i V "-v. J- AGE, ;PoiTL.ASrD, THE ITJUW OltEGOX. . . M f TOPICS OF THE TIMES. One good point to observe In carry ing gmxa wliL'ii hunting Is to point them Le other wny. Lotn of tlioso wlio go shooting nre not o particular about big Kiuuu-bngs. They're satisfied to Jtiut kill time. owners Interested In the enre nnd Im provement of forestH nnd the planting of trees. It Is receiving inuny proofs, of Increased appreciation of what the forests of the United States are worth to the country nnd of what mny bo done to improve and extend them. At the same time It's hard to see how there can Iks an exclusive collln trust ilncc everybody will be In It sooner or .'later. Maybe the pen Is mightier than the word, but when It comes to making war news neither Is In It with the cen sor's pencil. This country may also start on n career of discovery In the I'aclllc, but It won't pay to lose u warship every time wo hit on an unknown rock. That female college movement to make Ha turn the planet of love Instead of VeniiH Is all right. Saturn represents a man and Is accompanied by two rings. There are some things science can't accomplish. When It comes to the transmission of iicwb one nlile-lxxllwl uflor can beat all this systems of teleg- .raphy ever Invented, The Berlin Tngeblatt recently print ed a dispatch fiom St. Petersburg set ting forth that Uussla has planned two railway lines through Persia. The ilrst will run southward from Merv, In Tur kesUin, a stutlon on the Hue of the Trauscasplan road. An extension from Merv has nlready been built to Kushk, 250 miles south, and across the border of Afghanistan. This Is being ad vanced to Herat, capital of Afghanis tan, and concessions have been secured from the Persian government for an ex tension southwest to the Persian Gulf. The second nrolect Is for a line run ning southeast from the Caucasus to Krlvan nnd thence to Teheran and Is pahan. The enterprise of Uussla In pushing forward these lines Is not In spired simply by commercial consider ations. The mnln object Is to have nn Independent military route to the In (Han Ocean, nnd these lines once con structed It will be able- to push troops rapidly forward from the Black and Caspian Sens. With the completion of the great Tranisslberlnn line Uussla In the future Is likely to become the domi nating power In Asln. lenm Business Firms ol Mr; JtOI Make Your Deposit! With the OMMERCIAL HANK 1- Cardial. 17,0.000. ! Iteshnnnlhllllv. lint nm oard of directors: (irn. Tim. M Amlivn W. L. llolse, 8. M. Heard. Lieut. C. H. Martin Henry Christ. Interest paid on time dorrittts.' "vnun ur,iAiu.nr,iM-i;cpoMtg received Iti sums of One Dollar and upward. Invest credited semi-annually. S. i Heard, President; (Jon. Thou. M. Anderson, Viie-Presidcnt; A. Hossack, Cashier. c. D. BOWLES ATT011NEY.AT.LAW. rilRST NATIONAL BANK OF VANCOUVER WASH. VANCOUVER. WA8n, NE EW EUREKA MARKET ALBRIOHT 4 MARSH, Proprietors. Dealers Id FRESH AND CURED MEATS. 0! OP 1R8T NATIONAL HANK, THE DALLES, OU. J. B. scheme, I'rcs.; m. m. ueai, wasiue.-. F A general banking business transacted, noilia rrcnlved. sublect to slcht draft or cl Collections mndu and proceeds promptly re tnltted on dav of colled on. Bight and tele graphic oxchanRC sold on New York, San Fran cisco and Portland. -TlRENCU & CO. BANKERS LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS I EASTERN OREGON. n ALSTON A CO. Dealers In Furniture, Carpets, Wall Taper and Shades,' Undertaking (Joods. LA GRANDE, OR, Charles Brown, prcMdcnt. L. M. Hidden, vlee president, E. L. Canby, cashier. T DRY HE BAZAAR GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. Ono Price to All. r HILL A A. WATSON V". AUCTIONEERS. Variety Store. Household guods,hocs blankets. VANCOUVER WASH. and J. It. HARVEY Lessee ol City I.lRht Plant. THE DALLES, OR. D. M. French. J. W. French. .1. C, Hosteller, 'Cashier. A full line of