mmit - " A .a 8 1 a THE jnBW AGE, PORTIiA.ND. OREGON. ' ,! .. .' . TOPICS OF THE. TIMES. Denver hns enacted a new and liberal boxing ordinance, and still the women rote there. While tolerated by law virtually n .comer In egf,'n Is mo more honest than any other shell game. Not that slang Is to bo encouraged, but that man might bo called a lobster who wlisn he faces trouble backs Away from It Tho former telephone girl who hns returned from tho Klondike with $400, 000 will And plenty of peoplo eager to say "Hullo!" to her. The American Federation of Labor declines to tackle tho servant girl ques tion, thereby showing a proper appre ciation 6f Its own strength. No slnglo organisation can haudlu the subject Tcrradt'lphla, tho Utopia for tramps In Trenton, N. J., was foredoomed to failure. Tho scheme of Tom Terradel to found; a self-supporting Institution for those who will not support them wives was but a dream from which ho bus at last awakened. What stands In the way of a French Invasion of England would bo tho dead ly flro of the British warships upon a licet of vessels transporting hostile troops, oven under tho escort of men-o'-war. It would Involvo panic and laughter of tho most torrlblo descrip tion. Ono heavily armed warship dash ing through a fleet of transports would bo awful. It la not absolutely necessary to tho suppression of hazing that tho cadets who hazed tho young I'ennsylvanlnn should be discovered and punished. Tho practice Itself should bo stopped right now, whether those boys arc reached or not It Is not necessary to tho maklug of good soldiers. Indeed, men of tho true soldierly spirit are not given to tho torturing of the helpless. A fulr light In tho open Is more to their liking In tho lino of rough play, Ono of tho curious facts revealed by the consus for 1000 Is that for the first tltuo since 1700 Has the center of popu lation not only ceased to move west ward but actually Iiuh receded a little, and Is now on tho Miami Itlvcr, Just north of Cincinnati and a short distance cost of where It was ten years ago. This It generally ascribed to the greater Increase of city population as compared with that of tho country. Whatever tho rtasofi, however, Ohio l again tho llvjtal Btato o to population, and tho "fiHckeye Is ready, as nml, to sit down on the pivot and gather In' tho ofllces as they coiuo along. There aro certain families In this country tho members of which deem public otllco their own prescriptive and picullnr right. Having had fathers and grandfathers In olllce, they feel that otnce-holdlng Is their Inalienable privi lege. Hence Undo Moorgo Is u Federal Judge, Uncle Tom Is a Commissioner to Itevlso the Fish Laws, tiriuulfntlior Is Consul to Tlmbuctoo, and Aunt Jane Is his clerk. Wllllo and Hurry and John, having grown too big for Keiiuto'rlul pages, will bo put Romuwhvro In tho Treasury Department. Tho national government Is especially Infected with generation nftcr generation of theso parasites. Tho wily power equal to n suppression of tho plague Is Congress. And Congress, spreads It. 1 A Chicago doctor who wsnta to pose rs a health faddist snys that "exercise Isdetrlmoutalfor men past middle life." This Is really a wonderful discovery If true. Kxenise Is merely tho use of the muscular system. Whatever bono Ikinl effects It has consist In tho stim ulation of tho circulation of tho blood and tho consequent consumption of wnstu nuil renewal of tissue In the muscles nud orgaiiH. It also, If It be of tho proper kind, keeps tho muscles flexible and tho Joints In good condi tion. If a man past middle life ought not to exercise he ought not to uso his muscles. Nor ought ho to think, bo emiso thinking exercises his brain, and that might be detrimental; In fact, he ought not to breathe, for that Is exer cising his lungs, nud he ought to give all bis organs a completu rest. If our Chicago man la right tho man past middle ngo ought not to live