jW-oftffrf t i J VI Tp.NEW AGE. POIITLAIND. OIWHTO. t i f 1 i $ 51 ? I. m X)N BACK OP A BULL. FRIGHTFUL TORTURE INFLIOTED BY INDIANS. A White Man and Woman l'led Onto the TorrlBed Animal, Which Was Then Turnei Looae Thejr Were Pur sued by Wolvca but Rescued. In striking contrast to the exciting experiences he underwent In his young er days Is the quiet manner In which Cnpt. Ike Jackson, whoso name Is fa miliar all through the Southwest, Is passing the evening of his life. Now he lives on his well-stocked ranch on the Tocos Klver In Western Texas, and, while a Jolly, sociable companion, un der all conditions,' Is at his best while recalling the Incidents of his life on the frontier when the Indians wero plenti ful. Ills entertaining fund of reminis cences he Is always rcudy to draw up ou and never does he talk to an unin terested ntidlence. One of his tales li of an exciting event which led to his marriage. As he tells It, the story Is as follows: Attacked by Indiana. "I was playing the llddlu one night at a danco In a little, log cabin ou the ex treme frontier. There had been rumors of ail Indian ruld, but the people were fearless, and everybody In the neigh borhood was at the dance. Suddenly nn nrrow whlzsed through the open door and struck a young girl on the shoulder. It wart" followed by a shower of arrows and a few shots. Women shrieked, and the men seized their nrms and begnn to harrlcado the house. 1 kept on playing the llddle as It nothing had happened. "That's right, Ike,' whispered old Colonel Chrlsman. 'Play as if the dovll was after you and t will save the wom en and children.' I turned looso on The Arkansas Traveler' and I mado sZ - ftfc 'mi TIIBY 2 CUT T1IM HULL LOOHK the old ilddlo roar. Whllo Hume of tho boys were popping away In thu dark from the front of (ho cabin the old col onel muuuged to slip out thu buck way and escape lulu tho woods with thu Women and children. Then I laid tho llddlu down utul got my gun and Joined lu tho defense. Tho ml duvlla etu too many for uh, and after killing four of uur Iiojh they sot lire to thu cabin ami succeeded In capturing me as 1 wus trying to cut my way through their lines with my bowlo kuire. "They bound mu hand uud foot and tied mo to a pony. After raiding thu settlement and hunting tho cabins they started back toward u Lilian village ou DuvM Klver. When daylight came l was congratulating myttolf thai the red men had not captured any of the wives or daughter of tho settlers, but lu a moment I heard a cry of distress and upou twisting my head around was amazed to sen n beautiful young girl whom 1 woll kue'w lashed to an old squaw who was riding a mustang, Tho Indians had found a demijohn of brandy lu a cabin and It was uut long bufom hovernl of tho warriors were drunk. They begun to yell and cavort ' about on their ponies apparently Indif ferent to tho likelihood that they might bo overtaken at any moment by tho cnrugtfil settlers. While crossing tho Han Unhrlel prairie they circled around a herd of wild cattle and roped several of tho fat unlmals. By this tlmo thu old chief In command was almost too drunk to ride, and thoy luilted In n grove ou thu banks of Sim (luhrlcl and prepared to havo n feast. Wo wero tied to a tree, uud tho old squaw told us that wo would bo burned alive later lu tho day. Tho girl was tho daughter of Colonel Muuroe, n noted member or Austin's colony, I was close enough to speak to her, and 1 bade her to bo or good cheer, telling her that our friends would be Biiru to rescue us soon. The Indians feasted and drank until nearly sunset, and by that tlmo many of the warriors wero furiously drunk and eager for somo fiendish work. They roped a monster Mexican bull, uud thu old squaw said to tho girl 'White face heap fralt) of bull. No like to ride hlmV l.tnticd O ito the Hull. "The savages no sooner heart! this re. mark than they began to yell with de light. They ran toward the girl, ami three or four drunken warriors seized -.and drugged her to thu bull, Other lu- ileus cut mo loose from thu tree uud tweed mo along by tho side of thu ter- 'jriAetl girl. They threw us on thu back f, tho bellowing beast, aud lashed us securely to his body, jsy this tlmo tho whole camp was afSMicsl and eager to witness tho too I, Squaws clapped their hands, uud the drunken warriors howled like ! carnAte devils. Thoy cut the bull loose with us lashed to his back, and the sprang away bellowing, with blood and foam Hying from his uostrllc. The In dians set out after the maddened beast, raining arrows nnd musket balls at us. The girl