electric supplies always on hand. Lighting at lowest possible tutus. J. II. HARVEY. A. B. EASTIIAM DENTIST. Room 8, Wlntler Block, cor. Main and Mb Sts. RACKET STORE Postofllco Mock. Kino stationery, notions, Jewelry, ladles' gents' furnishing goods. am' If It Is a choice between red noses and veils and no red noses and no veils, which will win? A short time ago red noses In women were attributed to tight lacing, and the discovery, or alleged discovery, resulted In no reform. The voting machine has been ex perimented with at the recent elections In many places, and from reports It would seem that It has given general satisfaction. There were no errors In the count, and there were no mutilated ballots, no mistakes in marking, and no loss of time In counting. When the List vote was cast the machine was ready lo announce the total vote, and from that announcement there was no appeal and no recount was necessary. The omnipresent microbe Is making Its disturbing lullueiice felt In strange nnd unexpected uuticrs. Beards and mustaches are placed under ban b being nesting places of err.tnt Intrud ers, some of them pathogenic, or, In evcry-dny parlance, having the power to produce disease. Because of this, tho London (iraphtc states, on the au thority of a French seleutlllc Journal, that on motion of the celebrated Dr. llubenck, of Breslnu, the leading stir frcoiis of Austria and licrmnuy nre considering the adopting of a rule re quiring surgeons to be clean-shaved, or to, at least, as a preventive of dan- iter, disinfect the hair of the face be fore operating. .Nothing Is said as to tho hair of the head, but If this, too, Is Included In die Interdict, bald-headed surgeons will enjoy a gratifying ml-vnutngu. liver since the framing of the Consti tution the (juestiou hns, from time to time, recurred oh to the value to the country of the olllce of Vice President. For periods aggregating thirty years of our national life the Vice Presidency has been vncant without affecting tho elliclcncy of the executive arm. At llrst the position was treated with espe cial refereuco to Its nrovldlng a suc cessor to the President lu case of need. Vice Presidents were chosen In view of that contingency. They were younger than the Presidential candidate, and every whit n Important ns he. But for nt least a quarter century bnck this policy has been completely changed. Nomination to the olllce of Vice Presi dent became a means of placating n disgruntled faction of the party, or of recognizing some locality Importnut In national affairs. In this wny It can eas ily happen that the President would be succeeded by an Inferior man and a man holding opinions quite different from his own. On the other hand, with out a Vice President and with tho law, which places the lino of succeswlon In the Cabinet, the heir to the Presidency would he sure to be of the President's mind, because he would be the Presi dent's nominee. The Cabinet Is an ex tension of the President's personality, and the passage of the executive power lo the Secretary of State might be ex pected to lie of the smoothiHt. The Vice President's only real use lies in hid making a presiding otllcer for the Hen ate. When a member of the Senate la elevated to the chair his consequent loss of power for other than n casting vote virtually deprives his State of out? of Its Senators. T D. MAYER Dry and Fancy Goods, Notions, Millinery. GJoaks, Capes and Wrappers. Kid Glovi's Fitted to the hand. All mall or. dcrs given prompt attention. Cor. Main and Fifth Sts. F RANK EICHENLAUD Ponular Clothier. Me re mint Tailor. Hatter, Furnisher and VANCOUVER. WASH. T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLEH, Prop. This Holi-known brewery Is now turning out thu best Bi'oriind Portcreast of tho CnsCHdcs. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been Introduced, and only the flrst-clasn article will be placed on the market. .East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. P. 11A8C11K Dealer In Hardware nnd Mining Supplies, Stoves, ware, Cutlery and Guns. Tin BAKER CITY, OREGON. BAKER CITY IRON WORKS GEO. I'. McLYNN, Proprietor. Builders of Stamp Mills, Ore Cars and Gen eral Mining. Sawmill and Planing Mill Ma chinery, Architectural Work, Etc. Rrasa and Iron Founders and Machinists. Special atten tion givt'ii to repairing and rebuilding nil kinds ol machinery. Telephone Red 101. BAKER CITY,. OR. SPARKS-DEALER IN SHELF AND rjEOROK II. ECKARD Proprietor of IMPERIAL BOTTLING FACTORY and dealer In Fine Wines, Liquors, Vancouver Bottled Beer, 1'uru Ice, Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, etc. TOHN BETZING MERCHANT TAILOR. A Rent for Wanamakcr A Brown's World Famous Clothing. Repairing, cleaning and dyeing a specialty. ir R. ill. Heavy Hardware. Tabic and Pocket Cut- .cry, Stoves, Tinware, uranlteware. Hshlnp Tackle, Guns and Ammunition. Pruning Tools, I'alnts, Oils, etc., Vancouver, Wash. ARMY AND NAVY-CHOICE WINES, LIQ. uors and Cigars. Vancouver Star Brew cry Deer on Draught. Private Parlors for Ladles. John N. Klein, Proprietor, Cor. Seventh and Reserve bis., Vancouver, Wash. H1 ENRY C. DROSTE-FINE WINES, LIQ. uors and clears. Thu celebrated Gam. brluus beer ketit fresh on tan. Give us a call. At Boat Lauding, Vancouver, Wash. lyASCO WAREHOUSE COMPANY W. LORD, Manager. General Storage, Forwardhn tlon. Wool, Pelts, Hides am Mill Feed, etc. Wool grading Eastern shipments. Largest warehouse lu Kantern Oregon. References -French A Co., National Bank. THE t and Comtnls- I Grain. Flour, and baling for brick storage Bankers; First DALLES, OR. WA Fourth Street, next to Corner of "B," West Vancom or. A RTUUB M'GOLDRICK Dealer In Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, etc. Tho choicest of cold storage nnd all govern tncut Inspected meats. Uoveruuieiitcuntractor J."' JAGGY Successor to Jaggy A Co. Dry Goods, Millinery and Fancy Goods, No. tlons, Capes and JacketB, Children's Clothing. Ladles' and Geuta' Furnishings. Agent for liuturlck Patterns. s TAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of the Famous HOP GOLD BEER VANCOUVER, WASH. T HE SOLDIERS' STORE W. M. Allen, Main St., near Sixth. NUTS CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, AND HtUlT. w. W. 8PARK3 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. VANCOUVER, WASH. c.c- GRIDI.KY NOTARY PUBLIC. Bohns' Block, Mala Street, Bet. Fifth nnd Sixth. c. W. SI.OCUM Dealer In An I tii Hm it countess lias given tier extensive estates to n hygienic society lu that kingdom on condition that a hospital for consumptives lie built on them. The net of philanthropy Is nn Incident In the world movement to do more than ever for persons threatened with the terrible malady, or actually lu Its deadly grasp. The methods of lireveutlou and of iild rob the disease f some of Its power to destroy, and Iiromlse larger gains lu the saving work. "Ueslst the beginnings" Is a motto which has peculiar force In deal lug with phthisis; while the Inter the ory, Justified by seleutlllc Investigation, that a degree of Isolation will prevent the spread of the Infection, Is a re-en-forcemeat to medication ami other heal ing measures. The old fatalism, which oxprcsscd Itself lu folded hands nnd a despairing heart, when consumption knocked nt the door, Is dying out. Among the many contributing causes of accidental loss of life one of the most needless and bust eciiable Is the jfniilc crossing. In the llr.st place, there Is no e.cuse for the e.sieiice of the urmle crossing lu a huge city, and that city which (nictates the evil tuny be Justly cousldeied behind the times ami iiuptogiesslve along the Hues that ni:ile for the htifety nnd protection of tint lives of Its citizens, lu the uet place, where