The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 05, 1901, Image 7

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lSJI"'l'''SSISliw-l llll jlll .I,, ,i.... i . ' '-jVf YjrjT77 ...-. r . -.. - TrmailiiiliM ml.'...i,.i..i.lp.Iji IIIIIIWWWWWWIPBIJIimMIUlllW
Who have tho
Dampondanoy m worn
far a mantal aondltlon
diraotly traoaamla to noma
distinctly fmmmlm III.
Wmll woman don't hava
tha bluam, but aonmara
tlvmly faw maonla undar
mtand that tha right madl
mmm wHI Crlvm tham mway.
lytihi E. Phtkharn's VejeUMs Compwmd
mvmroomma thm blumm, km"
aausa It la thm aafaguard
mi woman's hmaJthm
H rmgulatam thm mmthm
fmmmlm organism mm
nothing mlam doms. Whmn
thm dragging manmatlon
and thm baokaoha go, thm
bhtam wMI go also
Itaad thm Imttmrm tram
MrWlVMiM awf$fWWmmrwrff M EffVV
gamar woman who hava
triad It and know. Tharm
) a mHlkm muoh w
Ffetltrlrnj. Report Upon the Property of (he
-Chiapas Plantation and Investment Co.
Tho report of tlio committco of busi
ness men tout to Mexico to investigate
tho property of tho Chiapas Kubbor
.Plantation and Investment Company
hns just boon rundo pnbllo. Tho docu
ment is au interesting ouo and gives
vnlaablo data concerning the eutorprlie
conducted by thacompf.ny named.
The property of the company consist
ei a plantation of 34000 aoroa of tho
choicest rubber land of Mexico, upon
which over 700,000 vigorous young
robber trees now On the plan
tation also are numorotis mahogany,
trees, some of wh,loh are of ptodlgions
growth, thus demonstrating the rich
Bess of the soil. The property is lo
cated in the department of Palenque,
state of Chiapas, and it is unquestion
ably adapted to the rob
kr,and the growth ol hardwood tisaner
tree. of great variety.
The committee ''of investigation cob
listed of Judge Luolea Shaw, Post
aster O. V..Mauliby, iter., L. M.
Hartley, of Redlands, Cal.j K. A. Glr
viii and 0. A. Westenberg. They visit
-fd the property during the current
year, and in thoir report the lnforma
on is vouchsafed that the rubber tree
ef the viiriety known as the Castilloa
JJlastica is indigenous to the country
and especially to tho lands lying along
'the river Michol, on which the prop
rty of the company has a wide front
age. Under one of those troea 1,407
young rubber plants were counted, all
of which had sprouted from tho seed
. that had fallen from tho treo during
the present year. The trees bloom
in their fifth year, and may bo safely
tapped tho year following. Nurserios
bavo been established for tho propa
gation of "rubber trees, and all aro
thriving. A largo forco of men are
employed in building roads, planting
tres and developing the property.
Managing Director J. W. Ellsworth is
bow on the property, and bis careful
Attention to the affairs of the company
baa received the warmest commenda
sIob of the directorate. The committee
pronounces the proposition of the Chi
apas Rubber l'lantatlon and In zest
meut Company to produce rubber for
aalo by cultivating the trees in large
numbers as a feasible and practicable
enterprise. The on,ly trouble thus far
encountered has baen the scarcity of
lalior, but plans for overcoming tills
have been perfected. It offers excel
lent returns for the investment of small
capital, and an investment of 12.50 a
month for forty-eight months will in
sure a fine annual income after aix
years. The company has a guarantee
stock deposit of $100,000 with the
American Bank and Trust company, of
San Francisco, as an evidence of good
faith with investors.
Ibe ofMceiB of the company are: L.
il, Bonestell, president; L. 8. Sher
nan, first vice-prealdeat; George T.
Hawley, second vice-president; Dudley
O. Bates', secretary. The offices of the
company are rooms 6U-04-65, Crocker
building. San Franblsoo. 8ea4 tor
Net VecHlatlaJ.
