-w3? M raH ur if T ' "!S 53' jlHE iEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Some people elenr their consciences te much tho snino manner they would clear coffee. Ono million dollars to nothing, ns a ratio of lliibllltlcs to assets, nlmost mounts to genius. Talking of dog exhibitions, no en gine's nnccstrnl tree cnu bo conclusively decided by Its bark. Snrnh Bernbnrdt says tho American man does not know how to make love, when wo doubt If Sarah ever saw him really try. Science now claims to tell the ago of fish by their scales. No scientist, how ever, has yet discovered a method by which to tell the ngc of a llsh Htory. John D. Rockefeller Is credited with being tho richest man In the world nnd In the enjoyment of tho largest Income. And yet his digestion Is such that nn ordinary Dutch lunch would put hlui n tho shelf for a week. "Horses, cards and women." There ccniH little elso to say In tho case of defaulting Cashier Ilrown, of tho Now port (Ky.) bank. Tho story Is old much too old. Many sermons and many columns of editorials will not innko plainer to people the fact that, If a man own tho wind, ho must reap tho whirl wind. Brown Is reaping the whirlwind after hla career of vlco. In tho mean time tho raornllst ponders over tho mat ter and honest men mourn tho loss of their money. A competent referee hns reiortcd that tho sorvlces of a lawyer In a case lor which tho dlsclplo of lHackstono put In a bill for $17,000 wero actually worth no more than $1100. It may not be easy for an attorney who seta ho high an estimate upon hlixiuallncntloiis ud efforts to 11ml client hereafter. Overcharges of a few hundred per cent may bo expected now and then at tho bar, but to ask $17,000 In tampon wtlon when onc-liftleth of that amount would hnvo been a fair remuneration passes the bounds of patience. The practical extinction of tho buck wheat cako of our fathers must be laid at the door of the miller. He Is accused f mlxlug wltl) buckwheat Hour wheat bran and short In tho Interests of imomy. Ifor a while tho adulteration undetected, but gradunlly consuin- )comiiiiMLnt tho buck wheat cakes don't JHVto any moro like they used to do In the good old days back on tho farm, and people began to top buying buckwheat Hour. Ab the demand fell off, the fanners raised lesH uid'teftsu'iidttvlieat. A nice of honest mllf6lrco-oioratlng with the farmers, might raise tho buckwheat cako to Its former proud portion. Wlillo people were still shuddering over tho ntroeltles of the "Moxers" In Chlua came tho terrible detallx of the liorror at Mmoti, Col. The ieoplo of tlutt region are not peculiarly blood thirsty. They seem to have gone nlxnit tho thing much as they would have come to the aid of a neighbor In any other matter. They left the punishment to the father of the murdered girl. They furnished tho murderer with a lllblu ud gnvo him time to pray. Tlicy had ordered tho rough element to keep awny ami make no Interference. What queer mixture of order and crime, of religion and uln, of civilization and bar barism, of compnsslou nnd malignity I Whenever modern Invention or dis covery has produced anything, some ono pops up to Inform tho world that China knew this thousands of years go. If China did know any of those, ho never made use of them, and Is 'entitled to no credit. Tho latest claim U that archives lit I'eklu show she Net tled America. This really Is an old claim renewed, and one that him been alscredltcd by scholars for many years. Humboldt and his school believed that tho civilization of Mexico and Peru was derived from other people, but the trend of modern belief Is that It was evolved by the aborigines themselves. China's claim has no moro foundation than Ignatius Donnelly's that the set tlement and colonization of America camo from the fabled Atlnntls, A regimental physician tu tho Kreuch rmy hns Investigated the effect upon soldiers of regular marching In discip lined bodies. Tho uniformity of tho soldier's step cniiNcs tho ludetlulto repe tition of a shock of the brain and bones, and consequently the mode of motion