p.$Tr,v vV ii MlMiiiT ii in frit hi I T rtiMjpif JT"i mii i i ii ii i i t iTTii i n n in rn in rrMii- r tatrflaalaTiBifeet s sti MliflTTeaiai JOam i aii mi Tlliaa i ii i i ' i f asaSSBSaBaSatavuMsrj AiMa. at J.krw4sH.BaBssssss1 raaa'T.'esreasaf'ajJVFff r Fl VSAJ'U'J VBVS-SeSLesn 1 mLaBBBBBBBBl Vr1gJrts.H HsslftBBaBBl juJsB '&3lssssssssssl --i-- ;JlsS i v : "" TOaa JPfe' 1 im i 1 v l ' -i 'V '&- r- t r V..- ' vi ?T''av l-t n ... Eoxemm afowlt.reidens the skin, Itches, costs, ' eWes'and scales I . Borne people call It tetter, milk crust or Mlt rheum. The suffering front it Is sometimes In tense; local Applications are resorted to they mitigate, but cannot cure. Ii proceeds from humors Inherited or ac quired sndNperststs until these have been removed. Hmmtrn Smrmapmrilim positively remove tliem, has radically and sermatieiitly cured the worn cases, and Is Vfithout an equal for all cutaneous erupt! on a. Bowl's Pills are tbt beat eatbarllc. Trie nM Lou of life Comparatively Small. Vessels have been storm "tossed "for days on the Pablfio coast, but there are few report! of loss of life, and most ol the battered ships have managed to Bake port. . Has Depoilted a Forfeit Edward P. Burch, the protnotor ol the new eleotrlo railway at Everett, Wash., haa deposited $1,000 as a for felt in the event that he or hla assigns ball fail to comply with the condi tions of the franchise. BBAFNBSB CANNOT BK CURBD By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ol the ear. There is only one war to euro deafness, and that Is by ennitltu Moaal remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition ol the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube sets ln lamed you have a rumbling; sound or Imper fect Bearing, and when It is entirely closed deatneas Is th result, and unless the Inflamma tion can be taken out and this tuba restored to tUBormal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot tea are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed eeadltlon of the inueons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any 'ease of Dealneesfeaused by catarrh) that out ' siot fee cured by Hall's catarrh Cars, end for treokus,lree calKKY A CO., TeMs, O. 00101 oyurug gltlS. 700 Mea's rasmlTy Fills are the Worth Remcmbcrhi J. "It is the man at the top of the lad der who can reach things," remarked the haughty representative of a noble family. "True," remnrked the saroastio man In homespun, "but it is the man at the bottom who can upset the ladder." OATtriKM) TKA hat permanently cured countleat cases of Chronic Conatlpatlon, and many dliestet arising from an In active Liveri it Cleanses the System and Purifies the blood. ills Record. Myer Who ia the man aoroas the way with the gold modal oa his coat? Oyer Ob, that'a Downing. He holds the automobile record. Myer Automobile record? Oyer Yes; ran over 18 people ii i afternoon, toor Farm That Makes Money. The poor farm in Marion county, Koaaas, has only 10 inmates. Last ,jr jroar It cleared 9200 over expewee. , " Tstei Sees rraeerlptlost for MaUrl Chills ui Fever ia a bottle of Groves. Chill Tonic It is simply trow ad quinine in a tasteless form, Me Own, No Fay. Price COo. Fisheries of England and Walts. In England and Wales there are f ,871 fishing boats and 40,000 fisher aaen engaged in the sea fishery. Last year they caught 6.800,000 hundred weight of fish, moluding 2,260,000 hundredweight ot herring. Iloltt's School. Holtt'e School (for boys), Menlp rark.Cai., has snore students and Is in better condition than ever. Spring term begins January 7th, flet. Sand for catalogue. Ira O. Uoltt, l'h. D., rrlaclpal. Wltdom of Solomon. Teacher Who was the wisest man? Little fioy Boloruon Teacher Give an example of bis wisdom, tittle Girl He had 600 wives. Htr WAMTID, WANTBD-MfR) SM4 