The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 22, 1900, Image 7

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U 77
mrm ovmrommm ny Lytttm C.
Plmkhmm'm Vmgmtmmlm
ftfty thoummnd hmppy
women trnmiify to thim In
nrmtmtul Imttmrm to Mrm
mmvmrm mtrmln on
im m
mmn'm vltmllty. If It Im
nmlnful mommthlmg Im
wrong whloh
lysis E. PlrduWs Vegetable Corapemd
will promptly mmt right It
mxommmlvm or Irrmmulmr
wrlto to Mrm Pmkhnm,
Lynn, Mamm, formmvktm.
BvUmnom mmounmm thmt
Mrm Plnkhmm'm mdvlom
mmrnwnwww jgwsw aw www y
women to km mtrmmm. Mm
mtnmr mdvlom Im mm nm
vmrylnmly mmmnrmtm, mm
mtnmr mmmwomm nmm
Tariff Schedule for Manila.
Merchant! and producer ol thli
wait are watching the new tariff sched
ule being prepared by the Philippine
commission. The anbjecii ia vitally
Important to nil const atatoa.
li a wonderful preparation
composejof IIKUIIS that
aot on the I.lver. permanently
curing constipation.
Don't Belong io Thli Crowd.
ThoBO who ncgloot duty are ao many
that they nro na prominent as tho
week's washing in the bnck yard.
Stomm the Oough end
Work Off the Oold.
Laxative Browo-Qulntne Tablets oure
a cold in ono day. No euro, Mo Pay.
Price 35 cents.
Another Congressman.
The now congressional apportion!
Mont bill introduced in congress pro
tides for Knottier congressman in Wash
ington state, threo in all.
Egga From the East.
Since September eight oara of East
rn eggs have come to Portland be
cause home supply ia not sufficient.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnalow's Booth
leg Syrup the best remedy to use for their
Children during the teething period.
Lifetime In the Klondl'c
After prospecting 27 years in far
aorthern Alaska, A. E. Evans has come
Jt to buattlo.
The girl with the great, seraphic,
gray eyes complained bitterly of the
timidity of her steady company.
"Give him tho mitten I" adviaed her
entourage, unhositntingly.
"What, for cold feet?" exclaimed
Poison oak
Poison ivy
axe among the best known
of the many dangerous
wild plants and shrubs.
To touch or handle them
quickly produces swelling
and inflammation with in
tense itching and burning
of the skin. The eruption
soon disappears, the suf
ferer hones forever : but
almost as soon as the little blisters and
pustules appeared the poison bad reached
the blood, and will break out at regular
intervals and each time in a more aggra
vated form. This poison will loiter in the
system for years, and every atom of it
must be forced out of the blood before you
can expect a perfect, permanent cure.
Nitirc's JUtllofc
Natirc's Nlstis,
ia the only cure for Poison Oak, Polsoa
Ivy, ana all noxioua ptanis. it is com
posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now
is the time to get the poison out of your
system, as delay makes your condition
worse. Don't experiment longer with
salvcs,waslics and soaps they never cure.
Mr. 8. it. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta
(Ga.) Gas Light Co., was poUoned with Poison
Oak. He took Sulphur. Arienle and various
other drugs, and applied externally numtroue
lotions and aalvea with no benefit. At times the
welling and inflammation was so severe be was
almost blind. For eight rears the poUon would
break out every season. His condition was much
Unproved after taking one bottle cf 8. 8. 8 , and
few bottles cleared hie blood of the poUon, sad
II evidences of the dUeaee disappeared. ")
People arc often poisoned without
knowing when or how. Explain your case
fully to our physicians, and they will
cheerfully give such information and ad
vice as you require, without charge, and
we will send at the same time an interest
fag book on Blood and Skin Diseases.
JOHN POOLK. Postmvo, Obeooji.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel (XL wiudmill, sold by him, is un
I Beat Go Srrun. faaua Oooi Vm
tntlaae. Bold by nWt-a- I
f M ioF
Mamma-Johnny, I fear you were not
at school yesterday. Johnny IJ'iul 111
bet the teacher told you. A woman can
never keep a secret. Tlt-Blts.
Mrs. Dresser Do you think this dress
Is long enough behind, Jack? Mr. Dress
er Pleutyl Any microbe that can es
cape that Isn't worth catching. London.
Modern Society.
Stoughtou Did you have a good tlmo
at the banquet last night? Manhat
tanSplendid; 1 drank myself Into In
sensibility before the speaking began.
