THE JOJW AG-E, PORTLAND, OREGON. The New Age. i,i A. D. GRIFFIN ... Editor and Proprietor. L. , .. OFFICE 204 MOItHISON HTHKBT. Oregon Telephone OaK Ml. Entered at the postofllce at Portland, Oregon a second-class matter. CohUr (iIUiIh pnjior will be found nil file at WiahliiKton In thu nflluu of our Hpiulnl corru vpniuluitti K.G. HKionn, U)8 K Mrwl, N. V. nUltSOItll'TION. n ysmr, pajrabl In rivunce......S2.00 NEGKO ADVANCING. That tho colored people of tlio South ni ndvunoing in miflluiontly proved by tho rojiort of tho Tuski-gco Institute, founded and iimniiged by Jlnokor T. AVaHhington, at Tuuknguo, Alabama, Hud in tlio report of Captain Fitzhugh, jnaiiaer of the Colored Orplnum' In riiiHtrial Home at Lexington, Ky. Katlior plaintively, yet with a ood deal of truth, Captain 1'itzhugh nayH: "Tho colored pooplo of tlio South are udvanoinu, but they are handicapped by thu loudncHH of crimo and tho Htill uuhh of order. Yon hear their worst (IooiIh; their boHt are Hcarcely over men tioned." There in food for a good deal of thought in tblH expreHHion. Why not mention tho "bout deedH," aH well mh tho "worHt" of tho colored peoplo of tho .South? Surely there imiHt bo a multitude! of good deedH to mention. .So hero, too. If a fallen colored woman picK-H a iiiuii'h lxiokot of a few dollarH, the orimo huuiiih to bo charged tip agaiiiHt tho race and tlio kox, but 'nothing 1h naid of the multitudu of "good deedH" done every mouth, yea, every day, oven in thin city, by colored -women faithful, true, obliging, help ful, independent; a credit to humanity. Yen, tho colored raco Ih making pro grcKH, that imiHt noon be recognized more tiiuii it lias yet been. Thirty nix yearn ago tho negiocH of this coun try owned nothing, not oven thorn Ivt'H; they now own property aggro- gating about .flMO.OOO.UOO; they have lilt, (100 graditateH from collegoH and aeadomioH; they have rained .flfi, ()()(), 000 for tho education of their raco; (hoy maintain 'J00 institutions of highor leatning; thoy have phyHlcians, law yers, teachers, philanthropists men and women engaged in all tho higher its well as the lower avenues of life, (Jivo tho Negro race a full, fair chance, and they will make something of theniKolves that will bo a credit, not only to themselves, but to tho country and to hiiniauitv. acquittal in this or a higher court. All parties Benin to bo pleasant and satisfied, thoicforo unless it is tho Chinamen. BUSINESS LOCALS. Tho many friends of Mr. Kd. Hoi man, are urging him to become a can didate for state senator. .Mr. llolman is a member of tho county central com mittee and has labored hard for the sue cessjof thotepublicanJparty in this Htato. Tho New Ago will bo pleased t3 support Mr. llolman as a candidate for that position. Local Democracy has concluded that there is very littlo substance in what remains of tho Populist party and thoroforo it refuses to consider tho question of fusion. Populists ask too much for delivery of tho goods. Judgo Alex Sweek is named by 11111113 as their choice for mayor of Portland. Judge Sweek is a good man, but ho already occupies a fairly remunerative ofllcial place and would probably not yield it for more empty honor. Kd. Worloin,a prominent Republican and for a long time an efiicient clerk in tho city treasurer's olllco, will bo a candidate before tho Republican con vention for the nomination for muni cipal treasurer. S'o, also, will bo S. V. Kowo, lire commissioner. Tho authorities at Washington -an-nonce that the Philippine war is prac tically at an end and that all that re mains to be done is to police tho islands. Hut it will rcquiro at least (10,000 patrolmen to "preserve order." Always ask for the fanious General Arthur cigar. Eiberg-Gunit Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. F. V, Thompson, dealer in tobacco, :lgars, fruit, candies and nuts. 260 1) ittoot. Porters and waiters will glvo Mr. Prod Lent, proprietor of tho Railroad Men's Cigar Storo, their trado when thoy want anything in tho line of ci gars and tobacco. Jirady & Sherrott, practicnl plumb ers, 'gas and steam fitters. Dealers in lead and iron pipe, gas fixtures and plumbing goods of overy dcsciiptiou. lobbing dono at resaonablo rates. All work warranted. Steam and hot water-heating a specialty. Tolephono Oak -111. 