V THE KETV AGH2. ,A!NT). OBEGOW v 77 K . u It' "iTropcs of j 77 7YWS. When nn umbrella trust enn bo broken up It Just means that the trust IWlll not nhvaj-H reign. Zangwlll Insists thnt he finds the highest form of truth In fiction, nnd In this ho seems to be telling some of It. W. K. Vanderbllt has given Klssam ball to the university at Nashville, but ah It Is n coeducational Institution the bojra probably hud not waited for that. If this money lending by Uncle Sam Joes on ho will pretty soon have on band a lot of second-hand crowns and coronets put up as collateral by mem bers of tho effcto monarchies, ns se curity. Prince lnkathar of Cambodia has had 1o pawn his Jowolfl for ready money. This Indicates that tho prince Is alrendy married. Otherwise ho would have come over with his Jewels on and mar ried nn American girl. Tho father of Cornelius Alvord, Jr., tho mnn who stolo $700,000 from a New York bank, took $100,000 from a Syracuse bank forty-ono years ago. If there Is a third Cornelius Alvord ho Is Jlkcly to have more or less troublo find ing a Job In a bank, unless bo adopts an alias. An edition do luxo, limited to COO cop ies! and offered for personal subscrip tion at 1 guinea, will perpetuate a news paper prepared by llrltlsh olllcem whllo prisoners In Pretoria. Tho Gram, thus tilted, was produced by meant) of the hectograph. When tho tlmo comes for a completo and dlspasslouatao hlntory of the South African war, tho Pretoria paper will be nn Interesting witness. Commenting on the Into Mr. Hunting ton'H assertion thnt there In grent dan ger of ovcrcducntlug tho young, Abrani Hewitt declares: "If I wero to linve the cholco of one hundred million dollars or tho pleasure I had lit my college days and Uio pleasure I have had ns tho re sult of my education, I would quickly cIiooho the latter. Were I to chooso tho millions, I should receive, nnd I should expect to receive, the scorn of my fel-low-men." The Knrl of Chatham used to bow so low when he met a bishop that bin none could bo seen between his knees. A suavity no less appalling to Its sub ject marks, nevertheless, tho ascent of our Indians In the social scale. A teacher In nn Arlzonn hiIhhIoii school lately noticed a big boy holding a dis cussion with a little girl at the school door. Ho was explaining to her that sjtrls should always "go tlrst." Hhe was accustomed to seeing tho 'woman curry the load behind tho man, and hung bck, abashed at such gallantry. Of eon.sUirireds of young Indians the political fMlMM may truthfully bo used, "Not dancing, but ndvnnclng." A muddy river betokens one of tho arcatcttt of national Iohhcs. It means that the rich soil, which Jack Frost nnd othor natural agencies have been ages In forming, Is wasliiiig away Into the ocean. Tillers of tlie land could do much to prevent theioss by keeping Uiu jrround on hllUldeH covered with treex or with nod. It Im the cultivated Held on n Hlant which washeti away most rapidly. It Is contrary to public policy, or nt least to thu welfare of tho future, that tho top-soli of such land should tw sent down to the, ocean when It might bo yielding jrrn'sN crops. Many rivers thnt nre now muddy wero clear before tho comlug to this continent of civilised mnn. Among tho nrts which tho world Is wout to place In tho lost column Is the art of conversation, for at regular Inter vnls some one arises to ubhui'u people that they do not know how to use their tongues, Perhaps tho Injunction to children, to bo seen nnd not heard, may nave had something to do with this tie cudeuce, for certainly It does seem ns If the tongue had not kept pace with the pen. Tho author of n pertinent edi torial article In Hcrlbncr's iuchMoub whether tho art of talking la not dying out because of specialism, the absorp tion of each individual In his owu ca reer. 