ss fv-bi-. v'--'f,rrj-'-w-wT , ' - - "-1' ' Tf BS1 "'will'''WiJww.wwfl cmSMHa a m V J -7 lix tf 3 The New Age. ., VOL. IV. PORTLAND, OREGON, S1A.TURDAT, MARCH 1900. NO. 50. - T wJSiJSK-lBiWHBIpPKrE ...-v.. - w r- - " - ' "Mr :''" n it ifc.. - , i. ii-.. 1 1, . tu1 iijr. scp ," "nm wwwwpws T? FIRST NATIONAL BANK reVolna.nd' Deslennted Depositary and Flnnnclnl Airont of the United Slate. rriildcnt, H. W. Corbett; cnslilcr, E. 0, Wlthlnicton; assistant cashier, J. W. Newklrlc; second aFslHtant cashier, W. C, Alvord. Letters f credit lcsned, available in Europe and the Eastern 8tatei. Sight exchange and telef raphlo traniiers told on New York, fJoiton, Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Ban Francisco, and the principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London, harfj, Berlin, Fr.nkort-ontlie-Mlu, Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS 8K8SE! Established In 1850. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Internet nllowctl on time deposit. Collodions mado at nil points on favorable terms, Letters ol or edit Issued Tillable in Europe and tho Eastern states. flight xchange nntl Telagraphio Transfers sold on New York, Washin&tcn, Chicago, St. Louis, Dourer, Omaha, San Francisco and vitriotiB points iu Ois con, Washington, Idaho, Montana nnd British Columbia. Exchange sold on Loudon, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. The United States National Bank Transaots a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of the United States and Europe. TYLER WOODWARD, President. F. C. MILLER. t5& BIumauer-Frank Drug Co., Wholesale Distributors. OP ALL JQk mtetw En 1 1 ana Warennuse MacninerT Silk and Wire Bolting Cloth of all numbers. Cotton, Leather and Chain Belting; of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House. CROFUT, M'AYEAL & CO., Telephone Grant 861. 49 FIRST STREET. KUSALANA " .. Is the very CEYLON TEA. Other brands are not JUST AS GOOD. KUSALANA Is packed in one pound lead packages, put up In Ceylon, while the -Ua Is still FRESH and AROMATIC If your dealer has not got it he can ct it from us. Corbitt $c Macleay Co., Tea Importer.. PORTLAND, OR. Lnd and Immigration Agents M. L. CAUSEY, The Causey Real Estate Go. Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches, Mining: Properties. -,j , j j Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR. ISO MORE BACKACHE! OREGON KIDNEY TEA... . Cures nackache, Kidney. I.lver and Bladder troubles. Non-Ketentlon of Urine, nrlckI)ust Ie fioslt, Leucorrha-a, I'alnliil or Stipprots'd Menstruation, Uric Acid Poisons, Nervousness, Kih outness, CoustlpHtlon, and all complHintsarlsliiK from a debilitated or diseased condition ol the Stomach, Kidneys or Urinary organs o( either sex. ... Purines the Mood by ellmlnatlnK all poisonous matter, stimulating the secretions, regit) Mini She bowe's nd aiding nature In throwing off that which makes a yellow skin. The effect os the COMPLEXION Is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demonstrate. OVERLAND WAREHOUSE Finest and Most Central Storehouse in the City. A GENERAL STORACE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Cheap Insurance. Storage Rates Reasonable. SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Lessees. Cor. Fourth and Davis. TATUM IV BOWEN JACOB KAMM, Vice-President. Cashier. Beau Brumme! The Best 5 Cent Cigar Made For Sale bg 'All Dealers. J44-J46 Fourth Street, PORTLAND, OR KIINDS. finest grade of Loan and Insurance Ageat General Manager. ENGINES.BOILERS, MILL SUPPLIES. WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS, Pumping Plants of any Capacity, Wiifrey Concentrators, S. F. Air Compressors and Giant Drills, Mining: Hoists, Cars, etc., Hos Chisel Tooth Saws. Saw Mills, Shingle Mills and Woodworking: Machinery. Pittsburg Boiler Scale Resolvent, (No charge If not satisfactory). ALBANY CREASE. 