"H $&f f .'H IxHti j JAW AGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. WW I Mi I xff i: jr y t Bstr &' .T i Hf l ..s ft t I r fTHE OLD RELIABLE 8KVENTH AND Qt.I8AK EXCHANGE. J. L. O'FARRELL, I'rop. Seventh mid (llltaii Bta. PORTLAND. ORK. I , ARTISTIC MONUMKNTH IN NATIVK AND A. foreign marble mid granite: new mid orle inal deslsn. It. J. KLAhHIKO. OOlce mid works '.!C7 Third street, near Madlion. ALBER9A SCIINK1DER CO.-R. ALRKR9, A. Pre, and Mgr, Tho. SchncUlor, Vlcc-1'rr., H. Albert, Scc'y. and Trcai. Proprietors U. B. Mills and Merchant Roller Mill. Manufactur er nt Rolled Oat, Oat Meal, Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Barley," Rye Flour Whole Wheat Flour, Com Meal, Ryo Meal, Hominy, Fartnn, Steel rut Wheat. Paslo Fac tory Macaroni, Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dealer in Grain. Flour, liar .Shingles, Sccdn, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Oftlce, 'Jlu-au Front Street, corner Main, Portland, o-. O, J Erdncr R. Hochult. c micAGo market ' . Krdnor A Hochull Dealer In freh and cured lnrl! all kind of sausages. U Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Roth 'Phones No, 413. niiARi.K8 j. schnabel Attorner.at.Law. MS Chamber nl Cotnmerco Ruddlng, Portland, Oregon. ARMORY DRUO 8TORK "ire Drugs and Chemical. Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domcstla Ulnars. Prescriptions a Specialty. H. W, Corner Tenth and Everett Street!, Portland, Oregon. Bilgigc and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office 8. V. Cor. Fourth and Stark pt. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Yotif Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to nny destination. Itranch Offleea: Hotel Portland: United Cart I age Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. T. llENDKlCXtKN D. Daub: PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OUKOON PIIONK 04.1 ItKli 27 NORTH FIRST STREET . PORTLAND, OREGON. . Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Wholesale Dcaleri. Mechanical Rubber Goods, Betting, Hose Packings, Fire Department Supplies. , luktork-Beels, Shots, Rubber Clotblaj Rubber Goods of All Kinds 18 20 Front St ..THE... J. McCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND.'OREGON. STEPHANS Evmnlng Gown Sirmmi Suit Fmmmy Wmimtm x Tmlfr Mmtfm Suit RHfag HmmH; Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON STRAINS STOP. . .AT.. lilkins' Eating House M Units (or MmIs l.nnch Counter In connection. The only Eat ing House at the Depot wbero you can get Flrat-Clasa Meal. ROWIURG OREGON B. B- RICH jtt THHW ST. CIGARS P ITS Ail OBI mm NIHalll H4JTM. Jefferson 'Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAN, Prop. WImj, Ltquets, Clgirt. ielshird's Beer. PHONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RE80RT. .Cor. Chapman and Jefferson Gts., Portland, Or Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, t07 Washington street Bet. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND OREUON. rpHE BAVARIA SALOON A. B, BURGER, Prop. Imported and DomeMIo Wlnei, Liquors and Cigars. Wclnhard's fleer.' Phono Oregon Bin 3k 1945. 8, E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. BOYD & ARNOLD General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient insurance Company Ko. 102 Erst Street, Near Stark. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt . service. WIN'S WORK I SPECIALTY 101-6 E. Water St. Phone 0033. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. ....KASSON SMITH, Proprietor..- Rooms fiOc., Special Rates by Week or Month Krorythlng new and clean. Bent loca tion In the vltv. Specially dcalraltlo ablo lor parties dcslrlug a quiet place. No Children. 