The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, March 24, 1900, Image 7

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    ' j-wtrwff"
ara ovarooma hy Lydta
Plnkham'a Vagatahla
Fifty thouaand happy
woman toatlfy to this la
grataful lattara to Mram
Manatruatlon la a
aavara strain on a wo
man's vitality. If It la
painful a o math lag la
wrong whloh
I lydta E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound I
will promptly aat right j If
axoaaalva or Irragular
wrlta to Mram Plnkham,
Lynn, hfaaa., foradvloam
EvManoa abounda thai
Mram Plnkham'a advloa
and madhlna hava for
many yaara haan halplna
woman to ha atrongm No
othar advloa la ao un
varyingly aoourata, no
othar madlolna haa atioh
m raoord of ouram
Knpt lilt l'owilcr Dry.
According to his custom Gonoral Jon
hcrt preached n eortnon ycatorday, Iral
he had a nnui dutniled in tho menu
whllo, enya tho Chicago Record, to coo
tliat tho iovder did uot get rained on.
Ella Kwitig, tho ginutoss, has com
pleted hor rcsidonco near Gorin, Mo.
Tho honso waH built on a acalo propor
tiouato with MIhs Kwlug's ncods. Tito
doora aro 10 foot high and tho coiling
and windows look liko thoeo of fnblod
giants' castles. Sho is still growing,
and is now 8 foot nnd 4 inches tall.
Improved Trnln Kqiilpuiemt.
The O. It. & N. and Oregon Short
Line linvo added a bullet, smoking nnd
library car to their Porlland-Uhioiigo
through ttain, nnd a dining car snrviun
hns been Inaugimratod. The train is
quipped with tile latest ohnir cnjrs,
day coaulies ami luxurious rlrst-oluss
anil ordinary sleepmi. Direct connec
tion mndo Ht Granger with Union Pa
cific and at Ogdun with llln Gramlo
line, from nil points in Oiegon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
mation, -rates, etc., call on
any O. R. St N. agent; or address V.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Portland. ,,
Paper shiuglos, lnoquorcd and stiff
ned, are very tough and durublo, aud
can bo mado in any desired slmpo or
color. For uovol cottages with slant
ing roofs, tlioy aro coming into groat
favor iu England.
With local applications, m ther cannot reach
taeaeatot tuetllsvaso. Catarrh It a blood or
eonstltulloualtllnase, anil In order to euro It
you must taks Internal remedies, llall'i Ca
tarrh Curo la taken internally, and actnllrectly
on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Jlall'a Ca
tarrh Cnro la not a auack medicine. It was
prescribed by oao of tho belt physician In tills
country lor yean, and lia regular prescription.
It la composed of tho best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients la what pro
duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh,
end fur testimonial, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 78c
Balls Family Fills are the best.
As a gonoral thing, tho sowing dono
by male tailors is finor, neater and
more uniform than that done by
females. .
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes. Iry Allen'i
Poot-Kase. It ret and romfurts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieve
corns and bunions of all pnln aud is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or
frosted feet. We have over thirty thousand
testimonials. Try It twliy. Bold bv all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package FltEK. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
The seal is a clumsy animal on tin
land, but it is remarkably agile in tho
water, and can catch almost any fish.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth
big Syrup the best remedy to use for thelf
child re u during the teething period.
The levees on loth sldos of the Mis
ibiippi are of sutlioiont ex tout that if
they were built in a single straight line
they would bo about 1,1100 miles long,
or long enough to stretch the gteator
part of the illstauco between Iev Or
leans and Now York.
MI have been etelstg OASCAHKTS for
laeownla. with which I have been afflicted for
over twenty years, and I can aay that Caacareta
at dren me more re Met than ang other reme
dy I hare ever tried. I ahall certainly recom
mend them to my friends aa being all they are
represented." Taos. aiiXAu, Elgin, 11L
Palatial. PounL Tut Oond na
lever Orlpe.Me.Ke.Me.
affne e-t.'aajea-risaewfMM
weeeeea wneet ame ewee.
rtif. rsieete. MntreeL re. I
M-TI'sMC K'utWTTnrrtTTi'a
The Pretty Yotmir Woman Made the
I'liMienKcrA Anicry.
