JhSSSTESWTTThT'v'''? .e .4Tf.v '" "-- - -----W''"- - - , ., i , 'JJFvTVa' .jfc.' ;pwwwwtJij.j,,iuLiaHMMaBaaa.Juui.wiMiujiMUCTBJMB-.ii w ..;... . . . Wllf""-'" WHB . jcISW AGHJ,, PORTL AUTD, OREGON. L-J r',' OTnjWjwaYTBTflrff "" - .Tfr?iWF-i rnfjt-TTyBjBBTi -jt "TWilWrr liaaajssnw nil nil 'I iitttitiTttii - irfj ". 'j; . V: 'f'l 'V i ' 1.I fl r. I My , I'- Pi r: M y WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUsfBIA RIVER A TUOET BOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTI.AND AND ABTORIA. Dally trlpi of stoamcr Bailer Oatiert Leares verr morning In the week at 7 o'elock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves Astoria every night In the week at 7 o'olock, except 8undat. White Collar Lino tickets and O. R. & N. Co. ticket are Interchangeable on steamers Bailer Oatcert and Haualo. pmco, Aider street dock. Telophone Main 151. Columbia 'phone Ml. K. W. CRICUTON. Agent. A STORII & GOLUMBII ''' Iio Ml Passenger Trains Doll; WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS nr.TWi.KN Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaven For Maygers, Rain. Icr, CUtsknnlc Wcstport, Clifton, Arrlvci Union Depot Union Depot rortiana roruanu Astoria,. tarren ton. Klavel. Clear. hart Turk and Sea tide. Astoria A Beashoru Express Dally. Astoria Expren Dally. 80 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 7.-00 p.m. 9:40 p.m. Ticket office, 5M Morrison street, and Union depot, I'urtlaud. J. C. MAYO, Gen. I'ais. Aeont, Aitorla, Or. ANDERSON BR08. Llvery, Hack, Feed and Sale Stable.. Special Attention Paid to f(eardlnj Horss. 254 Third HI., cor. Madison. Oregon Phone S31. Columbia Phono 831 I r w yojou Know the News ? Yea smi kara 14 ail (at a ci... Month 50c Pr Month In The Creata Telsewasa. at PartUae:. Orsg aa. It la fka largest avaalag aw- X peptc uMaaamOigaBt tt eaahilaa I ell th.Mwsst uesMUsaaaf tks bs X tion. Trr it tt a asanUi. A aataats X the telegram; I Poftland, Orfcu i f. v. wm DBUG ce. 67 N. Third 6tret. PrcKrlptioM AcntTAtdy tmd TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA "780. ORBUON BED lUi O YEARS' KXPEMENCK Tradc Maims Demons CopvitmHTa ate. Anyone saaHIng sketch and daMrtptlon nay qmciir asearuia our opinion irat waaia ath.r an Invention I. arobablr aatrntabla. C mnn w vivvsoir mimwdh Coanbonle tlons.trletlyeoaSl.ntlaL Handbook on PatanU sent rraa. utH as aney lor aaMiruupaiwiu. Patenu takaa throuah Mann A Co. rsastTt axial aoffes, wKhout asara, ta Ua Scientific American. A bandMm.ly lllnstratad weekly. Trcatt ctr. enUUon o( any M.ntlflo Jourual, T.rmi, t) yaari four months, L Bold by all nawMaal.ra. Branch OOloa. ott BL, WaMilnston, n. C. M EVER A BCIULLIKQ FINE WINES XIQUOR8. LA GRANDE, OREOON. KRIEQ t LEVY (INCORPORATED.) GROCERS COFFEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. 94 Wasulngtoa Straat, Coru.r Taattt TRY OUR CELEBRATED COFFEE. ItaUs roba.s 83S. I'OKTIAJfP, OR 'RaaHHHLaaraaaaVnw iiiJEIS HIADQUA1TEU FOK Pallmah Car Porters THcih And Pool Room in Connection HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING 167 North Sixth St. Phone Reid 2987 C, E. RHOADES, Prop. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HOTEL CIGARS FOURTH ANO MORRISON IT.. PORTLAND, OR. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER FeirU and Tamhlll Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINSON, Lar A Mill tut. J T IIE AACHEN AND MUNICH riRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Established A, D.1S2S. Charles A. Burckhardt & Co., Agents. Room 6, Worcester Block, N. E. cor. Third anl Oak Streeti, I'ortlatid, Or. PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS Baak, Btora anil OMca Ilnlllaa; Ornamental Wlrn and Iron Work oi All Kinds. If fat and Iron Fence and Window GuartJa 584 Alder 8t., PORTLAND, OR. .