jT VUWfW' & I ti 1 ' ' f V --' " '. .-ii teV The New A$e. " i ye T l . ; j1 VOL. V. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEOEMBElt 529, 1900. NO. 39. i L . - 'fiOrS-A -i - -Brl-mlfz v. If. i SI FIRST NATIONAL BANK cToS?.ND' , DeilKtiateil nepoaltnrr and Financial Afc-ent of the United States. rraatdent, II. W. Codett: cuhler, K. 0. Wlthlngtont aaslatfknt caihler, J. W. Kewklrki mcb4 aeilitant cashier. W. C. Alvord. Letter of eredlt lisaed, aralUble In Europe and the Eastern glutei, Bight exchange and leltcrapbla trannteri lold en Now York, Bolton, Chicago, St. raul, Omaha, San Franclnco, and the principal point! In the Norlhncit. Sight and time bllU drawn la lumi to lult on London, rarlt, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collection! made on larorable termi at all acceulble polnti. LADD TILTON, BANKERS SS&S Eitabllihert In 1800. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time depoetti. Collections mnde at nil points on favorable tormi. Letteri ol orodlt Issued available in Europe and tho Eaatern states. Might "xohunge and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, V.'ashlngtcn, Chicago, St. Louis, Deuvor, Omaha, San Francisco and various points is Ore ton, Washington, Idaho, Montann and British Columbia, Exchange sold on Loudon, Paris, Borlin, Frankfort and Hong Rons;. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton. Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Snrplua and Undivided Prr.fi ta, $00,000.00. RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank, Chicago, III.; Firat National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York. N. Y. OFFIOER8 AND DIRECTORS Levi Ankeny, Pree.; W. F. Matlock. Vice I'res.; O. B. Wade, Cashier: II. O. Guernsey, Aaa't Cashier; J. S. McLeod, W. S. Byera, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organlzod March I, 1880; Capital, 900,000; Surplus, 803,000. Interest allowed on timo deposits. Exchange bought and Bold oa all princi pal points. Special attention glvon to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Caahler. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS 229 to 238 Taylor St root 188 to 194 Second Stroot H rS5 ' N5s tS WM. MILLER, LA GRANDE, OR. DEALS IN GRAIN, BKKT AND FRUIT LANDS IN TUB BEAUTirUL CRAttD RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON Alter a rnntlnnon reildenceof over lOycariln thliFamom Valley, andacloieitudr ol the rl accomtillihrueiiti and future toiIMIItic of Itaiotl, and a personal knowledge ol lucll. uiate, I led that no one, keeking a home, will make any lulitake In locating here. Your Correspondence Is Solicited, and All Questions ....Cheerfully Answered.... E. G. ATKINS SAwa REPAIRED $ Branch, Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. We are constantly developing Modern Machinery for apectal purposes, which our up to-date plant enaoica u iu - - - - Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware and ' Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON A COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREGON, Manufacturers of PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SA WS No GO First St, uuuu ""i . wiiviimm. m or itit vffl From All Parts of the New .World and the Old. OF INTEREST. TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the ImporUnt Hap pcnlngs of the Past Week In J Condensed Form. Dowet is tho guiding goniua of the Boors. Miuistor Wu tiiiuka tho joint noto dotnauds too much. I Minnesota tins axporioncod her flisl l blizzard of tho year. Tho Jnpnnoso minister of communi ' cation has resigned. Spokuno hits dooidod to hold a min eral fair during 1002. V Oregon hits paid out nearly $100,000 in scalp bouutios durina 1800. Publio attontlon in Germany is oc cupied with crimo in high circles. Kitchonar reports that Boor invasion Into Capo Colony hits hoou chookod. Gurmany wnutH tho sultan to pay its bill boforo buying uu American wur ship. i Robola aro acattorod in tho pro vinces of Pauay and Cobu, Philipplno islands. Inland will buy 00,000 horses and muli in tho