r lftu TWgWWyyT 7T rTifV TH.K "NEW AfKE, PORTLA'NT). OTCKGOTT. 1 1 '. ri u ! 5S L- -atf W The New Age. A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Carries morbison stiibet. Oregon Talihone Oak SOI. Catered at the Poatofflce at I'ortUnd, Oregon, a-aoeaad clui matter. RUBHCKH'TION. OaaTaar, rayabla In Advance St. 00 HAPPY NEW YEAH. Tho Now Ago oxtonds to its many patrons n greeting of good clioor lu tho sl-cero wish that thoy mny, without exception, onjoy a happy Now Ycnr. May Iholr prosperity contlnuo unbrok nly in every loRithnnto pursuit. THE OLD AND THE NEW. Tho year about to oloso has boon ono "of extraordinary ovonts In tho history olour proui nation, in tho rapid form- ation o( which tho wholo world is deeply conoorned. Wo havo added to oar terltory possessions o( rich re sources. Wo havo added largely to our rnilitary strongth in order to bo ablo to defend thorn, and maintain ponoo ""i'bie conditions thoroln. Wo added grandeur to tho oharaotor of our nation in matters of international moment. We havo increased our domestic wealth inost wonderfully and dovolpod our ro sources in a most remurkahlo moasuro. In short, in no previous twolvomonth In tho history of our ropulilio havo wo to substantially shown to tho world our strongth as a nation, our progros ivo ambition iih a peoplo and our pur pose as ono of tho groat powors of tho world. A groat task is boforo us dining tho next 12 months. Wo havo only made '""ginning along our now lincB of no- y, Our dnty appears in more out .'. Tho groat work is yet to bo le, and its magnitude will inoroaso wo proceed with it. Whothor or . fortune will favor us in tho yoar iU iu uifOU mv vuunuiuuuuan in n ... . i i.. i- .. em to be -wived largely bv tho v uurt nlmlnin with wmaii wn yHane 4Hirjpei atiopgKtli at homo ' &&Wew Age boliovos that our na tal affairs will contlnuo to bo ad inlstorod by statesmen of wisdom; that prosperity will contmuo to abound and that our material develop ment will glvo ui reason for Holf-gratu-latiou in a dogroo equally iih satisfac tory as that which now marks tho chaugo from tho old to tho now yoar. A ULEM1SH OK INFAMY. MtizeUH of tho United States gonor ally view with a pardouablo souse of prido tho culmination of tho ovoutt of the past year, in much of which our people happily Join; but thero are po litical features of ouo element of this progress which afford us only pain and alarm. Tho unjust and unconstitu tional disfranchisement of tho Negroes is certain Southern status, tho avowed purpose to pursuo a similar courso in other Htutos, ami tiio gunoral iudlffer uce with which this political outrage is regardod by thoho whoso friends tho colored voters havo steadfastly boon, are assets oi tho work of the yoar which no impartial oltlten of intelli gence ought to regard with unconcern. Such an outrage at tho oloso of the 10th oontury carries with it to tho flrat page of tho succeeding coutury a blemish of infamy which ought not to '-rrftreufforod.iu this oullghtuued ago iu the foremost country of progress on tho iaoo of the earth. Wo have hope that it shall nop bo long tolerated, but that hope is faint when wo And such scant encouragement in "tho house of our friends.!' For this political aflllcttou our peo ple cannot bo Joyous. They aro down cast, but determined. They accept this crown of thorns as an emblem of their patience, but their fortitude is uoi all-euduriug. Native intelligence, iluWhed education, strength tiud skill in industrial pursuits, progress in the art and sciences, good oitUetmhlp In very walk of life and undiminished ambition to keep steady pace with tho leaders la the march of advaucomvut iu every legitimate line of activity will will buok "tho lust Heritage" of our ieoplo ami again clothe them with hotr rights, privileges uud tho honor AmerioHU oltlaeuslilp. LKG1SLAT1VK SIDE ISSUES. Ex-Senator S. Ii. Moorhead, of Juuo- Lu City, who w" chief clerk of tho Lite iu 1 W8, U again a candidate for tho place A. V. It. Snyder, of MoMinnvillo, who was journal clerk of tho houno iu 1808, is said to bo after tho chiof nloikehip of that