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVIS 8TREET8 VOHTUN0, OltEQON. HOTEL 13 NEWLY RENOVATED. This Is the bit equipped moderate rate hotel on the Pacific Coast and bu all the conven. lenres of hluh-prtccd hotels Complete with electric lights and bells, and artesian water In eaoh room. Hath room on ouch floor. Elevator for accomodation of gut'its. rial en 11 and 1 1.21 per day. Meals a cent. Special rates to tarn. Hies and theattlca) partl'-n. Free 'bus to and from all trains. 300 rooms. Only four blocks front Union Depot. 'lrt Troof Ilutldlng. F. K. HILL, Prop. " Holmes Coal and Ice Co... DEALBR8 IK lee, Coal, Coke ...and Charcoal Iff Worth Vront ., rOMTLAUD, OI Oregon Phone Main 7tW, Columbia Phou. 780. THE ATLANTIC OYSTER HOUSI .....OPEN ALL NIOUT.. ... All Xindi of Shellfish and Tamalea Crawfish Cooked In Wins a Specialty. A PaH Macks. Ilasksard With BMr Oa OraiM Telephono, Oregon Red 186. CI i THIRD 8TKKK.T, NaarPlaa. U I yi Frlvata Butranea up riaa. PORTLAND, OREOON. Electric Hotel OIEGOM CITY. OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prorx talatlir Vlrat-Cla... Bataa l.'ee lar Day aad Dp. tea Hut, Electric Lights, Cotav caudal Sssssle Room. THE DOOR OF SUCCESS IS NOW CLOSED TO THE IRRESPONSIBLE CIGARETTE FIEND. Do ron smoke cigarette? If you do. yon can1 big railroad company east of the Mississippi, e telegraph companies won't employ you. In any The have no use for you . . And you might as well give op trying to get anything to do In any of the big stores. Pipes, cigar, chewing tobacco nobody says a word against these but the cigarette must go. The merchants and the railroad men and all the big employers have said It. The Hock Island Railroad recently sent an Investigator all through Its shops, Ita ofllces and Its railway stations, and every man who smoked cigarettes received notice to quit. The Burlington, the New York Central. Chicago ami Northwestern and the leuimjiTuiim uaiiruaus an is.ueu unuieu sups tor wouiu-uc employes to nil out In these blanks Is the questlou: ''Do you smoke cigarettes!" these blanks Is the questlou: "Do you smoke cigarettes?" If the man who Is Ulllug out the blank writes "yes" after that question, he I never get the-place he Is asking for. will 1 Marshall Field, the big dry goods his nlace who smoked a naner Dine, Macey's, Slegel & Cooper, Lord A big storvfl or .New xork, nave instructed tuelr clcarette smokers. You can't sell goods or figure nroflts, or even go on the road for any of the large Eastern wholesale or retail firms It you smoke cigarettes. No boy who smokes cigarettes can get into West 1'olnt or Annapolis. It takes a man to be a soldier. No dull-eyed, halt-awake cigarette smokers need apply. From an Exchange. WINTER HOMES OF TRAMPS. KnlRhts of the Koad Hare Favorite JalU tu Which to Lodge. "Wb very funny how the professional tramp will locate good and bad Jails with a view to spending as comforta ble a winter as posalblo," said the Sher iff of a uclghborlug parish, who has hod an extended experience with the hobo fraternity. "You know how an epicure In a big city will hunt for quaint, out-of-the-way restaurants, and when h finds one that Is really excellent how he will hide the discovery from his friends, for fear that popularity will deteriorate the ser vicewell, It's exactly the same way with tramps. Thoy all calculate on spending the moBt Inclement part of each winter In Jail and during their summer wanderings they endeavor to locate some 'easy' Institution where they will be well fed and warmed and not expected to do any work. When such a place Is found the secret Is care fully guarded, so the Jailer's heart will not bo hardened by too many calls on his hospitality. "Last month I had a typical educated hobo on my hands for a fifteen daytt' sojourn1 and ho unfolded his winter pro gram In an amusing fashion. lie said he had two Jails located as desirable cold weather quarters ono In Southern California and the other in a small town In Florida. 