The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 12, 1901, Image 1

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DlK""ti DpttUrjr mud .VRianoUl Agent of the United Stnte.
FreaMent, H. W. Corbettf. cuhkr, B. Oi Wlthlnntoni MtliUnt csihler, J, W. Newklrk: tecond
MttsUnt caililor, V. C. Atvord.
itterot credit Iwued. tUblo In Kuropend the Eastern states. Bight exchanRe and
teletiaphictraniferatoldon New York, Boston, Chlcauo, Omaha, Bt. Paal, Bnn Francisco and
the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London,
1'arfi, Berlin, Frank tort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kon.
Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points.
Kstabllshed In 1800.
Interest allowed on. tlm deposits.
CollecMoBS madot iiolnta on favorable terms. Letters of credit leaned
Tilable in Europe and the Eastern states.
- Bight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New Yorkf Wash inn ton,
Chicago, St. Ixuls, Uenve', Omaha, San Francisco and various points iu Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Coluriibia.
Exchange sold on London, .Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 100,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; Firet National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS L-vl Ankerfy, President; W. F. Matlock,
Vice President: C. B. Wade, Cashier; H. 0. tiuerensy, Assistant Cathler; J. 8.
McLeod, W. 8. Byers, W. K. Matlock,
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 960,000; Surplus, 853,600.
Interest, allowed on time deporilts. Exchango bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Spoclal attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vico-Prosldcnt; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
La Grande, Oregon.
Letters of Credit Iwaed available In tbs Kastera fllates. Bltht Kxchanse end Telefraphl
Transfers aold-nn Now York, Chicago.Bt. Louis, Ban Franolsco. rortland, Ore., Seattle, Wus,
saa variqiu poinii in urecea ana n unmgion.
Loewenberg &
If f 133 Tmyimr Strt
199 1 194 SomiStrmt
Land and Immigration Aieou Loan and Insurauca Aicau
M. L. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Co.
Farm Fruit and Timber, Lanefe, Stock, Ranches.
Miaine; Properties. , j ' j j j j
Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
Atttr a continuous residence of orarioyearsln this Famous Vsllff, andacloaaatadf of the
rait arcumj.llibnienu and future possibilities of Its soil, and a personal knowledge ol ltaell.
snata, 1 feel that no one, seeking a bpme, will make any mistake In locating bere.
Your Corroojsonstonoo lo Selfeltorf, nnel All Quoitlona
....Cheotfully Anaworoct....
Willamette Iron and Steol Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin nei atatkHMiry trgln and Boilra(
taw MIH Uogglnaj and Mining Machinery,
' Ran cneHg am Carrugating Machinery,
PawtK Twwatwiaala'n Maohinary.
mtaarei a.netantlv si.veJ.olsT Mostern MacMn.ry for special purposes, which
e lst7eiato pSontTioWoe ue to builU accurately and ecenomlcaJly.
aw- aoaaiaaoaacacE aeuciTia.' -a
. . Joiinson.
(joutcuos maae at kv. joinis on lavoranie tenas
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware d
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Aie
the BeSt atld Cheapest
in the Market
m or iiit vi
From All Parts of the New World
' ,
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penmp of the Put Week In a
Condensed Form.
Spain and France are having snow
MaoArthur will doport oapturod Fit
ipino rebels to Gmtm.
Twenty-seven perished in an orphan
lioine firo in Hoclioitor, N. Y.
A British detachment lost heavily
In a fight with Boers uenr Lindley.
Plans aro on foot for annexing th.
Idaho "panhandle" to Washington.
The Morans, of Seattle, have been
awarded a contrast for a battleship.
The first municipal election was
held at Bagunis, Philippine islands.
The Thirty seeuth regiment was
reviewed at Manila prior to its return.
Maitial law has boon porolaimed in
several more districts in Cape Colony.
Tho Orogon aupromo court has de
cided that a lonn of a savings and loan
society can bo collontod.
Franco is experimenting with sub
marina boats, h'uvoral rocont tosts
aro reportod as entiroly satisfactory.
Aftor satisfactorily filling tho pre
liminary stages, Count Litmsdorf has
been dollultely appointed minister of
foreign affairs for Russia.
Theodore Colwell, employed at th.
