H - xM TH1C NEW AGKE, PORTLANT). ORKCrO"N-. rV f . It r. K SSr?.-. KFi "S. PA. m ' !' &' AT A HENDERSON All Kinds ok FURNITURE. Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Otdtr by telegraph filled promptly. Phone Black 47. Cor. liiamctte and 7th Sta, EUOENE CITY, OREGON. Gw RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail .Hardware. BTOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUUENE, OREGON LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towel furnished to Rarbers, Doctor, Offices and Business Homos, Etc. We alto do First Class Laundry Work. ii nit oouoh sts. PORTLAND, OR. Fourth Oregon Phone 429. Columbia Phone 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ...AND Shaw's f Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale Liquor A Cigar Dealer BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE ' Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock ghen the very best of care. Rates alwa)s reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main 51, Cor. Roso and Oak Sts, ROSEBURQ, OREGON. .TRAIINS STOP. iiiimAT i Wilkins' 'Ealing House 30' Hlnotss foi steals l.nnch Counter In ronnectton. Th only Eat Ing llouso at the Depot urbereflgft tan get a First-Class Meal. - w ROSEBURG OREGON The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS ttliltM .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles oi Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All OooiU Hold on Installments. 61 Third Bt.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. Winthrow h Spencer Shirt Makers Gents' -Shirts and Ladies' Waists to Order. Shirt 3452 Washington Street OPPOSITE CORDRAY'S THE All Oregon Phono Had 190 PORTLAND OREGON STEPHAN'S Evening Qmwmm StrmmiSuiim Fmmmy Wmlmim TmtmrmmttmSuUm JWAvjr HmmMm, Etm. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON VSHEtTlar HIM EilH Jefferson Garden Saloon; DAVID THOMAN, Prop. f lies, Liquors, Cigars, Welnhard's Beer. PHONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson Sts., Portland, Or' Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, SO" Washington street Ret. Fifth and Sixth FORI LAND OHEOON. mllE BAVARIA SALOON A. B. BUROER, Prop. Imported and Domcstlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. Phone Oregon Black IMS. B. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. BOYD & ARNOLD -.General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company Ho. 102 First Street, Hear Stark. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality, of work and prompt service. GENTLEMEN'S M 1 ffillY 101-0 E. Water St. Phone 6033. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. ...KA5SON SMITH, Proprietor.... Rooms tOc., Special Rates by Week or Month Eterythlug new and clean. Hon In the city. Hneclallr Beit loca- city nart Specially desirable ablo for parties desiring a quiet place. No Children 4 Doors South of First National Bank Main St., Opposite Fred Ernst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON Oreg on Brass Works MOORE'fc HARPER, Prop. Brass, Bell and Composition Castings. Alum Inum and Phosphor Bronte. Brass Rail- log. H!camoat and Machine Work a Specialty. 69 Second Street, North. Bet. Davis and Everett. Telephone Oregon Main 075. l'OKTXAND . . OUKOON. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED -.BOTH PHONES.. Travelers should take "S" Street Car at Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Ankney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD PROS. Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnside. MclAIM't IAIIILIB IIMPIHII For spraying seale.black, green or woolly aphis, moss and other fungus growth and baa bo equal (or disposing of the moth and Invlgorat ins? th id trees. No Dealing or boiling, simply to diuiU with cold water and Is inexpensive. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP Is compounded on scientific principles from esu bolle acid and Stockholm pine tar, and destroys the ticks and effectually cures the scab, leaving thaaheSDina healthy condition, bain also one of the greatest dltcnfecuuta known. Prlca lowest of any good dip. Address all corre spondence FISHER, THORSEN & CO. PsrtktW,Qr. PmWc Cqmi Afta. liiaSBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl CUBAN CENSUS REPORTED. iHteresUlatx Her-ww Recently Pub lished by United States HuressB. It Is doubtful whether so complete a census was ever taken In Cuba as tbat which constituted the first official net of this government. The Ameri can ling had no sooner been raised over Havana than preparation for the tak ing of the