-- SJ-- Si THE NEW AGE, PRTLAND. OKEGOTST. . BIN8HEIMEK-72 NOP.TH THIIID ST. L. . uei. uaic anu l'ino. uargains In Second Hand Pianos. Somo much better than a great many new ones. Tno Jacob Doll Latest Im proved Upright Piano, acknowledged to be the best. Pianoi rented, and rent to apply on the purchase price. All on easy Installment. Pianos tuned and repaired. All work war ranted. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMDIA RIVER A PUOET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Dally trips of steamer llalley datzcrt Loaves every morning In the- week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday Keturnltiit, loaves Astoria every night In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. White Collar Lino tickets and 0. R. A N. Co. tickets arc interchangeable on steamers llalley Gatzcrt and liassalo. Olllce, Alder street dock. Telcphono Main lot. Columbia 'phone Sot. U. 11. SCOTT, President. A -. no Mi Possenger ins Doll; WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS HETWLKN Portland, istoria? Seaside FT KtSlsswJCTsSHHMIHBHiiis' STORIA&COLUMBII RIVER RAILROAD CO Leaves Tor Mnygcrs, Rain- Arrives TJulon Depot Icr, Clntsk-nu le Union Depot Portland WcMpurt, Clifton, Portland Astoria, Warren ton, Kliivel, Hear hnrt Park and bca side. l:00a.m. Astoria k Peashoru 11:15 a.m. Express Dally. 7:00p.m. Astoria Express 0 MO p.m. Dully. Ticket olllce, 0.VS Morrison street, and Unloa iopot, Purttuud. J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pais. Agent, Astoria, Or. Denver & RioGrande R. R. SCENIC HUE OF THE WORLD the Favorite Transcontinental Routt Between the Northwest and all Points East. Choico of Two Routes Through the FAMOUS flOCY IVlOUflTAItf SCEflEfjY And Four Routes East of Pueblo and Denver All passengers granted a day stop-over In the Mormon Capital or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis, Chicago and the East, For tickets and any information regarding Tales, routei, etc., or lor docrlptlvo advertis ing matter, call on agents of Oregon Hallway A Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Paclllu Companies S. K. HOOPER, fleneral Puss. & Ticket Agent, DENVER COL. R. C NICHOL, Gell.iriil Again, SH Wash. St. POItTLA.ND, OH. Ai mm rmvrra KM likH Ww iv I i T. M. Sinclair & Co. I'OUK fAVUKItS, "Fidelity" Hams and Bacon Manufactured from choice Iowa corn-fed hogs ' Caveats, and Trade-Msrkt obtained, and all rat.' , ient business conducted tor Moocraic Fees. i 'nun o.r.rr i nionilTf ij. S PiTCHT QmCt ' inJ we can secure patent In less lime than those! remote from Washington. J ' Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- an. We advise. It patentable cr not, tree ol J , thsrge, Our fee not due till patent la secured, i a Buaui-r. "liuwiouoiain i-aicms. wiiht ' cost of aaue In the U.S. and foreign countries ! sent free. Address, J C.A.SNOW&COj 0F. PaTCNTOrnCC, VVABHINCTON C. C . fffiWTj ifljLil iflBsflHlFli I. I 'II'JH I" I l'"ll"' H'WI'I'L , I ommmjb. mmmb msMm 'Mm ILLIAM8, WOOD & L1NT1IICUM, Geo. II. Williams. C. E. 3. Wood, L. n. Lin 'blcuni, J. C, Flanders, Altorueys-at-Law. Chamber of Commerce Dullding, Portland, Oregon. Rc OBKIITS' CAFE