The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, September 22, 1900, Image 3

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Talk with
If peraon in 1)1 ami nerds n medt
elnc la It not wise to get ono thuthaa
stood the test of tline and hua hun
dreds of thousands of cures to its
A great many women who are ill try
everything they hear of in the way of
medicine, and this experimenting with
unknown drug is a constant menace
to their already impaired health.
This seems to us very unwise, for
there are remedies which are no ex
periments and have been known years
and years to be doing only good.
Take for Instance Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound; lor thirty
years its record has been one un
broken chain of success. No medicine
for female ills the world has ever
known has such a record for cures.
.It seems so strange that home people
will take medicines about which they
really know nothing, some of which
might be, and arc, really harmful ;
while on the other hand It is easily
proved that over one million women
have been restored to health by Lydla
IB. PlnkhaaVa Vegetable Compound.
We have published In the news
papers of the United States more
genuine testimonial letters than have
ever been published in' the' Interest of
any other medicine.
All this should, and does, produce a
spirit of confidence in the hearts of
women which is difficult todislodge,
and when .they are asked to tiko some
thing else they say, " No, we want
Lydla K. Plnkhams Vegetable Com
pound, which lias been tried, and
never found wantlug, whose reliability
(s established far beyond the experi
mental stage."
We have thousands of letters like the
following nddrcssed to Mrs. Pinkham,
ihowlng thut
Monthly Suffering Is Al
ways Ourad by Lydla Em
Plnkham'a Vagatabla
Compound, also Back
moha ana Baarlng-down
" I suffered untold agony every
month and could get no relief until I
tried your medicine; your letterof ad
vice and a few bottles of Lydla K.
Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound have
'node me the happiest woman alive. I
hall bless you as long as I live." Miss
Joik Saul, Dover, Mich.
"Four years ago I had almost given
a p hope of ever being well again. I
no afflicted with those dreadful head
ache spells which would sometimes
last three or fpur days. Also l)ad
backache, bcarlng-down pains, leucor
rhosa, dizziness,, and terrible paiaa at
aioatnly periods, confining me to tny
bed, After reading so many testi
monials for your medicine, I concluded
lo try it. I began to pick up after
taking the first bottle, and hnve con
tinued to gain rapidly, and now feel
Ilka a different woman. I can recom
mend Lydla E. Plukham's Vegetable
Compound in the highest terms to all
tick women." Miss Kosa. Hkldeh,
120 W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O.
Two Lattars whloh Prova
(hat Lydla E. Plnkham'a
Vagatabla Compound Will
Remove Tumor and Curo
Othar Famala Waaknassm
"Two years ago I was a great
sufferer from womb trouble and pro
fuse flowing each month, and tumors
would form in the womb. I had four
tumors in two years. I went through
treatment with doctors, but they did
me bo good, and I thought 1 would
hare to resort to morphine.
'".The doctor said that all that could
help mo was to have an operation and
have the womb removed, but I had
heard of Mrs. Plukham's mcdlclno and
decided to try It, and wrote for her
advice, and after taking her Vegetable
Compound the tumors were expelled
and I began to get stronger right
along, and am aa well as ever before.
Can truly say that I would never had
gotten well had it not been for Lydla
E. Plukham's Compound." Mabv A.
Etahl, Watsontown, Pa,
After following the directions
given in your kind letter for the treat
ment of leucorrhea, I can say that I
havo been entirely cured by tho use
of Lydla li Plnlcham's remedies, and
will gladly recommend them to my
friends." A. U. Davids, llinghamton,
N. Y.
Another Oasa of Womb,
Kldnay and Bladder
Trouble Cured by Lydla
E. Plnkham'a Vagatabla
" Dkab Fbiiud Two years ago I had
child-bed fever and womb trouble in
Its worst form. For eight months after
birth of babe I was not ablu to sit up.
Doctors treated we, but with no help.
