i . 1 '(CW , v -j-rtiM1wtW ygpiq7 tT ti THE THJSW A(B,' PORTLAND. OREGON. jswi TOPICS OF S The Princess of Wnles In CO yours old, but of cottrno she tins so much social prestige thnt she docs not look It Russell Hugo Is siild to hnvc Ihhmi cheated out of $t"0 the other day by n plumber. This rends like a pipe story. In Uint nrlstocnitlc collection of dogs the growler miiy be In evidence, but no inlc Is likely to ever connect them with tin cans. Kiupcror Wllllnni Is keeping the linlchet recently hurled tit lilm by n croxy womnn, but so far ns we know lw has no cherry tree In his garden. rivrlslnn omnibuses nro to be pro pelled by compressed air. That's noth ing, though. Tho world has nlrendy known of ninny an enterprise run prin cipally on wind. Against the superior attainment of a rival there Is no armor like generous praise. The Duke of the Ahruzzl reach mi a point farther north than did Nun Ken. Hut Nansen achieved a notable triumph In leading the Norwegian dicers which greeted his Italian com petltor In the search for the pole. A story from Pittsburg concerning n poultry grower who hns succeeded In raising a breed of chickens with as bestos feathers and fireproof eggs tends to discredit tho stntcmcut that .Too lltillintton has retired from tho field. Possibly, however, the Pittsburg story may bo one of Mr. Mulhntton's efforts which have been delayed In publica tion. Just why so many good men and wo tneu who havo been the menus of load ing the modern curriculum with so many useless tilings never thought of or understonk to Inject the lost nrt of politeness Into modern school life Is vtrnugc nnd hard to understand. Thirty years ago children were taught to be polite In school and out of It, nnd when one notes a gray-haired man arising In a street car to give his seat to n woman, while n great hulking boy re mains seated, he recalls the early teach ings of long ago nnd Is thankful for them. When a man gets tho spending of vast sums of money nnd hns no object In life except to spend, he Is likely to drift Into what mny bo called a bric-a-brac existence. What tills means la Mhatwn by the doings of Count Honl do, Caatcllane, who has dropped nearly $7,' 000.000, largely In brlc-a-brac. At one hop In Parts ho spent more thAn f 100, 000 for brlca-brao; at nnuthcxlje pur-chr-ied knick-knacks costing 183,000. A great deal of this crockery and toys lie sold soon after buying It, nt n sac rifice, glad to get rid of It, apparently, after having had a good look at It. Tho brlc-n-brnc fad has Its uses, It helps to scatter largo fortunes' thnt have fall en Into unworthy hands, Tho recent automobile show In New York contained two exhibits, each of vhlell gnlued In Interest by tho pres ence of the other. One was ti practical automobile made In this country forty earn ago, still serviceable and In uso as n pleasure vehicle. It was built by Jtlchunl Dudgeon of Locust Valley. 1mk Island, ami Is really a steam lo comotive for use on ordinary roads. It weighs two and three-quarters tons, yet It d(rvlopstelght horse-power and haij; on a atrceftrorner or by country ronds, from which tho owner of a modern elec tric vehicle can draw a certain amount of electric "Juice" by dropping a quar ter In the slot. ' Although Paris sets tho fashions for -ronton, IamrIoii exerts Important lutlu once upon women's habits. A society has bcejfc organized at London whose nuuuhcra take n novel pledge. It Is, "I proiulsOytiot to serve ns crossing sweep er without ifltlnry." Tho object Is to iullgato the evils of long skirts In the thoroughfares, Tho pledgo Is being taken with more or less reluctance, but as soon h It becomes conventional to belong to thy association tho doom of the unpalfl crossing sweeper will be aenled. Ortwslng-sweeplmr Is a regu nrly'pald Toeatlon In KuroVean cities. (('Utility rlias been slow In reaching dip conclusion that the people who earn n pittance In this should bo pet-' inltted to earn It. 