TKa''it'.Mililii liammMliWmilimPiQWHUWBWHWI gwrawww'WBPiwaipi BV flfl fc"V n :?., I J ' ' i - . " . .. 3, ' v ,r THJfl NEW AGE. PORTJLANT). OREGON. v m i i i i i iii i t hi WUni T t i lii'l l ilff 1 1 i iii ii i "WW Hil II ill ! ' ETTTil ... l II II 1 imm, , , ,,,,.. i iiiimi i ililaaa aanmmu: .&HWaaavjaKBMta(itt.''K vnirmmimmm mw i hm. m ' ihh h m i Mftaww - rwmsm mmm. , . HI , ' PT. Munton. K. Munon, mllR AKIIEUHKR ItltHGH-rino lunch every JL day. IICKt beer on i-nrtli. Fine wlnei. ll'i lion and oleum, gsi Morrison Hi., cor. Second, Portland, Or. fllllE rorui.AK ia I'lml Street, ltct, Washington and Alilcr Phone Oregon Red 91 I'lione Columbia MA """" JOHN ECKLUND, I'roprletor, I'liillaiiil, Or. W ILLIAM RUHHKI.f. MACKENZIE ACCOUNTANT POM LAND, OREGON J.' HABBI.TINE A CO. Importer anil Dealer In 1I10N HTI'.Kfi AND COAT. BLACKSMITHS' bUPPLIE. Carriage A Whkoii Maicrlal, llardwoud Lumber 49 & At Cecond Ht. rOHTJ.ANIt, OIlKdON. u 8. CliKANTNtl AND I'ltKSHINU CO. Clothe CleaiieJ, Djcd and Hcpnlrrd. Your Clotlic h'piniftPil nnd i'rpranl for $1 cr tcr inonlli. Called (or and delivered riiono Clay WW. ('it WimlilliKton Strue JlctwccnTiieltlli nnd Norlli Tlilrttventh 1'OltTI.ANI), OIlKdON. A. JNDAIIL ..KKlNfl . Japanning. Tin Decorating 270JJ Alder Btreet ' rOKTIiANII, OIIKOON TIOME BAKKHY AN1 DIM.tCATK ES8KN I). II. I.KAMINd, Prop. A Full I.lneol 1'riilla, Cnndleaand Nul AIvaH mi Hand. Newly Opened at tt7 'I lilrd Hired. Jtomember the. plaeo. Opponltu Ihu Tajlur Htrct't Church. pONKAi) I .. IIOHKA l'UNMItAI. DlltKCTOIt COUNTY COItONKIl Corner Ninth and llallroad HtrneU T.UJOMA. WAHII. fllUAVlH IlltOS WO()l YAltl) OreRon I'hoiie Hood 7li nUM nnd Yard: 4(13 Kmell, het.Twrlllli and TlilrMctitk POUTI.AND, tWtlKION. i KLINUTON CllKAMKIlY N. J. Iliri'KIt, I'rop. MmlaIco and Retail Dealer 111 f,Mll.K, CRKAM. CHUrai: IIU'rrKll'ANDEOdr "" ' W'lilirniTuioftircbt'-'f' I'ORTI.AND - OltEdON. TiMZIKU llltOH. ' Club Itonma Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Tool and Milliard fTall Oickoii I'fxino Orntil 71 ,. '.'II llurimMo HI. 1 ' I'OllTI.AMi - Oil COON. QTANDAItO Flhll COMPANY K.'J North Hlxth Httcet WIIOI.IWAI.IC AND RETAIL Alio (li(eerli'i. ClBurn and Tobacco, and l.iitu'liea lorTonrUl). Iti:i:i llltOH,, Prop. Fruit E ,1011 FA I It DK.I,IN(I I'ATItONI.K o. l". a ri.UMMint, Drug., Medicine and Cbfinlcala, Toilet Article-, .Tr, I'nlliU, oiu, (iirtsfl, r.ui ft K, Corner Third and Madtton Hlreoti. )IAHO WAIlKltOU.MH or II, HI NHII It M Kit , Kolo Akrut for TUB JACOJI DOI.I. VIANO Tho bent nprlght piano nuide, and other llrtl elaiaplauoi rented and .old on luxlulluicuta No.,72 'third hlrcet, IMablUhcd IKiU. I'lione North Ml. IAY A IIENDKItHON All Klnda ol ,V0 UN ITU UK l'tacllcal Kinbaluicra and UndertaVer. Orders by telegraph lilted promptly, 1'Uouo lllack 17, l!or. V lllamultu and 7th Sta KIKIKNK CITY, OltKUON. l RUTIN HAUIiJYAUKCO. i Wbolc.ale and Itctall Hardware, BTOVKA ANDIINWAUK. 'Willamette Street, EUtlE.NE,t)UKGON -)OUTLANI IIOI.I.INO MILLS Manufacturer of 'PHI IRON AND BIKKL. N. K. AYIIlt, Manager, Wild and Nlcolal HlrecU w rllJ.IAMit, WOOD I.INTIIK1U.M, llvo. II, Wllllama. C. I'. 8. Wml, k II. Ililcuin.J. 0. r'Uinlcr.i, AlloriH.-dt.U Chamber of Commerce llulldlng, Portland. Oregon 0 UIKNTAl. , , 'S2i Waihlngtou St., bet. eih and 7th, h 1'orlUnd, Oregon Strictly rirt-Ct. Geo, Shea, Proprietor Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures', Bit ""' "" Bowline; Hard and Pool Tables. Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDD1CK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS tiini .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles oi Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Oooda Hold on Inititllniitnta. 01 Third St.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towoh fnrnlfhed to Harbor. Doolnr. Offlcet nnd lluilneaii lloiica, I'.tu. Wo also do First Clam Laundry Work, Kourtll'rcel, 8... PORTLAND, OR, Oregon I'hono 429. Columbia Phone 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home AND Shaw's . ' Pure Malt Blumauer 5fe Hoch Wholwalo I.!itinr A Cigar Dcalcri 80LE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street , EMPIRE Live'rj Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hour. Tranilont ktock given the very beat ol care. Rate HIm ayi reaionnblu ami tatlafautlon guar anteed, Phone Main Oi. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. n EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINSON, Lady AtlllUnt. .Merchant Hotel. CORNKU THIItl) AND DAVIS BTREKT8 rOKTt.ANIt, OHUGON, HOTEL IS NEWLY RENOVATED. Thl Ii the bet ciulppcd moderate rato hotel pn the Pad He t'oa.t and hat all the com en. electno light and Ml, and arie.lan "at"r in rauh room, Hath mom on each floor. Elevator I tor accomodation ot guctW. Itale (1 and It.'JI per day. MeaU'.cenl. Hpcclal rate to lam.) lite and theatrical panic. Five 'bu to and from all train, itoo room Only four blocki fiom Union Depot. Fire Proof llulldlng, , F. K. HILL, Prop. ' Electric Hotel I OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB GASSELL, Pl'Op. strictly Firt-cu. ittea l.oo. rr iy ami U. c - f f . 5tcam Meat, Electric Lights, Com merclal Sample Room. i sFray5&?' NERVY PAT GARRETT fe MILD-MANNERED BUTMLUCKY NEW MEXICAN SHERIFF. He linn Dropped More Outlaw than Any other Mutt In the Territory Ills Remarkable QuIckncM la Urn w Ills Gun. .' ' Tho most successful and daring Hhcr Iff In the history of New Mcco Is lat Gurrott, of Sauta Ana County; who 8oou will rcttie from tho business of hunting mid shooting ou.laU. in tlio twenty odd years he lias beon a pcavo olllcor Garrett has and captured mid 'dropped" more outlaws than any other man In New Mexico', lie cap tured Billy tho Kid alive; and when MlljMhe Kid escaped fronl his less as tute keepers, the Sheriff asalbhanded til 111 over to the law, dcad-to make sure of him. Fioiii the S uked I'ltilus to the remotest mouulalii faatuenHes (iitnett has made h!s naiile ujterror to llui outlaws of the southeru boutidiU'y Indian, Mux.i'itu and vh to man. Ho lias dlKcoumged alinost to vxtluctlotl tilt' "bad mail ' of tile f ion tier.' Garrett's v.rtue as a Sh'orlir lies In the fact that he "draws the quickest lichil In the Southwest." lie Is the quietest, xottiMt Hpuaklng man In the Territory mid the deadliest shot, He Kave lhi ilemnii'Uiitlou of his skill with the pistol for the beuellt or aV Western gentleman Indulging In u lltllo'West'eru mi loon merrliiieut. The geiitleiuait ono Grecufclt, with a wiaki.ess for other gentlemen's litiises was itmusltig him Mlf lit a sit oiiii by making a couple or men d.iucu by shooting at Ilia feet. A third, whoso lerpMcliorran jaklll or lmshfulnwH had met the disapproval of the horso thlef.Jlay on tho Hoot wltlt a bit let tticouveijButly coifceitlctl la r Jala person, whenM'at Uarrott tjcMually dropped