"3T 1"3r- THE NEW AGE. POUT LANK). OIWrON. k B f u HEADQUARTERS FOR Pullman Gar Porters t I Iii And Pool Room in Connection MIR GUTTING AND SHAMPOOING 1G7 North Slilti St. P hone Read 2937 C, E, RHOADES, Prop. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. flADQ PORTLAND HOTEL ' V-MVaHr0 FOURTH AND MORRISON ST., PORTLAND. OR. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 RENA STINSON, Ludj Assistant. miiK xaciii:n and munick F1KK I.N'SUltANCK COMPANY. KttaMMiuri A.l). 18.24. Charles A. ll'jiculintJt A Co., Agents. Room f, Worcester lttock, N. C. cor. Third ant1 OnkSriu-K Portland, Or. PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS Hank, Hiur Hint ORtc Itiilllnif Ornamental Wlrn and Iron Work ot All Kltulf. I Witt and Iron Fence and Window Gtuds s4 Alder St., I'OltTI.ANI), ult. .Merchant Hotel. COHNKll TlllltP AND DAVIS STIIKKIS 1'Olt'll.AM), OUKdON. HOTi:i, IS NKYVI.V HKNOVATKD Thli la tlio hc.t of)iilix 1 moderate rAtu liotrt on Hie rni'lll ('ohi and hit-. Nil the I'niitdi Icnicaot hluli.prlci-d hotels Complete with eht-trlo IIkIiu ml liclU, nml arn-imi water In each room. Ilatli room on om-Ii floor. Klemtor for accomodation of i.-iumIk. Unit h II and ll.'.'l irrday. Mcoh'-tiuir.. kpi-i-hil rntcs in Urn. Illn nml thcntilcal p.i-Hi--, I'i(. 'hits In nml from all tinliix. itl iooiih ():itv four Mocks fium Union IhikiI, K.it I'roof Ihilldlni;, F. K. HILL, Prop. Holmes Coal and Ice Co... DKALEltS IN lee, Coal, Goke ...and Chareoai 19 Noitli Front Hi., I'DII ri.AMI, OR Oregon Phone Main 780, Columbia Phono "W. IKOJ THE ATLANTIC OYSTER HOUSE OPKN ALL NIGHT.. ... All Kinds of Shellfish and TamaUs Crawfish Cooked In Wine, a Specialty. A r.H Sleeked Sideboard With leer 0 Drsugal Telephono, Oregon lletl JSM. CI 1 TIIIIU KTHKKT, ?r Pu. 013 PrUaUKiilrMiiinuii I'liin. POHTLANI. onixsos. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop. Strictly Hr.t.OI. liuUs ' l,00 Vmr lny mikI Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com mcrdal Sample Room. MRS! Bifjtjc and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Ste. Telephone 639. rOKTI.AND, OKKGO.N. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger n Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination. Branch Offices: llolel Portland: United Carriage Co., feovcnlh mid 'la) lor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager T2 T. Mr Sinclair & Co. rOKK FAOKKItH. "Fidelity" Hams and Bacon Manufactured from cliolco Iowa corn-fed hog W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel. Red 2844. . BARRJOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. Newborn, newljr furnished, two blocks from Union depots .AH the waderu Improvement, flre-prool, hot and cold 'water, centrally 1 catidr -, ""J ' Rates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals Sic, Bath. Mc. Cor. Sixth and Glisan, Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Car. loae Portland. Corner V'lrt and Wash ington street, for Vnniomera follona: VmKiiMivnr 4H Mlnutfx. A. M.-fl:ls, 7:oi. 7:4k, sal, t:is, lojtw, 10:4. ll::n P. y. 1J:18. 1:0.1. IMS. -'::, 3;i8, 4:uj, :i, .1:3.1. :I8, 11M i. ill Ml. (l.oe First and Je. fiTMm aired., 4 nilnuUx duller.) Ferry leae Vanemixer to count-it with care aa follona: A.M.-i:43, 7::w, s:r., t:oo, 9:4J, lo:M, 11:15 l.':wi.M. r. M.-l.':45, 1 :), 2:15, :W), sms, 4:ao, si5, 6:P0, fi:i:,:il:li', Cara leave corner Klnt and Washington atreeli for ondlan a Mtona; A.M. c:i.v..n:i.t!:4)t,,7:,7:i8.7:ai.7:48. 8:01, 8:lN,8:'ct, 8:ih. ti.on, 'i:lK. :si, :is ni.ui, lusiN, los-ti, m:iM, uhm. ii:ik. ti:.i,i. lt:4H. P. M.