-L.y - THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. .! TOPICS OF TUB TIMES. Tin world Is lniiilcHl wIipii Hie tlier liHimult'i' Iiiih plenty room at tlio top. Quito n iniiiiliyr of Olilni'M' iiiinu'S lie-in with I.I, mill It wuiiis wo ajuno prin tu. 'YM limn wliiwi' shout Is loml rnn voto no ofti'iur Minn In) tlin t iiii'iuly tliillkK. Tlii' lusiirliiiiL wi'i-d by thu wii.vhIiIc mill on tins viictiiit lot worus twenty-Mx Injurs dally. Tlii- Hultiui lias Just Imtiuht ii lot nioro Kriipp nuns with tlii' $IU(MH) he wos IJncio Sum. HopoilH t lut 1 tlii' present Hcuson's rub Iiit Hiipjily Is Hli'irt will liuvo no ull'out on the iimiiiI neck output. In tlii' opinion of (lie iniiltltiidn n nIiiiiik nrcuiiii'iit 1'iiiinot eotni' from thu iiioiitli of ii mini with 11 wen Is voice. "NoililtiK Is preltler thiin u bind; llllt,'1 fll.VM ii fiinhloii Jniirnnl. How ii bunt tlii' yoiniir lnily uiiili'riii'iitli ItV f il nose ri-iilly Is tin Index to the imilii, iih Komi seientllle Hhiirp deehtres, mhiiu people's builiiH iiniNt bu u llury nil. Why erltlelse tin- Chinese nt home for bi'liiK so eniiservntltu when oven In this I'ouutry iheyjitiiitliiiii; to limit; on til till! old Hill'.". Tlio mini with tin- linUet-proof eloth Ih iK'trli'i'tlnt; mi opportunity In not ills, plnjlnj; III samples to Ihi' crowned hinds without ileltiy. '.The New Yfirlt doctor who nays that lilKli coIIiiih have a tendency to cause Muslims might t bo Kratcrul to the. foolish folks who woiir tlii'iu. Tho Kins; f Sorvln places Ills throne In Jeopardy by iniirryliiK the Kill of his choice, bill perhaps he does not erne, iih It Is not niui'h of a throne, anyway. It was a I'leiiehniiiii. It seems, who attempted loUII llmSliiili of Persia, lie allowed the Shah to escape, mid then In wheie the proverbial I'rciieh polite ! eiiine III. k Hliiiillliiiieoiisly with the aipearaiiee . .. . .. ....... ....... ti... of IIH' lllllll III Hie sum Wllisi i-iimi- im recent otitbieaks of anarchistic vlo lenee. Can this be souiclhlnt; more than a men' coincidence? "Lobster" as a term of derision and contumely Is said to bu of most undent urlKlii, mehitle delvliiK linvliic shown that the people of llostou calli'd thu Yml-clnd Mrltlsh boldfers "lobsters" as far buck as 1770. This discovery lui v liiK been duly nutheiitlcateil, the uaiiii' of "lobster" assumes a wholly dlllVreiit hlKiilllcallou chances. In fact, Its whole style and character, The Aiifjlu maniac should now feel proud to be dubbed "a lobster," while mi Irlshmmi should feel fur more deepl) Insulted over the criistaccoiis title than In for mer llll.th. Happy Is tlie iiimi who forms, carlj In life (or U not early, then lute) the habit ot tuMiiK nil the light and warmth and cheer ho can net with a tine islow of appreciation, looking, meanwhile, Mimcwhnt sldewlso at those opposite experiences he can not escape. Let him sipilut a little, or look the other way. lie will be u happier iiimi, as well as more popular, than the i-elf appointed devil's advocate . who sedulously notes the iiiiikkIiu'.sm of the weather, the Icehlcuess of Ills pulse, or Hie fad that lie Ih "Hied" (which, (iod l.clpus, we all are-iiiitll we not re-ded). Wo wish we could draw a lesson from the downfall or W. (J. t'ulhbert, who was sentenced recently from UIiIcuko to the penitentiary, but the moral eludes us. He didn't dtiiik. Ho didn't pliable. Ho didn't fieiiieut the race tracks. Ho didn't associate with ills icpiitable women. Ho didn't iwe drug's. What ho did do, and this was his only bud habit, was to foi'h'o checks and notes. For which smalt dissipation ho was sent to .lollet. Hut perhaps there Is a iiioial In this story, after all. I 'cr imps erinio Is not caused by bad habits inul bad iihsoclal Ions, tint by a criminal tendency, and