The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 01, 1900, Image 1

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    M rwratigmttmTm?'"Ti'TttMm'UM"''rntrWt
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New Age.
NO. 3&.
7r4 .mibhiibw' St'', rftojBgtfBMMBfflSr
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Ex. "
t f s
DeelsWRtml Deimallarjr nml Financial Agent of the Dulled Btatea.
Preetdent, II. W Cornells caahter, K. 0, WltliliiRtom oMlntiwt cashier J. W. Newklrkj isceed
( ltnt CMliter. W, C. Alvord.
Lrtttsri of credit tuned, Tllkl In Europe and tin Eastern Slates. Bight exchange ana
teles rerhlo tran.ier iolil en New York, Iloilou, Chicago, Ht. Paul, Omalia, Ban Franclico, and
the principal pnlnta In tho Northweal. Sight and tltneblUi drawu In turns to lult on Loudon,
'arii, Berlin, Frankfort-on-tbe-Maln, Hong Kong.
Colleotlona made on farorable ternia at all accessible polnta.
Eatablished In 1850.
Interest allowed on time deposits. s
ColloctlonB hi nil o at nil points on favorable termi, Letters of credit Issued
tradable In Europe and the Eastern states.
Might axohange nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, VVashingtcn,
Chicago, Bty Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points lb Ore
con, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia,
Exchange sold ou London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided ts, $00,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank, Chicago, III.; First National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y.
OFFIOER8 AND DIRECTORS Lovl Ankeny, Pres.; W. F. Matlock. Vice
Pres.; O. B. Wade, Cashier! II. 0. Guernsey, Ass'tpashlor; J. S. McLeod, W. S.
Byers, W. F. Matlock, II. Fy Johnson.
Organlxod March I, 1880; Capital, 800,000; Surplus, 8B3.B00.
Interest allowed on time doponilB. Kxchango bought and sold on all princi
pal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris. Cashier.
Cor. Third and Oak ts.
J. C. AINBWORTII, President.
Transacts ageneral banking business. Exchange bought and told on all the principal oil.
lea In EnroDe. Also fecllltlte for taleuraDhto
on all accessible polntf. BAFE DEPOBIT DKPAItTMKNT connected with the bank.
Land and Immigration Agonta
The Gausey Real Estate Co.
; -
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches,
Mlninsr Properties, j
Office: Foley-Roche Building.
Silk and Wire Bolting: Cloth of aU numbers. Cotton, Leather and
Chain Belting: of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House.
Telephone Grant &6U 49 FIRST STREET.
Willi. MILLER,
After a continuous rcsldenceof over lOyears In this Famous Vallejr, andaclote study of the
rat accomplUhmenti and future possibilities of It toll, and a pergonal knowledge of lucll.
mate, 1 feel that no our, seeking; a home, will make auy mistake In locating here.
Your Correspondence Is Sollolterf, and All Questions
I ....Cheerfully Answered....
t&Tmtm $ Brmnoh,
mmmmM Aim mvMMEN of
SmwMW, Lmmmtmw mtufNHmTmm Mmmmlmmry.
NoN OHmmUmmj mmtl Ommrmmmtlmo Fmwmr TrmmmtmH',
fPeVeW eaVeveVeHVeBP JT
eWeTaWjr ejejefepeTeT 4eWPeTe7ewefreWeWtWjr
W. W. PHILLIPS, Caahler.
uoiieouons inaae on laToraoie terns
Loan and Insurance Agciu
General Manager.
o j " J -
Manufacturers ot
No, 60 First St.
sy fmn
nrws or i m
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Kr
pcnlngs of the Past Week In a
Condcmed form.
Floods nnd storms nro causing great
dnuingo in tho East.
A young uinn wns fntnlly shot ty
robbers uenr Tlio Ditllos, Or.
Ofllccrs nt Tien Tsiu nro in favor of
destroying tho Chinoso fortiticutlonj.
Firo dostroyod n cement jllimt near
Enston, Pa., cuusiug n loss of $200,000.
United States geological survoyotB
nro mnpplug Enstorn Oregon mlnioK
The ofllcinl voto of Indiana is as fol
lows: Bryan, U00,D0i; MuKinloy,
Tho offloial voto of tho stuto of Vir
Biua is as follows: Bryan, 140,170;
McKluloy, 117,151. s
Sarah Bernhardt nnd M. Coquolin
plnyed thoir llrst night to n representa
tive muliouoo in Now York City. Thoy
npponrod in Itostnuil'a '.'li'Aislon."