swooned with terror, and 1 abandoned all hope. Fortunately It was late In the evening, nnd the frightened bull ran so fast that the drunken In dians soon lost sight of him. When 1 realized this all my energy nnd courage returned to me nnd I determined to tnnkc a desperate effort to save my own and the girl's life. I called Sallle nnd wan glad to llnd thnt she had recovered her senses. Tugging with all my strength at the ropes I managed to get one hand loose. At this moment n now terror sprang up. The bull had been wounded and he wns leaving a trail of blood thnt had been scented by a pack of wolves. The hungry beasts howled and yelped as If there were a thousnnd of them, nnd It wns not long beforo I could henr them gnashing their teeth. Readied from n New Dnnucr. "It Is likely that the bull would have fallen ou tlie prairie from exhaustion nnd the wolves would have devoured us before we could have released ourselves had It not been thnt the bull hnd run back directly over the trail the Indians had mnde. Animal Instinct led him bnck to the locality from which he had been taken, and he run fight Into n col umn of settlers who wero pursuing the Indians. Snllle saw the horsemen and when she begnn to scream her fnthcr, who wns In commnnd of tho pursuing party, recognized her voice. The bull, I being nearly exhausted, was easily cap tured. "I don't think that I told Snllle that I loved her whllo we were on tho bnck of that bull, but I did fall In love with hcr'whllc the arrows were fulling nbout us. Not long nftcr we were mnrrled." Centenarians Aro Gcnorally Hmnll. One of tho most Interesting nnd trust worthy statements In respect to old 3 WITH US LASHED TO ITIS BACK. ago Is the report on tho habits of con temn Inns, made somo years ago by u coinmlssloiyippolnted by tho British .Medical Association. It seems that most of these old people wero small or medium of stnturo nnd a spare habit of body; the voice was rather feeble; most of them had lost their teeth, but nearly all enjoyed good digestion, ono old man of 1)8, u clergyman, placing Lis hand ou tho organ In question and say ing that he never knew what It was to have a stomach. Nearly all of them hail enjoyed uninterrupted good health, and many had never known what It was to be sick. They weie all very moderate lu entlng, most of them using little animal food. Ktnv Indulged nt nil in intoxicating drinks, and those only In notable moderation. They took eonsldernble out-door exercise, nnd neai ly nil possessed the good-natured, placid disposition. I'olatoeH us I'eiiwlpers. A eertnln Now York hotel ubcs n bushel of potutoos a year for penwipers on the tables lu tho wrltlng.rooins. Ev ery morning a large potato Is put lu n compartment of tho pen, box, ami nfter 21 hours the potato Is removed nud an other put lu. Pens In pen holders aro stuck Into tho potato half a dozen at n time, giving It tho nppenmuco or a porcupine. It Is claimed that n potato penwiper Is tho best preservative against rust uud mildew that can bo secured for the pens. Aro They Married ? In tho vllbigo'of Dalton I.edule, near Sunderland, England, H00 couples want to know whether they are married or not. For years they havo thought they were, but tho bishop of Durham de clares they aro not. They say tho mat rimonial knot wns tied for a fee, and If It wero not regularly done they us Mrt that tho bishop ought to have It repented free. lliii))lea Air Krenoh Pout men. The French lWnmster Uenerul has found the umj of bicycles for postmen su satisfactory that orders have boon Klveu for rural postmen, where pok,! ble, to bo supplied with machines, to be paid for and kept In order by the state. OuiiiuIh'n liicrcuMliiir Imports, Tho exports of butter, cheese, eRjs, Imcou, hams, mutton, pork, tipples) oats, peas, wheat, Hour and potatoes to Great Britain from Canada has more than doubled since 1MHI. When n man commits suicide, It de velops that ho kissed his wife Kood-hy beforo ho left home. Women should not luslst upou ufTcctlouute atteutlons lu thu future. . SHERIFF SALE. In the oironlt court of the state ol Oregon, for the connty of Multnomah. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Stolla B. Suksdorf, Kath erino Lucy Trovett, Ernest Dei bet t, Frederick Jetter and Savings and Loan Society, defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order and docreo duly Issuod out of and under tho seal of the nbove entitled court, in tho abovo entitled cause, to mo duly direutod. nnd dated tho 12th day of November, 1000, upon a judgment rendered and entered in suid conrt on tho 10th day of Novombor, 1000, in favor of Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, and against Stolla I). Suksdorf, defendant, for tho sum of $2, 00G.54, with iutorost thoroon nt tho rate of 8 por cent por annum from tho 10th day of Novombor, 100U, nnd the furthoi sum of $160.00 with interest thereon at tho rato of 0 por cout por annum from tho llltli day of November, 1000, nnd tho further sum of $20.00 costs nnd disbursements nnd tho coats of nnd upun this writ, commanding mo to inako sulo of the following described real proporty, sltuatod in tho city of Portland, couuty of Multnomah and stnto of Oregon, to-wit Lots twolvof 12 land thirteen fiaUn,' Block two hundred slxtyllvo (205) of Couch Addition to tho city of Portland, according to tho duly rocordod tilut thereof. Now, therefore, by virtuo of paid ex ecution, judgment order aud docrce uud in compliance with tho commands of said writ, I will ou Monday, the 17th day of Docombor, 1000, nt tho honr of 10 o'clock A. M., ut tho front door of tho connty court houso, in the city of Portland, said couuty nnd stnto, sell nt public auction, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, 'title and interest which thu within, named dofendants or either of thorn had ou tho dnte of tho mortgugo herein (tho 80th day ef April, 1804) or sinoo hnd, in and to tho above dosoribod real prop erty, or any part thorcof, to satisfy said exucutlon, judgment order, decree, In tercut, costs and nil accruing coats. Dated Portland, Oregon, Novomboi 18,1000. WILLIAM FHAZIER, Shorlfl of Multnomah County, Orogon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notico Is hornby given thnt I havo filed my final account ns udministintai of tho ostnto of William Kirk, deioasod, in the couuty court of tho stato of Ore gon, for tho county of Multnomah, aud Monday, tho 17th day of December, A. D., 10U0, at 2 o'clock P. M and the court room of suid court in Portland, Orogon, iiavo boon appointed bv said court as tho tlmo and placo lor thu hearing of objections to such fijal ac count uud tho settlement thofoof, EDWARD GUNDERiON, Administrator oi tno estate Ham Kitk, deceusod. Oregon Butohering Compi Metzger, munagor, dealers in of fresh nnd salt meats and Everett stroot. Grebe, Hurdor& Co., Portland, Oro (ton, dealers in implements and ve hicles. Milbnru farm, delivery, spring wagons and bugulos. Chnao forco lift aud tank pumps. Milwaukio bindois, niowors and rakes. Engines at d sop sratorH. Fountain Cfty lioo, sh o nud disc drills. Wolff-American huh nrt blcyclos. Stool aud ohlllod plows, disc, spring nud spiko hirrows. Eclipse stool hay presses. Columbus Buugy Co.'s Columbus buggios and carriages. Phone, Oak 731. 182-84-80 Madison strcot, west end of Madison itroot bridge" J. F. O'Donnell, gen eral agent, Oregon, Washington uud Idaho Custom House Exchange 335 Flanders Cor. Seventh Sts. McCROSKEY&EMMERT PROPRIETORS. I'rlvato Kntrnuce on Klanden Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars r, llENllltlCKSZN D. IUIIM f PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht a Specialty Sails OllKOON 1-IIONK 043 RI 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co, Wholesale Dealer. Mechanical Rubber Goods, BtlHng, Hose Packings, Fire Department Supplies. Rubber Boots, Shoes, Rubber Clothing Rubber Goods of AU Kinds 18 so front St. mi i n c J. McCraken Co.. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. wn- J sTiLFred Vt'ftindi Ujh, 415 HIC business locals: Always ask far the fMsoas Osasssl rttar cigar. bsvc-Oaast Cigar Oe., geaersl ageata, PariUsd, Or. Brady & Sherrett, practical plumb ers, gas and steam fitters. Dealers in lead and iron pipe, gas fixtures and plumbing goods of every description. Jobbing done at reasonable rates. All work warranted. Steam and hot wn tor-heating a specialty. Telephone Oak 411. 142 First street, Portland, Oro. O. A. Watson, Marino Drug Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spo- cialtios: Fleckcnstein's Lung Balsam and Celory Soltzor. I R. H. Schwartz, druggist and apothe cary. 225 Burnside street, between First and Socond, Portland, Or. For fino fruits of nil kinds for the traveling public, call nt ISO North j Sixth street. Ico cream soda. Baskot fruits for travelers. Uoorgo Kisor pro. i priotor Croamory nnd bakery. Country but- tor nnd frosh eggs a specialty; also croamory butter. Mrs. B. Boydston, i proprietor, corner Socond and Columbia . streets, ronianu, ur. Don't wenr bapgy trousers or shabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge, prew, and deliver, ono