Uultod Statoa for army in South Africa. Dolay in negotiations has caused groat chango of aoutiiuunta aa regards China in Japan. A tornado did pront damago in Ala $72,000 bnnm. News ia monger, owing to all .. wires being down. II. Pholpa Whltmarsh ban been ap poiucod governor of tho province of Bonguot, Philippine ialauds. Forty-flvo insurgonta woro killed and ono American wounded in an encounter near Gunubatan, Philippine islands. E. II. Southern, the well known av tor, who ha been laid up for aomo tirtUy by an aooidont, is entirely reooveredl A largo portion of tho Philppinea must bo abaudonod unlof.8 the relief ol the army ia immediate, says Secretary Root. Tho police are working on the case of Lonn, the Portland burglar rocently arrested. It U thought that a charge I of murder will bo laid at his door. i Firo which atartod in a Pennsylvania coal initio 42 years ago is undor control, and it is said that the uoxt two yeara will eoo It extinguished. The tiro has ' coubumed about i)5 acres of the finest i coal land iu tho uuthraoito region. Cougor was iuatruotot1 to sign the noto. Thoro ia auothor hitch in tho Chinese negotiations. Troops aro bolng concentrated in Northern Capo Colony. Tho English war oflke has arranged to reiuforco Kitchener at once. Nicholas Damoll, u pioneer of East ern Orogou, ia cloud, uged OB years. I Senator Mcllrido Iihh uskod for large appropriation for customs serviuo launch at Astoria. , Tho Ilooth'KolIy Lumber Company will change itn headquartora from Sag inaw to Eugene, Or. Governor Geeraska Pacific Northwest status to join Oregon In colobrution of Lewia and Clarke centennial. A mob at Gulf Port, Miss., lynohed a nogro. It now appears that he waa the wrong man. Tho supremo court of Ohio has dis missed flvo cases brought under the trait laws of that state. It is probable that the president will visit Portland and the Pugot sound cities on bis trip in May. Stato of Washington pays $11,300 sugar bounty to local sugar beet fac tory for Spokano county crop, i The striking telegraph operators oa , the Santa Fo have given up tho tight, i Their places have been tilled ' by new 1 men. Over 1,000 Christians are reported to have been massacred by Turks. The Turkish authorities show the utmost indifference. Tho controller of the currenoy has appointed a receiver for the American National Bank of Baltimore. It ia thought that depositors will bo paid in full. A dispatch from Tien Tsin says: "Priuce Cbing asserts that Emperor Kwang Hsu, unaccompauled by the i Empress Dowager, left Slnun Fu De- J cember 10, bound for Pekin." The dead body of Peter F. Johnson Mas found iu h water ditch on Park menue, Puyallup. The presumption ia that Johnson ell into the ditch and was uualile to rescue himself. A coal mine nnder the city of Pitta- I burg, Pennsylvania, has partially , cmed in, allowing part of the principal street of the town to fall into the mine. It ia feared other sections will alae sink. LATER NEWS. Three children at Olymplu wore cre mated alive. There aro said to bo 30,000 lopors in tho archipelago. Massacrcfis of nativo Christiana in China continue. Clomonts caunot forco tho Boors tram juagauna uerg. Tho lumber industry in Kastorn Oro- I gon is rapidly growing. A Bquadron of Yeomnnry ia said to havo boon captured by Boors. Whltmarsh, tho now governor of I Bonguot, ia u Brltisii subject. Stocks of wool in tho United Statoa oxceod 860,000,000 pounds. ' A receiver was appointed for tho Old Town bunk, nt Baltimore i Tho trial of Alvord, the defaulting noto tollor, has boon postponed. Tho grandson of ox-Attoruoy-Gonoral Miller was abducted by his mothor. Kitchonor is making littlo progress in driving tho Boors from Cape Colony. Robort Taylor, a woll known resi dent of Ashland, committed auiolde. Tho holliday rush at tho Now York postolllco was tho greatest ever known. Throo huudrod students havo been arrostod in St. Petersburg for propagat ing Socialist doctrines Fontola, n Filipino rofugoo, eaya tho United Statea vill uevot succeod iu subduing tho Philipplno ialauda. Congrof a will