,,Wryv' - THE NEW AGD, PORTLAND, -t ' OREGON. v. An Invitation to Women All the world knows of the wonder ful cures which havo been made by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- found, yet some women do not realize hat all that is claimed for it is abso lutely true. If all Buffering women could be made to bclloTo that Mrs. Plnkham can do 11 she says sho can, their suffering would be nt an end, for they would at onco profit by her advice and bo eurcd. There is no more puzzling thing than that women will suffer great pain month after month when every woman knows of sotno woman whom Mrs. I'lnkham has helped, as the- letters from grateful women are constantly being published at their own request. The same derangements which make Salnful or irregular periods with ull bnckaches and headaches, and draggiug-down sensations, presently dovclop into those serious inflamma tions of tho feminine organs which oomplotely wreck health. Mrs. Plnkham invites women to write freely and confidentially to her about their health and get the benefit of hor great experience with tho suf ferings of women. No living person can udvi-,o you so well. No remedy in the world fins tho magnificent record of Lydla E. Pinkham's vegetablo Com pound for absolute cures of female (lis. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lyaa, Mass. Three Letters from Onm Woman, Showing how Shm Sought Mrs Pinkham's Aid, and was ourmd of Suppression of the Men" sos and Inflammation of iho Ovaries " Dkah Mks. 1'iNKHAM I havo been In bed o year. Doctors say I havo female weakness. I havo a bad dis charge and much soreness across my . ovaries, bearing-down pains and havo not menstruated for ayenr. Doctors say the menses will never appear again. Hopo to hear from you." Mrs. J. P. Unowtt, Holton, Kans., April 1, 1888. "Dkah Mns. Piukham I received your letter. I have taken one bottle and a5 half of your Vegetable Com bound, and used two packages of your Wash, and feel stronger and better. I can walk a few ster.i, but could not before taking your Compound. I still have the discharge and am sore across the ovaries, but not so bad. Every one thinks I look better since taking your Vegetable Compound." Mrs.J.F. llitowN, Holton, Kans., Aug. 13, 1898. " Dkah Mrs. Pinkha I think It la my duty to let you know the good that Lydla E. Pinkham's Compound has "-..JLo.np me. After I took three bottles, menses appeared, and I began to feel stronger and all my pain was gone. Yours is the only medicino that ever helped mo. I am able- now to work around tho house, something I did not 5cpeot to do ngaln."-Mns, J. P. Buown, Holton, Kans., Jan. 35, 1800. Three Moro Letters from One Woman, Relating how Sho was Cured of Irreg ular Menstruation, Leu oorrheca and Backache ' Dkah Mrs. I'inkhau I am suffer (ng and need your aid. I havo pains In both bides of tho womb and a drag ging sensation in tho groin. Men itruatlon irregular and painful ; have leucorrhoea, bearing-down pains, sore ness and swelling of the abdomen, headache, backache; nervousness, and can neither cat nor sleep." Mrs. Car ui PuiLLirs, Anna, 111., July 10, 1807. 14 Dkah Mrs. Pinkiiam I want to thank rou for what you have done for me. When I wrote to you I was a total wreck. Since taking your Vege table Compound, Liver Pills and Sana tlvo Wash, my nerves are stronger and more steady' than ever before, and my backache and those terrible pains are gono. lie fore I took youi medi cine I weighed less than one hundred and thirty pounds. I now weigh one hundred and fifty-five pounds. Your medicine is a godsend to poor weak women, I would like to ask you why I cannot have a child, I have been married nearly thrceyears." Mns. Car rie l'iuu.11'8, Anna, 111., Dec. 1, 1807. " Dear Mrs. Pixkham I did luBt as you liai) ou udvlsed roe, and now I am the py mother of a fine baby srlrl. I bellovo 1 never would have had her without your Vegetable Compound." Mrs. uawuk ruiLurs, Anna, ill., Jan. 7, 16'JO. , Proof that Falling of the Womm Is Overcome hy Lydla Pinkham's Vege table Compound 'Dkau Mrs. Pinkiiau When I wrote to you tome time ago, I had been suffering