142 First tftrcot, Portland,, Oro. C. A. "Watson, Marine Drug Storo, 88 N. Thin? jtreet, Portland, Oro. Spe sialties: Fleekcnsteiu's Lung Balaam mil Celery Soltzer. R. 11. Schwartz, druggist and npotho ary, 225 Dtirnaido street, between first and Second, Portland, Or. Watts & Matthleu, druggists, 211 I'tiBHolI St., Hill block, Porltuud, Or. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned having filed his final account as nsslgnco of George F. Greene, insol vent debtor, said final account will bo heard and passed upon by tho Judgo of thet Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon, for Multnomah count, Depart ment No. 3, at his court room, in tho court house, in tho city of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, February 15J, 1000, at 0:00 o'clock A. M. FREDERICK K. ARNOLD, Assignee. Dated Portland, Or., January 10, 1000. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Knhn Bros., dealers In hides, fun nnd wool. 191 Fiont stroot, Portland, Or. G. Danielson, watclunnkor, jowelei nnd diainoud-8utter, 140 Sixth street, Portland-, Or.' All work guaranteed. Lake Chnrles House, 80 North Fifth itrect, Portland. Choicest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. . Tho tables seem to have been turned on tho Poors, who aro now reti eating to their trenches. It may bo, however, that they have simply iiouu back for 11 s piaro meal. Second Oregon veterans propose to take active part in tho forthcoming capmaigu, not aloiio in .Multnomah county, but throughout thostato. They propose to get even, if possible, on that "old clothes" deal. I'niu Iryn' ul tiiii-ilni) m' Tho I'rawloy company will open Sun day night at Cordray's in "Tlio Sport ing Duchess." Tho 1'iawley engage ment is tho heaviest in the history of Cord ray 'h theater. The company is Hiiid to be tho best Actor-Managor Prawloy has ever had under his control, and if it scores a hit on its opening per formance there is no doubt as to the doubt of thu season hero. The piogrammo for tho throe weeks' stay of tho company at Cordiay's has been arranged, and Isas follows: "Tho Minn-tint' IIik'Iiphh" will bo tiroseiiloil Tho editor of Tlio Now Ago has just tho first half of tho first week, and, as announced, tlio Augustiu l July comedy, "Tho Countess Guekio," will bo given tho last half. Tho second week will open with a production of Sardou's famous comedy-drama, "Madame Sans Gone" (Madame Don't I'aro), which will bo proMtuted for four nights. In this Mary Van Huron will play Catherine llubschor, tho laundress, who became tho wife of Mr. Marshall, tif Franco, and Mr. I'rawloy will bo For tho last half of returned from Southern and Western Oregon, in Congressman Tongue's dis trict. Notwithstanding tho fact that thoio aro aspirantH for Mr. Tongue's place, our present congressman for the first district appears to bo lit inly popu lar with tho pooplo. Many of those who have been announced as candidate. for that position have probably per mitted it to bo done seriously merely for tho purpose of introducing thorn among tho leading politicians of tho Mate. With such 1111 introduction, it will bo less dillliMHt to urge a claim next time. Dr. , M, Wells, tho apparent leader of the local Democracy, may bo tho candidate of his party for mayor. If there bo any glory in a nomination for high olllco, the chagrin of public defeat tiMially nhrcuros it. Not many candi dates lor the city council have so far been announced. This may bo account ed for perhaps by the fact that, after the ensuing election, there will bo no Hilary paid to couueiliueii. seen as Napoleon. the second week another Daly comedy, "An Uncoventional Honeymoon," will be given. Tho third and last week will bo divided between productions of tho great English melodrama, "With Flying Colors," and lleniy Arthur Jones' powerful plav, "Tho Dauoing Girl." Columbia Uridgu Company (Incor inttotl), general contractors. 7 IS limnliui o( Commerce. Tho Washington. 