sun ii imwu ilfijum!.iii mi i VJ H if . !' " ' THnu2SnfW ACKEV RTLAJj?). .OBEQOff. ( -5 m ;'v EsSfcKK!' Ky HGRF BE''''- ifWC ' II"! r '3$ 5 J 'I j- : VJ I i tf OflHY-fejSOCIflTIOIl WUOLE8ALE & RETAIL V .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHNP. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Delivered to All Parts of the City. Oregon Fhona North 9011. EAST PORfliRHD WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealers In All Kindt of WOOD AND COAL Wood Raffed to order In yard or on street. .i ' Oregon Phono Union 491 Columbia 1'hone 6228 ' ' YARD AND OFFICKl Cor. past Morrison and Water Streets PORTLAND, OREOON. -nr i i N. . Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans... Rents.,. 264 STARK. STREET A, W. ALLEN Phmrmmclmt Phono, Ormmmit Mmiit 4-OM. OmtumMlm 41. t9tM mm MmnmhmH Sim., , 23rml mmrnl Smvimr Sim., OREGON. Strong's PORTLAND THOMPSON cPhotpirraphs ,i ?- Superior in Style and Finkhj-jl STUDIOj la Goodnoogh Buildine. ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrst-Class Accommodations and Prompt serv ice. Large Sample Qooms for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Oor: rirst&Wtiliiiigton Sts. ALBANY, OREGON. BUTTERFIELD BROS. JOBBERS IN x DIAMONDS, WATCHES WmM M M' W& , Manufacturlnr Jewelers, Optician and Watchmakeis. Silversmiths 1621 2 First St. PORTLAND, OR. C. A. STOKES LIQUOR GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABSTMILWAUKEE BEER r z Bottled by Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue tacoma - Wash. Salem Store, instate St. BT ' maBsT' 1 NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in Furniture. Carpets and Household Goods IE? A. COVELL, Manar. n Phone Oak 341 V" tUjmsr STREET, fOKTLAND, OREGON. ' W a : 1 VNCOXPdRATKD.) GROCERS COFfWE AND TKA A SPECIALTY. 39a Washington Street, Corner Tenth TRY OUR CE1.KBRATED COrFKK. Hoth'Fhonaa S3S. rOKTXAND, "OR. OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MIOIIBL J. BJORR 4 LOUIS .. BJORH ,. FROPRIBTOK8 TACOMA, WA8H. W. I,. McCabb, Beattle. E. 8. HAMILTON, Tacoma M'CiBB & UAMILTOM .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET SOUND Alio Honolulu, H. I. Haad Office: Taoomi, Wash. Cable Address: McCABK GRACIE, BEAZLEY tc CO., Aftsts 14 ITsier Stre UvtrpooL N T ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Firth St, Near Morrlion BLUNDEN & VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Building, New Fixtures, Cholco Goods. The Popularity of RED SfAL BRAND Hams, . " Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E, Water St., Portland, Or. -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesroom 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Custom HoDse Exchange S3 Flaalsra Cor. Savaath SU . McCROSKEY&EMMEBT PROPRIETORS. frlvate Entraaoa a ftasdera Street Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1 Ml fill. The UsrlvaUd Piss, ef the Wsrlt KRANIGH & BACH Establfsrvid I8S4. Vlak) ovt Wareraoea aai be canviaeaaT. Maay etacr staaianl aai rtHiafc aaakas ef Pianos aasi Orna. We saH eat EASY TERMS. No large first Payment raysieW. C. A. WHALE riUSIC HOUSE M. C. MATTWEU, Manager, 138 Sixth Street HAYES & SHORT . AUTISTIC PHOTOOlfAPUERR New Studio i Seventh and Washington Streets, Orer Dresner's New Grocery. X milK OKKdOtf 1 1VKRY, FKED, BOAKDINQ AND BALE 8TAD1.E8. ' ' Columbia Phono 687. 0:egon Thono Hood Ml JMRR1K $ 1M11HIK, Props. Bpe clal attention jtlven to boarder. Our car r I re meet all trains, Cor. Sixth and Couch Htrcetn, Portland, Oregon. pHOTO 8TUDIO 5tf First Street, Bet. Falmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON. hototraphs taken any site or Mylcl alo Photo lluttous made from life or any picture, Out door vlewlni ik done, amo ntutninR ki done, also MtilshlnR Kodak's for amateurs. Instructions In i'noiourapnyt Copying sud Enlarging E. KRAFT, Artist. B ELDINO IIR08. l)calcrs In Dlsmonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware (Spectacles, Etc. ' RKPA1RI.S0 A HPFCMLTY, ALL WORK , V WAHllANTED. t: Third St. llct. Pine and Ash.-. , v Old Oold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. pORTLAND CLUB AND CAFE 130 Fifth 8lri)ct. Our Specialties: II Monogram and HI Cyrus Noble Whiskies. A RESORT FOR GENTLEMEN. . ... Oregon Pholie, Main 008; Columbia Phone. 