census began. In the reor ganization of the government upon a practical working basis this was con sidered a most necessary beginning. The United States otUccrs had but a perfunctory report of the conditions of Cuba and Its people, whose needs wero but Indirectly understood.' No one knew the numbers or social conditions of the people for whom tho now gov ernment was to be formed, and without these facts tho Intelligent conduct of tho work could not be executed. One of the iirst acts which Impressed the Cubans with the sincerity of this country's promises was tho appoint ment of Cubans for tills first work to be undertaken. It was n natural and correct supposition that the Cubans could conduct the census taking with CENSUS EMUMKHATOKS OF HAVANA. better success than could foreigners. Tho Cuban census taker could explain tho purpose of his work to tho people, and, moreover, he could explain tho purpose and promises of tho new gov ernment, which was most advisable. There was need that the doubt and dis content which prevailed among tho more Ignorant 'Cubans In tho prcscuco of the United Stntes army should bo dispelled. Tho appearance of tho census enumerator among them awak ened in them n trust in the new govern ment, particularly since tho enumera tor had been chosen from among them selves. ltegun In the early part of September, the actual work of the census taking was completed Dec. Ill and the enumer ators discharged with the close ot tho year. The supervisors, together, with their records, were taken to Washing ton, where they worked until tho fol lowing April, overseeing the compila tion of reports In the United States census bureau. When they were re turned to their own country In the late spring they wero highly compli mented by tho directors of census upon their efficient and faithful service. ) The government report on the cen sus of Cuba for 1800 occupies a bulky volttmo which will prove most enter taining reading for anyone inter ested in tho llttlo Island of which It treats. There are reports from ev ery one of tho home Industries, of tho agricultural development and possibili ties of the country and of course of the social, educational and moral stand ing of the people. The chapter devoted to citizenship Is interesting as giving n correct statement concerning tho rela tion or roreign to niiiivo imputation or tho Island. Tho report reads; 'Of tho population of Cuba, 89 per CUBA'S SKIimCNDEB TREE. Historic point near San Juan Hill, whern nego llatlouswlth tu Hpauliu were ooouluJed. cent wero born on tho Island and 6 per cent In Spain uud only S per ceat In other countries. Those born Id Cuba of course Included not only na tive whites, but negroes and mixed bloods. The proportion was greatest In Santiago, where It reached 05 pet cent, and was least In Havana, where only a little over three-fourths of the Inhabitants were native born. Three fourths of the foreign born were of Spanish birth. The proportion of those born In Spain was naturully greatest la the city of Havana, where It reached nearly 20 per cent of all the Inhabit ants, and was least In the province ot Santiago. "In the matter of citizenship, 83 per cent claimed Cuban citizenship, oaly 1 per cent the protection of Spain, while 11 per cent were, at the time of the census, In suspense, not having declar ed their Intentions, The purest Cubu citizenship was found In the province of Santiago, where OlrT per cent of the, Inhabitants claimed to be cltlseas of Cuba, On the other band, In tbe city of Havana only 04.2 per cent were Cuban citizens. It Is InterestlBf te note that la tbe city of Havaaa Mlf I "T i AsaassaaaaaasassaaaaaaassaahsM "VBUBBBSBBTvSawSBBBHlBBSlKBLfa - l rilsTsBrJWTB''"- iflJsTTssfll 4SrCSsHi rjai I XLr&& HbjBM? f A?W2-Sm? 8.8 per cent claimed cltlsenahlp otbet than Cuban or Spanish, while In the province of Havana 11.0 per cent were found in this class." MARRIAGE IN TURKEY. eafeauarda Thrown Around the Rights) of n Moslem Woman. Among the Turks marriage Is a strictly civil net, the validity of which consists in being attested by at least two witnesses; and although an Imam, or priest, Is usually present at the sign ing of tho contract, it is rather in his legal than In his religious capacity. Tho civil ceremony is very simple. Tho bridegroom and his witnesses repair to the home of tho bride, in the sclamllk, or public apartments, of which her malo relatives discuss with them tho amount of tho ncklah tho dower payablo by tho husband or his executors to tho wife, should she be divorced by or sur vive him. This question