wroin ood Jiaraveierto vvreaeat stabilskea boim m salary i vlnrtld oppnrtuultr- Uosa V'o. TBo saT, Portland, oregou. Wooden Caaaon ffxploded. A wooden oanaoa used in the repin seatatloB of a play at Green wall's opera house, in Fort Worth, Texas, ex- Boded during the performance and lied one of the audience. sw Vhls slgaatore ia oa every bos ot the geaulne Laxative BfomouWae TaM kme reasody that care a eeM Iss smm etay Aa bamcMC Fortune, Diamonds are always trumps with Alfred tiett, the diamond kiBg of South Africa. He ia only 46 years old, and has amassed a fortuae'of 300,000,000 in 28 years. BESTFORTHE BOWELS kavea't a renter, health? moveoiaot of the .. aw kah'k alV A (Bill IkA Vka nH HTfB oiioaif BWYTvaaiesu) n , t ataiw inu'ra aIaIi. t fjrlll tea. If aaii vnur kwvia om. and 41. Tirc.lo tbethAp&ot aaKtcot. eadeai. BMt perfect waj el keeslag the eoaefitiTrar aad oleaa la w take Tleeaeet. Palatable, Fount. Taste Qoo. Do Oood. evor Siekao. Weakea. or UrlpeTwe. afro Write tsr free aaaaple.aa4 booklet oahealta. Addrtaa gaba ShHhih,OjIiji mw.I. Urn f . U IEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Bjp .4,W.fUl1 tits i , "" m canov ' "WALL OF PREHISTOmO AQE. ftetatarkable Coaiatractlon VoBd;la Mlaelaalppt Cottntr. Those officials of the State of Mis sissippi who are charged with the re sponsible commission of superintend ing the construction of the new caplto), whldi Is to cost $1,000,000, havo had their attention called to a yery excel lent article of stone' which Is nnld to exist In InexhtUMtiblo quantities Ui an eld wall extendlngfront near lUtymond In tho southern portion of Illntls boun ty to Brandywlno, In tho county of Claiborne, sonio forty miles to tho southwest, and It Is possible a full In vestigation will be niailo before any contracts for tho stono work for the capltol Is awnnled. The existence Of this great wall has been known for many years, but nil previous efforts to Interest nrchacolo gists and other scientists have proved futile, they having boo-hooed at the Idea of any such prehistoric wonder In tho great valley of the Mississippi. But tho wall Is there beyond all question, and so accustomed have tho Inhabit- niTORIO WALL UNCOVKWttT). ants of tho vicinity become to Its pres ence that their curiosity litis become dulled, and they have long slpco censed to wonder as to Its origin. As stated, the old wall Is traceable for soiuo forty miles but not without numerous brenkn caused by tho wnsh Ingn nnd the accumulations of ngos burying long stretches below tho pros cut surface of tho surrounding coun try, but onco tho general direction Is fixed tho explorer has llttlo troublo In finding where It next crops above tho surface. Tho average height of tho wall above ground Is only thrco or four feet In tho best exposed places, but there Is no telling how deeply Imbed ded are tho bottom layers. In some level stretches where tho entire top of the wall la still abovo tho surface, It Is from ten to, forty feet wide and tns solid as It could havo been when first built. The atones average six feet long, three feet widened two feet thick, and aro estimated to weigh from two to three tons. They nro roughly but accu rately squared and dressed nnd imbed ded In as lino nn nrtlclo of cement as any builder of tho present century need ever want to see. So tightly nnd firm ly are tho great stones Joined together that jt requires considerable exertion with pick and crowbar to loosen them from their ancient beds. It Is understood hero that a party of archaeologists nnd other scientists nre preparing to visit Mississippi for tho purpose of exploring tho old wull. Great Find ofMunuscrlpt. The Itusslnns, on occupying Mukden, tbo cnpltal of Mancliurlu, secured In other wordsMooted" a large quantity of very valuable Oriental