It may be detrimental. Tho mummy seems to bo the Ideal mnn-pnst-mlddle-lire, accord ing to tho uo-excrcl8e-past-mhldle-l!fo fuddlst. F.very once In a while u man, disgust ed with the buttles over the dollars left by dead men, decides to dlsposu of his property during his lifetime. Ho wants to bo a iKiiicfactor, to mako glad those who need tho wealth ho ioa.e8sea, to bestow charity and feel the good of giv ing, Tho world doesn't seem ripe for that kind of philanthropy, Mauy luivo tiled It and died, poor and neglected. Tho man who has roblcd himself to heuellt others Isn't always sure of kind ness and consideration, more's the pity, Alexander Jackson, 7ft, of Camden, Del., allowed tho fact to become public that ho proposed to distribute his wealth during life. To-dny he Is dls gustcd with humanity. He Is making enemies where ho hoped to do ouly good. Ho has been cajoled and threat ened, he gets begglug letters by the wagon load, and tho most of them com from peoplo who care nothing for Altx sudor Jricksou, Tho smell of money at tracted a horde of vultures, who an wady fe fight for apolt Mr. Jacksoa made a mistake. He admits It Nearly every other man who has tried this1 particular brand of phllanthorpy can consistently say, "I told you so." 1 Not long ogo we had a "rainy Satur day," much to the grief of fit thoso retail merchants whose trade comes largely from tho families of wage earn ers and salaried men. It Is a peculiar fact which every merchant lias no ticed, that when dlsagreeablo weather ruins the trade of one Saturday, the av erago trado of the month will not mako up the loss. The hole thus made In his profits Is never filled up, nnd there has been much speculation as to why this Is true, especially In such lines of trade ns shoes and ready-niado clothing, among the commonest necessaries of life. Tho real explanation lies In the fact that a very large percentage of tho purchases of tho American peoplo aro In excess of their actual nectssltlcs. The aver age American has more than one suit of clothing and inoro than ono pair of shoes. When nn Intended purchnso Is passed over on account of bad weather or somo other accident the chances are that some other article a luxury per hapswill absorb tho money before an other opportunity for making the pur chase turns up. It may further bo said, with truth, thnt a very large percentage of the purchases even of thoso of peo ple of very small means are made on the Impulso of the moment or of tho hour. Tho purchaser sees something nnd buys It Tho need for It may have been inoro or less felt but In nH prob ability It was not pressing, and he might not have thought again of buy ing It had he not seen It. This Impul siveness Is peculiarly true of the pur chases made by women nnd they nre tho ones that do tho great bulk of tho retail buying. The American people aro already the most luxurious tho world lias known, nnd If there shall bo no great check to our national accumu lation of wealth, thero Is no predicting to what lengths tho love of luxury may go. In our travel we crowd the palace cars and aro willing to pay any kind of prices, 'but Insist that every luxury that can bo conceived by tho lugem-lty of man shall bo at our command. Tho marl tl mo world knows nothing to equal tho luxurious appointments of tho At lantic liner, and It Is made to meet tho 'American, not tho European, demand. Our hotels surpass anything tho world has known In the trappings nnd con veniences of luxury and In prices. People pny the prices without a mur mur, but, If they cannot have hot baths and velvet carpets, their objections are loud and long. Men And It profitable to erect enormous caravansaries In out-of-the wny places and lit them up as no royal palace abroad Is fitted, and keep them open but a few mouths In the year, because Americans will pay tho dizziest prices for a few weeks of "rest" In them. From bottom to top and back ugaln, the