THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. SMITH &, WATSON IRON WORKS MANUKACTUUKUS OK A IX KINDS OK Murine nn.I Stationary KntfiieBiiiul Jloilfra. Saw Mills. Mining Hoisting and IVKin Machinery. Bridge iiipl Structural Work. Shafting Mearlnir. Pul leys ami Mlecol rineoua Machinery of all kinds. Iron an.l Br.iss Castings. Forgings and Repairs of All kinds Promptly Attended To. Off. co and Works: Front and Is "Very Much Pleased" It DR. A. T. Iluwnroof Klcctrlo licit lraiitlHtraillin; up on my r.o yearn' reputation. Tliclr uniiio-4 enn ln li ltd uiioii application lo iiny of my ollleus. KSTAIlMSIIlil) 1S11. INCOUI'OIIATKI) 180T. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: & Commission Merchants WHOLE8ALE GROCERS To snro time nlJrcii til Comtnuntcatloui to the Comptnr. Not. 40 to 54 Front Struct, North. POKTI.ANn, On. W0LFF& ZWICKER Ironworks PORTLAND, OREGON. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Manufacturers of Saw and Shlnglo Mill Machinery, Pollers, Engines, Head Blocks, laiglng Engines and Loggers' Supplies. Steel Illvctcd Pipes for Flumes and Dry Kilnn. lion, Semi-Steel and Brass Castings for all purposes. Special attention glvon to all kinds of repairs. Agents for Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEAI.KUS IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY. B60 Eant Wntor Stroot PORTLAND, OREGON. -- .iii WEDDING, VISITING AND PROFESSIONAL CARD ENGRAVERS. JkM fMprtOWfii- The Largest Plate Engraving W. Q. SMITH & CO., 22 and FALL II FASHIONS IN- HVTw.-- AT ANY PRICE almost you wish, Wo guaran tee the quality of every hat. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Bolo Agents for Knox and Wurburtun Hati. Tlilrrt ond Sturk Street. OiM'onlte Chimiber of Coi.imereo. DRINK THE FAMOUS. "VS7"eixiliarcl7s Beer FOR SALE AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL SALOONS BREWERY AND OFFICE, PORTLAND SJHr ..... ,..,.,..-. or. Ha'l StsM Portland, Oregon .Buckloy, Wash., Oct. 10, 1800. Dr. A. T. Snndeu: I nin very much pleased with your No. 0 Klotrio Holt, and would not lie without It, now that 1 know its merits. I have induced others to try it albo. F. IS. PHILLIPS. This ia one of thousands I have- on illo at my ofllee, and as I have cured thousands I CAN CURE YOU. I use my LATEST METHOD, Dr. Sanden Electric Belt Kown and used tho world ovor. If you suffer from Laok of Strength, Organic Weakness, Lame Hack, Varicocele, Sciatica, Rheuma tism, Lumbago, Nervousness, Poor Circula tion, etc., send for my book, "Three Clashes of Men." This littlo hook gives a descrip tion of my wonderful Pelt and what it is used for. SANDEN Russel Building1, Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts. Oltlcc Hours: OtoC; Siuulny, 10 lo 1. Kntrmicn on fourth SI. Hcooiul l'loor House in the Northwest. 23 Washington bld'g, PORTLAND, OR. Exolualvo Furnisher " ftX? sts ERON WORKS POItTtiAND KAIIWAY COMPANY. General Onlc corner First and Washington 8t By the llncftot thin company and Its con nections, the Fccond Streut Line: Portland Traction Co., or Fifth Street I.lncj and the Kasl Bldo Hallway Co, all parts of the ellycan be reached titum the payment ol a FIVK-CKNT I A HE inch uhv. On the West "Side Cars run every 10 m Inn t?s. On the I'ortland & Vancouver Line, ears lenvc Vl'tt and Vah!nRton streets (or Wood, lawn every 'JO mlnntis from Cii. m. to5!20p. m.i then every 10 minutes to 6 80 p. m.j then every Su minutes ;ol2:0jn. m. On Sunday first cur leaves at 7:40 a, in. Cars leave for Vancouver every -10 minutes from fii'20 a. m. to 6.10 p, m. on Wednesdays mil Saturdays, also at 11 and ll.SOp. m. On 3undajs tlrt car leaos at 7:40 a. m, Yim will save money by buying Vancouver round-trip tickets nt the