Wr I -ytff!ryi'Mp"MW()nf .! , -m'miijiii .8ljsR.fojMB5 rrf '. ." ' Wl ; .,. ' -; 2- : :v'vf; '. r - - r . & j v ,l THJfl KBW ' AGKK. -POIlTIiA-VI). OTtKGON. -ffrSKOLDItKLIABLIC KVSNTII kUD GMSAN KXCttAHO-. J. ! O'FARKKLL, Pro?. Seventh and Qlisaii 8U. PORTLAND. ORB. iKTIBTIC MONllJlENTH IN NATIVE AND Mli foreign marble and granltet new and orig inal designs. II.. J. BLAESINQ. Office and works 267 Third street, near Madison. AIDERS SCHNEIDElt CO.-n. AL11EH8, A Pre, and Mgr, Thos. Schneider, Vlcc-l'res , M. Albert, Bec'y. and Treas. Proprietors U. 8. Mill and Merchant Holler MUls. Manufacture ni of Rolled Oats, Oat Meal Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Barter, ltjre Flour Whole Wheat Flour. Corn Meal, Itye Meal, Hominy, Farina, Steel Cut Wheat. Pants Ku torr Macaroni, Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dealers In drain. Flour, Hay, BhJnglri. Seeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Office, 240442 Front Street, eorncr Main, Portland, Or. J. J. Xrdner R. Hoohull. ClUICAQO MARKET ' . Krdner A Itochult . . Dealer! In fresh and cured meats j alt kind at sausages. 814 Washington streoti Portland, Oregon. Voth 'Phones No. 413. 1HARLH8 J. BCHSAHEIi lMn.rt .....f fits Chamber ol Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon. 1RM0RY DMJO BTOllK ' ' v vitre Drngi and Chemlcali, Toilet Article Btatlonery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. Prescription a Bpeclatty. N. TV. Cornvr Tenth and Everett Street, Portland, Oregon. Biftagc and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY, ' Office 8. W, Cor. Fourth and Stark Sts. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREQON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger a Train and Order Carriage or Coupes. Baggage checked at real j, denco to nny destination. iWanch Ofllrei; Hotel Portland: United Carriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. T. IlKMDltlCXSSM D. Daiix PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty O'KKaON PIIONK 94.1 ItKO 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co, Wboleiale Dealer'. PACIFIC ffllM i- McduaieaTRufeter Good, Behiag, Hose , . Packings, Fire Department Supplies. InMMr Boats, Skees, lokber Clethlig Rubber Goods of All Kinds x ' 1820 Front St ...THE... J. McCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street.. PORTLAND, OREGON. . STEPHAN'S Sirmm 4 Suit Fmmmy Wmimtm Tmllmr M Mi Suit RUI HmhH; Eim, 280 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ALL .TRAINS STOP. ...AT- Wilkios' Eatiog House M WntM ftr IhIi !.- Counter In connection. The only Eat ing House at the Depot where you eaa ret a trintpCtaa Heal, B0M1URG OREGON B. B. RICH S)TWHMT. CIGARS DOll . " ESIHH Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAN, Frop. ' IlMi, Lfqoirs, Cigars. Welihiri'i iMr. 'PHONR, USD 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson 8W., Portland, Or Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington utreet Bet. Fifth and Sixth I'OKTLAND OREGON. T HK BAVARIA SALOON A. D. BURQKR, Prop. Imported and Domettlc Wlnen, Liquors and Cigars. Welnhard'i Beer. Phone Oregon Blask IMS. k. X. Corner Becond and Oak Street, PORTLAND, OREOON. BOYD & ARNOLD General Agent.- Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins: Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company Ho. 102 Erst Street, Near Stark. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt .service. . . 101-5 E. Water St. Phone 0033. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. ....KASSON SMITH, Proprietor. Room Wo., 8pectal Rate by Week or Month Kvcrythlur new and clean. Beit loca- ' tlon In the city. Knecially desirable able for partlc deilrlmc a quiet place. No Children. 4 Doors South of First Nations,! Bank Main St,, Oppoilte Fred Ernst. BAKE! CITY ' '- - OREGON Oregon Brass Works "POORS fc HARPER, Propf . Br, Belt and Composition Castings. AIui luum and I'hoaphor Bronie. Brau Rail. lug. Bieamoat and Machine Work a Specialty. 