body. Frank Mutter, of Portland, and ox Nallroad Commissioner J. IS. Eddy, of Forest Grove, aro willing to servo as reading olork of tlio sonato; Mottor whs reading clerk iu tho houso in 1808, and Eddy road for tho senato in 1801. E. V. Alton and Ponumhrn Kelly, of Portland, aro candidatos for Eorgeant'rtt-arms of tho houso. Frauk Davoy, of Salem, wants to bo reading olork of tho houso. Frank 0. Middle ton, of Portland, wishes to roturn to his position ns calendar clerk ot tho eonitto, and D. 1). Mackio, of Portlaudjj wishos ngaln to servo tho houso as calendar olork. IJruoo Cain, of Clack amas, Is caudidato for sergoant-at-arnis of tho houso. Chan. W. Fulton, of Clatsop, and W. A. Howe, of Yam hill, aro montionod as tho two promi nent candidates for president of tho Orogon sonato. L, I). Itoedor, of Uma tilla; Gcorgo L. Story, of Multnomah, and J. N. Smith, of Marlon, uro tho prominent candidates spoken of for Bpoakor of tho honso of representatives. (JOKUETT UEYOND DOU11T. Accessions to tho Corbott ranks aro boing mndo ovory day. Thoy como not only from tho loading nion of tho stato in civil lifo, but from tho foro most officials iu various- capacities, in cluding membors of tho loglslaturo who do not aflllato with tho Itopuhlican party on strictly partisan mattors. ihit thoy wisoly co.icolvo that this is not by nny moans a party mattor. Tho question of tlio oharactor, capacity and influonco of our uoxt Uultod Statos senator is ono of momentous interest to ovory iutolltgont rosldont of tho stato. It is a buBinoss affair in which com mon interests are at issuo and in which popular iutoresta should predominate. Trio outlook is in evory way enthusi astically reaisurlug for Mr. Corbott, for tho party, for tho peoplo and for tho matorlal interosts of tho outiro stato. Leonard Fowler, the bright editor and publisher of "The State,' of Taco ma, was in tho city this week. Mr. Fowlor was accompanied by Mrs, Fowlor, a most charming and ostimable lady, whom tho gonial editor has just takou unto himself. Tills, of all oth ors, is iudood tho most propitious ot suabOUH for such an undortakiug, and Tho Now Ago extends to tho happy couplo not only tho compliments of tho season, but its best wishos for their tuturo welfare. Say!! If You Want Good Shoes Goto EGGERT-YOUNG CO 129 and 131 Third Street CHARLEY THE PIONEER RESTAURANT Now on Johnson Hlrcet, Opposite Union l)ovol. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Buy Your Holiday Candies AT. Labbe & Rebe Ico Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Street WHOLESALE A RETAIL MANUFACTl'RKRS Our Specialty, Weddings, Socials. Picnics mul Homo uso. Kro Delivery both Phone., BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, DRY OOODS AND FURN1SHINQ GOODS. 220 Morrison Street Between Flrat and Peroral PORTLAND OREGON, IN 11 ME I ' Bnall Gardens. Nearly 100,000 pounds of snails are fold dally In tho I'arls markets to be enteu by dwellers In that city. Thoy nre carefully reared for tho purpose In extensive snail gardens In tho prov inces, and fed on aromatic herbs to mnke their llavor finer. One sualllcry In Dijon Is said to bring In to Its pro proetor seven thousand francs n year. Many Swiss cantons also contain large snail gardens where they are grown with much pains. They arc not only regarded ns a great dellcncy, but are reckoned ns very nutritious. Hyglen lsts say that they contain 17 per cent of nitrogenous matter, and Hint they arja equal to oysters In nutritive properties. AIM IV ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One ot thumont cotnpluto linkcry In tliu Northwest. Bakes the Best Pullman Bread in the West M. SHIELDS, Prop. .147 Morrlm.il Ht. PORTLAND, OK. Ami 494 Union Avenue, corner Huerninento, AIIiIiih, lloinc-mmlu brciul, rnlc nml pica. lliUcd henna hikI llonton llrown llrt'Hil every Hntnrtlny. Tol. Itel l!l2; Tel. Ilcxl .141. 444444444t44)444444444 ! I! Do You i; Know the News? i II all lor JrCr EavMIT rCriit 50c t Month Month inThlTnlnt Talciram, ot Portland, Oragaa. It la n larjaat erenlng ntwa lar publtihad In Oragen; It contalna all thtoawa ol tht atata and of tb na tion. Try II lor a month. A aampla qaay wlllba mallad to yoa Iraa. Ad draaa THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. 