-V.':iki, u:i8. v:-M, i-.':i, i:ui, ujh, ism, i:4, ':oi. .,:iH,-.,:.n,'j:ts, H:vt. n:i, a:.tt, a:is, 4:ai, 4:lh, 4:l.i, l;H. .i:o.i, A;is, A;:t3, ft.ts, fiicti, r.:ii, i;;:ci, cms, 7:ua, 7:18, 7:.u. 7:i8, 8:at,8:lt..8:.ct. 8: y; :t. v.ix, v:u, lu:W. io:W. iu;i3, 11:uj, ii:.-.i jiimj. ' Woaillawn UUMImiUa. Carslenrn Wocllawn for FIrat and Wmliliif. (on atreri. a. follow: A. M 4:4'4,ii:w1,o;i51n:.fi;.7:ui,7:15,7:i 8:00. 8:1.1. 8::, m;ii, :ii. f:ii. 9::w, 9:41, 10:00, ni:ir,,io:.si, io:4i, II :u, Uili. Uiiw. il:4i, u:ii.M. r. M. IJil.i, 1 urn. I'J:41, 1 :(i. 1 il.i, 1 :.', 1 :4.1, 2:00 SHA,:.ii,'J:ii, :i:uo. :t:l.i, 3:su.:iv 4:oa 4:1.1, 4::io, 4;4", fiyti, A:l.V vui. 5:41, 0:oo, 0:1.1, ii:i i:i'., 7:i, 7:M. 7:ai.7:ti, ;m M.i. a::u. :M, i:io, u:A, 9.50. iu:ln, 10. jO, 10..'o, Jll:lo. ii: jj. lUlly, except Siuulm a. (Hall)', extept Wiiemlneand Ratnrdujra. JWednr.iln). and balurday only. ..EMPLOYMENT AGENGY.. W. T. PHILLIPS. 209f Stark atreet, between front and r'irt. l'linue, Orejon, CU) 441. PORTLAND, OREGON. Ilelpof all fclnda fnrnlnhF.t on ahort nolle. Wanted; itallnad null and deck haiidi.cooLe, waiteraand xeueial home work, larm hande, mill hatida and tlty vork. Krat eatate It'lt'd ami Hold. tupp)r aKint fiirlhr a -Mop Wrlnter, pat ent applied far. blatu and toutity right, for aale. THE BLUE MOUNTAIN CO. Cold Storage. COAL, ICE, COKE. T, J. GORMAN'. Manaier. :47 etark Street. PORTLAND, OP, CYCLISTS TO GUARD ENGLAND. Gen. Maurice Evolve a 1'Inn for Uo of Wheel -In War. All sorts of suggestions hnvo bceu made from time to time ns to the use of the bicycle lu wnr, but up to the present time the wheel has uot gone be yond the experimental Btngc In the nrmy. .Theic Ih n tendcney nmoug the olllclnls In the wnr departments of the different couutiles to ridicule the Intro ductlun'of th! bicycle Into military tac tics. Hut now one of England's uotcd geticrnls, a mini old ami experienced lu the art of war, conies forward with n ( . i - w.,.,1 i 'y-.i Silt FHhlhl!lCK JIAU1I1CK. scheme for the lepelllng of nu luvatllng force from Unglnud'tt shores, and one of the most Important factors of tho plan Is the bicycle. The otllcer who conceiv ed the scheme of thus utilizing the wheel lu war Is lion. Frederick Maur ice, commandant of the military ar senal nml training ground. Sir Frederick Maurice's position mid his remarkable war record, which be gan with .Ashantl, continued through the .ul u wars, and ended, as active ser vice, with parliculaf lustre In the Sou- CYCL1-ST SCOUTS OHOSS1NO tlau and In Kgypt, would bo sulllclent to center expert iih well an public atten tion lu any military plan suggested by him. The Idea of au uuollicla! defen sive force of armed cyclists- camo to him through noticing how tlioi-e of his men who ate cyclists overcame what Is one of the greatest dllticiiltlct of mili tary training lu Kuglaud, the distances between the army headquarters and the' rllle ranges. These men, lio observed, slung their rllles over their shophltiH, spiiu over to Hlsley, or even to Itrlgh ton from WVolwfcli, laid their pr.tollco and reported back again lu what seem cd him lucredlhle time, and the matter sol hln n-thlnklir,'. The d a reaclrd a further stage tvlten the generaj discov ered that many cyclist clubs about Woolwich were In the habit of compet ing among themsele.s in title shooting us well, tak'ng out arms of their own, traveling to some safe place on tho seucoast, and shooting at targets. Ills plan, us It stands ut present, Is to dem onstrate his Idea to tlio public at lirlghton, using, however, only the mil itary cyclists, then to try to persuade tho vnrloiiR cycle clubs of Kuglaml to take up rifle shooting, and so eventually branch out until every cyclist In I!u eluud