69 Second Street, North. Bet. Dayl and Everett. ,1 Telephone Oregon Main 07J l'OHTLAND . . OIIKQON. HOTEL OSBORN GLEAM. AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATt TRANSIT SOLICITED ..BOTH I'HONES Travelers should take "8" 8treet Carat Union Penot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Auknry Car, A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfee!flsak Liqaor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St,, Cor. Burnside. IcIilM'S UINUI IIMPIHIII ForspraTlogscale.bUck, greeaorwooUr aphis, SDOSsand other luntui growth and has no equal tor dlipotlnc ol the moth and Invlgorat Ing the trees. Nolieating or boiling, simply M dilute with cold water and it Ines pensive. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP Is corapoanded on scientific principle from ear. bolio acid and ritoekholra plus tar, and dettroya tbe ticks and esTectually cures the scab, leaving the sheep in a btalthy condition, being also one ol the greatest dlaenleetanu knows), .Price lowest ol any good dip. Address all corre spondence FISHER. TH0RSEN & CO. F4m40t. PadiicCoMlAtlg, FOB LITTLE FOLKS. A COLUMN OF PARTICULAR IN TEREST TO THEM. Bomethlnsx that VIII Iatereat the Ja Tealle Members) of Every Uoasehold Quaint Actions and Bright Haylnsra of Ma ay Cate aad Caaalas Chlldresu Those font of pliiylng the game of croquet niny keep up their practice and enjoy the game In tho house by fash lonltif- n set of mallets nuil wickets from odds antf ends around the house, with which to play on any large tablo. For lustauco, no better mallets could be desired for tablo croquet than thoso made simply by boring a hole In tho Bld6 of a large spool and Inserting therein a shaped stick, as shown herewith. Here Is about the simplest way for a boy or girl to quickly complete ft set. Collect twenty of the very small spools which como with "buttonhole" twist Certainly any boy can And around tho house a piece of heavily Insulated cop per electrlc-llght wire, and pieces of rou INDOOIt USX. this wire cut six Inches In length and bent arch-shaped will mako very ser viceable wickets wliou -tnado to stand up by forcing one of the small spools on each end of the Uttlo wlck'cts, tit ling tightly Figure 2. . The miniature stakes for each end of the tablo may be mado of two short pencils forced Into tho -small spools, which wil Bupitort them Flguro 3. Tho small wooden balls, sold In tho toy stores for 1 cent each, servo ad mirably for tho game and como In vari ous colors. With tho mallets, as described, wick ets and stakes completed, thcro re mnluH but one article to be provided a railing to tit the table. Facta A boat Soap, It Is hard to realize that so indis pensable bu article as soap was un known COO years ago, yet Its origin dates only from the year 1C24, when it first appeared In London. Tho ancient writers, Pliny and Ualen, mention It as an invention of the Gauls, but no trace of It has been found lu records of U reek . or Roman life. , rompell's ruins yield uiauythlugs which seoai quite modern, but no soap has over been dis covered. As a substitute the Itomaus used oil and clay In their baths. Clay containing a percentage of fuller's earth makes a considerable lntlior, and Ik a very fair makeshift, thcreforo they doubtless managed to attain a sufllclcut tlegreo of cleuullncss, especially as they devoted long hours to tho bath. It Is supposed that soap originated In Mediterranean Kurope, whero great quantities of olive oil wero produced. Oil, lu fact, combined with cither soda or potash, makes a passable quality of crudo'soup, and It Is posslblo that some Italian or Spaniard accidentally lilt upon' the art of making It by letting his pot of olive oil boll over and mix with the wood ashes of tho lire. Ashes con tain potash enough for tho purposo arid aro still used In country places for tho manufacture of home-made soft soap. Tho line soap known as castlle Is still made by as primitive a method and Is