n. f, ,y "- " "V-fyvr ru'?t!,,J',,f,J'W THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OHEGON. 'A,: A) . ' "WJ j; ri :r. Af fft-'J Ih .w If I !- . 'i lr tor I v ' jXhe New Age. ..' A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. orricR horrisojc btrrkt. Oregon Talephon Oak 801. Entered at the Poatofllce at 1'ortUnd, Oregon, M second cla matter, BUKBOKII'TION. On, Tear, Fayabla In Admnct... ...fjt.ee TIIK COAHT 18 ULKAIt. Ah tho ilnto for tho convention of tlio Orogon logialaturo draws uonr, tno jtooblo opposition mnnlfostod HOino time ngo to tho election of Hon. II. V. Cor boU to tho Unltod States eonato grown loss nnd loss apparent. Indood, it has uovor boon pronouuood. It was moroly nu expression of vaguo dotint on tho part of cortalu factiona for which otlior lenders nppoarud to bo tlio cholco. Such nipimtiou Ih nlwaya honoratilo and thoroforo not moro objootionablo in this caso than in any other under einillnr circumstances. Hut even tho loaders of ambitious factions concede that Mr. (Jorbott ia tho logical candi date for tho honor sought, bucauso ho VnnroHunts tho ontiro party, tho vrholo itnto and nil of tho nation. Mr. Corbott is not a factlonlst. Nor is hu a politician in the boubo that he is Booking puhlio roHpoiihlbillty at tho risk of public interests In any import ol tho ciiho. In truth, ho did not sook tho honor for which ho is now ho en thusiastically named until tlio pressuro of public soiitlnioiit caused linn to ylo'lil to a general clamor for his re instatement in tho nation's groateat body of loglslators, statesmen! and dip lomats, among whom lie has always toon a tower of strongth. In an olllclal capacity ho would bo greater still, bo caiiHO Ilia opportunities to put into practloo liis thoorlos of advanced gov ernment and national duvolopmout would bo immeasurably enhanced. Iu addition to tho gonoral aspoot of tho caao, Oregon is snpromoly Intorost oil iu this contest. Ah tho Orogoniaii aptly put it, tho olhor day, greater Oregon needs tlon's capital, urgent now, liens capacity greater men at tin nil That ueed is especially Wo want men of busl tliero: not only men u( husluosa capacity, but ipon of business judgment and business oxporluneo. All o thoMi Hon. II. V. CorbotJ pon bcssch, in addition to which aro his persoual qualities of dignity, advnnood conception of our atnto'a imiorlttut po Ition lti tno now coutury'H develop, jnoiit, his lutorost iu tho promotion of local trado aud tho oloinout of states iiiaiibhlp in hla treatment of those great matters. Hon. 11. V. Corhott la tho great Htatesiiian, lit Individual liillueuco of tho raolllo coast today. HU col leagues in business, in tluauce, and iu tho advancement of tho country's in terests aro among tho greatest men of tho nation from President MoKluloy down. ' t V. V. .Scott Is tho boss burglar of tho last dooado iu the Notthwnit. Hu dlhtluctly remember that ho has looted over 0 rosldoiioos during his past two yearn' residence in l'ortiaud and ho can't quite ostlniato how many families have suffered loss at his hands, iu addlttou to those meutloued, because ho haH forgotten tho residence numbers. Scott ought to bo uiado a member of tho local dotoetlvo force. Judging by tho character of tho financial legislation which thu Oregon htatutfri contain, thu state's legislative body ia sadly in ueed uf a few modern financiers iu the list of its membership. Thu United States wants tho islaud of Chlriqui for a coaling station aud it ought to have it. A littlo thing liko that ought uorvtw, pot to jar tho nation's Tho Oregon supremo court has up held thu Btreot-iiuprovoiuout provision of Portland's now city charter. LET'S HAVE IT. Tho leading business men of Port laud continue to insist on tho Oriental fuir for 1002. Tho proposition Is oh- Ijectodto by n few on tho ground that a federal appropriation would bo neces sary to tho success of such a great un dertaking and that w,o need tho foderal funds for something olso. It ia be lieved genomlly that a national appro priation for tho proposed fair should not intorforo with federal appiopria tlona for othor public purposoa, and tho likolihood is that it would not. Tho Oriontal fair would bo a grand thing for Oregon, for Washington, and in fact, for tho wholo country. Prop orly organized on business plans, it ought not to cost such a stupendous sum of money as thoso who appoar to opposo it aro willing to suggest. Among all tho points iulorostod, Portland ia supremo. It ought to take tho load. It will, if its business men and loading proporty owners aro givou thoir way about it. Lot's havo the fair. Lord lioborts, whoso presence iu South Africa has borod tho lloors