grade crossings me permitted the safeguntds ngnluxt loss of life hould be made so thorough and so ef fective as pnu tlcally to preiliide the jHisslbilliy of accident, h iv street cum pass over the grade cimMngs tm vcrM'd by fast e.pie-s t.nlns e-pi'c nl XMccuutlous against accidents should bo taken, and when they prove defective or liiMiltlclcut the penalties exacted, whether from the municipality or from the rallioad corporations, should bo the lieavlest prescribed by law. After centuries of spendthrift abuse of the itches which nature bestowed upon the I'ulted States In the fonu of forests the signs are multiplying that the care of trees, their preservation nnd the widening of forest ureas lu sectlo s wnere ttiero is less limn a proper pio jiortlou of woods will mhiii be given tiomethlug like their rightful slime of attention by the American people. For estry had a distant nnd Indifferent ouud lu American ears not long ago Now It Is deemed a worthy subject of Kovcrumcut care and private study, The forestry division of the department of agrlcultuio Is publishing some very interesting and nttiactlve books on the subject of tree cultuie. It Is also giv ing Individual advice and assistance, as far ua lu meiwa permit, to thoso lent' Willi tier nt Homo. The llrst Installment of a series of letters that passed between Whlitler ami (Sail Hamilton are published for tho llrst time lu the Ladles' Homo .Journal. I u one letter (written, however, to a friend) (Jail Hamilton gives tills Inter esting glimpse of Whlitler at home: "imagine Whlitler and me sitting to gether one whole day and two evenliigii, talking all the time and then repenting It!... Otto of the brass knobs on thu Kinnklln stove was loose and ciime olt lu my hand. I turned It over and re marked upon Its brightness. He said, 'Now doesn't thee know that thee Is making workV 'HowV I asked. Why, destroying the brightness by bundling It.' 1 rubbed It with my linudkirchlef and asked the housekeeper If 1 hud made bur any work. 'Oh,' she said, 'you make me no work. Mr. Whlttler always takes care of these brasses him self.' Thill accounted, I said, for his anxiety and dismissed mine for I did not think a mail generally had any mo a work to do than was good for him!... The little bulls of the trimming of my dress kept coming oil' and weie ly.ug around on the floor, I picked one up Just as 1 was coming away and said, 'There, 1 will give you that ub a keep sake.' Ho laughed, and said he had two lu his pocket already! He told some company lu the owning that I hid talked so much It hud made him hoarse!" Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, CloW lug, Hardwaie, Tinware, Crockery. House furnishings at lowest prices. VANCOUVER WASH. c ITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY AUGUST SPIX'HT, Proprietor. Established 1871. Abstracts and Loans Best equipped olllce lu the slato. Every denl platted. Duplicate lpcwrltten copies of nil records Insure ptempt and aicurate abstracts. Mortgage loans n specialty. TIB' MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS K. H. WATTS, Proprietor. Mnrble, Granite and White Bronzo Monu ments. Page Woven Wlro nnd Iron Fencing, for cemctary and farm use. Solo agent for white Ilronie work for Eastern Oregon. Writes Firo Insurance In two of the oldest American com panies. THE DALLES, OR. T HE 8T. LAWRENCE FRED ERNST, Proprietor. Only first. class. European plan. BAKER CITY, OREGON. J.W WISDOM A CO. Druggists and Apothecaries. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Articles. Toilet Main Street, BAKER CITY, OR. The Umatilla House 1H2 DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors. .The American Plan Only,.., Kates, $1, fl.M and J per day. All trains stop for passengers. O. R. A N. ttrkot ofllco. Western Union telegraph. Ixjng distance Hull telephone. Agents and olllce for all stage Hues. Accommodations flrst-clas. Court House VANCOUVER, WASH. 1. C. Huston. T UC1A MILLS J. W. Aldrlch. COMPANY Dealers In Rough and Dressed Lumber. I.ath, Wood, Etc. , VANCOUVER, WASH. Home Made Bread, Cakes, Pies, Pastry, Crack, ers, eto. Caudles and Nuts. Cor. Eighth and West II Sts. U.8' HOTEL PETROS A CO., Props. Best Meals In tho ClU'. Good Rooms. Pleas. alitly located. Meals at all hours. White cooks only employed, Good bar In connection, IllcycllNis are ill. reeled to rldo straight up the struct lo sixth after leaving thu furry boat. J. F. HOLMS. Only tlrstclass Ice Cream Parlor lu the city. The leading dealer ill relies, Mce Com Vy I'ATTERSON Proprietor of THE EXCHANOK SALOOK Sole Agent for "Old Barbec." Woodford County, Ky., Whiskey. BAKER CITY, OREGON. w ATERMAN A 8C1I.M1TZ Wholesalo nnd Retail Denlcra In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR9 BAKER CITY, OR. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. plIE STORE One of the finest places In tho city for traveling men. FINE WINE8. LIQUORS AND CIO AR8 Rimuinbcr the piaco. :. ACKERMAN, Proprietor. IIAKER CITY, ORU If NDERTAKING W. Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Soda Fountain, News onutaln. Fruit Juice Flavors. Agent; Troy Laundry Agent. HalD Street, Oppcslte First National Bank, VANGOUVISIt, WASH. F. J. LACKAFF, VANUOUVEIt FEED AND LIVERY STABLE A. K. BENNETT, Prop. Rigs for Fishing, Hunting and Other Purposes. Stables, Corner Fifth and West B Sts. Telephone No. Si VANCOUVER, WASH. irnnB abington Thos. W. Paddcn. Proprietor. Dealear lu High-grade Liquors and Cigars. Vuncuuvur, Wah. Win Tlii'ougli KlnotONOopo. Photographic views of actual war scenes me of great value to the klueto- scope people mid strenuous efforts are made to secure them. Artists run great risks in their Quest. A nutnher of lionii tide battle pictures were secured by one daring operator during the San tiago campaign, but Just as he was leaving the Held he was shot through the shoulder. When the soldiers car ried him olt he Intrusted ills precious packet of Ulms to a Cuban boy, with Instructions to mall them nt Slhoney. The boy ran Into some heavy tiring on the way back and took refuge with four natives lit an old Migar shed. At the next moment the Spaniards drop ped a shell through the roof and blew the shed, Iniy, tUms and natives Into a thousand fragments. The pictures were absolutely uiiIquo and would have created a bensatlon. San Francisco Ar gonaut. i:i onto lituht UuhM. Scientists are recommending the Hce trie light bath. It U free from the ex hausting effects of Turkish baths, and U soothing to sore muscles and Joints. Til ATT BROWN Dialer lu Groceries, Flour, Provisions and Teed. Hardware and Groceries. ( all and sec us. MATT IIROWN. IJ K. M'PHERSON A CO it. "SLEEPLESS MACK" Dealer lu FURNITURE AVI) M-COND-HAND GCOIKs Vancouver, Wash, DK.M.KIl I.N Wool handling our specialty. Grain bought and sold. The Regulator Line. The DalleF, Portland S Astoria NAVIGATION CO. In tho neatest form. Pol ished anil metallic colllns. A No. t hearse. Good ser vice insured. S. NEI.SON, Puncrat Director, PENDLETON, OR. T. C. TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN." Hardware. Stoves, Tin nnd Coppenvnrc. ......v, . ii.o.vi, .milium, voni, iron aim Win..! iiii.l I I...I... ..it . t iiyuruuuu ripe. Si eel and 721 Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. Wines, Liquors s Cigars WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Pole agent for Itlutz'a Dandelion and Celoiy Tonic. Goodn Delivered Free to All Porte ol the City. ir MILLER, .il i ui a mi porter mid Dealer In Choicest Wines, I.lniiors il Cigars. California, Wines and liiadioa ifuinii)-. vor. iii aim ru-si n, Vaucouwr. WathluglOll, ', Ijl R.SCHOFiEI.D Denier In CJUARS, TOHACCOS, CANDIES AND FRUITS, J. C. Wyatt, Druggist (Succefsor to D. Wall.) THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... ally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood Rive and all Points on the Washington side. I'erfumerv, Sonne and Toilet Articles. A full line of I'utent Medicines, Hund ages, Triuees, etc, iilways on hand. Your pntioungo solicited. JOHN LAIPPI.K THE ONLY SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. W. ANDERSON'S LUNCH COU.NTEJl lu connection, Cor. Fifth mid Mnln St , Vancouver MOK A HOOD SMOKE 00 TO JOSKPH CARTER, Who keeps all the leading brands of Cigars and and Tobaccos. UllUo of . U. 