fW iJi?W M THE NEW AGE, fcORTLAIND. OBEGON. ' p.,.. iv'rf,-yyy77?' ' i 5jj"- H F V LV . WA i Vt& I r j iV2 Ak 1 W V m - h J fr c. . 4 r n' is 'it T" x 2 -MT" L tlADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. E ALSTON L CO. Dealers In farnlturc, Carpels, Wall I'apfr nl Shades. UtiileitnkiiiK Oood. I,A ORANDK, Oil. P. DASCIIE Dealer In fardware iind Mlnlnir Supplies, Stores, Tin ware, Cutlery and (Jinn. IIAKER CITV, OREC10N. BAKER CITY IKOH WORKH OEO. F. McLYNN, Proprietor. Builders of Stamp Mills, Ore Can and 0n. ral Mining. Hwmlll and Planing Mill Ma ehlnery, Architectural Work, Etc Rrass and Iron Fonnderi ami Machinists, , Hpeolal atten tion given to repairing mid rebuilding all klndt M inachiiury. . relephone tied 101. RAKER CITY, Oil. mUE 8T. LAVRBNOU FRED EKNHT, Proprietor, iljr flrit.claii. European plan. RAKER CITY, OREQON. T W. WISDOM A CO. Druggists and Apolhecarltf. Prescriptions carefully' compounded. Toilet Article. Main Hliwt; nAKKR CITY, OK nj PATTERBON I'roprletor of THE EXOHAMIE' HA LOON tale Agent for "Old' llarlie." Woodford County, Ky., Whiskey. IIAKl'.R CiTY, OREGON. waterman & HciUiny. Wholesale and lUilall Dealers la WINKH, LIQUORS 'AND CIOAR! BAKKR CITY, OR. MIME STORE . One of tlin finest plsees In tlio city lor traveling incti. J7NE W1NBH. MqipiM AND CKJAR8 Kemcmticr the pUce. , X ACKERMAN, Proprietor. IIAKER CITY, OR, II NDERTAKINU In the neatest form. Pol lihrd and melallln coRlits. A No. I hcartfe. Uood ser vice assured. W. B. NKLBON Kuneral Director, r "," . W. B. NKLBON ""i. '. t 1-JfNUl.BiUN, UK t miC TAYLOR i .' $$ THE "IIAIIDWARR MAN." j j, , aUrdwarc. Stoves. Tin and Copperware, V, A-1UJI, inmi'r, .Jl-inuill, l.lfai, iruil Kim ' btccl and llydraiillo Pl. T3t Main Blrcet. PENDLETON, OR mllK PIONEER URDU WORK ULA HLATK, I'roprletor. Our stock I thoroughly tipto-datr. We cart) nothing lint strlolly Al good at IHipular puevs. 115 Court Blrcet. PENDLETON, OR. Hotel Pendleton. n. J. moorb, Proprietor. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORQEON. M f NEUBERGER DKALRK IN Wl- i Whiskies and Cigars Hiadquarttrs for Mining tad Commercial Men... lAKERdTY OREGON Munriiv a co. WINK AND LIQUOR DEALERS. 't Woluhar' Heer on Draught, Han Ate. flulu !. I'rlr. Val HUli liluink.t liap n.l I lh. flh.AtAl J. II OllttrtP l klA.w J T lit 'of Family D.e. 45 Third Ht., Bet Couch and Dii. , Qooda Delivered Krce, 1'ORTLAND, Oil tw t rxY aooD WAaia To Oood People rvr UoJ Work TAR LAVNDKY CO- No. M Olltaa St., BtMTkM, 9ftM 'riiOD 77. IT H. CI.KANINO AND PRES8IN0 CO. Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Your Clothe Hpotigcd and I'rc'neil for tl per per month. Culled for nnd ilellvcrcil Phone Clay 909. 4,t WiiklilriRt'on Btree UctHecnTulttli nnd North Thirteenth PORTLAND, ORKflON. A. IN DA 11 L ,.BiaN8, JapuntiliiK. Tin Decorating 270jf Alder Blrcet PORTLAND, OREGON H OMK IIAKERY AND DELICATE ESdEN D. II. LEAMINO, Prop. A Fnll Line of I'rultii.CandleiiRnd Nuts Aluan mi llnnil. Newly Opened nt 'Ji)7 Third Blrcet. Itcmemher the plnre. Opposite the 'In) lor Wtreet Churuli. c ON It A I) L. IIOBKA FUNERAL DIRECTOR COUNTY CORONER Corner Ninth and Railroad Btrccti TACOMA. WASH. rpltAVIB IlltOS WOOD YARD , Oregon Phrino Hood 712 Ontueaml Yard: 403 Everett, het. Twelfth and Tlilrtscnth PORTLAND, OREflON. RLINUTON CREAMERY K. 1. HITTER, Prop. Wholnalco and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEEBE HUTTER AND E0C18 SR7 llunmldu Btreet PORTLAND OREMON. B LAZIER IIROH. Cluh Rooina Becond Floor Wine Room-, Concert, Pool anil llllllard Hal) Oiegon Phono (Irntil 71 '.'I'l llurii.ldo Bt, PORTLAND S' TANDARD FIHI1 COMPANY ' 1C9 North BlxthBtiect WIIOLEBALE AND RETAIL Alio Urocerleo, ClK'ir nnd Tohncco and Lunulu'i for TourUu. REED llltOH,, Prop. nillK OLD RELIAIILE SEVENTH AND (ILIHAN EXCHANOE. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Berenth aud (lllinn Bin. PORTLAND. ORE. THE LARGEST IN THE WEST ! I f Wo hare the largot itorc, tho mmt complete factory, tho mom ikllU'd workmen and tho flneit lock of Fura. We are hcadiiinrtcrifor Genuine Alaska Sealskins THE SlIiVEltflEIiD FUR W'FG CO. FURS, CLOAKS AND SUITS SHa-UH.I Mi.rrln Hi,, I'lirtlnlitl, Or. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Nenr Morrison BLUNDEN & VELTON, Props. I THE I'AMOUH OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New llulldltiK, New Fixture, Chotco floodi. C. A. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WIIOLEBALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE &EER llottlrl by Patmt llrewlug Co. Mllnaukre, VI. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA WASH. OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS i, BJORN ritOfltlKTOIIS TACOMA, WASH. W, U McCabi, rkattle. K, 8. Hamilton, Tacoma, M'GABB & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Alio Honolulu, H. I. Had Office: Taooma, Wash, Cable Addreus McCABK ORACIE, BEAZLEY & CX)., Afttt U Wt Strt, UvffooL INDUSTRIES OF CUBA. AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF THE ISLAND REVIEWED. Land Owner, Formerly Cattle Orax em. Are Mow Bucceaaful Planters Fruits and Vegetables Arc Fine Btiuar and Tobacco. Agriculture, which Is (lie main Indus try of Cubu, lias been given the most careful attention In the United btntcs census report, which hns hut recently been Issued. There are several chap ters lu the bulky volume which have been devoted' to the subject of agricul ture with interesting aud valuable re suits. Special schedules were prepared for tho taking of census statistics trom the plantations. Even so the greatest dllllculty was experienced In procuring accurato statements, since the majority of the farms had been abaudoued throughout tho war and were still un settled. Traveling over miles of rough country the census enumerators found everywhere devastation and ruined homes, still deserted and uncared for. Tending to complicate matters also was the fact that many of the plantations had been divided Into small patches of ground lu order to avoid the taxes levied even on the smallest subdivision of ground at the rate of ?5. The ma jority of the tenants resulting were but of temporary residence and were able to give almost no Information con cerning the land aud Its productive ness. The schedules which were after much work returned therefore are somewhat defective. Previous to tho last war there wero In Cuba, 00,000 plantations, farms, orchards nnd eatllo ranges, which were valued at 220,000, 900 pesos, or about f200.000.000. The Dtily manufactories were those produc- ORKoosc. wWtflMJBSa r.,.iu We, j SgaBgrjHCsWrftM V ill UVIH9 t5utfB&'Mi V CUBAN NATIVES ANDV PLANTATION EQUIPMENT. Ing cigars and tho sugar mills produc ing raw sugar, molasses and rum. t Cattle-Ualalnir Vormorly Generiti. In tho early days of tho Island cattle raising was tho principal Industry, ag riculture being very generally disre garded. Tho laud was held In great open ranges, privately owned but un fenced aud almost unguarded, llko one great wild country. Tho chief agricul tural products of Cuba are now tobacco and sugar, with some frult-ralslug, which of late years has depreciated ow ing to tho almost universal fruit-growing of California. At present thero Is scarcely more coffee raised than Is re quired for horn use, although tho soil and climate of tho eastern provinces are particularly adapted to coffeo-rals-Ing, and It Is believed that the Indus try will again bo revived. It Is llko wlso believed that tho growth of fruit for exportation will receive a now stim ulus and that Cuba will rival California In the raising of limes, lemons, oranges, olives, pineapples ami many other AOIIIOUI.TUUK IN CU11A. fruits nnd vegetables. Oraugea will grow In auy iart of tho Islaud aud are unrivaled for their delicacy of flavor and amount of juice. Tho largest of tho banana,furms tiro lu Porto Principe and Santiago, from where thoy wero shipped lu large quantities to the Uni ted States boforo