44444404444 THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. SAN mANClSCO 1; DAILY CHRONICLE By mall, poataajo raid, $6.70 a year, SAN TRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRONICLE Greatest Weekly ii the Gentry, $1.50 A YURI (Inflndlng ptir) to any part of tb Dalt4 Btalra, Caoad and Mailro. TIIK WKKKI.Y CllllllNlCI.K, tba trrtghtrat and WMt roiDilrt Wt-fkl; Nrwtpaprr In tbn World, prlnta regularly 112 Columna, or Blilarn I'agva, of Nrwa, I.ltiratuiv aud Central Infor mation; alao a nugulDccot Agricultural an-l MorllrnUural Department, lbla la ooa of th grratrat dapartDiiriita In any p-iprr on tnla IViaat, Krarrtulng written I baaed on t-i lrlnn Iu tbo iai Maui, noi on Kaatern mrn'a knowledge of their own localltlca. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. The Chronicle Mulldlna;, TIIK CIIUON1CI.K rakka nltb tb greatiat Bowapapera lu the United Btatra. TIIK CHUOMCl... b no jul on tb Taelae Cxaat. U I'adt all In aMlltjr, enterprlae ai ncwa. TIIK ClinOKICt.IVS Tilegraphlc Oepxrta ar trie lateat and uvvt rvllaMe, It. lval New ta- fullrat aud aplrlMt. ami Ita KJIlvrlaU (ivu ta atdeal "" lu tbe ctHintrr. TIIK CIIUONICI.K baa alwiya Ven. and at j will U tbfl rrlend and champion of I kn lvpU, a. agaliut cuniblnatloa. cllur. crpura. UUk or uppn uIoim t any klud. It will b Intle lenvlcai In t'tcnl'ilng, neutral lu nothing. 00 YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Allowing; the United Sutta, Dominion of Carta di aud Northern Mexico OK iNK elll Map of the World ON" TIIIC OTIIKH HIIK. aWkl P and get tb Map and Weekly Clirunlol tar Oa Xar, (watagv priald on uap and paper. aDDftMaflS ' M. . da VOUNO, rroattctor S. '. Ckroalak. aUM VaUMCMOO, CMX. SHERIFF HALE. In the circuit court of tho state ot Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. Portland Traxt Company of Oregon, plaintiff, vii. Stella JJ. Sukedorf, Kath erine' Lucy Trovott, Kinost Deibert, Frederick Jetter and Savings aud Loan Socloty, dofondatitn. lly vlrtno of an oxecntion, judgment order and decree duly Issued out of nud under the seal of tho above entitled court, in tho abovo entitled cause, t mo duly directeil and dated tho 12th day of November, 1000. upon a judgmout rondered and cntend in said court on tho 10th day of Novembor, 1000, in favor of I'orllnud Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, and against Stolla IS. Sukedorf, defendant, for tho sum of $2, 005.54, with interost thoroon at tho rato of 8 per cont por annum from tho 10th day of November, 1000, and tho further sum of $150.00 with Interost thereon at tho rato of 0 por cont per annum from tho 10th day of November, 1000, and tho further sum of $20.00 costs and disbursements and tho coats of and upon this writ, commanding mo to mako sale of the following doscribod real proporty, situatod in tho city of Portland, county of Multnomah and state of Oregon, to-wlt: Lota twolvo(12) and thirteen (18) in Block two hundrod aixtyfivo (205) of Couch Addition to tho city of Portland, according to tho duly rocorded plat thereof. Now, therefore, by virtuo of paid ex ecution, judgment order and docroo and in compliance with tho commands of aid writ, I will on Monday, the 17th day of Dooembor, 1000, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M at tho front door of the county court house, iu the city of Portland, said county and state, soil at public auction, subloct to redemption, to the hlghost bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all tho right, titlo and interest which tho within named dofondantH or clthdr of thorn had on tho tlato of tho morrgngo heroin (tho 80th day f April, 1801) or slnoo had, in and to tho abovo dosoribod real prop erty, or any part thereof, to satisfy said exocution, judgment ordor, docroo, in terest, costs aud all accruing costs. Dated Portland, Orogon, November 18,1000. WILLIAM FltAZIEK, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is horeby given