4 Doors South of first National Eank Main St., Opposite Fred Ernst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON Oregon Brass Works MOORE U HARPER, Propi. , a Brass, Bell and Composition Castlnrs. Alum 4 -tlaura and Phosphor Bronss. Brass Hall.f iir-i Ug.Uleamikt and Machine j'. M Work a Hpcclulty. 69 Second Street, North. Bet. Davis and Everett. Telapltoiie Oregnu Hln 070. I-OUTKANI) . . OIIGOON, HOTEL OSBORN CLEAM, AIRY ODTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED BOTH PHONES Travelers should takers" Street Car at Union Depot and irausfer at Yamhill Street to East AuVuey Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfco'esalc Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnslde, IiUiri tUIILII CllriiH For spraying scale.blsck, greenorwoolly aphis, moss ana oiner luneui onal for dliujinr of tl other iungus growth, and has no it tne tnoin ana invigorai- lug the trees. Noheatlux or boiling, simply M dilute with cold water aud Is Inexpensive. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP Is compounded on telentlrle principles from ear bolic acid and Stockholm pluelar.anddettrnya the ticks and effectually rur the icab. leaving the sheep In a healthy condition, being also oneof the greatest dlsenfectanuknoHB. PrUe lowest o-r any good dip. Address all corre spondence FISHER, TH0RSEN & CO. FtUad,Or. Pacific Coast Agt. J a , ,, aas a ' sb9sbbksss1sibbVk5SbSsiiiiiiiiiiiibiHI nnrrtn'Kr rvn mnti Vl?il D JVEi Y JLi TV UE XlJ2i XEtlJU,1 BRIEF SUMMARY OF EVENTS OC CURRINQ IN 1800. ranelsidlMv Tear of iha Ceatar MadeH Vatu ot William C. i:ndlcott....Captur Lotjciaaiasr ' -cniarx- " lot iBsiirgcnt Uuntral Pautaleon OnrcTa. Memorable by Many laiportaai ap penlngrsl War, lateral 1 Dlatarb aacea. Great Caanaltles, Etc. Marry and important are the events that make up the chronological record of the closing year of the nineteenth cen tury. The mnnifestntion of anti-foreign feeling In Chinn, which led to the siege of the legations in I'ckin and the relief expedition of the world-powers, was un doubtedly but the beginning of changes in the governmental afTalre of that an dent kingdom that will shake the dy nasty to its foundations and seriously threaten the Integrity of the country. The wars In the Philippines and in tho Trans vaal, legacies from the preceding year, have been continued through 1000 and are passed on to 1001, without having been brought to decisive ofllclal conclu sions. Organized anarchy was responsi ble for the nsstwlnntlon ot King Hum bert of Italy. To the hcatof political warfnre must be attributed the killing of Gov. William E. Qocbel of Kentucky, and the race feeling between whites and blacks wob th cause of serious riots in New Orleans and New York. Two oc casions upon which many human liven were destroyed bv thn elements were the great fire at Uobokcn, N. J., in June and the destruction of Galveston, Texas, by that memorable, September storm. The opening of -the Chicago drainage canal, the discovery of tho south magnetic pole, and the Paris exposition' were three im portant events In the realms of science and Industry. The roll of prominent per sons who have made their exit from earthly surroundings since January tlrst last embraces the names of those famed in statecraft, industry, literature and mu sic. Tho most important events ot the year arc sitmuiurixcd thus: January. 1. llrltl.h victory at Dunn; side Isscer.... Earthquake at stroys uuo lives, AciiaisaicK, Russia, de- 8. Deroulcdo found guilty st Paris. 0. Uattlo at I.ndysiuith, riouth Africa. 7. Death of Dr. Udwatd McGlyun. ' 8. (leorge K. Nash lujugurated Governor ofjOhlo. lit Inauguration of Uov. L. M. Bhaw, ot Iowa. ...Wreck ot unknown atenmer at Peters River. Ht. Mnry's Hay, N. I'. 