Fourth and Stark Sts. Portland, Oregon. Private Entrance, 102 Fourth Street. Telcphono Illack 1831 i-RIENTAL 823 Washington St., bet. Cth and 7th, Pottland, Oregon. Strictly First-Claw. GCo. 8hca, Proprietor. T J. KADDKItLY, DEALEU IN HAItDWAHE. Stoves, Hangcs, Tin, Copper and Qranlts Iron-Ware, Crockery, lllasswaro and IIouso Furnishing Uoods. Jobbing promptly at tended to. 141-143 First fit., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Bldg., POUTLANI), OKEOON. K HANEtt fc KP.AMEU TAII.OH9. 223 Washington Street, POHTLAND, OltEQOH. Established 1870. Chemical Laboratory. J. H. FISK, Aasayer anil Analytical Chemist. Member American Mining Institute and Chemical Society. Assaying taught In all Its branches. Mines examined and reported upon a specialty. Hates gtvou on application for Santal or complete analysis of any substance, old and silver rcllucd, melted, assayed or purchased. OFFICE, 20l WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND ... OREGON 8. M. Mcars, Prcs. Marlon Wilcox, S-o. THE UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Carriages, Coupes, Carry Alls and Llvery.w" Main Ofllce: 8 W. Cor. Seventh and Taylor Bts. Branch Olllce: llnggngo and Omnllius Triinsfur Company, Fourth and Stark Streets. POHTLAND, OHEQON Boarding and Care of Horees a Specialty. TELEPHONE 2M. DRIINK 'Napa Soda" California's Famous Mineral Water.... THE NORTHROP i STURGIS CO. Sole Northwestern Distributors. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Odlco S. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Sts. Telephone 53!. POHTLAND, OHEdON. change Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. HiiFKuiro check-oil nt real donco to nuy deatinntlon. Itrunrh Ofllce: Hotel Portland: (Tnltcd Currlugu Co., Seventh uud Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. STEPHAN'S ..Dressmaking- Establishment.. Evening; Gowns, Street Suits, Fancy Waists, Tailor Made Suits, Riding Habits, Etc 289 Aider Street, PORTLAND, OR. USE" Red Seat Brand Hams Bacon L,arci.... Tor Quality Unsurpassed" OMAHA PACKING CO., Office, Smokehouses 56-58-60 East Water St and Warehouse PORTLAND, OR. ANDERSON BROS. tXivery, Hack, Feed and Sale StabW, Sasclal Atts-itlon Paid to Boirdln Horstt. 2M Third St.; cor. Madison. Oregon Phone S3L Columbia Phon SSI w r E4J J-"ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! fcataaBt . jtwls&Ws'sfefBr'-C1sssss'tlsMffFsBWLM 'H. M. K. THOMPSON HENTAL AGENCY. Loans, itoul Estate, rire Insuratico. 5.T0 Stark Street. A 11MOHY DlfUO STOHE Pure Drugs and Chemical, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. Preemptions a Specialty. N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. POHTLAND ELECTIIICAL AND MACH1NH WOHKS. Electric lighting and electric work of all kinds promptly executed. Has ctiRlnes for lauuchc. Machinery of all kinds made and repaired. Gasoline euttlnea for Irrigation pur poses. FOOT OK MOKHISON STREET. F. J. Cnoucit, Mgr Portland, Oregon. QlTKHNKEN ,t JL'LIEN Wholea1c and reatall grocers, 312-3M Piirn. side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Talc phone, Oregon Illack -UTi, Columbia 686. mlURD STREET FEED AND COMMISSION JL House. Dealers In hay, grain, flout and all kinds of produce. Express and trans fer. W.S. I.authcrs, proprietor, J. W. Ilattln, manager. 