THE NEW AGE. PORTLAND. OTfEOOTT. MANUFACTURERS' PIANO HOUSE 131 SIXTH STREET, OREGONIAN BUILDING. Geo. A. Heidinger Sfc Co. ...Representatives For... The Celebrated "Steck" World IlcMMvncil. Musicians favorite everywhere. The "Krakauer" Wonderfully popiilnr In New York, llo-ton nnd OIiIchro. Hcst workmnimlilp. Bv, eetest tone nnd lHtent Improvements. To buy a Krakauer Is true i ci-onomy The Beautiful "Sterling" Noted for superior ahiKltiKtoiiu nnd durability. Manufactured since WG6. Has no equal, price nndquiility considered. See them. ,M-l""-u """-1" ,"'- Huntington and Mendlessohn Pianos Sterling Organs For Churches nnd I'nrlors, nt lowest prices. NOTK-Durliic this month c will mnke from 1ft to A', per cent dlscoit low prices In order to pet our Iiu-Iiic-h stnrted. Knsv terms of piivmen w tuned. Sec our flue assortment before buying elsewhere. No trouble to Iokucs mailed to nny uddress on uppllcntlou. RENTING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. WEDDING, VISITING AND PROFESSIONAL CARD ENGRAVERS. ki&fc The Largest Plate Engraving W. Q. SMITH & CO., 22 aud ....BOTH EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLANS.... Corner Fourth nud Couch Streets, rortlnnd, Oregon. It is Popnlnr nnd Home-liko nnd Famed for Squnro Dealing. Tnhlo Supplied with tho lieHt. Single Meals 25c. Lodging 25 nnd 50c. UeBt Fnmily Hotel in the City. 140 Rooms. All Outaldo nnd Well Lighted. BOARD AND ROOM Free Conch To nnd R. E. CASE c ESTADTiiaflED IBM. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: & Commission Merchants WHOLE8ALE GROCERS To tnvo time address all Communications to the Company. Not. 40 to 54 Front Street, North. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Orgnnizod Maroh lf 1880; Capital, 8100,000. Interest allowut on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on U prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. v. J. Furnish, president; .1. N. Teal, vico-presldent; T. J. Morris, cashier. lie Tl GBRHtB aiii M Offora Property for snle nt such low prices, that it will pay yon to purohnso nnd hold (or nn n Ivnnoo. Wo liavo inconie.produuing property for salo.which it will pay you to bey for nn investment. Wo huvo low-priced lots for tho home-huildior, nnd if you buy the ground wo will loan you monoy at lowest rates with which to build a house. BAFETY-DEPOSIT VAULTS, LOANS, ABSTRACTS, TITLE INSURANCE, For furthor particulars boo The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. WM. M. LADD. President. J. THORBUIiN ROSS, Sec'y and M'gr. T. T. BURKHART, Aea't Secretaiy. for Using What fL i JsHtJHI i sHsssH sssHssssH B i UtissssssssssssssssV AlsssssssssssssssH ssssssHsssH Hsssssf Hssssssl VUiHnTE rji OK discount from our resulnr i rim uu nrrniiKen II snow goous. i;ain- House In the Northwest. 23 Washington1 bitty, PORTLAND, OR. SI.OO PER DAY. From the House. PROPRIETOR. INCORPORATED 19T. roiiTr.Axn. on. - - - - $72,000 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OR. o. about Corns.... Whflt JS fl Com? Physician csdl it CUvua. a csJous or homy ttdokeainf of the aklc, over a Joint in a toe, with a central core or "kernel". A oorn out In half would look very muob like this. ft a vrk B-TU 'KtntV cstct t ritxt. M-Stlm PrOtlUCeS a' Com? PMBSURE. SSSSSSV-r -r tka't tke shoe is tifbt -but while apparently roomy, does, at some position during walklo. preas upon one spot; the result U a "CORN " Having a Corn, what sham, i do for m..Ahi now there is the question. Some people'pare tbeta, gettUnr a little tempor ary relief, but etimulaiins; the corn to twice aa rapid erowtb Well, here le a clear and colorlea fluid called Willamette Corn Cure rr via Rtnove cossj st tuve lorruiua . kw id rri . pwer For Sate by 25 C"t "' For Sa,e by all Oruflofsts. ss Bottle a!1 Orugolsts NEW NORTHWEST LODGE, NO. 1554, G. U. O of O. F. moot nt tliolr hall northwest concr of Second nnd Yamhill Btreeta. Business mooting first nnd third Tuesday of eaoh month. Houbo of instruction fourth Tuesday of each month. Oilleers: R. Crawford, P. N. P.; F. D. ThnmnB, N. F.; R. Hill. P. N. G.5 J. E. Wntson, N. G , 845 Durnaido street; Win. B. Robin son, V. G.; 0. A. Rittor. P. S., 3110 Wood street; L. C. Copeland, E. S.; P. Jenkins, W. T.; O. H. Gray, chnp. SUEItlKK HAI-K. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stntc of Orc- Kon. for tho County of Multnomnh A. Debenedettl, Plaintiff, vs. A. Do- martini nnd P. Powers, Defendants. By vlrtuo of an execution, Judgment urder and decree, duly Issued out of nnd u tutor the senl of tho nbovo entitled court, In tho nbovo entitled cause, to me duly directed, nnd dated the lGth day of No vember, 1S99, upon n Judgment rendered nnd entered in said court on tho 15th day of November, 1S09, In favor of A. Debene dettl, plaintiff, nnd against A, Dcmnrtlnl, defendant, for tho sum of $1,702.00, with in terest thereon nt the rate of 7 per cent per nnnum from tho inth day of Novem ber, ISM, nnd tho further sum of $100.00, with Interest thereon at tho rnto of 6 per cent per nnnum from tho 15th day of November, lfM. and tho further sum of $15.50 costs nnd disbursements, nnd the costs of nnd upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of 'tho following do scribed real property, situate, lylnp nnd being In Multnomah county, state of Ore gon, to-wit: Commencing nt n point which Is 17.10 chains north of tho southeast corner of the land claim of Gideon Tlbbetts, In township on! (1) south, range ono (1) east, nnd 7.10 chains west of ald south east corner: thence north 5.50 chains to the northerly line of tho seven nnd one half (7V4) aero tract heretoforo owned by It. Oavolonlo nnd Carlo Savona, but which wns partitioned between them hy deed dated Juno 10, ISM? thence south 07 degrees 5 minutes east 7.70 chains, to the claim line; tlienre south tracing claim line 2.50 chains: thence north 2.10 chains nlong the line of said seven nnd one-half (74) ncre tract to the place of beginning, containing three nnd one-half (3V&) ncren. Now, therefore, hy virtue of said exe cution, Judgment order nnd ileoroc, nnd In compliance with the commnnds of said writ, I will on Tuesday, tho 19th day of December, 1W9, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M nt the front door of the county courthouse, In tho city of Portland, said county nnd state, sell nt public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bid der for United States gold coin, cash In hand, all tho right, title nnd Interest which tho within named defendants, or either of them, had on tho date of the mortgage herein, tho 2Slh day of October, ISWl, or since had, In and to the nbovo described real property, or nny part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg ment order, decree, Interest, costs nnd nil accruing costs. WILLIAM FHAKU.R. Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. Dated nt Portland, Or., Nov. 10. 1899. SIIKHII-'K'S SAM-:. In tho circuit court of tho stnto of Ore gon for Multnomnh county. W. II. Ayer. plaintiff, vh. Cortlnnd D. Mc Clure, Anna K. McClurc. Loulsu Pur. low, J, M. 1'urtlow. 1. L. Smith: tho City Lumber Coniimny, n corporation; I'nge & Son. n corporation: H. J. Fish er. M. O. Thorsen und C. J. Smith, partners as Klsher, Thorsen & Co.: UeorKii W. Collins mul William K. Ilralnitrd, defendants. Hy vlrtuo of tin oxeeutlnn, decree nnd order of sale, duly Issued out of and un der tho xeal of tho nbovo entitled court In the nbovo entitled catixe. to me duly directed, and dated November 'i. IMA, up on a Judgment nud decree rendered und entered in said court on November -I, 1S99. In favor of W. II. Ayer, plaintiff, and iiKMliiHt Cortland I). McCluro nnd Anna K. McClure, two of salil defend ants, for the sum of JI1.0W. with Interest tnerenn nt tno rule or s imt cent per an num from February XI. 1M7, and tho fur ther sum of WTiO, with Interest thorcon at tho rnto of 6 per cent per annum from November 21. 