from falling of the womb for many yeara without obtain ing relief. Was obliged to wear a bandage all the time ; also had bad headache und backache, felt tired and worn out. After taking six bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com pound and four boxes of Liver Pills, I discarded my bandage and have not had to wear it since. I am entirely cured "Mrs. J. P. Tboutman, Box it, Hamilton, Ohio. "Dear Mrs. Pikxiiam For nearly two years I was unable to work. I was very weak and could not stand on my feet but a few minutes at a time. The doctor said I had falling and in flammation of the womb. I began to we Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and after using five bottles I ieel like a new woman." Mrs. P. N. flraKK, Confluence, XV, Va. r CLAIMANTS FOR D I? lU C I Sltl IT BICKrUHH. Washington, D. C. ther will r II rriTp quick repllev Ii. Mh X, II. Vol. Staff mh ( rri. I'ro'wnttns rlalm tnre 17' LflW! VlCKALl llit f AllS. I Bert Couh Sjrop. Tauea Good. Cee I la time. Sold br Jruawtt"- I A NEWSPAPER TRAGEDY. Unpleasant Error In Connection with an Advertisement "This Is an outrage!" exclaimed Dan iel Brlzzleton as ho rushed into the business oUlcc of the Petnbervllle Ban ner and slapped a copy of that paper down on the publisher's desk. "1 will never give you auothor dollar's worth of advertising aa loug as 1 do business in this town I What's "more, 1 want you to remove my name from your sub scription list immediately:" "What's tho matter?" tho business manager asked when ho could get a chance. "The're must be some mistake. If tho printers have nindo an error in Betting up your 'ad.' wo will, of course, be glad to correct It without any extra charge. I assure you there has been no Intention to treat you unfairly." "Oh, there haMi't hey?" the angry old man replied. "Well, I want you to understand that I'm no fool, and that I can boo things as well as the next one. Here, look nt this!" Die spread out tho puper containing his advertisement, which was promi nently displayed in throe half-columns, announcing a "grand clearance solo of clocks, onyx stands, silver tableware and fancy china by Daniel Brlzzleton, the old reliable." Tho manager read the advertisement through very carefully. It was printed In big type and set up In artistic form When ho had finished he said: "I can't see anything the matter with this. It Is printed just as you wrote it, and In the style you ordered, Isn't it?" "Yes. I don't dlsputo that," Mr. Brlzzleton answered. "But here" he turned to another page of tho paper "look nt this!" Tho business manager of the Banner put on his glasses, saw that the old man's finger was pointed at nn item in the "Society News," and rend: "Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brlzzleton have Issued '100 invitations to the marrlago of their duughtcr, Elizabeth Ilcurlettn, with Mr. Alfred Wharton Dumblcford, which Is to occur about the middle of next month. See ad. elsewhere in this paper." The mannger tried to explain that tho last line was kept Bet up in the Banner oltlce nnd that It had been placed by mistnko below tho announce ment of tho coming wedding, but It was useless. The die had been cast Another tragedy of the types had to bo added to the long list Chicago Times-Herald. HUMAN HANDS. .Ilyaterlouaty Tell Time on a Clock's Kuce and Never Krr. In tho window of a certain Jeweler's shop In Philadelphia Is a clock which tells tho hour of the day by hands thnt aro the shape of human hands. Mirac ulously, It seems to tho observer, they are connected in no manner with the works or any other part of ,t he clock. Yet they move round the face so as to nlway's be In the proper placo to tell the proper time. Tlieso hands aro made of aluminium, to take the place of the hour and min ute bauds of tho clock. Tho minute hand Is left tho natural color' of nlunilnjuin, but the hour hand is col ored black so as to distinguish It The magical part of tho clock Is the power which causes these hands to move round tho face of tho dial so as to always tell the proper time. Although It docs seem somewhat supernatural that two simple