LJJsW '"P"1 ir v ",l )- THE OTCW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Women, Remember This Fact That In addressing Mrs. Plnlthnm you are communicating- with a woman a woman whoso experience In treat In? woman's ills Is greater that, that of any living person male or female. A woman can talk freely to a wo man when It is revolting to relato her private troubles to a man, Many women miffcr In silence nnd drift along from bnd to worse, know ing full well that they should have Immediate assistance, but n natural modesty lmpeln them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probable examination of even their family physician. It is unneocs ary. Without money or price you cun consult a woman, whoso knowlcdgo from actual experience is uuequaled. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to freely eomraunlcato with Mrs. Hnkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and anawered by women only. l'hls is a positive fact not a mere statement. It Is certified to by the mayor and postmaster of Lynn and others whose letters, nil In a little book, Mrs. Pinkham has just published. Write for a copy, It Is free. Thus has been established the eternal con fidence botwecn Mrs. Pinkham and tho women of America which has never been broken nnd has Induced luoro than 100,000 sufferers to write her for advice during tho lust few months. Out of tho vast volume of experience whioh she has to draw from, it in more than possible that she has gained tho very knowlcdgo that will help ?our case. Kho asks nothing In rc urn except your good-will, and her advlco has relieved thousands. Hero are some of tho cases we refer to: Mrs, Plnkhmm Helps Two Women Through ' Ohange of Llfo and Cures Another of Storlllty. Read Their Letters, " Drjlh Mkb. Pinkham I feel that It Is owing to Lydla E. Pinkhain'a Vege table Compound that I avi nllvo to day. It lias taken me out of a sick bed whero I had lain for six weeks with a good doctor to tend mo twice a ay. My trouble wan change of life, had fruquent hemorrhages. Your modi, else cheeked Jhe flow right away. I am bow able to do all toy work, and eackaohe la unknown ' I am forty three years of age and enjoying good health." Mrs. Annik Fostkh, Cascade Locks, Oregon. " Dkab Mrs. Pinkham When I first wrote to you, I was in a very bad con dition. I was passing through the change of life, and the doctors said I had bladder and liver trouble. I had suffered for nine years. Doctors failed to do me any good. Since I have taken Lydia . Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound my health has improved very aauoh. I will gladly recommend your anedicina to others and am sure that it will prove as great a blessing to them as It has to me." Mrs. Gko. 0. Junk, 01 Do Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Dxar Mrs. Pinkham It was my ardent desire to have a child. I had been married three years and could not become a mother, so wrote to you to find out tho reason. After follow ing your kind advice and taking Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, I became the mother of a beautiful baby boy, the toy of our home. He Is a fat, healthy baby, thanks to your medi cine." Mas. Mikda. Finkxx, Iloe oe, N. Y. Two More Women Who Aoknowledae the Help they Have Received from Mrs Pinkham, "Dear Mrs. Pinkuam The doctor aays I have congestion of the womb, and cannot help me. There is aching In the right side of abdomen, hip, leg, and back. I f you can do me any good, please write." Mrs. Nina Cuask, Fulton, N. Y., December 20, 1697. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I followed your instructions, and now I want every woman suffering from female trouble to know how good your advice and medicine is. The doctor advised an operation. I could not bear to think of that, so followed your advice. I got better right off, I took Brx bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and used three packages of Sanative Wash ; also took your Liver Pills, and am cured." Mrs. Nina Chase, Fulton, N. Y., December 13, JOVO. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham Have been suffering for over a year and had three doctors. At time of menstruation I suffer terrible pains In back and ovaries. I have headache nearly every day, and feel tired all the time. The doctor said my womb was out of place. Would be so glad if you could help me." Mrs. Cart. Vobs, 6ao City, Iowa, August 1, 1898. " Please accept my sincere thanks for the good your advice and Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has done mo. I did everything you told me to do, and used only three bottles, and feel better in every respect." Mrs. Carl Voss, Sao City, Iowa, March 23, 1899. Mrs Pinkham has Fifty Thousand Such Letters as Amove on File at Her Of floeShe Makes no State' mentm she Cannot Prove, The gTip has no terrors for a certain gentleman in Holton, Kan, He be longs to 15 different societies, and in tnera has taken 72 degrees. There are in the United States 80 Berlins, 21 Hamburg, 23 towns bear lag the name Paris aad 13 London. Inflti tine. We cannot go through the world without impressing othors, We enst deep shadows or bright sunbeams into thoir Uvea, for inlltionco is tho law of life from which there is no escapo. Inlluenuo is tho dogma of lifo as pono trating ur tho atniosphoro, and your consciousness of it has nothing to do with tho caee. Uev. Dr. Adam. Knglnntl's Armored Trntns. The maxnll.cput armored train used bv England hi her war with the liners will tnuifport her troop, protect bridges and telegraphic niiiinniiilcntloiu in about tho Mime way iliat Hosteller's Stomach Hitters driven dyppepMa from the liumnu etomnch nnd then mount gtinrd that It docs not re turn. Tho bitter hns won In every case of indigestion, biliousness, liver and kid noy trouble for the past iltty years. It is Invaluable at all times. Thoro nio Bomo women who always ubo tho satuo kind of judgtnont iu al lowing a poor stonk to bo pnssod off .on thorn that thoy exercised years ago in Eolocting a husband. Atohlnson Gtobo. Will Cure you. Dr. Wunder's QREGONJLOaDpURIfER ' Tests of oil nH fuel, mndo in tho Brit ish navy, have not proved satisfactory. Patent fuel, mado of coal dust and tar, wnu found to yiold Hourly as good re sults as coal. I'll re lllnoil, Ileiuitlful Cntnplnxlnn. (in linnd In lmiid, ono Impossible without the oilier, ml the beat, quickest, essleat blood purifier is :uareU Curnly Cathartic. All druggists, 10c, Sic, Wo. When blocks of ico are laid flat thoy molt quicker than if permitted to rest on thoir ends. I do not believe I'lso's Curo for'Consump tlon haiauy eqttnl for coughs and colds. John K. llovrn, Trinity Siirluirs. Iud.. Feb. 10, 1IXX). Mothers will find Mrs, Wlnslow's Booth lug Syrup tho best remedy to uso for thrlr i uso foi period. cuuuren miring tlio teething An ico company in Now Haven pro pones to ubo uutomoblloB for tho doliv cry of ico noxt Hummor. howiT" ims. Wo offer Onn Hundred Dnllnrs Howard for any cbjo of Catarrh that cun not bo cursl by Hair Catarrh Cure. F. J. C.IKNHY & CO., Tropi.. Toledo, O. Wo tlio undersigned, liuro known 1 J. Utictioy for tho imit U vrurs. and bollovo hlin perfectly honorable In nil biuln as traninctlom and An anctalW solo to carrr out any oblJRAllons mods bjrtUolrUrm. WtsT&TnfAX, Wholesale DruxsLits, Toledo, Walsino, kinnan a Marvin, V, nolot nlo Drug.-lsts, Toledo, O. nail's Catarrh Curo Ut.-kcn.iirrnally.acilnC i.Ircoily on tho blood and in com surfaces of tho system. 1'rl'o TSsporlio'i.o. Eoid by ail drugrlst. Testimonies froc, Hall's Family I'll)- r- th Ust. A Toxus jury recently rondoied this verdict: "We find tho man that stole the horso not guilty " 8IIAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's IViot-Kase. a powder for the fMt. It rurcs painful, swollen, siiiaTtlng, nerv ous feet,4aHd iiiktniitjv tk Hio a.lus, uus of eori.aUd' bunions'.