1 S99, und tho further sum of $27 coxts and disbursements und the costs of and upon this writ, comtnandliiK mo to make- talo of tho following described real property. ltuntcrt In tho county of Multnomah, stnto of OroKon. to wit: All of block numbered two hundred und ninety-eight CS) In Kast rortlnnd (now within tho corpora to limits of the city of I'ortlnnd), bounded by Fourteenth. Fifteenth. N nnd O Htrevts. nccordliiK to tho deslKnutlnn of said streots In tho maps of Kust I'ortlanil. nnd beliiB a trnct of land two hundred feet s(uurn: thonald Fourteenth street beliu; now ICiiHt Four teenth street, nnd tho mild Fifteenth street belnjr now Hast Fifteenth utreot. ami tho said N streot belnc now Hast Morrison utreot, nud tho said O street beliitf now Helmont Htreot, toKether with tho tenements, hereditaments nnd nppur tances thereunto beloiiKlUK. Now, there fore, by vlrtuo of such execution, decreo und order of huIo, and In compliance with tho commnnds of mild writ, I will, on Thursday, tho UU day of January, IIMiO. nt tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of tho county courthouse In tho city of I'ortlnnd, county nnd stnto nforesald, sell nt public auction, Hiibjeet to redemption, to tlu hlKhcut bidder, for United States cold coin, cash In hand, tho nbovo described real property and all tho rlh'ht. title and Interest which the nbovo named defendants or any or either of them had on January '.':'. WI. tho dnto of tho innrlKiiKo herein, or since hnvo had, in und to tho nbovo descrllcd real prop erty or nny pnrt thereof, to satisfy said execution, decreo and order of pale, In terest, coat nnd nccruliiK costs. Dated Portland. Or.. Dec. 1. ISM, WII.MAM FKAHIKU. Sheriff of Multnomnh County, Onwtn. TrTTT PATENTS DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS J UDIMIISCU FREE UUIMINbll r ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY f Notice in "Inventive Age" r Uoolc"IIow to obtain Patents" Charge moderate. No fee till patent is secured. r Letters strictly confidential, Address, r E. 0, SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, 6,c. After Using KotneoeMarUy wmmmm T D. WILD Jobbing nnd Retail Denier In f -W1NKS ANP LIQUORS 1.12 Third Street, Opposite Masonic Temple. Portland, Orcgol., mlIKfl'NlTED CARRIAGE COMPANY H. M. Menrs, Prcs.: Marlon Wilcox 6e'y. , Rubber tires on our ambulances, carriage, coupes, ciurjr-R 1 and livery. Main effloe: S. W. corner Sovontli and Taylor streets Branch office: llaciiaco nud Omnibus Transfer Co., l'outlb nnd Stark streets, 1'ortlaud, Or. Hoard, ing and iaru of horses a specialty. Ttl. 2-2. KSTAHLIOMRD 1875. F. ZIMMERMAN Solo Agent .Roxbury Rye. Foreign and Domestic! WINES & LIQUORS 103 Front Btroot, Near Stark. l'OKTI.AND, Oil. SMOKE LA CELESTINA GARS... ..Clear Havana Cigars.. MASON, EHRMAN X COMPANY Sole Agents,, PORTLAND, Or. c i.auki: nitos. -n.oiusTS- liigh Grade Cut l'lowers. City Ktore, 289 Morrison Street POIITI.ANI), OKKOON. n J. III.OIKIKTT MANUFACTURING 181 Fifth Street PORTLAND, - - OREGON B i 9sHsila ) wTsas I. M. SINGLnIR I CO., Ill Pork Packers nud (Jurors of Fidelity Meats and Lard "English Cut" Bacon Sides Theic incut nro nil Hkln Ilrnndd. f-'co Hint your denier furnishes them us they uru the he.t, PACIFIC COAST BRANCH 60 Front Stroot PORTLAND - OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE Str. BAILEY GATZERT The Only Day Boat from Portland to Astoria. The scenery of the Lower Columbia River is the finest in the world. Astoria, "The City by the Se:," has more attractions than any town in Oregon. The large salmon canneries, the large cold storage plants, the largest can manufactory on the coast, are all sights which must be seen to be appreciated. Boat Leaves Foot of Alder Street Daily at y A. M., Ex cept Sunday. HPW' BUSINESS LOCALS. Alwayi mk for the famous Gcnornl Arthur cigar. Eeberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland. Or. P. F. Thompson, dcnlor in tolmrco, cigars, fruit, enndiva nnd nuts. 2C0 U ttoet. Watti & Matthieti, drtigglRts, 27. Ituiaell it., Hill block, Forltund, Or. Kahn Bros., dealers in hides, flirt and wool. 101 Fiont street, Portland, Or. G. Danielson, watchmnkor, joweiei nnd diamond-letter, 140 Sixth street, Portland, Or. All work guaranteed. N. E. Rowan, 181 Mndison street, dealer in cigars, tcbacco, fruits, oitu dies, pop, ice crcntn and Kinder nle. Lako Charles IIoiuo, 89 North Fifth street, Portland. Choicest brands of wines, liquors nnd cigars. Krerybody smokes, the celebrated Monogram and Puudoia cigars. They havo no equal. Marino drag store, O. A. Wntson, proprietor, 81 North Third street, Port land, Oregon. Tho Popular, 125 First streot, hot. Washington