Attorney.Gonornl Dlapkburu givos his
ofllcinl opinion that reading, the Blbio
nnd ropoatlug tho Lord's Prayer are
porniieaiblo in Oregon public schools.
Tho president lias docidod to appoint
F. T. Bowles, naval constructor in
chnrgo of tho Now Yoik navy-yard,
chief of tho bureau of construction and
ropair of tho navy dopnrtmont, upon
the retirement from nctivo sorvico next
Mnroh of Itcar-Adiiilral llichborn, the
present incuinbont.
A dispntoh rocoivod nt Borlin from
Fiold Mnrshnl Count von Wttldorsee,
L dated November 24, Bays the Gorman
expedition has hoisted the Gorman flag
over the groat wall, which was reached
November 22 by way of Hoy Liag
ChenR. nftor n dlflloult mountain
march. The dispatch adds that t
French had a sovero fight with Boisrl)
80 kllometors south of 1'ao Ting Fa. J:
Horses to tho number of 50,00d are
to bo purchased in this country in ms
noxt six mouths by agents of tho BrVv
ish Qovorument for tho nso of LoiA
Kitchener's forces in policing t)a
'Irons vital and Orange Free State. Thjii
uows bus boon nuuuuucud by John .
Brntton, of St. Louis, who has sup
plied directly nnd indirectly to the
British army in tho last two yenra
many horses suitable for cavalry uso,
Thero nro now 05 ensos of yollow
fever in Havana.
ltusslau soldiors in China will be
withdrawn to tho north.
The United States battloihlp Ken
tucky has sailed from Naples Jor
Tho olliolal voto of tho stato of Flori
da is ns follows: Bryan, 28,007; Mo
Kinloy, 7,400.
Auioiicnns took n Tngnl stronghofd
at Pinauruu which tho rebels boasted
was lmpreguuble. 1
John Lawsou Jolmfou, of Kent. Eng
land, tho noted dietlo expert, died in
France, aged 01.
The new Unitod Statos monitcr Ne
vada was launched nt Bath, Ale., with
appropriate oerouiouios.
Tho Venezuelan government has re
ceived from Germany 10,000 Mauser
rifles and 3,000,000 cartridges.
Tho population of Kansas is 1,470,
405, as against 1,427,000 in 1800, aa
increase of 43,300, or 3 por ceut.
The population of Virginia is 1,854,
184, 8B against 1,065,080 in 1800, tut
Increase of 108,204, or 11.0 per cent.
The populailon of Maryland "is
1,550,060, against 1,402,800 iu 1890.
an iucrease of 147,000, or 14,1 per
Ex-President Kruger was received
by President Loubet, of France, at.the
Ellysee. at Paris. There were no dis
turbances. ,
Five coal mines noar Parkershurg,
W. Va were destroyed by a landslide,
entailing a Iocs of $300,000. No oae
was injured.
At Chicago, the foreman of a sash
and door factory was shot and instant
ly killed by oue of two men, oellered
to be strikers. "
The Yule football team defeated
Harvard's eleven by tho score ol 28 te
0, at New Haven, Conn., boforo as Jni
meuBe crowd. '
A St. Lawrence river steamer was
wrecked off Seven Islauds, Quebec,
and all on board perished, 10 of the
crew and seven passengers.
i ,
The population of Nevada aa offlefcel
Ir announced by the census bureea&le
42.335, as against 46,701 in 1800, alV
crease ol o,42U, or 7.4 per cent.
Five hundred Indians in Ws
Colorado axe slaughtering deer bjr 1
hundreds, aud Governor Tfaos
given orders to have them arretted.
A typhoon swept tho Island of Guam,
killing hundreds of natives.
Tho dowager empress is trying to in
duoo tho emporor to return to Pokin.
Tho powers nro dobnting on tho wis
dom of Bonding nn ultimatum to China.
Tho ofllcinl voto ot Wisconsin fol
lows: Republican, 206,800; Demo
cratic, 150,286.
A lnboror on n bridgo noar Grant's
Pas s was iuotantly killed in tho col
lapso of tho structure.
General Batos reports tho enpturo of
83 Filipinos, six of whom murderod
Bovornl portions Inst spring.
Tho Dutch of Capo Colony nro bo
coming rcstloss nnd loyalists f oar thero
may soon bo nu u prising.
Tho population of Oklahoma is 308,
240, ngniust 01,834 In 1800, nn iucrouso
of 830,411, or 44 por cont.
Tho population of South Dakota is
4.01,670, ns against 328,80 in 1800, nu
iucronso of 72,702, or 22.1 per cont.