'Tho result of devotion to a spe cialty," he says, "Is to reduce original ubjects of Interest that is, tho sub jects which oue has 'In common with other peoplo, 'topics of conversation,' an they nre culled. Wo speak of our mod em world as wonderfully broadened In .Interests and sympathies by the tele graph and the newspaper. Yet for oven a high type of Individual it may bo, a constantly narrowing world." One is onietlmes Inclined to thu conviction thut conversation as well ns composi tion ought to be taught In Bchools. It might lead to tho stlltedness nnd tho artificiality that the author of this arti cle llnds In tho tlno tnlk of the past, but Jt would Insure a gllbness thnt Is as sjood as gold nt times, Tonguetlcduess Is worse than stlltedness nnd Ineohoreii- cles more pathetic than artificiality. It Is this lack of the right word which Is responsible for the Imperfect sympa thies that exist between people, and conversation might perhaps help to Itrldge over those "estranging seas" which, ns tho poets have It, separate Individuals, " What means of redress Is open to the man who Is bamboosled Into buying a ticket for,n bad theatrical performance? la he to KiifTer In allcuco (trims ho u rem dy I: These nuesttonu nre of ndded lu tvrest owing to a recent decision, the learned Jndgo holding that, though th show be of the kind professionally known ai "rank," the, deluded ticket holder Is not entitled to manifest his re sentment by hissing or other evldenco of disapproval. Few peoplo will ap prove this decision. It violates natural justice and It conflicts with the Innate Instinct of mnn to ml bo some kind of n disturbance when he llnds that he has, been swindled. As well say that the restaurant patron who finds tough beef steak or dubious eggs set before him Is not entitled to offer n few emphatic ob servations to tho entire establishment, from tho proprietor down to the dish washer. Of course, It may be argued that the theatergoer who has paid good money to see a bad performance has bis remedy nt law that he may sue for and recover the amount that he paid for his ticket Hut oven If this proceeding wero not tedious nnd expeiwlve It would still nfTord Inadequate relief. The outraged patron of the drama Is In equity entitled to express his resent ment of tho Imposition that has been practiced upon him. He has a right to voice his Indignation so thnt It will be hoard of all men. No objection ever Is offered to the npplauoo which greets good plays and competent actors. Why, then, should bad plays and Incompetent actors be exempt from the reprehension which they bnvc Incurred by their tin worthiness? The question Is one which will not bo llnnlly settled by the pro nouncement of a Judge. If merit Is en titled to praise Imposture deserves pub lic robuko. The bad actor Is going to hear sibilant testimony to his shortcom ings despite any decision that may ba formulated by the courts. The requirements are so many and the examination Is so strict that a mnn who Joins tho regular army of the Uni ted Btntes must be, physically, an al most perfect man. It Is tho govern ment's Interest, of course, to keep him bo. In tlmo of actual war he may havo to bear some deprivations as well ns face tho ever-present risks of battle; but ordinarily he Is well sheltered, clothed and fed, and if tho generous army ration does not satisfy him, he can buy a grent many luxuries for a very llttlo money. The subsistence bu reau of tho War Department does not often (Iguro In nrlut. but the enlisted man, nt least, knows that It does much for the army's health and contentment. virtually It conducts a department store for soldiers, selling everything nt cost price. Private Joiich of the Four teenth can buy a line razor, for In stance, cheaper than his brother In New York can, nnd If tho private has a fancy for toilet soaps and silk handkerchiefs, equally good bargains are open to him. To supplement the rations Is, however, tho principal business of the subsist enco bureau. It provides almost every thing thnt Is eatablecondeiiM'd milk, Jams and Jellies, pickles, dried llsh, inn- pio syrup, olives, crackers nnd cakes, nnd a bewildering variety of canned fowls, Including soups, meats, vegeta bles and llsh. Recently enndy was nddod to the list, nnd although our boys In China are out of tho latitude of choc olate creams, they can buy enko choco late and all tho gumdrops. lemon tab lets and similar hard candles thnt they wish. Our nrmy has no exnet equiva lent as yet for tho "Held bakeries" cm ployed by tho French nnd other foreign nrmles, which