X 1ZS?'vi92St?" iKsw'-??w -iv vseSK?? THE MW AGKE, PORTLAND, OHEGOST. 'vn , !& The New Age. D. GRIFFIN... Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE 304 MOIlltlSON HTKKKT. Oregon Tolophone Oat 601. Entered at the poitodlce at 1'ortland, Oregon At aecond-olasji ronttcr. tilcs oftlilH fmficr will lo omul on flic nt WHtliliiKton In tln ofllcoof on r elnl corro Hoiident, K.d. Fiwif n, 018 K Mri'it, N. W. StUSCIlirTION. pwynblo In ndvunoi 13.00 no jfmr, llitppy Now Ycnr to nil mankind I It is time for intelligent voters to ho gin to learn MHiiethiiur nhout the ikhuck of tlie next local campaign. Presently the county and city com mittveo will begin to talk. They'll have to. YotorH are already becoming jinxioiiH. Tho Democrata declare that their party lmiKt have a daily nownpiiper. lint thero'H a vaHt dllTereneo between ronfcHHing tho need and supplying it. The local Hepuhlican olub.s have be gun to reshape and perfect their organ izatiotiH and have already succeeded in exciting muiiu enthusiasm in the pre liminary work of tho impending cam paign. The Sunday Welcome, tho "old re liable" Mutational newspaper of the :ity, issued two double editions during tho holidays, the last one being printed in green to show, perhaps, that it is not a yellow journal considering tho federal Constitution and statutes and tho decisions of tho fcdoral appellant courts predicated thereon; tho Constitution, statutes and decisions of tho court of appeals in the soveral states, territories and tho Dis trict of Columbia bearing upon tho legal status of tho Negro of this coun try and tho administration of tho laws, both state and federal courts, in all proceedings in which tho Negro is a party. Ofllecrs were chosen as follows: K. M. Hewlett, president; V. C. Martin, first vico-presldcnt; T. L. Jones, second vlco-presidont; P. W. Frlsby, secre tary; Royal A. Hughes, treasurer. Kxocutivo committee: W. Calvin Chaso, W. C. Martin, Royal A. Hughes William L. Pollard, L. M. King and Seipio linker. IIOMK DEMOCRACY. white Democrats have been voting tho Republican ticket nnd many of tiiom have como to stay. Accordingly Tam many Is trying to supply their places by hero and there putting a colored man on tho payroll of tho city. That is tho explanation of tho appointment by tho district attorney, nnd of tho unquestionable fact that tho "Demo cratic" Negro has become an actual personage. Tho colored voters of Portland aro not less nitvo in tho matter of organiz ing for tho forthcoming city and county control than ate other elements, for they have reason tobolievo that there'll Iki a hot time in tho old town before tho middle of ,lunu next. Tho many friends of Professor A. P. Armstrong, the popular county super intendent of schools, would like to see him retained in this Important olllce. Mr. Armstrong has made a most excel lent record and Is jKipnlurly reforred to iih tho best Kchool superintendent that Multnomah county has over had. Tho Christmas issue of tho Kvenlng Telegram was, in truth, a work of art. It waH nothing less than a maguilleent number, both in typo and illustrations. Tho presswork was more than usually good; audits I (18 columns were replete with entertaining matter, set off well by an excellent display of artistically composed advertisements. Local Democracy is entirely too democratic; so much so, in fact, that thoro is not enough of it loft, of tho partisan kind, to offect an organization. Strenuous effort was made recently to paste tho scattered fragments togothor and call it re-organization; but, when the effeminate sandhedrlms stooncd bick for a clear and Impartial survoy of tho product, they quickly pro nounced It much less than a work of art. It was a crude cartoon, with Dr. Wells as a central figure There is current talk of another effort. Each faction will bo given consideration in tho platform of reor ganization. It will bo a sort of crazy quilt affair. This will servo only to make now factions, for Democrats aro not a unit on anything, nowadays. All in all, our homo Democracy ap pears to bo in a pitiable plight. It would bo better, in ono respect, for tho local public if it wero not so much so. (iovijuNou ;hi:us kvasion. The Storey-Long contest promises to bo a long story. Tho personal differ !!U'oh between thcM) olllcials have taken on the ollleial pluiMi, much to tho (lis credit of the city which they represent. City Attorney Long has the advan tage of Mayor Storey In that ho Is a lawyer. The mayor has tho advan tage of the city attorney in that he pos sesses tho veto power. The city coun cil enjoys a certain degree of advantage over both. The "good work" is likely to go on for some time yet. Tho apprehension of murderer Hay wood, in this city, tho other day, by detectives Foul and Cordauo was a