Tho population of North Dakota is
hl0,410, ns against 182,710 in 1800, nn
iucronso of 130,427, or 74.0 por cont.
Tho population of Tonnossoo is
2.020,003, us against 1,707,18 iu 1800,
an increase of 23,008, or 14,0 por cont.
Tho population of Now Moxloo is
105,210,' ns against 13, 0!) in 1800, nu
increase of 41,717, or 27.1 per cont.
Tho Unitod Statoc auxiliary cruisor
Yosomitu sank iu it typhoon nt Guam,
Novombor 5, drowning live of tho crow.
Tho population of Idaho, ns oflluially
announced, is 101,772, as against 84,
885 in 1800, nu iucronso of 77,387, or
01.7 por cont.
Two American privates woro killod
nnd threo wouudod in nu umbush of
ladronos noar Maloloa, Luzou. Tho iu
urgouts escapod.
Bank robbors 'nt Etndon, 111., com
pletely wrecked tho Farmers' bank
with dynamite uud got away with
3,000 to $4,000.
By an oxploaiou of uitro-glycorlno
at Loasorvillo, V. Vu., 20 miles nhovo
Whoollng, four boyB woro killod aud 14
wouudod, of whom two will dio.
The population of tho stato ot Wash
ington ns olllolnlly nunouncod, is 618,
108, si against 840,800 in 1800, au iu-
ncrease of 108,018, or 48.2 por cent.
Germans seized a Chinese voriwi nnd
demanded treasnro consigned to an
t-KaalisJi eeairwHr at Tiea Ttla. -The
esjisivf IfeMara'JiH'beeit lssde nmi
the Germans conld not get them. The
German flag was then hoisted on the
vessel and her cargo confiscated.
Conger has not signed tho Pukin pro
tocol. Secretary Hoot has returned ftom
Kruger visited the French govern
ment oillolals.
Palace guards have been sent to ar
rest Piiuco Tuitn.!,
Colonel Denby may wuccecd Couger
as minister to China,
Nome is now "Complotoly shut off
from the outer world by a barrier of
' A conspiracy to assassinate Lord
Roberts waa discovered in Johannes
burg, Governor Geer has issued certificates
ol election to Republican elector for
Heavy foga preaviled on Puget
Sound, causing mauy minor accidents
ou both laud aud water.
The official ote for presidential elec
tors In New Jersey, was: Republican,
221,701; Democrat, 104,808.
The population of Texas Is 8,048,710,
against 2,285,523 in 1800, an increase
of 818,187, or 30,8 per cont.
The population of Nebraska is 1,068,
530, agniust 1,068,010 iu 1800, aa in
crease of 0,020, or .9 per cent.
Official returns show that tbe vote
for president in Iowa was: Republi
can, 307,818; Democrat, 200,466.
Tbe Portland, Or., Cba'ubei of Com
saerce urges aa sppropiratioa oi si,-
000,000 lor canal aud locks at tbe
The population of Utah, as officially
announced, is 276,740, as against 207,
095 in 1800, an increase 68,844, or
88,1 percent.
Aa irrigation bill allowing more
than $1,000,000 to Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho will be introduced at
the coming melon of congress.
One man was drowned and four oth
ers injured in a tralnwrock on tbe
Cleveland & Pittsburg road, near Pitta
burg, iu which the train was ditched
into river.
The population of Montana, as an
nounced by tbe United States census
bureau, is 248,320, hi against 132,160
in 1800, an increase of 111,170, or
84.1 per ceut, The population ia 1860
was 80,160, showing aa Iucrease of
93,000, or 237.4 per cent, from 1880 to
. Tbe populailon of North Caroline is
1.808,810. as agaiust 1,017,947 iu 1890,
mm isHHrease of 275,668, or 17 per eeat.
