WHS!mttmtumatwzzsssz, mtmmmmmmmdmmimijfm n'MWr W 'VV u? t V- , i ''$ ,', THE NEW. AGE, foJUffTjANP. OttlSGOXN. fcn ,isEsstftssi t iiimi iwwpiT)...iiiii lTssTtlB JsTpWi IMMiMii i T " m sgifj 'jar , - ----- - - -r-i,- , iiiwissaaeijip.ii.1 .,. i T...T,, . ... ., ..3g f P.... MIIIIJ.III. r jlyjmbswp viwHL. x , i...' tr.'i i. i , ! t i v "ip. 'A .1 tv ..CAM. AT.... the BANK CAFE i . - Next Door O the Klrit N'atlonat Hank. W Tho Qn'y Flrst-tHaw Place In the City. Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUBLINO, Prom. i f Far Famed General Arthur ..Cigars.. BfST SMOKE ON. EARTH : Do You wmmmmmmmmmmmm Know the News ? Ym etn kr It all for ' 50c Month Month in ThaKrenln Taiwan, of Portland, Urtisn. It Ii 1 1 larxeit erenlng newt-paptrpubll-hvdlnOrecont It contain all tntnot tlieitata and of the na tion. Try it lor a month. A lampie ropywlllba mallad to yon fraa. Ad drM THE TELEGRAM. Portland. Oregon, i f THE LEADING PAPERS' OF THE PACIFIC COAST.. rSAN rRANasco v am All m U.ILf ,(t CHRONICLE Br Mll, Paale Pali, Only $6.70 ate. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY 1 HkONHLL ' Greatest Weekly iitkeCiitrj, $1. 50 A YEAR; (Inclodlnf prwtasr) tn any part of tba UaltJd Btatea, Canada and Uxlro. TlIK WKKKI.Y CIIUONICir, tt trlbtrt and uioat coraplef? Weekly Nwprpr In lh World, prlnla rrtrularly 112 Columnf, or Sixteen. P(ea. 'f Nrwa, Utimture and General lufor-l malloiii alu a nusulOct-ut Acrlcultural an 1 1 llorllcnUural Pipjrtutent. Itlf l on of tuti greateat tle(arllaenU In any pjper on tbU Uoa.t, KTrytbln( written I baaed on ei. perlenc In ibu Cuapt Matea, nor, on Katteip aea'a aoowledfe otlielr own loealltha. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. The Ckraalel TI1K UIKO.Ntcr.B rank Mallillnsr. a Ilk lb gnati at maaaaera to tb Unltm State. TIIK OIIRONICLK baa no rqoal on lb Taclte CoaaL H kada all la alllily, enwrprlae and i (,). TUB ClIRONlCfJVS Telegtap'e ReprU are Ike latest and Bt reliable. U Ixal Nrna tk folleet aud eptrleat. and III rVlltorlU (ivu la Meat pen In u ecantry. T1IH CIIUONKUAt baa alwiya Va, and ! vaya U , ton frlrod and rhanploa of Ibv lipk. agalrui eunbuUn. elbraea, cirnuru ItbBfc or iptrrolim -f aur kind. It will b lade pradeac la rrerytklac noiral la otbtsf. 0 YOU WANT THE CHMWCLE Reversible Map? JJfcawlBf Ik United 8tte. Dominion of Ct.nadaaJ)d Xorthern Mexico "i ," ON" uNK etIK. Map of the World ow thk oxifKre aiiv,. a a4 1 la v'a4 We4y Cbnalela tm , im SaM on m aa4 paaw V H K. Trotjwe. eWnSVSV pfc Wf ', When in The Dalles Ayes a bjiort . AUT1BTIU PltOTOflltAl'HKHR. New Utudlo Pcvcnth anil Washington Streets, (Tver Dresser' New Qroccry. rpiiK onixiuN i iVKitv, kked, hoahdinii AND BAI.K STAIiLKS. (tolitmbl hnm?687. OroKon l'honu Hood 681 " lMIlltlK & 1MI1JUK, I'ropi. SpoclHl atiendnn Rhcn to lxmrilcre. Our car rlKKcs meet all tralim, Cor. Hlxth and Onich Htrcvtui I'ortland, Uri'Kon. , Oregon Made Umbrellas !.C. W. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Ucimlrliig and Hvrowrlns of Pino Umbrella a Kpculall). 313 Wnpliingtou Ktrcet. Tlireodoora aboe Olds Jt KIiir ionTi,ANn,onKaoN, ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One of thornoat complete bakery In the Northwest. Bikes tba Best PullmiD Bread Id the West M. SHIELDS. Prop. 347 Morrlaon Ht. rOKTI.ANU. OK. And 493 Union Acnuc, rorner Paeramcnto, AltliiN. llomc-mado bread, cake and pie), llakvil bean and llontnn llrown Dread ox err Paiurday. lei. lied lMJf Tel. Hod 341. CHARLEY THE PIONEER RESTAURANT Now on Jnlinnon Street, Opposite Union l)ool. LUNCHES PUT. UP. FOR