Hint out- of the umnll'es union of a criminal tendency may be bad hublts mid bud assocliitlous I'li.v slcliins of the soul, as well as physl chins of the body. hao I'leipicntly uils lakoii cause for elVect. A vigorous crusade against profanity bus been Instituted In Washington, D. ( In the Interest of morality mid good titKtc let us wish a piospcrous ca iccr t the movement, "fuss words" n ro convenient to those whose vocabu lary Is meatier mid whose stock of Ideas Is depleted. Hut (ho man of mature iiilml mid dignity of character doe not need prolauliy lo help him over a crisis, Aside from lUe question of morals, pro faulty N to bo condemned as vulgar. 1'uiliy of thought Is reilectcd lu purity of speceh. No man who has us much lc-pcci for IiIiiim'II a ho ought to huvo will illspiiriiKo bluiself by uMut; Ian j:nnt;o which does not opies the best that Is In him. "Let your communion tlous bo ,x ea, yea. nay, nay." .More than this Is of evil origin, This Is the miuio i.s lo sty: Sa. what you mean, neither nunc nor less. If your iiieaidui; Is pure Mid manly your words will correspond. As n.tiirxot for political talk mid a factor to bo dealt with In campaign tao Ikb i ho youut; uinii J nil passim; uU ovpiitful mnjorlty, nnd ready to bo Kiithered Into the fold of one or tlio other party, has become more and tnoro Important. The advantages of "youtiij blood" are frequently eniphnHlzed la tlie itii'iiu of vote-Kottlnj;. Youiib men are kIvcii the ruins of party miiiititfe ini'iit, mid sometimes, when their eld ers are reluctant to yield, enter a vigor ous xtrtiKKlu for supremacy. Tills Is a signal of the advent of a new era. -The people and their public servants nro progressing to a stage where the Ideas and standards of a quarter of a cen tury ago no longer dominate. It Is doubtful, however. If numerous acces sions of young men to Ktato nud na tional legislative bodies Is altogether a hopeful sign. Young men have served with distinction as legislators at dllferoiit periods during the last cen tury, there being no more conspicuous example than that of Henry Clay, who became Speaker of the House wlieii ho was one of Its most youthful member. Young men must come to the front, nnd old anil tried leaders must give way with the mutations of politics, but It is the almost unlversnl verdict that poll tics as a business Is not prolltnble. This Is true, most of all, for the later genera tion of voters. There Is a phase of thu question, however, which Is proper cause for congratulation. Progress lu political methods and in the selection of candidates which stlmuhites men to an Interest lu popular governnieiit, to attend the primaries, turn out on elec tion day, and assist lu keeping down abhorrent Influences, Is good. The agi tation regarding the attitude of young men lu the campaign, ns funis It quick ens en I to that end, Is altogether to bu commended. We have enough ward heelers and professional politicians of Immature years. The Jester case presented illlllculllos for the philosopher which the common sense of a Jury has removed. Thirty years ngo Alexander Jester was Indict ed for the murder of (Sllbert W. (fates. llo escaped from Jail and was not found until a few years ago. A new In dictment was prepared against him, and liu was prosecuted by the State, with the assistance of lawyers hired by wealthy relatives of the murdered man. Hut the Jester accused of (he murder of (ialos lu IS7I mid the Jester tried for the murder In 1Im;) were two dllfereut men. The llrst Jester was comparn- lively young, hot-headed, ami passion ate; the Jester brought back for trial was mi old man, bout with years and worries. If he over was a homicide (ho murderous Instinct had long perished lu his bosoiu. Hut the law was plain. There Is no statute of