pieces of metal, having uo connection whatever with any part of the clock, should always be In tho proper position to tell the time of day, It Is, nevertheless, a very simple mat ter. This supposed feat Is accomplished by having the two Imitations of hands lined with soft Iron. Tho dial, which represents the face of the clock, Is made of thin white pasteboard, out lined and numbered Just as any ordin ary clock face. Underneath this dial, and lying on the floor by tho window, are the works of a clock with very long ordinary hands attached to the usual manner, To tho ends of these bands the Jeweler has Joined two small magnets, so that they will attract tho soft Iron on the backs of the aluminium bauds, and then over all this he hns placed the pasteboard dial. After arranging the under hands under the proper numer als, and placing tho visible hands over their proper places, the Jeweler winds the clock and sets It going. Fishes Bleep While In Motion. Tho sleeping of fishes, If they may properly be said to have such a habit Is as yet a puzzle. It Is altogether prob able that they do sleep, though they never close their eyes, simply for the reason that they have no eyelids. Prob ably many fishes slumber while swim ming in the water, reducing the exer cise of their fins to an automatic mini mum. But It would be a mistake to suppose that a fish does Its sleeping at night necessarily. On the contrary, many species are nocturnal in habit feeding In the night time. A Home for Horses. With a sense of the debt we owe to these intellgent and patient servants, England has led the way In establish ,ing a hospital for Invalid and aged horses, where the less opulent among horse-owners may give their old favor ites a peaceful autumn to their indus trious lives, and where tho poor man's beast is provided with rest care and j doctoring to bring him as comfortably as may be through the ailments of horseflesh and send him back to the sunns tcuuu iuu wcu. The man who does wrong intention ally always plans an excuse for doing it In advance. An educated fool is more foolish than an ignorant one. ON BACK OP A BULL. FRIGHTFUL TORTURE INFLICTED BY INDIANS. . A White Man anil Woman Tied Onto the Terrified Animal, Which Was ' Then Turned Looae They ere Pur sued by Wolves but Kcacned. In striking contrast to the exciting experiences he underwent in his young- J er dnys is the quiet mnuuer in which I Capt Ike Jackson, whose name Is M , miliar nil through the Southwest, Is passing the evening of his life. Now he lives on his well-stocked ranch on I tho Pecos IUver In W'cstcrn Texas, and, I while a Jolly, sociable companion, un der all conditions, Is at his best whllo recalling the Incidents of his life ou the ! frontier when the Indians were plenti ful. Ills entertaining fund of rcnimls fences ho is always ready to draw up on and never does ho tnlk to an unin terested audience. One of his talcs is of an exciting event which led to his mnrringe. As he tells It the story Is as follows: Attacked by Indluna. "I was playing the llddlc one night at a dance in a little log cabin on the ex treme frontier. There had been rumors of an Indian raid, but the people were fearless, and everybody in the neigh borhood was at the dance. Suddenly an arrow whizzed through the open door and struck a young girl on the shoulder. It was followed by a shower of arrows and n few shots. Women shrieked, nnd the men seized their arms and began to barricade the house. I kept on playing tho fiddle as If nothing ! had happened. "That's right, Ike,' whispered old Colonel Chrlsmnn. 