TRAVELERS. Sayl! If You Want OqocI Shoes Goto EGGERT-YOUNG CO .129 and 131 Third Street Buy Your Holiday Candies ' u-" AT ' '. Labbe & .Rebe Ice Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Street WHOI.K8AI.K & ltKTAll, MANUKACTUKKltS Our Hpeclaltyt Wcddlne, Foclaln. Tlcnlci and Homo ue. Free liellver) both I'liono. BOOTS, SHOES; CLOTHINQ, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING GOODS. ' 229 Morrison Street Dotwccn Flrii and Second PORTLAND OREGON. H Hit THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL BLOCK. FRENCH fHlUP V. CAKflAR, Pretldent) TRUMAN W. BNOF, Vlee.I'reildeni; O, B. BKI.Y10. Caahlaei JACOB 11. VANUBKBILT, Aulitant Caihler. GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Interact allowed on depnalu tn Bavlna; Department. Clrcnlar Letters of Credit lse4on HonaKont;, Chloa,and Yokohoma, Japan: alio Drafta and Hlllaof Kichange luuad iin Cklna and Japan, and the principal cilia of Xuropa. Foreign money exchanged. WB RATI SPKOIAL, FAOILITIKS FOR HAMLINO GOLD DUST AND BULLION iiiHHiiiH BBBBBBBBBBBBs M ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBzwBwT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH lLfsLfsLfsLfsHifsLfsF -Vt " Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ijiiiHc v gtggtgHgsiBHiiH iiH m CHE1ROMA, THE GREATEST AUTHORITY ON SCIENTIFIC PALMISTRY Who cvr vittc4 the Pacific Coast.. he worth hwaie-ceJc to you. See her jumkntwu iiwnirvBiivn.jis.r7riii. DOIIKJSOflDHiI 0 General Information Concerning the Afro-American. I . TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showln the Promn of the Verlotu of Human Endeavor Betnj Ateom plbhtd by the Race. Colonel Kdwnrd E. Cooper, of the Washiugtou Colored Amorkau. Km I'ecu poking futi nt Kdltor VV. K. King, of tho Dallas Express, And he Iiiih douo it with itrcnt Biiocuas. Hot Kdltor Kiint is nn nblo editor, with a alight tendency to aberration in his head, nnd Rouiullr ouo of tho bout muii in Toxiih. Tho Shot'Gun. DomocralH of North Carolina having disfranchised tho Afro Amorioan will take up tho queitlou at tho next sonton of the loignlnture of de priving him of tho opportunity to iot h common school oducAtiou. Adih franchiscd citizen han no rightn to whicli tho enfranchised citlzou ro (i poets. Tho young men at West 1'oiiit who gl,i0h, Baptist church. Iho amount aro paid hy the federal government tol0f collection received was 10. Tho secure an education and tti bo gentle- now members Joining wero S3 iu mou havo again hoeu making au uxhi number. bitiou of thouuelvos. They aro under- l qtl'ot, )Ut fHr reaching lutorost is going au investigation by the two Mug developed in tho interest of tho brauchoa of ct-ngie.es for tho alleged meeting of the National Council to bo haelug of n cadet which resulted iu his ),0, iu tj,j. 0ts n August. 1001. Ilv death. Like tho NowYorkiMillw.il thattlmo it is exwotcd thut oury do is.nlmost itiiDOSHililu to uot u cadut at West 1'olnt to toll tho trn ih in any in - vestigatiou Into their hazing or other rascality. Thoy aro us skilled )ur'glerH with the truth as tlioy wero when they hounded Whittaker nut of West 1'olut years ago. If tlio iuxostigntou docs nothing olso it will hitch upon theno gcutlemcn tho fact that they aro punt grand miiKters of tho art of provarha Hon, and that tlioy do uot hesitate to violalo tho mica and regulations otab lirhod by tho niilinirj nnthoritits ftu the government of Wont 1'oiut. This .. Ill I.. .. l-.i. ..! 