mm-mmtmm pfjffjgMErn w eyUS" tif "- j lyift' " THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND. OHEGON. . h- W art . ?. si V-tJ ' Si X ;"1i. . C " ', v"vft m,.vf tm, fit Bft ' &v ,. : .' -Vy- ... -v 'A r t v - 4 . rj.-. ,'1 p - il:v' tey , everything That's v CARROLL'S MS WasMigtta Street, PORTLAND, OIMON. Wholesale Jobbing, 69 First Street. PORTLAND DfllHY ASSOCIATION WHOLESALE & RETAIL .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Delivered to All Part ot tlio Cltyt Oregon Fhono North 3011. ERST PORTLAND WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealer! In All Ktndiol WOOD AND COAL Wood tawed to order In yard or on street. Oregon Phono Union 491 Columbia Phone SZ28 YAKD AND OFFIURl Car. Kat Morrlion nnd Water Streets rOItTLAND, OKEOON, H. . Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans... Rents... ;:-. 264 STARK.STREET NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OFFICB AND WURKRl 925 SIXTH STREET. PHORE HOOD 803 HaU Cleaned. Dyed, Preued and'Trlmmed. Ladlea' Dreuea and Dreii Ooodi Dyed all Col or, or Well Cleaned. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. O.trlch Feather Cleaned or Dyed all Colon and Nicely Curled. Salem Store, 143 State St. THOMPSON THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEALKRa IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY. MO last Water trat PORTLAND, ORIQOM. C. H. CLARKE, President, eeattle, Wah. T. F, BPENCKR, BecTrea. Spokane, Yrah. 9PEHCER-CLARKE COMPANY Mmmmfmmtmrmr' Agmmtm Shim Ommmlmmlmm OFriCKSs Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma and Bpokane, Wash. NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in ' Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods E. A. COVELL, Manager. Phone Oak 341 (86 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. HOLIDAY GOODS ' ANDREW KAN COMPANY IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE CURIOSITIES rUiM. Brlc-tvBrack, Bilk, Clotasonle. 8taUuna, Broaie, Ebony. Carred Forniture, Mattlof, Km, Manulactnrtr ot Bamboo rmaltur of Krery DeacripUon. EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC TOYS OF ALL KINDS 4Um Maehanle and Clockwork Tor. StMM XstUaa, Boata, Rubber and Celluloid Nftt alttM DolU, Poll Canlac. AlbwM, KoOUbc Horaea, Trlcjfclee, Iron Wsobs, Etc '1- KAYSKK " "v ' " 'Dealer In- . , ? GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS . 361 Third Street, Near Madison. Oregon Phone Hood 384. PORTLAND, OREGON mHK IMPERIAL SALOON Llquon and High, Grade Cigar. J. 8. HILDEIIORN, Prop. rhone Main 2IS. Corner Ca'ss and Sheridan St ROSEnURO, OREGON. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style and Finisho. STUDIO: In Goodnough Buildlntr. ST. CHARLES HOTEL JOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrt-Clam Accommodation and Prompt erv- Ice. Largo Sample Qooms lor Commercial Traveler. Phone 7. Oor. lirat&'WashiDgton Bt. ALBANY, OREGON. BDTTERFIELD BROS. JORBER8 IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES Iclotas' and Jewelers' supplies Manufacturing Jeweler, Optician and Matchmaker. Silversmiths 162 1 2 First St., PORTLAND, OR. Portland Finishing Company ..a 602 OOODNOUOH BU1LDINQ (Opposite Poitofllcc.) Promot and cartful attention given to Developing, Finkhlng and Enlarging for Amateur Photographer. H BNBY BIITITT OO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Room M and Z7 Bherlock Iiulldlng, Corner Third and Oak HtrecU. .Portland . Oregon, y H ERBERT A. HALK. Mt. Hood. Columbia Hirer and Northwtit View. Portrait, Water Colon, Crayon, for the trade. Electric Light and Bromide Enlargement. 1K Third Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORE. The Unrivaled Plane of the' World KRANICH & BACH Entablithed 1804. Visit our Tareroom and be convinced. Many other standard and reliable makes of Plane and Organs. We sell on EASY TERMS. N6 large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE M. C MATTHIEU, AUnajtr, 128 Sixth Street . II. HAMIJN, Portland, Or. FDRS AS TRIMMING. APPEAR ON ALMOST EVERY THING WORN OUTSiDE. Managed aa Lace or Ribbon Might be, Cut Into Design anil A'pplled on Cloth and Used Alao for BdglnB and Handing. New Tork corretpondence; TYLES In fur gar ments are not bo linportnnt to the furrier ns they might seem to be. The trouble 1 so few women go lu for all-fur gar ments. Hut In ac cessories and trim mhiKS the furrier has a fine harvest. Fur ns trimming appears on every thing that is worn outHide, nnd so c o in m o n 1 y that none of Its uses peems lu the least freakish. It Is managed as lace or ribbon might be. Cut into designs, it Is applied on cloth, nnd when surrounded with lace or gold braid the effect Is very rich nnd artistic. It Is used