I had bearing-down pains, burning in
'stomach, kidney and bladder trouble
and my back was stiff and sore, the
right ovary was badly affected and
everything I ate distressed uie, and
there was a bad discharge.
"I was confined to my bed when I
wrote to you for advice and followed
your directions faithfully, taking
Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, Liver Pills and using the Wash,
and ana now able to do the most of my
housework. I believe I should have
died if it bad sot been for your Com
pound. I hope this letter may be the
result of benefiting some other suffer
tag woman. I recommend your Cos
pound to every one." Mbs. MAir
Va hk, Trimble, Pulaski Co. , Ky. .
I a quarrel, the one that gets tks
worst of it ia (he first to become mean.
Mat Ueoeh Sf nTmutOaed. Sal
Observations on Commonplace Thing;
by the Atchison lllobo Man,
Lots of people arc all right who dou't
get nny credit.
A nuiu Is always suspicious of bli
wife's comforters.
People thoroughly enjoy a good
"story"' ou a gossip1. v '
People who like lo "talk" ''nbout
others, soon get tnlked about tlicm-
There arc never na good things In a
neighbor's refrigerator as the vl&Itlng
boy lnuiglui's.
A innn who tokos n good dent of in
terest in polities, never tnkes a good
dent of lutcrest In business.
A nice- kind of a person Is one who'
does not hold you responsible to-day
for what you said yesterday.
It Is easy for a girl to get n steady,
who will make a lonllng place of her
house, but It Is hard to laud lilm.
One of the most lonesome persons In
the world Is a well b'ehnved man when
his family Is out of town for the sum
mer. The first thing a young doctor does
Is to Invent a specific for enneer, nnl
his next move Is to iuvent a specific for
consumption. -
l'ou can acquire money, and dieting
will Improve your .health, but unless
you are born with sense, you will
never have any.
A man has good luck enough when
his daughters marry, If he doesn't hnve
to send out relief expeditions to tbem
every few months.
It often happens that people sing
Jubilantly at church, "We Shall Know
Each Other There," who refuse to
know each other here.
It Is uecesenry for some people to
hnve some one to whom they can tell
their troubles, as It Is for some women
to have thulr cup of ten.
It can be usually said with safety to
any woman, whose favor Is sought,
that the has too .much ntubltlou and
energy for her strength.
It liraoiuothues the case that so much
time Is spent In teaching the dog to
speak for his dinner, that the children
are not taught to-say please.
If a girl has n piano, It Is dangerous
to give her n bust of Mozart, or n pic
ture of Deethoveu, for then the parlor
Is changed lo "the' music room."
We hnve- noticed that In nil newspa
per accounts of grent men, It Is stated
that tho grent ineu love books next
to their wives and their mothers.
A rich mini Is no more satisfactory
than n poor man. You can always Hud
occasion to rip n mnn up the back,
whether he Is Industrious, or a loafer.
The "penalve-nlr" Is over-done, (Slrls
are beginning to assume n pensive nlr
wheu nothing more serious happened
than that the supper dldu't suit them.
A woman Is perfectly .willing for her
husband to hnve a good time, If he can
have It doing Just what she says, In her
way, und with' the company she selects.
No woman can understand why It Is
hard for a man to quit Hinokhig. If
she had this much good hard sense, It
would help her In a hundred other
When a girl cngnges In n new lovo af
fair, she opens a top bureau drawer,
and burns a few letters and bunches of
dried weeds, and calls tills burying the
dead past.
Don't give parties; you will only
inako people mad. Attend them, but
dou't give them. If you are uot lu
vlted, stny nt home, where you are bet
ter off, nny wny.
Children nre well disciplined If with
in tlircelioufB after their mother begins
to shriek for thorn over the gate -to
coma home, they have their feet wash
ed, and are lu bed.
The women should talk less nbout
feeling a "reckless despair," consider
ing that the most reckless thing any
of them would do would be to wear
old clothes to church on Snnday.