1.1. Death pf Fe.lx Morris, character actor. 10. Three men kilted und four wounded In shooting arrmy In lobby of Capitol Hotel at Frankfort, Ky....Uullor's forces cross Tugcln River. 17. CblciiKo drainage canal fully npeend. 'JO. Death of John Ruskln, KiikIUu writer and art critic. ... Fight, uir .beglus near Spearman's camp on the Trgeia. 21. Death of Rlchurd D. Ulackuiorc, KnglUa novelist. 24. ICinneror Kivang-Hu, ot China, adblcates. . ...Warren's forces take Hplon Knp and abandon same within a few hours, 27. British fori' retreat across Tugeta Illvcr. 80. Senator Wm. K. Ooebcl shot In street at Frankfort, Ky. 81. Senator (Joebel sworn In as Uoreraor ot Kentucky. February. 1. Dig Ores at Dayton, Ohio, iad Indian spoils, lad. ' 2. MOO.OOU tire st Youngstowy, .Ohio.... Bprague, Warner ft Co.'s splcmlll In Chi cago burned. a 8. Death of Wllll-BKA.aobl.at Frank fort, Ky,... Death of ex-Postaisstcr Ues eral David M. Key. 4, (Ireat fire In St. Louis. 8. Tornado at L'ol.lusvlll. Ill sV. .Twelve killed In train wreck near Kscansba, Mlcb. D. Death of Cot. R.chard V. Thompson, of Indiana. 13. Heavy Hoods In New Englsnd.... Con gressman Chlckerlng, of New York, com mits suicide. 14. Floods nlonjr Hudson River, New York. ....French reaches Klmberlcy with Brit ish troops. 15. (lold bill passes the Senate. 2i. Deoth of Dr. Leslie B. Keeley, of Dwlght. III. , . 27. Surrender of General Pronje,,.. Million dollar tire In Newark, N. J. 28. Porto Rico bill passed by the "louse, March. 1. Relief of Ladysmltb by Butler's army. 0. Death of Congressman A. C Manner, of Pennsylvania1!... Falsi mine disaster at Mnntunincrv. W. Va. tb(XL dlstrTi luu nre in rutiauoipuia ury gooas iHilrfnt. 8. Theater Francals In I'.irh burned.,.. Lead, S. !.. ha.i a ll.OCO.ogo nre. 0. Boers insko tlrlt overtures for peace. 12. Fifteen lives loit In leiiement bouse nre at Newark. N. J..,(leneral French (Brit Ishl occupies Bluemfouteln.... President Krugcr. of Transvaal, nsks United Ststea to mediate between Lis government and England 14. President McKln!ey s'gns gold standard blll....Ger Jral Roberta takes possession ot Bloemfonteln.... Marriage of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett and Stephen Townsend. .... 10. Gasoline xploslon causes six destbs at Columbus, Ohio. 17, One below sero at Chtcaeo. 10. Death ot John Arende Bingham, 22. Falluro otD. Appleton A Co., book pub lishers. 28. Death of Oen. Plet Joubert. SO. Columbia Theiter, In Chicago, burned. ....Mis Viola Itpriocker found not guilty at Hastlnrs, Neb.,. ..Death of Archibald Forbes, famous war correspondent. 31. Colonel Rroadwood's convoy ambushed by Boers near Bloemfonteln. April. ttmurwi : p STDlseovery 'of south migue.lc pole an- nounceu. ' 4. Burning of Kansas City Coliseum. 6, State Court of Appears decides that Beck ham la Oovernor of Kentucky, 7, Dam carried away by flood at Austin, Texas. 11. Oxnard bill passes nouse. 12. President signs Oxnard bill. 14. Paris exposition formally opened. 10. Opening bsseball season., ..Floods la 21. r"t"nlve forest fires In Msnltobs snd the Northwest. Sure to Lose. Gooph I bet my wife a new bonnet on the election. Woopb Who did you bet on? Gooph Don't remember. Had to pay tho bet anyway. Baltimore American. Then It Grow Monotonous. Friend This free-and-easy bohem!an tyle of living must be very pleasant. Artist It la when you are not com pelled to live that way. Judge. Fouud Alter Tea Years. The wife of Ulsbop MUUpaugh sent an old party gown to a rummage sale la Topeka the other day, and while showing the drees to a customer the clerk found in Its folds a valuable pearl ornament lost ten years ago. Hail One Gxd Quality. Lady (engaging a uew cook)Are you sure you don't keep company with a policeman? "ies. t ao, ma'am; out He's a rarr small eatcr."