MSS.. which, by command of the Russian govern ment, are being sent to St. Petersburg In order to be submitted to n minute examination at the hands qt the au thorities of the Imperial Library, says a St Petersburg correspondent of the London Dally Mall. Amoug the MSS. there should be, ac cording to the view of Russian experts, many MSS. of Greek and Roman class ics, which were plundered and cur ried away by tho Mongols In their wars of devastation In Europe In tho thir teenth century. Some Kuropcau schol ars have combated this theory, which was put forward somo years ago, but in, any case the question Is likely to be definitely settled at no distant date. The Mongols first became known and feared in Europe by the conquests of Jengbls and bis house In the thirteenth century. Tbo Huns were the first vnve of Mongols to burst over Europe. They even broke Into Italy. Before the mid dle of the thirteenth century the Mon gols bad conquered all Russia and Po land and all eastern Europe. Llegnltz, the battle which left Europe helpless before the Mougols, was fought Ib 1241. a ii ii ' i Grjowth or Population tu Germany. The growth of Germany since the war with France U the moat remark able pheneaaeaen of modern Europe. Since the treaty of peace was signed In 1871 Germany has not extended her territory by a single acre on the conti nent of Europe (If we except the acqui sition of Heligoland), but she baa In creased her population by 10,000,000. The Germans numbered 40,000,000 In 1871; they number 80,000,000 now, and yet, although there are so many more mouths to feed, tho Germans are better fed, better clothed,, and In every way more prosperous than tbey wero then. This Is attributed largely to the fact that for twenty years Germany de voted herself to Improving the ele mentary education of ber people. New Motor for Automobiles. A new electric motor for automobiles has been devised which restores energy to the storage battery when the vehicle la running dqwnhlll. A man under 40 Is at a disadvantage la that he cannot excuse his attentions to youBAT wosJen on the ground that ! tf f are "fatherly." -n iA THE ,NEW AGHC, .PORTJiAND, OREGOlf. THE MAN OF FALLEN FORTUNE. e n- jt. i. MaeMi-WMiX- f Bone Thlnsre That Seeaa to Malts Mian ' Leas Lomiobm than lie Vae. "I have before ine 1 wish I hadn't " said the, man. of fallen rortunes, "three pawn' tickets. As'l look these tickets over they reveal to me, to-day, some thing that I had never thougnt ot be fore; their new significance 1 Hud In u consideration of the numbers upon them. "The first of these tickets, Issued late In the month of February, Is numbeied forty-eight hundred and odd; cleurly, in the first two mouths of the year the tickets being numbered in annual se riesthere had been issued ut this es tablishment tickets nt the rate of up ward of 2,000 a month', and this Is a place where they take nothing' but dia monds and wa'tcbes, antfjcrVelry, uud paintings, and that sort of thing; no overcoats and miscellaneous truck, but only articles of JuhluBlc value. "Thus, apparently, that U to say tic cording to the number of tickets Issued, there had come here to pledge articles of this Bort, within two mouths, nearly C.OOO persons. To look at It In Just this way, however, would bo more or less misleading, because It might be that more than one ticket had been Issued to the sauio person, on goods pledged at different times. Still the persons de IKsltlng pledges here In less than two months would certainly number hun dreds; It might be that they would count Into the thousands. , "My next number, of a date at about the middle of March, Is sixty-four hun dred and something. Observe tho ratio of Issue considerably more than 2,000 tickets a month, My tnird ticket, aatcu early In December, Is numbered