.&-. 4 . .a. .. -,-s . THKItEW AUE; BTIOrDiDtlEGby;' h J' , i - Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness In PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock C-f'Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling: Alleys and -Supplies always on hand. ' EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS illlfllM '.UNREDEEMED. 'PLEDGES Money Loaqed on All Articles oi Value. PRIVATE ENTftANpE ON PjNE ST. All Good Hold on Installments. 61 Third St.. Oo'r."Plne, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. . Towel Supply Co. Towels turnl'hrd to llarhcrs. Doctor, Onlcet net HtitlneM 11011.0, i;tu. We also do Pint Class Laundry Work, ' ori'iOK; Foartli Mini Condi Hti. PORTLAND, OR, Orogon Phone 429, Columbia Phone 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey , Home AND Shaw's Pure Malt Blumaue'r & Hoch Wbolesatn Liquor A Cigar Doatera lOIiE AGENTS. ', 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE I Liwrj Feed and Sale .Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. fi ft ft If A It Afuad U leant m sail Ikliilalja Ultra '. n 11 ..... I Tranilent (look given tho very licit of care. Raton always reasonable and satisfaction guar, aiilecd. Phone Main 91, Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBUftq, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. . BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RKNA STINiQN, ladf Alilltint, .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVIS STREETS I'OKTI.ANO, OKKOON. HOTEL IH NK.WLY RKNOVATED. ThU It the bett v)uIixh1 moderate rate hotel on the Pacific I'oaM alid has all the' vonven. lence of high priced liotolt, Completo with tlreitla llnhu and UIU, and artrtlan water In each room. Path rwnu on each floor. Klevatoi for accomodation of gur.U. Rates 1 and f l.'il lmrilay, Mralauftruts, Hpeclal rales to lam. lilts and theatrical parties. Frcu 'bus to and from all trains, aoo iinnus. Only four blocks liotu Union Dept. I'lre Proof liulldlug. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. t JACOB CASSELL, Prop, trleilr rirst-oiass. Katee ' ' S)1.00 l'r Ir ana Ua. Stcun Heat, Electric Lights, Cora merclal Sample Room. K., Monion.' tfi Munsoa, THE ANIIKUSKR RUSCH-Flne lunch every day. Best beef on earth. Fine wines, 11t uori and clftars. 234 Morrison St., cor. second, Portland, Or. ' ' T HE POPULAR 125 First Hired, Bet. Washington and Alder Phone Oregon Red 934 Phone Columbia W8 JOHN KCKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. w ILUAM RUSSELL MACKENZIE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREGON J. IIA8RLTINK A CO. tmorterii nnd Dealers In IRON BTKKL AND COAL BLACKBM1TH8' SUPPLIES. V Carriage & Wagon Material, Hardnrood Lumber 49 A 01 8ccond Ht. PORTLAND, OREGON. IT 8. CLEANING AND PRES8INO CO. Clotlici Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Your Clothe Sponged and Pressed for II per per month. Called (or and delivered Phono Clay 908. 4.11 Wnahlngton Btrce Between Twelfth and North Thlrt,conth PORTLAND, OREGON. A INDAIIL flIONS panning. Tin Decorating 270J.Aldor Street PORTLAND, OREGON T10MK BAKERY AND DELICATE E88EN D. I). LKAMING, Prop. A Full Lino of Fnijtd, Candles and Nuts Alwajs on Hand. Newly Opened nt 207 Third Rtrect. Itonicmbor the pi nee. Opposite tho Taylor Struct Church. rlONRAD I IIOIKA FUNERAL DIRECTOR' COUNTY CORONER Comer Ninth and Railroad Streott TACOMA. WASH. miuviB nitoa WOOD YARD 1 Oregon Phono Hood 742 0 (II co and Yard: 03 Everett, hot: Twelfth and Thirteenth PORTLAND, OREOON. A RLINOTON CREAMERY N. J. HITTER, Prop. Vholialeeiand RetaUADeelerlni. MILK, CREAM, CHEESE BUTTER AND EGOS 307 llurnildo Street" PORTLAND OREQON. TtLAZIKIt 1IR08. wuu itooma second Floor Wl"' Room. Concert, Pool and Rllllard ttall Oregon Phone Grant 1 213 llurmlde Bt. PORTLAND . OREGON. STANDARD P18II COMPANY K9 North Hlxtl: Ktrcet t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alio Groceries, Cigar and Tobacco, and Luuvhci for Tourists. ItKF.D II 1108., Props. Frulti IjlOR FAIR DKAL1NO PATRONIZE