who will consent Is mustered Into the service. How best to train them will, of course, come afterward. The general Is to give a practical demonstration of his plans at Hrighton L within a short time. Ho will endeavor to show the special facilities presented by England for the use of a large body of rifle cyclists for defensive purjoses. A force nt Infantry, supposed to be that of np Invader newly landed at Itrl-'IMon will start on the march toward I-omlon. and the duty of the cyclist force then inn n s it ovci.k ooitps wiikki,. trill be to net ns scouts and pass de tailed reports of the enemy's move ments to a mythical force supposed to be gathering lu the Interior, to show how obstacles could be placed In his path and natural supplies, such as cat tle, etc., could be removed from It; test ing to what extent his force could bo surprised and ambushed by well-trained corps of rllle cyclists; demoustvatlng not only how much an Invader could be delayed until an adequate force could be marshaled to meet him, but how swiftly the cyclist army could cope with the ordinarily dllllctilt mat ters of support, relief and fresh sup plies of ammunition. a CARRIED A CANE. It Kept Htm from I.cavlnc mid I.oalntr HIh Uitibrolln. "You wonder why 1 always carry n cane except when I am carrying au umbrella," remarked a well-known Phllndelphlnn the other afternoon. "Well, I don't mind telling you. It's all ou account of umbiellas." "Can't see the connection," rejoined the friend to whom he was talking. "Don't suppose you could. Hut you will when I have explained. You lose an umbrella every once In a while, don't you? Tut It down somewhere and walk oft and leave ItV" "Yes, 1 have had that happen to mo frequently." "Well, 1 used to, but uot since I took to enrrylug n enne. Au acquaintance out In Chicago put inc on to the scheme. 'Cot a cane of some kind, he said to me one day, 'and carry It every day and every night that It doesn't rain. By that means you become so nccustom ed to hnvlng somethluit In your hand you nre lost without It. Thou, when n rainy day or evening comet nml you nre com pelled to carry an umbrella about with you the benefit comes lu. Say you hnvo gone into a restaurant and when you come out the rnln has stopped. You wnlk out Into the streot without your A DH1FT IN SOUTH AFI5ICA. umbrella, l'resto; after you have taken perhaps a dozen steps you uiIhs some thing. Your catie-carrylng hand Is minus the burden It Ustinlly beats. Hack go your thoughts to your umbrella ami buck go your steps to get It. Simple' Of course It Is, but the simple things oftentimes prove the most valuable." With this sago remark the well known Philadelphia)! walked off down the street swinging his bamboo stick with a well-satlsllcd air. Philadelphia Inquirer. "Jerlolio, All Out!" This Is tht cry, accoidlug to a tour ist's letter from the cast lu the Klclno .eltuug, which Is now resounding ou tho sacred banks of tho Jordan. Ou the river where St, Johu the It.iptlst ouce baptized his penitent hearers, u steamboat Is now plying with religious pilgrims and gay pleasure-Keekers for Its passengers. The present passenger steamer Is really the second of Its kind. About two years ago the Intel ligent Abbot Pachnmlus, the head or tho monastery of St. .John, near Jeri cho, made au attempt to navigate tlio Hlblical stream with a little steuiher or his own. The experiment proved so successful that u new passenger steam er, of modest size and power, wa placed upon the river last year. It starts regularly from the bridge near '.Jericho, und steams to the southern end of tho Dead Sea. CJIasgow Her ald. Btrret TliroiiKh an KiikIIsIi Clitiroh. One pf 'the best-known Instances of churches with streets thtougli them li that of St. John the Haptlst's Church in Hrlstol, Knglaml. The church Is sit uated right oei' tho aucleut gateway Into tho city of Avon, and the totvcilng spire stu'idlug high above the neighbor ing bouses and stieets Is a remarkable sight, as oue survejs It from the road way below. 