limitations for murder. Jester, the septuagenarian, must htaud dial for tlio offense of the other Jester, and If the Jury found Ii I lit guilty must hang. Fortunately, Juries are human, though the law Is stony. The evidence against the prisoner was strong, but In the eyes of the Jurors It did not appear as evidence against this white-haired old man, but against an other person whom the Inexorable years had slain. They refused to put u noose around the nock of Alexander Jester lu IIMM) for the crime pcrpctrAtcd by (he Alexander Jester who had been his predecessor lu that withered frame. I u short, they modllled the law to meet the requirements of good sense. No public beuellt could bo conferred by the punishment of this poor, dead vol cano. Since the purpose of (he law In decreeing death for murder Is not to kill the murderer, but to iiinUc an ex ample, they acquitted the prisoner, holding that neither the human race lu general nor that part of It residing lu the State of Missouri would bu bene tiled by the spectacle of a man of 70 swinging lu air for the crime which tin other iiimi had committed. We think they were light about It. Superstition About I'liotograpliH, Tlio I'orinosun aborigines regard pho tography with strong superstition. Toward the close of September last the loir of the chieftain of u certain tribe and several other young men vis ited the Tosolkaku paclllcatloii mid re olmuatlou olllee, and In the course of their stay they tittered theinselyes to be photographed. Lately several of those young men appealed nt the sumo olllco mid requested that their por traits should be returned to them, for they ticmd to their surprise from tlio elders of the tribe that persons who aro photographed are lu a similar condition as If their souls hud been abstracted, and hence they would bo sure to surfer hoiious Injury. The only way to pro vide against this calamity lay lu burn ing all tho photographs. The peoplo earnestly tried to undeceive tlio young men. but without effect, and wero Ihcrcfoio obliged to glvo them their photographs. X ltuys ami Vegetation. An Italian scientist who has been In vestigating the effect of Hoentgeu raj's on vegetable life ooiiohtdtvs that their notion Is Identical with that of light. Continuing his experiments lu the realm of lnleroorgaulsms, ho thinks ho has discovered that on these also their action Is similar to that of light. Vari ous Investigators lmv previously ob tained negative results, but these, ho attributes to the brief duration of tlio exposures, A I'imlHtiiiicut that 1'uIIh. lu opposing capital punishment, W'hutoly said wittily, but with evident truth: "livery Instance of a man's suffering Hie penally of the law Is an Instance of the failure of that penalty In effecting Its purpoce, which l, to de ter." Natalies ol' Canadian Preacher. It Is stated tli.it tlveelghthsof the pas tors of the Methodist church of Cauada llvo on salaries ranging from $500 to $1,000, Three hundred and eighty re ceive less tlnui $300 urnl ouly ton iv coJvc $2,000 a year. teoding Baste His ol He Dalies InlllST NATIONAL BANK, THE DAIXFfl, OR. ! J. 8. Bchenk, Proi.j U. M. Ileal, Cashier. A general banklnfc ImmIiic-m transacted. He onln received, aubject to nlglit draft or check. I'oltectlotia made and proceed promptly re mitted on day nt collection. Sight and tele graphic exchange sold ou New York, Kan Fran cisco and I'ortiand. TjltlKNCH & CO, BANKERS THE DAM.E9, OR,' s. U J. W.