110 N. Thlid St.. Portland, Or. Columbia Telcphono 4G9, Oregon Red 1SC1. T UK CJCLKItllATKO HCIII.ITZ MILWAUKEE UEER On draught cor. Fonrth and Morrison streets, Portlsml, Or. H ENHY EVERDING COMMISSION MERCHANT Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HAY, ORAIN, FEED AND STAPLE ORO CERIES. tVI7 Front St. PORTLAND, OREGON Enterprise Pickling Works T. 8. F1NNEOAN, Proprietor. Catsup, Pickles, Vinegar, Sauces, Cider, Mus tards, Chow Chow, Olives, Olive Oil, Etc Flag Uraud llottlvd Pickles. Eost Alder Street and Union Avenue, POHTLAND, OREGON. Telephones, Oregon White 4J, Columbia 6182, rIMMERMAN I'AOKINO COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MARKET Corner of Sixth and 1) Streets. Portland, Oregon. Aahon II. I.KW, Giwik.k Kiiiko, FnED. U. Lkw KRIEO & LEVY GROCERS. B9I Washington St. corner Tenth, Portland, Or. COFFEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. Wo glvo Red Trading Stamps. Oregon Tele phone Muln m T F. SHEA-PLUMBING, STEAM AND GA8 jj . FITTING. Dealer In Plumbing and Heating Supplies. Engineers' Trimmings and Packings. General Agent for the Clevelnnd Fauvot Co. Hot Water Uniting a specially. No. 10 and 12 Second Street, North. Telephone C3V, Portland, Or. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. IIATKNl European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Dat OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. C. PENDEGAhT, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINCS.. 172-174 First Stroot. & Ladies' Suits Fifteen cases just arrived direct from the Factory In New York. Every ap proved style in Jack ets, Suits and Capes. lisi sis... SILVERF1ELD FUR HF'G CO. 283 and 285 Morrison St. Portland Eye and Ear Infirmary Diseases of th. eye and ear treated from 10 a m. to 2 p. m. Eyas tested for glassta 8 . tn. to S p. m. 1S3 SIXTH ST., OREGORIAH BDILDIRI .AND SOAP AND CHfX I w fAwM i r fe PORTLAND. OBEGON. y milEMOMT MOtTBF a! Seventh and Ercrett Bti. POHTLAND . - OREGON Opposite New Custom IIouso. KATES ft PEH DAY H KNltY HKWKTT & CO. Pirn ninl fnrlttn IniiimttrA Ilooms 26 and U7 Sherlock Ilulldlng, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland ... Oregon. K. .Munson. E. Munon. rilHK ANHEUSEH UrsCH-Vine lunch every JL -day. llest beer on earth. Kino wines, liq uors and clears. iUH Morrison St., cor. becoiid, Portlsml, or. W ASTERN OYSTER HOUSE ED. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Crawfish, when In seaton, cooked In wine. 312 Washington St., near Sixth. Oreiron Phono Red 1K. PORTLAND, OR. Columbia Phouo 77. s: THElillO A HUMASON'S PHARMACY- CortlPF rltl.l nn.l Vnl.ltif.tnM Rt Strlntll high grade medicines at louckt prices. Money saved by patronizing us. s UN SAI.OON- Kor fine wines, Honors and cigars call atC03 Third St. J. II. Moore, Prop. TV M. 8. LAUTHERS- Piano, Safo and Furniture Mover. HON. Third Street . . . Portland, Or. Telephones, Col. 4C9, Oregon Red 18U1. milE LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE. All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices. Ml Yamhill St., near Third, rhonei: Oregon, Main 770. PORTLAND, OR. Columbia, J'.M. OK ri-R CENT SAVED ON DHUG8 AND LdU .M lEDIClNESat ACME PHARMACY, Cut-Hate Druggists. 