really one of tiio oldest forms of tho nrtlclo In uso to-day. Perhaps It Is tho original, discovered by soma careless Castlllau olive oil maker who did not watch his boiling kettle. A Gentleman. I knew him for a gentleman Hy signs that never fall; Ills cont was rough and rather worn, Ills checks were thin-and pale K lad who had his way to make, With little time for play; r knew him for a gentleman Uy certnlu signs to-day. He met his mother on tbe street; Off came his little cap: '' My door was shut; he waited there Until 1 heard his rap; He took the bundle from my hind. And when I dropped my pen, He sprang to pick It up for me This xeatlr-Risa of tea. He does not push and crowd aloag ; His voice U gently pitched; He does' not fling bis books about As if be were bewitched. He stands aside to let you pase; He always shuts the door; He ruos on errands willingly To forge and mill and store. He think of you before himself; He serves you If he can; For, In whatever company, The manners make the man. At ten or forty, 'tis the same; The manner tells tbe tale, And I discern tbe gentleman Ity signs that never fail. Margaret E. Songster. Found the l'roaf, Little 4-year-old Harry was not feel ing well, and his father suggested that ho might be taking tbe chicken pox, then prevalent. Harry went to bed, laughing at the Idea, but early next morning be came downstairs looking very serious, and said; "You're right, papa; It is tbe chicken pox; I found a feather in tbe bed." Cea farted Papa. A well-known business maa, whose head Is bare, yet who wears a luxuriant' growth of whiskers, was twin? railed recently for being bald by some of his intlmate.frlends In tho presence of his small daughter. Little Mabel didn't understand that It was all Ib'Jmt, and crawling upon her parent's lap put her arms about his neck and turned de fiantly tovrd his tormentors: "My papa wu'd ruvver hav' his top hair on his chin, w'udu't you, papa?" Teacher Didn't Kaow. "My teacher doesn't know much!" cried tho Inevitable little brother, as ho burst into the parlor where his grown up sister was entertaining Mr. Blank on a recent evening. "Why, Archie?" was the very natural question his sister asked, and now she wishes she hadn't. "Coz 1 ast him wot made you on' Mr. Blank set so clost t'gothcr on hot nltcs; 'ncn ho 1st latTed and c'udn't teli me." ' An Awful Prospect. ''Pa, let's move lu tho country. 1 don't want to live In town." "Why not, Bobby?" "Well, pa, nm says If wo live hero till I'm grown up an' gray-hatred sho won't lemnio keep a pig." Why Willie Fought. , Willie's Mamma I hear you have been lighting with ono of those boys next door, mid given him a black cyr Willie Yesscm. You see, thejm twins, an' I wanted Homo way to tell 'cm apart Wanted a Heat Brush. A little 4-year-old 111188 wanted a fan. but sho could not remember tho nam of It, so she said: "Mamma, whero's tho thing you bru;.'i the wnrm away with?" Ilerolo HtufT. The pioneers of Kentucky the great Indian battle-ground were, men, wom en and children alike, mndo of heroic stun. Tho annals of the State abound In deeds of heroism. In "Kentucky Sketches" Lcwb Collins relates an' lu stauco of boyish fortitude. In the j cur 1701 Captain Hubbell, with a party of twenty men, women nlid children started down tho Ohio ltlvcr In a llutboat destined for Llmo stono, Kentucky. Twlco tho little pnrty was attacked by large bodies of Indians from tho shore. Sovcral of tho then wero killed, nnd tho band of pioneers was In danger of extermination. For. tuuntcly tho current of tho river boro tho boat Into midstream beyond tho raligo of the redsklu bullets. When tho danger wus past, a Uttlo son of Mr. Plascut went up to tho cap tain, and with great coolness asked him to take a bullet out of his forehead. "Why, Tommy, what's this?" said Captain Hubbell, as ho saw tho boy'a bloody face. Examination showed that a bullet had passed through tho sldo of the boat, penetrated tho forehead of the young hero, and