suit of your olothiug each week, sow on buttons, nnd sow np rips for $1.00 a moflth. Unique Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phones. . Jno. P. Sharker, msnnfscurer of harness, collars, saddles and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc. 65 Union are., Port land, Or. Kahn Bros., dealers in hides, fun nnd wool. 101 Fiont street, Portland, Or. G. Dnnlolson, watchmaker, joweloi and dinmond-euttor, 140 Sixth street, Portland, Or. All work guaranteed. " Gall up Union 401 when in need of anything in tho luol lino. East Mor rison Street Wood & Coal Yard. v Tho Popular, 135 First street, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklnnd, pionrlotor. Tel. Oro gon red 034, Columbia 608. , Portland Trnnsler Saloon Chas. O. Biglln, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 831 Oliaan, cor nor Sixth, Portland, Or. Smyth A Howard, general contract ors. Koads, bridges, trestles, munici pal improvements, etc., Portland, Or. Dianond Vitrified Brlok Company, (lacorporated). Paving brick a spe cialty. 018 Chamber of Commerce. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. is the old est and beat servico of the kind in the town. Readers of tho Now Age, give them the proferenoo. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notos and mortgages bought S. W. King, room 46, Washington building. Ring np Dr. Darling. 204 Morrison street, cor. Third nnd Morrison, ovoi McAllen & McDonnell's. ,001 co hours, 10:80 to 13 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. At residonco, E. 84th and Bel mont stroots, morning and evenings. Residonco 'phones, Oregon, blue 870; Columbia, 6187; ofiQoo 'phone, Colum bia 14. The finest plaoo in the olty to obtain fii st quality cigars tobacco and smok ers' articles is that of Rosenthal & Budd, at 387 and 287 Washington street, botweon Fourth and Fifth. Give theso gonial dealers a call whan you wish anything in their line. Tele phone Main 76. A. A. Unruh, bicycle repairing. Brazing and cutting down frames a apecialty. Biojolo sundries Baked enamel. All work gunianteed. 183 Foot of Morrison street, Portland, Or. Call and see mo when you aro broken down. Agency for tho Impeiial Bicy olo; guaranteed tut one year. Orogon 'phono black 2801. Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. SUCUE8SOU TO I'ATltlCK, MA8TIOK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS HARNESS, SADDLES, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF OF LIGHT HARNESS 9 1 -03 Front Street, Between Stark and Oak. Oregon lMiaua Mlu47... Call or Write Do not confound the 1'lanola with any o( the electric piano or clarMrap, horn Addle, lianjo-plauo, and what uot combination affair offered by other muilo houtoi, "((good a the 1'ianola." We alone cell Pianola tu tlm Nonhweat. and wo i: I illy tliow jou Aeollam aud Plauola, xuiuic rcctta tiittri vbivai m it iv uii suu n niu ji v M. D W tl L. L.O , Northwest 353355 Washington Street, Corner Park PORTLAND, OREGON We are Bo'e Agent lor the Pianola, It U exhibited only at our wareroom. BSTABLISSIRD ISf 1. INOORroatATBB lSf, ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping Sz Commission AlercHsintsi WHOLESALE GROCERS Te Utat 4rss aM eeamaaiMMMS le Ike Ceawasr. ! .' - . We keep constantly e hand all kinds ot wood and coal. Yard and office, 287 East Morrison street. Both phones, Oregon, Union 491; Columbia 5228. East Morrison Street Wood & Coal Yard. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works, All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and oleaning of all kinds ol ladies' and Oent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 465 Qllsan str-, Wood I AVood 1 1 Wood 1 1 1 Fir, Oak and Ash, at the East Morrison Street Wood & Coal Yard. 287 East Morri son street. Both phoes. Oregon, Union 401; Columbia 5228. Ererybody smokes the celebrated Monogram and Pandora cigars. Thoy havo no equal. We nood yonr trado, and yon nuod our wood; bocaute wo havo tho best tho markot can afford, ns well as all grados of hard and soft coal. East Morrison StrootWood & Coal Yard. Seo Carroll beforo buying your Christmas candios. Special tonus nt our wholosalo fnctory 00 First stroot. Retail store, 882 Washington street. 1 : Good Cnui faa Thanksgiving When you havo tho snnromo sntisfao- ....,.....,. w.u .,..,..... -"""" tion of putting on n collai or shirt done up at tho Domestic Laundry, with n color aud finish on it to suit tho most fastidious, and no rough edges 'or torn button holes to annoy you. A man is in luck to bo able to havo his linen kept in suoh porfoct condition ns wo keop it in whou lnuudried nt tho Do mestic Laundry, J. F. Robinson, Prop., Pendlotou, Orogon. A. IV. ALLEN Dispensing Phmrmmclmt Phomm, Ormgom Mmlit 408 OolumMm14. 