In. m lCi t "Three litiufls round," wliofifar'thc horseth.'of, slilfdng his plbtofi.tfjwwrd; Carrett, and almost on the ,liwt word ho lunged forward on bis 16 with) a bullet through his heart. Ttio Jast sound he hcatd In this world was Gar rett's drawllng.commout: . ,..... , "You're n poor cal er.'i . . ,e I'at Garrett further convlncAl the bonier folk that he was at homo In their "waim" country by luteriuptlug the lllght of tin oo Mexican bjudlts at Las Ttiblas. While on their trail they ambushed him. Ho dropped behind his horse ami while they wero popplug away at him he shot from under tho animal and picked them off, losing hlj hon-e In tho batt'e. Another service l:o renderetl tho or-iler-lovlng cjtlzeils was tlui removal of .Manuel Sanchez, a desperado from Old Mexico, whoso fond bel'ef It: was that he was not fated to dlo by the bullet. Suncl.o. muideied a holdler. nt Kurt .Stanton, ami Garrett started out to take him. There was a rnunltig b.tttlo between Garrett ami Suuchex and his four companions, which only elided when the llvo desperadecs wero dropped, one by one. In the alkali dust ami Sanchez was convinced beyoml doubt that ho had nursed a mistaken boiler about being bullet-proof, Out Mr. Ilitrroot, who had made It his mission to keep things lively In the Seven Itlvora country, was the next to prove Pat G.inelt a good shot; but Mr. Harfoot was something of upshot him heir and killed ouo or the Sheriff's depu ties bcfoie he paid tho penalty ror be ing a terror. On Pat Garrott was nlso fprctnl tho painful duty of removing Jlie Lemon brothers, one of whom facetiously de scribed himself as tho "OurlyfHcaded Caulltlower from San Slmoie," when ho wont on the rampage, Garrett Is the last one that a stranger would pick out as n Western Sheriff. He has a qvlef, gentle maimer and looks moro like a lawyer orr't'Clslator than a subdtter of border ruHlans, He Is 411 years old and always dresses well. '- WANT TO VOTE BY MACHINE. t Iiullnuu Dotlret to Clin'tiie the Method of Polllnir Vnteai The success of the voting, machines lu the various cities of New York State having hceti dt'iuquhtrutcd it iletnand has been created that they be employed lu. Indiana tit future geuernl.eK'citous, says nn Indlnuupolls corre(oiident( Men of all parties are fnvorablo to the Innovation, mid It Is tho general boiler thai before the election of'JlHKi they will be fully Installed In this State, at lonM In the principal cltles.peveral of the Iwarda of County Coiuailsslouers have taken Ute mailer up.wKh u view to recommending that uppwprlatlons for the iiiirclntNO or voting ulachlues bo iiiutlo by County Couuclls, 'K To meet the rtitiulnniu'iita'w tho laws ... .....I...... i. i.. .,..i.i i.. i,i .,iii.m ui iiiiiinun u m mi "'-"hub mut 1m able to rvgUter tileiHiuKnt or Irregular vote. For thlajextra de- I'A'T OAllilKIT. vices aro required. Ordinarily th. voter Is filling to choose from the can dldatmonthereirularlv nominated tick- ' ets and voting machines arc designed : principally with this fact In view, but It ' Always mik (or the fatnont General Is said that a machine docs not comply Arthur cljrar. Etberg-Gunst Cigar Co., with the requirements In Indiana If It central agents. Portland. Or. does not provide a way for a man to I cast his ballot for whomsoever ho de-' 0. A. Watson, Marino Drug gloro, 88 sires. To meet this difficulty ono voting N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Bpo machine that has been used two or cialties: Fleckenstoin'a Lung Balsam three times In Indiana, has a row of and Celory Seltzer. little receptacles under tho regular. tickets.