ofllee. Olllce hours 8 a, in. to p. in,: Sunday, 10 n, m. to 12m. O. F. PAXTON, I'rcsldcnt. J. F. IMTt'HKI.DKK, Sicrctary. rOHTLANI) TUACTION COMPANY. (Formerly Cablo Hallway.) Oporatcs Klcctrlo and Cablo Street Hallway Irom Union Ipot up Fifth St. by tho Principal Hotels, Postofllce, Courthonic, City Hall. etc.. lo Portland Heights and the City Park. From the Holghts can he obtained an unrivalled view of tho city, rivers, surrounding country and mountain ranges, with the snow-capped sum mits ot Mounts, Hood, Adams, St. Helens and lUnler. Curs run every 7 1-3 inlmitns. First car leaves I'ulon Depot at 0:37 a. m. First car leaves I'ortland Heights atO:3An. m, Last car leaves Union Depot at 11:80 p. in. '.ast car leaves Portland Heights fordepo' 1 p. m. Last car leaves Portland Height)' .iwer-house nt ltf0p. m. Transfers at I iid Washington Streets with Portland lit. v. y Co.'s Hues and Kast Sldo Hallway Co. lli.c. p O. TlNClItY MANL'FACTl'HISO JF.WELKH. Diamond Setter. Hcpalrlng neatly done. Any design ol Jewelry made to order. Ut stairs over The Fnmons, Comer Second and Morrison streets, Portland, Or, in W. A KISS F. W. A HISS it CO. Wholesale Brokerage and Commission No. fii Front Street. Columbia 'Phone 219. Portland, Or. pOSMOPOLITAN HOTEL C. II. IJATEMAN. Proprietor. Hooms, il.oo to s.'..V) per week. M North Third Street, Corner Davis. PORTLAND, Or. K. .1. Ilolmer. K. II. llolmcr. L Elegant Appointments, Porcelain Tubs, Latest Improvement, Parlor In Com cctlon with Ladles' Haths. PURE SEA SALT BATHS A SPECIALTY ....II AMIS 35 CUNTS.... 61 SECOND AT., Iletween Everett and ITandera l'OHTI. VNII OKKflUN. Best of Cloth and Work Given at Remarkably Low Prices by Reason of Our Wonderfully Low Expenses. THE J. I. ACHESON CO., THIRD AND ILDER STS. i wmmm typewriter Latest and Best Machine The Irwin-Hodson Co, General Agrnts for Oregon and Idaho. Machines for Sale and Helit PORTLAND. OREGON. Blankbooks, Printing, Lithographing. SUITS TO ORDER James J. Paul FINE TAILORINQ THE BEST OF CLOTH.... We Want Your Trade ....300 THIRD ST III S - I - N. HODGSON & CO. PRACTICAL ilusic Dealers We make a Specialty of Band and Orches tra Music. Also a central line of Musical Goods. Strings for all Instruments. Try ( "uur nana-jvuae- reeas. we aiso iur-i nish Music for Entertainments. N. K. Cur. Hrciuid it Vnmlllll (Up blulr l'OIlt'LANI), OlIKQOM. I CASCADE BATH 11 .. t VONAHI) IIOI'SK FurnMied Uoonis t ltent by the Day, Week or Month. MIL". V. O, 1IOND, Proprietress. iW4 Ent Morrison St., POUTLAND, OK. Tit'OKST. HOCII Whntesale Deater In WINES, LKU'OHS AND C.IOAItS. Ofllee: 110 Fourth Street, Telephone 1081. POUTLAND, OltEOOK. pOUTLAND ItOLLINO MILIS Manufacturers of PIC. IllON AND STEEL. N. E. AYEIt, ManaKer, i'ml and Nleolal Street". THE TASTE TELLS" THAT CUDAHY'S REX HAMS, REX BACON REX LARD AND REX CANNED MEATS ARE THE BEST. J, A. MARTIN CO, Sash and Door Factory Walnut, Spanish Cedar and Ash Lumber con stantly on baud; also Hulls, Newels and Haiti, ters, and all kinds of hardwood, veneers ami overythlui; In the stair Hue: all kinds of Iron audlirass brackets lor haiiKlliK rails; scroll Mtwliii:, wood turnliiK and phmliu;; also all kinds of uiouldliiKH and Mulshing material. Country orders tilled on short notice. Your onlt'is respectfully solicited. 17th and N. Front St. l' ta7. PORTLAND, OREGON NORTH PACIFIC PLANING MILL CO. MANt'F.UTUtEltH - Sash and Doors and Blinds Special prices on carload orders. 22nd nnd Thurmnn Sts.. PORTLAND - - - OR. Loiik Distance 'Phone Main '.".U DEPOT HOTEL (DKlMSflir.StiASTHAFS) S. E. Cor. Seventh nnd Gllsnn Sts. Two blocks fiom I'nloii Depot. PORTLAND - - OREGON Monlfl 20 Ciinlp. lok'ini!8 . 25 nnd .'15 (YntH. Six Meul TickelH for . .