hSHvot Msreoal ha practically solved
Mm aaeHioa of oeeaa transm lesion by
IsUstJMs telegraphy, sad will soon be
his system aeross the At-
ajfcvpweevfO wte
m Hi n
Bill to Provide Great Irrigation
Oregon, Washington and Idaho Included
Will Be Introduced at the Coming
Sestion of Congres:
Washington, Nov. 20. A bill for
Irrigation of nrld lnnds Is to bo Intro-
"Minced and pushed nt tho nppronching
session of congress which will nlToct
Oregon, Wnshingtou nnd Idaho, nmong
other states. Tho most onrnost advo
cates of irrigation fool that with tho
indorbomout of tho lato Irrigation con
gress thoy will bo ablo to master tho
solid support of dolegates from all arid
land statos and hopo In this way to so
euro homo genornl legislation this ses
sion. Tho bill already prepared provides
thnt four practical reservoir sites and
irrigation ditches shall ho surveyoi' in
each stato by tho goolgleal sarvoy, tho
socrotnry of tho Interior then to with
draw tho hum otnbrnood In nnd sur
rounding tho most suitable sites nud
ditches. Ho shall thou ot coutracts
for constructing rosorvoirs nnd ditches,
to cost not moro than $1,000,000, iu
each state. Nino million dollars is Ap
propriated by tho bill. Whim tho
lauds nro irrigated thoy nro to bo sub
ject to homestead entry, each outryman
to pay $2.60 per uoro, and no individ
ual to socuro moro than 80 noros. Tho
reservoir nud dltohos nro to bo turnod
oertotho settlors whon most of the
land irrigated is takou up.
It is possible howovor, that this ir
rigation bill will bo mitdo a part of tho
rivor nnd harbor bill again, as it was
two years ago.
D. II. Stearns, of Oregon, nnd Dr. R.
J. Gobol, of Wnshingtou, delegates of
tho Irrigation congress, callod on tho
prosldout today and solicited his sup
port to soma plan of goveriunental nid
in au irrigation system for roolnluilug
tho arid West. .
The Scheme Was (e Mew Him Us Whns At-
j, i
, '"
Xrmeloa, NovJ, ). Aeooraiag re, a
special edition oi the Evening Statrdsird
today, a plot to assassinate Lord Ro
berts, iu which two foreigners are con
cerned, has been discovered. It ap
pears that the conspirators loaded a
mluo, which was doslguod to bo blown,
xvp Sunday whllo Lord Roberts was in
church nt Johannesburg, but the police
and Lord Roberts' bodyguard frustrated
tho conspiracy. Ton in oil, mostly Ital
ians, have boon nrrcstod.
NnvJ M. -Aeoor
Roberts Confirms It.
London, Nov. 20. Tho war office
has tho following from Lord Roberta,
dated Johannesburg, Novombor 20:
"As reports of it plot against my lite
probably reach you, I thiuk you should
'kuow the facts. It Is believed that
there was a plot in existence, and five
Italians, four Gieoks and oue French
man were arrested November 10, Hnd
are now awaiting trial. Their Inten
tions were to oxplode a mino under St.
Mary's church duriug thq morning
service, held at 11 o'olpck, ou Novum
ber 18."
Roberts Reports Engagements.
Loudon, Nov, 80. Lord Roberts,
cabling from Johannesburg, under date
of Novembor 20, reports a nu rubor ol
encouuters with tbe Boers at widely
separated points, iu which I be British
captured some cattle aud a few prison
ers, and suffered slight casualties. The
most serious affair was an engagement
with the forces of General De Larey,
numbering about 1,000 men, with three
guns, who opposed General Clement's
march towards iteitfonteln. Tbe Boers
were completely dispersed.
Dcwst la Portuguese Territory.
Loarenco Marques, Nov. 29. A de
tachment of -80 rnouuted Portuguese
troops, with two guns, crossed the river
this morning at On turn bo. it is re
ported General Dewet is in Poituguese
territory and in that district,"
Headers Pays Pears Claim.
Washington, Nov, 21. The state de
partment received a cable today from
United States Minister Hunter, at Gua
temala City, uuuouuciug that he had
just.roceived from the Honduran gov
eminent a draft for $10,000 American
gold as indemnity for the killing of
Frank Pears. The killing occurred at
San Pedro fiulu, iu May, 1800, and the
indemnity is tbe full amount of the
claim set up.
Ceases of Oregon.
Washington, Nov. 29. The nopals
tion of Oregon as officially announced
today, is 418,686, as against 818,767
for 1890. This is as increase of 99,
709, or 81.7 per cent. The population
in 1860 was 174,708, showing an in
creare of 188,999, or 79.5 per cent from
1880 te 1890.
The New Law Placei Them at a Disadvantage
With the Regulars.