- French. D. It. French. J. C. HoMetler, C'nihlcr, rnttE CEI.EUKATKD COLUMBIA UltUWKltY AUGUST BUCIILEIt, Prop. TMi welt-known brewery ti now turning out tho bint Iledriind I'ortcreioit o( thu-Ca?cmli. The latest iinpltnurei for tlio mwnifucUlro ot good healthful llecr have been Introduced, mid only thu llrt-clnts article will be placed on the uiurket. Unit Second Street . TUB DAI.I.E,OIt. M1HK WEinUItN LUMBER COMPANY Ofllcc: Seventeenth and Front Ptreeti. Portland, Oreson. TliclliMlillallouse 'IHS DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors. ....Tlio American Plan Only ... ItntM. II. l.flO and f J per t'.ny. . .Ml trulns kiiip for I'MMoiiBcra. 0. ft. A N. IJi'Lct olllee. WcMern Union telegraph. I.otig (Ilnliitien Hell telephone. AgclitiHUd oltlru for alt itage line. Ai'i'oiiiiiiodatiou llrnt-tU a. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Oniiommt U'roliouc'al RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Wool handling nurapeclatty. Urntti boucht and Hold, The Regulator L;ine. The Dalle?, Portland Astoria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... DIIy Line of Steamcri Bctwtrn Portland, Vancouver, Gucide Locks, Hood River mid all Pointi on the Waihinjjton tide. The Irarorrt Pallet City and Iteculator tear Portland vry rnornlag (ecpt Sunday) at T andTlia Dallet atl a. ro arriving at damna tion In umpla time far outgoing train. fraliM KateaUreatly ltcduced. W. C. AU.AWAY.aea, Act., foot nt Court Street, 1 be Dallas, Or SLITER'S CAFE 148 SIXTH STREET Between Morrison and Alder -BRST attADKS Or- ...Wines, Liquors and Cigars,,, Tht Flnett Straight 10-ceut Saloon In the S'orttivreit. V.ANO SOAP AND CHfX VTAIt IlltKWEItY CO. Breweri and Dottleu ot the Famoua 1101' GOLD II K Kit VANCOUVER, WASH. B UOWN A M'C.UIE, 8IEVKU0KE3 1'ortUiuI, Orrgon. rorriMrondcnce solicit,!. l-hli' null uo:nty dolnereJ. CaUoaddre Drown, JOHN KIM.I.V (ieneral Uurauce Aecnt. FIn and Marine, ShMUI.Ii Union A National Int. Co.. Kdluburc and Loudon; Wettrrn F, and M. Auuranco Co , Toromo.Cfcii. JJ Third it., Columbian Utdj. OUTCUFl-E A nt.lKD-HAMEn BUTCUFFE, n John lined. Wall Taper and IVcoratloua, Plain and IHvoralUo lli'r llangtnir, llou Tainting, Graluiu;, KalsomliUng hoi and torv.7 Aider Btrt, Tottlaud, Or. 'VUoin Jllack 1903. j "r.r r- n i N PORTLAND, OREGON, ay Km Twi DepoilU With the ilOMMKKCIAIi BANK ; Capital, tAO.OW.i neiponBlblllty. 1100,000. oard of directors: Gen. Thos. M Anderson, W; h. Boise, S. M. Beard, Meut. C. It. Martlm Henry Christ. Imcreit nald on tlmo deposits. BAVINOB J)EPAUTMENT-I)eiolts received In sums of One Dollar and upward. Interest nredlted semiannually, H. 11. Ilcard, Presldentl 0n. Thos. M. Anderson, Vice-President A. Hossack, Cashier. F IR8T NATIONAL BANK Or VANCOUVER, WASH. Charles Brown, pre'ldent. I.. M. Hidden, viae president, K. I Cauby, cashier. L HONAHt) HOUSE Furnished Booms to Rent by llio Day, Week or Mouth. .MRS. V. 0. BOND, l'roprlclren. J04J.J r.nst Morrison St., PORTLAND, OR T'UOENE HOCH WIioIcsaIo Dealer It, WINES, LIQUORS AND rjIGAJlS. Office: 110 Fourth Street, Telephone lost. PORTLAND, OREGON pORTLAND. ROLLING MILLS Miinufaclurcr of FIG IRON AND STEEL. N. K. AYEU, Manager, S2nd and Nlcolnl Strceta w rit.LIAMS. WOOD A LINTH1CUM. Geo. If. Wllllstiil, 0. IC. S. Wood, L. R. Ltn. thlcum, J. C. Flinders, Attorucs-At.Ln'. Chamber of Commerce Iliiildln?. Portland, Oregon RIENTaL ta Waihlnston St., Vt. Oth nnd Till, . Portland, Oregon. Strictly l-lrt-Clail. Geo. Shea, Proprietor. t RTI8TK! JIONUMKNTH IN NATIVE AND fiirclun niarbli ami Krnnllv: new Mint orie ntal dcslsus, II. .1. III.AKSINO. Olllee and work "07 Third street, near Madltou. i" I.IIERS A PrtfNEIDER CO.-I1. ALUKRS, J l'res. and Mur, Tlios. Kclmcltler, Vlre-Prra., It. Albers, Sec'y. ninl Trous. Proprietors tl. t. Mills and Mcri'linut Roller Mill". Mauulactur ert nf Rolled Oats, Oat MimI, I'laktd Whciit, Buckulicat Flour, IVnrl Ilarley, Rye Flour, Whole Wheat llmir. Corn Meul, !! Menl, Houitny, I'arlun, HieW Cut Whint. Paita Fnc tory Uiaroiil, Vermicelli, SmkIuiiI, Deiilera tu (irnlu. Flour, liar, HMiil-Ii k, tceiN, Eta. All kinds Mill Feed. Olllee, 'Jlg.