There was something strikingly pic
torial In the appearance of u young
lady who sat In the upper left-hand
corner of a Jncksou aveuue trolley car
during one of Its out-bound runs the
other morning, says the New Orleans
Times-Democrat. It wns due. no doubt,
to many things to tho aristocratic
Blcnderness of her figure; to her wide,
dreamy eyes, tho exact color of wood
vlolctB; to the great black forest of os
trich plumes that formed her hat; to
the geometric curve of the towering
collar of her cape. At any rate, she
looked ns If she might have sauntered
out of the pages of some Journal of
fashion a beautiful denizen of picture
paper land, where skirts nlwnys hang
In Just the proper folds uud trousers
never bag nt the knee.
Everybody looked nt her, the men ad
miringly nnd the women coldly, ns they
always do when another woman Is bet
ter dressed, and she withstood the scru
tiny with regal composure. Bbe did
not seem aware that anybody else was
present. At last tho car nenred her
corner, and when she had pressed the
button and the wheels were nlmost at
a standstill she arose calmly and gilded
down the aisle. She was at the door
when tho car came to & full stop, nnd,
seeing her stagger slightly from the
shock, the conductor Instinctively laid
bis hand upon her arm.
It was.n courteous and respectful act
and one that might have saved her
from a fall, but the Instant his fingers
touched her sleeve the haughty beauty
leaped backward ns If she had seen an
apparition. Her delicate face went
pale and her drenmy eyes blazed.
"Don't touch me, sir!" she exclaimed,
with a harshness that shocked and as
tonished every henrer. The conductor
wns a plain, kindly man. nnd, (lushing
with mortlllcntlou and chagrin, he
turned back to his platform, while tho
young woman gathered her skirts nnd
passed swiftly through the door. "Well,
I must say," remarked an elderly gen
tlemau who had taken In the episode
over the top of his newspaper, "that
was about the most painful exhibition
of superciliousness I ever witnessed In
my life. Pslinw! No wonder the poor
nrp embittered." There was a growl
of npproval nnd the conductor thrust a
smiling face through the doorway.
"Don't blame do young lady, gents,"
he said, cheerily. "She explained It all
when she wus gettln off. She didn't
mean nothln. You see, she's Just been
Cluiiile rippln'a Search la Rewarded
After Twenty-three Year.
Mrs. J. II. LyleH, of St. Louis, has
been reunited to her son after a sepa
ration of 23 years. Tho boy Olnudo
wns a boy of U when his parents sepa
rated, tho father, taking the son with
him to Canada, where ho placed him
in a.convent school under an assumed
name. 'After Visiting the boy two or
three times bo dropped out of sight.
All these years mother nnd son have
been searching for each other. Tho
boy mado n habit of working uutll bo
bad saved $100, wheu ho would lenve
his work nnd renew the search for his
parents. He says he will now tnko up
tho search for his father, Peter Pippin.
Tho mother mnrrled J. II. Lyles after
her divorce from Pippin. The reunion
recently lu St. Louis wus n Joyful one.
Ago Limit Tor Oneeao.
"A few years ugo," said Harry Gun
nlugham, of Montana, ut Chamber
lain's, "the lato Charlie Broadwater,
of our State, gave a bauquet to about
a score of his personal friends. It was
an elaborate spread, and one of tho
chief Items wns some twenty-year-old
brandy that cost Mr. Broadwater a
fabulous price, and regarding which
he spoke with much cuthuslasm.
"At tho wiud-up of the feast cofTeo
and Roquefort cheese were, brought In,
though the latter was uot commonly
down on Montana menus at that per
iod. Sitting near the host was one of
his special frlcuds, who, after eying
the Roquefort a trifle suspiciously,
tasted It, made a wry fuce aud shoved
his plate to one side.