Is far moro deleterious than an Irregu lar walk, Ho attributes tho peculiar ches and pains of tho meu to tho fact that the samo parts of tho body receive the series of shocks. What doe tho doctor suggest by way of relief? Ex periments have shown thut his plan Is flteaclouB, The device Is simple: A rabber heel for all military boots. Tho tsralu-Jar and other unfavorable seusn tloaa are so diminished as to give the Safaatryiueu a new lease of activity. T relative ettlcleuey of the army may taw be Increased by what might bo foacldered an uulmportaut change. The aeate might be tut tied In a long and dM contest In favor of the rubber- men, and tho map of Europe Oaacreuman Jefferson M. Levy of Mew York la reported to havo offered s Baakafeller $400,000 for BOO shares of on siock. run valuation sp- t tils total beldlnft) of lUt&4arl I Oil places Rockefeller's wealth In that property alone at about $200,000,000, In addition to this ho hns large inter ests In other directions, so that It Is Im possible to measure accurately his en tire fortune. Within tho last year, how ever, the advance In the market value of his Standard Oil stock alone has In creased his wealth $05,000,000 or so, while his annual Income In dividends from that stock Is about $1(1,000,000. Such astonishing llgures go far to prove that the Standard Oil magnate Is the richest man In the world. They nre lllipol vltlfr. Iintl'ltvof li n unnen Aft --"- r, ..,..,..,.., ... u .,....,. ..... ltocKcrciicr naB no such accumulation of money ns that, nor could he have. Any effort to convert thoso holdings Into money or Into other forms of prop erty would "bear" tho market and ma terially reduce the value. The estimate Is nctually based on the earning power of his property, calculating the capltnl value according to tho current rate of Interest. Tho lower the rate of Inter est happens to be at n given time, there fore, tho grenter Is the estimated value of the foruno from which the enormous dividends nre drawn. The annual In crease of the fortune, likewise, does not mean a corresponding reduction In tho wealth of others, for It Is not drawn from stocks of commodities and money previously existing. It Is drawn, In stead, from tho year's Increase In the general wealth of which this particu lar fortune obtains such a conspicuous shnre. Tho prophecy that such n for tuno could bo accumulated by any means, legitimate or otherwise, by the end of tho nineteenth century would hnvo been considered wildly fabulous 100 yenrs ago. Washington died the richest man in America, yet ho was not a millionaire with nil his land, slaves, accumulated crops and similar posses sions. Jcffersou throughout his writ ings continually calls attention to the essentially agricultural character of this country, and tho fact that by forco of naturo tho development must be nlongngrlculturnl lines, virtually assum ing that tho country must bo i datively poor, and that great fortunes could hardly bo accumulated tills, too, when $1,000,000 would have been considered n stupendous sum. Thnt Is hardly strange when we remember thnt for tho wliolo of Louisiana territory Jeffer son paid but $15,000,000. He could not autlclpato the astonishing wealth which thnt very ngrleulturo would create, nor tho minerals that tho new territory would produce, far less the bonanza fortunes that would follow with the era' of railway building, manufactur Ing and general Industrial expansion. AVIiy Man Is Huperlor. Mau Is a perfected marsupial. He Is a creature of iockcts. With hlui the necessity of a pouch simply develops one. Thla Is tho law of evolution. Tho first wo read of him as a pocket bearing animal was on a level with the kangaroo. Ho then had one pouch fastened to his belt. Now look at him and compare him to women, for whom In his chivalry ho Is truly sorry. She, In her helplessness, Is usually be hind the kangaroo, nnd nt her best only equals him with one pouel fastened at her waist. Hhe was not evolved through the laws of nature, hut under the stern er decrees of tho dressmaker. What a difference between no