$1.00. A. BLOCK, Proprietor. Former proprietor Washington Hotel. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting; of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Co., SEVENTH iHD ALDER STS. Both 'Phones 385. he title guarantee and TRUST GO. U.M. M. I.ADD, Pii-hldcnt. J. THOItlllltN ItO.-.s. S -'y and M'jsr T. T. HUHKIIAItr, Ai.'IKeretttry. Olfers property for sal" at such low price", that It will pay )ou to piircluo-u and hold for an advance. Y have liicoine-proluclnB properly for alc, which II will pay ) u lo bu for IliwMiiic-ht i-hue low -priced liiu lor the home build er, and if J on bii) the urinnul we will limn no n oney at lowist rulen wilh ulilrh id hiilld a t -) t-iidi Deposit Vtinl's, Iians, ALxiracts, Till- iiiKiirance Fur (urtli r purncular mce TITLE GUARANTEE ANO TRUST CO., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PORTLAND - OR. I flsHH&T. THE FARMERS AND TRADERS NATIONAL BANK La Cmnclo, Oregon. CAPITAL, (H,000 00; SURPLUS, $8.5r0.l0. DIRKOTOUS: J. II. Riiti'lmrt. Gcortjo AckliB, .1. I). JIcKcnnon, Joseph Pal r. h . HMnluy. .T. II. H.tlililnn. .1. V. Sorlber. Ol'KICKR.: .1. 11. Rim-hurt, jnesiilunt; Josoi h Pftlmcr, vlco-preBideutj J. W. Soribcr, iM-liit'r. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon. Cnpitnl, f70.0fl0.00j Surplus nml Unilivido.l Prollts, t53,82l.78. HKSHRVK AKS IN First Nntionnl Brink, Chioapo, 111b.; First Nfttiotml Bunk. Piiitliutil, Oroiton; GIiuiuIoaI X.itlotiul Batik, New York, N. Y. OFKIOKRS AND DIRKCToRS: Levi Ankenv, Pros ; M. Barnlt, Vicc-Prcs ; C. B. Waile, CiiBhiur; II. C. Ouonisey, Ass't CaBhior; J. S. McLcotl. W. SJ B.vern, V. K. Matlock. CITY NEWS. Mr. S. Holes hits accepted n position nt the Itnpei-lnl. Rend Tho Now Ago if you want tho IICAVH. Mr. John Sample hn accepted a po sition nt Gray's Harbor. Mrs. J. D. StrtrlltiB, of Seattle, Ih tho gticHt of Mrs, M. Meredith. Mrs. T. 15. Thomas has recovered from a short, hut severe, Illness. Jlw. II. O. Thompson has jiouu east to visit her friends and relatives. Send in nil your society news each week to Tho Now Aye. Mnstcr Willie Huston has been pro nounced out of danger by his attend ltiK physician. Do you wish to uso tho best that money can buy Cortainly you do ThwriiiHlht that your deale'r furnishes you with Guduhy'H Rex Braudof hams, witoH nun nun mm .on m imm w.u ,,BHl,, through ono of the most trying best. j ami important periods in lis history. .... , ., .. . . ... ..., in The ovents have been of such trnn- Who is tho young buy who will Bl.e1(k,nl im)im.n, mt we Bhlin nill bo leave this elty soon to livo at mi- ,,e tu ,.Ht1!ltl. their true Importaneo eouvor, Wash. See tho next issue of f(. mny yoarH t c0,Pi 'n,0 Spanish this paper anil you will know tho rest, war brought with it the iiuestlmi of ; , , territorial expansion and race almorp- Mrs. R. Barnard, nfter a somewhat ,,,, (() H,., ,, ,st,,n, H wnH IU)t serious illness, was, on the advice of ,mni.,i r In tho philosophy of our her physician, removed last week to wlK0Hl mutcsnien. We waged war with tho hospital. Her many frlonds con- Sm f(. ,u, ,,m,,0Kl. of freeing Cuba; lldently hope fm- her speedy recovery, this we shall ultimately do. but wo Mr. .1 I,. Il.mte7.,n. tnjon charge S VffSS Sit S'off ftWKKSS y " " -" l ,,u we pi edict that he will succeed in .,' ,i,.t(,ns are that tho re building up a lucrative business In a $&& XZiMrMmmiio siioii tune. insult of the developments or the year The Sewing Circle at the Bethel A. 1SD9 than It ever wtv before. We be M. 13. church, which meets every I-'rl- Revo that the race Is stronger today day evening, Is well attended and Ihe than It whh u year ago. Wo say this varletv of ornamental and useful In the face of tho fact of tho unfortu thlngs that are being inado assures us nate legislation which has boon placed that when they get ready -to give a "P tho Mntuto Ikh.Ick of many of tho bazaar It must necet-saiily bo a success, stales and a manifest tendency to mul- Mlply such legislation, and of tho out Rev. 13. 