"'You dou't seem to like that,' re
marked Mr. Broadwater.
"'Indeed, I do not, Charlie. Your
twenty-year-old brandy Is all right, but
I'll be d I If I like your twenty-year-old
cheese "Washington Post.
A Happy ThoaKhr.
"Let's reverse the conditions," sold
the aeedy looking man to the waiter.
"You sit down and I'll serve you, and
with the tip you are lu the habit of
getting from other people, I'll be ablo
to get a square meal somewhere else."
Philadelphia North American-
Old French OMcertu
General d'Exea Donmerce, senior of
ficer of the French army, Is 04 years
old and haa served under three kings
WBPrort ad two republic
I MBS. J. it. I.TLKS.
The natlvo hen of Now Zealand is nn
expert rat killer.
Tho gitnffo, tho armadillo an tho
porcupine are voiceless.
Tomatoes hnvo been cultivated for
only one hundred years.
As a rule, tho eyesight of women is
better than that of men.
Tho animal that first succumbs to
extremo cold ifl tho horso.
In Switzerland n tolophono can bo
rented for $8 n year.
The Bong of tho nightingalo can bo
hoard nt the distance of n mile.
American nnd Australian butter is
rapidly crowding tho Gorman artlclo
from tho English markot.
An elm troo arrives at perfection af
ter a growth of 1G0 years, nnd a
healthy ouo will enduro for 000 years.
Two-thirds of tho crimo in Loudon is
porpetratcd botweon 2 P. M. on Satur
day aud 0 A. Al. on Mondays.
Mexicans nto not noted for their
cleanliness, yet nearly ovory town in
Mexico hiiB a public bath house.
Miss Helen Gould has contributed
tho Borriau collection of works on
Mormoulsni to tho Now York public
Louise Froebol, widow of Frlodrich
Froebol, founder of the kindergarten
svritem, died iu Haiubuig ut tho ugo of
Tho production of prunes is increas
ing rapidly in Oregon, tho annual ship
ment of tho dried fruit now amounting
to GOO cars.
Tho production of soap in Great Brit
ain is about 46,000 tons por week, of
which botweon .1,000 and 4,000 tons
aro mudo iu London.
A new regulation cog introduced in
SwIbs watches, works ho accurately
that tho tlmo pieces do not vary 10 sec
onds iu n month.
A violent sneeze so shook tho body
of William A. Ilousoll, a detoctivo, of
Now Brunswick N. J., that it cuusod
temporary paralysis of tho spiuo.
Five hundred minors at tho Bryron
Coal & Coke Company mintJ, uearTaz
well, Tounerfsco, walked our, after a
day's notice of a demand of a 10 per
ceut incroaso iu wages.
LAIMSTINn Is the. original
and only auraute wan coming,
entirely different from all kal
somlnea. Iluatly (or use In
white or fourteen heuutlful
tints by adding cold water.
ABIES naturally prefer ALA
BASTIN13 for wnlls and ceil
ings, because It Is pure, clean,
durable. Put up In dry pow
dered form, In flve-pounu pack
ages, with full directions.
LL kalsomlnes are cheap, tem
porary preparations mado from
whiting-, chalks, clays, to.,
and stuck on walls with de
cnrlna; animal glue, ALAOA8
TINK la not apalsoralnt, .
JEW Ann of th dealer who
says he can sell you the "aanie
thing" as ALABASTINE or
"something Just as good." are
la either not posted or la try
ing to deceive you.
ND IN OFFERING something
no nasa nouBiii. ctieaii mm uica
to sell on ALADASTINE'S de
mands, ho may not realize the
damage you will suffer by a
Italsomino on your walls.