tho war. Tho grow ing and preparation of sugar and to bacco for tho forelgu market are tho largest aud richest of Cuba's Industries. Statistics for the years from 1803 to 1800 for the production of sugar are as follows: 185U 81B.804 1800 223,221 1804 1,054.214 1807 212,031 1803 1,004.204 1808 300,000 Tho report coutlues: "Wo could faavo ground that year more than 1,100,000 tons of sugar had It uot been for the war." United States the Main Market. Statistics showing tho distribution of tho crop for tho year 1807 Is a fair es timate of all preceding years. They are as follows: Toa. ,Crop of 1807 212,031 iKsuorted to the United States... 208,703 iKxported to Nassau............ .83 (Exported to Spain ,. 1.337 Local consumption, whole year. . . 58,000 Tons of '-I.-40 pounds. For many years the tobacco trade of Cuba was a crown monopoly, with a royal office and warehouse at Uavaua .and branch houses throughout the provinces. In these storehoa tat planter could store their Uhc re ' iz ' cclvbtc "uch prices' as might be estab lished by the erowu for each crop. 'In later years the tobacco monopoly was sold to private companies and was again resumed by the crown In 1700. Finally In 1817 by a royal decree tho trade aud cultivation of tobacco were declared freo on payment of a tax by each planter equivalent to one-twentieth of the product. Since that date tho taxes have varied, but have usually been very high. The average production of tobacco, In bales, In 1804-0 was In the neighbor hood of 500,000 bales of llfty kilos, or 02,000,000 pounds of leaf, valued at $22,000,000. Of this amount nearly 40 per cent was retained for home con sumption and used lu the manufacture of cigars ami cigarettes, aud this Is about the proportion with normal crops. Since 1895 the crop has been as fol lows: 181)7 875.000 1800 220.000 1808 88.000 1000 4110.000 The amount of the exports to tho United States during thoso years Is thus given: Pound. Vnlue. 1807 4.410.07:1 $2.a00.0ll7 1803 4.(11)1,45(1 4,:m.07S 1800 8.102,074 ll.OlO.aOO 1000 ....." 11,810.151 0,704.381 Except for cigars and cigarettes the numerous forms In which tobacco. Is used arc uot manufactured In Cuba. Tobacco Is raised as an article of com merce lu but four of the six provinces of Cuba, Plnar del Hlo, Ilabaua, Santa Clara aud Santiago do Cuba, although there Is no question but that It could be advantageously raised In the other two. One of the Industries which Is now practically dead, but which was form erly tho source of wealth and fame to tho Island, Is coffee raising. It is one of the Industries for which a great fu ture Is promised, since It Is known that for richness, flavor nnd the productive capacity of the trees the coffee .of Cuba ts not surpassed by that of any other West India Island or by South America. Illatory of Coffee Production. In tho years 1843 and 1840 violent hurricanes visited Cuba and seriously damaged tho coffco crop. Owing to these disasters the Increased coffco trado of tho East Indies and South America aud the larger and more cer tain profits of sugar cultivation, tho coffee Industry of Cuba rapidly de clined and by, 1830 tho amount export ed was but 102,000 nrrobas. Tho cof fee plantations wero converted to other uses and tho trade lu coffee practically disappeared. Tho world's estimated coffee crop of WOO Is 15,283,000 bags of 134Vi pounds each. Of this amount Cuba Is c edited with 130,000 bags, not enough fo.' home consumption. A con sideration of these facts may result In tho revival of this Important Industry, which, under freo Institutions, It Is be lieved will regain It former position among tho agricultural resources of Cuba. , ' ' ' The raising of stock, which used to bo one of tho Important resources of tho country, Is no longer of any Importance, excessive taxes having driven the land owners Into other branches of farm production Thero are, however, few better countries for stock-raising than Cuba and future promises are