Many Given Contain Ice.
Comparatively few freezing caves nre
known as yet west of the Mississippi,
but there Is uo doubt that many will be
discovered lu time, as freezing caverns
nre uot nn uncommon pueuoineuon.
Some of these freezing caverns In
correctly termed Ice caves are very
large. In the one at Dobslna, Hungary,
there Is a mass of Ice about 110 yards
long, OS yards wide and at least fifteen
yards deep.
Tho formation and retention of sub
terranean Ice always seems mysterious
ut first, but It Is lu reality a simple
matter. In freezing caves the entrance
Is always ubovo the body of the hollow
and tho cold of air of winter sinks
down Into tho hollow, and on account
of Its weight la not easily displaced by
the lighter warmer air of spring or
summer. Tho cold of wlutcr thus per
meates the hollow, and when thawing
snows or spring rains supply drip
water to tho cave the cold within
freezes the drip Into a mass of Ice, In'
some cases large enough to last
through tho following summer. There
aro at least four other theories In re
gard to the formation of underground
Ice, but they do not stand the tent of
A Memorandum Clock.
One of tho latest of Inventions Is a
memorandum clock, which will doubt
less prove very valuable to the busy
business man who Is eternally forget
ting his appointments, etc. A mechan
ism is provided whereby the clock can
be "loaded," aa It were, with memor
andum, which will only come into sight
when the precise moment at which they
are timed to appear arrive. Thus, by
glancing at the clock, the busy niaa
can tell at a glaace what U to be io&
Quaint BnylnBnndCute DolnKnof lite
Little Folks Krerywhere, Gathered
und 1'rlnted Here for All Other Lit
tle Dues to Head.
It Is nn old saying that the hand Is
quicker thnn the eye, nnd the sleight-of-hand
man makes use of this fact lu
performing some of his seemingly innr
velous tricks. Tricks that n,ie decep
tive to the eye.s nre clnssed among
"optical Illusions" and nre often very
simple. The accompanying Illustration
will help you to understand a simple
Illusion that may tie produced by
inentto of n common wishbone.
For making the little machine shown
lu the picture n duck's wlshlioiie serves
best. Fasten n strong piece of twine to
one of the points of the wishbone; pass
'the twine to the opposite point and
fasten It, and then carry It back to the
first proug nnd fasten, thus connecting
the two prongs of the wishbone by two
bits of twine. Half way between the
prongs nnd between the cords Insert n
match nnd twist It, turning It over
and over until the cords nre well twist
ed together. Then pull the match back
so that one end of It rests on the shank
of the wirihlKHic.
Now If you reverse the position of the
match so that Its loose end rests on
the opposite side of the wlshlioiie nnd
has to be held In place to keep It from
Hying back your machine will be ready
for the experiment. When you remove
your restraining finger fioni the mntch
the end of the mntch will Instantly de
scribe a complete circle, as shown by
the dotted lines In the picture, but the
funny part of It Is that tho match will
seem to cut right through the shank
of the wlshbouu In order to get to the
other side. Yon may do the track ik
many times ax you please, but the eye
will never detect the match lu the act
of describing the circle.
Story of the Dandelion.
Once UWn n time, In n tiny green
camp by lie roadside, lived -a soldier
all alone. lie had traveled n long way
fiom u dark underground country, bent
on seeing the world. The first thing
he saw was a broad field, full of wav
ing h.1nncrs, and lie thought, "Whift a
beautiful place I have discovered!" nnd
pitched his tent among the green
The raindrop elves saw how tired
and dirty he was from his long Jour
ney northward, and soothed him with
stories ami refreshed hltu with a show
er bath. Through the clouds came the
sunbeam fairies, bringing him a hand
some uniform of greeh and gold and a
quiver of golden arrows. Then the sol
dier was very happy and milled nut at
passers-by. cheering many a weary
traveler with a glimpse of his sunny
Hy nnd by spring went nwny over the
hilltops, the birds had finished building
their nests nud the butterflies and
grasshoppers came to herald summer.