1 win nun Hji'v K"iii'ii. i Itfs to bo hopsd that the invcetlgn-' Hon into tho noings of tho cadets at Woit Point and to the mnmigers of tlH institution will lead tn tho adoption of! such a policy at tho school as will at least inalco goutlemou out ol mm who i aro ultimatqly to ctimmand our army. I That tlioy curry tho bad manners which j they cultivate at West I'olut into tlw . active servico of tho army was demon stritud in the treatment accorded to. Lieutonnut II. O. Flipper, to Alexand er, nnd to all the other men' of ours, who have got into active set vice and who wore either sidetracked! Iracause ofperceoBtloH or bounded out.of. the service. The army and navy vare the oaly rlt(icratio brauoh'os o the gov ernment which arrOKtM to twaelyea the exclutlvenesi which amounts to national offeuce. If haxlug oan be broken np at West Point the color discrimination whloh has so long been one of its most objoo Hounble ohuraoterlsticH can be done away with; we, thoroforo, hopo that tho investigation will nccotnplKdi this purpose , The Washington atmosphoro is much agitated by tho applications of Afro Americans who want to succeed tho Hon. Judsou W. Lyons as roglster of tho treasury, tho Hon, 11. P. Cheat limn as recorder of deeds, and tho Hon. John P. Green as stamp agout. Tho Washiuuton KVeniug tar rays that nono of thoso gentlemen will bo re moved, as they havo given satisfaction in the disohargo of their duties. If the A fro-Americans who want to serve their country would believe that they cannot succeed auy of tho gentlemen heie named and would go in for some othor positions iu the foreign and do me.tlo seivice, they would lavo thorn- eelves a Jot of sleeplesH hours and n big chunk of disappointment in tho round up. A great deal of hard nnd effective work in the East nnd We.t was done 50,000 TACOMA. VASH. What the charru Mnnk (ear wiH at her Parksn, Raleifh MniUkkf, lu.lhtt f cHinpaln y Afro-Amerlcau fpetlblailerH, Htul oar xoturs Hootl to their gnus on oluutlnti (Uy like Mr. CaMiiblitncii on tho uurulnfe'rieok; lint it is n'i whore written In the ftiirs thnt IhU tJitPo who wovo kiioMb tht iieluid chrtrin tho life out of tho Ddir.ouraoy, will, rooolve npiuiutmuuts, howover tmmy they may want thum. "Muuy p ifullod. but few nro tiliumn.M We lidWitirn .'lintvntnr. flint IVnddnnt i It.rfAi . -w, .w.v.v ...... kau...w..w vmoivinny and Uliulrnmn lliiilint imi (.,nmKiteii to no wnnt is (ulr hy our mru .iii'tliii matter t:f itipoliitiiieiiti to oflleo. Htu Jilllco BeekiUif ii mighty tlreiomo pusiuess. ( ; iMilhidolphla, Doc. 20, 1000. .Tim llrHt publiu inonitng of tlit-t hoi' Hon of tho ocal Afro-Amorican Coun- oil was held MoiiiInv, Doomber 17, at theMrst African llaptlut church, ltov. xV.'A! Creditf, paslor. 'Iho iuootini; was ii vmuploto sucoms from every tkiiutof view. goodly Bfiiud audi- once gtcotod tho speaker n( tho oven - Jug,- William II. Warrick, M. D of G,ermntowu,-who spoko on the "Iu duHtrirti Outlook of tho Negro iu l'hlla dolphlii." Iho paper as well writ ton and well dolivered and covered tho siihjoot competoly. Many facts iu. stuctiso, pathetlu and amusing woro brought out in the ocurco of the dis oUHdion. Two practical suuueitians were, placed before tho meeting to bo nrtir!- nnon at tho next smslon of tho . L'tinilL'il. to hn liiMii in .Ijimuri. nt thn lv .... . 1 ,. - - - . -- I & . cjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBJPSSBBBBBBBBBBBBfl jbb9t.P.bbBbbT 'BBBBBBBH SBBBnSBBBBBflBBSI SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV lBralBBBBHsl ''.BBBBBBBI " BBBBBhBDpBk ysM '' -..BBj' . 'BBBBBBBBS' BVHBBKeBBraV BM. 