JDN8IBLT3 dealers will not buy
selling and consumers by using
Infringement. Alabastlno Co.
own right to make wall coat
ing to mix with cold water.
every church and school should,
bo coated only with pure, dur
able ALADASTINK. It safe
guards health. Hundreds at
tons used yearly for this work.
customers should avoid Ret
tlntr cheap kalsomlnes under
different names. Insist on
having our goods In packages
and properly labeled.
UIBANCB of wall paper js ob
viated by ALAUABTINE. It
can bt, uaed on plaatered ws4l,
wood ceilings, brick or can
vas. A child can brush It on.
It does not rub or seals off.
8TAnLISHED In favor. Bhun
all Imitations. Ask paint deal
er or druggist for tint card.
Write us for Interestlmr book
let, free ALAHABTINB CO.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
.gaajajgMajagfBjaagfBBaBk. ItionwuitkulUNo.lW, aiiif Ilia
ISmwm'BkrME.TmWMtt aBBBK BlBlBa CZzrmBBBBBBBBBM Tal . P-a uvu ". I ft. '"-' " " J. lBlf. niciiiK j,en, I v. auuu liion imnimlZZmBMflmTmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMmM
aUStmVmmmmmmxiaWammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J WaUrir.eion,l im. Jlrbi. Mamiuuib ctiuv. 1 !. (Ii.u i.uron Mu.. miSaScVmmmWLjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaWui
ammmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmr ntoo.lpa.lluUbaa.l tka.nig jloaioulituee, aik.l'urpr lop Tamil,, 1 .. iJ "..'..' "' aWHr
TIIIS KNIJ'K 3grXUDB mmtmmmmmWmmWBW lua u'oU Oolou. I U. Uullow Oroan l'rnlp.. 1 pkK. Lj Lolltf Hc.rl.i lUdUb.l XSI9 IMIT B TIM. OS.amm
xtritt. r. ra n VynVVaWm rP,'Po"ble0arle4 I'iml.f, 1 rk. O-I.rf. 1 pki.Thjin-, 1 kif. Krenrh llraakfsst Hail. icmWmWr
Wlthtftt No. 77S.n. ..."''.r ja ireei.ti ,lpk Haram.rOrooku.ckRqnwh.l pk. &llt. lllooll f urnlp l.t.Ilks. Parlr With tot No, 7 8 n. alffls
June ! 1 rk. Vallow Oanran Flat Onion, J pk. Of Hurt RamU. 1 lAf. Mrga Kjrli Vrk OuMia I i.k. Ijna (lrn Oumoiliar. 1 pka. I)anar half long Oarrota. I pkg. l'rf-otlnn Tomato. 52 Iw
l(kg Tr-phr Tomato. I i.ko.Curla;! Hlmpaoo Ullnca tpkg. Karl, Uatrj, furnli. I .k. HrarUt Tornlp lt.dlil.,1 pkg. I)nr Mrkt Lettuce. Ink. Karlr It n (VirimDraVf I k fuUiani
R!niOabbaalpkr.3waatl,nror'kln.i pkga Farlj jytlnn.aotaOorn. Alw ) other l'k. fwli ar.tao al not lo. oil-mod abofa.M.lioualliar. KNIfC PREEI Al 77cl. the 7h. 4 blade. Oeagreea bnfllihara haa.
dle.La.( .u.1 warrant! knife wl I ba eent rKKK. The TJ.b knife le io.t abat e, err .farmer ehnaM hae Ettra -eleht rtnetf wll.t.e.1 an.le. tbrfT."ar etael "laftl. loV ndlni hoif "bla. 1. VTfa It KltKK loVer
raraon ordering the abore collection at Hcu. ihroash this &?Crlij'JlJte3PJ&ty "! n ""! " the knife in ansn.e pmln.M in ilot. L-T-M i k... friili Jar.I-n eied ' imta'aid Tfoi
Veu ho UitaraearowBe?aoldataorprleihaaoara.AIIQB PKG. FRESH SEEDS WITH KNIFE FREE. T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE, aireNEXpOLIS MffW.