"Simpson la a trifle obstinate, isn't
"Obstinate? He wouldn't get oat of
the way if be met a cast-iron safe
tumbling down stairs."
Wmrmm owr tmm twe
laxative Bronao-QalBlae Tablets care
cold la one day. Mo cure, No Pay.
Price 85at.
SheuM Be Pse1 ea OkMBartiarbic.
It would be a proper punishment, if
raticahle, to feed the coagressmea
who oppose the bill to tax oleomargar
ine and process batter ea these pro
duct for awhile, instead oi ea
lae, fresh "cow batter."
Claim that the becret of Lonsrevlty Is
to I at What Von Please.
"1 am lucllucJ to bo a Utile dyspep
tic," said oup or a party of gentlemen
who had Just taken seats In a restau
rant, "and 1 used to bo very careful
about my diet; but sluce moving to my
present place, down the river, I bavo
had all my preconceived Ideas In that
regard knocked higher than a kite.
There Is a big earthing factory on tho
gulf const not far from my plantation,"
be continued, "and among other things
they put up Immense quantities of
shrimp. All the light work Is douo by
young women, and their favorite lunch
consists of shrimp and buttermilk."
"Shrimp and buttermilk What a
murderous combination!" exclaimed
one of tho party, shuddering.
"That's what 1 thought myself at
llrst," said the gentleman from down
the rivet. "It seemed IIUo sudden
denth, but. It Isn't. On the contrary, the
girls are nil tho personification of
health. I never saw such rosy cheeks,
bright eyes and dimpled arms! Why,
the packing-room Is a regular bower of
beauty! And they cat a great deal, toot
A quart of shrimp and half a gallon of
buttermilk Is considered a mere snack.
"Hut that wasn't the only thing that
shook my In dieting rules," tbu
planter went on. "The luggennen down
there are the hardiest fellows In tho
world. They have muscles like gnarled
oak, and they don't kuow" tho meaning
of, sickness or fatigue. During tbo sea
son they generally work until late at
night; then they como In and cat a tre
mendous supper and go directly to bed.
The supper consists of fnt bacon, fried;
cold cornbrcad sopped In the grease,
nnd black-jack molasfcs. They seldom
cat fish or oysters, because thoy get
tired of them. To top off with, each
mnn drinks from two to four big tin
cups of coffee, string enough to float
cannon balls. Then thoy lie down and
sleep tho sleep of happy, peaceful In
fants. In tho morning they get up and
devour more fat bacon.')
"Good IO rill" said n sallow man, at
tho other side of tho tabic.
"That's prejudice tnlklng," retorted
tho planter; "thoso excellent people
have discovered the secret of long life,
which Is to cat what you please. Ig
nore dyspepsia and It grovels beforo
you. Walter, picnic bring mo soino
pickled pin's feet nnd strawberry Ice
cream.," New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Telegraph poles can be easily erected
with a new machine, which has a crank
shaft set on the top of a long tube, to
rotnto a screw-threaded sleeve, which
projects a rod out of the sleeve to raise
the polo into a vertical position.
A New York woman baa designed a
'fastener for yells, comprising a double
ended wire loop, with proags at the
center to attach It to the' hat or balr,
safety-pine being provided witbboeka.
to cngago the loop after the plna are
inserted In tho veil.
A Texan has patented a folding bed
which Is suspended from the celling
by four pulleys, the ropes running to a
central shaft, which Is turned by pull
lug a rope wound on n wheel carried by
the shaft, thus drawing the lxil up to
the celling nud holding It out of the
A Ithodc Island woman has patented
a neat skirt lifter, having pins nrranged
In the under side of tho skirt, with
loops on the pins, to which are attached
strips of tape, threaded backhand forth
from the loops to the wnlstband, so
that a pull on the ends of the strips
gathers up the skirt. ,
To prevent wagons from twisting the
wheels and breaking them In car tracks
a new attachment Is formed of a curved
bar, lying close to the rlrn of the wheel,
with tho upper end held by a abaft, to
bo depressed by the foot and throw
the bar down Into the track to allow
the wheel to turn out.