bo asked to recognlzo Ilobson'a gallantry in sinking tho Mor rimao in tho harbor of Sautlago. Firo partially destroyed tho Mothod 1st Episcopal church (colored) of Prov idonco, Mo. Tho pastor wua fatally burnod. In tho ovont of England rojooting tho Ilay-Pauucefoto treaty it now ono may bo nogotluted nt tho noxt session of congrosa. Boxers numbering 2,o00 men at taokod a French column. They woro repulsed with heavy loss, leaving be hind thorn 1,000 dead and wounded. Inquiries iuto quarters most Hkoly co bo correctly informed show that nothing is known in Paris to justify the report circulated in the United I States that Paderewaki, the pianist, was killed in a duel in France. A baud of probably 60 men forcod an eutranco to tho Green county, 111., jail, with tho intention of lynching a prlsoHMr, but wore foiled. The prison er had beou seemly removed to an other jail. A creamery will bo founded at Eu geuo, Or. Prinoo Tuau and Princo Chung havo boon urrottod. Now Zealand will send mora troops to South Africa. , Yn Hslen waa ordorod to return to Sinan Fu to bo oxocitod. Two men wero killed aa tho result of au explosiou in tin Itkho mine, i Tho adavneo guard of Eastern ahoup buyers have arrived at Heppuer, Tho foreign ministers bolleve China will accept tho terms of tho uoto. . Fifty-two Poles havo been arrested in Vieuuu for alleged political couspl. raoy. Firo in Kau Olairo. Wis., destroyed half tho busiuesa section. The loss la $160,000. The Weston, Or., school will ask tho legislature to grant normal g aduatea ' diplomus undor foimer conditions. , An unsuccessful uttumpt was mudo to blow up a hotel in Oklahoma terri tory. A huspeot has boen arrested. J Two notod Chicago scientists deolaro after loug experiments, that tho boat ing of tho heart ia caused by common salt in tho blood. James Patterson, for tho past four years city treasurer of Aberdeen, Wash., Is dead at his home iu that city, aged 07 years, A shooting affray occurred at Burke, Idaho, and us u result Peurley Gordon and Charles Beck uro in the hospital suffering from shot wouuda. Alfred Ilarrusworth, editor and pro- Srletor of the London Dally Mail, pro lets a complete revolution in journal ism duiiug the comiug century. John Tiger, a full blooded Indian, living in Indian territory, while iutox-1 lea ted, shot and killed three men and J wounded a boy. Ho waa captured. I A eerious race war In expected at Comeutville, a email Indiana town. The troable was cuunod by two negroes! getting intoxicutfd und trying to iu- timidate all tho whites they met. A French detachment of 100 mon on their way from Tieu Tsin to Hung Tsu, I were fired upon by Boxera as they ap-1 nroached a small villHgo. Ono ofllcer wa killed and another wounded. French burned the village. Tho Webb Jay, Indianapolis manager for , the Flick .Muuulacturing company, ol Wintboio, 111., and u prominent bowl tr, waa arrested on a charge of embez sleraent, preferred by S. B. Rlnehart, resident of the company, Mr. Rlne- tart state, that the alleged shortage trill not exceed 1 8,000. UU Will ACCCPT Envoys Believe She Will Con cede Powers' Demands. RINGLEADERS HAVE DEEN ARRESTED 'Princes Tuan and Chun Taken Into Custody In the Interior Yu Hslen Ordered (o Return to Slrun Fu to Be Executed. London, Deo. 37. Tho Shanghai correspondent of tho Standard tolo graphing Duo. 20, says: "Tho government has arrested Princo Tuan and Princo Chung on tho borders of tho Shan Si and Shou Si provinces. Yu llsleu has beou orderod to returu to Sinan Fu forthwith, to bo oxocutod, It la supposed. "It ia inferred from thoso roporta that tho imperial autliorltlvs aro pre paring to coucodo tho domand of tho joint noto for tho punishment of tho instigators of tho troublo in China." According to a uows agonuy'a dls' patch from Pokln dated Deo. 20, tho ' cultios that will face Lord Kitchener forolgn ministers there uro uuituimoua- in patrolling and policing a-uoh itu ly of tho opinion that China will ac- monso tracts of country, ovon when copt tho conditions imposod by tho noto of tho powers within a 'joint