for edging nnd linudlug, and Is especially liked on lace. X few of Its STYLISH IN LENO Binny uses are shown In these pictures. First Is shown ermine edging for a dark red kersey Jacket. Next Is 'an oyster col ored broadcloth banded with Russian sa ble and fine gilt braid. Here, too, were embroidery of white and gold and a waistcoat of hunter's green velvet, for your elaborate dresser does not think that trimming of costly fur fills the bill by Itself, Ileaide this is a gown sketch ed In durk blue taffeta surah, with bands of mink at Its foot and outlining Its yoke and collar. The last of Uie trio was a dove gray cashmere banded liberally with Alaska sable. With it went a fur hat and a huge muff. Milliners nowa day would be bereft If they could not employ fur, and some of their best out put shows It. Particularly pretty ore the hats in which fur bauds cross ut the back and full over the hair. g All skirts are very long, and they not only train, but fan out all around till It ,8 n T J bFIEbbi & Sm iBlaBr?tf? hUSSmk Sf tJbsF VeIQSsbbbMCI SbbbP"1 3 ISaferaB ' w Mi mm rift tfw Hit i lvUlow illif J rWw& INELABORATE GOWNS is a wonder that women can walk ia them. Homo of them art awkward enough, and are really built for repose. The truth of It Is that the exquisite weartf'sucb skirts only when little move went Is required ou her part. A dreew asaker tell, even, of one castocaer who "receive" In a gown la which ah platM te stand still for errry possible moment But the average stylish devotee Isn't happy unless she applies such nottoM to her street dress. In consequence un handsome examples are numerous. The 'excessive length does not Increase the or namental value ot a band of fur nt the hem, but nri these pictures Indicate, it Is put there nevertheless. With light fab rics that do not have the appearance ot being weighted nt the hem, the fashion has fewer faults. And' it Is, perhaps, nt Us best In velvets. Certainly, the orig inal of the model remaining lu this pic ture was evidence to that end. It wits black panne velvet, and Its handsome box pleats swept grandly. Even the woman' most Inclined to dress simply finds It dllllcult these days to do so without accomplishing n conspic uous plainness. All sorts of dainty no tions prevail that imply an nttcutlon to dress, which may be far from the desire or opportunity of the averugc woman. Little straps of velvet, each strap caught with n buckle, for Instance, lend elegance to an otherwise simple arrangement of yoke or front. Close Bet bnnds of gold or of narrow velvet transform cuffs, sleeves or rovers Into matters of elaboration. In sertions of lace, applications of lace, cloth or fur, and nil 'sorts of cut work, together with needlework of all degrees of elaboration, make the dress of the mo ment something that seems the result of the greatest work and care even when its general scheme Is not complex. This point Is Illustrated In, perhaps, a mnjor portion ot the dressmaker's cur rent "output, and Its inanlfestations are almost numberless, but the four exam ples of to-day's concluding picture will servo to point them more clearly. He- D FUR BANDING. nlng at the left, there Is first a bright albatross trimmed only with bands of embroidered white satin and wlta lie satin bands and buckles. As aim- le, yet as designedly "fixed up," was ic dress next to it, a violet habit cloth, Ith finish ot narrow black velvet, and Ith white cloth revcrs set off by velvet traps caught with gilt buttons, A grade tore hlglily wrought -were the remaining wo, yet tar removed from what by this Inters standards Is downright elabo- ate. Illscult colored ladles' cloth was be fabric of the first one, liberal appll- ntlon of green, roselnnk and white silk dressing It richly, yet not Interfering greatly with severe outlines. Velvet lu tab-and-button finish appeared on I ts front. Last Is a striped lavender and black cheviot, Its' triple skirt stitched In corn color, both Jacket and skirt banded with linen embroidery, Illack velvet banded corn colored punne velvet In the QO NOWADAYS. count In the really elaborate grade, a tftwn nitiut 1iva tipA lltiiOM tlij. Mkmnlo. Ity of either of these. Copyright, 1000. Sweet mercy la nobility's true badge. Shakspeart. MM 4gm wiuameite iron& sibbi woi DOI fl General Information Concerning (he Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the ProgrtiJ of the Various Una of Human Endeavor Being Accom plished by the Race. . Principal Hooker T. Washington, In being iuvitui) its n guest and h princi pal orator nt tlio dlnnor in honor of the. 70th birthday of Genornl O. O. Howard, given lu Now York hut weok nt tlio Astoria hotel, ndded now limrols to his already groat imputation