'I elegraph Co. mllK CITY MARKET. C. A. llluroo , proprietor. Ak"iI Whales. WhnleB from 1100 to -100 years old arts sometimes met with. The ago Is as certained by the size and number of the whalebone, which Increases yearly, Itread Is the staff of life uud hardtack U tli crowbar. i M. HOKSTKATKK Portrait mid Landscape Photographer. Malu Street, Uetwecu Filth aud Sixth, Van comer, ah. FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS Te steamers Dalles City and Rti ulator leave fortlind vry morning (except Sunday) at 7 asidThe Dalits at 8 a. w., arriving at desUlia. Un in ample time for outgolug trains. Freight Kates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY.Otn. Agt., Foot of Court Street, The Dalles, Or B. 0. THAYER, AKent, Portland, Or. SLITER'S CAFE 148 SIXTH STREET Between Morrison and Alder mllE PIONEER DRUO STORK ULA SLATE, Proprietor. Our stock Is thoroiiRhly up-to-dnto. Wo carry nothing but strictly Al goods -t popular prices. US Court Street. PENDLETON, OR. Hotel Pendleton.. -REST GRADES OF- ...Wines, Liquors and Cigars,,, E. J. MOORE, Proprietor. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST yir II. UREWSTER Dealer In Staple and Ftncy Groceries, Provisions. Flour. Hay aud d, Uiuter aud Ejbi. pONK 11ROS. Manufacturers and Dealers In Rough snfl Dirtied Lumber and Slab Wood. Vancouver, Wash, m DONEGAN The Leading Boot and 8hoe Dealer, VANCOUVER ..... WASH. Portland a Vancouver Ry. AND MERCHANTS' EXPRESS 00. KRKE DELIVERY to all business homes In Vancouver and to principal buslneti houses In Portland. Tho company's wagons connect lth each expros car. Ex prods car leaves Portland from Front and lturuldo streets 6:10 aud 9 40 a. in., aud i:X and 3 40 p m. I.eaes Vancouver s and 10 a. m. aud 1J.40 and 4;lO p. in., dally except Sunday. PORTLAND OFFICE: Cor. Third and Washington. Tel. 176 W Ith Northern Pacific Express Co. The Finest Norths Ckt. Straight 10-ceiu Saloon In the T HE HOWE SCALE COMPANY 8i First Street, Portland, Or. Pcales and TnicVs we) cie store 1 ter Pieses, etc. :V, Railroad Specialties, adders, Grocer's Fixtures, Let. Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IN iACIFIC METAL WORKS A. C CHUMASERO niU'GS AND MEDICINE?. PER. FUMERY AND TOILETARrlCLES. Piescrlptions Carefully Compounded. CHRIST RLOCK. VANCOUVER. WASH. rou.s KKI.l.Y "S-'i North Second Street, Portland, Or. Dealers In Metals, Roofing and Tin Plates and flalraulred Iron, older aud Rabbit a Specialty, B ROWN 4 M'CABE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Ship', mill promptly delivered. Cable address Urown. nnr1 Isiisanaa Am An 1M a anrl Ifawlna u i i Miitnr OAWHa itv will Msi i live I VcottWh Union t National Ins. Co., Edlnburg I and Loudon; Western V. and M. Assurance Co., I iorcnio,ian. ujj jnira si., LoiuiaciM Jiiag. SUTCLIFFE A I1UED-HAMER SUTCLIFFE, John Hlled. Wall par and Decoratlous, In Anil 1t...raf It ... II. !. 11....- FaJntlug, Gralnlug, KaUomlning, Short and tore, K7 Alder fetteet, Portland, Or. 'rhoas lavjk. 1961 fine (flhiskies and Cigars Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men... BAKER C3TY OREGON M.UOClll Cold Star Soap IT IS THE BEST SOAP MADE w E PAY GOOD WAGES To Good People For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO., S , near TbU No. C64 GHsati i Oregon 'Phone Tie. t