'American women? Ilrst In Intelligence In tho world, long ago quit tho business of carrying or dure Into their homes. The universal presumption In this country Is now among fashionable women that n wom an who appears In tho streets long of aklrt Is short of gowns. in-qneatiy itiiniuc,(i a spceti or rorty mllel an -ujUtr. Kesldo thlrt cIiihhIc an tomoMlo ns Shown the1 "electric hy drant" or'uleetrant," deslgnedMo stand hi A Ht. I.ouls woman, Mrs. Frederick Ilebuer, lurs shown how burglars may Ihi prevented from making a success of their calling. Their method Is easy. Let omen follow Mrs. ILelnier's ex ample and face burglars boldly lustead of serfumlng for the men folks. Is It not a fact that most men aro afraid of women? Is there not good basis for the famous Caudle lecture stories, for the adventure stories In which Mr. Pickwick enmo off second best In con tests with the fair sex, and for the gen eral belief thut about tvwvthtrds of tlur husbauds of the world ar "henpeck ed 7" Many a bold burglar would light n man who should try to thwart anil nrrvat him. Hut there Is an luhereut illstlko ou the part of nearly all ueu to try conclusions with a womnn. J3ven lirutnl men might be deterred by the thought that If the woman got hurt In the scrimmage, the punishment would be twice as heavy. If It should become the custom for the able-bodied women of a house to tackle nil burglars, It might so dishearten the knights or the Jimmy as to ciuimj n great decrease In the number of burglaries. Dr. Parkhuist Is not wholly ncctirato when he asserts that newspapers In this country nie run purely ns a busi ness entei prise to ilinke money It Is truo that there nro many Instances where newfcp.iper owners fondly en deaxor to make their newsjmper prop erties pay, but, without Invidious dis tinctions, we call to mind seveial of our most esteemed contemporaries who proudly rise above such mercenary con siderations. Aiid there was the Into Marcus Ilnly, who never thought of money while publishing the news. And Senator Clnrk. who supported Journal ism with a hmsh hand. And Senator Pettlgrew, who never counted the cost of his Journalistic enterprises. And we ptesume thnt nt one time or nnoth or two-thirds of the members of tho Senate and the House hnve cheerfully engaged In Journalism . without a thought of the burden of expense. Knowing all this, wo feel that we may safely rebuke Mr. Pnrkhurst for his Ill considered words and for his unjust lllng at our noble profess'on. We hae already In Now York nnd Chicago sev eral newspapers which wo might call "endowed newspapers," but wo suspect that oven Dr. Pnrkhurst himself would not point to them ns models of Journal istic excellence. It appears to have boon proved that "endowing" a news paper does not necesnrlly assure Its power for good or lessen Its power for evil. Prof. L. II. It. Hrlggs, of Philadelphia ninkcri the brond stntement thnt modern education falls to educate, and that the results now obtained are not ns good ns those achieved by pupils when the lat ter were forced to commit to memory Latlngrnmmar before attempting trnns latlou. Prof. Hrlggs falls to take certain conditions Into account. Formerly there were fewer pupils In tho public schools nnd fewer studies. Tho personality of the teacher coifnted for more. TJie teacher of n former day wns not turned out ou n model found In normal schools. He had Individuality. The pupils had more time for thinking. The conditions nro vnstly different nowadays. The schools aro crowded nnd tho scholars nro educated In bunches along certnln nrbltrnry Hues. Tho teacher has no opportunity to tnko Into account the differences In his pupils ns to mind and temperament. There are too mnuy studies. The school Is a place given up largely to recitation, while tho home la used for study of the lessons. Yet, deaplto all this, there has been progretw. Tlircat weakness of modern ;educn- tlotTJia It seems to ua, la Itsfntnl uni formity. In the colleges this hns licen cured by the adoption of selected studies nnd courses, but In the grades nnd In the high schools tho wenkness remains. Borne pupils nro to go through high school and others through the uni versities. Others still are withdrawn lif ter passing through the grades. Kansas City hns provided for those who nro to tnko high-school courses by having two high schools one of tho