imck ots ami 11 score of pockets! The tlrst Is woman; tho other, man, Woman Is lit erally fettered for wont of pockets. She must carry In her hands whatever Is not n part of her clothing, while man's arms, palms nnd lingers are free free to help his unfortunate sister. Thing of live pockets In trousers, live In vest, live In Jacket and live In over coatan exact score In all. Some meu have more than this. When man took up tho handkerchief habit he made a tiockct for that convenient article. He doesn't have to bo picking them up except for tho women. Ho made n pocket for his knife and n pocket for bis watch; a pocket for his keys and n pocket for his letters; n pocket for his tobacco and n little pocket for his car tickets, and he kept on making pockets as fast as he needed them. Women, In their helplessness, envy him. They reach out to hlui to borrow his knife, to borrow his pencil, to bor row a bit of string and to borrow a dozen articles (hat he usually has stored away about his clothing. lie Is kind and lends, for he Is sorry for them In their arrested development. New York Herald. Why Ho AViiH lMeiiHcd. When the children attending n cer tnlii school reassembled after the sum mer holidays one of the teachers asked her little pupils If they were pleased to get back to bchool. "Yes," wns tho nlmost unanimous re sponse. Taking tho boys Individually, the teacher next asked: "Why are you pleased to get back to school?" "Heeause," answered the bright youth, "I gets n bit o" rest at school. In the 'olIdayB I Just ruus herrlus all dayl" Some gave ono reason, some another, but It was reserved to a little tot at the bottom of the class to startle the teacher. "And now, Johnny," said the lndy, kindly, lifting the youngster onto her knee, "why Is Johnny pleased?" "Must I tell the troof '" asked Johnny. "Of course, Johnny. Now, why are you pleased?" "Heeause I ain't, so tlierel" replied tho Incorrigible. Loudon Tit-Hits. An Invmitor. A New York niuti lias turuM out IiIh 127th imti'iitetl Invention, eotislatlui; of n tlnser-rliiir thnt cuts twine ami erases marks on a package. If a man tbluks ho la wrougvsl ami telU you lils trouliles, don't say there la another side to tho story, or be will tbluk you are a fool. OODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. II. PEASE, Vice-President and Manager. ALL KINDS OK RUBBER GOODS. 73-75 First St. PORTLAND OREGON H (SLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees The Most Hrmrkllne, Dellclom and Aro matic COFFEEH Mcr Placed on tills Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Pour Blends.. WASHINGTON HOTEL N. P. J. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Hoard by the Week, n.OO, Meals, 11 cents, Rooms by tho Week, IMiOand tip. Trouslents soucitid. I I1AR IN CONNECTION. I 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, Clay 683. PORTLAND, OR. BEST LINE TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dnlntb, Chicago, And all Points East. Through I'nlnro and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Cart (meals a la carte), Duffel, Smoking, Library Cars. For tickets nnd full Information regarding Eastern trip, call at city ticket ofllco, 'JM Morri son street. A. II. (J. DE" N1KTO.V, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, f OREGON. Tol. Red 2844, BARRHOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New house, newly furnished, two blocks from Union depot .All the modern Improvements, Ire-proof, hot and cold water, centrally lo cated. Rates, $1 and $1.25 a Meals Mc, Baths 25c Day. Cor. Sixth and Gllsan, Portland, PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Can leae Portland. Comer First and Wash ington street, (or Vancouver as follows: Vniirmitr 45 Minutes. A. M.-'ftilH, '7:0.1, 7:ts,8;&i, 0:18, 10:0,1, 0:t, lliAl V. M.-l.'ilN l:o-i. IMS. -'::w. 3:18. 4:03, 4MS, Ai.ti, Oil, 1 1" Ml, IUil- (I.eae First and Jif- fer.on streets, 4 minutes curlier.) Ferry leawa Vancouver to connect with cars as follows: A. M.-Msts, 7:so, 8:l 0:00, 9:, 10:30, U: . i.':ui M. P. M.