;,., w'WrapweiiKKr T"" w"'''-'''-''"'''"'' rw "'HlW''WtpWlPWpiHiJil Mil ' ' W OKWilOllHMI.t.,.-...,,,, ,,,. ..p.. I, .UK, li. I.... ....ni.l.i ..W-llMlll.l,.Mft THE NEW AG-E, PORTLAND. OREGON. 'MRntait,!) ,, TVRKSSIPIVIMHH s ' '.'JS 1 . 9 ft ? if A m m Georgie's Gab "Thnt's a Job somo people might Like," paw sod wheii we was Huttln .around waltln' for It to Olt time to Go to bed nl to before lust. "But tliare'a wharc tliay dou't no wbat the contract cnjls for." "What Job Ib That?" maw ast. ' "lteln u Emperor," suyB paw. "Look at Willie over Tharo In Gurmcuuy. Hay, that Boy workH overtime rlto alonj,' without extry pay, und ho don't pit nieuny Batorday afternoons off nei ther." "Why," maw Told him, "I thot kings and itioniiH and Emperors dlden't Haft to do nothln but Blue state papers thny never rod and ride around In the park to git a nappytlte for Dinner." "That kIiowh I done wIhu not goln In for a Diplomatic career after I mar ried You," paw wiyH. "You'd make a nice wife of a Forrcu council with all your Ignorancy of Bich alTareH, would 'n't youV SpoHcn I wiih hired Uy the (iovuiiiiiiit, tho, and wan Sent over to Hiirlln to Hen tho Emporer. I'd go up to the pallUN and ring the Hell, and pur iy .Soon a Survont would come, and I'd nay: " 'CSood mornon. Ih the Kmperur In?' " 'No,' the Hurvuiit would say, 'he haa went out alroddy. " 'Whare Ih lie' I'd nnt " '1 ferglt whether Ho'h openlna Ca mil or Uuvallln a .Statute of bin grand fawthor thin mornln,' tho Burvent would niiHwer. "Then I'd go In nnd not down and Wate, and purty hooii the Emporur would come burryln In, dreHKed iih a kernel of the YoolniiH. After we would Hhnke handH lie would Hay: " 'You iniiHt e.xciiHe mo for a few mln iitoH. I (Jot to present a meddle to a feller what HelongH to a Friendly pow r. Ho'h waltln out In the Hull.' ".So he goon Into tho Hod room nnd purty noon lie coiiioh out In tho younl form of a Drum major In the ItooHhen army, and (Joes and plim the meddle on to the man Krtiin the friendly Power and then Coiiioh back, and I Start to tell lllm what I want, and lie lookH at IiIh watch and Hollerm '"Holy Htnoke! Here It Ih a quarter pnut 10 alroddy. 1 mtiHt go and lay the corner Mono of a Chewln (Sum fack Iry. Hore'H the Fambly album full of plcttnoH of mo what you klu look at till I git Hack.' "Then lie I)reHKiH HIiiiHolf like n .IiiiIl'o nf tln Knint iireinn court IIurrloH out ho ho won't iiiIhh the next car. t When ho couiort Hack ho only JlHt ban time to DroHH up iih a admiral and do to l.a wnob a new tug Bote. Then lt'n Time to git IiIh plckturo taken In kIx xI.vIch, and That taken lllm twenty ininltH, ho when He ('IIh thru Ho makcx n Hpeach to the nHHcmhuld multltood, nay In: "'My deer cllhlorn, thnre'H only one thing you got to' Do to Be the graltoHtj Itocpui on eriu h. That'H pay your Tiixoh tor That Tharo'H JlHt onu and Itememl IUh1 Thing worth while In (IiIh world nnd I'm It. AlwnyH Iteinciubor H'h iiiu That given tho word when tho WIiIhhoI IIIowh and you'll Bo happy. Franco ImH a grnlt army. 1 want to boo that alio In I'nniH next year.' "Then thny holler 'Hock, Hock' n few tlnu'H and the Hired Ourl Bny'a din ner'H reddy." "Well," HnyH ninw, "you mite tell lllm what you want while Ho'h eatln." "No," paw told Her, "that'H one of the HI..lcHt tlnu'H of tlio Day for him. tWIille the moel Ih goln on he ban to jm)ho for a Hunt, of rJlliiiKclf and Dick late the uniHl,cky(jr. nu opry to Three tlpo rlterH. IiciiIiu'h thru oaten ho putH on tliojyunlf;orui of a kernel of the ColdHtrccm gardn and gocn out and wIiih a yot race f rum tho prince of wallH ami TakeH FuiHt prize In a tdioot u match. On IiIh way homo he tin viiIIh three uionumeutH of 1 1 Ih grand- fawthor ami hciiiIh freiiilly moHHldgoa nishes, and rtKiin niouldingH. 