417 r Tlm.mtcijjW 'JsLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSS''' - iy.''frMiV tot ' )1SKli2sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Ai'mVu- i(jii2lskW!iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW VtmBmwt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB l BHHBA. .LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft4iBBV'' J CHARLEY SffSflJl. uJHrl!Ls Kepalrlns and IlccoterltiR of Fine Umbrellas Now on Johnson fllreet. Opposite a Hpeclah), Union Depot. i 313 Washington Str. Three doors aboie Olds A King LURCHES POT DP FOR TRAVELERS mmi.onw, THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL BLOCK, FRENCH HULir V. CAE8AB, President; TRUMAN W. EKOP, VKe-Presldent) O. B. BKLVIO, Cashier JACOB H, VANDKRBII.T, Assistant Cashier. ' , GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Interest allowed on deposits la Sarlna Department. Circular Letters ot Credit lss4oa Hong Kong, Cbloa, and Yekohoma, Jaiau: aleo Drattsand Blllsot Ksclisnge Issued en China and Japan, and tae prlDelpal cities ol Surope. Foreign monejrs eichanged. wHATStspciAivrAcii.iTia sok manumno oor.n dust and miixioN ' ' ' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBMMMtWmammW&GmMiKMMm BleljiBHilH siiiiiiHiv iBBSHesiH BlllllllllllE ' 1bWL,sHHb1bS11iH CHEIROMA, THE GREATEST AUTHORITY scEirnnc palmistry Who ever vkitast the Pacific Ceaat. be worth kuaifii to you. Sac fur Sixth Street. Hours from JO A. M. On the Inside. of a collnr, shirt or cuff done tip nt this laundry tnenna thnt on mo nil Tiyht, nnd that your linen looks as itn nmculato Hud of as smooth nud flue a finish aa if it jnat came from tho fur ulsherB, Comfort and ealiRfnotioii wo Kivoyuuin oror; ploco of linen that wo launder, nud our prices nro trifling for it. The Domestic Lnuudrj, J. 1 Kobiusou, i'eudletoii, Oregon. ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One of the most complato bakerys In the Northwest. , Bakes the Best Pullman Braid In the West M. SHIELDS, Prop. .147 Morrison St. l'OKTt.ANI), OR. And 493 Union Avenue, corner Raeramcnto, Allilim. Homemade bread, cakes and pies. 1 11 I a at lA. da .ml ,ln .itd IIuiuih llimalal !. I'O.IM WVI1I1H Mllll .IIFX.llI, !, J.IVI.II V1VII Saturday. 7cl. (ted 1842; Tel. Rod S41. 50,000 TACOMA, WASH. ON What she charge pennies for will at her Parlors, Ralelah Buildine, to 9 P. M. " r WK0fIW(f General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Projrta of (he Various Unta ot Human Endeavor Being Accom plishtd by the Race. Tho grand total paid Negro soldiors during tho Spaulsh'Anioricau war was $4,761,702. According to tho census of 1800 there wero in eleven tanthorn states 103 suuuties in which the Negro popu lation oxooedod tho white by tnoro than 20 to ouo. J. P. Colo, editor of tho IUslna Sun, published at Kansas City, Mo., has been appointed by tho sheriff elect, S, routing, as his stenographer and private nonrotary. , Jnekponvllle, Flit,. Jan. 6.-rTho flrt international council of Grand Matter Masons, colored, mot at noon today in Masonic temple, with colored Mason dignltarlon presont front all parts of the world. Hou. F. L. Harnett, of Chicago, has been re-uppolnted na assistant state at torney. Kuoh positions ro rarely given to members ot tho tace. Mr. Harnett's re-appolntment bespeaks volumes for tho ablity with which he has discharged tho dtitlosof this inn portaut and coveted ofllue, When will tho young men of the race learn that the only hope for them or any other race to rise is by the way of hard, honest toll and employment of some kind? Idlenova is a curse to a'ny race or Individual, It is tho mother of poverty, criuio uud immoral, ity. the evil from which so many of the ruco are lufTerug. HoHton, Jan. S Jnst before Hooker T. Washingtou loft llostou. whero he has beeu raising fuuds for the permanent endowment of tho Tus kegee rchool. ha received a letter from Andrew Carnegie to the effect that thn latter had decided to give 430,000 for the erection of a library building for th Tuskegee Institute. The building Mill be erected entirely by student labor. In Oklahoma thero are 00,000 col ored people, men, women and children, or 111,000 colored vottrs; from careful compilation ot statistics tueru aro 7,000 colored men owning farms, which will strike an average at 800 each, which is a very low average, us there are a number of colored farmers who oau CHh their farms today lor 3,tt00. Hut placing all at $800 eauh, that would make u great total of at least S 6,1100,000 owned in farm pro petty by o ilorod men of Oklahoma. , There aro about ouo hundred bust ness establishment among the colored people iu Bt, Louis, among which ate eight well-doing grocerlos, three extousivo dealers in general mer