clover bit of work on the part of tho local sleuths. Haywood is a criminal of a very bad class. He is wanted in Utah for the cold-blooded murder of a ntoro-keeper whom ho killed lor his money. For eight months the authori ties have been searching for him. Hut it was left for the Portland detectives (iovernor T. T. (.leer's conduct in tho Plummer case, wherein ho was ch argod by tho latter with having ac cepted a bribe for an auto-dated pledge for political olllce, Is shamefully dis graceful to tho state of Oregon. Tho people of this state have a per fect right to know tho truth of this matter. Through tho public press they demanuded an explanation. Mr. (leer has rescinded by simply saying, in country rchool boy fashion: "You're anothorl" Such a response reflects discredit on tho executive olllce of this great state. Tho Oregon publio dosorves a greater degree of respect from tho governor. If political corruption is to bo con tinued in this state, without let or hindrance, and T. T. (I cor is to bo ono of the chiefs in it, why does ho not say in plain Kuglish: "Tho publio be d dl" Such courage might elicit a degree of admiration, however much the people may hold in contempt tho ollleial who displays it; but, of all tho cowards in tho world, isipular hatred is extended llrst to tho publio ollleial who volun tarily participates in corruption and then attempts to cloak his character in tho gauze of tho vain claim that "I am holier than thou I" (Iovernor (Jeer's explanation is very incomplete; and no ono but the gov ernor can complete it. AT CORDRAYS NEXT WEEK. A lllff UilR-Tlnm Fi-HMt. What is positively tho largest organi zation of colored artlfts that havo yet visited tho coast will bo seen at Cor dray's next week, when tho latest rag time musical farco-comedy and traves ty, "Tho Hottest Coon in Dixio," .will bo presented for tho first timo in Port land. Tho company numbers nearly 10 of tho leading colored singers, comedians and specialty performers in this country, including the original famous "Clorindy" chorus, that visited tho coast for two weeks last Fobmary, and which enjoys tho distinction of be ing tho only colored organization of singers that has appeared at tho fash ionable New York Casino, where "Clorindy" was quito tho fad for 10 consecutlvo weeks. All tho original music, etc., of this popular skit has been retained in "Tho Hottest Coon in Dixio," with mnny more recent and popular "coon" wolodics and special ties added. In fact.no less than a scoro of these catchv rag-tlmo hits aro inter spersed throughout tho performance. It is in thesO selections that this match less chorus is heard to best advantage, and for volume, sweetness of voico and harmony It is claimed that this body of colored songstors havo never beon excelled. Iho engagement will open Sunday. I'li'tity of NiipplloH at Duwhoii, D. W. llul look, lately arrived from Dawson, said to an Alaskan ronortor: "Dawson is supplied with overything needed there for tho winter. Tho re inirt as to a great shortage of oats is not true. Thoro Is plenty of oa.ts along tho rivor and in Dawson to supply tho interior. When wo got away from Dawson, November 7, oats wero soil ing for 22 cents a pound and hay at 15 cents. Last winter oats went to -1U and lf conts, and hay to JIG to fiO cents. Tobacco sells in Dawson today for $1 to .fl.LTi a iKiund, less than it brings in Uenuott. Tho Honnott price Is if 1.C0 a ixmnil. Flour that sold for .$8 in Daw son a year ago is worth only .fl.75 there today. There will bo plenty of beef in Dawson throughout the whiter. Diunbolton had four scows loaded with beef on tho way in, ono of which Is at Selkirk and ono at Stewart river. I do not know whoro tho others are. Dum bolton will take tho meat through to Dawson over tho ico after the river freezes. MoDougall Us Hums havo 80 tons below Selkirk and will take it in over the ico. Tho lalor market of Dawson is glutted. There wore 1,000 to 1,500 idle men in the town when I left, and more wero rushing in from up tho river." AtlliiM Kiit urn Output. Charles Christopher, who has nego tiated n.oro largo Atlin mining deals than any other man in tho country dur ing uiu season receniiy closed, is au thority for tho statement that thoro will bo no less than half a dozen largo hydraulic plants put In operation in Atlin with tho opening of spring. He says the output of gold in that country w ill exceed .15,000,000. The gold com missioner collected royalty on about $700,000 this summer, but he failed to collect on more than half the output. There was at least $1,500,000 taken tint of the Atlin gold Holds this year, and next year tho output will oxood .T.i(uiiw,uuu. kust summer (lie gieat majority of the miners did not get to work before August I, and they all worked small