riKf&oiwTw-iWGV''rt -"'" 4- f 4 MJJwwTwtoffiBft uinunmrmKm ' yrv; ? r ""sish t . 1 t , . . . , , Yr 'Ti7ELMMi9M9M v .1" 'i. ifciiiifii.irn.il in ii.i,,ii.. Liiiit !! ii i in 1 1 mi i iii mm vii nw "iraatf'Fgaf!7"'rf-3r .,i i -i' i n h." i ii ii frirTlii i im n i, i m ,i 1 mif nil, aw1 aaaaBaTJ --. t ; 1 . ..- k i: ' II !' 1 IV.. !' .j) W :. t- F' 'X V' UJ VOL. V.'- ' . ,; POBTLAKD, OREGOJM, SATuWaV, JANTJABY 5, 1901. NO; 40. lj - . . ' tM - L IMlMMfeailMMMHMMMMMlnMMMMMMMWHHMMBHMMMaMiMHNHHHaHHIMMHnMiHHHilM Jl C FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFSi&3;tf",' DrilKtintatt Dfipoxltu'ry mid Financial Anent of thu United State. t Prtwtdent, H. W. Corbetti cwhtcr. K. 0. Wlthlngtol Mli.Unt cashier, J. W. Nvwklrkt. nccoml MUtantCHthler, y, C. AVvorJ. Utteriof crcillt l(mic(l.Tllablu In Kuropoand the Kastvrn tte., SIkIiI excliange and I letecrnnhlo transfcni Hold on Now,York lloton, Chicago, Omaha, Ht. Paul, Han JrancUco and JUttprlnclpal points In the Northwest. Sight and time, blllt drawn In sums to suit on ixm'ion, I'urli, Berlin, Frankfort-on-thoMAln, Hong Kong. . Collections made on lavorablo lerma at nil accclbIo points. 7 TILTOIM, . i . K'tablUhetl In 1H5B. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on tltnti deposits. - Colleetionii rnado ttt-alt points on favorable torrao. Letters of credit leaned Vvallable in Europe arid the Eastern states. Bight exchange nn loierapiuc ChlraKO.'.fit. Iinis, Denve', Omaha, jcqii, WaelilnRton, Idaho, .Montana ami Exchange sold on London, Paris,. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, ' Capital, 1(0,000.00. Surplus and Undivided ProBU, $00,000.00. ' ". HE8ERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; First, National ..!. II .1 I IU.L... ni. .!... 1 T..iUn.l Monk Kaw Vnrlr TJ V. jiuii, iunnnu,uu, vIKi OFFICEK3 AND I)1REOTOU8-Ivl N'ico President: O.B.Wade, Cashier! MuLeod.W, 8. Byers, W. K. Matlock, r THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK! Dirsini' irxnU r ' , . -' , Organized March I, I8B0. Capital, $60000; Surplus, 853,600. 'interest allowed on' time deposits. Exchango bought and sold on all prin- oi pa I point. Special attention given ,' W. J. Furnish, President;' J.N. Teal, ' LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. pAPlTAL AND.SURPLUS - - - - . $72,00C FRENCH A, COMPANY, BANKERS TRANtAOT A QINBRAI. BANKIMQ USINKtt. N . lAtttn ol Credit lsaued aTallable In the Kaatera States. MfhtKzehanse sod Telefrapkls Translera sold on New York, Chlrago,'8t. Louie. San Franclsoe, rortland, Ore.. Seattle, Wash. . and yarloua points In Oregon and Washington. Colleetloua Badeatat'. polntioDlaroraeletsrsM. ( i v - Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERSOF ANDMEALERS IN lsaaaaaaaV''fsaVHPsBBw -LirTi 1 " al ! if aiiasai salsai j-8- aB LaflaBBBBBaVul w&9&m JBI ' I SVr InStavfll m ' 1 sJHSEsaaJ " ' HBSSaTaTtj&i-- Zi aT SaH BaW JsVaS. sWfrMBSrVV 4'" VaEQBaar UmT sfMaT W r ' ' iBtasaWSjsBsa-" 'tam', m3M TmyfrSt 1991m 194- JsteMMHf Mti lM.ui aud Immigration Agents l-o Insursnce Aftaw M' L. CAUSEY, General Manager. The Causey Real Estate Co. ' Farm. Fruit and' Timber Land's Stock Ranches, . Mlnlagf Properties. J M J OJpfVca: Fbley-Reche