chandise, besides a goodly number of paving uud mechanical businesses con ducted in the must creditable manner, One corporation with a capital stook of 00,000. They have 10 dentists aud physicians who have a nourishing practice, and who urn rapidly acquir ing a competency. These Negro doc tors aro learned and skilled, mi recog ulzed by Itoth race, among which their practice extends. Iu legal pro fession twelve lawyers find a lucrative field for their talents, One is a prose cuting attorney for the olty, aud others hnve represented celebrated cases be fore the state aud federal supreme courts. CITY NEWS C. A. Rlttcr. Society Editor. We shall know' no favorites, and hIihII be Absolutely impartial. To in. Bnro publication, all local news must reach us not later than Thursday morn, ing of each wook. Full account of the Emaa'ucipaticm ball 'in our next Issue Mr. Fanuio Herman is confined to nor room by n sovero illucss. Mr. Itobert Draco is at Ot. Vincent' hospital with n severe attaok of pneu monia, Mr. Virgil an oporatlou improving. Keeuo, -Who uudorwont on his hand, is rapidly Tho pancako snoial at tho Dethol A. M. K. church wawoll attended, on last Wodnoiday evening, , Mrs. Fntnkle AJltchHll, of Tacoma, is quito ill at tho rtinidcnco of her mothof, Mrs. C. Ilcusor. nil ii Mr. Jamos llotnaus is in tho oitr after an absenco ot "over two months visiting Chicago and 8t. Taul. Mrs. Emily Davis, of Oakland, Cal., who rniB beeu stopping with Mrs. L. Ii. Lejouno for Mime time past, left last Tuesday (or her home. Tho many friends of'Mr. Win. Tark- er, who used to be a resident of this , city, will be paiued to learn of hU death, which ocourred la South Afrloa. ritev. E. Swan deilres to extend his ' sincere thanks to thefeauy friends who so kindly remembered himself, wife and baby on Christmas and Maw Years. i Miss liortlo MoDaniels, of Fresno, Cal., is in the olty. fiho halls from the Ebouezor Baptist church, of that city, fiho is living at 302 Front St., tip etalrs. Last wook wo spoke of an approach lug wedding. Again we hint at an otlior, this tlmo thu contracting par tios aro n 1'ortlautl hollo aud it Call forma groom. , Mr. F. Frits Keohlo, who latoly established tousorial mirlor at' I'OS . Morrison Br,, has found it ueceisar to iucicaHo his staff, another proof that merit will win The JRov. T. F. Smith, of the Mount Olivet llautist church, has onoued an ouTce,,whore he will be pleased to meet those who are sick nun afflicted. IU treats all kinds of chroulo diseases. ' The Star Social Olab gave a recep tion to the members of the Colored Aristocracy show on the 4th, at ' tk re)eHjlML)06 0f Vf MMs) MM Tfi'H A larae namber wan .in. ait andjaa enjoyable timewaa.paiaaalT Mr. and Mrs. F. p. Thomas gaye a delightful parlor seals! at their iul-; deuce, No. SO Seventh St. N., Friday evening as a reception to Mrs) V. II. honlor, of Seattle, aud Mrs. J. Laus. of Rod Muffs. Tho free reading room which was opened on last Monday to the pnblio tor tho distribution of books was nut. ronlzod by so vera I of our noonle. Many moto ought to avail thomsohes ol tho privilege offered, Many au othorwlso idle hour may be profitably speut, There is a young man iu this olty whp is courting trouble, if Dama Rumor is correct, and ho would da woll to lake hoed of tho old adage to "be off with tho old love hoforo ho is on with the uew" Further develop, ments are anxiously awaited, as one young lady has ma'de some very grave threats. On last Monday evening Mrs. Dorn Newman was (he recipient of a uleas. ant surprise party, when her frieuda to the number of two seora took pos session of her home, aud being bouuti fully supplied with refreshments, eta., procoadod to enjoy themselves with sinuiug, intuia aud dancing until the weo small hours of tho morning, when tho company bade adieu to their host ess aud sought their several homes: M. I'eok, dealer in flue groceries, cigars aud tobaccos. 08 N. Third street. a BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHINd, HATS, CAPS, DRY QOODS AND FURNISHINQ QOODS. 229 Morrison Street Ilclween first ajid Hccond f PORTLAND OREGON.' Say!! j If You Want Qood Shoes Goto e'ggert-young CO 129 and 131 Third Street c nun V U.; ti kr s U3 m H i JM , i JSMr Li' ym t Mm ' ? T'!i ' - I jgtj--jpj-gMMMljggggjgi , ..., i -J MaseMsssasssMi i aMiiiwiinn MSsatlM i 'i 3Staa . SSar i ..A. 'J.ligngisjsjsipssjssassssaSssSS3SsMlslsMSMM'lw"'' - I - - -- - !- - - - SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ll I' ii m ,1-Afefc.A. i