-'U Front Stteet, corner Main, Pottlaud,Ur. M SELLER A CO. , KMnhllshrd ISV.i. M. Seller. P. fowon. part. Portland. Or.. Seattle, Waoh., Spokane, Wash., W-W W. Broadway, New York. Iniportersand Jobbers Crockery, Glauw are, El 8. W. Corner Front and llurnttde Sis., PORTLAND, OR.. M FOSTER A CO.'S BANQUET HALL CI . GAK8 Hare noiiual. Try them. The best 10-reut clear tn the market. THE ROSENFELD-SMI1H CO., UUltlbutorr 4M3 Front tt!et, Portland, Or. G. J, Erdner K. Hochutl. CHICAGO MARKET F.rducr A Ifnehull Deaters lu frenh and cured meats; all kinds nt tannages. .114 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Both 'Phones No. 41S. mllE PURfTAN i II. A. Maun, Proprietor. a7 Alder street. Portland. Oregon. Family entrance, a'H Alder St. Telephone Red IW3. pHARI.Ed J. SCHnTmiEL Attorney-at-Law, Sll Chamber of Commerce llulldltir, Porltand, Oregon. MRS. 0. C01H It ELL Dealer tn Leading Brands of Uigari, Canned Goods Cakes and Pies, fresh eery day. Call at 9 Gltiun St. Lunch Goods for Trarelcn. ARMORV DHUO STORE t'are. DrtiEs and Chemicals, Toilet Artlclts Statloiifry, Confectionery anil Domestlo Cigars. Prescriptions a Specially. N. W, Corner Tenth and Everett Stretti, Portland, Oregon, ORTLAND ELECTRICAL AND MACHINK WORKS. Electric lighting and electric work of all kinds promptly executed, l.as engines for lauuuhes. Machinery ot all kinds made and repaired. Gaaollue engines for Irrigation p.ir poses. FOOT OF MORRISON STREET. F. J, Crouch, Mgr., Portland, Otegon. T ARSON A LONQ- 1J IJ NORTH FIFTH 3r. Fine wlues, liquors and rlgari. Give us a call. H KNllY IIEWETT A CO. Fire and Marino Insurance. Rooms VS and 'J7 .--IutIoi'W Building, Cornet Third ami Oak Streets. Portland ... Oregon, H ERllERT A, HALE. Ml. Hood. Columbia Rher and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Electric Light and Bromide Enlargements, lJj;,'Tlilnl Street, Comer AMer. PORTLAND, ORE. 1 INION HOTEL FRANK KIERNAN, Proprlator. No. II North Sixth Street, Corner Everett PORTLAND. OREGON. Table Board, JJ.S0 per week; Board and I-odg. lug, II SO pel eek, Fivo Meal Tickets, fl.iv; Singla Meals, 21 cents: luxlginxs, 'Jito W,vnt. Table supplied with the best tho market affonis. OTEHNKEN A J I' 1.1 EN- Wholetaleand reatall grocers, SIMU Burn, side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Oregou Black 2&, Columbia b4. HEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. t 1,1 13 pALBTOK CO. 4 Dealers la furniture, Carpet. Wall Paper and Shad, Undertaking Uoous. I.A ORANDB, OR. OA8CUK Dealer tn lard w era t4 Mlntng 8npp'tfF, rtoTM. Tl Waie, Cutlery uud Onus. BAKER CITV, OREGON. BAKER-fHTV IRON WORK3 , GEO. F. McLYNN, Proprietor. Builder' ot Stamp Mills, Ore t:al i.nd Gen eral Mining, Sawmill nnd Planing Mill M thinery, Architectural Work, Ef. Brass and Iron Founders and Mnchtnisis. Special attcn tion Riven to repairing utid lubuildiug all klnoi of tuachluery. relephone Red 1C1. IIAKr.R CITV, OR. fnllC ST. LAWRKNOB FRED ERNST, Proprietor. Only first. clniv Kuropean plan BAKER CITV, OREGON. T W. WISDOM A CO. Druggists and Apothecaries. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet Articles. Jfuln Street, BAKER CITV, OR. W PATTERSON Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON Sola Agent for "Old Rarheo," Woodford County, K, hlikey. BAKER CITY, OREGON. WATERMAN - KCHMITZ Wholesale and Retail Dealers tn WINE3, LIQUORS AND ClOAR PAKRR CITY, OR. ,111 U STORK One ot the flnrst plaeci tn the city for travullUK men. FINE WINES. LIQUORS AND CIO ARS Remember the pi see, t. ACKEP.MAN, Proprietor. BAKER CITY, OR. II NDERTAKINQ , In the neatest form. Pot. Ished and meialllo colllui. A No. 1 hearse. Uood or lice assured. W. 8. NELSON, Funeral Director, PENDLETON, OR TC, TAYLOR THB,"HARDWARK