-London Tit-Bits. I SNL Psnste refuses to se.it Uujy, of Pen' Winnla. sco urcai urv iu iiuii aim uuani, unamsis I ST. Cloudburst at Waco, Texas; eight per- sous urowneo. 1 May. 1. Explosion la mine nc.ir Seofleld, Utah, kllli'JoU men ...Uejth ot Muukacsy, Aus trian painter. !t. nrill.l. Ikn llrnn.tfnr. 11. Jefrrles ilc'ealn ('orlint In New York Deportation to Siberia without trial abol ished by tho Csar. 18. ItHlct -of Malcklng. 21. United States Supreme Court declare! J. C W. Beckham Governor of Kcntuckj. 22..Cilvln Klinbleln, negro, ljnchcd by mob at Pueblo, Colo Twenty-three kli.ed Id mine disaster at Cumnock mines, N. C. 28. tfrltlsh annex Orance Fn-e Stnte. 80. Jwaunesburg occupied by Lord Roberts' tro'rps. , ii June. I 4. pclth of Mrs. John Sherman. I 0. Death ot Stephen Crane.... Uencral Rob- erta enters Pretoria. 14. Dtath of Mrs. Oladstone. 13. German ambassador, Baron Von Ket teler, slain In l'ekln. 18. Julian Cab.net rcilgns.... Powers tak Cblorse forts at Taku. 10. 1,0(H),000 tiro at Bloomlngton, HI. 21. McKluley and Roosevelt nominated by Republicans at Philadelphia. 23. American Derby In Ch caito won by Sid ney Lucas.. ..Thirty-five killed by wa.h out wreck on Southern railway at Mc Donoiigli, (in. 28. ool!ey and Mctcalf nominated by Pro hibitionists In Chicago. SO. Great Urc lu HoliJkcn, N. J In which 300 lives arc lost aud fl.i.OOO.OOO property destroyed.. ..Death ot Rear Admiral John W. Philip. July. 3. Twelve lives lost in Hoboken, N. J., tenement bouse Are. 4. Tulrty-six lives lost In street car accident at Tnconia. Wash Oil tank explns on at Parkeraburg, W. Va., kills six men.... Four children killed lu Phitadelph.a by fireworks exp oslon. 0. Standard Oil works at Baronne, N. J., burn: loss S3,i00l00....wm. J. Bryan nominated for President by Democrats. 0. Democratic convention nominates Adlnl K. Stevenson, ot 111 no Is, fie V(ce l'rol dent. 11. Illinois Central train robbed at Mayaeld, Ky. 14. Death of Ben-tor John II. Orar. of Iowa. IB. 11.500,000 tire at Presiolt. Arlx. i 18. Dispatch Motived from Minister Conger1 -JS-r?K,n- ... - . ra-xB. uioia in r.ew urteans. ii. ning iiiiniiicrt or Italy assasstnatea. 81. Death of John Clark lildpath. AuKUst. 1. Jester murder trial ends In acquittal. 4. Allies march from Tlni-tsln on l'ekln.... $1,000,000 nre lu Ashland, Wis., lumber yards. 0. King Alexander ot Henri wedsx lime. Drags M-mcbln. 10.-Pennsylvania cxprcisi lr,tfn robbed ot (4.1,000 and Express Mestcnger Lane killed. ...LI Hung Chang named as minis ter plenipotentiary to negotiate peaco.,,. liOrd Chief Justice Rits-elldlcs In England. 11. French torpedo boat destroyer Frames, sinks oft Capo St. Vincent with forty-two or ncr crew. 14. Death or Colli P. Ilun'lngton. IB. Floods drown 200 persons lu Japan, ... Allied forces enter l'ekln,. ..Race riots In New York. 10. Ueiith of John J, Intralls of Kansas. 22.i Ml t In Akron, Ohio., ..J. V. Dolllvcr appointed Senator from Iowa, September. 2. Fifteen Uvea tost lu wreck at Hatfield. Ta. 8. Democrats carry Arkansas State election. 4, Republicans win lu Vcrniout State elec tion. D. Death ot Arthur Bewail, of Bath, Me. 8. Qrest storm la Texas aud destruction ot Qslveaton 10. Republicans carry Milno State election. 12. Storm on Urcut Lakes wrecks several vessels. IB. Klectlens In Cubase IT. Great coal strike till coal strike hittlns In Pennsylvania. 21: Aasertesa soldiers vmlered from 9ft. Sforar Ih Texas ca'inea flood. - i'in. tnwtlvav toruaUa at Morrlstown, m c dm John lit. Palmer, ot 1111 WW&2$n Pareat made premier of Quebec. graphic conimunlcitlon opened be twebn Beattle and Skasnay. 