13. Makelll, nfter a two years' lueaks of mob fmy which have dls stuy at Union Springs, Ala., has been graced too many of the states during appointed to a charge In (leorgla. 131) PAG 13 mb mbmbmbm M I .. I.t. ...... ..I-1. ...I ..'"""' " " '" ...v. ........ "V. DUVllll ui um , .D.,v. ...... ,(,VI, tllllt the COndltblll Illlll lllO prCB- coiiver on Now U-iu s day. and won ,H (f U) nu,0 m) I0ttsr than thoy so loyally on erlalned that some of woro ( ,,. ,, ,, h ,, . them inlKsed the last boat and hud to , U0 ,hlirPIll tn,llKt, f t,0 rnco stay all night. character and the foitnnato condition Wedding bells are ringing. Wo are r Its residence In the United States not nt llborty to be spoclllc, but hear than to nnythlng else. Wo tiro hiiriio It whlKiiuietl on tho winds that sumo I"K l the grand rush of national tlmo this month tliuio Ib to be n wed- growth nnd presperlty. Just us the uv dlng In our midst. We avIII tiy to glvo erago citizen Is and as our foielgn cltl nartlculars later. i zens aio In particular. But the fact is that we do not ulwnys stop to mean Instead of asking "How nro you?" urn the advantages we enjoy and tho when you meet a friend, tho proper progress wo uie making In all dlree- a - I.. 1 !.(.. I.. ......... I I... ... ....It e0 salutation now is, "nave your regis- tored?" It Is a duty that ovory colored voter wants to attend to, ami It would bo well lo see about It early, as later there Is apt to bo such a rush that a busy man cannot spate tho tlmo neces sary to stand tu lino. Tho preacher who thinks that his church Is tho only ono In town, that his congiegatlou Is tho best and most pious, and that It Is Impossible for the church to got nlong without hlin has not souse enough to make a cockioach a sipiarfl moal, and tho sooner the good Lord sends tho sheriff of heaven to arrest him tho hotter It will bo for the community. Tho William Lawrence Dunbar Liter ary Society still draws full houses at Its meotlngs ovory other Thuihday evening, at A. M. 13. Zlon church. The debate on December 21, on whether It was advisable- for the colored voters to stand as n unit or divide amongst tho different political parties, called out several stirring and Interesting speeches, and has lieen tho topic of conversation among our peoplo on sev eral occasions since. January I tho subject was "Is Novol Reading. Demor alizing?" of ke fallen propar uontlem very pretty custom, and ono that wo are sorry to see being neglected, ns the pleasure of renewing acipialntanfim on tho first of the year causes many pleas- nnt memories to arise wiring uio misy days that follow. A great many good resolutions have been made, uud wo fear a few have already been broken. n...r.i....i.H Mmriiim. f..r .iiiiiuiiry. n,,r,iMMi, k '"''V'' '"':;""' I IIU (-iJiiiiiiiuin in ..uij.mmij n .....h- nzlno are evidently endeavoring to give their readers n bountiful 10 cents' worth. Tho contents for tho January nuinbor Include seven coinploto short stories, eigiu spec, a, articles n huii- jects of curront Into.est or prolltnlilo lustiuctlou, a little poetry, n little fiui.l ..,. . ..,. !.. . tl ii imi ri ltttlt run .-.!.. I... I -'I,... ..!,..,. I It l...u o .iiu. tery-whut Is tho twenty-seventh Id-1 tor of tho alphabet? Tho story Is left unfinished, find lho editor ortors you 100 for a fl it n 1 paragraph that shall. complete It and explain tho problem. An Interesting aecmint of tho new1 I3nst river bridge, now building, Is given In "Tho Groitost Uriilgo on I3arlh." Those who lived through tho Civil war (and many who have been born since It was over) will bo Inter- Now Year's day, although the wtv" """I, ! L T , o making Now Year's culls and or ; " ;;.." 