Uoodi irrup. Taatee Oo47 Dee I
uiusa. BoioDrar
Bicycles In South Africa.
The proscnt campaign in South Africa
is practically tho tlrst opportunity tho
British military authorities havo had
of putting tho oyclo corps to n real to?t.
Tho cyclist corps attached to tho Dur
ban Light infantry recontly covered a
route of ninety miles in ouo day, for
tho pnrpoao of obtaining information of
the Boer forcos, doing bo mo skirmish
ing on tho way. Tho voldt in dry
weather is admirably adapted for
oyoling, ns was demonstrated recontly
by tho (oat of an Englishman, just
after tho outbreak of war, who rodo
from Pretoria to Ladysmith on his
wheel, passing aovernl detachments of
cavalry on tho wny. Collior's Weekly.
Wireless Telegraphy
Has had a new tlpmonstrntldit of useful
iivps by the ratitaitt of a lightship, who
used It after onllimry signals had failed, to
notify the shore autlioritiei of danger. In
a like manner Hosteller's Stomach Hitters,
the fumotts Indigestion aud dyspepsia
cure, acts when other medicines fall. It
regulates the bowels and Improves the ap
petite. Soap enough to pupply 150,000 for
one year has recontly arrived iu Donvor
in ono lond. It was carried in n bpo
clal train of 45 carloads, nnd if stacked
up, ono bar on top of another, this soap
wonld mako a pile over 135 miloB
'I'lso's Cure for Consumption Is our only
medicine for cough and colds. Mrs. (5.
Ueltz. 439 8th Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 6, '05
At Springfield tho olectrlo workers
have gained an increase of wages from
$3.60 nnd $3.75 per day to $3 per day,
nnd tho coal handlers from $0 per week
to $10 for single and $11 for doublo
teams per weak.
HreiHlliig mill Feeding Microbes.
Tho liitcfttltics arc full ol dlacanc germs that
nerome sctive ana natmerous in conMipMimi.
CHMMrets kill and expel them. VrugRiiis, 10c,
I A Pittsburg company is now en
gaged in an ordor for fitting up tho
, palace of tho Mikado, iu Japan, with
, everything in tho bath and sanitary
i lino. Shipments tiro nlso being mado
. to Australia, South America, China
aud Japan.
Viiulil llnvn Allot Wellington.
"It was onco in my powor to havo
shot General Washington," paid n
British soldier to an American ns they
I were discucsiug tho ovouts of tho groat
i struggle nftor tho concluding of peaoo.
"Why dlil you not shoot him thou?"
1 asked tho American. "You ought to
havo dono so for tho bouollt of your
I ".Tho death of Washington would not
havo been for tholr heueJlt," roplod tho
. Englishman. "We depended uon him
, to uho our prisoners kindly, nnd we'd
sooner have shot an olllcer of our own."
N. Y. Herald.
Mur I'rrelnu Ttmn Illnmnitde.
Mistress Did Pat givo you a dia
mond ring whon you promised to marry
Bridget No, mum; but ha bo afthor
trivia' ine a hug that mado . m ,ribs.
j crack I ' Jowoler's Wockly.
Glifick nn Pliyslelana.
CoramiHsiouer Wilu, of tlio Interna
tional roveuuo bureau, lias docidod
j that a physician who prescribes nnd
sella to his patients whisky, brandy,
I wino or nny other alcoholic liqnor that
is not compounded into n medicine by
tho udmixturo of nny drug or medicinal
ingredient therewith, is required to
pay special tax us a rotail liquor deal
or, oven though tho alcoholic liquor
thus furnished be proscribed us n modi-'
' clno only nnd so used.
Tiro Hi-ails.
Two heads may bo hotter
but ono big head is usually
Chicago Daily News.
than one,
The New England granite manufact
urers have rojoctod tho demands of the
j granito cuttors for nn eight hour day ,
ana nt toast n a nay. it is oxpeotea
that the men will striko March 1.