7. "Pelltleal riots In tjuuyauio, Porfo Itlco. 8. Forty persons i rushed to death by col lapse of building at St. Nlkuuder Mon astery, Uussla. ' 17. Death of ex-I'ostmastcr Ocneral Wm. L. Wilson. 20. Death of Charles Dudley Warner. 22. Death of ex-Secretary of State John Bhernun. SB. Frlghtfiil explosion ot Indian Head provlug gro'ituU.... tlreat coal strike oltl dally declare I oft.. ..Death of Minis Reeves, English tenor, 20. Tremendous exp oslon In Tarrant A Co.' drug houre in New York distioys $1,000,000 In property aud'iuiiy lives. 41 November. 0. National election won by Republican can didates.. ..Murder ot Pearl Forbes at Leavenworth, Kan. 7. Liberals wlu Canadian elections. 10. Hteaumhlp City of MontUello wrecked In Bay of Fuudy uud thirty-four lives lost,.,. Death of It. (. Dun. 12. Death ot Marcus Daly, Montana copper king,, .ueatn ti iirniy viuaru. raiiruau maituate.... Close of Paris exposition. IB. United States auxiliary cruUer Yoteinlte lost In typhoon off Guam. lfl. Preston Pcrter, colored boy, burned st stake at Llmon, Colo. 20. Tornado lu Nor hern Ms hilnnl and Southern Tenncsee.... Death of C.ba. It. Iloyt, playwright, 21. Iron Mountain train held up at GlfTord, Ark., by six mrn,...(tov. J. t", W, Beck ham. of KiniucUr, marr'ed.,.. Storm in Northern Ohio anil New York.... Wreck of steamer St. Oluf off Labrador; lweut)-x 22. Death 'of Sir Arthur H Sullivan,... President Paul Krugcr lands In France. 27. Death of Senator U, K. Davis, of Min nesota, 28. Thirteen persons killed and many In "Jurrd by collapse of glats factory roof in San I'runclsco. 30. Death of Oscar Wilde In Paris. December. 3. Concress meet Explosion In Ch'cao snd Northwest! rn puwir house lu Chicago kll.s five and Injutes twenty portions. 8. Great luatana glu.s str.ke dec.ared off, .... General strike of Sauls Fe telegra. pbers ordered. 14. Fredonla, N. Y., normal school burns, the janitor and six young lady students losing Ibelr lives. 18. German training ship Grlesenau wreck- ett'orr MBiaea: iuu urea iuii..,..inu w e. roes lynciyu si iiocKpon, incj. It. 1re in in rown Hoisting uud rnnveylng Macblne Company's inany's plant in ciereiauu plant in L'lcveinnu eauHes loss of $fis3,000. . , . Negro lyuctied at'Uoonevllle, Jnd Juvenile SmokiiiK In Australia. Juvenile smoking seems rnther ap proved of than otherwise In Australia. Strange an It may appear, the advisabil ity, of attaching smoking-rooms to the schools has already been discussed there. ' Mixed niooil In Mexico. ''More than foiir-ilftlis of tho popula. tlon of Mexico are of mixed or Indian blood. ' Mote thuu One Ktep. Jack Ilachclor (engaged) Of course, I realize that matrimony is a very im portant step, and all that, Ned Newlywed (hoarselyj-Stpp? Great Scott, maul It's a whole flight or steps, and something to fall over on evsry stcpt Puck. 'Flashlight Destroyed an Eye. A flsltor ut the Paris exposition lost ' tne use oi Jv cjv wn"n ' "e caiciiuu Dash used by a photographer being ot te sreat volume. TTTlj l.SJ.X 8. Teh WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER A PUGKT BOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hercules leaves every morning In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Return ing, leaves Astoria every night in the week at T o'clock, except Sunday. . Ofuce, Alder street dock. Telephone Main 81. Columbia 'phone Sol. K. W. CRICHTON. Agent. A STORII & COLUMBII lD nil Possenoef Tiolns Hi WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTIYLKN Ptrtland, Astorii Seaside Leaves Union Depot For Maygers. Rain ler.Clatakanlo Westpnrt, Ollfton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, Hear hart Park and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Kxprcts Dally, Astotla Express Dally. Arrives Union Depot Portland Portland :00 a.m. 11 US a. i 7:00 p.m. t:40p.m. Ticket office, 2M Morrison street, and Union fepot, Portland. ' J. C. MAYO, Ucn. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. ft Hatters -and Furnishers At,KNQX:HiAJS 1 . 4 SMS A fi ij. ' .BUFFUM & PENDIiETOH., 04 Third Street, PORTLAND, ORE. BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST If Tea Art 1M 0tlifUl low Ifnty Sscx Ci)mkt A DcvebS, Portland, Or. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Graduate of the Northwestern Unlevrilty Dental College, rint-Cliis Work ..d Prices IuiobiMi 711 Dekum Bld'g, Cor, Third A Washington. PORTLAND, Or. Oregou 'Phon Oreen 4M USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing; Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin Bf st III 'Curnnt Llttfitwi 12 Comflctc Novels Yeamly MANY SHORT STORIES AND I PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.60 per year ; 28 era. a cov NO CONTINUED STORIES VERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ,TELP TsTsTBslRBTBTBTBTBTBTiSa 1 s I or B, ALSTON CO. Dealers In faralture, Carpels, Wall Paper and Bhadssv Uudeitaktng Oootli, v LA QRANDK.OK., P. BASC1IE Dealer la fsrdware and Mining Supplies, 8toves, Tla wate, Cutlery and Uuns. BAKER CITY, ORKQON. B AKER CITY IRON WORKS OKO. K. MeLYNN. Pronrletor. Builders of Stamn Mill. Ore Cars and Gen eral Mining. Sawmill and Planing Mill Ma chinery, Architectural Work, Mc. Rrsss and Iron Founders anil Machinists. Special atten tion given to repairing and rebuilding all kind M machinery. felephono Red 131. BAKER CITY, OR. T HE ST. LAWRE NTE FRED ERNST, Proprietor. Qaly flritxlsn, European ftea. BAKER CITY, ORKQON. J. W. WI8DOM A CO. Druggist and Apothecaries. Prescription carefully compounded. Tsslet Articles. Main Stieet, BAKER C1TT, OH. Tir PATTKRBON .Proprietor ot THE EXCHANGE SALOON Isle Agent for "Old Barbae," vYooated: Couuty, Ky., Whiskey. BAKER CITY, OREGON. TyATERMAN A BCIIMITZ Wholetalo and Retail Dealers ta WINES, LIQUORS AND CM AM BAKER CITY. OR. f 1IIIE BTOItE One of the finest place In the city tor traveling men, FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIO AM Remember the place. 1 ACKERMAN, Proprietor. BAKER CITY, OR. II NDERTAKINQ In th neatest form. Pol ished and metallic coffins. A No. 1 htarte. Good ser vice aasurto. W. 8. NKION, .ruasral ( . ' "T rTr Sr'JHTwi Ifwi '''V'"'''KWDtKTOW, T.- TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN. Hardware. Stoves, Tin and Copperwar Lime, Plaster, Crmeut, Coal, Iron and Steel aud Hydraulic Pipe. rat Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. T HE PIONEER DRUG STORE ULA BUTE, Proprietor. Our stock Is thoroughly up-to-date. Weearrt nothing but strictly Al goods at popular prices, HA Court Street. PENDLETON, OR, Hotel Pendleton.. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IN fine Ulhiskies and Cigars Mradquartrrs for Mlnlne; and ComnurcUl Mrn.M baker arv OREGON p MURPHY A CO. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. , Weluhard's deer on Draught, Data' Ale, (lulu , iiesa' Porter, Val Rials Milwaukre lleerand tho Celebrated J. II. Cutter V hlskey for luuilly Ustf, i 4S Third St , Bel Couch and Davis. Uoods Delivered Free. PORTLAND,, QIL w E PAY (IOOD WAOES To Good I'eo Is , For tlotd Work 6TAR LAUNDRY CO., LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS EASTERN OREGON. Ko. Xi (illuu E., nttrTatft 9rton 'Pboue i7S. ' ' ' ' 4..S. M . I 4 , V M m 1,1 H AH ', K ? J 'i 3 v3 . -1, CLX. i . wfm. ,i wm Dlreetar. , - a. .l' . '; JtMasiib SjBJ v Katajjjl (' t d in i i ' "in i"V "ii i I ii n ii,i i I, Ti' t yiiiriimiii mm 'ipnwTil TT"P