classical course, for those who nre to go to col lege; another, called the. Manual TrnliM lug High .School, which provides a sci entific course, as preparatory to prac tical life or to n course hi, polytechnics. And this latter distinction anlxo runs through the older classes In thu grade. Modern educational methods are far from perfect, but It Is easy jo show Lrtut ihu school of to-dny Is ur In ad viitiyo of tho old system of learning by heart. ' ' - I I I J " JilttlO KuoiUl)Huoua. AiixniK yie uttiu Known toimccos or tlio world nro thobo of Munelitirla anil .Mount I.olmnon. Manchuria tobacco Is said to bo highly prlzctl throiiKliout China, whllo tho local consumption Id mormons. Travelers way that tho In Imliltniits of Manchuria, botlv nun anil wmncn, begin to sinoko from tliu nuo of 8 of 0, nntl continue tho practice to the ond of their Uvea. The tobacco of Mount Lebanon Is (tint which finds nrost favor nmonj de vout Arabs. Travelers In that' part or the world describe It as bolnjr exceed ingly mild and fragrant. The dralers vyjio follow tho hnJJ to Mecca and Me dina always supply themselves abuud nntly with lA'lmuon tobacco bofor Hiartlug out, and no booty Is so wel come to tho Uedouln robbers of tho dosert as rycargd of this weed. A Turk lati IjAinpllKtitrr. This fuuctlouary Is usually a tnll aiul gnunt Mt1ssinian, with a tlerco mus tache, an uiutirolderod scarlet Jnckat and a 1hio turban, lie plants his lad der agalnotho wooden poat. on the top of which a common tin lamp Is Inse curely fastened, aud, taking off tho glass chimney, opens tits umbrella to Keep off tho wftid. Tho handle of the umbrella U tucked under his arm, and then, balaucjng himself on tho rickety ladder, ho proceeds to sttlko a light with his Inciters, curefully protecting tho sputtering flames with both his hands. Naturally this Is a slow proc ess, ami by the tltuo tho dozen lamps nro lighted, everybody Is aafo at home; for the citizens do not go out at ulght, but rotlrot'rest at a very early hour. ArhIu tho Corttn NaII., "Havo you quit smoking the uastj lit tle thlnglr . ",Yc. 1 found they untitled me for business." "What business aro you In now?" "Well, I'm traveling salesmau for a factory that inAkcs 'em, you know." Chicago Tribune. Leadino Business Fiims ol Miles WMl, IJ1IMRT NATIONAL HANK, THE DA&LE8, OR. ! J. 8. fcchonk, Pres.; II. M. Deal, Cashier. rtf A peneral banUtip buolncr transacted. De posits rercUcil, mibjcct to slfrht ilrnft orclleck. 1'ollictlons made a nil proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection, tight- and tele graphic cxrhatifri' cold on New York, Ban Fran cl.io nnd Portland. iW F UKNCII A CO., BANKERS THE DAM.K8, OR. D. M. French. it W. FreSj, J. C. Hontotler, Cnjhlor. -tt THE CELEHHATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop.', This well-known brewery Is now turning out the bent Beer nnd Pnrtereasl of tho CMcades. Ihclatiat appliances for the manufacture of Rood lienltlif ill Brurliau been Introduced, and only the flrat-cluss article will bo placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLE8, OR. IIHE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Strteta. Portland, Oregon, The UmatillaHouse THE DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH. Proprietors. ....The American Plan Only.... g llntri. II. II.AO and 12 nor (lav. All trains ilott for lfciiircr. O..R. A N. tlrkct orllcp. Wratcrn Union (olograph. 1-onjr dtitnnco Hell telrpliono. Agenta and.olllco for II atave llnva. Accommodation! flrst-cU a. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB. General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER POTS. WooTharidllng oil. neelaltv. Grain bought ami Hd. ' The Regulator Hit DiIIbi, Pirllaml I NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver. Cascade Lock, Hood River and all Points on the Washington aide. s The steamers Dalles Clljr and Regulator leave. Portland svary morning (except Sunday) at 7 and Thrftalles sts a. ta arrlrini at, dsatina tlon In ample time for outgoing- trains. freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gea. Agt, Foot nt Court Street, The Dalles, Or 1 J T HE ORIENTAL