twenty eight thousand some hundreds nnd odj. The Increase had continued throughout the year, but what impressed me most was tbo total. I havo, of course, In tny three tickets no sufficient data from which to deduce definitely tho course of tho business through the year; as to whether there were months or seasons In which moro pledges were offered than In others, and so on, though my own February anil March uutubers, as far as they go, would seem to Indicate that the business was pretty uniformly distributed. But the total, when for the first tlmo I came to realize It, was Impressive. "Out of the whole number of tickets I have three. Even If each of the per sons who have pledged things here should have ns many, still the number of those who had brought things hero to pledge, In the course of a full year (my twenty eight thousand - and-odd ticket was t!ntcd In early December) would exceed 10,000! Surely I had com pany. Once It had seemed to me, wjth my pawn ticket In my pocket, that I was outside the pale; but, bless our dear hearts and souls, we aro not quite alone; there are others, only they do not, any more than men do their hearts, pin their pawn tickets othrir.pteerN Gertrudo Atherton's novel, "Senator 'North," haa been Incorporated In the German Tnuchnltz edition of English books. It Is said that a well-known English playwright has proposed to her to dramatize the book. Mary Johnston, whoso second novel. "To Have and to Hold," Is now In (U 270th thousand, has almost completed a third, which, under tbo Utle of "Au drey," will appear as a serial before being publlshed'In book form. The book on Charles Dickens written by his secretary, Charles Dolby who died In extreme destitution recently Is said by Dickens' daughter to be tho best and truest picture of ber father yet produced. It Is called "Charles Dickens as I Knew II Ira." A number of short stories by William Waldorf Astor that have appeared from tlmo to time In the English maga zines have now been collected, and will shortly appear In book form In this country and lu England under -the title of "Pharaoh's Daughter and Other Stories." It Is said that Jean net to L. Glider Is atemptlng a rather novel scheme In tho dramatization of popular novels, In stead of basing ber forthcoming play on one story, she has drawn Inspiration from two. The. two books are "Sky Pilot" and "Black Rock," by Charles Gordon, a Canadian clergyman, who writes under the pseudonym of "Ralph Connor." The play will be entitled "The Sky Pilot of Black Rock." What the Prince Was Worth. Some years ago the Prince of Waes visited a factory where a largo number of men were employed. The Prince asked one of the workmen, who was perfectly Ignorant as to the Identity of the stranger who was addressing 'hlin: What wages do the men have here?" "Well." replied the honest workman, respectfully scratching his head and partially lifting his cap with tho samo band, "that depeuds on what they Is. A chap like you would get about 18 bob a weel "London Tlt-Blts. Canadian Exports to Great Britain. The exports of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, bams, mutton, pork, apples, oats, peas, wheat, flour and potatoes to Great Britain from Canada have more than doubled since 1800. Good Memory of Ilanchmea, A California paper says that the won who live on the ranges are notable for their remarkably retentive meraorlas. We have noticed that people cry out, "How can she afford It?" oftener about s wosaas than about a man. Essy to Stir Up TrosWe. It it always maon sasier to preaeh doubt than faith. The Ntw Cup Defcnocr, Row being built, is confidently expected to be the fastest sailing vessel ever built. Its construction is being kept a secret, but it is whispered thatlt will easily hold the cup, America is rapidly