O. P. & PLUMMER, Drugs, Medlnlno and Cheinlrali, Tnilot Article., 'Primes, Paint. OIU, Glass, Etui. B. K. Corner Third and Madison 8treeU. )TANO WARKROOMS or II. 8INHHBIMKR, Hole Agent for THE JACOB DOLL PIANO The lot upright piano made, and other nrat eUssjilano rvutt'd and told on Installment. no. n intra Direct Established ISC'. Phone North Ml. rvAY it IIENDKRKON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Embalmers and Undertakers, Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Pboue Illack 47. Cor. W illameito and 7th Sts. KUOKNE CITY, OREGON. G RIKFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware., BTOVES AND TINWARE. Wlllamotte Street, KUOKNE, OREGON TjjORTLAND ROLLING MILLS , Manufacturers o( PIQ IRON AND 8TEEU N. K. AVER, Manager, 3-Jmt and Nlcolal Streets. WIL. ILLIAM8, WOOD A L1NTHIUUM, Oeo. It. Williams, C. K. 8, Wood, L. R. Lin thleutu, J, C. Flanders, Attorn)s-at.Law. Chamber of Commerce- llulldlng, Portland, Oregon 0 RIKNTaL t Washington St., bet. 6th and 7th, ., f Portland, Oregon Strictly Flrtt-ClMs. Geo. 6aea, Proprlstor THREE BIG CHURCHES NEARINQ COMPLETION IN NEW. YORK, LONDON ARD PARIS. Choir In Gotham Btructtire Will Beat 1,000 i'ereona Unsliah KUIUce Over a Illock Lon The 1'arla Cathedral la to Coat $5,000,000. In each of the three great capitals of the world a splendid cathedral Is being built. All of the gorgeous edifices are near completion, nnd for each It is claimed that It will bo "the finest in the world." New York, London and Paris are the cities to which reference Is made. Tho Episcopal cathedral of St. John the Divine In the first named city will represent when finished an expenditure of at least 11,000,000 and CATHEDRAL OP ST. JOHN. probably n great deal more. The choir alone of this beautiful structure would be esteemed a great architectural un dertaking. It Is 154 feet long, 02 feet wide and 1G0 feet from the floor to the rldgo of th.o roof, with seating capacity for 1,500 persons. To support this six granite piers have been built. These are twenty-eight feet long by twelve feet wide and twenty feet high, set on solid beds of concrete averaging twenty feet In depth. On theso rests the lloor of the choir, which Is about thirty feet above the level of Mornlngslde drive. Eight mammoth monolithic pillars, next to tho largest stones over quar ried, nrc to surround three sides of the attar. Tho stones have been taken from the quarry at Vlnulhaven. Each stone Is 54 feet 0 Inches long, with an average diameter of six feet nnd a weight of more than 100 tons. Tho to talV-'ost of the eight when Anally In po sition will be over f 200,000. W IHllLafl'fflP CATIIKDItAI. AT WKSTUINSTKII. Only one structure In tho world cou talus slnglo stones surpassing or ovon remotely approaching these In size and cost. It Is the Cathedrul of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg, tho facade of which Is supported by monoliths of sixty feet In length and soven feet In diameter. Koino of the monuments and windows In tho cathedral will be among the fin est of their kind In the world, Viiet K llflco In In Ion, Loudon's, now cathedral f to bo at Westminster. Kor somo yenrs now It has been In course of erection, and the scaffolding still surrounds iwrtlons of tho mighty cdltlce. The cathedral Is borne U50 feet long and about 100 feet wide, rather wider than that at Canter oury, Tho .style of architecture Is early Christian Ityzantlne, similar to that In which St. Sophia at Constantinople la built. Although, tho shell of the build ing will first be completed, It will be some tlmo before the tlulshlng touches to tho edifice are made. The Interior of tho cathedral when complete will de- serve the adjective "uiagulficeut." The wulU of the nave will plctorlally lllua trate tho history of the ltoman Cath olic Church iu Urltalu from tho earli est times down to the end of the aiae teeuth century. The first site for the cathedral was purchased la 1SG8 by the late Oardlual Manning for iri.W0.. but after a time the site was changed for that on which the present structure stands, although another 1109,000 had ' Jt T BJB MB Mi T -JJ JaVBBBaHHiiBiLBW.ilI J&ttr aaaaaaB WilLaaaaaWaBPjJal iaLfkalBaaaaaaliEj BSSSSSSsPT! T -L krW . ihsfr s-li r ifcrAva r -A re?a?