Boston Transcript
An Easy Part: Youth Oh, 1 don't
want to take that character; I'll muko
a fool of myself, sure. Maiden Well,
you said you wanted an easy part
Detroit Free Press.
Back and Forth Edtnoud, what made
you so late? My dear, I came up In
my new automobile and passed the
house five times before I could arrango
to stop. Indianapolis Journal.
Father (who has helped his son with
bis homework) What did the feacher
say when you showed him the sums?
Johnny lie said I was getting more
stupid every day. Glasgow Evening
"Well, Jim couldn't pass the civil
service business on geography an' 'rlth
metlc." "Too bad I What's he goln'
to do now?" "Dunno, but I reckon
he'll go back to tcachln' school!" At
lanta Constitution. v
Judge Prisoner at the bar, have you
anything further to state In your de
fense? Prisoner No, your Honor; I
only ask you to deal with me as you
would with yourself If you were In my
place. Green Bag.
Bacon When you are In the city drop
In and see me. Egbert Why. I thought
your office was on the eighteenth floor?
"So it Is." "And j ou want nie to drop
In; do you suppose I'll be In a balloon?"
Yonkers Statesman.
Dusty Itoads I say, Weary, how did
you feel when that dog came at you?
Weary Waggles I felt flattered that,
oven he was glad to see me; but I en
deavored to hide my feelings as much
as I could. Boston Transcript.
She Ys, It's all well enough to say
now you think I'm pretty. Yesterday
you said my nose turned up dreadful
ly. Bo Well, dear, I was thinking It
shows mighty poor taste In backing
away from such a lovely mouth.
Collier's Weekly.
Prepared for Rnlattves Husbaud (at
dinner) My, myl This Is a regular
banquet worthy of a Dclmonlco. Fin
est spread I've seen In an age. What's
up? Do you expect company? Wife
No, butt I presume tho cook docs.
New York Weekly.
Brlggs Wonder how Stover Is doing
nowadays? Griggs Oh, ho must be
doing finely; must be making no end
of money. You know he has always
been troubled more or less with rheu
matism. Well, he now calls it gout
Boston Transcript.
Used to Mako Up: New Nurse
Please, mum, I can't do a thing with
tho baby. He cries all the time. Mis
tressWell, I declare! How stupid of
me! Ills other nurses were colored
girls. You'll find some stove polish In
the kitchen. Now York Weekly.
Tom You've been leaning ngainst a
whitewashed fence, haven't you? .)lck
No; why? Tom Your coat-tails ore
covered with white dust. Dick Shi
I'm going to call on Miss Pechy; her
father, you know, keeps a bulldog; that
white dust Is poison. Philadelphia
A Proud Papa: "This Is my son
Frederick, Mr. Fosdlck," said Mr,
Glanders, proudly, Introducing his
5-year-old boy to his caller. "Well,
Frederick," said the caller, "do you
mind your mamma?" "Yes, sir," re
plied Frederick promptly, "and so does
papa." Barar.
All That Was Needed: Cassldy
Wudn't yex lolke t' live on a farrm,
Pat? Casey Oh, ut's th' only way f
live! Ef they only hod llllvated roads,
cable cars, pllnty av saloons, concert
balls, tintmlnt bouses, dirt, noise, and
polacemln on a farm, Ol'd move on to
a farm to-morrow. Judge.
Bad Form: Mrs. Illghblower Don't
forget, my dear, that In conversation
the Interest must not be allowed to flag.
Chum But I'm sure I do my best,
mamma. Mrs. Illghblower May be ao;
but while the pianist was playing I
thought, once or twice, that I detected
you listening to him. Life.
A mother was howlng ber dear little
Joe a picture of the martyrs thrown to
the lions, and was talking very solemn
ly to him, trying to make him feel what
a terrible thing It waa. "Ma," ho said,
suddenly, "oh, ma, Just look at that lit
tle lion right behind there; be won't get
any." Cincinnati Enquirer.
"I wish you would read this article,"
be said. "What's It about?" she asked.