extravagance of Americans nsja people Is tho jvonder of tho world. Ills Master's Holier ltequeat. Tho policeman had given his testi mony, which was unqualifiedly to the fact of the old gentleman's Intoxication. Then tho oid servant was called to tho wltncBs box, Thero was a mingled ex pression of Indignation nnd determina tion on his countenance. He tested flatly, to tho surprise of tho court, that tho old man was sober when ho came home. Tho magistrate proceeded to question tho witness: "You say that Mr. - was sober when he camo homo?" "Yes, sir." "Did ho get to 'lied alone?" "No, sir," "Did you put him to bed?" "Yes, sir." "And ho wns perfectly sober?" "Yes, sir." "What did ho say when you put him to bed?" "Ho said, 'Good night.' " "Anything else?" "Yes, sir." "What was It? Tell us exactly what ho said, overy word." "Ho said as how I wns to wako him and call him early, for ho was to be the queen of tho May." Tho old mau was fined, Tho King. Leddlns Basfness Hras of The Dalles FIR8T NATIONAIBANK.'THK DALLK8.0R. J. 8. Bchenk, Fret.; H.M. Beal, Cashier, A ueneral banking business trantaotcd posits receiver, suuject Collection! made and THE DALLES, OREQON. De- oslts received. suMect to Sltht draft nr ntiMk. mo ami proceeds promptly ro ot collection. HUht and tele me sold on New York, Ban Fran. mlttcdon day criinhlc exchange clico and Portland. F RENCH it CO., BANKERS THE DALLES, OR. D. M. French. J. W, French. 'J, C. Hosteller, Cannier. T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY MAYS & CROWE Wholesale it Retail Dealer la 1ARDWAR. ' STOYES ARO TIN! All Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel,, Coal and Blacksmiths? Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Material, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, etc LIATXNO BUSINESS FIRMI EASTlRNrbRlGON. OP E ALSTON AGO. Dealert la A, .t ffl f Parattare, Carpets, Wall Paper sad Shade. Undertaking Goods. LA ORANDK, OR. STEAMERS V - P. BABCHK Dealer la AUGUST BUCILER, Prop. This well-known brewery la now. turning out tlio bent Ilecr nml Porter cant of the Caecndc. The latent Hppllancca for the manufacture of Rood healthful Beer have been Introduced, and only the tlnt-clim article will be placed on tho market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. T HE WESTERN LUMBKtt. COMPANY Office! Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. II jfj ftcTTuMl V II The Umatilla House THE DALLES, 08. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors. The American Plan Only..., Rates, t, f 1.60 and fl per dar. N. Alt trains stop for pfUHcnitcrs. O. R. A tlrket office. Western Union telegraph. Lone distance Bell telephone A genu and olllce for all stage Hues. Accommodations iirst-cla-s. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington St., Sunday, Tuesday nnd Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, for eauvlca Island, Bt. Helen, Caples, Deer Island. Martins. Kalamn. Nccr City. Hanlcr, Mt. Collin, Mayger, Stella, Oak Point, Freetnans, Mausanlllo,Clatskanle and all way landing. fardware and Mining Supplies, Stores, Tin ware, Cutlery and Guns. BAKER CITY, OREGON. X AKKR CITY IRON WORKS GEO. r. McLYNN, Proprietor, ulldera ol Btamn Mills. Ore Car. and Gen eral Mining. Sawmill and Planing Mill Ma chinery, Architectural Work, Etc. Rrass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Special atten tion given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds st machinery. ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Waj LaDdiogi xSL Telephone Red 181. .BAKER CITY, OR. T HE BT. LAWRENCE FRED ERNST, Proprietor. rrr B. BOWMAN PlIOTOaRAPHIO AND LANDSCAPE ARTIOT Views of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Finishing Main St., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREOON. S' TAR HOTEL W. M. ROBIK80N. Prop. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OS. General Forwarding -AND- SUMPTER, OREGON. riOTTAOE CHOP HOUSE II. C. COTNER. Prop. Open at all hours day'or night. The r-et meah served In LaUraudo lor the prlu. Remember the location East Blde'of Depot Street LA ORANDE, . - OREGON. )aly flrst.class.- European plan. BAKER CITY, OREOON. J. W. WISDOM it CO, .Druggists arid Apothecaries. Leaves Taylor street. ..:4S A. M. Bafem ..:... 7:W A. M. Arrives Portland - ., ....4:30 P,. M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY.. Leave Portland. 10:30 A. M..2andS:00 P. H. Leave Oregon City 12:30, 8:80,6:39 P. M. Oregon City Trgns. Co. Promptness and qulok dispatch our specialty A. B. GRAHAM, Agent. i Office nd wharf, foot of TaylorSU Pliome 4ft. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet Articles. Main Street, BAKER CITY, OR TTT l'ATTER80N Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON Me Agent for "Old Barbce." Woodford County, Ky., Whiskey. ' BAKER CITY, OREGON. Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouse at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Wool handling our specialty. .' Oraln bought and sold. The RegulafoWine. The Ditler, Psrlland i Astoria dt IOEDECKE'8 RK8TAURANT PENDLETON, OREGON. Next Door to W. A 0. R. R. Ticket Office MEALS AT ALL HOURS. First-Class and Qulc In Connection. Ick Forvlce, Private Boles liis at ah Prices. aOEDECKE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable Opposite Hotel Pendleton PENDLETON, OREGON. TtTATERMAN it BCIIMITZ Wholesale. and Retail Dealers la WINES, LIQUORS AND OIOARf BAKER CITY, OR. HUE STORE One ot the finest place In the city for trawling men. FINE WINE8. LIQUORS AND C1QARH I 'Remember the place. X ACKERMAN, Proprietor, MAKER CITY, OR u NDERTAKINO NAVIGATION THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Stumers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cucsdt Locks, yood River and all Points on the Washington side. The steamers Dalles City and Regulator leava Pertland every aernlag (except Sunday) at 7 Md The Dalles at I a. m arriving at destine. (en m ampie time lor outgoing trams. Freight Rales dreatly Reduced, W. 0. ALLA WAY. Gsb. Agt, Foot of court Street, The Dalles, Or ...TELEPHONE NO. 16... Finest turnouts of all kinds In Pendleton Gentlo single drivers for ladles Good, competent drivers always on hand Boarding horses given the best of care. Q. M. FROOriE. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... mllE ORIENTAL XIio Cutuh About It, Tho business of tiro Itiaurnuce scorns to Imvo boon u good deal of a mystery to tho middle-aged KiiKllshwoinan who, according to tho Leeds Mercury, called at an agent's olllce and said that she wished to Insuro her house. "For how muchV" asked tho agent, "Oh, for about 'J00," "Very well. I'll como up and hives- tlKtito It." "I don't know much about Insur. auce," she said. "It'g vory simple, ma'am." "If I'm Insured for f'-'OO and the house Is burned down, 1 get tho mon ey, do U" "Certainly." "And they don't ask who ot It afire T" "Oh, but they do, Wo shall want to know all about It." "Then you needn't como up," sho said, as sho rose to go. "I heard thero was somo catch about It somewhore, and now I see where It Is," J. W. artUSSl, Proprietor. 128 Washington St., Opposlto Imperial Hotel i Drinks 10 cents. Deer 5 cents. T EM PI ,E MEAT MARKET. ! Free Delivery To All Parts of the City. No. M, Seventh and Davis Bts. Phone Clay 601 Lard, Ham andllacon. ORONK A 8I1ULZK, Proprietors. Everything that Is kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pur druf.s..JJ A. G. KOEPPEN & BRO., Manufacturing Ghomlsts, 116 Court St., PENDLETON, OB. THE MINT SALOON In the neatest form. Pol lihed and metallic coDlns. 'A No. 1 hearse. Uoodser vice assured. W. B. NELSON, Funeral Director, PENDLETON, OK T. 0. TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAW." WELL, I DON'T KNOW . Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ,; ACME WHEAT FLAKES. i We are headquarters for Rafson Heafcb Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled OtUa, Health Process Vhole Wheat Flour. ' " ACMB MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE flO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes Hade to Order Repairing Neatly Dona. Work called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Copea Co.'s Sims CIMISOJU CO. Wheat u. SK Inkers -DIRECT Win. .j Hardware, Stoves, Tin and Copperware. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Coal, Iron and . Steel and Hydraulic Pipe. Til Main Street. PENDLETON, OR T O. L. MELLQUI8T, Prop. BEST BRAND3 OF WINES and uquoua...... HE PIONEER DRUG 8TORE ULA 8LATE, Proprietor. Our stock Ii thoroughly up-to-date. We cam nothing but strictly Al goods at , popular prices. 115 Court Street. TENDLETON, OR. Hotel Pendleton. TO- New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. IMPORTED AND DOMKST1U C1QAK3.... TvAND SOAP AND CrU f I fggf An Kxtruvniriuil Hounohuhlor. Tho Sultan of Turkey Is tho most cx traviiKunt hoiwekwper In tho world. Accortllw; to a mvnt estimate, tils tlo mestlc budget runs thus: Itcpnlre, now furniture, mats, beds, etc., $3,000,000; toilet requisites, Including rougo and ennmel for tlio Indies of the ha rem, and Jewelry, ?l0,li00,000; extra ex. traviiKanec, $15,000,000; clothes nnd furniture for tho Sultan personally, $25,000,000; douceurs and wages, (5,000,000; gold nnd silver plate, (3,000,000; maintenance of carriages nud bones, 1500,000. If you are sot beloved by others you will toon ccuso to lovo voutmU, V FOimAN D. OREGON. e S" TAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers ot the famous HOP GOLD BEER Corner Depot Street and Jefferson Aenue, LA ORANDE, OR. GO TO SPANISH ORIGINAL TA1ALE RESTAURANT !66 Dull Street, Bet. Third tad Fourth Tot the Best Meal for the Prlc lu the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chefe. VANCOUVER. WA8H. B ROWN 4 M'CAlIK, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence anllcttcil. Ship's null promptly deliver. Cable address Bruwu, roiiN KKI.I.Y tieneral Iturance Agent, Fire and Marine, SeottUli Union & National Ins, Co., KJInburg and Umilon; Vetern P. and Hi Amirsiice Co., Torouto.Can. &! Third St., Columbian Bldg. k OTKIINKKN & JUUKN- Vholeal and reatatl grocer, SlMURnnv side street, corner Klxtli, ptrtland. Or, Tele, (uoue, Oregon Black '... Columbia M, A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Llghtbsr of Bulldlngi, Stores and Residences arc and Incandescent Elec tric Power for Elevators. Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. ' Pirtlui tHiral Electric Ca.t SEVEITI All ILIEI SU. PENDLETON OR RATIIl European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day , American Plan, $1 to $2 Pa Qa 080 A R A N DE RSON, Maaafar. J. C PENDEQABT, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUY J.. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORQEON. Furniture, Carpets ini Stitris FOR IIOU8EKEEPINQ 1 Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 Firs Stratf. . A. NEUBERGER SEALER a fine Whiskies and Cigars Hcasbuartas ibr Mkkf aad Comnawchl Metu., lAKEROTY OREGON 1 1. BROOK DRUG CO. 67 N. Third 8trct; Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compouniii TELEPHONE; COLUMBIA 7W. OREGON RED 1M4 p MURPHY a CO. ' WINK AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Wetnhard'a Beer on Draught, Base' Ale. Guln ocm' Porter, Val Blats Milwaukee Beer and the Celebrated J. H. Cutter Whisker for ramllr Uso. 43 Third St., Bet Couch and Davis. Goods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR w E PAY QOOD WAGE To Good People) Tor Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO- . 1M 34 GUeaa-Bs,, aearTkM. BO YEARS KXPKItlCNGI 1 VMi lUA Dcms CoenmHT4r aleklr ascwtal? oaruZwkSSSTSm ...-"m ." wwwm um m mmmm eentfrM. fll ire. lMt tnicT tor hwuhIhu: .Sckiitific flsttrtc. M3sr3HT"asasi2 PsMsjjLsa BMsm tki4tiaIaiisiCiii JtefIr r fe& AaMjtMi