Building. , . LA GRANQEi OR. WM. MILLER, LA GRANDE, PKAU IN GRAIN BKET iNO PKUIT LANOS IK TBI SKAtrrnrOL GRAND RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON ' After a.conttnaona residence ef orerlOye t accimiilhneaU. am) future poSniblllth ate, 1 f( tltal uo oer,.scklng a borne, will . ..rat lla iat, sll Yaur CarrcapansJanae) la ....cnaatTuiiy Willamette Iron and Steol Works Founders. Machinist and f Boiled Makers, . . "ppRTLb, OREtiOM. .; ; ,v 't , miOMKRS A BOIUDsTHS OF..i - Marin anal Stationary Ef arsfJ.4llra,v Sw MW, Loglns.iMl Mining Maohlnry, ReMI driiHUnar ntut CeMrrugatlnK MaoMnary, . wmmt Tmnawlaatfn Maohlnary. ' mJLb ekvaWaa aJlaarn ISSIBatallaMt BANKERS SSS: transits boiu on new tora, yrbuiukkjh, Ban Francisco and various nolnt-lu Ore-' untlsli uoiumoia. Berlin, Jrankfor). and Hong Kong. Oregon. ..... -..i ..."..... ..,. Ankeny, President', W. Matlock, H. C. HuorenBy, Assistant Cashier; J.8. H. F. Johnson,. nnrnnN. to collections. Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. ' - Going r Company Stove Ranges. Hollowware & Household... Specialties... Handled by AH First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREOON OR. v;. .':-; vraraVn thla Vimoui Vallev. BUd a Cloee Studr of (tie 'of Itztoll. and a eersoiial knowledre ol ltacll- make any mistake la I pea Hug bare, Saileltan, ana All Quatlana answtrss..,. Machtrry ar sac lal pureM. wiiaw in or i vttii From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OP INTEREST TO OUR MANY Comprehtiulve Review of the Important Hap peningi of the Put Week In a Condtnted. Form. An armistice Has been .proclaimed at' Pekln. . Boers captureda trainitiear Rosmoid with 00 soldiers.- Another six-day bicycle race has been started In Boston. Conger reports' China's acceptauce ot the powers' demands. The, Washington Tost advocates the Lowis and Clark centennial in 1905. . , .. ,. j,-....,! ,:HI1V: ".,,;"", rtd Weitern ataV throughout the middle Western states. Moro than 40 tons of gold were ro- . celved at the Soattlo Hssay oillce in The navy department has ordered the gunboat Bcorpion toLaUuavra Veu V y ' eauela. j QmQQ conrt doolde8 that the wlfo alone cuu convoy estate tnat tne who mono cuu convey estate .a. .a in entirety; V 1 J' Bobbers got ?450 from passengers and mail and express in ' a British Co lumbia stage. The Taft commission has completed the municipal government bill for the Philippines. Fire in Williamson, W. Va., de stroyed almost the entire town. The loss is estimated at 975,000. , One person was burned to death and another fatally injured by the explo sion of a kerosene lamp at Alleghany, ' Pa. JXhe new battleship Wisconsin haa sea lormajly turned over to the gov - been ernmeat at the Union iroa Works, Baa Francisco. J Amaniln Mnralaa. a Mavlnan. aan amuck at Morraol, Aria., A constable attempted to arrest him and lii , taM tight killed Morales. . ' ' ii.H. a fj.-4t.. u. .MU V.h-..i... xiearv n. riwin ,iun uuij t.urv.i: I i- u..'...v... i rn....nj. i) -I. 4".h,BH'."? . ""' y i.iyjyHi birf B.V....1..M. .Mhljil. ..... 