-u's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen' Foot Kase makes tight or new shoes feel easv. It Is a certain euro' for Ingrowing Nail's, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Wo have over 30.000 testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and hlioo stores, Jlv mall for !Mc. in stamps. Trial package VltKE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. Thoro aro at tho present moment be tween 800 aud 000 commissioned ofli cors in tho Unltod Statos army who havo rlsou from tho ranka. lathed nml Harbored Are luxuries that all can enjoy on the observation car of tho North Coast Limited, in operation on aud aftor April 20th on tho Northern Pacitlc. This oliHorvation car will be a dandy. Get a leaflet. Cremation is expanding iu London. In '1885, In that city, only three bodies woro disposed of in that way. In 1800, 240 bodies wore eromatod. A Twist of the Wrist In tho night will turn on the electrio berth light in the Pnllman standard sleeping cars on tho Northern Paoitio's North Coast Limited. Two lights in each section. Send for a North Coast Limited leaflot. Oni now possession, Coata Rica, sup plies the beat and largest bananas that come to the United States. Too Oreat a Strain, Muggins Poor Wigwag has gone in eano. llugglns You don't mean itl "Yes, ho started to calculate how much alimony Solomon would have to pay if he had lived in Chicago. "Phil adelphia Iteoord. No marriage license is required to marry in New York city. A marriage contracted under tho age of consent may be annnlled in nearly any state. Blood Humors Are Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla "I always taks Hood's Sarsaparilla In theKpringsndilis the best blood puriiier I know of." Miss PcAKLa Oiirris. Bald iu, Mich. "Eruptions that came on my fare have all disappeared sine I began talcing Hood's Barsapsrilla. Itcured my fatherof catarrh." At.ru a Hamiltov, ltloomlnglon, Ind. 'I had scrofula sores all over my back and face. I began tak ing Hood's Ssrsspar Ills aud in a few weeks I could not see any sign ot tbe tores," Otto I). Uooii, Mount Hop, Wis. It Purifies the Blood. Cures Eruptions. All Eradicates Scrofula. TRUMPET CALLS. Barn's Mara Bounds m VYarnlas Mete to the Unredeemed. O Just law harnn tho law-nbldlng. Only those who touch God can teach tncu. True patriot loin nlways be gins at home. Regeneration Is the only curo for degeneration. Manly work grows out of child-like faith. Constant confession Is tho secret of constancy. Restraint Is the secret of happiness In pleasure. If tho world owns you Christ must disown you. God will fulfill Ills promises without our prompting. The worldly Christian Is content with, tho swlno-husks. Too tunny Christian soldiers aro of a retiring disposition. Tho man who docs not know Is el ways readiest to tell. Men may savo money, but money will never save them. The time you spend with your chit drcu Is never wanted. The church must be an organism be fore It Is an organization. Prnyer secures the dlvlnu Indorse mctit to the checks of faith. Thcro Is no possession of without confession of Illm. The furrows of nflllctlon Christ lipcomp flumes for the ilow of mercy. Tho most Important work for the present Is that for tho future. Tho silent Christian docs not exist, for, being dead, he yet speakcth. Tho knowledge of sin docs not al ways lead to Its acknowledgment. Tho man who Is but an echo In the city may bo a voice In tho wilderness. Tho advantages of good habits are an great as the disadvantages of bad ones. Ho who buys popularity at tho price of character Is robbing the world of manhood. The modern "sword of tho Lord nnd of Gideon" Is the word of God on tho lips of men. If the stars went out of business be cause they wore not suns the night would bo drear. The fnrt that God hns no pleasure la the death of the wicked docft not lufcr unit lie is satlsiicd with llieir uue. Peter, found trouble becauno he was more anxious about standing near the nrern tno couli u.u standing Lord. AMONG MOST DEADLY POISON8. Terrible Fate of Tlioie Wlio l'artoke of Mimlirjoin I'liullln. "Ono of the most terrible poisons