1'arlslun NupemtitJoii. Superstition Is o common In Purls that cards tustefully embellished and containing a list of "hours to be avoid ed" are extensively sold. Honeity never contributes anythlnf to th wklte man's burden. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for tho fnmotn General Arthur cijr.tr. Ksberg-Gunat Cigar Co., general agents, Portland. Or. F. F. Thompson, dealer In tobacco, cigars, fruit, candles and iiuih. Slid U itieot. JJratly & Sherrett, practical plumb ers, gas and steam litters. Dcalcis in lead and iron pipe, gas fixtures and plumbing goods of every leuiipt on. Jobbing done at rewionable rn es. AH work warranted. Steam ami hot water-heating a specialty. Telephono Oak 411. 142 Kirst stieot. Portland, Ore. O. A. 'WntBon, Marine Drug Slosc, 88 N. Third streot, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: Flockcnstoiu's Lung Hal sun ind Celery Seltzer. H. II. Rdi win tz, druggist ami apotlio anry, 225 Hurnshlo stieot, between l?list and Second, Portland, Ot. For lino fruits of all kinds for tho traveling public, call at 100 Ninth Sixth street. Ico cream soda. Hnskot fruits for travelers. George Riser pro prietor 'Creamery nnd bakery. Country but ter and fresh eggs a specialty; also creamery butter. Mrs. H. lloydston, proprietor, corner Second and Columbia itreets, Portland, Or. Whoa medicines will not cure you, or when you get tired ot spoutling money for mcdlclnos, buy tho Natural Body llrnco front J. A. Clomonson, drug list, 227 Yamhill stieot, botween First and Second. H. O. Cash Jlarkot. Cheapest and best goods delhorod oast and west. Corner Seventh and Couch streets. Kvcrythiug tlrst-eluss. Cameron & M ergons. Juo. P. Sharkey, munufnrurer ot harness, collars, eaddles and strap nork; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, padi, etc 65 Union ave., Port and, Or. Kiihn Uroa., dealers in hides, fur sitd wool. 1U1 Fiout streot, Portland, Or. O. DantVlron, watchmaker, jnwelei and diamond-tetter, 1-10 Sixth street, Portland, Or. All work guaranteed. rerybody smokes tho celebrated Monogram und Pamloiu cigars. Ihoy have no rmtnl. Tho Popular, lnfi First sttect, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., Johu Kcklttud, pionrletor. Tel. Ore gon red uat, Col Ida 6118. . Portland Trantiler tiiilnon Ohns. O. Blglin, proprietor. Cliolco wines, liquors and cigars. !)21 Ulisan, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. , Smyth A Howard, general contract irs. .HohiIn, bridges trestles, munici pal Impiovemuiits, etc., Portland, Or. Diamond Vltiifled lirlok Companr, 'iiicorpoutted). Paving brick a spo :ltlty. CI3 Cliambii ot Commerce. The Western Oycter Jlntitv, Sam Mnekln, piopiletor. Ojstem and crawfish, wlinlesale and retail. Hy tho gallon, $'i; by the )dnt, 25 cenls. lO'J.'u WiiHliiiifiton sticet, between Hen. ond and 'Ililnl. Telephonn blown 4114, The A. D. T. MefsengerCo. is the old est and beat service of the kind in the town. Headers of the Now Age, give ihmn the preference. Money to loan, on furniture, plane, or any good tecuritici. Notes und mortgages bought. K. W. King, room 45, Washington building, King np Dr. Darling, 3114 '' Morrlron itreet, cor. Till id und -Monition, over MoAllon &' McDonnell'. Oflke hours, 10:30 to 18 a. in.; IsllO to'5 p. in. At residence, '. 