31 North Third sttcct. Thlad and Burnstde. U.K. Arnold. Notaries Public HarryC, Hoyd BOYD A ARNOLD General Agents Hamburg-Bremen Flro In suraiuoCo. Olllce! No. Htt First t-treet, near Stark, Portland, Oiegun. J)OVEY BROS. GLASS ('O.-Mannfaetureri of Art StnlnedGlnM for Clilirehes, Deali ng and Public liulldings. Bent, (leveled, Emboocd and Ground Glass. 48 to fl N. Sixth St., l'oi tlaud, Or. OTEWAHT .t WIN8LOW ....CONTRACTORS.... Shop 2d North Sixth Street. HI.OKEY-I'Ll'MIUNO. 08 AND STEAM . Hitting. Jobbing promptly attended to. No. I!;l Olloaii Struct, betueeu 13th and 14th, Portland, Or. i RTI8TIO MONUMENTS IN NATIVE AND t foreign marblo and graultm new and orlg lual designs. II. J. BLA USING. Olllcu and works '.Vi7 Third street, near MadUou. rU HONEYMAN-NO. OJJi FIR8TSTREET, , Portland, Or. Houso Rentlner Agency. Real Estate and Loans. w. 1). M'lNTOSII- Cnnfectloncry. Tobacco and Clears. 1S1 Sixth btrcet, on your talk from the hotel. PORTLAND, OREGON. -IJLACKHURN, NELSON A MAOEHR-D. I J N. Blackburn. Attnruey.Geueral for slat ol Oregon; D. It. Nolioii, J. E. Magers Atliu neys at Law, Refer by permission V. H. Na tional bank, Portland, Or : First National bank, Mc.Mlnnvllle. Or i First National bank, Albany, Or. Practice In all courts of Oregon and District, circuit and Supreme Court, V S Rooms 31, Hi, 33 Sherlock bulldliig. Telephouo Columbia "V. M. II. Dooley. Chief Law Agent Southern Railway Co., Wiisiiington, D. O. milE MOBILE Ovslur anil Tamalo Parlors. Crawfish cooked In the best of wines. 1'rlvnto rooms for ladles. Ernest Neukonim, Mgr-, In.! Thlnl Hi., Portland, Or. Oregon Telephone Black '."J.M. SIMON BROS., 21)0 FIRST ST. Wholesale and retail fruits. Poultry killed and dressed In order. Fish at nil seasons Glvo us a vail. EASTERN OREGON FEED AND SALE l'i I, utnlili. Kiimfttl fii'l'iiliiiulHtlntiH dtp unli. horses. Special asslstaucu given to persons having horses lor sale, ami no coiiiuii-nIoii charged. S. Mouahau. Proprietor, Comer Sec ond mid Main stieets, Portland, Or. 'UM ANI HUOTT A first-class resort. Family cntrawo. Washiugtou St., corner So etilli, Portland. saa Newly Honnvated. Neatly furnished. il.OllTO 11.M) PER DAY. JC OTEL OSBORN J. II. BAYLOR, Prop. Board for families a specialty. Travelers rhould tale "H" strict car at I'nlun Depot, and kinilBli;! a t niuillll ni. lu ..nov ,IIKV1, unf. Cor. East Ash and Grand Ave., Portland, Or. i I-BER3 A SCHNEIDER CO -II. ALBEI f 1'res and Mgr, Inns. Kiiieidcr.Vi('e-Pr II. Alhers, Seu'y nml Trms. Proiirfelnrs I' S. M Hand Mire hunt to or Ms. Maun aclur ers of Rolled Oats, Oat Mtal, Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Hurley. Ryu Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meul, lt)u Meal, Hoiiiluv, Fnllna, Slecl lilt Wheat. Pastn Fac tory Mai aroni, Vennl'-elll, Spaghetti. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Hay, H,lugli, Seeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Olllce, .MU-'JU Front Sticet, corner Main, Portland, ('. M SELLER A CO. . Established ISM. M. Seller. P Low en gart. Porllnud. Or.Seatlle, Wash., Spokane, Wash., IW-W W. Broadway, New York. Importers and Jobbers Crockery, Glassware, E to B. W, Corner Front and Burnslde Sts., PORTLAND, OR. MEHICAN STEEL AND WIRE CO. Wire Nails, Barbed and Plain Wires, Wire Hops aim waoics, i upper aim insu lated Wlro. V GEO. L. WALKER, Sales Agent, MS Pine Street, POHTLAND, OREGON M FOSTER & CO 'S BANQUET HALL CI , GARS Have not qua!. Try them. Tho best lo-rent rlgar In the market. THE HOHENFEI.D-HMl.TH CO., distributors. 41-43 Front street, Portland, Or. J' B. CHIPMAN-1H FIRST BT., PORT. J, laud. Or. Real EsUI. Farms, btook ancli.i, Timber Claims, City Property. Money Loaned ou Ral EsUt, BARR HOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. N4w house, newly furnished, two blocks from L'r.ion depot .All the modem Improvements, flte-piool, hot und cold Mater, coutrally lo cated. Rates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals 25c, Baths 23o. S. Ms BARR, Proprietor and Owner, Cor. Sixth and Gllsan, Portland. Northwest School Furniture Go, SCHOOl. DESKS AND SUPPLIES Mhps, Glolres, Charts, Black llonrds, etc. Sx-hool. Olllee, Bank. Courtone,Chureh and Hall Furniture. Opera Chairs. 291 Yamhill Street, PO K'l LAND, OR. The Clias. F. Beebe Co. Shipping and Commission Aoknib roil THE NOKTITKRN' ASSU1UNOK CO, TIIK St. PAUL FIRE A MARINE INS. CO. Importers of Pig Iron, Rails, Coal, Portland Curled Hair Factory II. METZ0ER, Prop. Manufacturer rs All t rades of Curl Mi ll'-tit lor Uphol sters' Use. GcnvtVie Curled Hair Mattrcwo ATT nf our kooCi arocuaranteed to biymiiddlrom pure telect hair. Olllce 226-228 Front St. Portland, Or. Genuine Columbus Buggies CARRIAGES, TRIPS, ETC. Tlila celebrated lino of vehicles nre tlm Mnmlnrd tlio world ovor. I nleo carry a couiplutu lino of medium-priced vehicles. Edward Hughes, front and Tiylor Streets, PORTLAND, OR, ACME HARVESTER CO. 0. M. 800TT, Manager. 201 Second St., PORTLAND, OR. Jobber nf Hendrr, Mowrrn, Rindorn, Rnki. Wuifonn, HuitKieu, I'lonti, Uur rown. DrlllH nml Bet-dem. F. I1,' BR8GKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA 7fi0. OKKliON KED 1804, e Spalding I The Most Complete APARTMENT HOUSE In the Northwest. Under the management of the owner... HELEN F. SPALDINO. Particular attention given to tourists and transient custom. J50J Alder, S. B. Corner Park. -ri til iTat'lk'lL' t vr, li- i l .uriiK'lo I sleauier (. W. Hhaer, l.vau'H i'orllaiii' ttillidays, '1 uekdtiys and 'I'liiirxdiiys at o p m U'Hes Clatskaiilu Mondiiys, Wi'iliiusdayh and Fridays at 6 p. in.; arriving at I'iiiIIhikI at a a. in. ou Tustiay, 'I'lmrsda) and Saturday, Wharl and olliee fool of u iislilnuiuii streoi, -tei mi-rs to charter for exeurslous and frelKlitllu; 01 all kinds, lag, and all kinds of heaty and lulil totting. HIIAVKH TUANProilTATION CO., fhono 01, J. W. K1IA VKIt, Mmiui-er. IOI1N MANNING ArrOltNKV-AT-I.AV. 26-27 McKay llulldln;', 1'OHTi.AND, OUKaO vafegS; si'1 r'sBI I If fii rll' II ' I Jib Bit I ill! IIP Tt HKaON DIIASS WORKB. Brass, Doll and Composition Casting, Aluminum and rhosplinr Ilronie, Steam, Hand and Deck Pumps. C. A. LAKIN Telephone 67& 60 SECOND STItKKT NOIITH net. Davis