so much during tho past sovoral mouths, and whom tho lioors tried so desper ately to boro with their smooth-boro battlo guns, ia on ronto homo for a mucli-uoodod rost. Tho rost ho will oujoy ii not that with which tho Trans vaal Ite.iublicaiiH oudoavored to favor him in thuir soveral ougagoinoiits, hut the proposed kindness may bo oxtoudod to n number of tlio lord's remaining forces in South Africa befoto tho queen calls them homo for Dowot is still allvo and iu tho hunt for Christmas turkoy. Charloa A. Towno, who declined tho vico-prosidentlal uomliiation for tho glory of helping to dofeat Ilryau, has been appointed United Statos senator in Minnesota. One reassuring feature of this Yiud-fall for Towno ia that ho haa agreed not to talk much dm lug tho present session. Hut this talk ot his purpose not to talk may bo all talk, aftor all. Should Sooretary of Stato Hay re sign bocauso of certain proposed changes in tho canal treaty, tho coun try would loso tho sorvicos of one of tho greatest statosiueu of tho proseut Hgo. Judging by tho work of tho British housu of commons, Salisbury and Uhamberlalii havo suoceedod iu gottiug thoniHolvos disliked in thu course of events during tho past 1 1 mouths. EDUCATIONAL AND PROPERTY Qualification! for Voters as Viewed from the Colored Man's Standpoint. To thu Editor: Much has been said ami written recently iu supppjrt.nf an educational qualification for voters, and sumo havo decided that a property qualification should also bo added. In some of the Southern states this policy has beeu reduced to constitutional law, while in others, in Porto Itico, tho Philippines, and now after the results of tho first election liavo boon pub lished this uuropublluan and uuduiuo orattu policy is proposed for tho Ha waiian IslandH. Ouo peculiar feature of tho agitation aud atloptiou of restrictive measures for tho voting masses is that proponents of these measures aro either educated ou thu one hand or havo assessable prop erty on tho other, and it follows that these intercuts must necessarily bo seeking further atlvautago over those who havo neither. Another peculiar feature is that iu the South thu peoplo this policy ot dis franchisement ia to effect aud against whom It ia directed, belong to ouo raco or at least tho same class or division upon racial linos. Of tho reasons that aro urged in sup port of this departure from tho princi ples enunciated in tho declaration of iudeppendouee, via "That all men aro created equal" porhaps tho ouo that thoso unlettered men "cannot use the lutllnt intelligently for tho best inter ests of their respective communities" la tho most plausible, aud it may bo added tho only slnctuo reason otTorod, Other reasons aro put forward either by moro politicians to aid them In tho retention of powot or by persons affect ed with raco prejudices, that they may keep tho lesser peoplo uudor domina tion and control. To these last, in fact, may bo attrib uted all this trouble aueut the raco question, Thoy it wero who inaugur ated thu "Ku Klux" aud tho "Ital Shirt" campaigns, They it wero also who have fostered race projudicj in tho South nnd elsewhere uutil tho ton slon between the races has becomo mom pronounced than ever, aud now oven good people who havo always heretofore noon adherents of demo cratio principles aro found advocating this ohild of monarchy as a tomxmiry relief from tho necessary eousequouees of race strllo. Hut it seems to mo that a hotter plan to adopt to briug atwut tho de sired remit would bo u policy of coil dilation ou tho part ol political- par tie?, rather than ono of antagonism. Let tho democracy of tho South disaim the Negro of his distrust by taking him into its confidence, and it would certainty follow that ho would not only divido his voto, but would also submit peaceably to the government of those most lit tod for it. In fact, ho would readily seo that it would bo for his own intorost to do so. Tliero is no valid r oa son for changing our form of government to an aristocracy. Thoso who aro educated and havo prop erty already have suflloient advantaga over their less fortuuato brethren who havo neither, and I would auswor thoso who claim that an illitorato man cannot voto intelligently by asking by what right tlioy would expect our illit erate population, thus disfranchised, to oboy the law? How can thoy bo ox poctod to bo intelligent enough to un derstand tho spirit and lottoi of the statutos that requires tho most learned to construe, whou you docree them not stidloiently iutolligeut to cast a single ballot? It is said that an educational qualifi cation would stiuiulato education, but I havo positlvo iuformaitou that