that I have filed my final account as adtninistiatoi of the estate of William Kirk, doceased, in the county court of tho state of Oro gon, for tho county of Multnomah, and Monday, the 17th day of December. A. D., 1000, at 2 o'clock P. M., aud the court room of said court in Portland, Oregon, have been appointed by said court', as the time and placo for the bearing of objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. EUWAHU UUNDKliHON, -AM. ministrator of tlio estate of Wil- Kirk, deceased. Orsgon Butchering Company, Frod Metzger, managor, dealers in all kindi of fresh and salt meats aud fish, 415 Everett street. Grebe, Harder & Co., Portland, Ore on, dealers in implements and vo biclea. Mil burn farm, delivery, spring wagons aud buggies. Cliaso forco lift nd tank pumps. Milwatikio bludeis, Biowers and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City boo, shoo and diio drills. Wolff-Amorican high art bicycles. Stool and chilled plows, disc, spring and spike harrows. Eclipse steel hay presses. Columbus Buggy Co. 'a Columbus buggies and carriages. Phono, Oak 731. 183-84-80 Madison street, west end of Madison street bridgo." J. F. O'Dounell, gen tral agent, Oregon, Washington and Idaho Custom House Exchange 836 Flanders Cor. Seventh Sts. McCROSKEY&EMMERT PROPRIETORS. . rrWate Entrance on Flanders Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars T, UlND!CKIN 1). IUIIM PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS ' Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty , OKKOON 1MIONK 043 UKI 27 NORTH FIRST STREET J PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Wholeaale Dealera. MtdualcAl Rubber Good, Bgltlng, Hoac 7 Packings, Ffr Department Supplies. Iibta Boots, Sim, Rubber Clothlid Rubber Goods of All Klnis 1 8 20 Front St. ...THE... J. HcGraken Go. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street.. PORTLAND, OREGON. AWNTMG Baggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Offlce S. V. Cor. Fourth and Stark 8t. Telephone A39. rORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriage or Coupe. Unggage checked at resi dence to any destination. .Brntiqh Ofllrca: Hotel Portland: United Carriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Managor. -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTURERS OK TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. IMIMIHM. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, At 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. F OR FAIR DKAUNO l'ATRONIZB O. I. B. I'LUMMKR. Srufra, Medlrlno and Chemlcala, Toilet Article. Trtiaata, I'alnts, Olla, Ulaia, Etc. B. E. Corner Third and Madlion Btreeta. pIANO WARKROOM8 or . 8IN8IIEIMKH, Sole Afcnt for THE JACOn DOLL HANO The beat liprlnlit piano made, and other flrat elaaa piano rmtcd and aold on inatallmenta. No. Ti Third Street. Eatabllahed Ml. VUoat North 551. BUMMONB. , 1st the elronlt court of the, stat el Oregon, fur tht coaaty of Mmtnoojab, Depsrtaasnt No. 8. J. H. Hooper, plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Hooper, defendant. To Mary A. Hooper, defendant above nasaed: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or beforr tho 8th day of Deoomber, 1000, which is the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief 'demanded in the complaint, namely: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tweep the plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of Helen J. Hooper and Edgar W. Hooper, the issue of said aiarriaKf, and for such ether relief as may bv equitable. This summons is to be published once a week; for six successive weeks. First publication is the 27th day of Ootober, 1800, and the last on the 8th day of Deoember, 1900, by order of the Hon. J. B. Oleland, judge ot the above entitled court. Made and enter sd on the aoth day of Ootober, 1000. W. 8. HUFFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state ol Oregon for Multnomah county. William L.Uoff, plaintiff, vs. Lester M. Love, defendant. To Lester M. Love, the above namod defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, rou aro aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before the 10th day of December, A. D., 1000, said day being the expiration st six weeks from the 20th day of Octo ber, A. D., 1000, the date ordered by the court for the first publication of this notice, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $330 with interest thereon from Jann sry 1. 