Then the soldier liegnn to feel tired
nnd knew ho was growing old. Ills
gay uniform had faded nnd the golden
arrows had turned to silver, nnd the
wind brownies sh3t them far away.
So the soldier crept down among the
green grasses and his little camp was
left empty. Everywhere his silver nr
rows fell there blossomed hrljjht golden
tlowers "dandelions," children called
Nnrrmbersr Torn.
The quaint town of Nuremberg, In
South (icrmany, has become tho prin
cipal toy factory of Europe. The best
wooden toys come from the Itlack For
est, where peasants carve them from
white pine and put them together dur
ing the long winter nights; and the
costliest wax dolls nre fashioned In
Paris; but thcro lu hardly anything elso
In the wonderland of childhood that Is
not made In tho dreamy medieval
town of Nuremberg.
When Dickens wrote his novels there
was n large toy industry In the East of
Loudon, nnd It did not escape the keen
eyo of that close observer. If ho were
now living, ho would find It dlfilcult to
find traces of a craft which suggested
some of the most charming scenes of
his stories
The London toy-mnkera have disap
peared. Dolls may still be dressed
there for English uurserles, but they
are uo longer inatlo In England.
The bulk of the so-culled French
dolls, which are sold nil over the world,
come from Nuremberg, where the toy
makers have mustered the art of Joint
ing nrms and legs and of extruding
musical squeaks aud plaintive cries
from contracted waists. The old town
Is also the headquarters of the Euro
pean trade lu Noah's arks, lead nud tlu
.oldlers, nnd all the standard metal
md wooden toys.
For many years the best mechanical
toys were made either In Loudon or In
Muerica. London has lost this trade
utlrely. nnd American Ingenuity Is Jef t
n compete with the Industry lu South
iermany. The shops of Paris nud
otidon are now stocked with stpam
.jglnes. magnetic toys aud mechanical
playthings from Nuremberg nnd Vi
enna. lu the old churches of Nuremberg
are to be found wonderful examples of
the medieval art of wood-enrvers and
metal-workers. These famous handi
crafts, which were created for the
ndornmeut of churches, survive lu the
toy trade. Youth's Companion.
1'iimsIuk Henna.
This Is an exciting game, nnd needs
nt least two older people to superin
tend It. The children nre all arranged
In two lines, with n small tabic or chair
at the head of the line, upon which Is
placed a bowl of common white beans.
There should be the same number of
beans lu each bowl, about 1- or 14 lu
The child next the bowl takes out a
bean, passing It to the next child, who
lu turn passes It on down the line,
while the leader continues to tnke out
the beans one by one until all ikc
passed, the order being reversed when
the end of the Hue Is reached, nnd the
bcniiH started back again, the child nt
the end dropping them Into the bogl.
There nre sine to be several beans
dropped In the excitement, and when
all nre returned those lu each bowl are
counted, the one hnvlng the greatest
number winning tho game. In case
both sides arc even lu number of beans
at the end the one who can get them
lii first wins the game. It will he well
for Mime of the oldert people who are
helping to entertain the children to
stand near each of the Hues to keep or
der, as this Is n most exciting game.
Itcnily for Her.
"Well, Denn," said his tired Auntie,
"how many tongues have you got?"
'Thrce," quickly ' replied Master
'.'Indeed! Where nrc they?"
"One lu my mouth and on lu each
i Dlck'n Description.
Tills Is little Dick's description of his
first Hash of lightning und first clap of
thunder: "Oh, mamma. 1 saw an angel
go Into heaven and bang the door after
Cold Knct Is the Only Thlniz Hint DciiU
with Improbabilities.