the governing powers in the Carol inus aro already withdrawing funds from tho colored schools, under tho plea of econ omy. Tho truth ot tho matter is that illit orato people no, tho most simple single-minded aud honest peoplo to bo" found in any community, more Hko unto children, aud it must havo been of these peolpo he was talkiug when Christ" said "suffer littlo children to come unto Mo, for such ia tho kingdom of I lea von." This country can ill aflord to take a stop backward at this tnno and invito auothor horriblo conflict Hko tlio civil war. Hotter cultivate tho Hoods of free dom already pi an tod, oven if they wero plautod a littlo early, perhaps, boforo tho soil was "properly prepared." Tho ti tuo to freo tho slaves was whou tho moans woro availablo to accomp lish their freedom. Whou you start to pruparo a peoplo for any reform, whether it bo giving them aulTrago or freedom from slavery, there at once arlsos a strong opiMisition to that very preparation iu tho peoplo who will bo affected either iu power or purto by Hticli ultimate reform, aud iu the South this opposition would he stipromu to the end. and tho Negro would bo for ever elimiuated from tho field of polit ical freedom. To him tho declaration would be a dead lett'or. Tliero would he porhaps au industrial future in this tountry for him, and a few Nogro would perhaps becomo wealthy and afllnent, but tho groat mass of thoso peoplo would never rlso above a moro vassalage with a raco prejudice always at Hood tide. Think again, brothreu, is it a good' business protxisltlou to conmvo at tho hateful demon of raco projtidlco by tie-' privlug; a freo pooplo of their God given right to govern themselves? .. i . ..... i .... .r. I ill iiiuou lienor grant iiisuup lurnorn rirnn quost for an appropriation by cougroy'n) '. . . . ,...... i-.. .. i. ..):" oi a nuutireii miiiiuu nouurs in iiuy. i... v.... .......... .. l.l ..!.. l.n..JL THANK II. WAHItKN.1 110 Griswold stroet. Detroit Trlbuuo. Hy tho now apportionment tho stato of Washington gets au additional con giohsmau. Oregon tloos not begrudgo Its neighbor's gain, but our stato may easily hold Its end up in congress by sending men of tho caliber of Henry W. Corbott lo tho Bouate. It is not In number butjn tho weight of congress men that a stato has iullueuco at Washington. Pendleton Tribuuo. Vaat Army of 1'Iokppukcta. Some Idea of tho enormous extent to Iwhlch pocket-picking nourishes may be (Imd from tho fact that In London alouo over 100,000 men, women and children exist on what they can relievo othor people of. Caso iu I'eint. She-Talked a hole through an Iron Ipot? What an absurd expression! lie Oh, I don't know. I know a man that swore his way Into a steel JuIL Indianapolis Press. 1 Do You Know the News ? You can hart It alt for cr Month 50C Month InThtlTtnlntTtltrram, ot Portland. Oragoo. It la tha largest evening nw prr published In Oregon; It contains an me new oi mo nai ana or id n tlon. Try II tor a mouth. A laini c-opywtlfb mailed to you tree, i drat THE TELEGRAM. Portland. Ore eon. ft pOUTLANl) CLl'll AND CAKE llM Klflh Street. Our Specialties: II MouoRram and lit Cyriu Noblo Whl.kle. A RESORT KOK GENTLEMEN. Oregon Phone, Main WS; Columbia Phone, 497 11 AYK3 & SHORT AUTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Studio a Seventh aud Washington Street, Oyer Dreiser' New Qrocerr. A MPPMAN 'lllQII GRADE LADIES' TAILORING. Pcrlect Fit Guaranteed. Suits, Jaokela slid llldlnir Habit of the Idlest Novelties Made to Order. Everything Up-to-Dnte. Washington St., llct. 7th and 8th, Up Btalr. llrook Mock. OrcRon I'hono Hood 014. PORTLAND, OR. T J. KADDEULY, ' DEALER IN HARDWARE. Btnven, Ranges, Tin, Copper and Oranlte Iron-Ware, Crockery, (Ilsware and House. Furnishing Clocxls. Jobbing promptly nt tended to. U-U. First HI., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' flldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dak Marx, Proprietor. ...lllgnesl Price Paid for Old Gold and 8llver... No. 74 Third Street, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loan money on all kind of rrurlt'. Unre deemed pledge anld for amount loaded. r 11. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS S2 Third Street, OppoitteMaaonlc Temple. Portland, Oregon. m A. WOOD. ItKAL ESTATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. 