-P Jim A rJUmmTm) Mmmmr LmMMMM(fmmlMWIMM m w ' " ssaaaa31sss" " ' '-BSM3BaTS5i3Sp SACKKD IIKART CATIIKDUAL. to be raised In addition. Altogether, when the foundation stone was laid in 1805, over 9375,000 had been prom ised In subscription,, out that figure was by no means-sufficient. May Coat Mve Millions. It Is estimated that th6 new cathe dral at Paris the Church of the Sacred Heart, to glvo the edifice its full title by the tlmo it is finished will have coat over 95,000,000. It has been so long In building that It has been possi ble to. ralso this huge sum gradually, though a large proportion of It was giv en when the idea of its erection was first mooted. When Franco was defeat ed by Germany there were many who averred that It was due to the slna of the nation, and It was suggested that a monster cathedral should be put up as a token to succeeding generations that the French nation repented of Its sins. When the project was first men tioned it made a stir In the world, but there are thousands of people living to day who do not know that the new ca thedral of Paris Is In reality a gorgeous penance. The cathedral at Paris Is a trifle larg er than that at Westminster, and the Indications -are that it will bo more beautiful. Hut Paris has a start of twenty years, and by that time London may outstrip Its rival. Many churches in England have been built on the brick system. Children and adults are asked to pay three halfpence or twopence for a brick each week, and. by that means large sums have been raised. Tho same plan has been adopted In Paris for rais ing tho funds for the Church of the Sacred Heart, only, of course, stones were necessary Instead of bricks. Big subscribers have their names, or their Initials on tho stones which they have subscribed. Dead to Her Family. A young Hindoo girl, a convert to Methodism, has been on a visit to Bos ton during the past few weeks. Her name Is Sooboonagam Animal, which is shortened to Sooboo for purposes of friendly conversation. Sooboo Is parjlculnrly interesting from tho fact that sho belongs to a hlgh-casto family a caste deemed su perior In India to ordinary mortnl asso ciation. Tho girl heard tho mission preachers at first with contempt, but sho ended by running away from her aristocratic homo to the mission nnd said she had become a Christian. In leaving her gods behind her bIio left also her Jewels. First the angry and desperate father cnine to the mission nnd threatened to put Sooboo's new frfends in Jail for kidnapping. The girl was produced and elected to stay where sho was. IThe fathor went 'away uttering the nal word, "Outcast!" which Is a sent ience of "death." But soon the broken-hearted mother, who uever goes forth and whose vlnlt to4- the mission was contamination, amo and pleaded with Sooboo to re turn to the home of those who had eared her and loved her. The girl de- lared her love .for her mother, but re used to go back. Then came funeral services, as of on dead. The mother, called "accursed" because of her visit to tho mission, could not bo preseut, but walked 1,000 miles to the Klvor Ganges and held mourning servlco there. Then sho camo home und walled up tho door of Sooboo's room. Thoy Ilavn Hard Service. The French foreign legion, which In pgaln tho subject of Parlslau polltlc.il gossip, offers about tho hardest uni tary service In the world, nnd no one who knows enters It until hi has ex Imusied all other means of support or Wishes to bury himself. Men of nil na tions are In Its ranks, many of them hard characters, criminals nnd 'Jull birds, and it is always sent by France to do tho dirty work which that coun try natdrully does not choose to im pose upon Its own children. Thus it has bold the frontiers of the African colonies, whero'every now and then a post Is cut to bits by a wild Arab tribe. Tho fever-Infested por tions of Cambodia