806 Al to tho Korren potentiiltH. dor streot, between Fifth und Sixth, "Won, 1 JlHt git Hinrieil to Tell nun what 1 Dropt around for when tho flock HtrlkcH II, mid ho JiimpH ti) mid Ih Cone. I'urly hooii he coiiioh out of the -loHot III the yiuinlfonu of a Turklnh iimkIiiiu- ami hiivh- I in h iiiu mill hiim. I'.XCUM' 11)0. 1 got to rlto II Letter to the Hiiltan congratulated lllm Ilecoa lllm ami IiIh hIm.v thurd wile Huh a 1 i..i. i... tt.. i.,u ,1,,.. . 11 . ., Little bo. After that h done He goon imi'K nun iti'mhi'h iiniixeii in a uiurry buiitHiiimi and goon out ami IteatH tho I Itecord for kllllll StllgH. It's Hegllinlll 10 (.It purty Lute then, mid Iio'h got to iiii nnuthor canal, ho I Don't care to wait enny Longer, ami while Ho'h In puttlu on a new yuiilform I Duck out or 'I lime, anil lie telefonoH mo the next moriilu telllu How glail bo Ih that him nnd thlH Country Ih 011 Slch freudly rvliitlniiM," "Paw," maw hiivh. "What," hii.vh paw. "I'm glad you ain't no Kniperur." I "WbyV" "Moooh If you hnd to DroHH nnd on iroHs nun 1'iiNt you ti nave every HUM tore off lUHhlo of two Dayn and you'd never no wlnire the pantH wns what Helonged to your other Soot." Ho paw got mad and Sod the whole fambly wiih iiIwii.vh tryln to Ituu him Down and bo wouldon't tell uh no more about It. Chicago TlincH-Herald. Unit lea Mint Ualu. It Is a curious fact- well known, how ever, to weather exports- that heavy ilrlng will generally cause rain, oveii though the sky was clear lhfore htintl. At Waterloo in lu came down In tor. reiitK. So It did In several of the bis' battles of the civil war Gettysburg, for oMiinplo. The tremendous concussion nhakos tho little gloliuhtt of water which lire always present Invisibly In the atmosphere together, and so bilugi them down. As a midnight entertainer the aver Age cat In u bowling eucceiw. BUSINESS LOCALS. ' Always aik for tho fatnoua Genoral Arthur cigar. Esberf-Gunst Cigar Co., general agtnti, Portland. Or. : r- V V Tlinmnmn. ilrnlnr In tobacco, cignrs, fruit, enndies und nuts. . . m. , ..v..'., .----.. 260 a itieot. Wntta fe Miitthlcu, druggists, 171 Huesoll St., Hill block, Porltuud, Or. Kahn Bros., dealers in bides, fun nnd wool. 101 Front street, Portland, Or. O. Danielson, wntohmnker, jewel) and diamond-Bettor, 140 Sixth street, Portland, Or. All work guaranteed. Lake Charles House, 89 North Fifth street, Portland. Choicest bruuds o.' wines, liquors and cigars. Brerybody smokes tho celobratna Monogram and Pandora cigurs. They hare no equal. Marine drug etoro, C. A. Watson, proprietor, 61 North Third street, Port land, Oregon. fjmytb & Howard, goneral contraot wh. itouds. bridges, trestles, munici pal improTemonts, etc, Portlund, Or. Diamond Vitrified Brick Company, (Incorporated). Paving brlok a spe cialty. 618 Charobjr of Commerce. Bohemian Bottling Works, sole bot ilais of Soli litis Milwuukeo Beer. Phono Grant 031. 861 Stark street, Portland, Or. Tho Popular, 136 First streot, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, proprietor. Tel. Ore gon rod 0U4, Columbia 608. Wiro Fcnco Works Wire fonce, Iron fonco, offlco railing, window guards, etc. Portlnnd Wire & Iron Works, 834 Aldor. Phono, 1001 black. Portland Transfer rJuloon Chns. O. Biglin, proprietor. Choice wines lliiuors and oiitnrs. 