'Play as If the devil was after you and I will snvo tho wom en nnd children.' I turned looso on 'Tho Arkansas Traveler' and I made THEY OUT TUB BULL LOOSE tho old llddle roar. Whllo boiuo of tho boys were popping nway In tho dnrk from the front of the cabin tho old col onel managed to slip out tho back way and escnpo Into tho woods with tho women, ami children. Then I laid the fiddle down and got my gun and Joined in tho defense. Tho red devils were too tunny for us, nnd nftcr killing four of our boys they set lire to tho cabin and succeeded In capturing me as I was trying to cut my way through their Hues with my bowle knife. "They bound mo hand nnd foot nnd tied mo to a pony. After raiding tho settlement nud burning tho cabins they started buck toward a Llpun village on Devil IUver. When daylight camo I was congratulating myself that the red men had not captured auy of the wives or daughters of the settlers, but In a moment I heard a cry of distress and upou twisting my bead around was amazed to see a beautiful young girl whom 1 well knew lashed to nn old squaw who was riding a mustang. The Indians had fouud a demijohn of brandy In a cabin and it was uot long before several of the warriors were drunk. They began to yell and cavort about on their ponies apparently Indif ferent to tho likelihood thnt they might be overtaken at any moment by the enraged settlers. While crossing tho San Gabriel prairie they circled around a herd of wild cattle and roped several of the fat animals. By this tlmo the old chief In command was almost too drunk to ride, and they halted In a grove on the banks of San Gabriel and prepared to have a feast. We were tied to a tree, and the eld squaw told us that wo would be burned alive later In tho day. The girl was the daughter of Colonel Munroe, a noted member of Austin's colony. I was close enough to speak to her, and I bado her to be of good cheer, telling her that our friends would be sure to rescue us soon. The Indians feasted and drank until nearly sunset and by that time many of the warriors were furiously drunk and eager for some fiendish work. They roped a monster Mexican bull, and the old squaw said to the girl 'White face heap frald of bull. No like to ride hlmr Laebed Onto the Ball. "The savages no sooner heard this re mark than tbey began to yell with de light They ran toward the girl, and three or four drunken warriors seized and dragged her to the bull. Other In dlons cut me loose from the tree and forced me along by the side of the ter rified girl. Tbey threw us on the back of the bellowing beast and lashed us securely to his body. "By this time the whole camp waa aroused and eager to witness the ter teres. Squaws clapped their bands, aad -- i - i I Sn29KBsVK 'J9SBJSt 0rtJtaSSSw ""aTUB"afMbnjaK tM . . the drunken warriors howled like In carnate devils. Tho-y cut the bull loose with us lashed to his back, and the sprang away bellowing, with blood nnd foam Hying from his nostrlle. The In .dlans set out after the maddened beast, raining arrows nnd musket balls nt us. Tho girl swooned with terror, nnd 1 abandoned nil hope. Fortunately It wns lnte In the evening, nnd the frightened bull ran so fast tlint th6 drunken In dlans soon lost sight of hliu. When 1 realized this nil my energy nnd courage returned to mo rind I determined to ninke a despernte effort to save my own and the girl's life. I called Snllle nnd wns glnd to And that she had recovered her senses. Tugging with nil my strength nt tho ropes I tnnnnged to get onchnnd loose. At this moment n new terror sprang up. The bull had been wounded nnd he wns leaving n trail of blood that had been scented by a pack of wolves. The hungry boasts howled nnd yelped as If there were a thousand of them, nnd It was not loug beforo I could hear them gunshlng their teeth. HckciiciI frntn n New llntiircr. "It Is likely that tho bull would hnvo fallen ou tho prairie from exhnustlon and tho wolves would hnvo devoured us before we could, have released ourselves had It not been thnt the bi-.ll had run bnck directly over the trail the Indians had made. Animal Instinct led lilui bnck to the locnllty from which he had boon taken, nnd he ran right Into n col umn of settlers who were pursuing tho Indians. Snllle saw the horsemen nnd when sho began to scream her father, who was In commnnd of tho pursuing party, recognized her voice. The bull, being nearly exhausted, wns easily cap tured. "I don't think thnt I told Snllle thnt I loved her whllo we were on the back of that bull, but I did fall In love with her while the nrrows were falling nbout us. Not long after wo were mnrrled." Centenarians Aro Gcncrhtly Small. One of tho