mouth. Tho note was started on ita way to tho dowager empress and tho omporor immediately after Its presen tation, but communication la alow, nud it probably will not reach thoiu uutil I Doc. 27. J "Vice-Admltal Alloxoff." saya tho be. Petersburg corretpoudont oi tne Times, "has issued orders to the inon undor IiIb command in China to mako dotailed lists of tho Chinosu proporty money, cattle, provisions, etc., token by them, aud whoro such property now la." Tho correspondent also says that detachments of itussluua iu Southern aud Southeastern Mauchuila continue tho work of extermiuatlug disorganized Chlnoso troops and brigands. A dlapatch from Pokln to a nowa agouoy hero dated Dec 20, naya mia stouarios stato that Boxers 1)5 miles east of Pokin killed 12 Catholics and burned eight in the temples'. MAY TURN DISLOYAL. The Position of Cspe Colony Is Nanjing Iu the Balance. Loudon, Doo. 37. Tho position of Capo Colony la hanging iu tho balance According to tho Morning 1'obt'n Capo Town correspondent everything depends upou tho quant ty of ammunition in the possession of tho disloyal Dutch residents, 100 of whom havo joined tho Doors iu tho Phlllipstown district alone. Etiergetio measures havo been takoti to Ntoru the Invasion, but thoro ia unquestionably danger that parties of Boora will get through luto parta of tho Colony and gradually raitm tho whole Capo iu rebellion, ltelnforco inenta can arrivo none too noon. Most of tho dispatches from Capo Town stato that tho rnidora uro doing littlo harm, and art) being rapidly en closed by Lord Kitchuner'a combina tion. Lord Kitchener Is iu tho heart of tho disaflectud districts. I Iu has tho advantage of being personally ac quainted with local conditions. Laht March ha supervised tho suppression of thu rl-lng which occurred then. Ho ia bringing down thouutuda of troop from tho North. Tho Standard's Capo Town corre spondent says tho loyalists demand that uiaitlal law ahull bo proclaimed throughout Capo Colony, but aibh: 8 2 .. . IV "ovv ,IW. o w ' tho lack' of bufllrieiit troops to on- , to force it.' FOR THREE ARMORIES. Desired That Wathlnglon So Honor Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. Seattlo, Doo. ofllcers of tho ''7-mA nntiiiTilttAn nf j National Guard of thu "... a.w .. , B1UIU UI II lRIIIII(.IUI4 IIIIO UIIIIIJJIUIUII II revision of the stato military code, which ia to bo presented to tho legis lature next mouth for formal accept ance. Thla code makes the guard con form In all respocta to similar organ izations in the regular serviuo, Tho strength of tho guard is to bo consid erably iurceuned, and examinations for commissions mudo much more rigid. Special appropriations to build three ....... i ii i.i......... i..... 1......1 .. ' armories, at hpokuuo, lacomu and So uttto, will bo uskod for. It is also ' hoped to secure a small appropriation for installing a buttery and moderuu- log omo equipments suld to bo out of dute. Released From Prison. , Montreal, Ueo. -7. J ormerly of Chicago, aud James Baxter, ml latoly of New York, who was sentenced hero fome timo ugo to flvo yeara iu tho peniten tiary for his connection with tho Hunk Villa Marie frauds, has lieon roloused on "conditional purdon" from St. Vin-1 cent do Paul penitentiary. Ilia wife Ogloaby, drivor of tho LukovlKW-l'uh-uud friends havo heeu working inooi ' ley stage, waa arrested tonight by auntly for hia pardon on account of 111-, Postmaster Wilcox for tho robbery of health, ever since his conviction. Ila that stage DocouiDOr 21. Money that is suffering from dropsy uud hia coudl- .) took from the mall haa beeu i'dutui 1 lion ia uerlous. , k KITCHENER'S TASK. Unable Yet to Drive Doers From Cape Cet ony Disturbed Area Growing. London, Dec. 28. Tho pauolty and obscurity of tho diapnt olios from Soutba Africt glvo riso to rouowed anxiety.' Apparently tho disturbed area of Capo Colouy extends further south than it , did last Docombor, and Loitl Kltoh- , enor does not uppoar to liavo imich success aa yot in driving buck tho in- 1 vndors. I Tho war ofllco had rooolvod no now. , last