und Alder, I'ortlnnd, Or., John Eeklund, ptoprietor. Tol. Oro gon rod 034, Columbia 608. - Tho Front Street Stove Hospital, 2U3 205 Front strret. All kinds of stool runncs and air-tight stoves made to order. Stoves sold nnd exchanged; enstings for all kinds of stovrr; iooIIiih s specialty. N. Newman, proprietor. Jno. P. Sharkey, manufneurer of harness, collars, saddles and Btrap work; importer of suddlury, hnrdware, whips, pads, etc. 65 Union ave., Port laud, Or. EnterpriRO Pickling Works CatMip, pickloi, vinegar, snuaos, older, iimib tarda, chow chow,.eto. T. S. Finue gan, proprietor, East Alder street and Union nveuuo, Portlund, Or. Tele phono, wlfite No, 4. Storlint; nnd Ynlo hlryclrn, clinic and ohainlu-s, 'it to f 75; cash or in stallment. '00 wehels for tent. Don ton & Co., 130 Sixth utreot. Uockinger & Co., denlers in now nnd second-hand poods, furiiituie, stoves, tinware, hardware, gliMswuro and crockery. Bought sold and uxchntiRed. 80 and 83 Union avenue, Kant Hide, Portland, Or. Ernest Geisler, nianufactnror and dealer in hlgh.ejrado Havana clears and tobacco. b'almoom and factory: 100) Noith Kixth street, opposiln Union depot, Portland, Oi, I3ox trade a specialty. Tho Western Oyster IIoiisj, Sam Mnckin, pioptletor. Oystera and ornwilHh, wholesale nnd retail. Hy the gallon, $3; by tho pint, 25 cents. 2G3 Washington street, between Hcu nud und Tliiid. Telephone brown 434." O. A. Aivord, photographer. Studio, 185 1 Morrison street, west end ol bridge, Portland, Or. Our prices: Cabinet, oat bou finish, f 1 and $2 per dozen; mnallor sius, 0 for 25 centH. All work ilist-olnss. When you build sco Lewis it Lowis, contractorH and buildors. Oiegou Tol ephouo l.OOfl Green. Sneulul uttfiitinn paid to jobbing and repairing stairs and stuirliiiilding. 307 Madison Htroet, betweuu Fifth und Sixth, Portland, Or. ' Tho A. D. T. MfHSonRorCo. is the old est and best service of tho kind in the town. Headers of tho Now Ago, give them the preference. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought. K. W. King, room 46, Washington building. E. H. Mooreliouse & Company, (ine.) 1808 wali paper; paints, oiln, var nishes, and room moulding). 305 Al der street, between Fifth and Sixth, Portland, Or. Ann Arbor 'Homo Bakery, M. Shiells, proprietor, 847 Morririon street, Portland, und 403 Union avenue, cor. 8acramcuto, Albinu. Home-niado bread, cakeH and pies. Baked beans and Boston Browu Bread every Satur day. Telephone Red 1843; Telephono Rod 341. Ring up Dr. Darling, 20 ( - Morrison street, cor. Thin) and Morruou, over McAllen & McDonnell's. ' Ofllco hours, 10:30 to 13 a. hi.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. At residence, E. 84th and Hel mont streets, morning ami evenings, Residence 'phones, Oregon, blue 876; Columbia, 6137; offloo 'phone, Colum bia 14. The Acorn, John Grimm, proprietor. Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Weiu hard's boor on draught. Privato fam ily rooms. All kinds of sandwiches, Phone, red 1882. Corner Sixth aud Aukeuy streets, Portland, Or. French Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works. All work dotio at very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds oi ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Doleau, proprietor, 405 Glisan strt. Tito finest placo in tho city to obtain flist quality cigarsJJ tobacco and smox era' nrtioles is that of Ro-onthal & Budd, at 287 and 287K Washington street, betweon Fourth and Fifth. Give those genial dealers a call when you wish anything iu their lino. Tole. phono Main 76. CITY NEWS. Mrs. Kingsbury in still undor tho physician's earn. Mrs. II. Redmond iH buffering from n sovero cold and sore throat. Master "Willio JCastou is still dan gerously ill with gastric fover. Mr. and Mrs. Lovo have taken house keeping apartments nt 284 Fifth streot, Mrs. tlnttio Redmond, chorister of the Bethel church, is suffering with a feovero soro throat. Miss Susio Crawford 1ms roturned to tho city to spend tho holiday;, Sho is at lior father's houso on Grant street. Mr. Hurry Cray's ninny friends woro glad to welcome him back to our city last wcok. HooxpeetH to stay soveral weeks. Tho sowing circle at tho Bethel