cotnlnit to the front. A good example of this is in that fa mous household remedy. Hosteller's Stonmch Hitters, which has defended health for hnlf a century past. It holds the record for the cure of dyspepsia, indi gestion, constipation, nervousness, bil iousness and la grippe. Ntw Irrigation Ditch. A plan is being discussed by whioh tho greater part of Canyon Hill, Idaho, will be susceptible to irrigation. A ditch will bo dug from the Caldwell canal to the top of tho hitU . Dtsth Statistics of Washington. Forty sudden deaths occurred in Spokane county, Wash., during 1000. Of these 29 wero due to accident, 10 were suloldes, five wero caused by sud den attacks ot hanrt disease and apo plexy, two were supposed crimes and one was a legal hanging. Beware of Fraud I Kvcry succeas breeds Imitators and counter fcltera. Look out for substitutes when you ask for Catcarcts Candy Cathartic. All druggists, 10C,26c,&OC. ASIjru He Ethel, what can it mean? Last night I dieamed that I proposed to you. She I should say it meant that you were moro sensible asleep than awake. In the Wrong. Class. "Mrs.' Phoedem'a boarders seem to bo nearly all students who belong to tho normal class." "Yes, but she tells me that their appetites are abnormal." Stem fYsr Ooufth atftaf WorkmOif thm Oosf. Laxative Cromo-Qulnlna Tablets euro a cold in one day. Do euro, No Pay. Price 35 cents. Large Shipment of Horses. I. A. Whiteloy nnd H . C. Elms, of Ironiido, shipped 100 horses last week from Huntington, Dr., to Arkansas and Texas. i Millions Ui Carter's Ink which Is a sure proof of Its excellent mini It. v. Is made chemically accurate. There tore tho ben. ' ' WhyliThwSo? It la humiliating, or should be so, to puhllo spirited Oregonlaus to read , that butter bionght from .Minnesota la sold in large quantities is Southorn Oregon, says the Portland Telegram. Untt.ua ..111 JlnA i-m TJVI...Inu.. D.nk. big Syrup ths host remedy to nse for thelv Largs Contract for Sawlogs, CallVhan Boyle have contracted 'with the Nelson Sawmill companv, ot Nelson, B, 0.. to furnish 4,000,000 feet of saw logs. ir YOU HA VIC NEVKR USED O AKFIELD TKA, the Original Herb Medicine, tend to the (Jarfleld Tea Co , llrooklyn, N. Y., for VllKE KAMrU. New Charter for Lewliton. A committee of Lewiston, Idaho, eltisens is preparing amendments to the city charter for presentation to tho legislature. Plso's Cut cannot be too highly spoken of as a couch cure. J. W. O'liaiKH, 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Mluu., Jan. 6, 1000. Tallest Chimney In America. The iallest chimney on this conti nent Is being erected at Constable Hook, Bayonne, N. J. When com puted it will be 800 foot high. TO CORE A COLD IK ONE DAY Take Laxative IJroino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mouey it it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 95a. Velocity of Sound. Bounds pass through air at the velo city of 1,14'J feet por second, throngh vrater 4,000 feet, through iron 17(500 fser. The Kind You Havo Always ESH3I3 ture of Chan. II. Fletcher, nuel has been luudo under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no ouo to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and JusUas-good" aro but .Experiments, and endnntrer In stealth of Children Experience against l&pcriiiicnt What is CASTOR I A Gastoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing: Byruns. