fash ionable. Then jackets with loose open fronts have a host of admirers. Their forms arc well-nigh Innumerable. At the left In the next Illustration is one of blaek, satin-faced cloth, stitched, like the, sktrt, with silver. A bodice of violet silk and a heliotrope paunu velvet bodice belt showed beneath It. Like glimpses were had In the second of these models of a pale green taffeta bodice and a black velvet girdle. The open jacket and skirt were dark blue cheviot trimmed with black silk Ijord. These two gowns rep resent the simple and showy forms of this fashion. The remaining picture rep- rw Any Slse Any Quantity " t 'Sj $ Aty.,tyU MACINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Rubber Boots aad Shoes, Belting, Packing and Hose, -I.srKest.snd Most 'Complete Assortment ot 11 Kind ot Rubber Goods. . GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. H. PKA8E, President. T. M, BUKI'AKD, JR.. Treasurer J. A. SlIErARD, Secretary 78-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Far Famed General Arthur ..Cigars.. BIST SMOKE ON E1RTH mm w ' IS' re J h i ill lezJlPO n I ft I 1 In I . I H 1 v - fljlil Ii I wV ' In I W I I 11 h- i im i i i i, a. i .n DoYou Know the News ? Tou esa have It all for : rCr Month 50c mClt Month In Th Krenlnt Tlrrm, ot Portland, Ortion. It Ii tbe largest evening ntwi- paper puDiiinca in uregon; it contum all the news ot the state and o( the na-, lion. Try it (or a month. A. lami copy win na manaa to yon tree. dreu nple' Ad. II Columbia Hartford Vedette BFCYCLES 1901 PRICES. AMERICAN, BICYCLE CO. COLUMBIA SALES DIP'T 132-134 Sixth Street, ....Portland, Oregon. ...THEY AkRE n.iv j.-1 Built to Ride They are the best Bicycles possi , ble to prod nee by the most skilled workmen, from the bcBt materials, in tho largest and most completely equipped Bloycle Factory In the World. 1901 PRICES. COLUMBIA, Models 74 and 75, (Chainlet!) COLUMBIA, Models 72 and 73, (Chain) COLUMBIA, Models 05 and GO, (Chalnlosd) COLUMBIA, Models (13 and 04, (Chain) COLUMBIA, Models 50 and 00, (CualnltM) HARTFORDS, Models 27 and 28, HARTFORDS, Models 23 and 24, PENNANTS, Model 31 and 82, $75.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 46.00 85.00 80.00 20.00 We handle the boat line of Javenite Bicycles on the market. THE TELEGRAM, I Portland, Oregfon. t THE "" LEADING PAPERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. . WOLF & ZWICKER Iron Works PORTLAND, OREGON, Steel and Wo,od Ship Builders. Manufacturers of Saw and Shlnglo Mill Machinery, Boilers, Engines, Head Mocks, Logging Engines arid Lessen' Supplies. Steel Riveted Pipes for Flumes and Dry Kilns. Iron, Semi-Steel and Braes Castings for all purposes. Special attention given to all kinds of repairs. Agents for Magnolia Antl-Friction Metal. UCOn FUItTH I'rexlileiit I. IIULMK MauaRer II. P. bTUICKLAND Bcorotary B. V. ANKBNY Treainrer THE VULCAN IRON WORKS CO. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS MACHINISTS & BLACKSMITHS MANUFACTUIttSKB OP ALL CLASSES OP MACHINKUY. Fifth Avenno South and Lano St. Tol. Main 123. P. 0. Box 03 SAN fRANCISCO H" Awmf AS Qllr AND OltYSTAL AUK AI'I'LHSD. way within the rench of ordlmiry folk, Its end I nut very fur uwny, hut silt will hold Its present fuvor nil winter at lenst. Were a Niiccesnur for It lu slulit, the out look would he different, hut 111 yet only one fancy has 11 cliniiee, nud Hint Is nink Ink' headway hut slowly. This Is bend trliiiiiiliu:. Notlilni; Is more BtylUh than uld-fnsliloiiiMl head work Ijiikh inounte'd In modern fashion, Head work embroidery appear, too, and the use of It Is likely to extend, New kowiis for street wear, too, are trimmed with hands of close bend work lu conventional denlmm, brilliantly colored nnd old beads IicIiik used. The luoi of those trlmmhiK are varied greutly, the rule nKiilnsj musses of them brliiKliiK uo dniiKer of monotony. The live kowiis of to-day's first two pictures were aiiKKcxtlvc of the mnny ways In resents Its third type lu which simple outlines and rlrh fabrics are character ltlcs. The darker portions In the pic ture were black velvet, the rest