'I don't know any thing personally about the Iflorlda Joint,' he said, 'but the last four tramps I've met from that country all warned me as a friend to give the town a wldo berth. I Judge from such solicitude;'- uo uuueu, -mat ine jauer mcro is (jaui soft and gives pie at least once a! wee t,' Tho California lockup was In a sm l place, as I ascertained, avoided by ws furors on account of tho bad reputatd j of a former sheriff. The bums doibt know that he Is dead yet,' sold faty guest, 'and I am doing my best to k tho Bad news from reaching their TMia nMi.Ant Innitmlinnt ! .vabmI.J .UV IFltn'UI IUI.U11IIK.II, in u J1VBWJ J.WJ work, three meals a day and plunvp,' iust ding on Sundays.' The Jails tW u regarded as especial 'soft snaps' r the fronfirnllv In rnmnin pnnntrv rilntrl. Alt' out of tho beaten track of tramps, o,"'8"?'" hobo who Is, yearning for winter shfcl- ter will get himself arrested by commit ting sonio petty misdemeanor and Is of ten treated more as a guest than a pris oner by his kind-hearted captors. Tho location of such a rcfugo is a valuable trade secret. t "Sometimes, howover, the wandelprs make painful blunders, as wos the crfso a few years ago when a small army of vagabonds poured Into a town In Penn sylvania which hnd enjoyed a past rep utation for extraordinary lenleBcy. During tho sumtnor n new vagrancy statuto had gone Into effect and every man arrested was given a year at hard labor lu the State penitentiary. My educated hobo was one of the victims and shuddered whenever he recalled1 the experience. He regarded Cafj.j'1. gross violation of the sacred laws of hospitality." New Orleans Times-Democrat ONE MILLION FOR A PAINTING? Pnbnlnna Price Bald to Have Iicen Of fered for u Work of Titian. Tho preposterous report that some one had offered 200,000, or $1,000,000, for Titian's celebrated painting of "Sa cred and Profano Love," in tho Bork heso collection at Home, la due, says the Boston Transcript, in all proba bility to the universal hunger for as tonishing people, although It may have Dome color of possibility to tho imagin Uon of kindergarten financiers. Insen sate prices have been paid for Raph aels, that In the Notional Gallery es pecially, which came from the Marl borough collection; also for the works of other old masters, but never any such incredible price as this. Yet It would be a bard matter to set the ex act limit of value lu the case of a sale of Titian, more particularly such an ex ample as tho absurdly misnamed "Sa cred and Profane Love." If there ex ists in the world a picture worth (1,000,000, who would be bold enough to deny the right of Titian, the poten tate of painters, to be the author of that work? Aa to the picture known by the title of "Sacred and Profano Love" a title which Titian did not give It, and which has needlessly puzzled many commentators it Is now general lyconsidered simply as a fanciful or ro mantic composition. But Franz Wlckoff, a German critic, has evolved a theory which has a good deal to recommend it, that this picture represents an Incident in the seventh book of the "Argonnutlca" of Valerius Flaccus, the Latin poet, where it is re lated that Medea, the enchastreas, daughter of Aectes, King of Colchis, unwilling to yield her love for the Grtek Jason, is visited by Veass, wfco yon can't get responsible position The street railroad people man of Chicago, discharged everv mn in over two years ago, Taylor, McCrear McCreary. Wanamakcr's all these superintendents to employ no pleads for tho lover and endeavors ta persuade Medcn to follow her Into the wood, where Jason Is waiting. Titian has represented this sceno as taking place In tho open air; the dawn Is Just breaking, and rosy streaks appear ou tho horizon. A young woman richly dressed Is seated on ono side