furnish fresh bread ov cry morning to theroops In tho Held. Hut on tho whole, 'United Stntes sol dlors are probably better cared for than those of any other country. It Is a truism that they deerve tho enre. Tho army Is so small, compared to the light ing forces of other nations, thnt tho country has been able to set n high stnudnrd, nnd enlist men who are us worthy to enjoy luxuries ns they nre strong to eniluro hardships. FASHIONS FOR WltsTBR. STYLKS IN OUTDOOII OAIIUKNTS, A Compromise. "Ho asked me to marry him," "And you accepted him?" "No. Idiot that I wus, I asked fo tlmo." "And what did ho say?" "He snld he'd give mo a year." "Ahl And what did you say?" "I saw my mistake. I said two days would be plenty, Hut he wouldn't hoar It. He said no woman could make up her mind In such a short time. He real ly Insisted on my taking six months. Wo finally compromised on thirty days," "And thcu?" "Ho mnrrted that putty-faced lumber ling girl the very next week." "Cat" lu Many laiiKungs, Tho cat Is called kat lu Daulsh and Dutch, kntt lu Swedish, chat In French, kattl or katze lu (lermnu, eatus In Un til, gntto lu Italian, gato In Portuguese nnd Spanish, kot in l'ollsk, kots lu ltus slan, cuth lu Welsh, kath lu Cornish, catua lu Hii8(iio and gas or katz lu Armenian. A Strang Treo. In tho village of Mlllbeck, near Kes wick, Knglaud, Is a most curious freak of nature. Two trunk rise on each sldo of a sprlug of clear water, and Jolu together three feet above, forming oM trw linage and Omnibus Transftr COMPANY. Office B. W. Cor. Fourth and BUrk 8ti. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREGON. Excfue Your Checks With MtMtnvtt on Trains and Order Carriage or Coupes, j Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination. Brunch Offices: Hotel Portland: United Carriage Co., Bcrenth and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager ...Call At... W. SPORE I Kor the But Grades of Wines, Liquors and Cigars 115 North Seventh St. TTNCLE HENRY Dealer In , PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDOBj Cash paid (or old fold and sliver. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRINO. ISOBlxth Btrcot. 'ortland, Orcgot I T UK ORIENTAL J. W. GRU8SI, Proprietor. 828 Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hots? Drinks 10 cants. Beer Scents. A. LIPPMAN IUOH ORADE LADIES' TAILORING Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 8ults, Jackets and Riding Habits of Ins Latest Novelties Made to Order. KrerytUIng Up-lo-Date. Washington St., Ilct. 7th and 8th, Up Stairs. Brook Block. Oregon Phone Hood AM. PORTLAND, Oil mEMPLE MEAT MARKET. - V riB uoiiyury-" ' To All Parts of tho City. H No. M, Bcrenth and Davis Sts. Phone Clay 8( M Lard, Ham and Bacon. K ortONE 4 RHUI.ZE, Proprietors. -in c c. MURPHY A CO. WINK AND LIQUOR DEALERS. 0 Welnhnrd's fleer on Draught, Bans' Ale, Gul'V ucss' Porter. Val Hints Milwaukee Boer anda mu (.cicurnieu j. n. umier wmsaey for Family Use. d 45 Third St., Dot Couch and Davis. Goods Delivered Krco. PORTLAND, OR. SUMMONS. In the eironit court of tho staV Oregon, fur tho county of Multnc Department No. U. J. H. Hooper, plaintiff, vs. Mel Hooper, defendant. To Mary A. Hooper, defendant named: In the nam of tho eUto of you are hereby required to appe. answer the complaint filed again in the above entitled suit, on or . tim Htn flav nr ninamn.r mnn i is the time prescribed in the order for thn nntillftAtlnn nt ta anmninnft mnA If you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, namely: For a decreo dissolving the bonds of matrimony now ox Is ting bo tween the plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of Helen J. Hooper and Kdgar W. Hoopor, the imne of said inurrlngo, and for snob other relief as may bo equitable. This summous is to be published once a week for six succosalvo weeks. First publication is the 27th day of Ootober, 1000, and tho last on tho 8th day of December, 1000, by order of the Hon. J. D, Oleland, judge ot the above entitled court. Made and enter ed on the 30th day of Ootober, 1000. W. 8. HUFFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. ...w r-..Hn,VH w. ...... HWI.M...WMV, p,MM SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county. William L. Uoff, plaintiff, vs. Lester M. Love, defendant. To Loster M. Love, the above Batned defendant. in the uaroe of the stnto ot Oregon, you aro are hereby roquired to appear and answer tho oom plaint tiled against you in the above entitled action on or before the 10th day of Docomber, A. D., 1000, said day beiug the expiration ot six weeks from tho 20th day of Octo ber, A. D., 1000, the date ordered .by the court for the first publication of this notioe, and If you fall to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the suns of 990 with interest thereon frosa Jann ary 1. 1879, ai the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the costs and dis bursements of this action. This summons is published by ordet of the Hon. A. L. Frailer, Jndge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the aetb day of Ootober, A. D 1000 GILTNEIt & RKWALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTIOE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that I hare filed my final account as exeoutor of the estate of F. II, Ramsey, deceased, lu the otnee of the county clerk of Multnomah county, state of Oregon.and 0:30 o'clock on Monday, the 12th day of November, A. D. 1000, in tho court room of said court, has been fixed by said court as the tiuio and plaoe for hearing said tlual account and the. set tlement hereof. A. W. LAMBKKT, Executor of the estate oi F H. Ramsey, decease), .' Dated, Ootober 4, 1000. s iff THE DALLES, OREGON. Mays & crowe Wholesale A Retail Dealers la HARDWARE. STOVES AND TIHWIRI Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc AVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leare Portland, foot o( Washington St., mnrtay, Tuesday and Thursday evening at 4 t'clock, tor t-auvlc island, St, Helens, Captes, ter Island. Marlins, Kalama, Neer City, Unler, Mt. C'omn, Mayger, Btella, Oak Point, 'recmaiis, Mansanillo,Clatskanie and all way gliding. IV. 8. BOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Views of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Finishing Main St., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREGON. .IK TAR HOTEL W. M. ROBINSON, rrop. SUMPTER, OREGON. pOTTAGE CHOP HOUSE ii. v. (jutni;ii, rrop. Open at all hours day or night. The best meals serveu in i.a uranae lor me price. Remember the location East Side of Depot Street LA OIIANDE, - - OREGON. "lOEDECKE'S REBTAURANT or ... l'KMILtTUN, OJ'.KUON. Next Door to W. A C. R. R. Ticket Offlco MEALS AT ALL HOURS. First-Class and Quick Forvlce. Private Boxes I in connection. Meals at All Prices. GOEDECKE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable Opposite Hotel Pendleton PENDLETON, OREGON. ...TELEPHONE NO. 10... 'nest turnouts of all kinds In Pendleton I untitle single drivers for ladles Good, competent drivers always on hand Boarding horses given the best of care. G. M. FROOHE. 'j i"L KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from purs drugs.. .. A, C. K0EPPEN dt BR0 Manufacturing Chemists. 116 Court St., PENDLETON, 0B. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. BKBT nnANDS OK WINES AND UQUOUS IMPORTKI) AND DOMESTIC CIQAHS.... Corner Pepot 8treet and JeSerson Avenue, LA UHANDK, Olt. SPANISH ORIGINAL TAHALE RESTAURANT 166 Dull Street, Bet. Third and Fonrth For the Best Meal lor the Price in the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chefs. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies B Lighting of Building, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery Pirtland General Electric Ci., 3EVEITN III ILIEI STS. Both Tnoasa 385, s sBfcSgUssi.MMiLaaaWpB leodlno Baslness Flnss H Tlte Dalles F IIRST NATIONAL RANK, THE DALLES, OR. j. b. qcnoriK, rrcs.s u. ji. ucbi, wuwii A irenersl banking business transacted. De posits received, subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. Bight and tele graphic exchange sold on Niw York, Ban Fram clico and Portland. pRKNCU & CO., BANKERS THE DALLES, OR. M. French, J. W. French. J. C. Hostetler, Cashier, T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BRBWERY AUOUST BUCHLER, Irop. This well-known brewery Is now turning out tho best Beer