'v?BMsWH'' .BBBBBBBBBBBBHI JBBBBBLm' " SSM BBBBBBBLPA ' 'Jsm&SM ''BBBBBBHOhIi IisibBBsH ';i)H!.r" V A bbbH ' ,JH - ' V'r'aillllH li r'BBBBH BBBBLfiBV .aSBBBBBBLH '-LBBH ''A '.SBBBbH BBBBBBBBBB7 - UBBBBBBBBBBBLrM ''BeBBBBBBb OBBBBBBBBBBBBLV aH JM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH .iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBH H-tBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBM aJbBBBBBBBBBBBLB , aBBBBBBVfrKilsWlBS bbbH ALLLKiukWkM BBBjBBBBBBH .aSBBBBBBBBvAllSfiBBBBBH HON. W. J. FURNISH, of Pendleton, Or. Presidential Elector for Oregon. Hon. W. J, Furnish, pri'tddotit of tho tho foremost business men and politicians of tho stato, is only !J8 years, of age, ! having risen rapidly, by dlut of faithful application to bushier, to a proud place, Minoug tlioJoullnjr men of the Nortuwoit. Ho Is a sttlffnrt gold-standei advocate and a firm and eutuuslastlu supporter of tho MoKinloy polioy of government mont of tho best workers of the city will. have been enli.tcd iu Ibis cause, and it will only remain for the-Nation al body, by its able work aud scholarly . programme, to fulfill all expectations.1 There are large numbers of w..lto (ririids in this city, firm friends of tho Negro who are working hand iu hand wljth the best element of nurr.ice for its upbuilding aud to this element we shall look for help aud sympathy lu the fotnra. It is the earnest desite of the local council that the work of tho Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Ii. Plumber en National Council as tliowu foith lu ils tertalued at luncheon Mr. aud Mrs. coming session In this city shall meet with their sympathy ai d approval. The Philadelphia Council has been exceedlnly fortunate in its election to the presidency of tnat body of Mr. Charles II. Hrooks, grand secretary of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Hrooks has re turned from his trip to England iu tho interest of the order, und has taken up all his public duties in this city with renewed vigor aud earuetuess. Mr. Charts II. Hrooks, Dr. II. T. Johusou, of the Christian Itecord, and Mr. Lch uiau, vvere elected members ufhe board of management of the Douglns J hospital at lis Decen br meeting. ' MHH. N. r. JIUSHlJbU. BW NO BltOM. Uualers In Olawonds, Watlir, Jewelry, fillrerware a hpeetarle, F.tc. KF.PA1IU.NO A fal'KriAl.TV. AM. WOltlC WAIIKAMKI). W Third St. liet, I'lne and Ash. ' Old'ooiJ audetlrer ii'tugbt. I'ortland, Or, -tt pOKTl-ANIl UI.U1I AND CAFK ". ' ISO Fifth Htrrct. 0w8pelltM: II Monogram aud III Crru ". Z Noble Whl.klas. ". v jA KKSOKT FOK CKNTI.EK,. Orea 1'bone, Main ses; Colambb. Ftione.et? CITY NEWS C. A. hitler Hoclct) Kdltpr. Wo nhall know ho favorites, nnd xlmll bo absolutely impartial. To in pure publication, nil local howh uumt reach na nut later than 'Ihursday morn ing of each week. ' Mru. M. H. SvIiib' condition hna not nmtorially Improved. ( Mr. CluiR Mitchell 1m rUi! Very ill at tho nld 8t. Vincent hoepttal. Mr. 11. Harper is quite ill from a re lapse of uu attack of la rlppo. Tjloro ls n iPttor nt thlH ollo for D L. Laptley, oaro of Tho Now Ago. 4 Mr. nnl Mrs. Gross, of Los AdroIch, aro stopplug atMrs. Day's, N. Sovunih street. 1 ,, . , T , , . , ,, , , -M. John Lang, of lied 11 lufT, CaK, " ,no BU08,i 0I "' m nn. r. u. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd Thompson, of Hprluuflold, Ohio, nro stopping at Mrs. Morldeths. Mr. and Mrs. Heujninin Gales entor t:il nod a small party of iriouds Christ- i d.v '"' oviuiug. Mrs. S'tanslleld and Miss Ml Ilrllton wore the guests of Mr, H. 11. Crawford and daughters lat week. Mrs. II. Whooler, formerly of this city, but now of Pontile, Warh., is tho guest of Mrs. F. D. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee oelebrated New Year's day with a dinner party to n number of their friends. Puudletsiu Savings Hank, and ouo of Mr. JT. Gray arrived in Portland on the '2'J ultn. Ho oxpeats to romnlu with his family n1oiit a mouth, M". L. II. Lejunu, who has been coiillnod to her homo with a severe c"''1 '' jmst week, Is Improvjng. Mrs. Inolla .lohuwii, of Seattlb, was tho guest of Mrs. M. Merldeth for sev eral days, she returued home last Tues day. (russ, of Los Year's day. Angeles, Cat,, on New Governor Goer has appointed W. L. II. Plumber hi h me nber of the Chns. r'umner monument cuinmlttee, vice Kev. A. AudHrsoti, deceased. Wo nro informed tint with next riuuday tho oholr of the A. M. K. Zlon chnroh ls to be increased bv the addi tion of several ladies aud gentlemen. Miss Jeunlo Logan entertained a small 'lumber of Mends on the even ing of January I, at her homo on the East side, 1 was a "jolly crowd" aud they heartily eujoyed themselves. Tho Purity Foclal Club and their frleuds wero entertained nt the resl deuce of Mr. aud .Mrs. 11. It. Carle the evening of January I. It goes without saying that all present eujoyed them selves. On the government transport which untied Now Year's day for Manila, Mr. Hen jam lu Gales, as Me ward, and Mr. Kdwnrd Palmer and Mr. Harry Miller, as cooks, departe I, Tlioy ex pect to return in four mouths. ,t Passing down Everett rjreet, be twees" VI fth and iWxthi-we. noticed a neat appearing restaurant, and ujoh e Mating, we were struck with the cosy home-like appearauce of the place. We fouud the pleasant proprjetoress in tho person of Mrs. M. Meridfth, ready and anxious to scrie her uut'tomers. Wo recommend any one in search of h pood, wholeomo meal to call at tho "Homo Hestartiaiit" and oat a dinner liku your mother used to cook. Docomher 31, 1000, Mrs, Pagot gnvo a Boloct party in honor of her daughtor, Mlos Cunningham. A large number of'young folks wore out and enjoyed themselves until a late hour with mu- xhIo, danoiug and various other amuso- incuts. Tho New Ago Is the orgnn of the col ored peoplo of this city and state. Wo nre ready and anxious nt nil timos to print all nows ol intorest to our people, but tho city is growing and it is Impossi ble for tho editor or his associates to bo ovorywhoro, or hear of nil that goes oti, so wo would ontoom it a favor if any item of intorest wero sent to this olllco so as to reaoh us not later than Thursday noon of oaoh week. In spite of tho iuulement woathor a largo audtouco gathered at tho A. M. K. Zlou church, -Wednesday evculug, to listen to tho programme, arraugod by tho A fro-American Council, No. 1, of Portland, in honor of emancipation day. Tho mooting was n grand suc cess nnd grat oiithnMuttm was shown by all, The prngriunmu was an ex cellent ouo, and with tho speeches do livorod by various of our prominent ptoplo, so'rved to help pass a ino-t on joyublo ovonltig. Tno society's regular meetings are held at tho A. M. K. llothel church. The ofllcora nre: W. L. ilrndy, president; W. II. Holds, vice-proHldnut; W. L. II, Plummer, socretary; J. N. Fullilovo, treasurer. 