settled, and tho docu ment drnwn up, tho bridegroom thrlco repeats his desire to marry tho daugh ter of So-and-so, upon which tho Imnm proceeds to the. door of communication with tho haremllk, behind which tho brldo and her femalo relatives are as sembled; and, after declaring tho amount of ncklah agreed upon, this functionary asks tho maiden If she ac cepts such a ono for her husband. When tho question and tho affirmative . . answer hnvo been thrlco repeated, tho Imam returns to the sclamllk, where ho attests the consent of the bride, and tho parties arc considered to be now legally married. Tho couple do not, however, meet un til tho conclusion of tho dughun alafcttl, or week of wedding festivities and ceremonies, which may not bo held for some months afterward. These enter tainments, to which all friends and ac quaintances aro luvltcd, and nt which tho poor of tho neighborhood aro also feasted, constitute tho social sanction of tho family alllanco entered Into In private. For should tho girl's assent bo suspected of having been obtained by forco or frnud, and tho match is considered unsuitable, public disap proval would very properly bo shown by refusal to take part In tho weddiug 'rejoicings. And even when nil theso formalities aro at an cud. and tho brldo Jl M01I.KM MATRON. has been conducted with much pomp to her now homo, If tho spouso chosen for her by her parents or guardians la not altogether a persona grata to herself, abn may still rofuuo to accept him as her husband. For, according to nu Oriental custom of great antiquity, a nowly-wcdded husband can ussume no rights over his wlfo uutll sho has spok en to him. Tho possession by a Moslem woman of such personal and proprietary rights Is rendered, necessary by tho facilities for divorce accorded by law to a Mos lem man. For it husband has but to say to his wife l a moment of anger, "Cover thy face, thy ncklah Is In thlno hand!" when sho censes to bo his wlfo and must leave bis roof forthwith, tak ing with her bug ami baggugo. In prac tice, however, various obstacles to di vorce, religious, social and pecuniary, offer themselves. Tho husband seldom has, for Instance, the ready cash with which to pay tho promised dower; con siderable social odium attaches to such a proceeding; a mau who without Just and serious cause repudiates a wlfo does not easily obtain a second, and added to theso considerations Micro is tho religious censuro coutalnod in tho words of tho prophet, "Tho curse of Allah rests upon him who capriciously repudiates his wife." If, hotvover, the wife, without adequato causo nud con trary to tho desire of her husband, so licits a divorce, she obtains It ouly by foregoing her neklnh. Holiest of Irish IaIco Dwellers. An Interesting relic of tbe lako dwell ers of Ireland has Just been added to the Science and Art Museum of Dub lin In tbe form of a crannog, or ele vated dwelling. It was discovered In a bog-tilled lako near Unulsklllen and measures over 100 feet In diameter. On removing the peat the piles of platform timbers were laid bare. The piling and cross-timbering were admirably done, untrlmmcd birch trees being chiefly used for crosslaylng, whllo oak was used for the stouter piles. A large quantljy of broken pottery was found In It, besides an Iron ax of early form, a fragment of a comb and some bronze harp pegs Co-operative Hallway In Australia. Victoria, Australia, has built seven local railways on the co-operative prin ciple. The railways were estimated for by contract at 547,008, but by work ing tbe co-operative principle they were completed for 251,211. Glaraatio Pookrtbooka. The Swedes and Norgewlana carry their loose cash In Immense pocket books; some of these have been In use far two or three generations, and con tain, almost enough leather to make a pair of boots. Most colored people never feel bard us ualeM there U a minstrel show la tewa, aad tbey are shy the price of a tMMrt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVfV' 2wllaBK5v!tS IBlBBBBBBBlBBUsn?'rBlulSWTrrtlVV Wvl BBVlfln4r sflBBassnuuV ' V if PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers ot FIO IRON AND 8TEEL. N. E. AVER, Manager, ?2nd and Nlcolal Streets. wn LtAMS, WOOD & LINTlttCUM, Oeo. It. Wlllisms. C. ES. Wood, L. B. Lln tliicum, J, C. Flanders, Attorneja at-Lanr. Chamber ot Commerco Building, Portland, Oregon ORIENTAL 823 Washington Bt., bet. 6th and 7th, Portland, Oregon. Strictly First-Class. Geo, Shea, Proprietor. ARTWtiO MONUMENTfl IN NATIVE AND forcapu marble and granite: new and orlg trial dcstitns. It. J. RLAKS1M). Ollke and works '.TO Third street, near Madison. A: LI1KR9 BCHNEIDER CO.