84th and Hel uiout itreets, morning ami uTHiiitige, Itesiilenea 'phtmei, Oregon, liluti K?r; ijolumbla, 6IU7; ofllc 'iihoua, Coltiiu j 14. French Dyeing and Cleaning Work All work done at very moderate piieei, Dyeing ami oleaning of all kinds o; ludiea' and Gent'n clothing. Monrnlii cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Delenu roprletor, 455 UlUau atfC The finest jdacn In the oity to obtain flitt quality cipimj tobacco mid siiiok era' nrtiole's is that of Hoceuthal A Hudd, at 287 and 287 ' Washinuton itreet, between Fourth and Fifth. Give then genial dealers u call when you wiili anything in thuir line. Tele phone Main 75, A. A. Uiiruli, bhyclti repairing. Ilrnzlug aud outtiug down framna a ipecialty. Hiutuls aundrioa Hjkr.l nainet. All work guWuteed, t H.i Poot of Morrison atreet, Portland, Or. Call und e me when ton sro liroV.tn down. Atteiiuy for the Impeil.il liny, ole; guaruuteud for oue year. Oregon 'phone blHck 2801. The Safe Store New and Sccond-llind Safes Bought and Sold Cash Registers Lock Department Repairing JOHN E. DAVIS, a Third ltret, PORTLAND, Oil WHITE COLLAR LINE i COLUMBIA RIVER A TUOET SOUND NAVt UAT1U.N UU. rORTIiANP AND ASTORIA. Pally trlpi of ateitmer Ilaller Hatrert Iaraa eirr mornliiK In thoupcl at 7 o'clock, except day. lli'tiirnlm:, leave AMrfrla rw-rj nUlil i lie week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. W Idle Collar I.lno tloki-ts and O. It, ,L N. Co. tlrketa art' Inirrehangeaulc on steamers Ualley Untrert and llnnnli. onu-e, Alder airet-l d'iek, Telepliona Main iil. Columbia 'phone X U U SCOTT, President. A STQRI& & COLUMBIA Iw Sii vwm ins Daily WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTWI.KN Portland. Astoria Seaside Leaves Union Depot Portland For Mayirera, Rain ier, (! lut iik au Ic Wentport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Kliivel, (h-ar-hart Park and ea aide. Aatorln A Ht-ahore J'.xpiest Pull). Aatorln Mxprtu Hall)-. Arrives Union Heiot 1'otlUml 1:00 a. m. 7 .00 p. m. 11:1.1a. m, 9:40 p. m," Ticket office, 2.W Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland, . J. C. MAYO, Ucu. Pans. Asent, Astoria, Or. ANDERSON BROS. -..Livery, Hick, Feed and Sale Stables..., Saiclsl Attention Paid t Sosidln Horses. -'..4 Third St., cor. Madloou. drecon Phone KU. Colunilila Phone r.ll Do You Know the News ? X Tou can have It alt for 50 Month Month In The Ir.nlne T.Usram, of Portland, Or.fou. Ilia lt largaat virnlriK n papar published in Oregon: It eonlalna all iha dsms ol th. slat an4 of the Ma lleu. Trr It tor a luoiith. A aauiple oopr wlllfc. u allot to ou fraa, id drM THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. t F. W. BBQOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TKLKPMONF.: COI.UMIUA 750. O It Kb O.N KKI) 1RH BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Maiik Dcaioro finavNinUTB An. Anron. a.nillng a akrlrli and d..rrlpllnn m.r fliilnklv &.rrl.lu mir fiiiliilnti rr.a wu.lh.r .ra liir.ullon I. prnhalilr rlri'Uhli. ('ominiiiili-a. Ilontilrlcllrninaileiitlal. ll.iidhnokon I'alruU sent fi.e. OUI.it a.m j for ..curlniT p.t.nL. I'.t.nta tak.n tlirounh Munn A Co. r.i.lre tyieMMtkt, ullliuuteli.rnq, In Ilia Scientific American. A handsom.lr lllnttr.lod w.aklf, Ijirvrst rlr eulallon ut aur Kl.iuidn J.iurn.l. '1 eons, II vi four niontks, fl. Hold bjr all naHsd(lr. IWUNN & Co.'Beo.dw.y. New York jSraaca untie, CJ4 ' (St., Waihlimlon, 1), C. THE HOWE SCALE CO" 85 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Bicycle Store Ladders, Grocers Fixtures, Letter Presses, Etc., Scales and Truoks. DAN. W, EVANS. l I fKN.'s. B4VBaRanraBHKavHeVBVHHa.fVBa XE2fp!ZS&MjrX4r$Er' ijjmjra