bright for those who again undertake It. A Qurtliit Ijomlon Custom. It is curious how few jwrsons have noticed the ancient and quaint custom which Is observed every evening dur ing term In tho walks of tho Middle Temple of sounding the call that warns members of the Inn that It Is time to dress for dinner lu tho hall at six. -The custom la as old as tho Middle Temple Itself, where It alone exists. At about Jive-thirty p. m. tho warder on duty emerges from a side door of the hall with an old-fashloued cow horn, richly ornamented with silver, and, commencing In Fountain court, blows a sustalued blast on It, which he repeats In New court, Esser court. Brick court, Pump court, Elm court and at tho entrance to Crown Otllce row. me wnoie operation lasts about ten minutes, and when It Is over the warder, who Is a kind of beadle In plain livery, returns the horn to the butler's pantry. Nobody seems to take any notice ot tho horn blowing except small boy and ticket porters, who occasionally chaff tho warder while he Is engaged In his musical efforts. Moved by Klectrio Power. A house In Wellsvllle, Ohio, was rt cently moved by electric power taken from a trolley line. The house win belug moved along the street where there was an electric car Hue. Two can were hitched to the bouse by a rope, and it was quickly pulled to Its new destination. Chinese Newspaper. There are only flfty-slx Chlneat aewspapera In China. Every man you meet Is willing to ad wit that he was once a fool. BUSINESS LOCALS." Always ask (or the faaaoaa Ocaaral Arthar cigar. Xbr(-Onft Cigar Co., genual agent. Pert land, Or, Brady & Sherrott, practical plumb ers, gas and steam titters. Dealers in lead and iron pipe, gas fixtures and plumbing goods of every description. Jobbing done nt resaonablo rates. All work warranted. Steam and hot water-hoating a specialty. Tolophono Oak 411. 142 First street, Portland, Oro. O. A. Watson, Marino Drug Storo, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Fleckonatoin's Lung Balsam and Celery Seltzer. R, H. Schwartz, druggist and apothe cary, 833 BurnBlde street, between First and Socond, Portland, Or. For lino fruits of all kinds for tho travoling public, call at ISO North Sixth strcot. Ice cream soda. Basket fruits for travolers. Goorgo Kiser pro. prletor Creamery and bakery. Country but ter and fresh eggs u specialty; also croamery butter. Mrs. B. Boydston, proprietor, corner Socond and Columbia streets, Portland, Or. Don't wear bajrgy trousers or shabby clothes. We call for, spongo. presf, and deliver, ono Huit of your clothing each week, sew on buttons, and sow up rips for $1.00 a month. Unique Tail oring Company, 247 Washington itreot, both phones, Jno, P. Sharkey, mannfacurer of harness, rollars, saddles and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc. 65 Union avo., Port land, Or. Kahn Bro., dealers in hides, fun nnd wool. 101 Front stroot, Portland, Or. O. Dnnlelson, watohmakor, jowoloi and diamond-Hottor, 140 Sixth strcot, Portland, Or. All work gtiaruutcod. Call up Union 401 whon in need of anything in tho luol lino. Fast Mor rison Strcot Wood & Coal Yard. Tho Popular, 135 First stroot, hot. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, proprietor. Tol. Oro gon red 084, Columbia 608. Portland Translor Saloon Chas. O. Siglln, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 831 Glisau, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Smyth & Howard, gonernl contract ore, Koadt, bridles, trestles, munici pal Improvements, eto., Portland, Or. Diamond Vitrified Brick Company, (incorporated). Paving briok a spe cialty. 611 Ghambur of Commerce. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. is the old est and best sorvico of tho kind in the town. Readers ol tho Now Age, give them the preference. Money to loan, on furniture, planoB, or any good securities. Notes and mortgagee bought S. W. King, room 45, Washington building. Ring np Dr. Darling, 304 Morrison street, cor. Third and Morrison, over McAllen & McDonnell's. Office hourj, 10:30 to 13 a. in.