and Kvcrctt 1'ORTLAND. OR. ALBINA LUMBER COMPANY' Manufacturers of and wholesale and retail dealcls in all kinds ol rough and dressed lum ber. Mill and ysrds on railroad and rivet front, foot ol ltandolph tit. pAXTON, IIKA01I & HI.MON Attortipys.at-I.aw. M0 Chamber of Commerce, Portland .... Oregon. PO NOT I'OHOET TO 1'ATIIONIZK TUB Salem Steam Laundry. New proccM; now machinery: low rates, w, O. NOON IIAO CO. Manufacturers and tiriportsrs of BAGS, TWINES. TKNT8 AND AWNINGS, KI.AC.9 AND MININO HO.HK. naBgiUR Material, Canvas, Ball MakliiK In all (tsllratiches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, to. W-34N. Klrat SI. and 'J10-'JI'M1I'J1 Couch bt rOUTLAND, Oil. F. S. DUNNING.... Undertaker and Embolmer DUNNINO HI.OCK, 414 East Alder, cor. East Sixth. Oregon Telephone East &2. Columbia Telephone 605Z IH WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO,, OE NEW M A policy holders' coatpany. Its contracts are plain, short, easily under stood. Incontestable after one year. Non-forfeitalilc after threo rears. Seoour 1'ortlaud agency, Washington bulldV lug. C. L. FAY, Qoneral Agent. Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bornstoln's Art Store, 807 Washington street Hot. Fifth and Sixth I'OltTI.AND OKEOON. B. B. RICH 103 THIIIU ST. POHTLAND HOTEL CIGARS FOURTH AND MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OIL A&.'i JM -I Dll BTV ))fy w w wa i Gun Store. Revolven, Fbhlng Tackle, Pocket CutUry and Gtin Implements. ....CAMERAS AND KODAKS.... Itcpalrlng a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. All Kinds of Ammunition lu Slock and I-oodcd toOrdor. 07 Third Stroot, Porllnnd, Or. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 RENA ST'NSON, Lsdy Asilltsnt. TIIK DININO ('All IIOI'TK I'HOM rOUT LAND 'It) THE EAST. TIIK ONLY DIltKCT LINK TO THE YKU LOW ION I'. l'AHE. I.xitve. Un'on Depot Fitth an J I Sts Arrivti. No. 'J. ll;13a. in. No. 4. II :top. m. Kiist mall forTacoma, Heallle, III) mpla.lliity's Harbor anil Koulli lluuil pollils, hpoLalie. Itoss land, II. ('., Pullman, Mo.eow, l.itwlxlon, lllif fain Hump iiiIu'k coiiii Irv, Helena, .Mlliueap olis, hi. I'ntil, OiiiiiIih, Kiilisiis('lt). HI. Louis, Chli'H;o, and all points East ami Houlheimt. 1'iigfi Kouiid l.xpri's for 'liieoina lllnl heatllu and all Intermediate points. No. 1. o:.M).p. ia. No. 8. 7:00 a.m. Pullman llrsl-elns ami tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and MUsuiirl river points without change. Vfhllhulcd trains. Union depot connection III all principal cllles, Huguagti cheeked to destination of tickets. I'nr liaiidxiuie Illustrated ilesurlpllvo matter, tickets, sleepllig-car reservallons, etc., call on or wrilo A. D. CHARLTON Assistant (leueial I'Hssenger Agent, 'J.VJ Morrison htreel, Cor. Third Portland, Oregon, milK AACHLN AND MUNICH fJ KIKi: INSUItANCK COMPANY. KstablUhed A. D. 1825. Cliarlci A. Ilurckhardt A Co., Agents. ItoomC, Worecslir lllock, N. K. cor. Third and uk hiueia, roriiuuu, ur. BisJImm ill 1 TStilill m wi wiM'VA '.WWvtkt mm'IL I mJWr a ill Sf tb Lrnm R ODNKY I Q LISA N, Attorney-at-l.aw. itoom 420, Chamber of Commerca, Portland, Oa, Or. Tel. Main 7. JM'CJ usVkkSi.'kW'JtksttAiMl