831 Gliitui, cor 1 ul.ll. n..tl.nii1 Dp. Sterling nnd Yalo hlcyclos, cliali and chaiiiloHH, fllrj to $76; onsh or ln stallmunt. '00 wohuls for xunt. Don ton & Co., 180 Sixth street. Hocktiigor & Co., dealers in new nn( second-bund goods, furniture, stoves, tlnwnra, hardwuie, ghmwuro and Bought sold mill exchanged. "oakery. 80 and 83 Union avenue, East Bide, ro,,ll,nil KJU . Emost Gelslor. mnnufnctiiror anr dealer in high-grade Huvuuh cigars an tobacco. Kulohroom nnd fnutoryt IflOM North Sixth street, opposlti Union depot, Portland, Or. Box trad a specialty. The Western Oyster Housj, San Mackln, pmprlotor. Oysters and orawflsh. wholesnlo and retail. Br .the gallon, 3; by the pint, 26 cento. 163) WaHhingtoii streot, between Sec ond und Third. Telephone brown 484. When you builif see Lewis & Lewis, coutractoru and builders. Oregou Tel ephone 1,006 Green. Special attention paid to jobbing and repairing stairs and stairlmildiug. 807 Madison strwilj between Fifth and Sixth, Portland, Or. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. Is the old eat and best service of tho kind in tht town. Headers of tho New Age, giv them the pruforenoo. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or uny good securities. Notes aud mortgages bought B. W. King, room 46, Washington building. E, II. Moorohouse A Company, (inc.) 1808 wall paper; paints, oils, vur- Portlund, Or. Ring up Dr. Darling, 2fl4i,f Morrlwrn truut. enr. Tbinl mi. I MiriIu..i. mi ' muaIii A M,iI),,miI' nnu. fl0A"01' MOlionnell s. Onics hours. 10:80 to 19 a. m.; 1:510 to 6 p. ,. At roaldnncn. K. Hill, ,i..,l tl..l J nuint Hlr.mts mnminu m.,1 v. ,.!.. ' Ier annum from tho 4th day of December, JJ U.0 , . J, lH ol Iliu 7 ! lw f."? ,ho f,,Vh'.r T. f 3)-75 fc08, nioiiHiiuu pnoiuH, wrion, iiiuu 870) fcnj d UbursementB. 'and tho costs of and Columbia, 61U7; onioo 'plione, Colnia.lupon thu writ, commanding mo to make bin 14. . -3 - Tim Arnrn. Jnbn Grimm. iimiirUKir. Vin( wlmui ilquor() mi uigltrBi Wol. h,ril. t,ool 0ll draught. Private fan y r0oms. All kinds of sandwitho. Pil0m. rw 1883. Coiner Sixth a.4 Aukeny atr ikeny streets, Portlund, Or. Frenoh Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work dono nt very moderate prices. uyeing ami cleaning of all kinds ol ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mournini1 cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Doleau, I pjupriviur, oo uusun iu. ' Th finest nlno in thu nttr to obtain flial quntv cigan: tobacco and suio. , Rrtioles is that of lloBiuithul A JJudd, at 987 and 287 M Wushingto itroet, between Fourth and Fifth, Give these gonial dealers a call when you wish anything in their line. Tele- phono Main 76. Economy BTioo Shop, 109 8d; men's hnlf soles, sewed, fl; nailed, 70; 2iln, 60o; oils, 3&c. Ladies', sowed, 76o; nulled, 60c; 3da, 36c, Heat atook and work, A. M. Ilollubough, prop At A Unrul, bicycle repairing. "raxlnu aud cutting down frames a ipcialty. Ulovole sundries llaked niol. All work guaiauteed. 188 Foot ' M""lson street, Portland, Or. c'1 "d 8e0 Ulu wl,en you are broken .down. Agency for the Iiupeilal Uloy- ole; guaranteed (ot one year, Oiegoaj 'phono black 3891. Columbia Brlilgo Company (incor wilted), genoral contractors. 