- They open to receive the bal-1 For (lno fruits of all kinds for tho lot or ballots desired to be cast. For traveling public, call at 150 North this kind of a vote It Is Accessary to Sixth street. Ico cream soda. Basket have n printed ballot or ballots. fruits for travelers. Goorge Kiser pro- Examples of two of the dllilcult prob- priotor , lems for Inventors of voting machines were presented at the last city election Dou,t .oar bnjrpy tronsora or shabby In Indianapolis. Ono was the tweifty- olotho, Wo call for, sponge, pros, four candidates for Couucllmou at largo nnd deliver, ono suit of your clothing six to a party and the other the uu- eaph wook( fi0W on buttons, and sow up merous nominees for School Co mm Is- jj g ror ,i,oo a mouth. Uniquo Tail sloner. Tho machhies had to be so con- orjug Company, 247 Washington streot, structed that a man could vote for any j, phones. six and no more of the twenty-four can- "" dldatcs for Councilman nt large. This Jno. P. Sharkey, mnnufacurer of Is what Is styled group voting. In aarness, .collars, caddies and strap Mnrlou County, there were seven Itep- otk; importor of sutldlery, linrdware. resentatlves and three Senators to elect whips, pads, etc. 65 Onion ave., Port this fall. A voting machine would have !aDa 0r had to be arranged with all the caudl-1 dates for Ueprescututivo In ono group and all for Senator In another, so that inu ruier cuuiu cnsi ins uaiioi lot any seven of the former and any three of the latter. Tlds grouping Is necessary because a candidate for Itepreseutatlvo or Councilman nt large Is nut In com- petition with a practical candidate Ini each of the other parties, but Is a can- dldate as against all men seeking tho sameoflice. - The School Hoard ptoetlon In Inillnn. npolls. according to the law or 1801), must be conducted Indepcudently'of po litical parties. Nominations for School Commission are by petition and bal lots aro deposited In a -box separate from the one receiving tho vote for other city olllclnls. All this wob some thing to tux the Ingenuity of tho voting ... . ;. .. .. . . . " macnine. xno macnines ordered for a rew precincts nt the Inst city election were to be arranged so that all the noip- ineea ror School Commissioner wero In tho lower rlght-hnnd corner, nnd not In coliimus where tho party tickets ap peared. Tho group wnH to be designa ted "candidates for School Commis sioner," mid the vofcr could voto for live and no more. In Homo States women vote on school questions and In other States tax ques tions nro voted on only by taxpayers of ,a certain class. When these questions come up at general elections voting ma chines must bo constructed so that nil parts enn be locked when the voter with limited qualifications enters, except tho parta on which the elector Is entitled to vote. There are many mechanical geniuses at wotk In Indiana on voting machines. , 1 VOTI.VO MACIIINK FOR INDIANA. It Is snld Unit In Washington City there are USD patents applied for from all quarters or the United states. It Is probable that companies will be organ ized to back the Inventors as rast as they show promise or early success, for It Is expected that much money will bo spent by Indiana counties for mnchluea lu the next