20 to 86 First Street, PORTLAM1 84 and 86 Fremont St., S. P. HE mjI WEEK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS ComprehenMve Itnvlew of tlio Import ant Happenings of tho l"wtt Week Called From tho Tolocri.pli Columns .Ohn Z. Littlo, tho notor, diod in Brooklyn, nged 02 yours. Tho United States will establish n nnval station in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. San Francisco has had a case of genu iuo bubonic plaguo. Chinatown is to bo cleaned up. The Chinamen of Philadelphia havo decidod to band together for tho pur poso of eelf-protection. Fifteen persons, tho majority of whom were children, perished lu. n tononienthoiiBO lire at Newuik, N. J. In Chicago, while playing with a re volver, a 7ycitrold boy shot his mother iu tho abdomen. Tho wound will provo fatal. Krving Wlnslow, secrotary of tiie Anti-Imporinlist League, says that the nuti-oxpauslou vote will bo botweon 2,000,000 and 11,000.000. Walla Walla, Wash., veterans of tho Spanish-American war contemplate or ganizing a camp to be named after General Henry W. Lawtou, Addison C. Hand, president of tho Hand Drill Company, and treasurer of tho Lallin & Hand Powder Company, died in Now York, aged fit) years. Tho schooner Lila and Mattio was wrecked on Tillamook bar, being blown ashore while .trying to got out of tho bay. Tho vessel will bo a total .wreck Puerto HicaiiB must bo fed for many months yet. In tho center of tho island tiiero is nothing to cat nnd fruit cannot bo had for from two to four months. The Portuguese authorities at Lou ronco Marques, at tho request of Great Britain, havo arrested four Gormani bound for Pretoria, with arms and lot tors of introduction from Dr. Leyds. Permission to do general business in Japan has lcon refused (JO foreign in surance companies, most of them American. Japaueso ollicials state that this results from tho fact that their ap plications havo failed to comply with tho Japauoso insurance laws. It is probablo that tho waning Chi noso tongs in San Francisco will bo brought together for tho purposo of effecting a peaceful settlement of tho difliculties which causod tho death of three promiuout Chinese wthiu tho last two weeks. Tho Wall Ting aud Sin Suoy Ying tongs havo been arrayed nguiust tho Suey Sing tongs, nnd while the former organizations started tho Bhooting, tho latter retaliated in a ter rible way a week ago, when two prom iiiont mombors of tho first named tong wero shot down iu their places of busi ness. Tho sonato passed the diplomatic and cousular bill. Queen Liliuokalani will rocelvo no ponsion from tho government. General Joo Wheolor's resignation will bo accepted on his arrival iu Washington. Hoar-Admiral McCormick hns been placed on tho retired list on his own application. Thousands of organized insurgents are rosisting tho Americans iu the Antique province iu Pauay. The annual rojorts of Indian agents Bhow that tho entire Indian population of tho United States iH '.'07,005. Tho legislature of Illinois appropriat ed $100,000 for tho reconstruction of tho Lincoln moumout at Springfield. Tho mutual Lifo Insurance Company of Now York, hits subscribed for 2," 000,000 of tho now Kuglish war loans. Tho legislative troublo at Frankfort, Ky., is at the boiliug point. Militia is in complete control of the state execu tive building. Tho threatened strike of tho em ployes of the St. Louis Transit Com pany is off. An agreement satisfactory to both sides was reached. Indications are that the Doer war is drawing to an end. President Kruger has apjKmled to Lord Salisbury for a cessation of hostilities. , Taxation of corporations iu Paris has led to the transfer of many main olllcea to Brussels, French societies being in corporated there under the laws of Bel gium to avoid the French income tax. Admiral Kautz, commander-in-chief of the Paoiflo squadron, has Iwen ordered to proceed with the Phlladel- phia to the coast of Central America lor tno purpose oi proiectiug American xma tm employers signing a contract interests there. rwltl, tho nnloil Tj10 Columbus Metal The piesideut has commuted to im. ! Manufacturers' Atwooiatlon conceded prisonmeut for life the hentence of a" the demands of the machinists, in death imposed by court-martial in the far aH we nud hourH of la,X)r uro case of Private George Murphy, com. ' concerned, but refused to sign a cou pauy C, Twenty-fourth infantry, con3Mr,lct with tno unlon tt,,(1 ft8 an Hima victed of tho murder of another 8oldierJu,n dec-to. that thoy would deal of the same company in the Philippines J w-h the machinists only as individuals. LATER NEWS. The United States is organizing a Chinoeo squadron. Methuon occupiod Boshof, on tho way to Mafoking. Tho Illinois river is flooded, owing, it is said to tho Chicago draiuago canal. The houso adoptod tho conference report on tho ourroncy bill by a vote of 160 to 120. General Cronjo and tho remainder ol -tho Paardeburg prisonors will bo takon to St. Helena. t Hather than havo it captured by the Jlritish, tho