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. At residence, E. 34th and Bel mont streets, morning and evenings. Residence 'phones, Oregon, blue 875; Columbia, 6187; oflloe 'phone, Colum bia 14. Tho finest place in the city to obtain filet quality cigars tobacco and nino'c era' articles is that of Rosenthal & Budd, at 287 and 287i Washington streot, batweon Fourth and Fifth. Qivo thoso gonial dealers a call when you wish anything lu thoir lino. Tele phono Muin 76. A. A. Uuruh, bicycle repairiug, Brazing and cutting down frames a specialty. Blcyola sundries Baked namol. All work guaiantoed. 183 Foot of Morrison itreet, Portland, Or. Cull and boo mo when you uro brokei down. Ageucy for the Imperial Biuy olo; gturuuioed fot ono year. Oregon 'phone black 2801. Collins -Preston -Wilson Co. HUCCKSSOK TO 1'ATIUCK, MA8TICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-03 Front Street, Between Stark and Oak. Oregon Ihon Malu4B7... Call or Write Do not confound the Pianola with any ot the eleetrlo pianos or clap.trap, horn flddle, banjo-piano, and what not combination affairs offered br other music house,, as good as the I'lanola." We alone tell Pianolas In thb Northwest, and we fladly show you Aeollans and I'lanola,, II you call at our warerooms. II you are nterested. write us. and we will bava a represeniallre call and arrange for private music recital. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company 363-365 Washington Street, Corner Park PORTLAND, OREGON Wt are Sola Agents (or the Pianola. It is exhibited only at our warerooms. TABlim lf t. ALLEN & LEWIS eSHippInff 3b Commission A4ercHa.nta WHOLMALI GROOMS TaaaTattaMalliaaiasltJiaiaiaalsslasawlataOsasaaar. watrravi. We keep constantly on hand -all kinds of wood and coal. Yard and oilice, 287 East Morrison Ftreet. Both phonos, Oregon, Union 491; Columbia 5238. East Morrison Street Wood & Coal Yard. French Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works. All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning ot all kinds ot ladles' and Gent's clothing. Mourning sloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 465 Qlisan strl. Wood I Wood I I Wood 1 1 I Fir, Oak and Ash, at tho Knst Morrison Street Wood & Coal Yard. 287 East Morri son streot. Both phoos. Oregon, Union 401; Columbia 5228. Ererybody smokes the colebrated, Monogram and Pandora cigars. Thoy havo no equal. We noed your trado, and yon nood our wood; bocauBO wo havo tho best tho market can afford, ns woll os all grados of hard and soft coal. East Morrison StrootWood & Coal Yard. See Carroll boforo buying your Christmas cundios. Special terms at our wholosalo factory 00 First stroot. Retail store, 832 Washington stroot. ijgFvni"- j tf . .bianT Gooit Causa fos Tlinnksa;Winc; When you hovo tho supremo satisfac tion of putting on n colliu or shirt dono up at tho Domestic Laundry, with a color and llulsli on it to suit tho most fastidious, and no rough odgOB or torn buttou hbles to auuoy you. A man is in luck to bo ablo to havo his linon kept in suoh perfect coutlition ns wo keep it in wheu lauudrlod at tho Do mestic Laundry, J. F. Robinson, Prop., Pendleton, Oregon. , A. W. ALLEN ulmpmnming Pi tomrmacimt Phone, Oregon Mmln 405. Oolummim 44. 19th mnMMarehaMStm., 23rtl end Savler Stem, PORTLAND, OREGON. KRIEB A LEVY INCORPORATED.) GROCERS COFFEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. 304 Wnsliliisloil Htrret, Corner Tenth TRY OUR CELEMtATKD COFFEE. Hath l'lKinea 838. I'OIlTr.ANI), OK. PORTLAND ROI.LI.NO MILLS Manufacturers ot BAR IRON AND BTEEL. N. E. AYER, Manager. Twenty-Second ana Nlcalal Street. M EYER A SCIIILLINQ FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, LA ORANDK, OREGON. T ARSON & LONG J5 NORTH FIFTH 8T. Fine vrlnei, liquors antl rlgars Give ui a call. mSKm PORTLAND, OREGON INOOSroKATl ?na4,r"Jr!!r'ti ' "! ML, Jhk4 J HartU W- ,"- ' .