Washington, Nov. 80. It has Just
boon found out t$int tho law which pro
vldos that n mnu who serves two years
ns nn onllstod mnu iu tho regular army
nnd thou, upon passing nn oxnmiun
tion, cnu bo mndo nu officer, plnoos tho
WoBt Poiut men nt n cousidornble dis
ndvnntngo. Tho West Pointer is oblig
ed to study four yenra, nnd to bo a good
scholar before ho onn bocomo n socond
lloutounnt, whllo tho mnn who goes,
through by wny of tho rnuka noods only
two yenrs' sorvico. It has boon a com
mon happening for somo young follow,
who hits soourod nn nppolntmont in
West Point, nftor'passlug tho" oompeti
tlvo examination, to soo a young man,
whom ho far outclassed In such exam
ination, bu orodltod with two years the
host of him in tho rnnttorof yearH mili
tary service, duo alouo to tho fact that
ho took his chances in the regular
army. 'It is understood that such ap
pointments will bo hold up ns muot) an
posslblo hereafter in order to give tho
incroasod membership at Wost Point
nu opportunity to beoomo available for
filling vucauolos in tho regular army.
Train Wreck on the Cleveland & Pltbbunj Road
Passengers Escaped.
Pittsburg. Nov. 80. At 1:15 this
morning tho night express for Clove
laud ou tho Clovoland & Pittsburg was
thrown iuto tho rivor two miles below
lleivvor. Tho scanty Information at
hand shows ouo man, Express Messen
ger Casoy. of Clovoland, was drowned
und four others badly hurt.
Tho nocldont occurred nt a poiut
whoro oxteuslvo flll-ius had been mads,
nud it is supposod tho high water had
washed tho fill from undor 'the track
nnd lot tho ontira train of engine and
flvo cars iuto tho Ohio rivor. The offi
cials say uo passongcrs were hart. .
The oxoltotuent was indescribable.
Tho passengers wore compelled to force
their way out from under the oars by
breaking the windows and olimbiag to
the bauks. The express messenger
supposod to have boon imprisoned
the baggage and drowned.
States WW Retsm Possetslea ei K
- - 'Sjeessdle saffasllisAJIiAsr.UJ
States will TOtalu'poMssslsTi of!1 the IeW
of Pines, whatever the final" dlsposlttaa
of Cuba, says a Washington rllsnateh to
the Journal and Advertiser. It will
be fortified nud a strong garrison will
he kept there. Lying south of the
wostoru end of Cuba, the Isle of Pinett
commands tho western or Yucatan en
trance to tho gulf and forms au import
nut outpost for the defense of the Nica
ragua canal.
When Sooretary Root visited Cuba
ho wont to the Island and recognised
its atrngetio importance. The state
department now holds that under !b
treaty of peace the title of the Isle of
Vines pas led to the .United sjeates.
Secretary Root holds a similar view.
The northern side of the island that
next to the Cuban shofe-is admirably
adapted for the purpose of the govern
ment. It is high, thickly studded
with valuable woods and the climate is
so healthy that ptior to the war m
health resort for pulmonary patient
was estaiillshed thero.
Naval officers say that Siguenea bay,
on the northwest coast, will, with hut
little dredging, afford an.excollent and
safe harbor,
II, r
Florida Murderer Shot by a Met).
Lake City, Fla., Nov. 80. Spencer
Williams, a negro, was shot to death
near this city today by a mob from
Peusacola, Last night Williams shot
nud dangerously wounded City Alarsbal
Strange and William Strickland, a
business man of this city, while resist
ing arrest. As soon as the news of the
shootiug became knowu, oitiseiwi
armed themselves, aud, forming a
posse, followed the desperado on horse
back aud overtook him today in a
swamp. The negro was literally shot
to pieces, fully 200 bullet holes being
found in his body. The body was
brought into town and placed ia front
of the courthouse gate, where is ws
viewed by hundreds.
Newport Bank Has Funds.
Washington, Nov. 80. O. P. Taok
er, receiver of the German National
Bank, of Newport, Ky,, has sent bis
repot t of the condition of the bank to
the controller of the currency, II ap
pears that there is sufficient cash on
hand id realize to tie depositors some
thing over 00 jier oeut on their claims.
The amount of the defalcation, as glv
en by the examiner, agrees with his
first estimate of tbe same $191,000,
End Ws Peaceful,
St. Paul, Nov, 29. Senator Cash
man K, Davis, chairman of tbe eow
mltteeoit foreigu relations of tbaeaa.
ate. tiled at his home in thia lt .. i
night at 8:40 o'clock. He bdstTerei J
greatly duriug two months of eiokneas, 'J
and gradually sunk away, being nu ;
c( as loas for several boars before ,
ci a ;, nuu so fur as-1 eould be kuowav
suuercd uo pain, .,
M 4J;
.. .- wj i&i.&tA. &&
rwrrt ffltijJt
, K3UN$r i
fix c u ' $Ni-A'