Boers will razo JohauuoB tburg to tho ground. j Tho COth aunlvorsary of tho birth oi King I lumber I, was appropriately cel ebrated throughout Italy. Gonoral Kobbo has been appointed .governor of Albay proviuco, Luzon. Hemp porta havo boon opened. Lord Hoborts' forces havo occupied .nioomfontein, and Kioonstadt will bo Jtho Froo State's Beat of government. J James G. Smith, president of th Tolographors' Union and an inventor of tolographic devices, died at his liomo iu Now York, agod 01). i Tho Armstrong Steel Works, nt Flint, jMich., burned with a loss estimated at $180,000. Goldeus' browery and cooper shop, adjacent to tho stool works, wore also destroyed. 'u Patrick Egan, ex-minister to Chili, find oprcsideut of tho Irish National Federation, has writton n lottor in which ho says that 85 per cent of tho Irish people disliko Queon Victoria. Atl'rlco, Utah, Indian Agent Myton, leased 700,000 acros of govoumont land on tho Uintah reservation to Eastern Utah ilockmastors. Tho leasou run flvo years, and the amount Involved is $18, 000, which goes to tho Uintah Indians. J Rov. Dr. Isaac Moyor Wiso colobrat d his 81st birthday at Cincinnati. Ho " "" 'uc" r,u,ul " Luc"v BOmc? m tno unuea states, ur. wise was norn I iu Steiugrub, Bohemia, March 11, 1610 Altor more than half a century spent in America ho stands today at tho head of tho Reform Jews of tho country. ', President Whoeler has announcod to regents of tho University of Cali fornia that exports of acknowledged nuto have been engaged to make ox- eAVations and explorations in parts of .iu world rich with relics of anclont learning, tfho entire oxpouse of tho work will bo borno by Mrs. Phoeho A. Hearst. In Egypt, Dr. George Roisner Will have charge of tho explorations. Tho matoriaU collected by theso scien tists will bo placed in the Archaeologi cal musoum to bo established at Itorko ley. ii Filipino insurgents aro lighting hard to keep the Americans out of southern Luzon. Plaguo in Honolulu is stampod out, after a total of 02 casos, 6!) of which wero fatal. A brother of Prosidont Stoyn, of tho Orango Fieo State, has been captured by the ltritish. General Georgo White has arrviod at Durban and embarked uion tho trans ort for East Loudon. f England politely declined tho proffer of tho United States to iutercedo iu tho war iu South Africa. Near Uaker City, Or., an O. It. & N. freiu'ht train rati down four Japanceo section hands, two being killed. ' Labor troubles aro rife in Martinique, idiots aud incendiary tires spread terror through the islam, and ignorant -negroes threatened to honoau tho whites. Tho United States government has purchased tho steamer Columbia from the Northern Pacific Steamship Com .pany. Sho will go on tho regular Manila run. ' The steauihhip Armenia, loading at ,'Shv York, will carry supplios to Ma .uila for tho American troops iu tho Philippines, aud 2,200 tons of rails aud 'a largo amount of steel bridgo and structural work for tho Siberian rail way, to bo delivered at Vladivostok. Senator Sewell has introduced a bill .changing tho name of tho Paris, of tho American lino, to the Philadelphia. Three of the ships of tho International Navigation Company constituting tho (American Trans-Atlantic mail service, already bear names of American cities tho St. Paul, the S Louis und the Now York. T. K. Sudl)orough, formerly clerk in ,the auditor's ofllco of tho Pacitlo Ex press Company, at Omaha, has sued the express company aud Erastus Young, its auditor, for $30,000 dam-HL-es, allouini! that by rainon of his ar- 'rebt on May 20, 1808, ou the chargo of embezzlement, he has been brought into public scaudal and disgrace, At Columbus, O., the striking ma nhiniHts. after enucodiin the rlubt of erpi0yers to employ nonunion men on mua terms with uulon men, insisted flu MEDIATOR The United States Tenders Its Good OiTioes. AT REQUEST OF THE BOERS Lord Hnllsbur.T Courteously Declined the Aid IroflrMl by Amltussr-dor Chonto Offer Cnmn Too X,te. London, March 15. Tho Unltod States govorumout, at tho request of President Kruger and Prosidont Stoyn, has offered to tho British government its sorvicoB as mediator, with tho viow of bringing about peace In South Africa. Unltod States charge d'affaires, Henry White, saw Lord Salisbury at tho foroigu ofhco this ovonlug and ro colvod tho formal reply from tho Urlt IfIi government, declining tho good ollicos of tho United States iu regard to peaco. Tho interviow