Archbishop Corrigan has made tho
study of tho Italian language obligatory
on all theological students in his
'diocese in order that Italian Catholics
may bo reached more effectively.
Tho cholera is only fatal
who are great smokers.
to persous
fitli no lee unlets sue
eeMlnl, I'atent ailverttfed
as to, pate
ore' I'rlnier.''
Branch OMccs
ITClli.SO 1'lles prwiuce mortture and eauae Itching-.
This furm, a well aa llllnd, Weeding or Protruding
l'lles are curedbr Or.8oaanho'a Pile Remedy.
Stupi Itching and bleeding. Abaorbs tumors. MKi
Jsratdroggltuorsent br null. Treatise tree. Write
rue about 7bureae. PjL IIOSANKO, 1'hlUda, I'a.
Kor Honor r ha- nJ I Jltt (frt Tftbai's Okay (ipeclOo. II
U U ON'LY mriilclD whti a will rur eu'b tui ?ry
u. NO CASK kriosro It tuu ever lll to cur, nu
mAUer how meriooM or of haw oug Un4Jncr. fUtulu
ftou lu um will guteifiUb you. It U mtmmoltittly ulI,
prtvrntai strirtur. ami cn It Ukvn without Inconvv
aitort and detention trow l-ujlnta. VHICK, $3M. lot
Ml by all rrllalal dniirirtMa,or aeniprtpaki bj xprj,
plalAJr wraipd. oo nwript of prim, br
CltQir buU4 oo iu-mc.
Ilea llig UUt uunejura!
Irrltatluot er ulcarallvui
(if in u co oa niciubranM,
ralnleee. and Lot aalila-
itialCHIMiCAtCo. gnl er polauaous.
LSaggtTI,0.sWai "'" r DrttggUU,
or saei id plain wraptwr,
Lr eiprtw. prepaid, for
11.00 .or J bottle, tt'li.
Circular a-ut on rwjueet.
t Adireea DK. KJXUKIKK, Mountain Home, Ida.
fraej. Free artvloo
mtablll y. reml fur "Imeut
ftlfLo g; STEVEN 1 CO.
14ot. Waahlnirton. D. O.
; Chicago, ClcvtUliJ, petrolt.
Setar araets m
mM eel w l.r..
a Fra.cala ChUiIm.
SgK ('a. mm
An Kmprcss TVho Wrestloa.
Tho empress dowager of China is do
sorlbod by nn English lady, who hns
spout tho greater part of her lifo in tho
Celestial empire, ns n much nioro re
markable woman than most Europeans
suppose Sho 1b nn ardent painter, and
her pictures aro said to bo admirable
specimens o Chlncso art. Strango as
it may seem, hor majosty is also said
to bo fond of wrestling, and frequently
indulges in this rather virilo form of
oxorciso. Sho is well read, is fond of
European music, and has somo skill as
n pianist. Sho 1b Bald, both by hor
frionds and enomios, to bo absolutely
withont nny senso of fear, nnd, need
loss to say, hor lifo has boon nttomptod
a number of timos.'-N. Y. Herald.
Mr. Hnmm (the ominont trngodinn)
"Yes wo opened our now piny on
tho first of January." Frlond "And
did you havo n long run?" Hnmm
"Well, no, we didn't havo a long run,
but nftor tho second performance wo
had n long walk all tho wav from
Chicago to Philadelphia." Philadel
phia Inquirer.
Tho incroaso in transcontinental
travel by wny of Salt Lako City in con-
Boquenco of tho scouio and other attrac-.
tions of tho route, has recently justified
tho Klo Grande Western Hallway iu
connection with tho Denver & Bio
Grnndo and Colorado Midland Railroads
says tho Salt Lako Tribnno, iu estab
lishing a triplo daily Inst passenger
sorvice botwoen Ogdon nnd Denver.