"It's about the danger of getting an
gry and it was written by a physician,"
be replied. She looked at him sharply
for a minute. "What have you been
doing now?" she asked. "What kind
of a confession are you about to
make?" Chicago Post
"You many think me superstitious,"
said the traveling acquaintance, "but
I have a firm belief that there's luck In
odd numbers." "I haven't" replied
Mr. Peck. "Now, my wlfo accepted
me four times, and finally " "Beg
pardon. You mean 'rejected,' don't
you?" "No, sir! As I was saying,
finally the fifth time she proposed, I
simply bad to marry her." Catholic
Prove Great Time Eavers and Prompt
Kxtlnnulahera of Klninea-Nolao and
lluatle of liorae and titeam Apparatus
Extinct Description of Machine.
In Paris electricity has gained an
other victory over horse and steam
power. The fire department Is now
abolishing horses from all the lire en
gine houses of the city nnd is selling
its old-fashioned steam lire engines to
country towns.
It is a strange sight when the lire
alarm sounds to sue the ponderous
doors of the engine houses fly open nnd
from It emerge the modern electric lire
engine manned by only two sappcurs.
There Is none of the old stumping and
dashing of fiery steeds, Impatient to
rush down the crowded avenues to tho
Bccues of conflagration. Here again, of
course, Is the spectacle of the loss of
occupation to n lot of brave fellows.
The stable-keepers dnd the grooms have
been driven out Instead there Is a
single engineer for each vehicle, whose
sole occupation' Is ,to keep his auto-en-gines"
In trim during the long leisure
hours between flres ami to manipulate
them when the fire alarm sounds.
The engine and the hook and ladder
hurry to the fires In much quicker time
than the fastest horses could have done.
All the old dash of wind, almost uncon
trollable horses, driven by a man who
seems on the point of being dragged
from his scat; the confusing sounding
of gongs and bells and shouting of the
sappcurs, cursing of drivers and street
passengers, taken unawares all this Is
a' thing of the past Instead the trim
electric fire engine wends Its way with
comparatively little noise and consplc-
ulty through tho crowded thorough
fares. All that warns of Its approach
Is tho coustant ringing of a loud elec
tric bell, which does uot vary even
when the passage Is obstructed. The
police, however, arc Instructed to arrest
the driver of any vehicle that does not
at once respond to the electric warning.
Much Time Ia Bared.
There Is much time saved at the en
glue house by the dispatch with which
the new machines can be manned ami
started, and, of course, there Is a great
saving of time en route and on the spot
of the tire, as electricity proves a
strougcr pumping power than steam.
The new machines of tho Paris fire
department were the center of attrac
tion at the International congress which
was held at Vlncennes. Threo types of
the electric lire automobile were exhib
ited. Thero waa an electric hoso en
gine, an electric tool wagon and a hook
and ladder.
On the hose engine there Is a large
water reservoir with a capacity of 160
gallons. The entire weight Is less than
8,000 pounds. Tho electric motor which
propels the vehicle Is transformed as
soon as the place of fire Is reached Into
a pump. There Is no.neod of waiting
until the Are plug on tho nearest corner
la unscrewed and the hose udjusted to
it. There Is enough water In tho reser
voir to begin work, and often a blaze
Is extinguished before the reservoir is
The rapidity of the new fire fighter Is
Increased by the manner In which the
rubber hose la wound around a metal
reel. The hose around the apparatus
Is always filled with water and the
pressing of a button unwinds It auto
matically, so that tbe firemen's tssk of
bandllug It Is greatly facilitated. In
fact, the only thing to be doue on tbe
spot Is to open tbe stop cock of the
mouthpiece of the hose and direct It on
the flames.
Prompt Work at Fire.
While the engine has begun Its work
tbe auto-hook and ladder, manned by
six stalwart fellows, Is busy providing
for a fresh supply of water. The fire
men have tho big ladders, saving ap
paratus and the numerous extinguish
ing paraphernalia ready for any emer
gency. The tiro hose Is supplied with
three different mouthpieces, by which
the pressure of the water can be regu
lated; one of them pours out the water
at the rate of seventy-Jive gallons per
An excellent arrangement with the
new automobile fire wagons Is the elec
tric lighting, which Is adjusted by wire
alongside the hose. This Is of great Im
nnrtnnrp. as often It Is necessary to
I throw light in dark corners where per-
nv fs3Bi
iSaaltawWtynl K QLVaBaWa4p?toVeVgsVHr
AvJbSBNm'A&iS nBnnmnwmnnnTnnnYuMWmjnulNnn&to.MM
mrjmllvSsWhnmw'mwnWmmnwwmni Hlax?,H iii WsTibm
sens may be lying unconscious, over
come by smoke, and to guard against
accidents to the firemen.