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Mbrphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its asro is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays FeveriMhneas. It cures Diarrhoea uud "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation aitd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho ' Stomach and Dowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Beari the CaLZ7C4 In Use For Over 30 Years. i mummy, vt Mwaavav otosst. atw o etrr. s. imnhmntf Wt L'Jtfl accompanies! sVy macott patches n the aoutn, erup tions on the 'skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches, swollen glands, aching muscles and bones, the disease is making raDid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent dsstrucitve poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and Infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst eases thoroughly sad permanently. aaa rtmMHMm tmald bjsj vvBwnrsBi vwrti In the fall or ift J contracted Blood live leci N Wirse. hr doctor, but ""v " tJW w1" (hlr treatment aid me no good : I waa getting worae all the time t my hair came out, ulcers appeared In vT throat aad mouth, my body waa almost covered with copper colored splotehea and offensive sores. 1 suffered severeir from rheumatic palne ia my shoulders and arms. My condition could have been no worse l only, those a filleted aa t m as eaa understand my sufferings. X had about lost all hope of ever bclag well agala wbe) I acciaea in try " n but must confess X had tittle faith left In any medldne. After taking the third bottle I noticed a change la my condi tion. Thla was truly en couraging, and I deter tnlaed to give S. 8. 8. a thorough trial. Prom that Ume on the improve meat was rapid ; S. 8. B. seemed to have the dis ease completely under control; the sores aad ulcers healed and I was soon free from all algna nff tti AtrAmrl f tiav been strong and healthy ever sines. n atreag and healthy ever sines. I.. W. Shits, Lock Bos 611, NoblesvUte, lad. . sj the only purely vege- ratable blood purifier m m known. $1,000 is aV km L offered for proof that WW WW Vsw it contains a particle of Mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; k eontslas valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment We charge nothing for tnadi. si advice ; cure yourself at home. THC SWIFT tstCHfrO Cfc, ATLANTA, M. Hat Proved a Good Investment. Mayor Houston, ol Nelson, B. 0., states that the city's system of olectrlo lighting has cost under f 70,000. Total receipts, f87,308, payments for inter est and sinking fund, mnintalnnnoe and other charges to $14,180, making a clear profit of $11,163. The purchase has proved a succois TOO KNOW WHAT YOD AKRTAKINO When you take Grove's Tnstelesa Chill Tonio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron nnd Quinine in a taste leas form. No Cure, No Pay. 60o. Chinese Funeral Rites. The friends of the dead in China beg permission to bum quaint pasteboard Images of men aud cattle, shaped in crinkled, paper, on the spot where the dead lie. The ceremony is a mark ol respect and is bolleved also to aot as a sedative on the departed spirits. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must r Signature) f e Fac-MsftlW Wrafser Below. Yery saaaU mm T twtakstvsi FH MLtlACNL rid IIUINCtt. nn iiuiHiREts. FIR TIRPII LIVER. FIR CIRSTIPATIIH. FIR SALLIW SKIM. FIR THECIMPLE XIIH aJ. . eamnuSNSS nwariwrastnuwuaa. ejTfJiYostaMevSW?T CURE SICK HEADACHE. Ilouorlit lias borno tho Hlmm.. Signature of mmmim 'ru-iu 1 Wleiifee Mr Fais IrWlt JEsv CARTERS Strict Eaforccmettt e ths Law. Policemen on the streets in Ham berg, watch the cars closely and if ihey find; a oar which carries a single 'raswaget' more than allowed by law; tho condoo" tor Is find 72 cents. NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa cau'l make a mistake ii too get a Mitchell.. flflitchell, Lewis & Stavet Go: PORTLAND. OREGON. . PATENTS WITHOUT FKM unlets auooeaaful "end inscription ...!. ..... HhIMl It M1XO. H. HTKVICN III),, Kltab. IMk lv.4,l7-14thfUret, Vf AHINOTON.U .