evening of tho roportod oapturo ot yoomaury noar Bristown. I A Burghesdorp dispatch hud a mya 1 toriona roferonco to au "unfortunate mistaking of tho cnotny for Brabant'a I Horso, which resulted in tho sounding of 'coaso llriug and enabled tho Boon to occupy tho coiumnndlug positions. tho British rotiriug from a dllllcult 1 prodlcamout." v 4 General Clomonts' incceaa aoainaa tho Boora iu tho Magaltcs Borg region I ia also doubtful, tho last dispatch re porting that "it waa considered ad via- ' Mlalj M & .n .taj tlnaa. . hn M ,(..K1 huid uui bu turuu uv uvvtm i.wtu .,vis position." The British pross ooutiuuea in the , main optimistic, but tho condition of affairs brings homo tho onormous dilh- tho Boors shall bo dually subdued, 'Tho Dally Mall, which makes a strong- appeal to tho govorumont to "faco the ' facta nud send Lord Kitchonor more troops," says: "Thoro ian roal risk in bolng lullod to aloop by carefully conaorod messages." Lord Kitchonor, according to a dis patch from Johannesburg, lias issued a proclamation, datod Protorla, Docom bor 20, imuounclng that hurghors who voluntarily surrender will bo allowed to llvo with their families iu tho guv otutnunt laagora uutil such timo ue guorllla warfare has sullloletitly abated to admit of their returning iu safety to their homes. Tho proclamation also promlsoa that all proporty and stock brought in at tho timo of surrender will ho respoctod nud paid for, If requi sitioned by the military, authorities. r THE SCRANTON STgJKE i More Imported Men Cccd lo Change Tacir Minds and Join the Strikers. Scranton, Pu Doo. 28. Fifty-three tnoro men rooruitod in Now Yurk to tako the placoa of tho strlkora on the I Scranton Railroad Company arrived, tonight, but boforo tho train had come to a full stop tho strlkora aud their sympathizers bourdod tho tar, and by using arguments aud oxhortutloua in duced all but 18 of them to agree to re- ( turn to Now York. Thoy uro being; I carod for nt striikers' headquarters, and will lo furnished transportation homo. Thoro wac no vlolenco aud uu angry words, although not lufrcqueutljr 1 tho company'., agonts and tho strikers' nilsslonarlus would bo working ou the satno men ut tho sumo time. Thu comnany hud ouly 12 men left " ( to ruu tho carri toduy. Flvo cars were run out, out "ovv passengers woro car ried. Tho company ia fitting up an impro vised hotel in tho Linden stroot car burn for tho accommodation of tho im ported piou. Tho hotels rafuso to re. coivo thorn, and tho merchants refuse to furnish supplies. Thruo men went coaxed off tho cars thla afternoon ami sout away by tho strikers. General Manager Slllimuu suya tho company will havo cars running ou all tho lines tomorrow. Wilcox's Big Mileage. Washington, Dec. 28. Robort II. Wll-ox, .leleguto in the house of ropn,. on."!" .?"'. i "r.,,,,ttU.l,J?,i: ": I linn junv ui'uii jhiiii ii uiiiiiii ui Bi,uuif for mileage. It was tho largest claim of tho kind ever made, but it wuh paid jiromptly by tho borgeuut-Hl-urma ol' : tho house. Every congressman ia en titled to mlleugu at thu rate of 20 cents i por mile, "by thu most direct urn! , practicable routo from his home to Washington aud returu," The dta- o - - . --- ..... tuuco between Honolulu und Washing ton is figured ut 6,000 miles. Mr. Wilcox will draw $500 muro (or hU return trip. Cashed Worthless Checks. Aberdeen, Wuah,, Doo. 28. L. D. Savage, stenographer iu tho ofllco of City Attorney J. O. Croat., yesterday swindled muuy biislnom men by induc ing them to cash worthless chocks iu suma ranging from . 16 to $40. Huv ago madu out tho ohocks payablu tn himself. Uu had but littlo trouble iu gutting them cashed. Pardons for Forto Rlcani. Now York, Doo. 27. A dispatch to tho Herald, from Sun Juan, 1'orto Rico, says: Governor Allen has eclu brutud the holiday season by extending executive clemency to 21 prisoners In Porto Iticuu jails. Ho has pardoned 17 murderers nud homicides und buveu thieves. Arrested for Stage Robbery. Lakovlov, Or,, Doo. 28. Iloh m wj: v a gm CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. i --l-