The big ladder lies when folded In an
almost horizontal condition on the auto
truck and Is raised to Its full perpen
dicular height by electricity. The sta
bility of this big apparatus Is remark
able, providing against all possible mis
haps. The municipal authorities aro highly
pleased over the Innovation and It Is
believed that the Initiative will be em
ulated In all the largo cities of tho continent
Lost Ilearlnir nnd I'ower of Speech In
the 1 hlllppinea.
A smooth-faced young man, straight
as an arrow, and dressed In tho uniform
of a private In the United States army,
stepped up to the desk at tho Hotel
Denccbaud the other day and registered
as Charles Kappcler, Portland, Me.
"Do you wish tho American or Eu
ropean plan?" Inquired tho clerk, with
his customary professional smile of
The soldlor shook his head, picked up
a bit of paper and wrote: "I am deaf
and dumb." A brisk correspondence
began between the hotel man and Prl
Tate Kappcler, and this Is tho way the
soldier told his story, Bays the New
-Orleans Times-Democrat:
Kappcler was In Funston's famous
regiment, the Twentieth Kankas, and
was a member of Company A. He went
to the Philippines and saw active ser
vice until one day, after a forced march
and much exposure In the rain, some
thing went wrong with tho young pri
vate's head. Everything turned black
'before his eyes and his musket dropped
from his hands. He whirled about and
fell to the ground unconscious.
The Filipinos were peppering away
at the Kansas boys at the tlmo Kap
pplcr fell, and It was supposed by his
comrades that he had been wounded or
killed. But when the enemy was driv
en off ami Kappcler was picked up and
carried iback It was found he hadn't
been bit at all. Thero was not a mark
on him, but ho did not recover con
sciousness. Ho was put Into a cot In
the Second Ilohorvo Hospital at Manila
and In that cot ho lay for a wbolo year.
"I was unconscious for four weeks,"
tho deaf and dumb man wrote, "and
when I canio to I found a Hod Gross
nurse bending over mo ind giving me
whisky and medicine ana putting Ice
on my head. I saw by tho motion of
her lips that she was speaking to me,
but I could not hear a word she said.
I soon discovered I was deaf and then
gradually I lost tho power of speech,
for, as I could not hear what I was say
ing, I could not form the words. At
last I entirely lost the power of speech,
and I have been deaf and dumb ever
Ttiey Piled It On,
"They do things their own way up In
Now Eaglnnd," said tho tramp on tho
park bench as he gazed at a big too
peeping through the shoe. "For In
stance, up In New Hampshire I was
crossing a field when a bull took after
roe. As he was about to pick me up on
his horns I dodged and he went full tilt
against a tree and broko his neck."
"Well, what was done?" was asked.
"Why, they arrested me for trespass.
On top of that they charged rue with
Inciting a bull to mischief. Then I was
held for the worth of the bull, and be
fore they got through with mo I was In
Jail for eleven months. I'd have got
another month If there hadn't been a
slip. When the bull broke bis neck tho
fanner's wife fainted' away, and they
meant to tack on thirty days more to
pay the farmer for her lost time while)
unconscious." Washington Post
l'neumatlo Tubes.
Pneumatic tubes for carrying mes
sages are an old story In the largest
European cities. But tho largest in
use there, those In London, are only
three Inches In diameter,. It Is only in
tbe United Ktates that tbe whole bulk
of letter mall Is handled between given
points. In New York a tube reaching
to Brooklyn Is three and a half miles
long and eight Inches In diameter, al
lowing the passage of a pouch contain
ing 000 letters In about seven minutes.
'A woman will do without an article
she has long needed, In order to give'
a wedding present or send flowers to a
tTuceral. I
In every home there Is some one who
walks off with things that belong to
th other. I
Want Better Freight Rates.
Paolflc coast jobbers are again be
fore the interstate cemmerce commis
sion fighting for more favorable freight
Men Are Not Alike.
Two men may bo exactly aliko np to
tho tops of their heads. Uncover ono
head and discover a goniua. The
other reveals an idiot.
What the Cowi Are Doing.
Tho food commissioner of Oregon re
ports that 5,000,000 pounds of butter
woro mado in tho stato last year, also
1,600,000 pounds of checso.
Wanli a Small Fortune.
A Bcnttlo flromnn named Brabon
' was thrown from n hoso cart and
I klllod. Mrs. Brabon is aftor $35,000
of oity money and will got something.