bowteou Whlto and Salisbury was vory brief, tho promior confining himself to a courteous verbal doclluatlou, without eutoring into dotails. THE FIQHT AT DRIEFONTEIN. Iloers Stubbornly Contested Kvery Foot of Oriiuiul. Driofontotn, Orango Froo Stato, March 16. Roberts' advauco yostor day across the scorching plans from Poplar Grovo to this placo was markod by tho most sovoro ougagoments since crossing tho Modder river. Tho Boors stubbornly contested ovory foot of ground, only fleeing at dusk, when Rob erta threw most of his troops against tho center of their weakened lino. At tho point where Colonol Rroadwood turuod tho Boer left ho found himsolf under tho flro of their nluo-pounders. The Roots, howbvor, ultiuiitoly hoisted tho whito flag. When Rroadwood ad vanced, he was surprised to find that tho Boers had taken advautago of tho cessation of flro to escape in tho dark &CBS. Transvaal prisoners showed they wero entirely surprised by Hoborts' tactics. A Froo Stator whoso houso Prosidont Kruger occupiod during tho Door fight irotn usioutein mm ne oorapisintm to tho prosidont about tho depredations oi the TransvaalorB, whereupon tho presl- dent replied: "No wonder wo aro beaten. Tho burghers entered into tho war to light for a righteous cause, but now thoy havo devlooped into horse and cattle stealers." Hombiirtlinent of Blnfaklng'. , -. -- -""- - ZlZtrZZ ZL " ' n , ., ' . . . i i t n ." yB."B w ,u,lVB" iU,,ru" ' u" ii, ...'., ,i ... m..i, .i.n n.o .,. "Saturday, March U, tho Boors fur- . . . i , .u i t i. t ii.. i iously bombarded the brick fields aud . . . . n -i i . trenches about a mile from tho town, f, !,. bnnr- l,llll...r nn .....1 n....,li for threo hours, killing one aud wound ing two colonials. Monday March 6, they made a determined attack. Ow ing to a misunderstnding, tho colonials evacuated the foremost trench. This tho Boers occupied, but reserves wero called up, and the trench was recap tured with a rush. We had no casual ties. "Tho Boers aro voiv activo, and it taxes Colonel Baden-Powell aud tho garrison vory heavily to prevent them encroaching on our Hues. Since Com mandant Suyma returnod from tho North tho siege has been prosoouted with renewed vigor." OpmiliiK of Iltniip I'orts. Washington, March 15. General Otis bus notified tho war department that he has appointed Brigadier-Gen oral Wm. A. Kobbo, United Statos vol unteers, military governor of tho prov ince of Albay, Luzon, and of the island of Catauduaues and temporarily of tho islands of Sainar aud Ley to. General Kobbo is diroctod to occupy with his troops tho towns of Sorsogon, Legaspi, Donzol and Bulan, of the province of Albay; the town of Birau, on tho island of Catauduaues, and tho towns of Calbayog and Catbatogan, ou tho island of .Samar, aud tho towu of Tao loan, ou tho island ot Leyto, and estab lish civil government as rapidly as pos sible. He is to appoint olllcers of his command an customs and internal revenue olllcers or the more important coast and interior towns that aro occu piod by our troops. General Otis says it is desirable that tho ports iu ques tion be opened to trado as soou as prac ticable. . Aterchnnt Hue u Trliiim. Kingston, Jamaica, March 14, Prince Clarence, chief of tho Mosquito territory aud protege of the British govenrment, who resides iu Jamaica, has been sued by local mecrhauts. His solicitor sets up in defeuso the allega tions that Prince Clarence was the sovereign chief of the Mosquito terri tory piror o aud at the time of the ac cruing of tho cause of action, and therefore in entitled to all tho rights appertaining to him as prince of the Mosquito territory., Tho solicitor contends that Clarence ought uot to bo compelled agaiust his will to answor in a legal action before any of the judges or bofore a minister of the queen iu Jamaica, and, ou be half of his client he denies the juris diction of the Juuiuicttu courts. THE WHITE FLAG. Aloemfotitoln Hurrendered to X,ort' Robert. London, March 10. -Tho followiug lai tho text of Ix)rd Hoborts dispatch to tho war offlco, announcing his occupa tion of Ulocmfontoin: "Illoomfoutoln, March 15.