1873, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the costs and dis bureementa of this aotlou. This summons is published by ordei Df the Hob. A. L. Fntsier, judge of the sbove entitled court, made and entered bo the 30tb day of Ootober, A. D 1000. GILTNEK fc REWALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final accouut as executor of the estate of F, H. Ramsey, deceased, in the office of the county clerk of Multnomah county, state ot Oregon, and 0:30 o'clock on Monday, the 12th day of November, A. D. 1900, in the court room of said court, has been fixed by said court as the time and place for hearing said final account and the set ttetnent hereof. A, W, LAMBERT, Exeeutor ot the estate of V, H, XassMy, deceased. DeteO, Oeteber 4, ltW. LIPI'MAN 1IIOH GRADE LADIES' TA1LORINQ. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Bulla, Jacketa and Rtdlnjt Habltaot the Latest Noveltica Made to Order. Krerythlns Up-to-Date. Waahlnxton St., Hot. 7th and 8th, Up Stairs. Rrook Block. Oregon Phono Hood 614. PORTLAND, OR. T J. KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Store, Rangea, Tin, Copper and Oranlte Iron-Ware, Crockery, ulaoawaro nnd Houso Furnlahlng-.. Uooda. Jobbing promptly at tended to. 141-14:1 Flrat St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Dldr., PORTLAND, OREGON. pORTLAND , LOAN OFFICE Dan Makx, Proprietor. r ...Hlgneat Price. Paid (or Old Gold and Bllrer... No. 74 Third Btreet, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loana money on nil klnda ol aecurlty. Unre deemed pledgee aold (or amount loaned. T DV1LD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 133 Third Btreet, OpposltoMaaonlo Temple. Portland, Oregon. T A. WOOD. REAL ESTATE AND TENSION ATTORNEY. Room 10, Odd Fellowa' Ilulldlng. PORTLAND, ORE. Tjl W. ARI83 K. W. ARI8S A CO. Wholesalo Brokerage and Commlselon No. 65 Front Btreet. Columbia 'Phone 249. Portland. Or. piAIRUANKS' STANDARD SCALES. Falrbanka, Morae & Company, Flrat and Stark Streets. Portland, Oregon, Telephone 84. pAXTON, IIKAUIt St HIMON Attorneya-at.Law. 610 Chamber o( Commerce, Portland Oregon. w O. NOON BAG CO. Manuiarturcra and Importers of IIAOH, TWINKH. TENTH AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND MINING HOSE. Bagging Material. Canvas, Ball Making In alt Itallranchea, Cotton Duck, Cordage, eto. S2-34 N. Flrat St. and 210-312-214.210 Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. K. Munson. E. Munion. THE ANIIKUSER ItUSCn-Flne lunch every day. Ileal beer on earth. Fine wines. Ho uora and clgara. 214 Morrison St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. . s; TRKIBIO & HUMASON'B PHARMACY- inrilcr .nil nun i mihiikiuu m. oincuy high grade mcdlclnra at lowest prices. Money saved by patronising us. milK POPULAR 125 Flrat Street, llct. Washington and Alder Phone Oregon Red 931 Phone Columbia Ml JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland. Or. w 11.1,1AM RUSSELL MACKENZIE PUI1L1C ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREQOM T K. IIASKI.TINE A CO. Importer and Dealera In IRON RTKKL AND COAL BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Carriage A Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumbsc 49 A fit Second St. PORTLAND, OREOON. ST. PAUL HOUSE DeutacheaGastbaua. 1IAIIKY KOItOOF. Manaaar. Rooms With or Without Board, Special Rates by the Month. Barroom and Bowling Alley In Connection. Five Blocka from Steamship Dock and Union Depot. Open Dav and Nlnht, 24, 24U and 26 North third Street VORTLAN D, OREGON The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., , ' Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St., Portland. Or A. JaLasB CaSaaLT1 MbKBBMEl(L m hi mi La . U ,j tij.ifae.11 'JaV. -jMdflH1 . JastttV avin.