716 ,bnmbor of Commorco. Jn0 p- Sharkey, manufacurcr of nnoe8, collarB, laddlea and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc. 65 Union ave., Port- land. Or. B. C. Cash Market. Cheapest and best goodB delivered east and west. Corner Seventh and Couch streets. Everything first-elans. Cameron & Mergons. Tho Storey-Kern Fuel Company has purchased D. BralycB & Co.'s "wood business and ore proparcd to fill all or ders for any kind of mill wood. They are tho certainly the largest wood deal Bra in the city. Wood delivered to any aardcBS in tho city. Tho Comfort, 144 Sixth street, bet. Morrison and Alder. Fine wines. liquors nnd cigars. A fresh, cool glnes of beer always on draught. Wall papar, painting and paper hanging and wall tinting. First-olais work; moderate prices. J. W. Kenna, 84 First street. Oregon phone, Hood 838. Go to the Mobile Oyster Parlors, 183 Third street, oorner Y .nihil I, for craw fish, oystora or tt.males. Tolophono Oregon black 3064. D. O. Gooanoll, proprietor. George Baker & Co., praotical furni ture auctioneers and export Taluers. Conduoting auctions at private resi dences a opocialty. All sales promptly settled and statements furnished. Cash advanoed on consignments, or fur iture of houses purchased for cash. Bankers' reference Ladd A Tilton. Columbia phono 380. Offloes and sales rooms, Nos. 863-864 Alder street, Port land, Or. SI I Hit I IT SAMS. In the Circuit Court of tho Stcte of Ore- Kon for tho County of Multnomah. Charles J. Straight, I'lnliitlff, vs. J. M. Mclntlru and Amy A. Mclntlre, hid wife, W. I Mclntlre and Sarah B. aic- Intlru, his wife, UufundantH. Uy virtue of an execution, Judgment or der and decrco duly Issued out of and un der the Hani of the abovo-entltlud court, In tho ahovu-untltled causu, to mo duly dlrocted, and dated thu hth dny of Novum bur, 1809, upon u JudKinont rendered and entered In ttuld court on the Oth dny of Boptumber, 1893, In favor of (.'hnrloB J. BtralKlit, plaintiff, nnd niculnHt J. M. Mc lntlre. Amy A. Mclntlre. W. P. Mcln tlro and Sarah K. Mclntlre, difeiulnntH, for tho turn of $2,704 W, with Intercut thurv on at tho rate of 10 pur cent, per annum from thu 19th day of December. 1891, und the further huiii of HOO.00. with Interest t,hureoii ut thu rate of 8 per cent, per an num from the 6th dny of September, 1893, till tho 14th day of October, 1893, and thereafter Intercut nt the rate of G per cont. per annum, and thu further nutn of 126.05, coutn und dlaburaumenta, and tho coats of und upon this writ, commnndlnK mo to mnko anl of the followtiiK-doa-crlbed rnul property, to-wlt: All the undi vided threo-elKhthn of tho donation land clnlm of Hornco J. Mclntlre nnd Narclnaa 3. Mclntlre, IiIh wife, In sections 23 nnd 24, In townahlp 2 north, rnnxo 1 went of the WlllaniPttu meridian, nnd In sections 17, 33, 34 und 35, In townahlp 3 north, range 1 woftt of the Wlllnmotte merldlnn, In Multnomnh county, state of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of snld execu tion, Judgment order and decree, nnd In compliance with tho commands of raid writ, I will on Monday, tho ath day of Jauunry, 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M nt the front door of the county courthouse In tho city of Portland, said county nnd atnte, sell nt public miction, subject to redemption, to the highest bid der, for United Rtntcs gold coin, caah In hand, nil the right, title nnd Intereit which the wlthln-named dafrndnnta, or tther of them, hnd on the date of tho mortgage herein, or line hnd, In and to tht above-described real property or nny part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree,-Interest, coats nnd all nccrulng routs, Dntcd Portland. Or., December 7 lft. WIM.IAM FP.A7.tErt. Sheriff of Multnomah County. Oregon, SHKItlFK MAI.K. In the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for tho county of Multnomah. 