- By tho help of God and by tho bravery of her majesty's soldiers, tho troopB nudor my command havo taken possession of tloomfontoin. The British flag now ilios over the presidency, ovaouatod last jvening by Mr. Stoyn, lato prosidont of tho Orango Freo Stato. Mr. Frasor, tnombor of tho lato oxecutivo govern ment; tho mayor, the secrotary of tho lato governor, tho laudrost and other slllcials met mo two miles from tho town aud presented mo with tho koya of tho public utilcos. ( "Tho enemy has withdrawn from the aolghborhood, and all seomB quiet. Fho inhabitants of Bloom fontoln gave tho troops a cordial wolcomo." TELLER AND TURNER Took Opposlto HtntidR cm tho expansion Question. Washington, March 10. Two nrgn mouts wero presented to tho senato to- IftllV It. .1ltnt illliind iltttlMAilnl niinl- tions woro takon by two senators. Teller, of Colorado, iu a brief sppcooh, maintained that the constitution coulti uot oxtond ovor territory acquired by tho United States, whilo Turner, of Washington, olahorately coutoudod that the constitution embraced tho no quirod territory tho vory moment tho United States took possession of it. Teller hold that this government could mako tho outlying territory into states or could hold it as colonics, as it saw fit, whilo Turner maintained that tho United Statos could uot hold colonlen or dependencies. Aside from tho con stitutional questions, tho two sonatnra wero iu practical agreement. Roth worn opposed to tho ponding bill, and both objected to any of tho insular ter ritory becoming a part of tho Unltod Statos or any of its inhabitants citizens of tho Unltod States. Tho District of Columbia appropria tion bill was taken up iu the house to day, and, under tho latitude allowed, Adamson, of Georgia, discussod the Nicaragua canal; Cowherd, of Mil louri, tho Philippine quostion; How- rd, of Goorgla, quoatlous relatum to tho Philippines and the "open door" policy in iho Orient; Rucker, of Mis souri, tho advisability of eloeting sen ators by tho peoplo, aud Routoll, of Illl uois, replied to Cowherd. The houso adopted a resolution setting asido alter nate Fridays for tho consideration of private bills reported by tho claims and war claims committee. A Mountain '"" City, March lO.-Probablv the most iiniKirtant strike over mado iu Eastern Oregon was mado known iu 'thin city today by tho return of John T. ,..,,, , .. ,,,,.. , , . .. f, , Eng ish, of 1 luois, ma uager of tlto Gol- .,.' i i.....i. v..i... i,ii. icoudamiuo, and riauk Nohou, of this I .. .,. ...i .i. i..i , i ., h.i I clty. W,, "tllteil tllOJT llllll foiltlll It Solid mountain of nickel lying iu Ryo valley, alxjtit 20 miles southeast of Baker City, on the line of the O. R. Hi N. rniliuari. It is a wonderful property, according to their statements, For more than 5,000 feet the oro is traceable on tho surface, aud the oro bed stands up u distance of 20 feet, aud is 1,000 to 1 ,500 feet wide. The nickel is freo mill ing aud runs about $!J0 to the ton. Each staked nut two claims adjoining; each other. They will at once com mence thu sinking of a 100-foot tunnel under the mountain to test tho rich uosh of the disco vorv. Hoir In (lov'irnor. Auckland, N.Z., March 1(1. Advice from Samoa, dated .March 1, report that the German Hag was hoisted at Apia in the presence of the treaty olli cials aud of Mnatafa aud Tamavehu. Dr. Solf, president of tho muniuipalty, is governor. Herr Kuipplug, formerly vice-consul at Sydney, will act as chief judge and vicu-govornor. A public re conciliation took place atthotlag hoist ing between Maatafa and Tamascso. Tlio supretmo court, thu municipal council, tlio municipal magistracy aud tho consular courts wero abolished. The laws will remain iu force as at present. The natives are all quiet and awaiting news from Germany as to tho form of government. Ilobbeu by HultlltirH, New York, March 1(1. A corre spondent of the Evening Post, writing from Manila, under date of February 2, snys: "When Gregurlo del Pilar' body was found, American soldier stripped it of every bit of clothing, tak ing tlio rings from his lingers and u locket from the neck. Not a stitch of any kind was left ou thu body, every thing being taken for souvenirs. For two days the ixxly was left by the road side uuburicd, until its odors was offen sive and some Igorites were ordered to cover it with dirt. Among tho things, taken were his watch, money, a gold ring aud a diamond ring." Tito Chi I ii TriiKt. Now York, March 1(1. Representa tives of tho various companies to be in cluded in thu Standard Chain Com pany are at present iu this city. Tint company is capitalized at $11,000,000, anil in addition there is an authorized bond issue of -f 700,000, of which about $000,000, it is understood, will b Issued at present. I