Tunnmn mtmdtnr wim tnrrihlv liurnnil
nhniifc flia fann. hniirl.. iiviyib and ntmlr.
by falling into n pot of boiling slag
wliila nt wnrk.' Althnuoh liaill
ImrniMl it In thouuht lie will rnoover. v..v... n r..itr.Mi.
has introd'aceil a bill OontiBalac (n
force for 20 yean after May 5," 1903 a
laws prohibiting and regulating tbje
coming of Chinese persons and persona
of Chinese desoeut into the United
During the absense of William Chi
dester, of Marietta, O., Thomas, m
Oiyear old son, shot and killed his
sister, aged 14. No reason is known.
Ho apparently does not realise th.
enormity of his crime, and fought for
the possession of the gun when a noigh-'
bor arrived. The parents aro
trated, aud the mothor may die.
BUK maiiuiaciurers oi now jorsey are
AitflaattAwltir 4rt lint? n as. til 1 1 Ma aanl Vitf
concress ronuirinu n lahul on ''dvua-
mited" ox weighted, silks. By the pro-,
cess of weighting inferior goods are
made ax heavv.aa first olass goods aud
a bill of this nature would protect
al.An n wum W l wfma aasV era inn J
siiubu nuu udu yu.o ...
re dyes.
aud bIho
the purchaser, who would be
ablo to toll what was being bought.
Philip D. Armour, the groat pork
packor.Js dead.
Portugal is seudiug relnfoioements
to Lonreuco Marques.
Eight men met death by suffocation
In Minneapolis hotel fire.
David J, ficfiuobly, the oldest news
paper man iu tho Northwest, is dead.
An effort Ih being made to revise the
Russo-Chluese agreethout about Muu-' Eight men were killed and several
ohuria. ' ' iujuredas tlie result of a collision on
An agreement restricting operations " Menongahela division of tho Haiti
of allied troops has been made by Von more Ohio railway in Wost Mr
Waldereee. glnla.Jl
Klght hundred collierv employes of , Thejfcrthern Paciflo railway has
Pennsylvania coat aud Iron mines are W aHj its lands in North Dakota,
on a strike. ' amounting to 1,400,000 acres, to a
... . . , . ' svBdiea'te of New York and Eastern
China desired envoy, to delay sgn- ) , tall- RaBCUeB wl be estab
ing joiut note, but was informed by 1J.I.JT
them that this was impossible. i U,8WV
c.m..-i ww. . .... i io4K 8lr,smrd fipenoe 8ymes, chief sec
Famuel 8. Vblte, a pioneer of 1846, ' nHsfm he govenunent of llurniab
and Oregon s first probate judge, died ,,,,,$. MJ . raf raber of the legls
at his home in Portlsnd. He was 89 . ygffiou 0, ,H(Ua, ot himself in
years old.
Jn an affray at Altgeberg, Hungary,
between striking miners ,aud gend
armes, there were seven of the former
killed and 40 wounded.
Siio following Washington posi
es have been discontinued: Dish-
man Spokane couuty; Green Illver,
mug ujumji
and Laurel, wnatcom
Charles W.
was instantly
Norton, a switchman, '
killed at Tacoma, by
being crushed between two cars,
. . II.
leaves a widow and three children at
Mount Pleasant, la.
Severe, cold weather has suddenly
oet in throughout Europe. The tcold !
wave is accompanied by a gale which Society of Bau Francisco, called on
has wrecked several vessels aud caused Governor Natth, of Ohio, to make ur
heavy loss of life uud property. I rnfoiuenti for a reception to the gov-
The coal miners' strike at Plcton, ' ; ou tho occasion of the lauuch
Nova Scotia, has been settled. Every lug of the battleship Ohio, on the Pa
demand of the wen was conceded. cieoast. The governor expects to
The managers sought to bind the men witejees, the launching,
not to as!c for a further increase for 13 . A Ceriiiau expedition in the north
months, but failed. !'ern district of Ciiua, near Sze ilai
Goverribr Allen, of Porte Blee, has KenT.f encountered a force of 8,000.
just returned to the eapltul after an After ihelng reinforced they attacked
extensive visit to the towns in the the' qHnese. defeating tben -aud driv
western part of the island. He visited insj'jbfiii out of the valley. The Gen
nhicaa where so sovernor of Portu Ulna uiaWkwt one killed and four wnnnd.
has visited before. Everrwke. Is.
was enthusiastically rseeiveJ.