Life-saving apparatus which will not
Interfere with the wearer's arms or
legs when swimming has been patented
by a Callfornlan. Two elongated air
tight cones aro strapped to the person's
back, with the small ends of the cones
toward tins head, to support the body la
a nearly horizontal position.
Reviving Mississippi Trade.
It Is not Improbable that tho line of
8WMon steel barges which Is to ply be
tween St. Louis and New Orleans, car
rying grain at 3 cents per bushel, may
prove formidable rivals to the rail
roads, which have so crippled the once
enormous steamooat traffic of the Mis
sissippi. These barges, which draw
when loaded, only fifteen Inches, will,
moreover, probably be the precursors
of light, strong, safe, swift steamers,
which moving at the rate of an average
passenger train, will revive some of the
ancient glories of ateamboatlug on the
father of waters.
Paper Uniform.
Uniforms made, entirely of paper are
worn by some of the Japanese soldiers,
and they are said to be as durable as if
made from cotton fabrics. They aro
so cheap that it Is not considered worth
while to mend them, and they are
thrown away when only slightly wora
or soiled.
High Price for Boer Jtellc.
Merchants in Loadon are still selling
Boer relics and. however little their in
trinsic value may be, they bring high
What has become of the old-fashloa-ed
woman who was always alarmed be
cause of the fear that the cat would
suck her baby's breath?
There is one sentence la the Bible
which seems to please the 'Good more
than other. It Is this; "The way ef
the transgressor Is bard."
Mr. Or-ntell la Choen BaperlateaU
cnt of the Colorado Schools.
Mrs. Helen Grenfcll, the fusion caa
aidalo for superintendent of schools
In Colorado, ran far ahead of her ticket
it the recent election, and wob choeca
to the office. She Is well qualified for
the position and Is universally admitted
lo be one of the most capable educators
In the Centennial State.
Mrs. Grenfell Is the Incumbent of the
jfliee to which she has been re-elected.
ind tho splendid run she made is a well
deserved tribute to her efficiency. Be
fore her renomluatlou, after a term of
two years, the educators of the Start,
Including the President of the State
University nnd all the State Institu
tions, regnrdlcss of party, signed a
petition to Mrs. Gfrenfell to accept a re-1
nomination because of the-value of her
services to the educational interests of
the State. This was a tribute never be
fore paid to a superintendent of public
Instruction In Colorado. The re nomina
tion of nn Incumbent of this office baa
happened only two or three times be
fore In the history of the State.
Mrs, Grcufell was n farmer's daugh
ter In Boulder County, Colorado; then
a teacher, then a county superintendent
mid, finally, a State superintendent, ac
knowledged to be tho best Colorado
ever had.
The Latest Parisian Fad Una Mad
Its Diliut In This Country.
iOl lOUg niter HlHUeresco, Hie now.
IlUHlnii chemist, had discovered that It
Is possible to reproduco a photograph on
...u ..uu..u -... ..
becamo quite a fad
Jn Talis for love-sick
men and women to
have their dear
IFLasasH I
one's lineaments cabK , poBton wj,en, being patd out
stamped on the arm ttom tht ihIp
or shoulder. AOj Laying the cable Is going to be a dlffl
English actress bow cult and tellcate Job. A crew of more
playing In New thaa tweniy men wm have the handling
York has brought the of the caTJte nnd.tbelr dutr will be to
fad to this coaatry Me that ItJ is paid out properly and that
and other tuerubera.i '-,.. .linntnlv from th treat tanks
of the theatrical profession are behHft& the Betl and theuce oullnto the wa
b.ttcn by the Plnkeresco habit ji'he ter lliriUCWIB.he(i wefl fairly level
process la qulte'.slmple. The spot to be cable. U AgxyHW be a eewparatl vely
:onsccratca to aispiaying tne features
af a dear one is coated with a chemical
ailxturo that Is sensitive to the light. A
Qexiblo film of the loved one's features
Is placed on tho mixture and you ex
pose your arm for ten minutes and the
picture Is there. It must bo washed
tvlth three different chemicals to nssuro
permanency. After tho triple bath It Is
Impossible to remove the plcturo by any
known process.
