4ij..ja ffSTl Itfi J V i f f '"PHKEv', tfflXM t r THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. L-T-l.TJl - aW' Everything That's MILL' 182 WasUitfia Street, PORTLAND, 0IH0N, Wholesale Jobbing, 69 First Street. PORTLAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION WHOLESALE A KETA1L .Cream and Milk. ' DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Delivered to All Parts of the City. Oregon Prions North SOU. EAST PORTItfltfD WOOD CO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealers In All Kinds of WOOD AND COAL Wood sawed to order In yard or on street. Oregon Phono Union 491 Columbia Phone G7J8 YAltD AND OKFIOKr Cor. East Morrison nriil Water Streets VOTVTI.WU, OIIKOON. IK Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans... Rents... 264 STARK STREET NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OrriCK AND. WOKKBi 92 J SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hats Cleaned, Dyed, Preucd and Trimmed Ladles' Dresses and Dress floods Dyed all Col ors, or Well Cleaned, nentlemen's nothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Ostrich Feathers Cleaned or Dyed all Colors and Nicely Curled. Salem Store, 142 State St. THflM N THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY -DEALER8 IN- SECOND HAND MO Kast Water street 1 C. H. CLARKE, PresldenL Seattle, Wash. T. F. 8PENCKR, Sec.-Treas. Spokane, Wash. . SPENCER-CLARKE COMPANY MmiHtfttoturmrm' Agmntm ShhmliW ' Oommluulmm OFFICKSi Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane, Wash, NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods E. A. COVELL, Manager. Phone Oak 341 M FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. HOLIDAY GOODS ANDREW KAN COMPANY IMPORTERS OP JAPANESE AND CHINESE CURIOSITIES Mtmltie. BrIo-4-Brack, Bilk, Clotatonle, BtaUuma. Bronse, Ebonr, Carved Purnlture, Mattlnr, Kuf s. Manufactorer of Bamboo ruraltura ot Ercrr Description. EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC TOYS OF ALL KINDS aslaalasr Mechanic sad Clockwork Tors, Btaaas Enjlnea. Boats, Rubber and Celluloid NortUUs Dolls, Doll Carrtacas, Albosas, KocklBg Hert-M, Triercie, lion WaOBs, Ktc LKAY8ER Dealer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 261 Third Street, Near Madison. Oregon Phono Hood 384. PORTLAND, OREGOM mUE IMPERIAL 8ALOON Liquors and High Grade Clgari. J. S. HILDKBURN, Prop. Phone Main 215. Corner Cass and Sheridan SI ItOSKRURO, OREGON. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style and Finish.?. STUDIOi In Goodnough Buildin?. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. First-Class Accommodations and Prompt serv ice. Largo Sample Qooms (or Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Oor. First & Washington Bts. ALBANY, OREGON. BDTTERFIELD BROS. JOBBERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES Mite' and Jewelers supplies Manufacturing Jcitclcr. Opticians and watchmaker. Silversmiths 162 1 2 First St., PORTLAND, OR. Portland Finishing Company 602 GOODNOUQtl BUILDING (Opposite rostofflcc.) Prompt and careful attention given to Developing, Finishing and Enlarging for Amateur Photographers H KNllY IIKWETT & CO. Flroand Marine Insurance. Rooms S6 and '17 Hhcrlock Ilutldlng, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland -, Oregon. H ERBERT A. 1IAU!. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, lor the iraae. Electric Light and Bromide Enlargements. 132Thlrd Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORE. The Unrivaled Piano of tbc World KRANIGH & BACH Established 1804. Visit our Wareroom and be convinced. Many other standard and reliable makes of Pianos and Organs. We sell on EASY TERMS. No large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE M. C MATTHIEU, Msruger, 128 Sixth Street MACHINERY. PORTLAND, OREGON. E. H. HAMLIN, Portland, Or, FANCY HOUSE GOWNS THE NEW ONES ARE VEKY ELAB ORATE. Plain Bkirta Created Demand for Km belllahment Above the Walat, and Bkirta Themselves Are Been In Double and Triple Fntterna Notes, Ivtc. Ken York correspondence: UJiuaa ot prO UOUUCed 11UWII08S are noticeable In the stj lea for Louse dresses. All of them tend to ward elaborate ness, for the slm pie house dress seems to be entire ly out of the fash ionable woman's calculations. In. all cases where the stylish house dress has u rather plain skirt there Is much