A metropolitan police foroe will be i
organized at Manila.
Von Bulow made his debut as ohan f
col lor in tho Prussian diet.
J. J. Hill dunioB that he is trying to j
form a railroad combination.
Canada will sond reomits for Badon
I Powell's African constabulary.
I Tho Chinese emperor's brother may
I bo tho imperial envoy to Berlin. !
There is objection to commissioning t
tho battleship Wisconsin on Friday. j
I The Rome press is indignant at the '
Duko of Norfolk's addross to the pope, i
! Southern Philippine ports may be j
closed to prevent communication be- '
tw.jn rebels.
Northern transcontinental announce
reduction iu through rates to th.
8-ceata' haeiii. '
it i
Ambassadors Choate and White are
working for tho removal pt negotia
tions from Pckin.
The Northern Paciflo has declared a
regular quarterly dividend iof 1 per
cent on its preferred stock.
Kirk B? Armour, nephew of the late
Philip D. Armour, and head of th. Ar-1
monr interests in Kansas City, Is crit
ically ill at his homo with pneumonia.
By the accidental discharge of a
blast in the Malachite mine nt Miudl.
Pass, Ariz., ons man was blown to
atoms aHd two othors seriously injured.
Accord lag to advices jdst received,
Sitka, Alaska,' was visitod by,n dlsaa
trous fire. The town was saved aftor
hard work. Loss $7,000, with no in
surance. Cornelias L. Alvord, tho defaulting
Now York bauk toller, plcadod guilty
bo lore thjs criminal branch of the
United ' Spates' court and thus saved
the state Mm espouse ol a trial.
A 15-year-old boy, who was stealing
a 'freirkt train, near Salem,
Or., lost
I hold, and fell, the train
er( and severing both legs
' b0'8 tb
H. died from his in-
: (rt nr. in New York,
one Ores
- iNKwasly injured and
50 searaei
ese.fsa wiia iswir
bm a mk was
500, (
. tJ
road, nt
sural "Run, a car filled
with po
exploded with such force
that'. .she
sport iwas lisardao miles.
injured, but the oars next
, the one iit. which the powder, was were
blown te'fwces, '
The ttABsport Sherman was damagod
i in a ivbihjou.
SeveiNl. Filipino
insurgent 'camps
, have been captured.
The yi'rapreas, dowager opiwses
signing of the note.
' A lenllnV justico almost caused a
lvnohliiir Ht Hlllstnro. Or. .
pi.-u,iJL- ..,, nan
, ,-,,J ,.of nanttaUn. ,
. :""Wf V," ',.i.i. ..iu.ui.-
i en wBsiaiiiBKi is"iiih ana in us sssiiiiiiu
ton orJCurdpe.
A Frenchj'mail steamer, with 90 peo
ple onVboard, is in a dangerous jiosi
tion ne .Marseilles.
AbilVis to be introduced in congress
raisinklhe salary of keepers of life
saving1 stations to 9100 per month.
A bill1 has 'been introduced in the
Mlssbarl. legislature providing for the
punishment of kidnaping by hanging.
the ssMHf. He Is lingering between
life aid death.
Mantel Oates, who was convloted of
niurdeciag Captain Breson at South
Bend.' Wish., h been granted a new
tria):rVThls will make the third hear
lMutk matter. In the two pievious
I trials Olsen, an employe of Gates was
also Implicated, but he was discharged.
Kansas City has a smallpox scare.
DocteM are invading many large of-
aPlm tiii,Hnna and ulaoes where pen-
. . ' - .. .1 ......1....1I.W.
pie .eongregato uu io i.tuiuouuj
peepie' by the dozen. All employes of
the street railways have boeu similarly
j, u, Gleaves, president of tho Ohio
ed..rMle the Chinese loss is estimated
m mm
Items . of Interest From All Parts
j of the State,
A Brief Review of the Orowth and Improve
mtnU of ,, Miny MnMu Throttjh.
out Our Thriving Corwnonwalth.
Work on the lone town hall is under
A G. A. R. post is being' organised
at Corvallis.
Tho organ factory at Dallas, is en
larging its plant.