1 .hA lMa..Am ports many years ago, died at kis home la Berkeley, Cul A heavy explosion of gas oocurred in the llollenbeak mino, at Wilkes burre, Pu. KJve huudred men were at w6rk and nil got out safely, except two, who worn badly burned. Tim .British foreigu ofllce expects a renewal of thu.tnpduH vivondl in New foundlaud, but believes it will be im medlutely lollowod by negotiations with 'theN view of finally settling the dispute. The Scrantdn street car strike baa i I been called, off. The kaiser is contemplating a visit to. the United StattM. beanie nas siartwi a movowom w nppreas vice in that city. Soldiers may have to be called oat to quell a fuid in Kentucky. Coming Oregon .Legislature will be asked to found normal school at Burusl Edwin Bed for 3e, a noted, Kentucky eattle breeder, is dead, aged 08 years. According to advices from Dawsoa another rich, strike' has' been wade HID tllAVfl. . Many .Luzon insurgents have been 1 .T '. -,r . ....... capyirea-as a return 01 bcoumur uy Americans. t Kitohener reports that no progress Is being made against Boer ina.vd ia Cape Colpny. The Boers captured the British out posts at Helvetia, taking 200 prisoners asyiuuiais-ainiH, juiuyou i.u, ,... and killing 60. . ing tralaJA bruising himselt about the , w ., j 1 bead, It'H thought be will recover. In an altercation ovei1 a game ot """ "P . , . cards, a South Carolina sheriff and FawiaaU some of the provinces of two other men met death. 1 China ttibecomiug worse. The rice The report that Germany la negotiat ing to purchase the Danish Antilles la dialed in oillcial Denmark-circles. "The empress dowager will boI be al lowed to have anything to" do with the aaating of the' uew emperor of China. Fire lr Kansas City, Mo., for a time threatened several business blocks. but was got under control with stuall loss.. ' 'The United States g6verameat has Riade.aa offer of $9,000,000 for the -I Danish Antilles. This price is as. high) as the officials will go. ' ' A Wll will be introduced at the earning sessloa of: the Oregon legisla I ture to , reduce the railroad fare froas, 4 o 8 ceata.per wile. ' The. Philippine oomrslNioa has added to the pending sebool MIL a pro vision for the eVloyweat of 000 Aaserieaa" teaehers, at salaries raagiag iroM $75 ta $100 a woatb. " ' A toaia oa tM ;iHdersea aad was wrseked two n(iye east of; JIsai'sMflaJ Ky aad Mte psrsoas swiWsaylajafwd.l A aeap 1ragap aeapltac at plae.4 lataaawweei pateatly by w assure eaaasa tae . utcitnews. nnnNKK nF rmni! vmsm oF dutch- is Tbtftflritlih secondolaia cruiser An prilo Uan arrived at Panama. The fenvoys" were surprised br the prorripvaeoepiftnee of tho note. i A nwveaeat Is on foot looking 1 toward Canadian Independence, I Great ohanges are said to bo planned 'for the C.j4M. Bt. P. railway. READt1 KtiMfit'll is said, inspired the I oharjof, barbarity against German troops. s Goveinor Geer announces tho ap pointment of Oregon's toxt book com 1 mission?' SA "llassc-Chlnose Russia arbteotion of agreement gives one Mauohurlan provinc , . The Serai-annual statement of Ore gon'astlte treasurer shows hearly $1. I 700,000-ash on hand. , ; The't&nsport Meade, whloh carried a largeaiaaaount of specie from Kan ( Franc 14d, has arrived at Manila Manila. ' , mMh ..n JL.1S Varlelycvo! European 'ripens' Wo wooks curlier than present qropi's ie be