An Awful Question.
What would bo tho commercial offoct
of the certain knowledge that tbo world
was coming to an oud In fifty years 7
Well, tho first effect would bo rather
toclal and sinotal than commercial,
though, of course, It would react very
strongly on the business world. Thoso
who In tho ordinary course of affairs
would bo dead before fifty years bad
pafcscd would be the least affected, and
younger people would probably become
as resigned to universal death as they
aro now to tho equally certalu Individ-
ual death. Therefore, at first there
would be but little chauge. People
would bavo to live and therefore tbey
would have to work, while capitalists
would have to keep their money Invest-!
ed; but as tho last year of the world
came nearer enterprise, and Industry
would naturally slacken. It would be
no uso for parents to work for their
children, or even for children to bo edu
cated for the life tbey would never live,
and so the industrial fabric Would
gradually crumble away as men ceased
to provldo for a day that would never
come, commercial activity wouia
probably glvo p!ace to religious frenzy
on tho one band and apathy or bound
loss license on the other. Uuder .these
circumstances the last few years of the
world's life would bo appalling beyond
The Boatswain's Judgmeat.
It wus somewhere In this wide, wide
world, Just where has slipped my mind,
and they weie about to buy beef oa
hoof for tbo ships. So the officer whose
duty Is to make the purchase took
ashore with him the b.'atswalu, as rep
resenting tbo crew, to look over the
anlmala and either obje t or not Tbey
approached the first animal.
'How will that do?" asked the officer.
The boatswain cautiously approached
the beast, bent down and gingerly ran
his thumb and forefinger down first one
shank and then the other, until tkt
whole four shanks bad been examined.
Straightening up lie said:
"He'll do all right, sir."
The officer flabbergasted, cried:
"But, dash it all, you caat tell the
good points of a bullock by the
Perhaps not, sir, but they're the only
parts we ever gets. slr,".was the reply.
Probably It Is because the earth Is
round that so few people act oa tb
square. r
Uncle 8am Will Boon Have Con nee
, tlon with the Islands.
The'Uuited States will soon have ca
ble communication with the Philippine
Islands nnd the people hereabouts may
learn' with greater facility thau Is now
possible detnlls of Agulnnldo's efforts
to win the sprinting championship of
the world. For some time the dllllculty
of communication between the Islands
has seriously hnmpered Amerlcnu oper
ations in the. Philippines nud has been
the subject of complaints to the govern
ment from Gen. Otis, Gen. MucArthur
and other officers. It was obvious that
some method of quick communication
must bo' put Into operation, as the dis
patches carried by the warships wero
in many cases too slow of delivery to
be practicable. As soon as this Impor
tant undertaking of laying a cable had
been decided upon tho War Department
Bet about finding n suitable vessel In tho
transport service. The transport Burn
side was chosen on account of her largo
capacity and her shallow draught In
proportion to her size. She Is tho first
cablesblp ever owned by tho United
The Burcsldo was formerly owned by
Spain and nnmed the Illta. Sho was
captured during the war by the Yalo
while trying to run the blockade off
Porto Itlco with a cargo of arms and
ammunition, towed to Charleston, S.
0., and, there taken charge of by Capt.
Laflln, her present commander, re
named .and put Into commission, first
as a transport carrying mules and gen
eral government stores to Cuba and
afterward ns a troopship. Taken to
tho'M,orc Iron works In Brooklyn, the
Burnsldo was there reconstructed and
transformed Into a cable steamer. Tho
cabins and saloon were refurnished
...m, . iow , nonnmrnrwlatlnir nrmv
otnccn aMU ther wves en routo to the
,,uUlpp,ncR Threo m)ge lank8 mttde
of COppcr wcro pmceu in her uoiu, enen
capable of holding 250 miles of cable.