and Indo-Chlna, which Lotl has described, havo also been tho scene of Its exploits. Tho discipline, too, Is most severe. Flog .glng is a dally occurrence andcapltal punishment Is tho result of the most trivial offenses. Thus the cases of in sanity In the legion are of a much larger number thnn Jn any other branch of the French service. A phy sician who has been studying the in sanity of the legionaries says that a majority of the cases are well devel oped when the men enlist, since few sane men would ever, accept the condi tions known to exist in this corps. He adds that In his opinion many men shot for breaches of discipline were not mentally responsible. How Fana Were lavented. The following Chinese legend v ac counts for the Invention of the fas In A rather Ingenious fashion: The beau tiful Kan-Si, daughter of a powerful mandarin, was assisting at the feast of lanterns, when she became over powered by the beat and was com pelled to take off her mask. As It was gainst all rule and custom to expose sho held her mask before it ' rKJUajassj :, aud In an Instant 100 of I acr face, sho held ucr mask before it and gently fluttered It to cool herself. The court movement, them were wavlug their masks. From ' this lucldent. It Is said, came the birth of the fan, aud to-day It takes the; place of the mask In that country. Molatmre Needed by Oak Tree. An oak tree of average aiae, with 700.000 leaves, lifts from the urth intn the air about 123 tons of water during the five months It is In leaf. I Probably nothing Jolts a young mas Warder than to go to the theater aloae and see b,ls best girl come la wlta an other fellow, BUSINESS LOCALS" Always ask Ht the fasaeas Geasral ArttW cigar. Bsfeerg-Gaist Cigar Oe. , general agents, Portbuad: Or. , O. A.- Watson, Marine Drug Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties': Flcckenstoln's Lang Balsam and Celery Seltzer. For flno Irnits'.'of all kinds for the traveling public, call at 160 North Sixth street. Ice orcam nod a. Basket fruits for travelers. George Kiier pro Dristor " " M ...... V Don'i woar baggy trousers or shabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge, prew, and dollvor, ono suit of yonr clothing each week, sew on'bnttons, and sew up rips for $1.00 a month. Unique Tall orlng Company, 247 Washington street, both phonos. .. " Jno. P.- Sharkey, mannfaenrer of barneii, collars, Baddies and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware,, 7 hips, pads, etc 65 Onion ave., Port land. Or. Call np Union 401 when In need ot anything is tbeinel line. East Mor rison Street Wood fe Coal Yard. ' '' Tho Popular,' 195 First -street,'"1 bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklnnd, proprietor. Tel. Ore Bohred 084, Columbia 608. ' .. v Portland -Transter Saloon Chns. O. Siglln, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars.. 021 Gliaan, cor ner Sixth, .Portland, Or. The A. D, T. Messenger Co.. Is the old. est and best service of the kind 'in the town. Headers of the' New Age, give them the preference Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought S. W. King, room 46, Washington building. The finest place, in the oity to obtain flist.qualltv clgaraj tobacco and smok ers' articles is that of Rosenthal & Uudd, at 287 and 287tf Washington street, betwoon Fourth and Fifth. Give these- gonial dealers a call when you wjah anything -iu thoir line. Tele phone Main 76. French Dycingand Cleaning Works. All work done a very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning sloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 466 Glisan stri arrerybpdy smokes the celebrated Monogram and Pandora cigars. They ba,v no equal. Oregon BatoHering Cdmpany, Fred Metsgsr, manager, dealers in all kinds of fresh and salt meats and' fish, 416 Everett street. Grebe, Harder & Co., Portland, Ore ion, dealers in implements and ve hicles. Milburn farm, delivery, spring wagons and buggios. Chaso force lift and tank pumps. Milwaukie bindeis, mowers and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City hoe, shoo and dlio drills. Wolff-American high art bloyclos. Stool nnd chilled plows, disc, spring and splko harrows. Eolipse steel hay pressos. Columbus Buggy Co.'s Columbns baggies and carriages. Phone, Oak 731. 