intmduoed in Oregon. A bllfyvil) lie iutrodhced at the com log OreoVn legislature making lite Inr prisonmtnt the penalty for kidnaping ! It ' Jslundrestood that at the conolu-.j slon of .fepenttlous In South Africa, Lord Kitchener will necome commauu-1 er -in -ohfet is India. , I i'. I .' . . J T . .. a O.IM States Consul Wlldman, M llaii.. tAM.. Iiuh I.aah tMfnH ft. lilMSia f uuh"b. ". -"- IIougKone. has been granted a ol absenco nu win return to tno r. nlmnAHA.. . ent-t1tft llm . " . i. a hi United States immediately for the .unti,nji,.iih Vbenetttoj, his health. . I Tho. Uoer Invasion of Capo Colony has not yet been stopped. On the other hsnd the burghers seem to be gaining grouni dally aud are at pros ent halfway to the Cape. The aow Argentine-Chilean agree ment. In' regard to the frontier settle niont, has bean signed and the presi dents ef Argentine and Chile have ex changed,, friendly telegrams ot congrat ulation. . i I The war detsartwent has authorised MitstwMca at.Yaaewver barracks, WasWys set vlee in syw reg'l th Pklllf-ia. U twill be .teat to iasj PfStdW Baa KrsuKlseib lor aalf a '.$ .P " ItsM.C rlv1 wi" .... adopt Ira Cuban gl meat. n of Baron Thaws a as beh'e Ketteler dad In' Pekiu. Costa Bioa Is. pleased by recognition iu the canal ueKotiatlonH. , , , , it unnblo to chock tho, The Brittsli are Boer iuvrslon ol CupeO olouy. The fon)i)in troops iu China aro well prepared "Jr the winter season. The Republican canons in Pennsyl vania snleeted Quay for senator. The United States training ship To peka has kirived at Tauglef, Morroofo. The Earl ot llopetoun was sworn in as first jgovernor ' of Federatea Aus tralia, t Oregea', Washlngtoa I have beeVt formed into district, -1 nT..kt.b. a4 Alila life-saving , Flr hjA,,j, destroyed the olty U brary, containing 25,000 volumes and 1 vuuled at $80,000. 'The revenue cutter Perry will sail ! from As't'oaria in searoh ' of ovdtdue Uofumblarlver ships. pt Crowe, charged w(lth the abudc 1 .11..' rt vjuini. lllllullV 111 Olllllllfl. llRS .. j J--l-."""--. - -""-. coon capture.l m Koutu uakota. v ... tv ... ... - Kdwap witico, uu latino man, sen teuceil to death for murder, made a d.-rprate.J'bnt utiiccesfiir attempt. to cominiuuiue oy outuag sana... An lasafte mwn. being conveyed from Multnomah county to tno uregon state cropsjj awing to the war, were almost total feirares. and cablballsm has broken eat To autnorities are ua able to de'laythlag. , '; Tha fcsij'paymeflt bse been made on the BjtisV kiaaBtaiaroap ot mines' iu Eastern vUregoH, near uaaer wiiy. The Buretise arice was $00,000, The new owafs are men of means, aud work oa; a large scale will commence atonee'f IgaatjssVDonuelly, politician and author! dlsjl very suddenly at his home iu MiBaeaiiliH, sed 70 ,veur. 5r. DoBBelly jUas a candidate for vice prelaeMfc'Bvthe Middle-oMhe-Itoad PopouUst icket at the recent general eleetiea. I " Notleeatt a reduction in wages that will affeetaboat 4,000 men have been, lasted atlall of the tIa.t turasces la, the MaheaM huiI rilieuaugo valleys, Oble." Tbase price is $1. per aav tuIiOtinn niiers ami h.iit. ....'.. -i. !.... ... V.... Itwaotiff te that after February ) Will be $l.'5. There 4he.Jmae p; kiaetiaai t place the VageUH fHraaea pa the same them aa ia Mareh. 