All of theso trnins nro equipped with
tho lnto?t npplinncos, improvements nnd
cars. This road now oporntoa through
Bloopers botweon Chicago, Ogdou nnd
San Francisco, also a perfect dining enr
sorvico. Soud '2c postage for litemturo,
rntos or other information to J. D.
Mnnaflold, 2C3 Washington street, Port
land; or Geo. W. Holutz, gonoral pas
senger agent, Salt Lako City,
"I was nover glad for this impedi
ment iu my speech but once," said tho
liiiin from Dearborn, who was iu to boo
the big parade. "When wns that?"
"Fe-fo-follow askod mo h-h-how much
I would tako for a-a horso,' t-litl whllo
I-I-I was t-trylug to tell him B-slxty
dollars, he offered me a hundred."
Women's Journal.
The rienmntest, Mont Powerful and
J.rrrcme .Neicriiilllmt Itemrdy lor
Rheumatism IZfti,.
r.A nitllM'K nml OATAIlltll I
IfMll kiii.iv what I Iiiiiihmii.In knriw tit
K tlicrniracy ir"n lllUl,H"MaUH-
-atlreM ned m l'revitiilveornny Aelienr Pnln
knonn tollivhuniaiibiHly, tlii-re would nut l a
tmntly In all aiihtIck Mlttiunt a bottle of "A
Ircpl" Kent fr trim bottle, Inrae buttle,
tl-contauiluK Sou 0oi. 0 lioille.. fur M.
160064 E. Lake St.. Chicago, III.
"Tho last chapter of my book sur
prised you, didn't it?" aald tho young
author. "Happier ending than you
expeotd, eh?" "Well," replied tho
long duiforing friend, "I cortalnly folt
.0. Times-Demoorat.
A now mnchlno known ns crypto
grnpliio typewriter, of which Frederick
Scdgwl'ik is tho inventor, lias been
given a public tost in Chicago, Tho
1 machine writes iu cipher and translates
tho matter automatically. It is said
to bo a marvel of mechanical perfection
nnd has boon exnminod by numerous
army ofllcials and business men.
Tho burning of tho bride's piny
things in part of tho wedding ceremony
in Japan. Tho brido lights n torch,
which she hands to tho bridegroom,
who with it lights a 11 ro iu which tho
toys uro destroyed.
A newspaper report of n wedding in
a Missouri town olosos with this can
did statement: "Thoy wero married at
the hocne of tho brides' parents, whero
thoy will remain uutll tho groom gets a
A Ann in America is turning out
largo quantities of paper tiles which
are used for roofing. Thoy aro roported
to bo hard and tough, und tho glazing
appears to bo of tho uaturo of Japanese
lace. Thoy aro said to ho exceedingly
cheap, and can bo fashiouod in any
color or shape to suit tho purchaser.
follomoa rd collaciloa olTIJK llfcrti VtUKXAUli;
roiiiin anil Wire H'Hrke.
anil Iron fencing! office railing, etc, atl Alrter.
Meliinrx hiiiI Siiiill.
cliluerr, stilles. tHlo llntbi., I'uriland.Or.
JOHN rOOLK. ronTi.AKD, Obkook.
can L'lve you the best ImrKttln? In general
macliliiery, engines, iMillera.tunkN, pumps,
iliiwi, belts (and windmills, The new
steel 1X1 windmill, sold by him, Is un
equalled. MACHINERY.
9 le 38 First tlreet fORTLANB. OR.
Can easllj trace (heir trouble to the blood, but
that don't help, unlets they find a retnedr,
Moore's Revealed Remedy
rtirlAes the blood makes sick women strong
and well. l.(w per bottle at the dru store.
-,. .. -t . w-.u-, u, ff. EnV . llt flBBBBBBrTBaaBBa-MBMk-
There Is every good
reason why
I St. Jacobs Oil
should cure
for the rest of tho century. One para
mount reason Is It does cure.
Ilerrlek at Ilia Heat.