The Sonthcrn Paoiflo will Install a
pumping plant at Medford
A fund Is being raised at Eugene for
building a Danish church.'
The tlybee bridge across Rogue river
is, being repaired and 'is closed to
The free ferry at Liverpool, Benton
county, is not yot in operation, owing
to high water.
J. VV. Clinton floated over 8,000 logs
down tho North Fork of the Coquille
on the rocent freshet.
F. E. Dunn, of Eugene, sold 07
bales of 1800 hops to San Franolsco
buy oi s for 8 cents por pound.
The stoamor Modoo unloaded two
carloads of Eoastcrn Oregon wheat at
Corvallis for tho Fischer mills.
John .lames 1b missing from h
oabiu incur Desolatiou lako, aud has
not been heard of for three weeks,
Fred Walters, ol tho Farmers' Cus
tom mill, has purchased the Cheape
mill property at Peudleton for 15,600.
The Central planing mills, of Cor
vallis, have received 80,000 feet of
screen wire, lor manuiactare of 20,000
Timber eralsers are said ,0ibe en
gaged on the 'Bluslaw and Usapona
rivers leeking'
'il. .v. - '
. ' - .-. '..' ... --. ..- -j-i-'
fortlsae;,ana a stH for
mF7 vmtrwmgm
among, .the
The Dayton Evaporating Company'
has received an order from San Fran
olsco for 40,000 pounds of evaporated
The telephone office at Sumpter has
abollshod its telegraph office, and mes
sages are now transmitted by tolephone
to Baker City.
J. A. Fitzglbbon has bought the
Cook uud Miller ledge on Foot's creek,
Southern Oregon. This is a lodgo in
which two foot of f50 rook has been
Since the IStli of Deoember the Im
bier Lumber Company . has reoolved
orders for U5 cars of lumber, 25 of
whldh go to Salt Lake City and other
Utah points.
The steamer Blanco has boon towing
rock for the Southern Oregon Lumber
Compauy to Empire, The rook is be
iug used to build a bulkhead to pro
tect tho piling from teredoes.
Joseph H. Beeman, of Gold Iltll,
has sold the Lucky Bart on Sardine
Creek, together with mill and concen
trators, for 919,000, Ho has also dis
posed of his interest in the Bitter
The shaft on the Little Breeches
claim , In tho Paid Mountain district,
is down 20 feet, and uvorugo nsenys of
95.40 aro reported. No cross cutting
will be done until tho 100-foot lovol is
A. J. Woloh, an old reslent of As
toria, is dead, aged 82 years, He
oame to the coast during the gold ox
citemeut and has resided at Astoria
since 1854. Mr. Welsh was an Indian
war veteran,
Farmers living between Lebanon
and Sodaville will mako an effort to
get free rural mail delivery. The
route will be about as follows: From
Lebanon to Sodaville, thence west
shout six miles, thence north about
six.milea, thence east to starting point.
Geont Newsome, a farmer living
near Marquam, was held up and
robbed in his own doorway, Mr,
Newsome answered a knock at the
front door and was surprised to find a
revolver iu his fuce on opening the
door. He gave up a few dollars he
had in his pocket.
A mass meeting of citizens of Gil-1
ham county was hold, at which it was
decided to organize a company and
build a railroad from Condon to the
Columbia. This would greatly beueflt
the wheat rueu of that county, as at
preseut all wheat Is being hauled in
wagons 40 to 00 miles.
0. S. Warren, Jr., has purchased
from George Day a one-sixth interest
in tho Crown Point proporty for 9500.
The property adjoins the Diadem iu
the Greeuhorn Mountain distrlot, aud
has been developed by a 40-foot shaft.
It is said that average assays from a
8-foot ledge are 935.80, while some
sfecimeus assayed 9101.
Co-Optrsllve Crumerles arc
SUrtkMf Up
Here and There.
Spokane, Jan. 11. Industrial Agent
Judson, of the O. R, & N. Co. baa
em barked on tho polloy of organising-co-operative
creameries in Eastern
Orogon and Eastern Washington.
Within a week one co-operative cream
ory was organized nt Tokoa, in the Pa
louso country and another at Summer
vllle, in the Grand Rondo valley. The
Tekoa creamery starts with the milk
of COO cows, and at Summerville the
outlook is for 600.