embellish' incut nbove the waist. The gown of the Initial Is Illustrative. Its skirt was white broadcloth banded with silver braid, but on the bodice were a vest of white chiffon, a bodice belt of black pnnno velvet, cream point lace nnd sil ver braiding, which together constituted n liberal supply of' trimming. Probably the habit some women have of wearing I IIOUSI3 DltESSKS OF almost any old .thing for the housu has led (to this outbreak of highly wrought ef fects. The right bund model of the next picture is about as simple as they make 'cm nowadays. Yet It was pink crepe Be chine, gathered and finished with black velvet in bands and tiny boleros. Nor is theie any general tendency to avoid elaborations lu the house dress skirt. In delicate fabrics double and even triple skirts arc seen, nnd In some Instances there is divergence from the usual rule for adherence to natural out lines about the hips. These gowns arc exceptions, however. A skirt made in three ruffles Is shown In the accompany ing picture, for which it was sketched In nlle green Japanese silk. Cream lace, for yoke and sleeves, a gold girdle aud a glorious bow and streamers of the silk embroidered In gold aud crystal were the embellishments. To the left of this In the picture Is a hklrt whose upper portion kept to the rule for close (it, a gorgeous spread coming lu Its foot flounce. Tur quoise blue landsdowne silk was its ma- NEW SCIIESIES terial, Ivory white duchess lace and black chenille triinmlni; it. Chenille is one ot the most stylish of trimming, also oue of the most extravagant. Great bunches of It finger thick are hung from a bust knit to. the hem ot the skirt. Panne velvet seems more beautiful than ever this season, It clings with tbt raootlinc of undressed leather, and it Is a wonder of color and light effects. la Persian blending it deserves to be rank ed with the choicest Eastern and old In dian goods. In millinery and for fancy bodices, as well as for application, with lace and cloth, nothing is more beautiful. On cloth gowns It is much used to finish the edges of bolero and skirts in the gen eral manner shown by the left-hand Biotkl of the next picture. Here bright red panne velvet dotted with white was put on biscuit clotb, black silk braid out lining the velvet. Where the panat to At Wkvltmr JWtSRaaBr WJ &mfflk fiwm sHM Kill zXMwiJw If i W&msB&A I i)Xlrmm Mk ' Mil aWUwa Mix vmw ' the main material, It shows off best la princess gowns, being especially suited to closo draperies. Besides, It tucks and pleats like delicate silk, hus all the gleam of satin and the depth of velvet, while it weurs better than velvet because It does not crush so easily. Ohamols colored cloth Is employed In ways similar to the use of velvet just described. Usually the expanse of cloth is not so greut as when velvet Is used, yet more of It is displayed than would have been thought tasteful a few mouths ago, and in connection with It nic put colors that not long ago would have been thought jarring. Take the middle gown of this sketch. Skirt and outer layer of Its Jacket were hunter's green ladles' cloth. The tight bodice and lower part of the bolero were chamois cloth, the lat ter showing embroidery of red silk, lied silk frogs fastened the jacket, ami white braid was added to the green cloth as In dicated. Chnmols cloth foldH are used n deal in trimming black, and by some who think It more mih't is preferred to red for that purpose. Among the newly stylish materials for outing, street and tailor dreses, arc Scotch plaids, French plaids, diagonals atuUnew adaptations of camel's hair. Plain goods are not to be as much worn as Inst year, though enough of them are in stock at the stores to prove that the dealers do not think everyone Is going to go in for bag-pipes. IMald gowns like the one pictured are voted very swag ger. It wasla silk and wool mixture, the colors being green, red, black nnd white. Kxcept when for separate skirts, the new plaids are ijulet for the most part. A new fancy In silks Is the chnmeleon changeable weave. Glace and solid color TIIK KLAHOKATE SOUT. silks iie offered in greut variety, and their JshadcN are ho different from those that irevullcd last year that the woman who wants to make over will have lots of trotole In matching silk to help out. The most conspicuous feature of many dresses Is