-i.'MS. i:a), -'sis, 3:00, 3M5, 4:ao, ons, e:w, UtMllUU. Cars leave corner First and Washington atreets for Woodlawn as follows: A. M.-ii:l8.M :.:, 7:03,7:18. 7:8S,7:.8:o.i, h:i8,8::B,8:ts. u:o.i, s:t8,!:i, 9:ts io:Oa, lo:ix, I0:.rt, io:ia, ii:oj. u:is. 11:3.1, lists. r. M.-l.'iOJ. U:l8. !.':&). vm, i:u3, 1:18.1:33. isiV.Mui, 3:i8,'JiKi,3:4S s:o.i. ana'asas. HM8, 1:01, 4:I, 4:43, 4S4S. y.M, ft:lK. .MSB, MH,a:iM,o:ix, 0:s.t, 0:48, 7:w. 7:18,7:33, 7:, 8:03, :18, 8:3.!. 8:4 V:3. ten, 9:43, 10:03. io:i. io:43, ii:uj. n:.a$ii;4J. WoiiiIImwii 110 Minutes. Oars leave Woodlawn for First and Washing ton streets as follow : A M-4:45, rt;uvii;ij, ::, d:ts,7:0o,7:lJ,7iU. 8:00. 8:lA, 8:30, a: o.oo, 9:1.V::. ;4V I0:oo, io:iio:, 10:4 u:oo, u:l u:so, U :4 i.2:uo M. ' r, U.U l.'::. ia:4V 1 :00. l :u, l :so. 1:45, 2:00, .'sis, -.1:30, -iuvaHO. S'-i-V 3:M),s:4i,4:oo, 4SI.V 4:30. 4:4V A:tv, Atl.V .vw, AI4.V :iw' b-l.ve:30,6:U,7:oo. 7:KV 7:30.7:4V :00, 815. h::w, 8:."). 9:io, 9:30, 'i.bo, 10:10, io.u 10:W, ll:lo. 11:30. ". Dallv, except Pundav-s. tDally, except Wenewlavsand Saturdays, I ni kedursdajsaud Saturda) only. ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. W. T. PHILLIPS. 9C Stark street, between Kroulaud First.' Phone, Oregou, Clay ttl, PORTLAND, OREGON. Help of all kinds tnmlibed on short nail, Ws.lllait 1 If BttltYtil XIMti si ml alwt? hsatt.lia suuttx, waiters and ceneral house vrork, larru Vbm(s, , mill hands and cli) work. I Real estate listed and xild. agent lor the sy Mop Wringer. Mt nt applied tor. eiai auu county rig au sac ev, G STEAMERS ALTON A AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Way Landings. H' Leavca Taylor street. 6:4 A. M. talcm 7UK) A. M. Arrives Portland 4:30 t. M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leare Portland-.... Leave Oregon City. .10:30 A. M.,2andfi:00 P. M. 12J30, 3:30,6:30 I'. M. . Oregon City Trans. Co. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A. B. GRAHAM, Agent. Office and wharf, toot ot Taylor St. Phone 40. WELL, I DON'T KNOW n Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters for Ralson Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. PORTLAND, OR. Phone 407. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing: Neatly Done. Work called lor and delivered. All work guarantied. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capen Co.'s Shoes ' GUIiltlSOH & CO. Wheat and St""1' brokers -DIRECT i. 10- New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. KATKHl European Pkn, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Pkn, $1 to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. a PENDEQAST, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUY furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Street. f. W. BROOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE t COLUMBIA 760. OHKGON RED lMi BO YEAItr CXPERIENCK Tradc Maims DCSMN COfVRiaHTS Ac aroai Mf i is sending a sketch and description may nlekly SLSeartaln our opinion free whether an BTantlon U) probably Patentabla. Comnunle. Moasstrlctlf conadeiitfii. Ilandbookoat'atenU an( Ire. Oldest suteney (or secuniur patents, rateuts taken through Munn A CV. recelTS) Sckiitific JhHencait A kudiAnrir llraatreled klr. Tai l-srreet eti lesion of any edentlto InurnaL Terms, g) si fttfi f oaw uMitka.ai. stdldLvell isevadealerm. Terms, as l!iinkliM A! w&E?r.'Ktssl loor monies, n. cMMBjaumi THE DALLES, OREGON. MAYS & CROWE Wholesale & Retail Dealers la HARDWARE. STOVES AND TIRWARI Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lcavo Portland, foot of Washington St.. Bundnjr, Tuesday and Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, for fcativic Island, St. Helens, Caples, Peer Island, Martins, Kalama, Necr City, Itanlcr, Mt. Collin, MaRer, Stella, Oak Point, Frccinaus, MatitanIllo,Clatskanle and all way landing. Tr 8. BOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTI8? Views ot All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing; and Finishing Main Si., Near llrldgc, FEN'DLKTON, OREGON. S" TAIl HOTEL W. M. ROBINSON. Prop. BUMI'TKR, OREGON. pOTTAOE CHOP HOU8E