claims and handled' most of tho dirt with shovels. Next year they will handle it by the hydraulic process. SIIIiHlIFF SAMS. In the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Multnomah. E. I). Watson and B. B. Beekman, partners do InK business as Wntson & Beekmnn, plain tiffs, vs. the Laroh Mountain Investment Company, defendant. By virtue of an attachment, execution and order of salo duly Issued out of nnd un der the seal of the ubove-entlled court, In tho above-entitled cause, to mo duly di rected, and dated tho 7th day of December, 1SW, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on tho 4th day of December, 1S99 In favor of B. B. Watson and B. B. Beekman, partners dolnir business ae Wat son & Bookman, plaintiffs, and ugalnst the Lurch Mountain Investment Company, de fendant, for tho sum of $2701.69, with In terest thereon at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum from tho 4th day of December, 1899, ami tho further sum of $21.75. costs and disbursements, and tho costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to mnko sale of the following-described real prop erty, to-wit: The west i of tho west M or section 13, townwhlp one (1) north of range six (C) east of tho Willamette meridian, In Mult nomah county, stato of Oregon, containing 101. GO acres. Also the oust M of tho west H of section 30, township one (1) north of range Elx (G). east of the Willamette meridian, In Mult nomah county, stato of Oregon, containing 160 acres. Also cast '4 of tho west Mi of section 31, township ono (1) north of range nix (6) cast of tho Willamette meridian, In Mult nomah county, state of Oregon, containing 1C0 acres. Also enst of section 31, township ono (1) north of rango six (C) east of tho Wil lamette meridian, In Multnomah county, stnto of Oregon, containing 320 acres. Also the oast V4 of the west V6 of section 32, township ono (1) north of rango nix (6) enst of tho Willamette meridian, In Multnomah county, state of Oregon, con taining 1C0 acres. Also the south ',-4 of tho north of sec tion 25, township ono (1) north of rango flvo (i') east of tho Willamette meridian, In Multnomnh county, state of Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Now, therefore, by vlrtuo of said exe cution and order of sale, and In compliance with tho commnnds of said writ, I will on Monday, the ICtli day of January, 1900, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of tho county courthouse, In tho city of I'ortland, said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for United Slates gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which tho wlthln-nnmed de fendant had on tho date of tho attachment herein, November 10, 1S99, or since had, in and to tho above-described real property, or nny part thereof, to satisfy said ex ecution, order of sale, Interest, costs cud all accruing costw. Dated I'ortland, Or., December 14. ISM. WIMilAM FIIAZIER, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Or. M A LUCY llltOS. Dealers In BTAI'I.K AND FANCY GltOCKIUUS. Corner 'I bird nnd Anh Btrccts. Tol. Or. Main 1000. I "A mm who is careless about his personal ap. I I pearance, will be careless of everything else. Q I BHjPHMBflL I tracts your attention I SKP HART, SCHAFFNER I I II 111 HAWT. SCHAFFNER iMOriX I I fS& IQ TAILOR MADE CLOTHES. I Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. N. "W. Cor. Third and Morrison Sts. Not for a Gold Mine Wott'd I He Without wjaMMttmAU. j'.iiiiuiiByMaaaB EBBateflftaM MftsiZnKBjB CHRISTMAS INOVEUTIES ...AND TOYS OF ALL KINDS.. Thin U wlmt ii prominent coi'lcty woman md HftfWilnys hkii, mill uliut jor will ai niter you lmro tried It, A I'UM LINE novelties, brlc-n- NlXiltOl'S AND TAMMANY. to nut him to enrth and pick him up or tho Utah executioner. Tho city council is upiiti entertain iiK tho publio with u wiuiikIo ovor tho liiiuor liuouso problom. Tho rotnil liiiunr ilt'itlors rocoivoil favorable atten tion from tho oouudl, tho $','00 for malt liquors only, leaving tho lUvnso foo to Iw.flUl) for housos in whioh liipior is wilil to bo cousuiiuhI on tho promises. This ini'lurios restaurants whloh furn ish liiiuors to patrons to bo diauk on tho premises. Hut it iloes not iuuluilo nn-ors who sell by tho Imttlo. Tho mtailurs seem better pleased with tho now law. (JOIiOUKD HA It ASSOCIATION. Tho colored members of tho bar of tho District of Columbia mot at tho otlU'o of Culvln C'huso Saturday of lust week and jwrfeoted an jorjjauizu tion looking toward tho calling of a na tional convention to lo held in May, J 000, by tho actlvo colored practicing lawyers of all tho states and territories . in tho United Stated for tho purpose of I Colonel Asa H. (iardlnur, tho Demo eratic district attorney of Now York city, has appointed .lames 11. Carr, a