-R. AI.nKRS, rres. and Mgr, Thns. Schneider, VIce-I're , Albcrs. Scc'y. and Troas. Proprietors U. 8. Mills and Merchant Roller Mills. Manufactur ers of Rolled Oats, Oat Meal, Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Hurley, Rye Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Ro Meal, Hominy, Fatlna, Steel Cut heat, l'ssto Fac toryMai aronl, Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dealers I 111 I ! It . !. US. I : iTitHf-iiVll FeX"6hke "Siu3.a fVoui Mrt n urain, Hour, liar, shingles, Heeds, Etc. comer Main, Pottland, (.(." O. J. Erdner K. Hoehull Gil IC AGO MARKET Erdnor A. Hoehull Dealers In fresh and cured meats; all kinds ol sausages. .MM Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Both 'Phones No. 41B. pHARLES J. 8CHNAIIKL Altorney-at-l.aw. 615 Chamber, of rntnmcrco Building, Portland, Oregon. RS. a. COIHREI.I, Dealer In cadtug Brands of Cigars, Canned floods uaack aim ries, insn etery nay. can at ays Ollsati St. Lunch Uoods for Travelers. ARMORY DRUtl STORK i'nro Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Article Stationery, Cnnferllnncry and Domestic Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty, N, W, Corner lenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon, B Ba RICH 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HOTEL CIGARS FOURTH AND MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 RENA STINS0N, Lsd Assistant. rp.HK AACHEN AND MUNICH FIRE 1NHURANCK COMPANY. Established A. D. MS. Charles A. Burckhardt A Co,, Agents. Room t. Worcester Blnrk, N. K. cor. Third and Oak Htteets, Purttaud, Or. IHJIIM'Nlll! wmw?w I'ORIUM) WIRE AM) IKON WORKS Hank, Htcirn anil Untoa HhIIIiik Ornamental Wire and Iron Work of All Kinds. Wire and Iron Fence and Window Guards S Alder Bt., PORTLAND, OR. .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVIH bTltKEIH rOlfll.ANll, OltKOON. HOTEL IH NEWLY RENOVATED. This Is the best equlnptd moderate rale hotel on the I'aiitlc Coast and has all the louicli lemeanf high-priced hotels. Complete with eltetrlc lights and bvlls, and artesian water III rath room, Bath room on eueh II nor. Elevator for atciiinodalloii of guests. Rates II am! II.VfA penlay. Meals 'l ents. Hpt-rlsl rates to lam (lies and theatriral partlus, Fne'biis to and from all trains, :X) rooms. Only four blocks from Union Depot. Fire Proof Building, F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB GASSELL. Prop. Strictly rirsl-Olass. Itates 1.00 I'ar Day and Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com mercial Sample Room. fjfilsaasaissa fis"-- aA s s s snems i n,a .sw Bmss ssasasisssi WHITE COLLAR LII COLUMBIA RIVERA PUOBT BOUND GATiON CO. PORTLAND AN A8TORIA Dally trips of steamer Bailey QattcrtTl every morning in ine wcea ai i o cioca, e: Sunday. Returning, leaves Astoria every I in ine wcea ai o ciock, except ounuay , White Collar Line tickets and O. R. A '. tickets are Interchangeable on steamers J irstticrt and llahsalo. - Office, Alder street dock. Telephone &i, uoiuinuia -puonoooi. K. W. CRICHTON. As A STORU & COLUMBIA -. Iiii Mghl Passenger iris WITH THROUGH PARLOR CAI BKTWLKM Portland, Astoria i Seiu Leaves For Maygers. Rain- AnlHSsJ Union Depot ler, Olalakan te Unloa JHI Portland Westport, Clifton, PortlatH Astoria, Warren- 'Jari ton, Flavel, dear- fJJ hart Park and Sea- -tjS SiOOa. m. Astoria A Seashore 11:15 s.iX Express Dally, aHH 7:00p.m. Astoria Express S.'ttsasjBJ Dally. na iZas Ticket office, 234 Morrison street, and OmBJ depot, Portland. QBJ J. C. MAYO, vm den. Pass. Agent, Astoria, &j1 aa & f " wtfMMf faMO Cil '"'""""' wa Sol Agents for KNOX HATS ..BUFFUrM & PEHDliETO Q 4. Tfnlrri xtr VM " - ..., PORTLAND, ORE.41 , jOL GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It la CHEAPEST ! It Is BEST If Th Ah V ot Sittifist 7m Xosiy luk CLosttr a Dsvsas, Portland, Or. yr'WMWriMr WMff,!rlvii'ti''W?iWiur' .i&iM5tSESjRs-AiftS5S Dr. Fred. A. ReisachiS w& DENTIST Graduate of the Northwsstsrn Unlev usuiai uousge. Flrit-Clus Work aid ttm Im 711 Dekum Bld'g, Cor. Third 4 Washing PORTLAND, Or. . Oregon 'Phone (lis USE LUCKEpW Borax Soai For Washing- Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND Mi CONVINCED. HI ..-j UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE: A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin list In CwMt Uttfi 12 COMPLCTK NOVKLSJ YKANLV MANY SHORT STORIES ANP rarins on TIMELY TOPtOSj, S2.80 scR Yean ; 28 ct. a tmty nu wnnnutg UToniKS BVINV NUMagst COMPLCTK IN I mew3 1 Ml. Si V& ' m m .& bz &$