0 fnrmorH , oping "open house" has somow hat . ' "' ""-. " "" "' f " ' Into .disuse, several of our ladles t" ''".Tfliloiit tbiit In the skilled (.ecu- oil tliomseives to enieriiiiii uio.i rp.r.,i,,ii, Mm mound eu caiiers on nun uuy. iu m n ested In the account, from an ofllrcr of tho secret servltf, on "How tho Northwest Was Saved." Tho stories nro all of the Interesting, bright, vigor ous sort, that grip your attention In stantly and hold it to tho end such stories as Everybody's Magazine Is making a specialty of. Not the least Interesting page In tho book Is that In the advertising section, whereon the editor tells us what ICverybody's Magazine Is to contain during 11100. If he gives us nil ho snys he will, It will bo n big dollar's worth. Potters and waiters will give Mr. Fred Lent, proprietor of tho Railroad Men's Ctpir Stoic, their t ratio when they want anything in tho line of ! gars and tobacco. I Mill. New York Ago. We have no way to judge tho future except by the past. This Is often an unsatlsfactoiy guide, but It Is tho host we have. Judged by this standard, tho future of the Afro-Ainerlcun race Is full of promise. There, ato dark clouds, '" 'l W,"!?, Wtt l'"lt 0,The yea" SVIhe te.mblle has the year. In spite of the mnli spirit, which Is ll.tltflllllt..flll llllVM'lll 111 till, Iflllll tl'll uons. i ins is imiiiiiu, urn. i i the Inspiration that would come to us by ro'ison of It Ih lost upon us. People, who are oniiresFed. people who hnvo a problem- people like ourselves and like (lie Irish In Ireland and the Jews In I3urnpp are moie given to Intro sner linn llt'Ml o rotmsportlnn, tho looking wllhln than without, to com plaining about what they hnvo not got rather lhan n-jolclng over what thoy hnvo got. During tho pnst year we hnvo bail steady growth and strengthening In our spiritual life. Our churches woro nover stronger and better; our minis ters, and they are an army or largo size, were never mote capable and ear nest and having belter results in their work. Millions of adults In tho church and millions ofchlhlieu In the Sunday school surely I hey who are arrayed on the Lord's side, as the Afro-Anier-Icnn people are, cannot full of tho best nnd linn-1 dashed results In lire Thoy who nre strong In thii spirit are strong In the flesh. In u material seiue they who know the facts are convinced that tho race has made wonderful progress In laud getting and money-saving, and this agaliisUhe greater odds. But thoy lisiivrli' Will inosi who iiiivo muni m we lost from 1 80S lo 1878. In business ventures of all sorts wo nre bruiehlng out more and more In nil sections of the country. In this vital matter wo are ceasing to despite tho day of small , , ..,, r ,,, ,,, ti.t ;,,;.'" ,.,,., .,,,,,,, urnw ' ' ' " ' '1 ," w "bio hnvo ."l,;''!. 'ouraldves0 We hold bleb and bonorablo positions In tho federal, stale and municipal sorvlce f u ,.ollntrv nn( W0 liel'OVO tll'lt WO l , ', i , and in a larger ,' ' l ' , ,f ,. AlH, lho u'Xrs to c u pi nin niniit and nro. ...... ... tIl0 nriliy jmvo been broken , , ,, ot ,J0nvo tinl thoy ' ,. . , , , nlll I " - . Tho year of IS!)!) was n groat your, nun cd lo- uintH, f, H. Si'liuartz. ilrngu'ist and iipntho (,rV our, Unmade Micot, between j,,, A second, Portland, Oi. pnrti,i Dn.ik nnd Statlonerv Cunt' ' ' rl ' ' ' '? " .' , "IT111,.. I l"y " biiv. f .11 exoliang,o (ill kinds of desirable bookn;, new am ten. omLhaiiil school books at Kjiluiied prices. SOlPd Morrieou etteut, bolwiitin Kiont and Firut. t