These tanks are twenty-five "feet in
diameter and fifteen feet lu depth, with
an iron eoro In the center to keeD the
easr oneratlon.- But In the Philippine
Islands region the sea bottom Is ex
tremely rough, full of high mountains
and deep, chasms. Moreover, the charts
are few and what there are arc tfialuly
unreliable. Consequently tho cable lay
ers will not kuow until they find out
for themselves when the slender strand
Is stretching up tho side of a submarine-
mountain, and when It Is descending
Into tho depths. After tho Burnsldo
i has done her work there will bo some
new lufarmntlo.) regnrdlug the ocean
bottom between the more Important Isl
ands that will JL'o valuable to naviga
tion. On reaching the point whence the en-
ble Is to bo laid tho crew proceed to
land tho heavy shoro ends, this belug
dono by hauling from the beach with
ropes and supporting the cable with
ruhher air balloons until sufficient
icnKth Is landed. Connection having
been ,nadj wlth tho signal station on
Bbore, tho Iiuraaldo will set out for the
hore with which communication will
be ctabltshed, going at a rate from four
to eight miles an hour. She must pro
ceed cntttlonsly, as the rate at which
the cable Is paid out depends on the
depth of the water. Iu 11,000 fathoms
of water, for Instance, the length of
cable from the ship to tho point of con
tact with the ocean bed Is twenty miles.
A sudden shnllow from very deep wa
ter, as In the case of a sulimnrln moun
tain, Is likely to break the cable by too
sharply shortening the slack. Then the
tedious work of grappling for the bro
ken end must be undertaken.
Hubsideaco of the Bermuda Islands.
According to the results of studies by
Prof. A, K, Verrlll the beautiful Ber
muds Islauds are merely the remnant
of an Island, very much larger than the
present group, but which has sunk In
the ocean. The original island had an
area of IKK) or 400 square miles, whereas
the Bermudas to-day are only about '20
square miles In area. Within a com
paratively reccut period, says Prof. Ver
rlll, the Bermudas have subsided at
least 80 or 100 feet. Their base Is the
summit of an ancient volcano, while
their surface Is composed of shell sand
drifted. Into hills by the wind and con
solidated ,by Infiltration.
Next Ceatnry Will Bring linger Life.
The American will be taller by from
one to two Inches In the next hundred
years. Ills Increase of stature will re
ult from better health, due to vast re
forms la .medicine, sanitation, food and
athletics; He will live fifty years In
stead ef fblrty-five as at present for'
he will reside In the suburbs. The city j
bouse will practically be no more.)
Building, in blocks will be Illegal. The
trip from suburban home to office will
require a few injnute only. A penny
will pay the faie. Ladles' Home Jour
nal. I
Time U but a narrow ruffle' on the'
edfe ef eternity. .... I
Dainty Appetite
J Easily satisfied, n feeling of distress nfler
intiug, ami more or les imu-ea between
menla, every day DYSl'KI'SlAl
No need to sny anything nboiit the belch
ing, vomiting, imtuleiue, hemlnche, pain
hi the stomach.
Dyspepsia rnnnot be cured except by
what elves vigor and tone to the Mnmnrh,
fiiuctlonnl activity to the whole digestive
system. The medicine that does this. Ac
cording to the result of Its use in thous
ands of completely cured cases, Is
HootTm Smrmnpmrlllm
JIoor rills cure liver ilUi the non-lrrlmllne unci
Tnlr cstbsrtlo to take with Hood's BansparlU.
Coos Bay Butltr.
Tho Coos Bay, Oregon, creamery,
makes about 250 pounds of buttor a
Washington Lands Come High.
John, Shaffer's ranch noar Odessa,
Lincoln county, Wash., sold recently
for $7,000. i
Good Monti Hard to Find.