183-84-80 Madison stroet, west end of Madison street bridge" J. F. O'Donnoll, .gen eral agent, Oregon, Washington and Idaho NATIONAL Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OFFICR AWD irOKKBl 925 SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hata Cleaned, Dved, Pressed and Trimmed ladles Dresses and Drtvs Goods Dyed all Col ora, or Well Cleaned. Gentlemen'a Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. O.trlch Feathers Cleaned or Dyed all Colors and Nicely Curled. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY -DEALERS SECOND HAND MO fast Wsttar Vtraet , U, CLARKE, President T. F. SPENCER. Sec-Treaa. Spokane, Wash. Seattle, Wash. SrECE-OLARK COMPANY Mmnmfmmtmrmf' Agmmtm ovriCKS: Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. SUCOKSSOR TO PATKICSC. MA STICK 41 CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF harness; saddles, saddlery goods- wvw THI LARGEST ASSORTMENT r OF UGHT HARNESS I -93 Front ttroot, Botwovn Stark and Oak. Oregon Phone Mala 4V7... mtailiuib mi. Al L FN Ht Shipping A Commission Merchant WHOLESALE CKOCEIIS t Te save Uaae aSStsas a 3esassaaleaUeas s See Cesaaaey. tea. M S Sfrreai Hreet. NevSav. - r4Tl)rBiLjkeA. ORTLAH ROLLING VILt , , Manufacturers af , ' BAR IRON AND BTMU.' ' N. X. AYER, Managar. Twenty-Second and Nlcolal StraetS. it f M KYKR A SCHILLING -It FIN'k'wiriEa- Atro LIQUORS. ',,. !'' LA GRANPE, ORKQOrT. TAftSON & LONO- ' 18 NORTH FIFTH BT. Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Give us a sail.. H ERUERT A. HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River, and Northwest Views. , Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Electric Ugh nJ Bromide Enlargements. 132 Third Street, Corner Aider. ' PORTLAND, ORB. H KNKY HBWBTT CO. p: Fire and Marine Insurance Rooms 28 and '7 Sherlock llulldlng, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland Oregon. J. L. kaybkr; . , Dealer In 1 GROCERIES AND) PROVISIONS ' tr isl t r . SGI Third 8trcet,' Near Madlioa.' '. . Oregon Phone Hood 384. PORTLAND, OREd'OK f mHK IMPERIAL SALOON . Liquors and High Orade Cigars. ' ' ; ,' J.8. HILDERURN, Prop. Phone Main 245. Corner Cass and Sheridan st KOSERlRO, OREOON. I' KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Granite Iron-Ware, Crockery, Uianswaro and House Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly at tended to. 14M4J First Bt., cor. Aldor, Odd Fellows' Bldg, PORTLAND, OREOON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Minx, Proprietor. ...Hlgnest Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver.... Vo. 74 Third Streot, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loans money on all kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned; -" J.s b.wild . rj4Hr i ' ; 4 - Jobbing and RetallDealMla' .' Hf, WINKS AND LIQUORS '- 132 Third Street, Opposite Maioulo Temple. Portland, Oregon. " m A. WOOD. REAL K8TATE AND PKNBIofo ATTORNEY. Room 10, Odd Fellows' llulldlng. PORTLAND, OBJL ri W. ARI83 F. W. ARIS3 A CO. Wholesale Ilrokerage nnd Commission No. 03 Front Btreet, Columbia 'Phone 249. Portland, Or, -TUIKUANKS' STANDARD SCALES. ' Fairbanks, Horse Company, First and Stark Streets. Portland, Oregon. Tlephono84. pAXTON, BKACH 4k B1MON , Attorneya-at-Law. Bid Chamber of Commerce, Portland Oregea. Ty 0. NOON BAO CO, Manufacturers and Importers of. BAOS, TWINE8. TENTS AND AWNINQ8. FLAOS AND MINING HOSE. . Ragging Material, Canvas, Ball Making in all ItsUranches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. SJ-34N. First 8t. and 310-2U-214-216 Couch Bt. . PORTLAND,. OR. IN- MACHINERY. PORTLAND, ORKOOSjJ S. H, HAMUN, Portland, Or, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacosaa and Spokane, Wash. OF HNE AND MEDIUM GRADsV ON THE COAST. PORTLAND. OREGON iKPemreavaTB ? . I FWI.Q i i' 1 , it - ' Mi ' '"J , ) Br '; KHPSr t?Vf ....