the sleeve. Everything that can be used for trimming can find place between shoulder lo wrist, ami often seems to. Borne women express the de termination to wear undersleeves even af ter the present fad Is over, hut such talk bus been heard before. A very use ful underslccvc is white wash silk striped with black wash ribbon. The wide, tight wrist band Into which the sleeve Is fulled Is edged with black. Such sleeves will wash and are suitable for almost any dress. Sleeves of closely tucked lawn are worn with any dress, nnd the best clean lug places already announce renovating undersleeves as their specialty. Skirts are long and full. True, heavier materials are still made up lu rather plain skirts, lint there is a craze for delicate stuffs like crepe, made to fall over a Kllk FOK TItlMMI.VO. underskirt. The crepe Is tucked about the hips, often to the knees, the tucks es caping there. Odd effects of Irregular fullness are given by allowing the tucks to be of different lengths. The sudden I widening of the skirt when the tucks escape Is considered wry graceful. 8ucb a skirt Is not an easy matter to hold up. ' All skirts bang on the ground all around, uroKKius u mue at wie uacK, nauy tail or gowns that appear to be planned for walking dresses In rough weather are made with skirts so long all around, es pecially in front, that a carriage would seem absolutely necessary, Copyright, 1000. The best lands of Germany are now devoted to the culture of beet sugar, the greater portion of which U ex-porta. MM General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progress of the Various Lists of Human Endeavor Bring Accom plished by the 3ace. Tlio nnunnl Tuskopeo Negro confer ence will meet at llio Tuskegeo insti tutt, Wednesday, February 30, 1001. I'lio Outlook, Lymnu Abbott, editor, haa bocuu tlio autobiography of Mr. Washington. Already three book con perns 1ms oiTorod to put tlio papois in book form. Dr. G. V. Hubbard, who 1ms bcoii tlio Riiccessful head of tlio Molmiry Modiaal Holiool for it number of years, has been oloctod president of Cotntral Tounosseo college to suocood tlio lain Dr. John llrndon. Tuskcgco's oxhlliit, whioli attracted so inuuli attention at the recent Ala bama state fair, was removed to Mont uomery, Ala., where it was placed on exhibit for 10 days. Under Sealed Orders." If ono was to judgo from tlio a ver tigo ndvanco notices of tlio many road companies which coma this way of tlio merits of a show, and boliove nil that was mid, one, as n rulo, would go wido of tho mark when witnessing the actual production. Hut with "Un der Pealed Orders, " tho play booked to open at tlio Metropolitan theater for a period of ono solid week, coiumoua iug next Suuday, it is certainly ati exception to tho rulo if wo are, to bo guided by tho laudablo notices I ho press of S'an Frauolsco gave that attrac tion when it played at tho California theator, packing the houso to tho doors at every performance. This is tho third hucccfsful scufou of this com pany, n fact alone which speaks much for its merits. Tlio seats aro now soil ing. Armory Drug Store, 81 Tenth ntreot, iiorthwot comer Tenth and Kvorott stioetH, I'ortlaud, carries a full lino of drugs, toilet articles, school supplies, cigars, etc. B ELDING llltUH. Dealers In Dlnnionds, Watrhrr, Jcwcliy, Silverware Hiceliulfi, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 45 Third Rt. Hot. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and t-llvrr l)ru)iht. Portland, OK -f Buy Your Holiday Candles AT. Labbe & Rebe Ice Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Street WHOLESALE & RETAIL MANUFACTURERS Our Hpcrtnlty and Homo use. : Wedding. Fecial. Picnics Kreo Delivery both Pmme. CHARLEY THE PIONEER RESTAURANT Now on Johnson Blrcct, 0iolto Union Depot. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One of themnat complete Imlerjs lu tho Northwest, Bakes the Best Pullman Bread In (be West M. SHIELDS, Prop. .147 Morrison Ht. I'UKTLANII, Oil, And 493 Union Avenue, corner Sacramento, Albln. Home-made bread, cakes and pies, Ilaard beans and lio.tiui llrown llreud cnury Saturday, Tel. Red 1U; Tel, lUxl 311. BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTtilNQ, HATS, CAPS, DRY 000 DS AND FURNISHINQ (JOODS. 