Professor It. (2. Moultou of the En
gllsh department ut the University of
Chicago has u way of enlivening his
lectures by pointed nud homely Illus
trations. "Sometimes we hear as an objection
to the plot of u tlrsl-chiss novel that It
Is utterly Improbable," said the profes
sor it few days ago. "Now the fact Is
that the only thjug which Is true Is fic
tion. There Is nothing so false as what
wo call the truth. Facts always give
some loophole of escape. For Instance,
there was a iiiau that you ought to
know nbout, who wished very much to
commit suicide. Shocking? Yes, to be
sure, but the man was not troubled
with a conscience. Tliu only thing that
worried lilm WU4 the fear that he
should make a failure of his attempt to
kill himself. 'I know myself so well
that I feel sure tho thing would be a
fiasco,' he ulwuys declared. For thirty
years this conviction was the only ob
stacle that stood between that man aud
"Finally he mustered up the courage
one dny to try to commit suicide. He
went over nil the details carefully and
look every precaution against failure.
lie went to the edge of a elllT over
hanging the sea near his home. With
lilm he curried a revolver, n bottle of
poison, n rop, and u box of matches.
lfu tied one end of the robe around his
neck nnd fastened the other end to a
trco uenr by. Then he swallowed the
poison, set lire to his clothes, fired the
pistol at his head aud Jumped off the
Professor Moulton ended his story
here and blandly proceeded to bow
himself out of his class room.
"But, professor, was the man killed?"
shouted the overwrought class of fu
ture novelists
"By no menus," replied the professor.
In astonishment. "Incitement made
the man nervous and his pistol shot
went wldo of the mark. The rope
caught fire from his burning clothing,
came In two in a trice,, and the man
fell into the wnter and that put out the
Humes. He never was a very good sail
or anyhow nnd the poison hardly re
mained long enough In his system to
make lilm dizzy. Ho was rescued by an
olllclutis fisherman, who charged $5 for
his trouble. And yet people talk about
the Improbabilities of fiction." Chicago
Inter Ocean
How Silk Was Discovered.
811k Is said to have been discovered
by Chung Tl, a wife of the Kmperor
Hoaug Tl. Since her dny the em
presses of China have bred, reared and
fed silkworms us nn amusement, reel
ing tho cocoons und weaving the silk,
In the gardens of tho palace ut Pekln
Is a little forest of mulberry trees, und
on tho occasion of nn uunual festival
the Empress, with the principal ladles
of her court, gather mulberry leaves
for tho worms. Silk In China Is so
cheap tha't even the uniforms of tho
soldiers are mudo of It.
The story of the way In which silk
worms were first brought to Europe Is
qtdte romantic, their Importation
attributed to u couple of Ncstorlan
monks, who were employed by the Km
peror Justinian, lu the sixth century,
to procure some of the eggs of the
worms. A largo reward was promised
them In case of success, and they are
said to have brought the eggs, wlilci
they stole, to Constantinople Inside of
a hollow cane. Having learned the art
of rearing tho worms, they were nhlt
to give the necessary Instruction, and
thus the Industry of sllk-maklng was
lutroduced. Silken fabrics had been
fetched to Europe andtnarketcd there
for centuries before It was understood
Hint the fabric was derl'ed from su in
sect, .
Is an ancient foe of the race. Hntlacka
the child In the cradle, and, unless expelled
from the blood follons lilm to the grave.
Hood's Sarsaparllla completely cures this
disease by eradicating Its poslonous tnluts
from the bloodi Thousands of grateful
parents write that their children who were
ortured and7 dUtlpured by scrofula hnve.
been entirely cured by this great medicine.
HootTm Smrmmparlll
Never Disappoints. It Is tho llcst Medi
cine Money Can Uuy. All druggist.
Hood's 1'IIM citra tick hHiriacliP, liullaeMlrii. JAo
By tho consus Buffalo (N. V.) luts
gained 00,555 in population in ten
years, showing that "Put Mo Off nt
Buffalo" wub tnkeu literally by tho
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup tho best remedy to use for th'ir
emiuren uuring me teeming periou.