three or four years. PORTABLE QUARTERS. Hut for Ilrl tali Soldier WIiq Stay In Bout'i Africa. Tho British Government has con tracted tor a number or huts ror the army of occupation lu South Africa ut tho close of the war. Huts providing accommodation for ."0,000 troops have been ordered. The building for warrant otlicers' quarters Is sixty feet long and twenty feot wide, and divided Into HUT FOR 80LDIKHS twelve rooms. The hut Is constructed of timber framing, covered outside with corrugated Irou, lined with felt, and In ldo with deal match-boarding. Tho men's huts, accommodating thirty men and one nen-comudssloued officer, aro 113 feet long and 20 feet wide. When packed the men's huts each weigh about thlrty-tlve tons und the warrant otlicers' about tweuty tons. Kuphonlatlo In the I-Utieme. The rapid exteuslou ot polite terms appears to threuten an era of Chester, tleldlitu courtesy. A uegro boy whose duty It Is to look after the family wash when taken to task for a delay of sev eral days replied: "The wash-lady says that the washM gentlemau waa sick and she had to wait on him." The presumpttou Is that the husband or the laundress has been III. A man's accusations of himself are al ways believe! ; his praises, never. BUSINESS LOCALS. Call up Union'491 when in need ot anything in the luel line. East Mor- gtJeot Wood & Coal Yard . The Popular, 125 First street, bet. Wathlngton and Alder. Portland, Or., John Ecklund. monrietor. Tel. Ore- gon red 034, Columbia 508. . . ' , . n Portland Transler tialoon-Chas. O. f W,Bi proprietor. '08 wlnei, (liquors and cigars., 831 Gillian, cor- . uor 8lxth Portland, Or. Tho A. D. T. MeesongnrCo. is the old eat and best service of the kind in the town. Headers ot tho New Age, give them the preference. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and martpatrfta bnuirht. H. W. Klnir. mnm i :: :?. . . . .. - 45, Washington building. The finest plnoo in the alty to obtain flint quality clgarsj tobacco nnd finjox ors' artiolcs la that of Hoeenthai & Uudtl, at 387 and 387K Washington streot, botweon Fourth nnd Fifth. Give thoao gonial dealors a call when you wish anything in tholr line. Tele phono Main 75. Frenoh Dyeing and Clcanjng Works. All work done at very modernto prices. Dyeing and oleaning ot all kinds ol litdios' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Delcau, proprietor, 465 Gllsau itrut. Everybody smokes the, celebrated Monogram and Pandoia cigar. They have no equal. Oregon Butchering Company, Fred Metzger, manager, dealers in nil kindi of fresh and' malt meats and flib, 415 Evorett'atreot. Grebe, Harder & Co., Portland, Ore on, dealers in implements and ve hicles. Milburn farm, dollvery, spring wngous and buggies. Chase force lift and tiiuk pumps. Milwaukie bindois, mowers and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City boo, shoe and disa drills. Wolff -American high art bloyclos. Stool and chilled plows, disc, cprlug and splko harrows. Kcllpso steel hay presses. Columbus BujrgyCo.'i Columbus bngglos and carriages. Phone, Oak 731, 183-84-80 Madison streot, went end of Madison atront lirlilon . .T. P. O'Tlniinnll. on. eral agent, Oregon, Washington and Idaho NATIONAL Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OPFIUK AMI YVOHKBi 925 SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 i Hat Cleanexl, Dyed, Prced and Trimmed Ladlea' Dreeaand Drea Good Dyed all Col or, or Well Cleaned, Gentlemen' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed aud Repaired. Ostrich Feather Cleaned or Dyed all Colora-and Nicely Curled. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY -DEALERS IN- SECOND MO Eaat Water Street HAND C.H. CLARKE, Preddent. Seattle, Wain. T. F. SPENCER, BeeVfTea. Spokane, Wab. SPENCER-CLARKE COMPANY Mmmtfamturmfm' Agent Shh$mlw " Ommtmlumlmm OKFICKSl Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. SUOOKSSOIl TO f ATKIOK, MA STICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. ' 0 1 -03 Front Street, tweon Stark and Oak. Orognn l'hon Mlut7... BiTABLISHKB lift. ALLEN & Shipping Sb Commlaslon A4rcnrrta WHOLESALE CROCERS To time aairaae l GeiaaaiiBleaMeM i it cfvaf. ,. A t a a. Wt atryet. Nottja. 9B.TBa 19t PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS '" Manufacturers el BAR IRON AND 8TKIU N. E. AYER, Manager. Twenty-Second and Nlcolat Streeti. M EYEIt A 8CH1LL1KO t FINE W1NE3 AN J LIQUOR?. LA OHANPE, ORKQOK. T AMBON & LONO- 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. . - Fine wines, liquors and elgara. Olre ua a call. TTERUERT A. IIAI.E. i Mt. Hood.1 Columbia River and Northweil' Vilcwi. 1'nrtrnlln, Water Colom, Crayont, for the trade. Kleutrlo Light and Hromlde EnlargemeaU. l.T2Tulrd Bjrcct, Corner Alder. PORTLAND. ORB. H K.M1Y IIKWKTT ft UU. Fire and Marine Insurance. Itoomi 26 and 27 Kherlock llulldlng, Comer Third and Oak Street. 1'ortland Oregon. T KAYBER ( Dealer In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ml Third Street, Near Madltoa. - Olegoii Phone Hood 884. PO HI LAND, ORKQON mUX IMPERIAL SALOON Llquoriand High tirade Cigars. J.B. IIILDEHUItN, Prop. Phone Main 213. Corner Cam and Bherldaa M ROSEtlURO, OltEdON. T J. KADDEItLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Btove, Rangea, Tin. Copper and Granite Iron-Ware, Crockery, ()laswaro and House Furnlahlug Good. Jobbing promptly at tended to. , 141-143 Fin t St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellow' flldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. ' PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Marx, Proprietor. ...Hlgncit Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. Vo. 74 Third Birret, Near Oak 1 UIUJ,A.-,, Ull. ; Ixan money on all klndi of acurlty. Uaie deemed pledget aold for amount loaned. J. 1). WILD Jobbing arid Retail Dealer la TWINES AKD LIQUORS ' ' - , .,1 133 Third Street, OppoilteMaioulo Temple. i Portland, Oregon. . , m A. WOOD. REAL ESTATE AND PENSION ATTORNET. Room 10, Odd Fellowa' llulldlng. PORTLAND, OR& Tp V. AUIS3 F. W. ARIS3 A CO. i Wholesale Ilrokerago und Coinmltjtoo No. 65 Front 8treet. Colnmbli'PhoneS49. Portland, Or. JjuinuA"K8' STANDARD SCALES, Falrbankn, Morae A Company, Flnt and Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. Telephone 81. pAXTOM, IIKAUli SIMON Attorneys-at-Iiiw. MO Chamber ol Commerce, Portland ' . . Orefoa. W 0. NOON BAG CO, Manufacturer and Importers of RAG8, TWINES. TEXTS AND AWNINGS. . FLAGS AND Ml.NINU HOSE. Bagging Material. Canraa, Ball Making In ail It llranchei, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. SI N. Flnt 81. and 'J10.212-214.2I6 Couch St.. PORTLAND, OR. ' MACHINERY. POUTLAMD, ORCQONJ . II. IIAMUN, Portland, Or. Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma aud Spokane, Wash, PORTLAND, OREGON IKCOKTeKATI LEWIS taaf. 'tWJ i '-Ht t '.I'M vJ-V- - ' f V ? K i r ' ,ii-, tfrs M .V h' V '.