of which I have any knowledge," said n chemist, "Is phulllu, of which but few persons havo more than the most rudi mentary kuowledge, though tho veg etahlo from which tho deadly stun comes Is to be found In almost every field nnd swnmp In the country. For phnllln Is tho poisonous element In the deadly mushroom, the 'death cup,' as It has been appropriately called. Not only that. When phnllln was first dis covered It was found that It was al most Identical with the poison of tho rattlesnake, so that death from mush room poisoning Is very similar to death from a serpent's bite. Hut still tnoro wonderful, It Is now known thnt vari ous bacterln produce nearly the snmo poison tho bacteria, for lustauce, of diphtheria and typhoid fever. It seems odd enough thnt death from the poison ous mushroom, from n rattlesnake blto aud from diphtheria should result from pructlcnlly tho same cause. "It Is said that twenty-flvo people aro killed every year In tho United Stntes by eating tho denth cup, mistak ing It for tho edible mushroom. It re quires only a bit of the denth cup to kill a plcco the size of a pea will do It. Ono case Is cited iu which a boy uto only a third of a small uncooked cup of the deadly mushroom, but It was enough to cause his death. Indeed, so baneful is tho phnllln poison thnt even the handling of the death cup and the breathing of the spores may produco serious Illness. "The death cup looks very pretty ns it grows in the fields, and when eaten It has not the slightest III taste, either when raw or when cooked. Nor in thero any uneasiness felt from nine to fourteen hours afterward. Then come terrible pains In tho abdomen, nausea and vomiting, followed by almost cer-1 tnln death, with many of tho symptoms of Asiatic cholera. The effect of phnl lln Is to dissolve the red corpuscles In I tho blood, permitting tliem to escapo through tho alimentary canal. Tbe greatest care Is necessary, therefore, In gathering mushrooms not to pick any of the death cups. They are easily rec ognized from the others, and there nev er is any need of making mistakes." Female WurTrHK". "Of course, I'm Iu favor of suffrage for womeu, Ilenrlettn," said Mr. Meek tou. "Hut 1 don't think they ought to go to the polls themselves." "What do you menu)" "They ought to be able to send their husbauds to vote for both. If they go to tho polls themselves It will confuso matters. A perfect gentlemnn who saw a lady at the polls looking a llttlo worried would feel compelled to lift his hat politely and say, 'Mudnui, take my vote.' "Washington Star. A man has reached the age of discre tion when he 1b old enough to know thnt be doesn't know some things he will know when he gets older. fjyV""' PERUNA PROTECTS OUR HOMES i jMaaweLw!Sie- The Huberts Family, of Falls City, Nob., Aro Hoalthy and Happy A Rare Siplit. in These Days. r TheySay, " Wo Think Ferana Is The Greatest Medicine On Earth." No ninn is bettor known in tho Stato of Noliruska than Mr. Carl T. ltoborts, routractor and mneon. A typical Amor lean -active, shrewd, nnd full of busi ness piiguolty. Ho is not only n pro vider (or hiB family, but n protector. In a recent lottor to Dr. Hartmau ho writes, among othor things, ns follows: Our boy .Tunics, had tho membran ous croup, and ropontod attacks of lung fover. Our boy, Charlie, was also suhjoct to attacks of pnuemonla and pleurisy. Our third boy, John, was subjott to fover and ague (malarial) and livor trouble Your remedy, Poruua, cured my boys entirely, and cow I havo throe of the healthlost boys in tho Stato of Nebraska, which I at tribute to your moilioiuo. My wifo h4 a stomach tronblo which Peruua J,j cured. i Altogether for my whole fiMrfily wo lm.vn0UBod nineteen bottles of .Tunn. ann.iiave mus favea ouo in JtALlllllit '!. am a CW w.i ' InrVtw Xlftn'1 dn.l lmn.n all Nebraska. I have had a stomach M -it i,u, nui mm Buunu .... , trouble which has beeu greatly relioved dy, Poruna, for which I . by your reinody. A L A B A S T LAIUST1NR Is tka, orlg not ana only