"There is no country more favorable
for dairying," said Mr. Judson, "than
Eastern Washington. Oregon and
Idaho, and the creameries can be
started under the most favorable ana
pices. 'Farmers will take a great deal
of interest in the new industry and
it is sure to be a great success."
The O. R. & N. Co. is promoting
creameries only on the co-operative
plan, that being the plan that naa
raade the dairy farmers of Minnesota
and Wisconsiti wealthy. In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, the conditions
are lar more favorable for the ludastry
than in the states of the Upper Missis
sippi valley, the farmers there having
to food their stock six months of the
year, while here rattle get their own
living practically all the year.
Many Interesilnj Features Repruentbtg
Natural Woods at the Pan-Amerlcaa.
Buffalo, Jan. 11, A. J.Johnson,
forestry couimlsBlouor of the state of
Oregon to the I'an-AhiuXt.n; is work
ing hard to gather an exhibit that will
properly represent' the state In this
important industry. One hundred and
forty varieties of woods will be repre
sented, many of which are very inter
esting. Mr. Johnson mentions the
myrtle as one of the most nseful and
interesting woods in the world on m
count, of its varied colors.
Oregon will have exhibits la Mm
agiloultural, liberal arts, forestry and
fisheries' buildings, , as the eowmie
slonera la the different, -.deuMtsnisile
ah.-. .--. aw-j i... -L- .a ka'siaw
rem n"tMriMu,. rei
Ix. Ark.V.Jnll.-
I l-naesjiai'i i rsjiiii ip .
-AUof 1
nlght. and nearly1 all' day a freneW
moh'has been besieging the county. Jail,
of Yuma, and ' only the action of the
acting governor prevented a triple
lynchlug. Three tramps were arrested
last night for killing Under-SlierlsT
Bain Devoro. Devore went to arrest
the tramre for stealing a barrel of
liquor, and was shot and killed by
thorn. The murdorois wore soon under
arrest, and a threatening mob formed
around the jail. This afternoon Act
inn Governor Akers received a dispatch
saying tho jail was inadequate for the
protection of the prisoners. The gov
ernor dlreoted that the prisoners bo
placed in the penitentiary. Kxoite
mnut still runs high, as Devoro waa
very popular man.
i i '
Gcrmsny's Petition Not Defined.
Horlin, Jan. 11. Germany is not
yet willing to define hor position, with
reference to Secretary Hay's proposal
to transfer the Pekln negotiations tt
Washington, according to a statement
made by a high foreign office official
to a representative of the press today,
because of a dlfferonco in views on the
subject. Tho. German foreign pfflcu
bollovos Mr. Conger's view ' the at
titudo of the empress dowager is cot
reut, nud that tho position of the ChU
iicho court nt Hiuun Fu is growing
nioro Hiid moro uutoiiahle, rendering
it probable that tho powers will soou
succeed in persuading the imperial
personages to returu to Pekiu.
Attempt to Counterfeit Railway Ticket.
Kansas City, Jan, 11. An apparent
attempt to counterfeit llurlington rail
way tickets has been learned by the
local officers of that road which has
received Information that a wan re
cently tried to open negotiations with
a St. Joseph printer to furnish an elec
trotype of a Burlington coupon ticket,
which he produced. The printing firm
refused to do tho work aud notified
tho raihvuy officials, of the request.
Burlington agents liavo boou notified
to be ou the outlook for spurious trans
portation, A Milkine; Mschlne.
It has been generally believed by
those engaged iu dairying that cow
could not bo milked by any mechanical
devlco, A Glungow, Scotlaud, firm
claims to have a machine that will d
the work and wants to exhibit it ut
the Pan-American exposition at Huf
falo next sumtnur. The milking uiu
chinu is suid to bo built on tho pueu
matio system, with valves, suction
nililinra. ntti.
MWMV, wv.
American Engineer Keluted.
Washington, Jan. 1 1, A dispatch
from Charles W. Kindick, consul of
the United States at Juarez, Moxici',
reports tho releaso of T. V, Lewi, hii
American citizen, an onglueer ou thu
Mexican Central railway, who was
arrested because hjs train ran over and
ki'led u Mexican named Jesus Cuhle-
rou, who had attempted to uk
I coupling,
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