dovc'eob ored broadcloth, white velvet supplying piping. Hut for the fact that bodice belte nre n feature of most of such dresses, their number would bo much greater. A trim wnlst Is 11 thing to make the most of nowadays, nnd the woman sure of her waist will not swnthe It unless fashion positively demands It. Winter hns not driven nwny the under sleeve, and dressmakers assure their cus tomers that a delicate lawn under puff to a velvet or heavy cloth sleeve or cuff Is of especial value, l'lulu sleeves are, however, a feature of uiauy "exclusive'' gowns, Uudersleeves took too well, and were too soon popular. I'laln colors pre, mMAm VAwSS0K. JMffaVW t lvPKa fill I I AVAWAm wm mm twm mWIti Sm 7iliii 1 A mm ai, ' i-MT wi, ii 1 mmxmm l fir I iHM JVJ Wmy3wmk IIAILV tiiKunitu By .Hcall, Paalstge Palal, $6.70 a Year. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRONICLE Greatest Weekly ii the Country, $1.50 A YEAH; (lncoi!lnf t"(tZ) to "n P,rt ot "" DattM' BtntN, Canada and Mrxlco. THK WKKKLY CIIUONICLn, lb brlfbtut and wwt coaiilcto Wklx Kewippr In t!il World, prlota rrsuurly 112 Columna, or Slxlrrn Vft. i'i M-na, i.iii'raiurv auu uousrai inror-. nation; alao a nnsulQci'iit Acrlcullural an I' llurtk'Ultaral Dtiurtincnl. lhli It cue of tbo, (itatral ilepactnirnta In any paper on tltU Cunkt. Kterjrtnlnc urUtuo la paHl 00 ! lrli'iiPf la Ibo C.t itatia, not oa Kaatvrnl min'i knolrd(u of lliclr own locallttva. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. B. FRINK, Sec. and Treat. J. M. FRINK, Pres. and Supt, WASHINGTON IRON WORKS CO. Eighteen Years Under Sum Management. FOUNDERt, MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS WAORKSi OKANT.8T11KKT BH1D0K. Telephone Main JS. SEATTLE .... WA8H.V t. . RUSSELL COMPANY BUfl.DKHS OF Engine, Bolter; Saw MWa, Thremherm. , It you DOBtemplate buying machinery, write us for catalogue and price. RUSSELL & CO. II. AVERIL... Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. ii CHIRADELLIS" -THE BEST AUD PURE8T- , . The Chronicle Hulldlns;. TIIK CHUONICt.K raaka nltb tbu freahtt Bltptr id ids uniira oiaira. .- TUB CIIIIOMCLK baa no rqual nq lb rarlfle Cot. It Ivada all lu abllllr, enlnrprlao aud nwa. TIIK ClIRONlCPfS Tclcsmpbie lUrla are tbt Utrat and mvit rvtlablo, Ita Ixval N tb. rulleat ai,d ptclia(. and Ha lUlivrlaU fiem tb aldmt vnt In tbp cvuntrj-. ' TIIK rilUONiri.K baa alw.ja veii, ad al waj will U, tho frlud and champion o( llw upU, a. gliul rv'iiiblnatloii, clliuea, civponi. kuk or ,ipinaluti ir any klud. It uill b juik pcnUcut tn I'tcofilnf, nnitral lu Dutblos. IIOIMUKS THAT 1101,1) ltnOAUKK OK OUANGKS !' COUSKT8. I'ricmlshlp la u welcome ship in any port 1 which It can bo employed. The llrt ouc was green broadcloth bunded with bias folds of red cloth run with gold cord, More gilt eume lu button. Gilt cord, too, was used on the white silk poplin rovers and collar of the bodice displayed ly the nested liguro of the group. The dress 1 goods was havnua brown camel's hair, ' the stitching matching It, Ilelow this is 1 white broadcloth, Its bolero banded with bead work passemeuterle. Beaded em- vail, rels, russets, browus aud blues, for terv!ctMule dreses, and all shades of tae nud gray hold for more delicate gowns. Copyright, 1000. Kneadlug the stomach was once a fa vorite trvqtuieut for Indigestion ad dyspepsia. An attempt was made la this way to Iniltatfr.the natural ueotteu of the stomach. DO YOU WAUT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT SPENCER-CLARKE CO.. Agents ATKINS & COMPANY JPOHTLAMO, ORCmO. Mnamfmcturmn et PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS j&S&u. $ Branch, No. BO FrmtSf. E. G. mAWWmWk aV of bowing the United Sistei. Doxnlnlon Canada and Northern Mextco Map of the World n OPf THK OTIIU HI I IK, v'auad 3 and rt tba Map and Wwalj- ChronUI lar Oa Tear, Ktt( jwrpalJ mi map aad puicr, innasm ',) a. Ii: d VOUNO, jrtenrtetor a. r. Ckroaleta. aX VaAHCMOQ, CAI ORINK .THE FAMOUS, "XATeinlxetrcl's Beer FOR SALE AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL SALOONS i BREWERY AM) OFFICE, ."QilfUm 4 , "! . v V. i -4?t H 1 1 ( if -AKi L-