aurauia wan coih.uk, entirely different from all kal somlues. Heady for use In wlilto or fourteen beautiful lints by adding cold water. AIME8 naturally prsfer ALA BA8TINB for walls and cell inn, becauso It Is pure, clean, durable. Put up In dry pow dered form, tn nvo-pound pack ages, with full directions. LL kalaomlnes are cheap, tem porary preparations mado from whltlutr. chalks, clays, ate., and stuck on walls wltli de raylne animal Blue. ALAI3AH TINI2 Is not a kalsomine. KWAIU3 of tho dealor who ays ho can sell you the "saroa thing" as ALABABTINIS or "something Just as good." Ho Is either not posted or la try ing to decalv you. NO IN OFFBIUNO something he has bought aheap and tries to sell on ALADA8T INE'B de mands, ho may not reatlzs tha damage you will suffer by a kalsomine on your walls. J0NSIBLK dealers will not buy a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by selling and consumers by using infringement. Alabastlna Co. own right to make wall coat ing to mix with cold water, HR INTEIUOIl WALLS of every church and school should bo coated only with pure, dur able A LA HA STINK. It rafe guards health. Hundreds of tons used yearly for this worlc N BUYINO ALAIlAfTINB, customers should avoid get ting cheap kalBomlnes under different names. Insist on having our goods In packages and properly labeled. I N E TJIBANCB of wan paper is ob viated by ALAl ASTINR It can bo used on plastered wans, wood ceilings, brlok or can vas. A child can brush it on. It does not rub or seal off. BTABLISHED In favor. 8hun all Imitations. Ask paint deal er or druggist for tint card. Write us for interesting, book kt. free. AI.ABABTINB CO., Grand Jlaplds, Mich. I Survivors or tha Civil War. Our pension bnrean estimates that there are 1,032,418 surviving soldiora of the civil war, excluding deserters. 'Ahont 812,000 of these are unpen ' stoned. Tbe average age of the surviv ors is 60 years. Chicago Evouiug News. April 39th and thereafter wateh for the Northern Paolflo North Coast Lim ited. A Chicago profeseor predicts that in 1,600 years Chicago will bo inuudated by Lake Michigan. The city is sink lug at tbe rate of nine inches eetj 100 years. WN HEALTH RESTORER. If T5SZ T I SMCulT!u.flatlt OoudV TJs I nifc. tsiaW4faaVs. J am still taking it. Wo think it is tho grcatost modlciuo on earth." 0. T. Hoberts, Falls City, Nebraska, lion. William Youugblood, Auditor for tho Interior, writes from Wash ington, D. C, to Dr. Hnrtman, Co lumbus, Ohio, as follows: "I'vo of ten heard of your great medicino and havo persuaded my wife, who has bcon much of a sufferer from catarrh, to try Poruua, and after uciuuono bottle slio has wonderfully improved. It bus Hon. Wllllnm Yoangblood. proved all you have claimed for it, aud 1 take pleaanro iu recommending it to nuyono wno ts umunn i4u wuiutllli iUIIU IIIkH liannrtin Itl 1 m,IHflll1n nt Itnnanlinlflll. uvvvruiv, ... .. ................ ....... w..., absolutely indis)eniablo. Mr. T. O. Walker, Caruoiro, Kansas, writos: "It is with ploasuro that I ro- Are the bttt that can be made. Nothing U or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because It b mods of the but material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 yean' experience in build ing wagons, during which time the man ufacturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the bat possible to build, ( SiBBBh1HbVI MitmelU is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can h nude. AGENTS EVER.YWHERE.-If none in your vacinlty, we will sell to you direct. Send for circulars. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO, PORTLAND, OREGON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle, Salem, McMlnnville, Aiedford and La Grande. Mention this paper. II1 IB. Articles of every dexrripllou seluot Ml by experienced liulynml forwarded by mid I or cspresi, C'orrtiwuuleiico so licited. AUdrens: LADIES' PUnCrUSINI AOENCY, 455 Morrison Hreet, Portland, Oregon. BUFFALO PITTS CO. MANUKAI'I'UIIIUIH OF New Double Cylinder Farm Loco motives end Trashing Machinery. .Wtite for Culal 'line, 330 K. Vnmlilll HI., IMHtTXANI), (lit. Mon!on this paper.) FOif. 14 CENTS I W. wl.h to ln thl. i.r tro,0 Daw ouitoiovrri, suo litue 1 t'ka. i'Alt (larct.u Hail. I I'k lrl't Hui.rtldC'ucumbjrlt MUIOII !, atauev. t ' HDir illb,. Ml 'sp 1 U.rlr nip. Cl.Lii. jin II 1 Rri blnnrr Oolon ios If S M ilfllflnlFlow.rb..li, flj B btrwb.rrr lluo, U (4 Wartb SI. 00, f.r 1 t. 1.M AIo 10 Pk(. wortb I.M, w will mill roa frc, tointbtr with our rt lllllll MIlllOH, DOilAI POT ATI , .i.inn. Wm luvll vourtrAda. And uililor,iiiinff u uuui .knowwbanfaa ones tr Kaiser's lareila joo will mtrr do without. ' llllll Hrliuon Hallat'a IUUO f. tt rllt J oraato t.isnt od tiTie. rv- JOHS 4. SiLISH SSSU (O., I I SOME. WIS. iMMiMiiiimi TERRIBLE NERVOUS DISEASES I Are the serious mlsfotlune ol nlne.tentlis ot the womeu in the world, women mould know ol Moore's Revealed Remedy, It's wonderful effectiveness In these dlsesses lias insde foi It thoimsuds of friends. fl.W per bottle at tbe drus; storv. DRaQ'JNN'SKPILLS ONE FOK A DOStT. Cor Sick nsdMbeu4lrs pepsls lUmo a I'luipm.Forlr Us UlooJ. Aid Dif e Uon,treYtatlllllausas. VosotQrlpsorfilckea. To nmTlMrnii,wlltiisJlsinp fri full bos, 33c DR. stOANKOCO.,rsiuiii,rvSvi4byUrmslu. re &. i Hsiem i i sssssssssssa .i 'wmm m i aW III 1 ' eW BBBBBB ' BSSSSsLl4 ssssHHel i i port that I nin bettor than I havo been for many years. I bollovo Peruua is without ft doubt tho hoNt modloluo that ovor was used in n family. It has curod my norvousuufw, with which I had boon nflliotod for a great nuiubor of years." It is a fact of over incrcaidng aston ishment that ho many othorwiao eonsi bio nnd piovidont people will, for tho ueglout of so slmplo a precaution as to havo a bottlo ol Peruua at hand, bring upon tlieuiHolvcH tho neodloHH suffering nnd foolish expeuHO tliat a practitioner of modlciuo is forced to witness every day. As soon ns tho vnluo of Poruna is. fully appreciated by every household, both as a provontitivo and a curo of thcKo affections, tens uf thousands of lives will bo Fined, aud hundreds of thousands of cliroulu, llugoring casoa Mtap sAWiwto:1 ,,'m,n -u-rt- A complete work on chronic catarrh sent freo to any addrcHS by Tho Pe ruua Modlciuo Company, Columbus, Ohio. 3 WAGONS PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Friiiix ami Vlr tt nrks, CnilTliANI) WlltlC ,1 lltON WOIIKH! Wilt, snil Iron IfNclnclnilne rnllliii:. tic, 11 Alder .MamllllK-ry mill Hiiiill., CAWHTIIN A CO.: KNdlNKS, 11(111. MUS, MA cluutrr, snppllvs. iHUit list Ht., I'luiiitnd.or. JOHN VOOLK. Portland, Orkooh. run kIvo you tho best tmrgnlitH In fenural iimclilnory, eiij-lnes, bollurs.tuiiks, pumps, plows, bolts nnd wliiiliuills. Tho new steel I X L windmill, huUI by him, Is uu. eijimllcd. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIC1 SYRUP CO. trSOTK TUK NAMK. CLAIMANT FOR Writ ItNA HAM PENSION igton, u. C, tliey will r- blCKFOSJi. Wilhlnoton. U. C. tier wll celvouulclt replies. II. Mil N. II. Vols. HUB iOlli Corps. I'roxoiiiliiK clslmi since IB7S. YOUNG MEN! I For annnrrhirav ami Olert Bet I'aUt'i Okaj SpodAo. II I U tlit ONLY mtdlolno wlilli will cure eateb and orerr I mm. NO CASK known It lias vr (allcl to eur, no 1 matltr how trrioua or it bow lonir ttuidlng. Ileaulu front IU uaa will utuiiUb ou. It U alolnlely tt, pratrnta Milrturo. n.l tan ! Uwtn wiihngt lncenT Slrnra and detrnlion from lulnw. I'llK.'K, SJ.0U. Tot wl hr all rellal.la dmvvlaU. or kdI nrtpall b aiptaaa, plalnlr rappd,onrrlptc)f prlra. fcjr l i i-Aust cucaiCAi: :oa,ctda,m. Circular maUcd on raauvat. CURE YOURSELF 1 CUKES BB um ins u tor unoa;urai iltaltfara. Bl mhhi. riimt."'"".",, UaacaaiMd Irritations or ulitrstlou mi u muiaii. of mucous ratuiirant. F.i.ai. tbata.ua. I'a lulna. and not ailrut. llHl.lCHts:cilOo. S'utor poltouous. SOISStTI.O.BlBBBl l WrSigalSlS, V. s. N. V, N, V. So, X5-tt00. WIIKK wrltlns; to atfvortUsrs lU UaOBtloaa this fSP"' yaKssfasBBBsPVBa 4. 1r i- sm M .flf W Tr ' ', HWWSlBFaHWEMBastttJ9aiasi 1