1). C, lleo advises liidoUuuid support of the Republican party by Negro voters, under any and nil circumstances, and urges them to uite tho Republican ticket. This is not good advice. It is true that tho Republican party has been, as a rule, the friend of the Negio, but the Negro voters nliould learn to dhicriuiinatc, especially in local elections. About SO colored teachers aro em ployed iu the public schools of New York, and some of them have classes in which there is not a single colored child. This fact Is a greater triumph for the raco than the elevation of some of them to olllco would lie yet it proves that some of them are lit for olllco occasiouallv. George linker Co., practical furni ture auctioneers and expert valuers. Conducting auctions at private resi dences a specialty. All Bales promptly settled and statements furnished. Cash advanced on consignments, or fur niture of houses purchased for cash. Hankers' reference Ladd fc Tilton. Columbia phone 21)0. OtUoes nnd sales rooms, No. 853-UG4 Alder struct, Port land, Or. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Most Complete Establish ment in the Pacific North- The cases against tlio Chino-o sellers of lottery tickets will bo tried early iu March, and the district attorney ox peots a conviction, while tho defend anta' attorney cheerfully predicts ar. Commerclil, Hank mil County lllsrk Uooks and Hero dt Made to urdar Maq4tlne and Mu sic Ulndlng, I I . 212-214 First Street PORThflHD - - OREGON ....Telephone) 312.,.. jjlllll KAMI DKAI.lNti I'ATItOMZK O. I'. S, I'l.UMMUt. DriiK". MiMlehio and ChiMiilrnW. '',',lotArtW,l', !'nio. I'mIiiis, Oil, (iIh, hlo B, K, Corner 1 hint and Madiou Street. Ererybody smokes the colebratod Monogram and Paodoin cigars. Thoy have no equal. Smyth & Howard, general contract )rs. Roads, bridges, treaties, munici pal improvements, etc, Portland, Or. Diamond Vitrified Urlok Company, (Incorporated). Paving brick n spo :ialty. 013 Chambir of Commoroo. iJohemlnn Bottling Works, solo hot tlots of Sohlitz Milwaukou Boer. Piiono Grant 031. 851 Stark street, Portland, Or. Tho Populnr, 125 First stroot, bet. Washington nnd Alder, Portlnnd, Or., John Euklund, pioprlotor. Tel. Ore gon rod 0114, Columbia 508. rortland Translor tialoon Chns. O. Eiglin, proprietor. Cholco wines, liouora nnd clears. 331 Glisun, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Hocklngor &. Co., dealers in now and second-baud goods, furniture, stoves, tinwiiro, hardware, glassware and crockery. Bought sold and exchanged. SO and 83 Union nveuuu, East Side, Portland, O:. Ernest Gelslor, manufacturer nnd doaler in high-grado Havana cigars nnd tobacco. Salesroom nnd factory: 100 North Sixth street, opposito Union depot, Portland, Or. Box trade a specialty. The Western Oyster Housj, Sam Mackin, piopiietor. Oysters and crawfish, wholesale nnd retail. By tho gallon, 3; by the pint, 26 coats. sJGSJs Washington Mreot, between Sec ond and Third. Telephone brown 434. Tho A. D. T. Messenger Co. is the old- rat and best service of the kind in the town. Readers of the Now Age, give them tho proforonco. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought. 8. W. King, room 15, Washington building. When you build ceo Lewis A Lewis, contractors and builders. Oregon Tel ephone 1,005 Green. Hpeoial attention pnid to jobbing nnd icpairing stairs and stnirhuildiug. U07 Madison stroat, between Fifth and Sixth. Portland, Or. Rini! np Dr. Darling, Sfl4'8 Morrison itreet, cor. Thud and Morrison, ovot MoAllen A McDonnell's. Ofi1ct hours, 10:.'I0 to 13 a. 111.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. At residence, E, 34th and Bel mont streets, morning and eveniuus. Residence 'phones, Oregon, blue 875; Columbia, 6137; office 'phone, Colum bia 14. Tho Acorn, John Grimm, proprietor. Fine wines, HquorB and cigars. Wsin hard's beei on draught. Private fam ily roouu. All kinds of suudwicbes. Phono, red 1882. Coiner Sixth and Ankony streets, Portland, Or. French Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works. All work dono at very in mi era to prices. Dyoiug and cleaning of all kinds ol ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J, Doleuu, uronriutor. 455 Glisan slx-C Tho finest place In tho city to obtain flist quality cigars" tobacco and siuok era' article's is that of Rosenthal A Budd, at 387 and 287 n Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dea'ers a call when you wish anything iu thoir lino. Tele phone Main 75. Economy STioo Shop, 103 3d; men's half solos, sewed, 1; nailed, 70;; 3ds, 60c; 3d, S6o. Ladies', sowed, 75o; nailed, 60c; Sdi, 83o. Best stock and work. A. M. Hollabough, prop. A. A. Unriih, bicycle repairing. Braslng and outting down frames a ijxcialty. Bicyold uundrie Baked enamel, All work guatantecd. 