nnd gained now honors for tlio race. Among othor epoakura at tlio bnnquot woro mail nien of etato an tlio Hon. Cliauucoy M. Depow ami ox-Spuakor Thos. It. Ilcod. To bo n gucxt nnd speaker with that cotorio of distin guished oitlzona Is no small honor, nnd tlio pruponco of Mr. Washington thero must bo bailed aa a positive vic tory for our raco. Tlio following night Mr. Washington was n guost and speaker nt tlio Lotus club, nt n dlnnor given in honor nf Mark Twain. Ono night Mr. Washington, roprosontlug tlio boat limin of tlio Negro raco, is n guost and speaker nt n stuto dlnnor; tlio next uiglit, tin orator among nion of letters. Mr. Washington has ro clved moro honors than any other colore! mnu iu thin country. Tlio "Grand Old Man," Douglass, in all hia glory, tlio idol of thu colorod raco iu his lifetime, was novor tho recipient of so many honors as liavn been thrust upou tho "Wizard ot TuskoKOO." Tlio raco can justly fool proud of thoao lion nrs, for thoy aro tho just recognition of tho culttiro nnd thu manhood of tho raco. Wit It honors thrown at hia foot, Mr. Washington novor loses Ills balance, but unassumingly, thu young giant that ho la, goon upon hia war Mr, II. T. llurlolgh, tho colobratod baritone, has boon engaged by the aris tocratic St. Uoorgo church iu Now York, of which Mr. dooigo W. ltuins ford ia pastor, to slug bnritouo in tho choir. Mr. llurloigh'a salary Is $800 por uumtiu. Huntington Hall, tho girls' now dormitory, waa formally oponod and dedicated at TiiBkegeo, Ala., Novombor Any Hlse Any Qimntlly Any Htyla MACKINTOSHES, RUBBKR AND OIL CLOTHING Ituuber Hoot and Hhoei, Largest ami Mo.l Complete AMortrncnt ot all Kinds ol Rubber flood. rtrmwtf a di moDD a. tvj-vt It. II. PKA8E, l'rcildent. K. M. BlIKPAItD.JlL Treasurer t. A. MIXPAHD, BecretaV 73-76 FIRST STRUT, FOifLARi, ORRtO ;' This Is the -FOR But new work we are beffinniner won't have any Of course we don't it, but just a little it- r, 111 10. It is true that our Modern . Tools,, jinjl Rapid Handlin" do better work ever before, and cost our customers Possibly this brings us more than our share, and keeps us busy, or it may be that everybody is Founders, Machinists, Boilermakers PORTLAND 12, wltK Imposing cerbraoulo j. ' friio dedication address was dolivoredj lir Principal Washington's prlvuto auW tary, Mr. Ktnmett Ji Scott. Tho colored man iu business ia the flogau for tho men. The boys nnd girls that are being turned out of school II nd nothing to turu thulr hands to. Good citizens cannot result front bad conditions. Aside finm tlio fow profossional places I hero is nbralutely no outlet for tho increasing numbers of fairly educated youths. Thoy do niauage to exist. Thoy got enough iiiouov to lbok well, lint they cannot purchase homos. Thoy will nut try, and under the circumstances cannot bo blamed very mntih. Yet- thoro are whito inoii lu this city who have started on far lesn ixir month tlnui young colored nion rocolvo in. hotels, vi nun inoy now command tnousanus ot dollara. CITY NEWS We shall know no favoritoa, nnd shall be absolutely impartial. To in sure publication, nil local nowa must roach us not later than Thursday morn ing of each wook. Owiug to tho rush this week, prepar ing for our holiday edition, wo were compelled to omit tho "City Nows." Frawltyi Next Week. T. Daniel Frawley aud hia company of players, will play a week's engage inout nt CordrnyV, commencing Sun day night. This organization requires no introduction to theatM-goora of thia city,, as ita members aro all old aa quiiintnuctiB. The repcrtolro for the wook is as follows: ttandny, Monday and Christmas matinee, "Tho Great Ituby;" Tuesday aud Wednesday, "Tho Middleman" Thursday, "Thjj , Knnfll1ir nimlinan" tit,luv. 'lflrlnnla U ..., ..w.wc.M .. -v, .............. b'uus Geno;' Saturday matineo, "Tril by;" .Saturday evening. "Children of tho Ghetto," Thin is an exceptionally strong lUt of attractions, and ouo which 1h Hiiro to meet with favor. Tlirco of tlioso playri have novor been produced iu I'ortlumUboforo, aud thoy tire said to hu among the liOBt in the repcrtolro of thia company. For Xmaa goods, Holding Hroa., 45 N. Third street, havo a ehnico aoloction of holiday goodH in tho lino of silver auvor UverV ! waru, puuKut uuiikb, lauoy juwoiry, iiih nionda, unihrollas, gold and headed oanos, watches, Jookct Call and Inspect our stock. llvltlng, racking and . Dull km. Workers i& keeps coming 'ni, an to think nerhans wew dull season this yearMS feel depressed over, curious to knpw why! " ' m Facilities permit us and more of it tha therefore it doesn so much.' busy we hope OREGj tt V M i f vh I A'- 6 W. J i tm p. V BJ 1 ' v m '1 W 4 'Mm E-&T1 iiiMB.3RajtlL:S; 'iT'.' "'' '?! ' 'Al'T