Ilorso buyers throughout Washing
ton roport difficulty In finding good
animals of 1,000 brokon to batness.
roa know ttiiat too Ann TAKING
When you take Grovo's Tasteless Chill
Tonlo because tho formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
la simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. 60o.
Got Ahead of 'Em.
"I've got the best of the ould rail
way company tor onoo in my lolfe."
"Howls that, Pat?'
"I'vo got a return ticket to London
and" (iu a whisper) "I ain't coming
Ths Idesl Tuaxntlvs.
Ho more ancient pill poisons and black
draughts, but up-to-date, scientific, harmless,
palatable, potent Caicarets Candy Cathartic
bruifgliu, 10c, 2&c, K)o.
Montana Insurance Business.
Borne way or othoi a living is made
by 1087 flio and (ifo insurance agents
in Montana, representing 121 compa
nies. Razors of Glait.
A glassmakcr is experimentally flak
ing thick glass to see If a very keen
edffe cannot be nroducod that will
answer for all purposes for which a
rafcor is used', hit action be in a suggest
ed, presumably, by th fact that in the
far East bits of broken glass are nsea
for thuvlng with,
Delicate Irony.
'rtrantntiB. llttla liuvl voa're not SO
ing to kill the dear little birds are
"No, dear lady; I'm merely goln'
tor fire off several salutes in dere honor.
Dat'a all."
Geld Outsat tt IfM. :
.Oregon's gold output for lMOjwill
reach' over 99,000,000.
Public Instruction In Oregon.
The dopartment of public instruction
for Oregon was oigauir-ed in 1878, and
aiuoo thou the stato has spent $22,000,
000 In publio school work.
OAllFIKI.I) TIC A Is the original
herb tea (or the cure nt con
stlpatlon and sick hcadxcbei
11 Is a speciflo for all (III
orders of stomach and bowels.
Breaklnj Range Horses,
At Lewlstou, Idaho, 70 range horses
are being brokou to tho saddle, and the
work makes n big show ovary day at
the corrals whore the fun. goes on.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wluslnw's Sooth
rcg Syrup the best remedy to use for thrlt
hi Id re n during the teething period.
"How very, cross and disagreeable
she ist And it's less than two years
ago that she wus claiming to have
been born again."
"Well, yoa know how trying the
second summer always is."
Blj Stumers In the Oriental Service.
The O. U.& N. company now has
four enormous steamers in the Oriental
service, operutiug from Portland, the
net tounuge of each being 0,000.
For Infants and Children.
Til Kind Yoh Hava Always Bwkt
Sears the
Signature of
Sold Six Tons of Wool,
George Chambers, Ontario, Oregon,
sold this year's wool clip, 12,600
pounds, to Boston parties at llja
Artillery Company for Seattle.
The annual report of the adjutant
general of Washington recommends
a battery of artillery for Seattle, so as
to receive iuttrtiction from regular
army officers, at Fort Lawton,
Hljri Railroad Taxes.
Northern Paoifio railroad taxes were
paid in Latah county, Idaho, last week,
amouutlug to $7,000.
1I Only Burs turn stid
1 ns tan Uiiauut lUllaf for
a bonis tiximy and bars It lo Urn iiou. It will
v tuBWIiig and doctor, bills. JtarmlM fur
clillilrni'. int. Contain no ouiats or olhtr liarui
ful lixie lltnla. Absolutely purs and concsntrsuil.
I-arss boltlt of fcWclot,- fur SI, prsiwld br mall or
siprrw, or m will it oil you luotloald) trial
fanf ll fnr 4 rntA. Aarftflta tlinlM.
bwshik wst awHf, m uw a, awa m.
Indian Rtllcs MtrturacttrrteY
Indian "relics" aro now being
turned out in regular factories, ono
of which is loratod in Wisconsin' Tho
'ilia makers liavo n socrot process by
j which an ancient appearanco is im
parted to bones, pots, arrow lioiuis, oto.