The Heat l'retcrlptlon for
ChlllB and Fovor is n bottlo of Groves.
.Tasteless Chill Tonlo. It is simply
iron and quinino in a tasteless form,
No Cnro, No Pay. Prico COo.
Still Out of Prison.
A year ago Frank E. MoDnniol was
sentenced to 16 years in tho Oregon
penitentiary, but lio's not there yet be
can bo legal measuro have piovented.
The German mails have been closed
to sausages; so you will be no longor
ablo to write to yenr friend in Berlin.
"Inclosed find four sausages."
Rich Alaska Copper Mine.
A big ledge on Prince of Wales
Iceland, on tbo coast of Alaska, owned
, by Seattle parties, shows copper valued
, at $08 pet ton.
A powder. At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous ami uncomfortable. If
you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Kase. It rests and comforts!
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, hllMers and cnllous spots.
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and
is a certain cure fur Chilblains, Sweating,
Damp or Frosted Feet. We bare over 80,
000 tr'tliuunlnli. Don't get loot-ore get
Koot-En-e. Try It today. Sold bv all
drupglats and shoe stores for 2So. Trial
pncUee Frkr. Address, Allen 8. Olm
sted. Le Boy, N. Y.
Very Easy Job.
Strange how nlcoly wo can lay out
a strnignt nnu narrow pntu win. we
lovo so woll to havo others follow.
Fire Boat at Portland.
The Portland Firo department la try
ing to havo a firo boat built to fight
fires along tho dooks of tho Willamette
Rich Willamette Valley.
Tho Willamette valley, Oregon, is
one of tho richest on earth, and ia de
veloping slowly. But a stroke of light
ning will strike it some day in tho
ahapo of new life and then she'll jump
to the front with a bound that will
surprise the state.
HOWS Tlllit
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that can not bo cored by Hairs
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENKV A CO., Tropa.. Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, havo known F.J. Cheney
lor tUo past 1 years, and believe him perfectly
ho. orablc in all busln is transactions and op-anclall-r
able to carry out any oblliftUons made
by their Arm.
Wasrr A Truax, . .
Wholeialo UrunrlsU, Toledo, '.
WaLBiho, rciNMAK A Mantis,
Vi noleiale OriiK.lts, Toledo, O.
Call's Catarrh Cure 1st kon.nrrnally, acting
(".irecily on tbe blood and m ooua surfaces ol
tho system. I'rl'oTScperbo'Ue. Eold by all
drui-rUta. Testlmonl.lafree,
llah'a Family I'M- r tin best.
Turning Out the Japs,
About 0,000 Japs will have thoir
naturalization papers canceled In Van
eouver, It. (J., because fraud ia suspect
ed in getting them.
After River Improvements.
Congress usually passes a river and
harbor bill every other year. Such a
bill is due this year. Oregon and
Washington are after their share for
harbor improvements, and especially
Oregon, with her contemplated better
ment of tbe mouth of tho Columbia.
Can You Do This?
It takes the best kind of a man to
do as ho is told, Ever try it?
Tbla signature la on every box of tbe (taulne
Laxative Bromo-Qtiinine
tbe rataed; that car ss la Jss Uy
Monument to Poe.
Boston is atari ing a movement to
eroot a monument for Edgar Allan Poe.
The Smiths All Oot There.
All tbe Smiths in congress were re
elected, three from Michigan, one each
from Illinois, Iowa aud Kentuoky,
Increase of Farms In the United Statu.
The number of farms in tbe United
States by the last census is 5,800,000,
an increase since ,1800 of about a mil
lion and a quarter.
Paris Divorces on tnt Increase.
The latest divorce statistics for Paris
show a steady Increase. The number
of oases now reaches au average of
800 monthly, of which 210 are from
the working classes and 00 from tbe
aristocratic, financial upper class.
Railroad's Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the O. It. b N. railway will be
held in Portland January 81st next.
Last of the Century.
Only a few days more and this ret
letter century will go up to the edge
aud step off. Its industrial, flnanoiwl
and political achievements have ex
ceeded all that have gone before.
Omnmrml DmiHllty
Day in and out there Is (hat feeling of
weakness that makes n burden of Itself.
Food does not strengthen.
Bleep does not refresh,
It is hard tp do, hard to bear, what
should bo easy j vitality Is ou tho ebb, and
the whole system suffers.