and Porter east of tho Caxcudcs. Tho latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer hare been Introduced, and only tha flm-clsss article will be placed on tho market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. T HR WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY OSes! Serenteenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. The Umatilla House THE DALLES, OR. IlflfOTT & FISH, Proprietors. ....The American Plan Only, Rates, 11, tt.M and 2 per day. All trains stop for passengers. O. R. A NJ tleket office. Western Union telegraph. Long distance Bell telephone. Agents and ofllco for all stage lines. Accommodations flrst-clus. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Wool handling our specialty. Grain bought and sold. The Regulator Line. The DiIIm, riiaii I Jstiria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the If asklngtoo side. The steamers Dalles dry an Regalater leave rartlaad every aeralag (eseept 8uaSay)at7 Rd The Pall at I a. as., arriving at dasUna n la amp) tlaae tor outgoing trains. freight Kates Oreatly Xedueesl. W. C. ALIA WAY. Oea. Agt., root Caurt Street, The Dallas, Or SLITER'S CAFE 148 SIXTH STREET i Ittwten Morrison and Alder -BEST ORADE8 OP ...Wines, Liquors and Cigars... Tha Finest Northwest. Straight 10-cent Balooa la the tlANP SOAP AND CH OTAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of the Famous HOP GOLD BKKR TANCOUVKR, WASH. ROWN A M'CABE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Ship's mail promptly deUrered. Cable address Brown. rOHN KKLLY General Iturance Agent. Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western P. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. KM Third St., Columblau Bldg. TKUNKKN A JUUEN- Wholesale and reatall erocer. SI Mil Sun. side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or, Tele f hone, Oregon Black 'JX.', Columbia SSa. uisciwpTT?nBrr Vg poirriAND.owKQOw. qy usbobi nam m EASTsKN OMGON. IAUTOM A CSX cHslersIsi rarltee, j$fa &Z." Hb,a IX 6RAKDB, O&j P. BA6CM Sealer fa fartirar toA Mtatat Bopr-liee, Mores, Tls watt, CaUary n4 Qua. Bina citt, onitoom akkr citt iRcnrwonrs . oeo. r. Mebrfi, i-rorrieioT. alMsrs et StSBit) Milk. Ore Cars and Cen tral Mlalng. BawmtU and ri suing Mill Mn. chlaery. Architectural Work, Etc. ftrass an IrenPauadersaiM Machinists, special attar lion glra to retailing a4 afculldlag all kinds ( machinery. Telephone Bed 1X BAKMt CITY, OR. T nB IT. LAWJUCKCJI VRXD ERNBT, TroprletoT. sly Irttelasf, Knropeaa slaa SAKER CITT, OREGON. J. W. WISDOM a ca Cragglsta and Apothecaries. fresetrsUssss earefally compounded. Attlolas. Teftot Ksla Btreet, BAKER CITT, OR. w. TATTKRaON Troprtetor et inn KXCHANOE SALOON Agent tor "Old Barbee." Wood tor County, Ky., Whiskey. BAKER CITY, ORKOQM. Me rrrATERHAN A BCIIMITZ Wholesale and Retail Dealers. fa WINKS, LIQUORS AND ClOARt BAKER CITT, OR. T HI STORB One e! the flnrst nliees In tha city (or trarsllng men. riNK WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIOARS Remember the place. ACKKRMAN, Troprlator. iJAKKR CITY, OB, izMxm "I TNDKRTAKINa In the neatest form. Pol ished and metallic coftlna, A No. 1 hearse, tiood ser vice assured. W. B. NXLSON, Funeral Director, x rgNDLKTON, OR, . m a TAYLOR TllE "IIARDWARI MAN." Bard ware, Stores, . Tin and Copperwart, - Lime, rtastrr, Cement, Coal, Irou and i ( Bleel and Uydraullo t'ipe. m Main BtreeU PENDLKTON, OR. j T UK riONKXR DRUO STORB VIA SLATE, Proprietor. Our stock Is thoroughly nrMo-data. We earn nothing but strictly AI goods at. popular prices. IW Court Street. PENDLETON, OR, Hotel Pendleton.. E. J. MOORE, Proprietor, ENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER OXALXB fini CQhiskies aod Cigars Hcasfauartcrs for Mfalaf and Cotnmsrckl Mem. tAKERCTTY OREGOW nOBKRTB CAPS Best Grades ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Fault and Stark fits., PORTLAND, OBJtOOV PrtTate Entrance, phone Black USA, 103 Fourth Streak Tate. w PAY GOOD WAGS To Good People For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO, No. SM GUaaa Bk. a tar " 1 Mr il A it: H : & r,- a "U-r -sjtVs-sJi ii'imiii a "' T" "."J if jJMmfr t m,,' . &rttf'4ffy$ iWi..-i T- fW o i, .(