1 'tne empioyiw ,"" v. er they will aeeept "the say aowy Vb. WH&KW3mtGlBaFl&J9yn9m&m9 VBfBfMB4iMMsBtlBBTaBaaaBUBaa m i FDaBaBakBBBaSBaV flsBBaaaaaaaaHSBaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMsBaaaaaVsSBBaaaaB sWr wvmisisjsbbbkbsbjs aafJaiflTild ltrnieSfniy SM(imai'i)rOinisaiiJivsrBti JaU Pli ' 1 She Is Willing NOW to Keep the 1 Peace. , . ASSERTION OF EARL LI HUNG CHANG Emperor It Willing to Banhh All That the . Power May Name-Earl Li's Health is Seriously Affected. ' Pekin, Jau.3. A meeting of the J f6roien ministers will be 'held as soon . las Sir" Ernest Mason Satow, tho British mlnUtnr. whn la unfTnrlnir from ohilln i nd fever, shall have recoveied snlll- ciently to bo present, and a date and P'o r meeting the Chinese conimis- luuom nui unva uouu ngrrou upv. A reprBBeavo oi mo jinwe wua had a personal interlvew with Li Hung ChBn8' who ,how" P,Rln!y PhV!c,,, vj,)en'ce oi his recent lliness, imt I whose mind has not been affected by his stokueis, aud is as vigorous as ever. I in -the course ot his conversation witn tne corresHnueui, r.ari ui aatu "o"rt & 9 meet the. mlniHters , 'n oommislonors at his house, if MaaaW.aaa.. aad M . aa St t SHASui nsraf-l 111 A " "u "'u",reu' no4Hi""v on Hcoouut of tho condition of his , tinnWIt linf u'nlilil lint. Ill tliA rlrnlllll. I n . ko su estTonsT "lie says ' so that the omnoror is desirous ol , ' " .... . ,. , " ..a nn,i;,.:r i n n.,tiiiiura with the C ;Zu""JZ" " ,aiau.i .. ,..o. , 0u tho Ml0t hnnrt he thlnkHjho powers should ordor n cessation of tho frequeut irritating expeditions, which he looks uiou as uuaeuessarv, nnd as uuiuh n tioni ii ain.,!,. ..wr...,, 'i"""1' i .lft. .. .l.nl nf k.iwn I. M.111 Ikll lllllt. vosslble now. he said., to ihaintaiu 00m plete or er in tiie province, with the assistance of a small number ol Chi nese troops; itnd lie hopes the powers Kwill agree to keep as at presort the troops now stationed at Pekia and Tien Tsia, and aloag the railway. The emperor, Li llnag Chaag assert ed, I willing to punish all those named by the powi-rs by banishment to the fswrthest part ot ale' ttomlaioas, oa the northwest lroatir aad.tlselr retnra, He ih-eUred, will be .yreaibitwl dec tmaUvol ' tml&mUi&t sMxlqas; ,'.:. Mw;tMsttsjsMKr 0 iii.i..'.; .ili. :a. .... cin l.'u.l II iu VIIIMIlin III l'HMVH,w, .iwiii amtw , -, try iiiuhuh in her owr, ,o pmve that she intends compliance with the (lornand coutHined iu the note, and 1o show her desire to mako tho country safe aud habitable lor foreigners. Ho lieliuvoH tho ixiwerri will not insint uiiou tho totjtl destruction l thu fort J 'absconding tax receiver. His Bondsmen HvAratd lo Turn Over $25,000 Wsi Short More Than Thai a Altnoi?a. Pa Jan. U. On a con. fessbd detalaation of between !)0,000 and $40,000 the county commlssloaerii liave agreed to abuept 'JftJ)00 from Tax Receiver Jambs II, Mouullougirs cates. The coat promise was e te vest-f.Iav alter aMrerai conilieuc aanad been held by the bondsmen, :ooiWmls- slouers and attorneys, are to pay 13,600 " r . TIib bandsineu for 181)8 aud the sain 1 j amount for 1801), thu cotniun siouers olalmiiig MoCullough's dup'i cates ard square up to aud iucludlug 1807. Although MoUtillough is still;. missing, bo is not likely to escape puu -w. ---- . .' . .,..