remained under tho sklu. Tommy did not utter a sound as the captalhJhAgV the point of bla knife. cut a holelfPrTae skin and pressed the bul letotjlr ' "You're a brave one, Tommy," tho captalnsald. "That isn't nil," said tho boy; and rals ing his arm, ho revealed a pleco of bono at the point of his elbow, which had been shot off and hung only by the skin. "Why,- Tommy, why didn't you tell mo of this?" cried his mother, at sight of the bleeding nrm. "Bccauso the captain said wo mustn't make auy uolso during tho light," re plied tho Jad, "and I was afraid If you know It. you would 'bo scared and speak." Miscarriage of a Joke. A Milwaukee wheelman tells a good Joko on himself. Tho other evening he left his blcyclo with a friend who Is employed In a storo on Michigan street. The following morning the friend took the wheel to go on an errand, leaving It in front of a storo on West Water street, whero he made u call. Just then the owner chanced to come along. He recognized the wheel, and seeing on opportunity for a little fun, took out his trousers guards, put them on, mounted tho wheel and rodo away, When the borrower reappeared on the walk he found no bicycle. Turning pale as death, ho hurried to the pollco sta tion and reported the theft. The po lice were given a description of the bl cyclo and how the owner of the wheol Is afraid to ride his own blko for feat of being arrested us a thief. English Lace in Itussla. Thomas Fletcher, tho mayor of Der by, England. Is at present at Moscow on alslt to bis large lace factory there. It seems a queer thing to make "Not tingham lace" In Itussla. but that Is ex actly what Mr. Fletcher has been dolug for a number of years past, and It has proved a very successful veuturo. That the Moscow work people think tbe ar rangement a very good ono was proved recently, when a deputation from the factory waited on him at his hotel and offered for uls acceptance a valuable liver platter, with an Inscription lu Russian and In English congratulating him on bis election to the civic chair of tho town of Derby and conveying their good will. Mr. Fletcher was greatly surprised and is Immensely pleased, bb, indeed, be has reason to be, Wine liarrels. It is generally stipulated In France when wine Is sold that tho purchaser hall return tho barrel at his own ex penhc, nnd tho cry, "Send back ray barrel," Is going out from every wine dealer's house. It Is calculated that one barrel wllf servo sevon years, If properly cared for. t t horn are two reasons why tho aver- aite woman does not trust the average awn; one Is because the doesn't know tilii and the other is because she does. probably you sever saw gliosis wa. but' 'you may have heard the dead mrck, rjOODYKAR RUBBER CO. ) R. H. PEASV, Vice-President and Manager. ALL KIND3 OF RUBBER OOODS. 7S-75 First Bt. PORTLAND ..... ORKdOM HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees The Most Brarkllng, Dellclom and Aro- matlo COFFKKB Krer Placed on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them Pour Blends.. WASHINGTON HOTEL , N. P. d. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Board by the Week, U 00. Meals, 1A cents, Rooms br the Wcek.ll.OOandup. Transients solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, Clay 683. PORTLAND, OR. BEST LINE TO St, Paul, Kfiineapolls, Dulutti, Chicago, And all Points East Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Pining Cars (meals a la carlo), Iluflel, Smoking, Library Cars. For tickets and full Information regarding Eastern trip, call at city ticket ofllce, 2M Morri son street. A. II.. O. DKs NlSTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... ' HdSVJf&nSWt '"l '. i ' H 0 ' OREOON. Tel. Red 2844. BARR HOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New house, newly furnished, two blocks Iron Union depot .All the modern Improvements, fire-proof, hot and cold water, centrally lo cated. ' RttsU, $1 and $1.26 a Day. MaaU 24c, Baths 34e. Cor. Sixth and Ollian, Portland, PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Cart leave Portland. Comer First and Wash Ugton streets, for Vancouver as follows! Vancouver f Minutes. A. M.