229 Morrison Street .Iletween First aud Hecond PORTLAND OREGON. Any Hlsi Nl Bill HI Any OuHiitlly MACKINTOSHES, BDBBKK AND OIL CLOXrUXft llsibbar Hoou ami Hi,,,.., M.Hi,,,, .., ld " Ursest and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds of Kubber flni. GOODYEAR ROBBER COMPANY ia-o rissoi aiataj, C1TV NEWS Wo shall know no favorites, nnd shall ho absolutely impartial. To in Stirn nnlillrntlntl nil Innnl nnn-n nin.t reaoh us not later than. Thursday morn ing or oncn wook, Mrs. Alnggio Miller tins boon granted n divorce from Harry Millor on tlio urounds of nou support. Mr. Keeblo loft for Tneotnn Wednes day on business) yhoro Ito will, romaiu for n fow days uud then return to Port laud. Mr. Goo. Gross, of Seattle, is lu tlio city this wook. Mr. Gobs was at ouo timo inaiuiuor of tho b'euttlo Hepubll can. Thoro is talk of n now Masoulo lodgo being started in our midst. Timo alouo can toll whether it is needed br not. Mrs. Anna Yutos Intends loaving noxt wcok for San Francisco, wlioro tho will reside temporary with her daughter. A voiy pleasant homo party wan given at tho rosidenco of Mrs. Mooro last Saturday night. Tho rooinN wero llllod with merry rankers nutil n lato hour. 1 j Mr. G. V. Monro, until Intoly head waiter at llydo Park hotol. Chicago, spent a conplo of days in tho oity this wook. While hero, ho was tho guost of Mr. Henry Thonipion. Tho entertainment given Friday evening at tho llothel A M.' ft, ohuroh for tho purpose of providing funds to tho colobration of Christmas by tho Suuday school, wan well nttondod and a noat mm realized. Wo havo mot daring tho past wook soveral whoso faces used to bo familiar, but who havo boon nhsont from our midst for somutimo, Amongst thotu wore Mr. Wnrroti Crawford, Mr. Ed ward Duncan and Mr. George Stophon- sou. Tho services last Sunday in honor of tho opening of tho now ohucrli bo longing to tho Mount Olivet llaptist ohuroh, woro very improssivo and well attended. Tho sorlvoos at U o'clock wefo well nttondod and tho now rhuorh starts with ovorv prospect of succors. Tho Paul Lawrence Dunbar Lltorary Society hold a vory enjoyoblo meeting. An oxecellent programme was ran dored. The new editors wero installed and tho following snhject chosen for debato on the next meetnlg night, cetnlg night, 1 v : "Hosolvod, i Nnlllllod tho . 1 1 tlioConstl- Jliursday, December 30th: That l'ubllo Opinion ban Fourteenth Amendment to tution of the United Ntates A vcrv pretty biU qWiet wedding watT"" olomulzed'at'tho residence of Mr. aud Mrs. Goodwin, No. 107 N. Seventh stroot Tho contra oting patties wero Mr, Tioroo uud Mrs. lwrenou, both of Aalivllto, N. O. Tho groom was ably assisted by Mr. Foster. Mrs. Mao Oliver aotod in a llko capacity for tho brldo. Itov. Collins, pastor of tho A. M. E. ohuroh, oflluiatod. Mr. aud Mrs. Fierce will bo at homo to tholr friends on aud after December, 10, No. 107 N. Seventh street. OKLKHHATKD iTfl ANN1VEUHAUY. Now Northwest Ixidgo, No. SB5-1, O. u. u. ot v. is, ceioiirHted tho 10th an nivorMiry of Its birth last Tuesday ovoning at their lodgo room, comer Second and Salmon streets. At tho conclusion of tho ceremonies attending such an occasion, danulug wiin in dulgod lu until a lato hour. The at endanco was not largo, mvltig to a, change nf date, but nil who availed thoniKdvoHof tho pleasure oxpressert entlro Hitisfaction. Tho following aro tlio ofllcors: p. D. Thomas. N. O.; Win. Hoaufort, V. O.; Hubert Hill, N. P.; It. Crawford, I'. N. p.; J, jj, Wnt son, 1'. 8. " " tr ' i JJow studio. Now building. Now firm. Hayes & fjlmrt Hevontli and Washltiiitou streets, over Drossors' now grocery. M. Peek, dealer if) clunrs and tobaccos, stroot. fine groceries, N. Third ? For Xiiiiih goods, Holding Hros., 45 N. Third streut, havo a oholoo selection of holiday goods in tho lino of silver waro, pocket books, fanoy jowolry, dia monds, umbrellas, gold and silver headed canes, watches, lookots, etc. Call and inspect our stock, NEW NORTH. west aw, No. JM, G. U. 0. of O. P.. meets at vt1 Becpid treat. orner of Halmoa, first and third Tnowluv nr u..i. .. ....!.' AIIOdllFtdlnwa In oiwwl -7..." ii" " "" cordlallv invited. F. I). TI10MAR. K. WATBON, I'. H. nT O. Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MMUPACTURER Itopalrlng aud Jteeoverlnr of Fine I'uibrelUs ' nccilay( 313 WNabingluit Htreel. . Three doors above Olds Jk King I'ORTI.ANi), OUF.CON, 't rUHTLAND, 0IK00N. JwTtifc!! .rs . . " -V J Af V . JJAiiH Ij, 4i.