- A ' usumous. as mm .i 1 1. ..on ,...... r 1 ttOHna tn ofTur a rowuril lor bin uimre- Uhmout. hu utinra. r--- t -, , "ensiou. j Staje was fobbed. I Yftnoouver( , 0( Jgn. j, A 8peoU, ,rom Agasslt, II. C, toulght says that , the mall stae running between Agassia. aud Harrison Hot1 Springs, was heldvi up by three masked then, armed with riHes. The driver was forced. to relln quish the mail bag,- which wus rilled.' A number ol papers ele taken from the'oxpresH box, but (heir v&iue is at present unknown. Theraworo nine pussepKers on thu stage, aud those were forced to hand over thelrpuresk watches and jewelry, Ajfcut $460 iu cash was secured by tho build Its, The robbers (hen disappeared in the "wood .b"ide the road. The autlieyities have ao clew. Blsj Fire at Burllnjoa, Bnrllnutou. Ia.. Jan. 8. A fire 1 lax Iteceivvr onuum 11, niuuunuuii """"" , , IT ,. VT" bondsnieiraUdcaU.lils accounts aqnataJIIaBUngtoa, where he eonbl raass.4 , lie owea $35,01 P on bis 181)8 dapll aTedleal aldt- , , J I cates and $,00. on his 181)1) dop'll 1 Aaiaras could be acerUiBed, which broke out alter midnight pietnl one of the prlnolpal prowok burned out the Connor Mercfjitlla 0, t,,tt paolllo cablo, has writtea Company's stablWiment.'eiitalliug u lettettto llou. Willlm Mulleck. loss of $00.0 1), ami turn spreml to I Hcraui & Bthinlegs' wholesnle ilryx goods stpre, where $7o,000 damsgu wus done. The Couiior Company was fully , Insured. Hcram 8c Holmiiegs carried $46,000 insurance T Eleven Mta Killed, Vloksburg, Mus., Jan. 8. A tele Lpaeasmsssage to the Herald from Fay- lat.a iiri Miat two b nil vv (luluRt trul r"w-rr-... " . .. . rT.vw on , tne xaioo. Mississippi sniej """ , lailroad, both double-headers, collided I T'jaa Tsia, Jan. 4. Tea Germaa aear I lays Statloa, 70 njlles south of J were killed and sine wounded at ,Leie her., at-7 o'clock toBlgbt, and 11 uieal Hn, January 1, through the firing el a. wereiiled. ' , isalat. with a defective cartridge. Situation In Cape Colony Takes a Strion Turn Been Half Way to the Cape. Cape Town, Jan.' 4. The. British battleship Monarch will land guB e- morrow as a precautionary measare. The situation is serious; It Is tn that the Dntoh have not joined "th !n- 1 vaders in any considerable numbers. but a lack of arms is believed to be the truo reason for abstention! Is. many places horses are freely offered and information readllv supplied to the Boers. The early proclamation ot martial law in the Cape Town division ia ex pected. The division does not iisclnte c,pe ToWB itralt. Thn latait renorti ihovr the sitaatUst in ha ranarllv m follow.; tr - i .tin ..i....i. t ably aeon will be. Griqualand West is filled with small parties of Boers,- who are work!" aoutn towara rriesait lor ue pnrpew 0r co-operating wita or supports Commandant Hertabg, whosa advane parties are In the aeighborbod of F- a - rborv. The Boers aire close to Graaf Relswt, wnere 0f 1, the Outoh hay glvess m,BJr demonstrations, of extreme sysn- nathv. I In the eastern part of the ooleajr tha ailvanna nninl tit tliA ltnara la nlesav - B a .ism II a