"Thus much," says the poet Aldrfoh
In tho Mnrnh Cnnttirv. "timv bn mn-
. . B. , ,,
1 cedod to Horrick's verso: nt its best it
1 has wings that carry it nearly as close
to heaven's gates ns any of Shakspeare'a
lark-llko interludes. Tho brevity ol
tho pootns and their uniform smooth
noss sometimes produce tho offoot of
monotony. Tho crowded richness of
tho lino advises n desultoiy reading.
But ouo must go back to them again
nnd again. They bewitch tho momorv,
1 having onco caught it, and Insist on
! saying thomsolves over nnd ovor.
Among tho poets of England tho author
of 'Hosporidos' remains, and is llkoly
to remain, uuiquo. As Hhakspoara
stands nlouo in IiIh vast, domain, so
Horriok stands nlouo in his scanty plot
of ground.
" 'Shino, Pootl iu thy placo aud b
content.' "
Spldorn nro a serious plaguo in Japan.
Tliov stiin their wobs on tho telecri'vh
'wires, aud nro ho numerous nB to cause
a sorlous loss of initiation. Swooping
tho wires does littlo good as tho spidors
bogiu all over again.
All Excellent Combination.
Tho plcusant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Kvitur or FiriB, manufactured by the
Gamfoiinia Kio Kyuui Co., Illustrate
the vttluo of obtaining tho liquid laxn
tivo principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them in thu form most refreshing to tho
tasto and acceptable to tho hyatem. It
Ih tho ono perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho HVHtcm clTcctually,
dispelling colds, headaches uud fuvcra
gently yot promptly und enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Ita perfect freedom from
every ofijcctlnuublo quality und sub
stance, una us noting on ine moneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
stance, und its acting on the kldnoys,
or irritating them, make It tho ideal
In thu process of manufacturing figs
are used, aa they are pleasant to the
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy uro obtained from senna aud
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Cai.ikoiinia Fio Syiiut
Co. only. In order to get Us beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
Por sale by all Druggists. Price 0c. perbottle.
HKEUd (retail price Is Of r SiU aud HSWlll
I St
NrMeK O Tkliae,eeIU,l,fi
leer tsnrea il.flif eera greelef.
f .ra vlll re? eU
a. il.uu. la
le,!a Ul.aiMta, 0.a. rtr aen.
jrll4i im ka. ar mm, aa4 lea
SS eel. ee. ar.. Oi.alMlgrala
aelhfr I.! tb!aillrifce ttaret
;UI4i ISI.i.leM.Y. W.aaaraill
OI. ilik, ta feed S,r laula.
Sue, lll, peiillrf, III., eltSe. I
aUu. W.Mll .iMItai.l.rilM I
sir. im aM4 le tae c. a.
HUUMm iNRRiira .a ran.. Of., la I
i einiii.e le Mini imr eaere. I
I pmaiaii i.f luaii iai.a.rr,e-
l ut. .a earu. a.S Sa.atr SHa: I
Hcekai eeikelU auk. ?e ilia. I
ldi il tneif tf ftutete aa4 I
raiatiwiaiie i.e weiii.
VKUETAULi: arena
I Luml, II. I U I) 1
O.l.a Mi.S, SO., le. Ilffltalu
wair.l u4 le ir. H ekge eat.
. um tuii.nii. i.iu, lias.
S fOH Ilia. aTlafva
' eat tale netlee. . Hill tnu lleeA
wdfugeea le.if. raret aeaj aateUee,
Cal.Ue alea.. A.. mi.... ft-li
N. V, N, V.
No, U-19O0.
WUEN writing to dvertUer ylasvas)
BsaaUoa tltU aer.
4amWamWamWmmmm .VilVM
JmWmmmmmlammmmS?wam I i maaaaamft "T T 'WJaj
mm mm
Wz 3Si3tlf
8sfiw wRta'xjBC mmS&itr&mia-Vw