II. C. COTNER, rrop. Open at all hours day or night. The rest mcaU served In Laurandc lor the price. Remoinbcr tho location East Bide of Depot Street LA GRANDE, . - OREQON. G OEDECKE'S RESTAURANT PENDLETON, OREGON. Next Door to W. & C. R. R. TlcVet Office MEA1.S AT ALL HOURS. First-Class and Quick Pervtce. Private Boies In Connection. Meals at All Prices. OOEDECKE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable Opposite Hotel Pendleton PENDLETOK, OREGON. ...TELEPHONE NO. 16.,. Finest turnouts ol all kinds In Pendleton Ueutlo single drivers for ladies Oood, competent drivers always on hand Boarding horses given the best of caro. Q. M. FROOflE. KOFPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that b kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs.. JM A. C. KOEPPEN & BR0 Manufacturing Chomists. 115 Oonrc St., PENDLETON, OB. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. BK8T BRANDS OF WINES AND LiqUOlbJ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... Corner Perot Street and Jefferson ANenue, I.A ORANDE, OR. 00 TO' SPANISH ORIGINAL TAMALE RESTAURANT 166 Dull Street, Bet. Third and Fourth For tbe Best Meal lor the Pric lit the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Cbets. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting of Bulldlagtt Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds ol Machinery. Portland Euiral Elietric Ci., UIUTIAIIUIUSTS. 01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE DALLES, OR. J. 8. Schenk, 1'rcs.; II. M. Deal, Cashier. A general banking business transacted. De posits received, subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. Bight and tele graphic; exchange sold on New York, Ban Fran cisco and Portland. F BENCH A CO., BANKERS THE DALLES, OR. D. M, French. J. W. French. J. C. Hostcttcr, Cashier. T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Trop. This well-known brccry Is now turning nut thubest Uecriind Porlcreast of the Cascade. TholnUst appliances for tho manufacture of good healthful Beer haut been Introduced, ami only tho first-class artlclo will bo placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. T HE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. The UmatillaHouse THE DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors. The American Plan Only.... Rates, 11, ll.fio and 12 per day. All trains stop for passengers. O..R. .(1 N. ticket office. Western Union telegraph. Iong distance Hell telephone Agentaand oillco for all stage lines. Accommodations llrst-cla-s. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB.' General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Wool handling our specialty, Grain bought and sold. The Regulator Line. The Dalle?, Pirtland Istorii NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Daily Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the Washington side. The steamers Dalles City and Regulator ltara Portland srsry morning (except Sunday) at 7 Sid The Dalles at a.m., arriving at dtstina. n In ample time for outgoing trains. , Might Rst.s Orcatly Reduce!. W. a ALLAWAY. 0n. Agt., Toot of Court Street, The Balls. Or. T HE ORIENTAL J. W. QRUSSI, Proprietor. I2S Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. Beer 8 cent. mEMI'LE MEAT MARKET. Free DelUery To All Parts ot the City. No. W, Serenth and Davis Sis. Phone Clay 601 Lard, Ham and Bacon. ORONE A SIIUI.ZE, Proprietors. V.AND SOAP AND CHsf rvi. j o s TAR BREWERY CO. Brewers aud Bottlers ot the Famous) HOP GOLD BEER' VANCOUVER, WASH. B ROWN A M'CABE. STEVEDORES Portland. Oregon. Correspondence! solicited. Bhlp's mall promptly delivered. Cable address Brown. rOHN KKLI.V General Isurance Agent. Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnburre and London; Western K. and M. Atumrauce Co., Toronto, Can. 8.',' Third at., Columbian Bids. OTEHNKKN & JULIEN- Wholesaleand rratatl grocers, S12-3I4 Burn side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Teus phone, Ornon Black; SMB. Columbia IM, r k-sasBjaHsjeHsasBajasBSBsisK POtTUAND.OWECOH. ey tjm,r ihs.mbtJtii.i