For this condition take
HootTm Sarmmpmrlllm
li ttUnlleoa Mil il1iSWi ftlVSSI V I IT At ft 11(1 IflllA
V 1ltlllllVO HID ltli't psivo vifu -,-.. ..
to nil tho organ" nnd funi't.ntis.nnu is pbs
iHveiy uucqiiHiiru iurii lun-uum. ui -
btlltalcd conditions.
Hood's Tills cure constipation. 23 cents.
Don't Try to Stand Alone.
Thoro is not in tho nnivorao such n
thing ns absoluto personal indopond
enco. Try it a yoar, a month, a day,
and sco.
Paid Big Damages.
Tho Tacomn street railway has paid
(100,000 to thoso injured and to rein
Uvea of thoso klllod, in tho streot car
accident July 4.
Big Cargo for Manila.
Tho trnnspott Kiutuck loavos Soattlo
soon for Manila with 820 horses and
1,500 tons of hayaud grain.
To men witn rigs to introanco oux
poultry looa among larmers. Auuress,
,with stamp, Acme Mfg. Co.. Kansas
City, Mo.
Big Time Jamsary I.
Tbe Afro-American league ol Port
land are preparing to bring the new
year to the front with a gigantlo en
ails for a "Wake-Up."
The Portland Telegram urges every
body there to wake up and get a great
big high wide move on for the exposi
tion of 1002.
Taku Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All drnggltto refund the money
if it falls to ouro. K. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. Poo.
Big Logging Contracts.
Logging contractu this wintor in
Union county, Oregon, aggregate over
10,000,000 feet.
Good Men Come High.
Ono seldom has tho prico of a man
who ia really worth boy ing.
We have a combination ol simple
IIKUIIS that 'baa given tho world
Ha greatest blood purifier.
Good Place to Be Cartful.
Keattlo eltv council is considering
an ordinance making it a miideineanor
to attract crowds on tne streots oy
words, gestnrea or otherwise. A blow
at the Salvation Army. Itinerant
preacher, peddlers, ete. IHulr go
slow, Mr. Oity Dads. J"'
Oregon's Capital j-r 1
The official census gjL "f. w.e popula
tion of Salem, Oregon, as 4.2S8.
Hathor small and disappointing, but It
must stand.
Kiaally Wht Vu Want.
A handy little box (Jul right lor a lady's
pune it a gentleman's veil pocket) ot Caa
carets Canilr Cathartic, pruveuia Illness. AU
druggists, 10c, 25c, Wc.
Be Careful In Censure.
When inclined to eensnre, hesitate.
If censure is necessary, exercise il
with discretion and charity.
Adversity and Prosperity.
Prosperity aud adversity are always
In prooosslon. I'uch by turn preceded,
tho other.
I am snro I'l'o's Cure for Consumption
raved my lift) tbn-o yrara auo. Mas. Tuns.
ItonriNH. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1000;
Be Careful In Debate.
If inolinsd to anger when debating,
remember that it cools slowly sad
sometimes leaves permanent bitter
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonlo beoauso the formula is plnlul)
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Irou aud Quinino in a taste
less form, No Cure, No Pay. COo.
Give Equity and You Oet Equity.
He who seeks equity must give
equity. Ciroed and avurloo are eves
at wur with equity.
Women and stlrla to do piece work for us al
their hcimm. Vie luriilnh all material and pa
Imiii fl to IT. weekly. Kxperleiwe unnecessary
lend .lamped envelope io stk V, Royal Mi's
Co., 34 Monroe it, C.lciao.lH.
Big Fish Story.
A report from PortTownsend, Wash
ington, saya 14 toua of herring were
caught at a single haul, but whetbei
by one or ono thousand nets was not
'My wife Isae vIbbsjsIm sser Asee, but
ob baa ba-n uklns CASOAKKTH aud tbey
have all disappeared. I bad beea troubled
with eonstlpauon (or soma time, but alter uk
Ing tbe Drat Caacarai I have bad no trouble
with tbla ailment. We cannot speak too blgh
ly of Paicareta " Kkbd WiMTaUK.
70 aersaaatoiis Ave.. I'allaoalBtua, a.
vsaos ataaa
PUaiaot. Palatabla. 1'otent. Taste 'Qood. TH
Oood, Narer Hlekon, Weaken. or Orlpa. 10c. Ke.Ux
n.rtu. a..r ihj. en.,, twai, a, vm. 4
MOTOIAC tm'oVV't.1.'
miWiir natiatafj