of a foun tain, on tho edge of which sho has placed a costly casket. Her right hand, Is in her lap and holds a bunch of magic, herbs. Deeply moved, she gores fixedly before her, .lending ear tho while to thd persuasive voice of anotlier woman seated near. The form of this woman, around which flutters a red montle, Is of a marvelous beauty. Sho rests her right hand upon the fountain edge, and with her left holds on high a vase, from which Issues a light smoke. Between the two women tho god of love Is splashing In the water with his chubby little hands. Mr. Wlckon maintains that In tho beautiful nudo flguro Venus Is easily recognizable, even were her son not tlicto to Indicate her presence. Tho woman to whom she spoke, and who, though unwilling to yield blindly, Btlll fwla herself drawn bv nn IrroalHtllilo power, is Medea, who betrayed the King, her father, and followed Jason, tho stranger nnd enemy of her people Harmony fbr tho Insnno. Music treatment for tho insane is being tried on Ward's Isluud, Now York, with scmo encouraging signs. Tho Idea of utilizing rhythmic meas ures to soothe tho Insauo dates from the ancients, but it was only recently that systematic work In this direction was begun. In 1877 and 1878 sonio desultory effort was made on Black well's Island. In 1880 the London LAn cot discussed the subject, and is quoted as saying: "Music Influences both brain and spinal cord, probably on account of music having vibratory or wavo mo tion. Anil tlirmtfrh If. vltl(-ntri.t mHy stimulates the nerve centers. Music pets as a rofreshUig mental stimulant 'id restorative. Therefore. It hrnr-M jcprofised nervous tone nnl lnillroorlv hrough tho nervous system reaches the In the present experiment classes of tweivo aro treated. Tho class is ushered into tho music-room and left freo. Ev ery movement Is watched by nurses, however, and Just before tho music be gins nnd when It Is ended tho respira tion, temperature nnd pulse of each pa tient aro carefully noted. The Instru ments used nro the harp and violin, with tho piano accompaniment when there, is singing. A baritone voice Is employed. Even !n the short timo tho experiment has beon lu progress m. proved attention has bei -noticed. This Is one of tho moot Interesting llnei of Investigation that has ever leen fol lowed with tho Insane, aud a full report on 'the work will undoubtedly contain much valuable Information. la Water Colors. E. 0. Hodlcy. the WCU-knnwn an. thor of the clover nnd exhaustive book on Franco lately published, was dis tinguished in London society as a say er of witty things. At a luncheon nsrfr one day a lady was describing a visit sho had paid to tho house of a thou famous aesthete, who was supposed to nave a greater tasto for house decora tion than for habits of frequent ablu tion. Among other tilings, she de scribed tho harmonious coloring of bis bathroom. Bodley expressed incre dulity oa to tho aestheto' use for the bathroom, Tho lady Indignantly re pudiated the Insinuation, aud said: "I am sure he bathes a great deal." "In that case," said Bodley quietly, "he must be an even greater artist than, I gave him credit for." Chambers' Jour nal. The Usual Way. "I was digging for bult to-day when I unearthed a golden doubloou of Span ish mintage." "You havo discovered a burled treas urer cried my wifo, excitedly. "Nonsense!" I replied, with the ut most raininess. "Had I discovered a burled treasure, would I not have dug up the corroded brass handlo of an ancient chest first?' My wife colored deeply at this, for It nettled her to be found unguardful of convention. Detroit Journal Determination. "Don't you admire determination In a man's character?" "It all depends on tho result," an swered Mr. Slrlus Barker. "If It brings success, I praise it as a fcplondld perse verance. If it brings failure, I de nounce it as confounded obstinacy." Washington Star. You probably know a lot of people who want you to "do" things for them. Do you know anyone -who la anxious to "do" taJiujs for you? A. W. ALLEN Dispensing Phmrmmolmi Phono, Oregon Mmln 4 05 OolumMm 414. 