16th mntl Marmhmll Stm.t t3rtl mntt Smvlmr Stum, PORTLAND, OREGON. KRIEQ LEVY VNCOnrOUATED.) GROCERS COFKEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. :1D4 Wttililngtnn . Htrret, Corner Tenth THY OUU CELEBRATED COFFEE. Iluth l'lionri 8.18. rOKTI.ANl), OK. pOHTLAND ROLLINO MILLS Manufacturer! ot BAR IRON AND 8TEEL. N. K. AYER, Manager. Twent) -Second and Nlcolal Streets. M EYER 8C1ULLINQ FINE WINES AND LIQUOR!. LA QRANDE, OREQON. V AU60N & LONG 15 NORTH FIFTH 8T. Fin vrlnea, llquori and clgari, Olvo u a call. OF SADDLERY GOODS FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES ON THE COAST. wSKm emtio' J PORTLAND, OREGON II you call at our wareroom. It you are a reproentatlve call and arraugo (or private Agent for the Aeolian Company remtxAwy. ee. liffife ami Onnibas Transfer COMPANY. Office B. W, Cor. Fourth sad BUrk Ma. Telephone 639, PORTLAND, ORKQOIf. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination. Branch Office: Hotel Portland! United Carriage Co Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. -TJIE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUKAfcTUItntlS OP TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-establkhed their busi ness in ' PORTLAND, , at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. -nOR FAIlt DEALING I'ATKONIZK Jn O. P. a I'LUMMKK. DrtiRi, Mcillcliip and Chemical, Toilet Article, Trunin, Taints, Olli, Ulau, Kto 8. E. Corner Third and Madlion Streets. IANO WA11KIIOO.M3 or H. 8ItS!IKIMKR,Solo Agent for THE JACOB DOMi 1'IANO The beit uprlsht piano made, and other first Clam iiImioj rrnti'd and (old on tnmallmenta. Kitabllihed 1B0J. 1'hon No. 7J Third fctrcot. in 1M111101 miii'U North Ml. SUMMONS. la the cirouit conrt of the state of Oregon, fur the connty of Multnomah, Department No. 3. f J. H. Hooper, plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Hooper, defendant. To Mary A. Hooper, defendant above nasaed: In the name of the state of Oregon, you aro hereby roquirod to appear and answer the complaint filed ngainst yon in the above entitlod suit, on or before tho 8th day of December, 1000, which is the timo prescribed in tho ordor for tho publloatlon'of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the roliof demanded in tho complaint, namely: For a docreo dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing bo tween the plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of Helen J. Hooper and Edgnr V. Hooper, the issue ot said marriaw, nud for such other relief as may bo equitable. This summons is to bo published once a week for six successive .weeks. First publication Is the 27th 'day of Ootober, 1000, and the last on tho 8th day of December, 1900; by order of the Hon. J. U. Olelund, judge ot the above entitlod court. Made and enter. sd on the 30th day of October, 1000. W. S. HUFFORD, . Attorney for Plaintiff. ' SUMMONS. In tho circuit court of the stuto of Oregon for Multnomah county. William h, Goff, plaintiff, vs. .Loiter M. Love, defendant. To Lester M. Love, the above named defondant. In tho name of the state of Oregon, ron are are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled-againrt yon in the above entitled aotlon oa or before the 10th day of December, A. D., 1000, said day being the expiration ot six weeks from the 26th day of Octo her, A. D., 1000; the date ordered by Ihe court for the first publication of this notioe, and if yon fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take lodgment against yon for the sum of aao with interest thereon from Janu ary 1, 1879, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the costs and dis bursements of this aotion. This summons is published by ordei f the Hon. A, L. Frasier, judge of the above entitled court, made and entered bn the 30th day of Ootober. A. D., 1900. GILTNER oV RKWALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTIOE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account as exeoutor of the estate of F. H. .Ramsey, deceased, is the oftlce or the county olerk ol MaltBosaah county, state of Oregon, and 9:S0 o'clock on Monday, the 12th, day ot November, A. D, 1900, in the court rooaa of said court, has been fixed by aid. oert as the time and plaoe for hearing said final account and the set thHsent hereof, A, W. LAMBERT, Bste'eutor of the estate of J.'Ut Basasey, deceased. Dated. Oeteher 4, 10. ' ,N 'M vh i-