J. W. ORUSSI, Proprietor.' r t 128 Wslhlngton St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. Heer 5 cent. mUMPLK MEAT MARKET. J Kreo DellTery- To All Part ot the City? No. M, Seventh and Parts Bis. Phone Clay 601 Lard, Ham aud Bacon, 0 RONE A 6HULZK, Proprietors. SOAP AND. CHF; VTAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of the Fimoua 1 . OP GOLD IIEEK t VANCOUVK, WASH, B HOWN Jk M'CAUE, STEVEDORM - l Portland, Oregon. rnrreinnndenrfl aiillrlte.1. bhl' mail promptly deliver. vabie aimrt'M uruwu. rOIIN KKIXY Oeneral Uuranre Agent, Fire ani Marine, Foottuh Union A National 1111,04. Edlnbura and London: WiMern K. and M. Aa ranct Co.. Toronto, Can, CJj Third t., C'oluj blan illds. OTKIINKKK A JUL1KN Wholeiale and,reatall rroears. SBurn. side street, corner blxtli. Pot Hand phoue, Oteou Blauk 'JHC, Colunbk v., v Dl "i . 1 fctoria .AND r . -. ,... ...i.. --- w POWTLANQ.OtT-OOW. y THE DALLES, OREGON. MAYS & CROWE W holcisle A Retail Pcalers In HARDWARE. ST0YE3 AND TINWARE .Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers Material, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, font of Waahlnston Ht., Sunday, Tncday nnd 'Ihuraday oreiting at S o'clock, for hauvlc (aland, St. liolona, Caplei, Deer la and, Martins, Kalnma, Nccr Cltr, ftanler, Ml. Collin, Ma)Rcr, Htella, Oak l'olnt, Freemans, JUiiianlllo.C'latskanio and all way landing. TIT 8. UOWMAN PIIOTOORAI'IIIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTI3T Vlewa of All Dcicrlptlon Specialty, Kodak Developing and Klnhlilnj Main fit., Near llrldge, PENDLETON, ORKOON. QTAR HOTEL , W. M. ROllINBONrrrop. 8UMPTER, OREQON. c OTTAOE CHOP HOUSE H. C. COTNER. Prop. Open at all hours day or night, The best moalt ercd In LaUrande lor the price. Remember tho location East Bids of Depot Street LA GRANDE, OREQON. Gc OEDKCKE'8 RE8TAURANT PENDLETON, OREGON. Next Door In W. A. CU, R. Ticket Office MKALB AT ALL HOURS. Flrst-ClaM and, Quick Fervlce. Private Roles In Connection. Meals at All Prloes. QOEDECftE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable' Opposite Hotel Pendleton PENDLETON, OREGON.' "'- - ! I ...TELEPHONE NO. 16... Finest turnouts of all kinds In Pendleton Gentle hIiikIo drl itpi for ladles flood, competent drivers always on hand Boarding liortcs ill on the best ot care. Q. M. FROOflE. KOFPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept In a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drug.... A. C. KOEPPEN & BRO., Manufacturing Chomists. 116 Conn St.. PENDLETON, OB. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUI8T, Prop. BEST BRANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC C1QAR3.. Corner Perot Street and Jeffersou Atenuv, LA-GRANDE, OR. QO TO" SPANISH ORIGINAL TANALE RESTAURANT 166 Dull Street, let. TUN tad Foartb For the Beat Meal tor the Frio In the city. Quiet and Clean, Cooking by Noted Chela. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds ol Machinery. Partial. Central Eleetrie Ct., SEVEITH III 1LIEI STS. BoUT-w3t5. r7!!!l'V'n. I SM4ttvSyt i STEAMERS ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Waj Landings. Leaves Taylor street. CM' A. M. balem ..........7:1.0 A. M. Arrives Portland :30 P. M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leave Portland..... Leave Oregon City. .10:30 A. M.. 2 and MOO P. M. 1210, 3.80,6:30 P. M. Oregon City Trans. Co. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A.B.GRAHAM, Agent. . Office and wharf, foot of TaylorSt. Phone 40, VELJU I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHATSGOOD U you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. Ve are headquarters for Rauon Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 835 NoHh Third St. Boots and Sboes Made to Order Repairing: Neatly Done. Work called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. H.'C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capen Co.'s Shoes cuiiiiisoH & co. lkHt.i.$K-i-Mirs DIRECT !.. iq New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 1 Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce.' ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. KATK8; European Plan. 50c to $J.