10 th mnil Mmrmhall Stm., 23rd mntl Smvlmi Stm., PORTLAND, OREGON, Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agent for KNOX HATS ..BUFFIW & PEfiDIiETOH... 04 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. BAKING POWDER It is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST U Tr lirs Hot Oitlif il Tou Xouy Sick Clour A Divebj, Portland, Or. A. J. FARMER Whalesale and Retail ' GROCER... LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY Third St., Cor. Jefferson BotaPbrne. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Craduats of th. Hortbwastani Unl.vrsltr D.UUJ Oollsg. Ilrit-Clisj fork and FrfMi iMUBtbli Vni Dckura Bld'g, Cor, Third A Washington. UtTLAND, Or. Oragon 'rasas Orasn tt p. DRESSER & GO. -IMPORTERS OP fiermi, French and English Delicacies Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Fine Groceries, Teas and... Table Delicacies CHOICE FAMILY LIQUORS Cor. Seventh & Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Fhone 327. USE LUCKEL'cT Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. W1U Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library TM Bast In (M Lltiritvri 12 Complete Novels Ykarlv MANY SHOUT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $a.60pgr1VCAN; 2ScTS.AC0IY NO CONTINUED STORIES VINT NUMBCH COMFLKTK IN ITSgLf BBSSSSsP' GOLDEN WEST M Zm 3 wm 8TEAMER8 ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Way Landings. Leaves Taylor street- ..,.... Bafcm .. ...6:43 A. St 7:coa.ic Arrives Portland .. i. ' ttaor.M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leavo Portland 10:) X. M 2 and 8:00 P. U. Lcavo Oregon a ty .....12 i SO, 8.80, 0 :oo r. Xi Oregon City Trans. Go. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A. I, GRAHAM. Agent. Office and wharf, foot of TaylorSt. Phoaatft WELL, I DON'T 'KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't kaaw WHATSGOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters' for Ration KeaKat Gub Food. Grano, Acme Rolled Ornta," Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACMB MILLS 'COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. . PORTLAND, OR ENTERPRISE SHOE GO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing: .Neatly Done. Work called for and d.llvorcd. Ail guarsnttad. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for, Caped Co.'s Sfcoc CUIthlSOH & go. Wheat and Stock Brekir. DIRECT WIRES TO v".- vV. New York Stock Bxchang?. S Chicago Board of Trade L"u! Second Floor. Chamber 1 w of Commeroe. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Street. ItATKN) European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Par Das OHOAR ANDUKSOK, Maaasjat. J. & rKNDKOABT, Chlsl Clsrk. . WHIM YOU BUT , Furniture, Carpets and Slim rOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out, and Oat a RtductUa at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 173-174 First trt. ..(THE,,. MERCHANTS' BATHS PORCELAIN TUBS. Merchants Hotel 48 North Third Strost. Ut. Couch and Davis. FORBES-DAVIS FUEL CO. Coal and' Wood. 1 Office snd Ysrdi, 18M93 E. Water Straa. rOHTI.AND, OREOON. Oregon Phono Unlou iSl. Columbia (dM. Telephone North 111. KROCHMAN X HARTMAN Hardware, Tools and Cutlery Aftats for ATKIN'S CELEBRATID CROSS-CUT SAWS ua msr STREET, fy iaBVllVlVlaPiBVllVPBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaassal s-aaHsHiBsssVHsBViBLlHHHLaililssiLiasBiiiiiai fthttul:'!1 nw v. ;:l 1 'ffl 'Mm V i $. 11 .(sfc-ikiisW 4A; WM'Jb ,kv m i jsit ilry 'iiWiA" li 2t 'ajf.a 4 1, iviiJHnffiT MmEt 1 .Mr ffihilP ft V ' 1 , . Jl,. . iwflJlMyftflA-! LMVsJtt&ZkA nmm fxaseoEa mht iss &t&,ik,fm:iiimAimmiu