1 too m IU, Odd Fellow ' llulldlng. PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. ARIS3 Wholesale Ilrokerage nnd Commission No. CA Front Street. Columbia 'Phnne 213. Portland. Or. F AlltllANKS' STANDARD SCALE3. Fairbanks, Morso .t Company, First and Stark Street, Portland, Oregon,' Telephone-81. p.VXTON, I1KAOII .V MIMON Attorneys-at-Law. Mil Chamber ot Commerce, Portland ... Oregon. w. C. NOON HAG CO. Mauuliiclurer and Importer of HAGS, TWINES. TENTS AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND MINING HOSE. llngitlng Material, Canvas, Sail Making In all lis llranclu-, Cotton Ditek, Cordage, eto. K-SI N. Flrat SI. and 'J1IV.I2.'J14-21S Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. K". Mnnxon. E. Munson. mllE ANHEUPER lU'SCH-KIno lunch every X day. Rest beer on earth. Fine wines, ll'i nor aud clmirs. 231 Morrison St., tor. Second, Portland, Or. 1TREIIIIG A HU.MASON'8 PHARMACY Corner 2nd and Wanlilngtnu St, high grade medicine at lottest price, suu'il by patronlilng n. Strictly Money 'I1 111 K POPULAR ltt Flrt street, Met. WanhliiKton and Alder - .. i Phono Oregon Red 0.14 Phono Columbia JOHN KCKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. Y 7ILLIAM RUSSELL MACKENZIE PURLIC ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREGON J. E. HASEI.TINE A CO. Importer and Dealer In IRON STEEL AND COAL IILACKSMITH8' SUPPLIES. Carriage it Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A at Second St. PORTLAND, OREGON. &&xfc w.LSE. J.T. . -- J -k , " ST. PAUL HOUSE Penttcliet flftstlmus. HAllllY SOIIOOF, Mniicr, Room With or Without Hoard. Special Rate by the Month. Ilarroom ami Howling Alley In Connection. Five Ulocka from Steamship Dock and t'nlon Depot. Open Par and Nlclit, .1, .-t& aim vu riorin i mrti PORTlaND, ORtUON The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St,, Portland, Or. .a" i n c - 1 A If fill SHERIFF SALE. In the circuit court of the state o Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. Portland Trust Company uf Oregon, plaintiff, va. Stalin H. Suksdorf, Kath erino Lucy Trovctt, Einest Dolbert, Frederick Jotter and Savings and Loan Society, defendants. By vlrtuo of an execution, judgment order and decree duly issuod out of and under tho seal of tho above entitled court, in tho above entitled cause, t mo duly direoted and dated the 12th day of November, 1000, upon a judgment ronderod and entered in said court on the 10th day of Novcmbor, 1000, in favor of Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, and against Stolla H. Suksdorf, defendant, for tho sum of $2, 095.54, with iuterost thereon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 10th day of November, 100U, and the further sum of f 160.00 with interest thereon at tlio rate of 0 per cent per annum from the lOtlvday of November, 1000, and tho fnrthor sum of $20.00 eosta and disbursements and the costs of and npon this writ, commanding mo to mako sale of the following described teal property, "situated In the city of Portland, county of Multnomah and tato of Oregon, to-wit: Lota twelve (12) and thirteen (18) in Block two hundred slxty-fivo (205) of Couch Addition to tho city of Portland, according to tho duly rocordod plat thereof. Now, therefore by vlrtuo of raid ex ecution, judgment order and docree and In compliance with tlio commands of aaid writ, I will on Monday, tho 17th day of Dooomber, 1000, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at tho front door of tho county court houso, in tho oity of Portland, said county and state, sell at puhlio auction, subioot to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all tho tight, titlo and intorost which thu within named dofondauta or either of thorn had on tho dato of tho mortgago heroin (tho 80th day ef April, 1804) or slnco had,. in and to tho abovo described real prop erty, or any part thorcof, to satisfy suid execution, jadgmout ordor, docrco, in terest, costs and all accruing costs. Dated Portland, Orogon, Novomhot 18,1000. WILLIAM FHAZ1KK, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Orogon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notico is iioreby glvon that I have filed my final account as admluistiutot of tho estate of William Kirk, docoasod, in tho county court of tho stato of Ore gon, for thu county of Multnomah, and Monday, tho 17th day of December. A. D., 1000, nt 2 o'clock P. M.", and the court room of said court in Portland, Orogon, havo been appointod by said court as the time and placo for tho hearing of objections to such final ac count and tho settlement thoroof. EDWAltD GUNDERSON, Administrator of tho cstato of Wil liam Kirk, doceasod. Oregon Butchering Company, Fred Metzger, manager, doalers in allkindi of fresh and salt meats and fish, 410 Everett street. Grobe, Harder & Co,, Portland, Oro ion, dealers In implements and ve hicles. Milburu farm, dolivory, spring wagons and buggies. Clmeo force lift and tank pumps. Milwuukio biudois, mowers and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City boo, shoo and diso drills. Wolff-American high art blcyclos. Steel aud chilled plows, disc, spring and splko harrows. Eel Ipso steel hay presses. Columbus Buggy Co.'s Columbus buggies and carriages. Phono, Oak 781. 