Not That Kind.
"Yon know what is said n bo tit cast
ins your bread upon tho waters," said
tho man with tho subscription papor.
."Alter many davs it will como back4 to
j "Not tho kind our cook makes," ro-
sponuod tlio other mnn. "it would
sink to tho bottom ltko a stone."
The Twentieth Century.
We now stand nt the threshold of tlio
twentieth century, and the nineteenth is it
thing of the past. U will, however, b
known ns the century of invention and
discuverv. nud nmotie some of the irrcntent
) of these, we tun truthfully mention Hos
teller's Stomach Hitters, the celebrated
remedy inr nil ailments nrisiug irom a
weak or disordered stomnc.h, such as dys-
icpsin, indigestion, tiaiuieuuy, coustipa
ion and biliousness.
Oraveyards Too Bit; In China.
Dead ancestors aro said to occupy
to much of tho arable land, iu China.
Famines would bo loss frequent if the
country was not ouo vast cemetery.
N. Y, Journal.
Parke- I had no idea that your new
house was finished.
Lane Ob, yes; not only finished,,
but all my frlouds have had time to
tell me how much better it might
have been. Puck.
Coming to the Coast.
Railroad and other oqmpaulea inter
ested in immigration report that more,
people will como to the, coast to make
homes this year than last, or for sev
eral years back.
Straight and strong U the
statue when the twists and
curvature of
are cured and
out by
Mart and ills Money.
Monoy is always n grout bother: be- ,
twoou the dosire to get more mid the
foar of losing what we buvo, men are
kept all tho timo in hot wuter.
This signature Is on every box ot tho genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quiiiine Tablets
tee ressedy that cure a celU Ist Ujr
Evidence of It
) v
"Why do you say be is a man ol
patience, foitituile aud endurance?"
"Because ho has tmtlured bis QWB'
society all these years."
One That Corns Never Bother,
The author of u love story never sees
the corns on the feet of bis hero.
Iliiltt'a Hshuul.
lloltt's BchooJ (for boys), Menlo I'ark.Cal..
has more student and la In better condition
than ever. Hiirliig term WkIih January '7il,
1W)I. Rend for catalogue. Ira II. Iloltt, Ph. D,
Will Celebrate Ilea fiftieth Anniversary.
Kansus will iu 11)04 celebrate the
60th aunlversary of her admission Into
the union us a- territory by holding uu
intorstuto expoition iu Topeku.
Church Incorporated.
The First Christian Hqtuu o Church
of Lewiston, Idaho, has filed articles
of incorporation
California Crops,
iteports from the Agricultural vul
leys of California say Unit pros pec tt
for good crops were never better.
The ground bus been just right fox
plowing and seeding.
bssa M-las OASCaatTSasSai
lid and Rsailiit r irf ara siwuir won.
ritrful. Mr lUiiKiitsr ami I tiers poihtrsd with
sick stomach and our brcalti vsr; bad
lasiog a law
law dotaa of Cascarsu w l.ara Inipro'rS
'"if s's a rt hli In Ibe famll.
1117 Kltteabouse St.. pbemsatl. Cl.
nii.n.uiii.1 n.iiiu
Tsaoiuasn assisTgasa
Mtaant. Palatable. Fount. Taste Oood. no
flood, Ns'srSlcksn. Wsasen.or flrlpe. IOo.Slo.Rn.
t-U. .. cm.j. Calm. atrtl. twt. IIS
j IpLumbago
fs if p.
i wiivaajrm a
'i B.I St 1
i ttu Jacobs-1
i j&l. l'
S whs 1
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'.. U ,$rt&.)rtikXiZ3ULd&&.'
taav . , .f 'f'jf,;if. VAIaAl :".iilaiL
it Mfe.
mr. ani ir.
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Igggggggggggggggiiiggigg .. l. ,-., , ""pBi',-
"iz.stA-T .4 'aw .v !,!' trSv $beL