most Interesting nnd trust worthy .statements In respect to old WITH US LASnED TO niS BACK. ngo Is the report on tho Jinblts of cen tenarians, made somo years ngo by a commission appointed by the British Medical Association. It seems thnt most of these old people weie small or medium of stature nnd n spare hnblt of body; the voice wns rather feeble, most of them had lost their teeth, but nearly all enjoyed good digestion, ono old inn n of 08, a clergymnn, placing his hand on tho organ In question nnd say ing thnt ho never knew whnt It wns to' Ifavc a stomnch. Nearly nil of them had enjoyed uninterrupted good health, nnd many had never known whnt It was to bo sick. They were nil very moderate In eating, most of them using llttlo animal food. Few Indulged nt all In Intoxicating drinks, nud those only In notable modcruilon. They took considerable out-door exercise, and nearly nil possessed tho good-natured, placid disposition. Potatoes na Penwipers. A certain New York hotel uses n bushel of potatoes a year for penwipers on tho tables In tho writing-rooms, Kv ery. morning n large potato Is put In n compartment of the (ten box, and after 24 hours tho potato Is removed nnd an other put In. Pens In pen holders urc stuck Into the potato half it dozen nt n time, giving it tho nppeiirnuco of a porcupine. It Is claimed that a potato penwiper Is tho best preservative against rust nnd inlldow that can be secured for tho pens. Aro Thoy Slurried ? In the village of Dulton Lcdnle, near Sunderland, England, 1100 couples want to know whether they aro married or not For years they have thought they were, but the bishop of Durham de clares they are not. They say the mat rimonial knot was tied for n fee, and. If It were not regularly dotie they as sert that the bishop ought to have It repeated free. ' Uluyolcs for Krorcih Poniinen, The French Postmaster General has found the use of bicycles for postmen so satisfactory that orders have been given for rural postmen, where possi ble, to bo supplied with machines, to be paid for and kept In order by the state. Canada's Increasing HxportH. The exports of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, hams, mutton, pork, apples, oats, peas, wheat, Hour and potatoes to Great Britain from Canada has more than doubled since 18IHJ. When a man commits suicide, It de velops that be kissed his wife good-hy before be left home. Women should not Insist upon affectionate attentions la the future. Stories of Boyhood Pitt, All readers who know Mr. G. W. Cable's delightful stories will find much entertainment in an account of tome of his boyhood pets, which will appear In nn early number of tho Youth's Companion. The GoAt Was Hard to Ride. Tho suporior court at Tncomn has dismissed a caso for $35,000 ngniust the groat court of Washington Forest era of Amerlun, brought by a candi date who thought tho goat wns too unruly, and tho poor candidate must now sue tho local lodgo officers, If ho expects to got anything. Tho Uit 1'reecrlptlnn for MnlkrU Chills and Fovor is a bottlo of Grovos. Tnstoloaa Chill Tonic. It is simply iron andiquinino in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. Prlco EOo. Whit Is Heroism. A notnblo fonturo of tho 7Gth volumo of tho Youth's Companion will bo nn nrtiolo on "Tho Fssouoo of Heroism," by Governor Thoodoio lloosovolt. Responsible malo nnd female help free to em ployers. Acme Uureau, llox 309, l'ortlatiil, Or. Million Bushejs of Wheat. In one weok, ondlug Dooombor 16, Portlnnd exported 060,000 bushols of whoat. GAKFIEM) TRA Is the original herb ten (or the cure of con stipation and tick headache! It Is a specific for all dis orders ot stomach nnd bowels. Columbia River Improvements, Common roport has it that this con gress will nppropriato only $000,000 for improvements at the mouth of tho Columbia rivor. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Aee Pac-StaatU Wrapper Beltw. Yeary a-aall aa4 aa etaay tot Mi CARTER'S Fll MEAIACNL ran uzziticss. FOR IIUOVtREII. FOR TORN! LIVER. FOR C0NSTIPATIIN. FOR 0ALL0W SKIN. FOR TNEC0MPLEXI0R rfsHtTerstaMvegS mmnTBmwmrmrw CURE SICK HEADACHE. Primary Election Law. A prlmnry election law is being agi tated in Washington as well as Oregon. A Household Necessity. Kvery home should have hitmly for use lit tle box ot Caiearels Candy Cathartic, as n cr, feet Ktioritlun of tho family health. M drug (Isti, 10c, Wo. 60e. Pennsylvania's Forestry Preserve. Tho state of Pennsylvania has pur ohaosd 100,000 acres ot land for a forestry preserve, . AVcgclable Preparationfor As similating iheFoodandRcgula ling the Stoioaclo ondDowBls of Promotes Di&cslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest-Contains neither Oplum.Morpliine nor rtineral. wot "Narcotic. JmwiffOUOrSiNVnmCMR A perfect Remedy for Cons-Bo. Ron Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea and Loss or Sleep. Mt----i---a(tlatT---- Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. BUB exact copy or wrappck, m BLSASafjBTa5ByaaaartassSBPTaaj LW5rr7rrW,S7w!MrNWiIH!ilrTl Disfigured Skin wasted muscles and decaying bones. Wht havoc! Bcrofiiln, let alone, Is capable of all that and more. It is commonly nmrked by buuche. In tho neck, Intlnninmtlons in tho eves, dys pepsia, catarrh, and general debility. It Is always radically nnd permanently cured by Hood's Smrmmpmrlll Which expels nil humors, cure, all erup tions, nnd builds up tho whole system, whether young or old. llood'a rillTciTrellverlllil tlienon-lrrllatliiKninl only cnrtlmrtiu to tnke with llood'a Harsnparitln. Oregon Property Valuation. Tho vnluo of Oregon property, for purposes of assessment nnd taxation, ii $77,000,000, very low indeed. Ten Millions for the University. Work on tho now buildings for the University of California will bo Btartod eoou, nnd Mrs. Hearst says sho will spend nbout 10,000,0D0 for improvo monts. , Mothers will find Mrs. Whitlow's Sooth li:c Syrup tho best remedy to uso for tbrte children during tho teething perlqd. Greenland's Exports. Groonlnnd exports4 oil of seals and whales, fox, seal nud rolndoor skins, oldordowu, fontliois and oryolito. Its ohiof trado 1b with Denmark. Carter's Ink hns a good deep color and It does uot strain the eyes. .Carter's doesn't fade. Oregon Stale Fair. Tho Oregon stnto fair is now on a paying basis. This yeai a cash price ol $875 will bo givou for the beat county exhibit. Sto0m the Ooue mntl Workm Off the OoU. Laxatlvo Bromo-Qninlno TnblotB ours a cold in ono day. No euro, No Pay. l'rico 95 cents. Buying Oats In the East Grain dealers in Hoattlo nnd Fort land nro obliged to bring oats from tho Knst to supply tho onoruious do maud in tho Philippines. HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars I'.oward for any ease of Catarrh that can not ho cure J by Hall's Catarrh euro. F. J. CUKNKY A CO., l'rops.. Toledo, O. We tba undersigned, hnvo known 1 J. Ohonor for the nnst lvnar. and bellovo him jterfcctlr honorable in all bualu as traosoctlous and An-anclall-r ablo to carry ournny obligations made by their firm. J WaarATniMX, Wholeaalo IiruvnlsU, Toledo,';. Walbino, Kinium A MAnviN, Wnoleialo Pniclsta, Toledo, O. nairsCaUrrhCiirUton.nt:rnlly.aotlna finally on tho blood ana m coos surfaces of theayattm. IT I o Tic per bo1 Ue. Bold by ail ttruffrlata. Testlmonl-lsftec, Hall's yasally Mil rJAibea. I I )! Want State Code Revised. Oregon attorneys aftx. Moving to have) the state code revissat thU winter's session of the leghdafcwr. BESTFORTHE BOWELS If yoa haven't a regular, healthy moremenl of tM bo-je. tieij day. you're tick, or will be. Keep you bonol open, and bq noil. ' Force, in tliotbapaof violent &hf klo or Hill ttnlann. I. dannaraua. Tha moottie.t, oatle.t. luo.l irfoei way of ktsulDi lb boned clear and cluau It to take CANOV i Ta--a- bAinAnnc THAOI MAN HSSISTTRSO J Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taut Qpod. Do flood, le-erHloken. Weaken, or (irlue. We. Mo WrUe or I re temple, aod booklet on bcalln. Addrett Siwllai StwItMiu;, fSUat, UmI, t ItI. SSSt KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN CASTORIA For Infanta and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tms eNtu aoMMNV. hjw vaaa srrv. .Xv-As AW iT Ml i . $ nt, .V "ijLvj r isvwiHtm tU -, j6.i. u ,JY V&toud k