10, 11, Watson und II, II. ltcekmnn, purtnera do ing business as WaUon & Beekman, plain tlftw, vs. the Ijxrch Mountuln Investment Company, deftMidant. Hy virtue of an attachment, execution and order of sulo duly Utaued out of nnd un der thu seal of the above-entiled court, In the nhove-entltU'd cause, to me duly di rected, and dated tho 7th day of December, ISV., upon a Judgment rendered nnd entered In said court on tho 4th dav of December. IS99. la fuvor of K. H. Watson nnd H. 11. Buekmaii, pnrtnora dBIng bualueaa as nt- ,on & I'wknmn, plaintiffs, nnd against the ,,arch Mountnn investment Company, de. fendnnt. for the sum of JJ701.69. with In- terrat thereon nt tho rnte of 6 Per cent le of thu following-described real prop erty, to-wlt : Thu west of the west M of section 19. townahlp one (1) north or range six (t) ast of the Willamette meridian, In Mult nomah county, statu of Oregon, containing 181,60 acres. Also tho east H of tho west M of section 0. township onu (1) north of range lx (6) east of the Willamette meridian, In Mult nomuh county, statu of Oregon, containing ICO acres. Also east H or tho west M of section St, township one (t) north of range lx U) east or the Willamette meridian, In Mult- nonmn mty. state of Oregon, contulnlng Uo'at t of section Jl. township one (t) north of range six (6) east of tho Wil lamette meridian, In Multnomah county, stato ot Oregon, containing Kg acre. Also the east H of the west H of sectlo It, township one (1) north of range r-l () east or the Willamette meridian. In Multnomah county, stute ot Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Mo tho outh H of the north H or sec tion :s, township om (1) north or range Ave (5) east of the Willamette meridian, In Multnomah county, atato or Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Now, therefore, by virtue or aald exe cution and order or sale, and In compliance with the commands or said writ, I will on Monday, the 16th day ot January, 1900. at "the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M at tho, front door or tho county courthouse, In thu city ot Portland, suld county and state, aell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the hlgheM bidder, for United Slates gold coin, cash In hand, all tho right, title nnd Interest which the wlthln-named do. reudunt had on the date ot the attachmcit herein. November 10, 1K9. or since haiL in and to the above-leserlbel real property or any part thereor. to satisfy said ex cutlon, order of sale, Interest, costs ati all accruing cost. Dated Portland, Or.. December 14. 1S99. WILMAM PUAZIKU. Sheriff of Multnomah County, Or. HONAIID nOUSB Furnlihed Iloomi to Kent by the Dy, Weok or Month. MKS. V. O. I10ND, Troprletrcu. 