Bathe a burn with a strong solution
of carbounto of soda.
The Manufacturers of Carter's Ink have
had forty years' experience lu making Ir
and they certainly know how. Scud for
"Inklings," free.
Honors aro about even in tho matter
of cnllinx names. But who, asks tho
Chicago Hocord, would not rather ho
called a "foreign dovll" than a
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
ix PacShnlls Wrapper Bstow.
Tar? small and aa easy .
to take aa iagajn,
- . i OBUdllffSi MMHIIWltiIUHIIl.
tTcMM I Faweiy YtfrtaMvtf?32
Thcro is n porlod in evury girl's lifo
when nIio thiuks that tho most vulgar
thiug in tho uorld is a boy's healthy
Llco on animals indicates hud man
agouient. Horses or cnttlo hi good
condition seldom are nfllictod with lice,
but a low condition of the aiiluial, tlio
flciti belli),' hide-bound, n (fords excellent
inducements fur llco. (Jood feud and
tho nso of a brush will rid nniiinils of
parasites with tho aid of other reme
dies. 1'lso's Cure Is thu best iiKillclne urrvrr
used for nil nllVclloiis of the ihrout nud
luiiKS. W'm. O. Kmhm:Yi Vauhiirrn, lud.,
Feb. 10, lUOa J
When a family adopts a girl of six
teen, it means that tlioy will have a
kitchen girl in future without wanes.
Tlio Kind You Have AUvnyft
itiro 01 units. 11. i' leiciicr, unci jiiih uv.i'.n nimlu uiiucr Jim
pcrKouul HiiiicrvlHlon for over HO yearn. Allow no ono
to ilcceivo you in this. CountcrfcltM, JniltatloiiM itntl
' JiiHt-nH-tfoou " tiro liiitlSxporlniviitH, and endanger tho
Iicalth ol' Children Kxixirlcnco ntrnlnst Kxporiiiitiut.
Castorlft is n liarmlesH HiihKtltuto for Castor OH, Para
Korlc, Drops ami Hoolliliiir Hyrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other .Narcotio
Htihstaitco. Its apo is its friutrniitco. It destroys Worms
nud allaya FoverlKhnesH. Jt cures Dlarrhtea and Whul
Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It tisHlnillates tho Food, regulates tlio
Ktomach und IJowcls, giving healthy and naturul (deep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. .
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Home Grown Beedi to Bow TLU Fall
Two ol the grtatm Gran lent, two ol great
ait loud producer the world li rcr tiled. ,
UltoUlia inkhhi. 'JOo lb or 114 per 100. 1
or 10 per luo.
jiiih1 N KfKl.TZ, l' nor nor lper 100.
roitN Wll hAT, 10c ir lb nr Hir luo. I
For fnrttier lMlculr, addrtii M. J, I
RIIIKI.DH CIS.,, MhIiii, aroirrri
and ImpgrteriallklDdiotgrau and Held ed.
A inaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Connapt!on. All OruzgiU,flM.
Philip Draak and Philip Sober.
The saying orglnuted from an inci
dent in the life of Philip II.. king of
Macedon. the father of Alexander tha
Great. Philip was undoubtedly grist
iiixn; hut all mcu, great mid small,
have their weaknesses, nnd ho was a
great drunkard. Ouo dny, when rising
Hushed (rom his wiuo, ho was called
upon to decide a lawsuit, and in hla
bibulous condition he decided it un
justly, whereupon the losing party
cried; "I shall appeal against your
judgment." "Apponll" thundcrod
the enraged king; "and to whom will
yon appeal?" "To Philip sober," was
her reply. Tho wisdom of tho appeal
was justified hy tho result, for when
Philip had become suitor ho dlscovorod
his mistake and reversed his judgment
Ciinmit lln OrorntHlml.