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Da OSCAR ANDERSON, Manacar, J. C PENDEGA8T, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves ' FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First 8tret. f. I. BROKE NUE CO. a 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA 750. OREGON RED 1H SO YEARS EXPERIENCE Tiumc MAiwa Dkwn- CosnriHt-r Ac Actob SMdlim a skatek and aearts4loa Busy aalcklr aseartB oar opinion fw waetkw aa tBTantlon U probably atMlaaw. Co waalea. tlousatrlctlrconadeatUL Bankbook on (M ml (re. (Mdeat u ne tor aaM nwrnalant Faunu takea throMk Mm Co. nostra ayertal Uc,m It hoatsaa-cta this Scientific flukiic A I ad oralrhMra4 weIy. I-artatr. wiUtlon of any aciswtasa arjL . m rt foar aona,t. BoWbya i loaraaontaa I) vJmmSrfVtTlryvV 1 --1-Jk-Ks 'VLiSfSiSsSml 1 G( OODYEAR RUBBER CO. . I i R. II, PEASE, VIce-Prcsldont and Manager.' -J J ALL KINDS OK RUI1BKR GOODS. 73-75 First St. I'.o' PORTLAND OREGON HISLOP'S . Trinmph Roasted Coffees The Moit Bparkllnff, Delicious and Aro matic COFFEES Mer Placed on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Thenw ..Four Blends.. WASHINGTON HOTEL'- N. P. J. FOLEN. Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Board br the Week, S3 00. Meals, IS cents, Rooms by the Vcek,$l.UOandup. Tronslenta solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone,, day &3. PORTLAND, OR. BEST LINE TO- St. Paul, Mfjneapolls, Dnlnth, Chicago, And all Points East. Thrnurli Palaco and Tourist Rice pern. Dlnlna;. Cars (royals a la carte), Rnffct, Smoking, Library Cars. For tickets and lull Information regarding Eastern trip, vail at city ticket niriic, 'JflH Morri son street. A. II. 0. DKNNIKTON. , City Pass, and Ticket Agent. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... ?$ PORTLAND, OREQONi Tel, Red 2844. BARR HOTEL- European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New home, newly furnished, two blocks Iron. Union depot .All the modern tmiirorernenta, flre-prool, hot and cold water, cantranjr lo cated. Bates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals 24c, Baths 36c Cor. Sixth and Ollsas, Pertlaatt PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Cart leave Portland. Corner Plrat and Wash Ington streets, (or Vancouver as follows: Vancouvar 45 Minutes. A. M.-:l. 7;03, 7:U.8:, 9:18, 10:09, 10:48. ll:M f.M.-U'iis, l:03.i:.5:S3.s:i8, 4:01. 4:, 6:8.1, :18, Jt0:t.l.jll:va. (Leave Kirst and Jet fer.on streets, 4 minutes earlier.) Ferry leases Vancouver to connect with ears as follow : A. M.-:t5, r.st, 8:L :oo, 9:45, 10:JO, H:U P. M.-iiY5, l :'so, 2:15, a ;00, 3:45, 4:30, 5:t5, :W, e:45,til:io. .. Cars leare corner First and Wajhlnftoa streets for Wooillawu as follows: A. M.-6:l,3.6:t8.n.-oa,7:l8. 7ui8.7:4a.8:(M, 8:18. 8:33, 8:48. .03. 9:18, 9. 'S3, 6:48 10:01. 10:I8,10:W, 10:48. il:oa. U:l8.ii:38,ii:4. P. M.-1J:03, was. 11:30. 13:48, 1:03, 1:18,1:38, 1:4a. 2.oa. 2:i8,u:.3:48, 3:at. S:i8,a:! 3:48,4:0.1 4:18, 4:43, 4:48,s:od, &:i8,6:M, 5,4, :ai, :i. 8:33, 6 MS, 7:03, 7:18 7:sa! 7:48.8:03.8:18.8:8:1.8:48, 9: S. :,;4S! 10:08. iUi23.io:43,u:ui,ii: (lists, Woodlawn S0 Mlautas. Cars leare Woodlawn (or First and Washing ton streets a follow: A M-8:4J,6;00, :15,6:30, :45.7.-00. 7;15,7;45 8:00, 8:15. 8.-30, a:4. 9:00. 9 :1V 9:30, 9:45, lllu 11-00 'm;30' l0:4' " ":l,,: t. M.-12:15,'U:30. 12':4J, l :00-l:i5, 1:30, 1:45, J:oa. 2:15,2:30. 2:ii, s.uo, 8:13, 3:V), J:t5,4:oo, 4:15, 4:30, 4:4 &XO, 6:15.530, 5;45? 6:00 16, 8:30, 6:45, 7:00. 7:15. 7:3o.7:4i. s:0 4 815. :S0. HM. 9:10, 9:30, 9.50, 10:10, M 2 10.50, UtlO. HUB. . -- Daily, except mindars, iDallr.excent W'enesdari iDallr, except W'enesdays and Saturdays. fMednesdays and Saturdays only. ..EMPLOYMENT AGENGY.. W. T: PHILLIPS. Staji Stark street, between Front and Flrta. Phone, Oref on. Clay 44L PORTLAND, , ORIGOHV Help of all kinds (arnlihe.1 on short B4ie' k anted: Railroad nen and deck haait,eeokSv "f.1.'!' JBj te.0V1 h0,t wrk' ' kaawU. mill hands and I'liyMork. ' Keal eatata liaunl auit i!4 firuppiT aiuii loruieauy 7 Mop WrlBjw, pat 4 county rlhu sr i eat appiica lor, btate ani laaia. -J- 7t', ! VH ' flBR-i Bin & K tfil1J 41. 3 V