3044 East Morrison 8t PORTLAND, OR. nUOENE UOCH Wholesale Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAR8. Office: 110 Fourth Street, Telephone 1084. PORTLAND, OREGON ORTLAND ROLLINO MILLS Manufacturers of PIG IRON AND BTEKL. N. E. AVER, Manager, A'nd nnd Nlcolal Streetr "THE TASTE TELLS" THAT CUDAHY'S REX HAMS, REX BACON REX LARD AND REX CANNED MEATS ARE THE BEST. J, A. MARTIN CO. Sash and Door Factory Walnut. Hpanlnh Cedar nnd Ash Lumber con stautly on hand; ulno Kail, Nouuls and llnlus ters, and all kinds of hiirdwocd. veneers and everything lu thu stnlr Hue; nit kinds of Iron iiudhrtifts brackets for hanging ralln; scroll MuviiiK, woon turning nnu planing; niso all kinds of mouldings and finishing material. t (iiiuiry or tiers mien nu snort notice. Your orders ruipectlully solicited. 17th and N. Front St. 'Phone M7. PORTLAND, OREGON NORTH PACIFIC PLANING MILL CO. MANUKACTUKEKS Sash and Doors and Blinds Hpeclal prices on carload orders. 22nd and Thurman Sts., PORTLAND ... OR. bong Distance 'Phono Main ?J0. DEPOT HOTEL (PKinWHES GASTIIAI'8) S. E. Cor. Sovonth and Gllsan Sts. Two blocks from Union Depot. PORTLAND - - OREGON Meals 20 Cents. lodgings .... 25 and 36 Cents. Six Meal Tickets for $1.00. A. BLOCK, Proprietor. Former proprietor Wrulilngton Hotel. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Co., SEVENTH IND ILDER STS. Both Thones 385. THE TITLE GUARANTEE ID TRUST GO. WM. M. LADD, I'retldent. J. THOKlif KN HOSS, tVCy and M'sr. T. T. UUltKHAKr, As"t Secretary. Offer property for iale at nch low prlcei, that It will p) you to purchae and hold (or an advance, We hare Income-producing properly (or iale, which It will pay ou to buy (or Inventment. We hae low. priced lot (or the home-build er.andUyou buy the laimml we will loan you money at lowed ratet with which to build a houe. tf(eljlnott Vault, Loans, Almtracti, Title lunuratice. Kor (urther particulani eo TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PORTLAND - - OR. I sssssssstMVoW HUP ILtlAMB, WOOD A LlNTHIOtJVi Qo. H. Williams, C. B. B. WooJ. L, II. Lln tkloum, J, O, rlattdcra, Attornyi-at-Iiairi Chamber ot Commcro Dulldlnir, Portland, Oregon. pOBERTB' CAFK Fourth and Stark BU. Portland, Oregon. PrlraU Entrance, 102 Fourth Btreet. Telephone Black 1SS4. rRIKNTAL 328 Waihlngton Bt., bet. 6th and 7th, Portland, Oregon. Strictly Flnt-Claai. Oeo. Shea, Proprietor. T J. KADDKRLY, ' DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Range, Tin, Copper and Granitt Iron-Ware, Crockery, (llauwaro .and Ilottio rnrnUhlng (lood. Jobbing promptly nt Unded to. Ul-liM Flrat St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellow' Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. T7-RANER ,A KRAMER TAILORB. 328 Waahlngton Btreet, TORTLAND, OREGON. Established 1870. Chemical Laboratory. J. H. PltK, Aainyer and Analytical Chemlit. Mcmbor American Mining Institute and Chemical Boclcty. Assaying taught In all lta branch. Mine examlneu and rtported upon aapeclalty. Hate given on application (or Bartlal or complete analyilaot any substance, old and silver refined, melted, assayed or purchased. OFFICE, 2WH WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND ... ORIQON J. F. SHEA-PLUMIIINO, STEAM AND GAB FITTING. Dealer In Plumbing and Heating Supplies. Engineers' Trimming and Packing. General Agent (or tho Clevoland Fuucet Co. Hot Water Heating a specialty. Ko. 10 and 12 Second Street, North. Telephone &. Portland, Or. TJENRY EVKRDING COMMISSION MERCHANT Wholcsnle nnd Retail Dealer In HAY, GRAIN, FEED AND STAPLE GRO CEItlES. 4M7 Front St. PORTLAND, OREGON DRUNK "Napa Soda" California's Famous Mineral Water.... THE NORTHROP i STURBIS CO. Sole Northwestern Distributors. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office d. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Bt. Taltphone 639. PORTLAND, OREGON, Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at raal itonou to any destination. Branch Ofilces: Hotel Portland; United Carriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. STEPHAN'S ..Dressmaking Establishment.. Evening; Gowns, Street Suits, Fancy Waists, Tailor Made Suits, Riding: Habits, Etc 280 Aider Street, PORTLAND, OR. USE" Red Seal Brand Hams Bacon Lard..., Tor Quality Unsurpassed" OMAHA PACKING CO, Office, Bruokeho'use 56-5S-40 East Water St. and Warehouse PORTLAND, OR. ANDERSON BROS. Livery, Hack, Feed and Sale Stable fHclal AtU-ttlaa Pale to laarsla Htrta. 0M Third 3t., cor. Madison. ragon Pbona ML CluatMa hon fttt. w r nlEsrsLsLsssssDaBBBBLssssElx t NEW NORTHWEST LODGE, NO. 1554, G. U. O. ol O. F. meets at tholr hall northwoat corner of geoond and Yamhill streets. Business meeting Irat and third Tuesday of each month. House of instruction fourth Tuesday oi ach month. Officers: R. Grawiordr P. N. P. 5 F. D. Thomas, N. P.; R. 1111, P. W. G.! J. E. Watson, N. G., I4S Bucnside street; Wm. B. Robin son, V. Q.; O. A. Ritter. P. 8., 38a Wood streets h. OMJopelafad, E. 8.i P. JenklBS, W. T.i a H. Gray, chap. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned administrator of tho estate of Lowis Cohon, deceased, has filod in the connty court of Multnomah county, stato of Oregon, his final account as snoh administrator of said estate and that on Saturday, tho 27th day of Jan uary, at 030 o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said court as tho timo for hearing of objections to said report and tho settlement thereof. A. T. LEWIS, Administrator of tho ostato of Lewis Cohon, deceased. Dated Decomber 21, 1800. T IIK WESTERN I.UM11ER COMPANY Ofllce: Bevontccnth and Front Streets Portland, Oregon. T D. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 1W Third Street, Opposlto Masonic Temple. Portland, Oregon. AM L. UEARY-MANUFACTURER Or fine candle. Agent (or original Allcgrettl. locolatt. 327 Morrloon Street, Marquatn Block, Portland, Oregon. OTKIINKKN A JULIEN- Whotcsalcnnd rental! grocer, 312-HU Iturn tide street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or, Tele phone, Oregon Illack '.KJ32, Columbia teO. Dr. Fred A. Reisaeher DENTIST MB Oraduato o( tho Korthwcstcin Unlevrsltr Dental College. Flrst-Cliss Work and Prices ReasonabI 711 Dekum llld'g, Cor. Third A Waihlngton. PORTLAND, Or. Oregon 'Phono Green 493' Buy Your Shoes At EGGERT-YOUNG CO. Importers and Dealers In FINE FOOTWEAR 1 39 and IS I Third St root Between Alder and Washington. I'OItTI.ANI) OltlCOON. fleymood Brothers AND Wakefield Company Manufacturers of CANE AND WOOD-SEAT CHAIRS, BENT WOOD CHAIRS, REED and RATTAN FURNITURE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CHAIR CANE, Etc. Goods Sold to the Trade Only. 80-86 Fifth St. PORTLAND. Fine Guitars, $3.50 Up Good Mandolins, $3.75 Up Graves & Co. 285 Alder Street. Depot for S. S. Stuart Banjos, George Bauer Guitars and Mandolins. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail GROCER... LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY Third St., Cor. Jefferson Both Phonts, BT fT vr-v-i rr,tTTTT PATENTS DESIQNS TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS , uaiaintu I ADVKEA9 TO PATENTABILITY FflPP " Book "How to obtain PaUnU" f CC , CaW " No fw tW rUnt U wnrd. ' I. 8. HOURS. P.f.M L,w, WtaOaro. C. t&. .snu..', JtmrimJA2)laWKimmr,r wer?: ::72f tst -vWT-tri n