The alarm expressed by tho Now
York Medical Journal that tho effoots
ol alcohol should bo tho subjoot of ox
trnvagnnt overstatement has a familiar,
far off sound of n century ago. An in
stance is (liven, iih nn example, which
appeared in tho Journal of Inebriety,
concerning the degeneracy of tho fam
ily of n moderate drinkers. Every city
und almost ovory town in tho country
contains oxnmnlos fur more slirnitlonnt
I thnn thiB one, In which tho effoots ol
I alcohol aro clearly traceable in tho do
' fects of tho children. It is practically
impossible to overstate the dnmngo and
injurious iuDuouco of alcohol, and the
old caution of a centnry ago is lost in
tho light u( recent scientific investiga
tions. Tho fear now is of understating
and minimizing tho dangers from al
cohol by clinging to tho worn-out do
lusious of alcohol as a tonio and food.
A monoy order is a gouulno orJer of
IlullillliK or leinortellnu llielr hornet that we
curry a lull lino nl MnnlHi, Tiling and Klrc
Vlicm, Elrulilc. (Inx unit Cnmblintlon Chun
ilrlliTN ami nipiillOK. luitrrli?. Call Hells, etc.
Cllogiic on HpiMlcMlmi.
Hitrcmnr to l'rnnk llolromb.U Co.,
Jtfl WathhiKfuii HI., l'urtliintl, Orvguiu
Here' a Proposition
I lin'l It rrtoiiRbln tn ine Hint a linn ol
80 yenrt I'xyerlnieci'oiiM If 11 ytm the hft tray
tnuct khI A sine lor your money T II you are
lnHlilliK IroproVt'liit-iilH III Jour huiim?, or biilhl-
n nuvf lioiiM-, no mutter luw itnnll or Urnr
i Hie turn )oii vrWh lo Murml In electrical orgai
fix ttirpK, nrepWcvi, mniitel furniture, etc., you
will vii money anil tc well milted It you con
MlllTHICIOIIN ItMlltKTT .,, ill Klril
I Hlrttet, rurllaml, Orvgrni.
Have raaile Drooiy u lUeom
ilicatloni a noeclilty for twontr
Vein with tile uoit wonderful
Worn. ilTocurcdmujtboui-
anacuei, ...
'' Box N. AtlinU, (la.
Thlril nud Miirrlion Htrvsli
IMUITI.ANI . - 'oilKflOn
O. A. ALIBKY. Prop.
Po lint tall tn villi
Safes Scales
low soil SiMianr); all inakm. Wit nil, liny or
pxriiiUKi. i.urnc muck 01 liny nn'i nuaon
Null a. Ilii!lii to Mi had hy wrltlnit at onto
In rnrrxlla, (tri-riiMtiiiil '.. Hole AKCIIt
HIiIhiIiI Hnfe sml Lock Co,, .So. '.'10 UalUorul
Unci, Snu KioikIko, Col.
JOHN 1'OOLK. Poiiri.AKn, Ournon.
run i;lve you tlm best liurtmln In general
lunoliiiicry, engine, boiler, tanks, pumps,
plows, bfllti mid wlinlinlllH, Tim iihvt
Mccl I Xli windmill, sold hv him, Is tut.
livery lifo touches ninny other lives.
Lut us move softly through the world
lest our touch bu a hiirbli and hurtful
Hought linn liorno tho Hltrmv-
SIgnaturo of
I)o jrirn with u Intend you our Fall an4
Vt Inter Fnililou Hook of
Millinery, Sulfa, Skirts, Fur,
And ntlier Iidle' Wear at WiioUhIi
I'rlcetT A tlal card will briny ll u rou.
BO Fifth Avanue, ChlCHg,
IT BICKroi . WitklnfUa, O. 5., tlTer wilt re
II relre quick reidlet. . Mb N. II. Vl, Mat
aMhCort. frotacullnf clalmt alaca U7&.
1 Ji?JI
1 1
, .U
- Mifd&&Ukdj2aLtJto 'iMtMxJkr.. t