to Aiariesmtrg, auout ao mues nonss WMt of OrHdockf mi I -ll. . -i. 1. H.i k ZTTJZZXEmZ MWmwn - fHW 'wan ff " "" " - p-iB,i tk. WnrnUi .Lnuma vt W V WWVmt vw iva -w HV-w - I "JIIIT .L. t:..u w. u. t t "u,wu ..." "V?" ! """u; .JT1 ony, juauy o u resinessn, who ar wj nniCftn8 .j. rfRllrn R f,mt Uprigrjg of the Dutch as quite likely. I ,. HlMPrtDTIIMATP VP7liFI A W.l WlllVIWItl. ' mm " ' " ' w ' " One RsvelutiM Tsrsntaates aad Tw. Break Oae. Caraeas, Veaeauela, Jan. 4. TW revolutloa has eaded, but ex-Saeretaty-Geaeral Perasa is said to be, wHIs. aboat DO followers, la the menatala dlstrieta. t ' M m 1 a 11 11 11 1 1 n m Baa Jaaa de Port) Rlee, Jaa.a.w Passeasjeis. who.kaT. arrived. ara, . ta. Xsd.DllM sUasser Phllaaelaaia, La' Gaayra, Dseeaiber W.aay sv. SMSSJMSV f wasa latauaa MViHuaual hai' BSSaeBSal 1 SS.'"1Bt;r.atai, iHaSaiai saf ' ' ,?w-..Tr"'; . ,-rra:.'.v ni.AHf.jTia.ivj "imi' j" ; WB9BrRiXLEQDMB9l9K99M999FlQwQvrP&i 'f',lsaWBHl'smiW77TH?. Iv froDurtoil lo Inuu.otjeWmlgiPia.fWBVrr. -A '' ',' I.., ..i'W.--.i..i., ''-" -- - "l"- .- Vr e nj i, fiy yiifimiTi J A WW WJV.(V""i , auxiliary crulf .poorpea.,leU,lssri7 yesterday to join he if art ford ' ai'Jisv. Guayru. ' NEARLY FROZEN TO DEATH. Man In a Drunken Condition SlepH. Out In sat Cold for Quite a Time. Express, Or., Jau. 4. A maa Iky; the name ot Tudor started from tale place yesterday evening for the Hie Kltld mines, about l'J miles, east ef this place. A party leaving for tas same place tins mormug ipnua am lias Mm about halt way between here and mines in a froseu condition. ill tiMinuhfc tn thla nlaoa and later reaael a maa aaa-oe.B'usitiui ,jpnwmnvmnT before leaving here.. Oa asacblaa; a- cabin aear the True Bine Is. stopped for ,the night aBd built up a. lire on the Door of the building. II. then droped off tu sleep. He awek. in time to escape before, the burn lag; structure collapsed, although We sat 'fered several burns. He crawled m short distance away and fell to sloop ,! As the weather was bitter com. -- It is s It Is a inttaoio tuai no was uot .iroaess V ievu A , V A Zambcil CoIUjCht OJlo0 JD,'4.A social necord from Hlohmond, Ind tot, ays. iii.,0n Hartxwoll, of the Methodist jtyiiqopal church In Alrlca. alms a. raugod with the Key. George . Hei-S .j!..'fl 1 'J boldt, of Indiana, to flO to Earobesi.f 'i a r.i, Africa, to conduct a cqllege at New t Outolia, in the country, Thu being a British country, the'llrlUsh goveia ment donated to the Methbdlnf Eplsee- . pal church $lD,000.'nd' 181000 acre. 0 land for the phjpbsf'b'f'buildlasa. sonool to educate the En'glfah residents. Itev. Mr. Belboldt's inlswlbrr is to go to Afrlea to superfntend thll"school. 11. will4' sail from New YprlCthe lastef this month. ' ' ' ' r :'!.., Cable Around the Globe. , , . , Ottawa, Out., Jan. 4. Santera ..' .tr.fienerKl. iu favor ot a state. owned telegraph Una euoiroling the globe. This Is Id to be the befbi-i JIng of R ,novon)et to uatlqullse the cable and telegraph services of tb. , British empire. 11 this were dose, Htr riauford says, it would reduce the prie. ot tsessages to oa,e-elgbta or oae-teatb of what It bow costs to distant British possessioas, . a ruj,- cw . 1'i 1" , .. V.,0MI i&tow;; X .' ! ! ?