N'cKro lawyer, as assistant district at torney. Tho Now York Sun, a strong Republican newspaper, says that tho apH)lntmeut is contrary to traditions, and if it had been inudo at the South would nave caused bitter resentment. As a matter of fact Tammany hall has lvn more employment to Negroes in tho past live years than tho Hopub licans of all New York in fifteen years. And why? The Sun k'voh tho follow ing reason: lty the national census of 1SI0 there were in Now York county 0,05 1 colored initio adults of voting age, !',7(U in Kings, 0117 in Queens and 28L' in Uieh niond. Tho present number is now usually put at 18,000, and special ell'orts have been mado of lato by tho Pomocratio leaders in all tho boroughs to detach as many of these colored voters as possible from tho Kepublicau party, with which by natural alleg iauco they luno noted in the past. Tammany is after tho colored vote, though much of tho Democratio South has practically disfranchised it. Since lb'UO thousands of intelligent Smut hIIiIo mi Willie Pit. Nous of a big snowslido on tho White Pass & Yukon r ilmad wuh brought to Victoria by the steamer Tees. A rotary and two engines wero buried by the slide.and after thev wero shoveled out, the rotary ran into a rock, knocking out lit of its ao knives. Tho train which was behind the miow bucking outfit was not injured. P. O'ltegau, ono of those who en deavored to walk to Skngway from tho snowbound train, was found uncon scious, with his face and hands frozen. The operator at O lacier roiHutod to Skagway that the track thoro was cov ered for a distance of 8!)0 feet a depth of live to ao feet. Telegraph wires be yond niaeter aro down. It. 11. Schwartz, druggist and apothe cary, aa Hurnsiilo stieet. between l'iist and Second, Portland, Ot. Bilpjrpftfl JACMkNIlLS CO. M BL. wn.onco. aj of Ralston Health Foods Wf UFA romlv fi BliAltf vmt tltn flnnit lln At TatAA atwl PlilMAiAMiolna hrno, allk haiidkurcliluiii. embrolderlin, etc. All toyn ot nil kinds to tilcaso the children at Christmas. ANDREW KAN & CO., Cor. Fourth and Morrison Streets. W0LFF& ZWICKER Iron Works PORTLAND, OREGON. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Manufacturers of Saw and Shlnglo Mill Machinery, Hoilors, Engines, Ilend' BlockB, Lodging Knglnea nnd Loggers' Supplies. Steel Riveted Pipes for Fluniet and Dry Kilns. Iron, Semi-Steel and Urnas Castings for all purposes. Special attention given to all kinds of repairs. Agents for Magnolia Anti-Friction Motal. THE H. C. SECOND 800 East Wator Stroot ALBEE COMPANY i)eali:us in HAND MACHINERY. PORTLAND, OREGON. Acme Wheat Flakes Made Only by Acme Mills Co. Portland, Oregon THE FARMERS AND TRADERS NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL, $00,000.00; SURPLUS, 8,500.CO. nntEOT-OttS: J. II. Rlnehart, George Ackles, J. D. McKonnon, Josepl Palmar. K S. Stanley. J. II. Robbins, .i. YV. Scrlber. r P1101'','1, ! Rlnehart, president; Joaoph Talinor, vice-president: J. . Sciiber, cashier. ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, f70.000.00; Surplus and Undivided Profits, $53,824.78. i n Uiu MERCHANTS' BATHS XOT1CK OV FINAL SKTTLK.Ml'NT. Notice- is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the t stato of Lewis Cohen, deceased, has tiled in tho county court of .Multnomah county, stato of Oregon, his llnal account as such administrator of slid estate and that on Miturday, the ath dav of .Ian nary, at U:30 o'clock A. M., has Ixhui tlxed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. A. T. LKWIS, Administrator of tho estate of Lewis Cohen, deceased. Dated December 31, 1800. PORCELAIN TUBS. Merchants' Hotel 48 North Third Stroet. Hot. Couch and Davli. RKSLRVK AOKNTS-FIrat National Bank, Chicago, Ills.; First National) Bank. Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York. N. Y. n i,01?13 AN'D """OTOKS: Levi Ankeny, Pres.; M.' Barnh, Vice-Prcs ; O.B. Wade, Cashier; II. C. Guernsey, Ass't Cashier; J. S. McLeod, W. 6. Byere, V. K Matlock. ' I I T 1IIK WKSTKItN l.UMUKIt COMPANY Ofllcoi tHviiitconth ami Front Streets I'oMUmi, Oregon. Telephone North 311. KROCHMAN & HARTMAN tfaFitaaFe, Tools and Cattery Agenti for ATKINS CELEBRATED CROSS-CUT SAWS IS3 KIH8T STUKKT. bet. YumhtU and Taylor, 1'OKTl.ANU, OH. rp A. WOOD. ' KKAI. KSTATK AND TENSION ATTOBNEV. iui 10, Odd Fellow.' Building, i'OHTLANI), ORK. Depot Hotel (DEUT8CUES OASTIUUB) I. E. Cor. Seventh and Gllsan Sta. Two block fram Unloa Dpot. OUTLAND .... OREGON Ideals 20 CoU. Lodgings 26 and 35 Cents. Blx Ileal Tickets for $1.00. A. BLOCK, Proprietor. Tor Bier proprietor WMblngton Hotel. e A. FULL LINE OF.... Electrical Supplies Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incan descent. Electric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. BOTH 'PHONES 385. hjkjfc