MAN." ardware. Rlores, Tin and Coppernara. Uuie, Plaster, Cement, Cunt, Iron and btccl and Hydiaullo l'lv. m Main Street. TENDLETON, OR mllK PIONEER DRUG STOltlS ULA SLATE, Proprietor. Our stock Ii thoroughly upto-)ate. W csrrj nothing but strictly Al goods at popular prices. IIS Court Street. PENDLETON, OR. Hotel Pendleton.. ?. J. MOORE, Proprietor. ENDLETON OR HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IM fine Whiskies and Cigars Headgu-rtm for M'mlng and Commtrc 1 Men... BAKER CITY - - OREGON 3 nOBERTS CAFK Best Grades ot WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS Fourth and Stark Sis., PORTLAND. OREGOSI Trlvate Entrance, 102 Fourth Street. Tel phone Black 1631. w K PAY GOOD WAGES Tq Oood Teopt Tor GowJ Work STAR LAUNDRY CO,' No. Ml Olts-a St., nt-r Tkh - 'Phoo Us. T10R FAIR DsTAUNO PATRONW1 " O.f.B. PLUMMER. Drun, Medicine and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Painta, Otis, Glass, Etc B. E. Corner Third and Madison Streets. G 001) YEAR RUBBER CO. R. If. PEASE, Vice-President and Manage ALL KINDS OF RUI1I1KR GOODS. 73.73 First St. PORTLAND ' OREOOH , mllK UNITED CARRIACIE COMPANY B. M. Mears, Pres.:. Marlon Wilcox Seo'y. Rubber tires on our ambulances carriage, coupex, carry- Is and llery. Main oiltcot W. corner Seventh and Taylor streets Brandt ofllcu.- BaRgaxe and Ouiulbus Trnusfer Co., Fourth and Stnrk streets, Portland, Or. Boar lug and care of horses a specialty. Itu'ttt. -riOR CI.ATPKANIE AND WAY LANDINGS- steamer (I. W. i-lmMT. Leaves Portland Siiiilnya.TiieailoiHMiiil Thursdays at ft p. n leaves Clatskanlo Mondays, Wedneadava an4 Fi'idays at ft p. in.: arrhlng at Portland at :i a. m. on TUK.lay, Thursday and Saturday, Whax and olllco foot of Waihlugton street. Kteameri to charter for excursions and freighting of all kinds. Log, and all kinds of heavy audjlghi ,0WlnK,SHAVKR TRANSPORTATION CO., Phone Ml. J. W. SHAVER, Manager. Enterprise Pickling Works T. S. F1NNF.OAN, Proprietor. Catsup, Pickle, Vinegar. Sauces, Cider, Mus tards, tlliciw Chow, Olives, 01Io Oil, Etc. Fla Brand Bottled Pickles. East Alder'Strcet and Union Avenue, PORTLAND, OREGON. Telephones, Oregon White 4'., Columbia 018X pORTLAND GUN STORE 132 First Street. Denier In Guns, Fishing Tackle, Revolveri, Pocket Cutlery. Bicycles. Guns and lllcjelfi to rent hy tho, my or week. Repiilrlng a spo clalty, Telcpholiu Oregon Black VJ7. Northwest School Furniture Go. f-'CIIOOI. DESK'S AND SUPPLIES Maps, Globes, Charts, Black Board, etc. M'hool, Onieo, Bank. Conrllum'.c, Church and Hall Furniture. Opera Chairs. 21 YhiiiIiIII Street, PORTLAND, OR. Rubber Cement .FLOOR PAINT. Drks rurd over night and wears like iron. . For sale by all first-class, p nt .retailers, or by the manufacturers. W. P. Fuller & Go. Cor. Front and Pino Sts. WASHINGTON HOTEL N. P. J. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Board by the Week, ItOO, Steals, Ml cents. Rooms by tho Wvek,l.tiOaudup. Troualenti solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 10O N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, CUy tl PORTLAND, OR. F. W. WINTERS 149 Fourth Street. BEST GRADES OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The finest saloon lu the city. ...CALL AT... NIELS R. JORGENSEN For the Best Grades ot Wines, Liquors and Ggars. BEST LINE TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Diilutb, Chicago, And all Points East. .Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Can (meals a la carte), Buffet, Bmokluy, Library Cars. For tickets and full information reardt( Eastern trip, call at city ticket office. vu Morri son street. A. B. V. DKVNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Afceui ...Call At... ssflEf W. SPORE XI FortheBestGradesof Wines, Lipers anil Cigars 115 North Seventh St, . i A