-'!l, 7:0.1, 7:49, 8:S3, lll, 10:03, 10148. ll:ii . , P. M.-1.H1H. 1:03, lit. 3:33.11:18, 4:08, 4:,ft:3, 6:18, 110:41.111:23. (Leave First and Jef- fer.ou streets, i minutes earlier.) Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars as follows! A. M,-l):44. 7i30, 8:15, ;00, ;, 10:30, 1IH4 l'.'.OU M. p. M.-li:45, i :, 2:14, 8:00, 8:43, 4;so, 4tl4, :00, e:i4,t:il, Cars leave corner First and .Washington streets lor Woodlawn as follows: A. M.-,:18,rtXt.fl:48, 73.7118, 7:83,7:46.8:03, 8!l8, 8!33, :48. 9.03, lf:IB,9:S3, 0:48 10:03, lo:ii, io:u 10:48, ll:W. huh, 1:si. lists. P. M.-i.'.ui, w:is. r.'iai, i3:t8, i:u3, isia, i:a. i:4s, -tiUi, iHM:i'i,2:48, x:oi, aim. a:an, 8:48, 4:03, 4:18,4:43,4:48.4:0:1, 4;8,ft:H3, 6,4n.o:w, 6:ih, eist, :48, 7:tri, 7:18.7:33, 7:48,8 oi, 8:18.8:8.). 8:4", 0: a. :!,;, 10.03. lo;&. ions, 11 :w, 11:23 i;u. WondUwu 90 Minutes. Cars leave Woodlawn for First and Washing ton strceis as follows: A M-4:4J,'a:tw, :14, :, o:44,7:00,7:,7ii8i 8:U), 8)14. 8:3(1, :4 0;00. 0)14.9:30,0:44, lOiOu, lUilA, 10:30, iu:t4, il;oo, 11:14, 11:30, 11:44, UitfJM. ' p. M.-Uilft, U:30, 12:41, j :0O. 1 us, 1:80, 1 :44, 2:00. 2:i4,2:an,'i:tV3:iJ, 3:14. 3:w,3:i4,4:oo, 4:14,4:30.4:41, 4:io, 4:1s. uo. e:v, f.oo. Bill, 6t', 6(44, 7:00, 7:14, 7:30,7:4), 8:00, 814 a:a. s:.'d, 0:10, :30, tfio. 10:10, 10,90, 10,40,411:10.11:30. Dally, except Himdars. (Daily, except enewla)s and Saturdays. JWedniIsiid Saturdays only, ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. W. T. PHILLIPS. ti Btsrk street, between Front snd First. Phone, Oregon, Clay 441. , PORTLAND, OREGON. Help of all kinds lurnlihed on short notice. Wauled: Railroad men and deck han.ls, cooks, wallers and general Iiuiid work, una hauds, mill hands and 1 Ity work. Real estate llslid and told, I'rupply avoit for the Lsy Mop Wringer, pat ent applied for. btale and county rights far sale. White collar line COLUMBIA RIVER A PUOBT SOUND NAYI- OATION CO. PORTLAND AND ABTORIA. Steamer Hercules leaves every morning ! the week at T o'elock, except Sunday. Return ing, leaves Astoria every night in the week at T o'clock, except Sunday. Office, Alder street dock. Telephone Hsfa Ml. Columbia 'phone 341. K. W. CRICHTON. Agent. A STORIA & COLUMBII RIVER RMLROAD CO. vvv. ID olIOll MW lift Mil!. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS'. BETWLKN Pirtland, Istiria Seaside fr. eVsjfsflsHrr jBVBBWBSBWSsVBVBBBHBWBsVSSSsVBBSBlgsW Leaves For Mergers, Rain- Arrives Union Depot ter, C 1 a t a k a n I e Union Depot Portland Westport, Clifton, Portland Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel,, Gear hart Park and Be a side. 10 a.m. Astoria & Reashort 11 U5 a. as. Express Dally, T:00p. m. Astoria Express t:ttp.ae. Dally. K . , , I .,,.-. Ticket ofllce, 243 Morrison street, and Unto depot, Portland. v J. C, MAYO, Oon. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SSBBBBBBBBBBT isBBBBBBBBBBBBk, Hatters and ' sokAk KNOX HATS$$S I T7 ...BUFFUfr! & PEflDIiETOfL. 04 Third ttrt, PORTLAND, ORE. Kifii.siliSAfii.fiuafiUStfil'iifii.tfi, GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST UTs ArelTet fisUisrnr-OMy Istk Cumsxt Pivras, Portland, Or. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST, Sraduate of the Northwestern Untevrslty Dsutst College. rirtt-Clus Work and Prleu Ii-wiistt 711 Pekum Dld'g, Cor. Third - Wasblagton. PORTLAN D, Or. Oregon 'Phone Ores- St USE LUCKEL'8 Borax Soap For Wauhingr Flannels. WU1 Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LianAIIV Tin But in CwMt Utmiwi 12 COMPLKTK NOVILS YCANLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.60 pgHYgAR; 2SCT-.A cenr NO CONTINUED STORIES KVKItV NUMICr. COMPLETE IN ITVKLr ffl$ffl&ti I i &m ?rViiT , " m , " ' :m :a m ; J ,' -m m 4 j 1! "I'A 9 'Vfffl i , 1 'il I 1 V -te4- . .- 'ZSSJS; s '. i-M&M. .,,