183 Foot ol Morrison street, Portland, Or. Call and see inw when you are broken down. Agency (or the Impm 11 Bioy oU; guarantee J foi one year. Oregon 'phone black 3891. Notice is hereby given that tho final report nnd account of tho undersigned ns executor of the last will and testa ment of Otteiia Dovorcux. deceased, has. been filed in tho County Court of tlio Stato of Oregon for Multnomah County, and that Monday, tho 5th day of Fobruary, 1000, at tho hour of 0:30 o'clock A.M., in tho county court house of said Multnomah county, in tho city of Portland, Oregon, has been appointed by said court as tho time nnd place for the settlement of said final report and account nnd tho hear ing and determining of objections thototo. Dated, Portland, Oregon, January 0, 1000. TIIEO. f. 1IEITSCHMIDT, Executor of tho Last Will nnd Testa niout of Ottelin Dovoroux, decensed. c II.Utl.K9 J. SCIlNAlli:!, JO.'. Clinmlicr of Coinmurco IIiiUiUmr, I'orlliuu!, Ori'iroii. m A. WOOD. iflJAI. ESTATE AND PENSION ATTOUNEY. Itoorn IU, OiUl Fellows llnlUllni.'. I'UUTI.ANP.OKE. CULLISOK &. CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers DlltEOT WIIIES TO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. PAGE & SON WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Commission Merchants y9999999s)9399999v93w999 y the wholo story of Cyrus Noble whiskey age- piiiitu 'V H m m $ r) m m m w n m 120 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. a - Mj3SlBaifcL 'CX jJWMi-mmtff8fcJttf flHljjnRrv MANUFACTURERS' PIANO HOUSE 131 SIXTH STREET, OREGONIAN BUILDING. Geo. A. Heidinger & Co. ..Representatives For... The Celebrated Steck" WorM Itetiuwncd. Miifcicluni fnvojrlto everywhere. The "Krakauer" WorMei fully nilir in New York. 'Union nnd Chlmco. Ilet workmmh!p. bwceteat tone ami Intern liniriivviiuiiii. To buy n Krakmer li true economy. The Beautiful "Sterling" Nutcit lor tuporliir lnKlnit tone nnd ilurnblllty. Manufactured itnce 186. Hm uo eitiHl, price una iiunllty coimlilered. Fee them. Huntington and Mendlessohn Pianos Sterling Organs KorC'luircIu'i mid I'arlum, at lowest prices. DurliiR this month we will mule from 15 to 25 per cent discount from our rul. In order to k-ot our biisiuets tuned. Ksy terms of payment en be arranged It iMjiruuuie 10 snow goous. caliv NOTK low prices I 'wanted. Pee our line assortment belore buying elto where toiuci lumieu iu nujr nuuress on appncaiion RENTING PIANOS A 8PECIALTY. L. M. PARISH. KOTAHY PUIIMC. GEO. E. WATKINS. ST. PAUL HOUSE llOUUellCN(iHHtllHII(. KltKll IIII.I., MiiHKir. Itnoum With or Without Ilonnl. Special Hates by tho .Month. Ilnrrooin nnd Ilowlini' Allev In Connection. Klvc HloeU from Sieamohlp l)ock and Union Depot. Open liav hiuI Nlultl, I'l, 'Jll, and :'il North third Street l'OKTl..VND, UICKOUN USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing- Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. Parrish & Watkins REAL ESTATE, HOUSE, Loans and Fire Insurance Agents for Lancashire Insurance Co. No. 246 Washington Street Bents Must II Paid In Advance. PORTLAND OR r. PMtrns rum Lee. 3 qootrtOS tscTsntntMa. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE Newly I'enovfted Neatly Furnished $1 OO and SI SO Por Day HOTEL OSBORN Board for Families a Specialty, Travelers should take S" itreet car at Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Ankney car. Corner East Ash and Crand Ava. PORTLAND, OREGON. FORBES-DAVIS FUEIi GO, Coal nnd Wood. Oiskou i'l.o.itUrant Sji, Columbia Phone 001. lOtl First Stre THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, I88O; Capital, SIOO.OOO. Intereat 1IotoI on thno deposits. Exchange bought and iold on all prin cipal pointH, Special attention given to collections. W . J. Furniali. president; J. N. Teal, vicc-preaident; T. J. Morris, cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - $72,000 Office and Yards, 181-193 K. Water Street, POKTI.AND, OUKGON. Ortfou Phone Untou il. ColumbU tilt iKsflkyJy ENGINES BOILERS RUSSELL Hiah Grade sV Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS RUSSELL & CO. Write for Catalojcua aad Prices, PORTLAND, OREGON. v