'Iho council has arranged to give a ball on tho 11th lust., at the G. A, It. hall. At Cordray's Theater. Slanorint Hstolnul Collamarlui will surely appear iih Carmen, Miguon nnd Ar.nccna ttiii II Trovatoro with the lioHton Lyric Opera Company during their eniiagoment In this olty at Cor dray's tlioator, week licginning .limit ary 0. No bottor ovldoucu of pluck nnd deteimlnation, coupled with it do siru tirgivo the iifuslu loving peoplo of this city nn opportunity to enjoy tho very boHt tlm musical world iifToitlr. can bo offered tlironnh Colonel 'Ihonip mou'h engagoment of Collamarlui, Husso ami Aloisaudroui for the llosion Lyrio Opora Company, which coutalus tho great favorites, Josephltio Stauton, Ilortha Davis, Hara Carr, Dairy How ard, Henry llallum, .John lleudersou, Gcorgo Kuukol, Charles Huntlnjton nud tho superb chorus hi 05 volcen. It Is Hifo tn say that Colouel TboinpHon's liberality will bo dully appreciated, and that capacity houses will he iu order. The sale of seats Is now on, The fpl lowing will be the .epertolret Col lamarlui nights, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, when "Carmen," 'Ml . Trovatore," MMlgnoB" will be produced. Comlu opera nights, "Feo-' liiK'Mnster," "UoV Kye" ' isr "Wang." At the Metropolitan. Yon are pretty sure of pinking a wla- nor when you bv't on the fuu aud amusement offered by iho now "Turk inh Hath" Company. Manager F. A. Wane has piloted many ilrmnntlo ven tures successfully, und this is one of lis most ambitious efforts in tho niiniM'iiiont line. Among Iho member of the niliuirahlo tust wo nolo Miss Ktta .Miirrls, iho aoubrette, who ren ders quaint and euceutrlu sougs iu a chiirming manner, nud Mr. K. L. Graves is it tdinedlsu of well kunwu reputation. It is five jours slnco tho I play mailo n trip to tho uoat, and it has ruiieut.y. .boon rewritten, and jrot,,ii',t "' ,0 ''M! ),,i 'r'. WrItorl Wltirn'orgHulEation William comedy rgnulEatiou poetess- ing so many pleasing fenturos in the way of snugsj dances aud reflued speo- initios, tho uudieiiuo should only be limited hy (ha situ of tho house when it is presented nt the Metropolitan thoator nuxt Huuday ulght niul all wetk. Have Something; Rulry Good I The iiaino Neuliergor is known by commercial men all over thocoutlnent. Among the iiiluiug men It is a beacon light to direct their return fium tho hills and a safe place of business anchor nge while rejourning in linker City. lr. A, Nenhergor is the man to whom that name applies. Ho tells more lino whiskies aud frngraut cigars than all of his competitors combined. He haunlei only first-quality goods lu everything ho carries, and ls one of the most geulal, bl-hcurted mou in busi ness tttiwyhere, That is why commer cial aud mining men make his place their headquarters when in lluker City. Specialties for Traveling Public. Perhaps no drug store in tho West is better knowu or more popular with the traveling public than Koeppou's Phar macy nt Pendleton. The Koepiwti ilrnlhers nie muiiiifsutorlng chemists, and their store, stock uud laboratory would do credit to any cltv on the const. They make a specialty of sup plying tho traveliug public at a mo ment's notice with unv aud everything within resaonablu demand. An 1m mouse stock is carried nnd only men who are thoroughly competent iu the huslues aro employed to handle It. They enjoy the reputation of being fore utbet iu their pro (era ion. Kceppen'a Pharmacy is one of the eolid nud sub stantial busluese institutions of Pendle ton. NBW NOKTII wrt Uvlge, No. 2654. (1. U, O. of O, F.. meets at Vo)y Hero d-atwet. ronier of Hnlmoa, tirat and third Tut-wlav of each inoutlu All (Mil rellown in goou stauillng arts cnrdlMllv invited. I). THOMAS, Cs"3 E. WA'fSON, V, 8. N.O. w ,44 - & - '-M n i n . i . j ;i ' . "- 51 ,ri t ., v . Mi A 1"SJ Fy I T ; ',ii I H m si tk r i" - M Ml r. "iI?(t--. 'JL, iuife.g 'CS "' '1! wviuswrf" i pitCni .k' '&&. -JS?.K ... -