183-84-80 Madison streot, west end of Madison itroot bridge" J. F. O'Donnell, gen eral agent, Oregon, Washington and Idaho Custom House Exchange SS5 Flanders Cor. Seventh Sta. McCROSKEY&EMMERT PROPRIETORS. . Private Entrance on Flanders Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars T. IICNDRICXdN D. DA1IM PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OllKOON niONK 043 RED 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREtJON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Wholesale Dealer. Mechanical Rubber Goods, Belting. Hose Packings, Fire Department Supplies. Rubber Boots, Shoes, Rubber Clothing Rubber Good of AU Kind 18 so Front St ...THE... J. McGraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. PI Bifftfe iri Uinta Tnisfir COMPANY. Office S. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark 8t. Telephone 639. . PORTLAND, OREOON. Exchange Your Checks With Mcwcager on Trains and Order Carriages' or Coupes. IlngRage checked at real denco to any destination. Branch Offices: Hotel Portland; United Carriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND. OREGON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. BRUKSHKElllHIt Have Re-establkhed their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. nOK FAIR DKAUNO PATRONIZE O. P. 8. PLUM M Kit. Drug, Mcdlrlno and Chemical, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Paints, Oil, Ola, Eto .. 8. E. Corner Third and Miultion Street. IANO WAltKROOMH or H. 8INSHEIMKR, Hole Agent (or THE JACOB DOLL PIANO The beat upright piano made, and other flrat elaa pianos rente ass pianos rrnivu and sold on Insiallmout. No. Ti Third Street, Established 1803. Phone North MI SUMMONS. Ia the circnlt conrt of th state) ol Oregon, fur the countjr of Mnltuoruah, Department No. 8. J. II. Hooper.' plaintiff, Vs. Mary A. Hooper, defendant. To Mary A. Hooper, defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you aro hereby requirod to appear and answer the complaltn Mod against you in the aboro entitled suit; ou or before the 8th day of December, 1000, which is the time prescribed in the order for the pnblication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the rolief demanded in the complaint, namely: For a docree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing bo tweep the plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of Helen J. Hooper and Edgar W. Hooper, the Issue of flsaid marriapo, and for such ether relief as may bo uquitable. This summons is to be published once a week for six successive weeks. First publication is the 27th day of Oct6ber, 1900, and the last on the 8th day of December, 1900, by order of the Hon. J. B. Oleland, judge ot the above entitled court. Made and enter d on the 30th day of Ootobor, 1000. V. S. HUFFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. " , SUMMONS. ' In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county. William L. Goff, plaintiff, vs. Lester M. Love, defendant. To Lester M. Love, the above named defendant. In the name of the state ot Oregon, rou aro are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action oa or before the 10 th day of December, A. D., 1000, said day being the expiration et six weeks from the'SOth day of Octo- ber, A. D 1900, the date ordered by tbecouit for the first publication of this notice, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take Judgment against yon for the sum of 1330 with interest thereon from Janu ary 1. 1879, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the costs and dis bursements of this aotion. This summons is published by ordet Df the Hon. A. L. Frailer, judge of the above entitled court, made and entered ba the 36th day of October. A. D 1900. GILTNEK A REWALL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTIOB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final aooouut aa executor of the estate of F. H. Kamsey, deceased, ia the office of the county clerk of Maltnoaaaa county, state of Oregon, and :IO o'clock oa Monday, the 12th day ef November, A. D. 1900, ia the court teosa of aaid court, has been fixed by aid ooart as the time and place fee hearing said final aoeonnt and tne nai. tUsaeat kereef. A. W. LAMBERT, MMeator ef the eetate ef . , BMei, OeteW , lto. -'fi 1 i p ,4 v i jAlmfrfeA .-, .. fc A Jkfc.n jB&Lk4-: f.S.,' rx- . ii 1 1 mm nsim J (aTMTitTrni "illS'SBP1 j g, x m r r-r-T "- ju "juri J ssaisiaasal