- Branch offices) Chicago, Cleiclamtand Doirolt FREE ELECTRIC IELT OFFER rngtm al la four own torn ear srsii wiasma rnMi the tinulM anSi own ioh w onu Hsisvusaau t ltssbat. ISS MISSJMT BUCTBK SSMO to ear raader ot thla pPA hawi la knMti tin an. artta meat all other treataMa ilia. aaaHti WelleV Maej weBi mn fWfr fjoajsji morauiuiieaiiiBafiia. MLsaessevsai I eassss afMMssVM ntse laaaasa. waaknmaa and Otaorrtan, for.coniplaee aaJMran84anMalmUlealalkliaSaMaaeaiaHlaaB, , IAMf ROIIi uok sjo., onionsje IF YOU WANT AN ENGINE, BOILER SAW MILL Or in fact anything in the Machine kais, write us for Catalogues anal Prices. RUSSELL sli CO., Portia net, Oregon CUTLEI'SCllHintif 10 I A laaranteen VHre lor vatai CeeamitloH. 11.00. I) Iaos, Hoa Its,. W. N. SMITH CI.. !trJ, I.Y., Pitf's. "lT THERE B UBHTf" And there was llelit. Wo thus have a soo4 Errredent for wanting plenty ut perleet light, verrone lining Welafiaeh or any other Inran desccut burners should hare thn Kiigrl'a i' fri't" mantle. Nerer beud, ivhlmueya don't break, tirlgli teal and moat iliirahlo, a child caa adjilatil, (Its any burner. In reality a "pertrcl" mantle. Try one and you'll always use iliern. to cents each, noalpnld. THK.IOIIN IIAIt. KK1T CO., tl KlraSBt., I urtlnnd, Of. Madtms U CfT0C. n absolute reslpr. Baw.a "SIS HCSIRHCn. rrofgrry or rkd4) hair to Ha orlslnnl color, rrmuvra iland. run, alranslhana and Invlvuralrai ne RSPBB lalna. Sample bviile 10 eta, la plala OiawfVlli C1IB Annuulalu lollat crMiu. tW SpMSJ rsVO. raiuovrNWrluklra. plmplaS tF anil blrmlalira, rrlurra lb bluom oi W youlli. Uaniple 10 rta, In plain wrappar. 10D7IOKS Mis.oiilo 'I'viupU, CIiIomko. THE BEST NEW YEAR RESOLUTION.. ft. KEELEY Hand for raMillna malltir to tho Keels Instltuta, 914 Slatli St., Portlaiid, Or. DROPSY 10 DAfB'TKMTMtNT fKlE. Havs tosdo Drew T snd its com. flicatleps a tDttlaUy for twsstr ears with. IBs met wo&dtrfsl scotst. lists earidmasjtotas. and cut la. . aw a. saata , BOS M AtltStS, tit. .. to - ... onus FM PILES uce inolitura and eau.e licblaa. Tbla form, aa wall M llllnd, Blaadlug t rrutrudlas I'llaa are rurad by Or. Boaanko's Pile Remedy. Slopa Itching and blsedlng. Abaoiba luinora. Wo a JaratdrUKSlitaoracotby mall. Traalliafrea. Write ma about your case. Lit. ttoSAWKO. I'D lada.Va. OIL Fi-nd (or my bonk "Oil. PIKI.DH OV CAM FOItNIA," JM.tTHTKi, mailed Iree. Iiuy Vesiivlua at Va ami make money, No drilling. Adjoins the big Mou well. ;ames r. t. mershon, Oorernmenl Moonaed Broker A97.SS.30 i'arrult Hldg B. If., Cat. OI SELF HYPNOTIC HEALING! I bavr mala a lal Ulwuvrry that vimbiveall to la. duirlle Ii) public tl,ep In Ibrmarlvra IntlHiiily. awaken at en) daiiiMl lliiit and Ilia y cure all kniiwii d aw4 and bail Imbita. Anyone ran In due thla slvrp In lhritiflvraliiianll)'al Hrat irlsL conlMl their drmiiia. rnwl IIih niln.l.uf friend, ami eiiemle. tlall any part of Hid earlb. milve hard qiie.tlbii.aiid prhliii In lbl alttiiand rrinrm. berall wbenaMakr. Tills ai-ulleil llenlnl-VNiou I.eaann wlllbeienl lo anyone-for 10) allvrr. actu ally enabling blui '" llu lue above wliboul furl liar rlmrat. I'ltUK. It. K. UIITTON, Look lion "Y." McCuuk, Mebraaka. FAT FOLKS REDUCE9 at Trained Nurae has taught uiu the dauseraolTatlf IWcenaratlOb llaeoot satinxt " Palfrnia iratee br lualloouUdauiUllv. ,nrpaitlelaraidlreaa.wlta Uf, ilil.P.C.vMlliB, IJlfJiMiitTfBjTUi-ip.tt. ", yIm.iu """"" .ho, ii-iwm."" w I.! uieutlon this paper. h K 1 fc Vsa ' asaj-attt m JfTf itk tBr9aVlssrTrarJ '.... jflBSsEalMsallJ ' ' HI m Tilff',sj SURE CURE lTClflKd filsa rrod from UtoJJlba. perrooulhbja tffjyv BJBk baruleta trcatwaut. 'Ibousauda fJVS ClfJ cured Wra.M.A Uart'rune.tll "JT yTJ lUxlar Hi., Uocbasur, N. V., J &L wrliesi "rour years ago I wasi.. gf reduced it pouuda by your Valo- f II ahita irM.tnint. ilv aiitarlance 1 I raiM9KB?BBBB"J 'aafaSH 'wHaleiV '&JaB fH Si v M&0HB uSaBBBBB) iaaBi aaOM (HRsT v 'yflssl !jsr m .t' f , hi J',v M