A. M. E. church meets on each Friday evening. A largo number nttondrt und combino business with plensure. Messrs. Gardiner and Liggett, of tlia Portlund, passed a very pleasant Christ mas. Their wives arrived Sundny. They uru stopping ut Mrs. Carlu'H. Iu tho midst of the festivities of the season Mrs. Ida Campbell whh culled uiKin to mourn tho 1oih of her 'J-year-old daughter, who after n brief iUiicsa passed away on the 'JIM. Sho was burled Sunday from the parlors of Fin loy & Roiger. Soino of tho inuuy friends of Mrs. M. Meredith gavo her a pleasant, surpriho lust Monday evening. A lnrgo number wero present. They took possession of tho houso and kept it until tho weo smn' hours. Musiu and dancing was tho order of tho evening. The Christmas entertainment of tho Bethel A. M. E. church ou Inst Satur day, nnd of tho A. M. E. Zioit church on Sunday evo were largely attended and tho exercises by the children wero extremely interesting on both occa sions. Tho programmes wero so nicely rendered that it would bo hard to pruiso a particular number without giving a like mention to all Miss Lizzio Wright, of Fort Leaven worth, Kan,, and Curttorul F. Rolmrts, U. S. A., of Vancouver lmrrncltH, wero united iu tho holy bonds of matri mony on December 14, nt tho residence of Mrs. Sergunt Willing. Tho wed ding wits u very brilliant uffur, all be ing in full military dress. Corporal Rollins was best man und Mrs. Her- geunt Willing liiidcHinuid. Quito a number of iriemlH from Portland at tended. Tho party given by a number of young men at tho residence of Mrs. W. 1 1 . Boles last Tuesday uvo whh u very pleasant affair. It was confined strict ly to single young men und Indies, with tho exception of tho chaperouo, Mrs. W. II. Holes, and time pussud all too swiftly under tho influence of brilliant romm ks, wit, music und dancing. The committee is to he cougrntuulted on its success, und it is to bo hoped that it in only the tirst of many such enjoynldn affairs. At its last meeting New Northwest Lodge, No. ' I, (5. U. O. of O. V. elect ed the following ollicers for tho term he ginning January I, 1000: E. (1., J. McDuniels; P. S., J. E. Wntson; treuH urer, P. Jenkins; chaplain, Chan. (I ray; V. (!., Win. II. Robinson; N. (!., It. Crawford; N. !'., V. D. Thomas; P. N. !'., Uolcrt Hill. New North west Lodge did not according to their usual custom celebrate their minivers ury publicly this year, hut wo under stand that they are milking arrange uiHitH for a full dress party iu tho near future. Tho first entertainment given hy tho Star Social Club December 28, ut Odd Fellows' hall, corner Second and Salm on, was tho event of tho season. 'Hid hull wiik comfortably filled with in vited guests. Kxcellent music, and a courteous committee added to tho pleasures of tho evening. When tho time camo to say good night the pur ticipauts lingered, loth to leave, so pleasant had been their stay, 'ihu ultib Ih composed of the following gen tlemen: Messrs. A. A. Fo.slor, J. E. Brown, J. W. Payne, W. W. Wheeler and J. L. Williams. iWhou mcdiciuoH will not euro yon, or when you got tired of sH'!iding money for medicines, buy tho Natural Body Bruce from J. A. Clomemon, drug gist, 227 Yamhill street, between First aud Second. fC'reniuery nnd bakery. Country but ter and fresh eggri u specialty; also creamery liuttoi. Mrs. It. lloydston, proprietor, corner Second und Columbia, streets, Portland, Or. Tho Comfort, 144 Sixth Mieot, bet. Morrison ami Alder. Fine wines, liquors ami cignrs. A ficsh, cool glana of beer always on draught. Read Tho New Age, for it is growing moro opulur every week. The Storey-Kern Fuel Company has purchased D. Ilialyes & Co.'h wood business aud are prepared to fill all or ders for any kind of mill wood. Thoy are the certainly the largest wood deal ers iu the city. Wood delivered to uuy udrdess in the city. Portland Book unit Stationery Com pany will buy, sell or exchange all kinds of desirable books; now and sec ond-liaud school books at I educed prices. 303 .j Morrison street, between Fjont and First. C. A. AVatson, Marino Drug'Storo, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: Flookoustohi'ri Lung Balsam and Celery Seltzer. ''"- - JL jmaiW-