The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 16, 1899, Image 8

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LW. ;,-.i.U-,--. ..VK.-vx'. U.i-i-sxi-irixK:,7HMtt
13 needs must love the highest
where wo hoc It, and our belief.
( timt tlii'ic la no miiti. no
mutter how derailed, but 1ms some
worship to brliiK u really jjood woinaii
when lie reeoj;iilzert lier. Hut women,
:im ii rule, do not hcciii to be nllv.' to
tliN (b'sire. When ii woman has won n
man's true nflVctloii, he Ih ready ntid
willing to Idealize her and place her
on a pedestal. He likes to think of her
ay boiiiu one better tlitiu himself, some
one to whom he can pour out all his
noblest aspirations.
All of us have our serious moments
and an Inner life which we do not show
to the world, says the l'lttsbur Dis
patch. Hut who cares to "wear his
heart on bin sleeve for daws to peek
n tV"
The modern woman seems lKnt on
disillusionizing man. They woidd wor
tJilp, but she will not let them. She
does her best or her worst to dissi
pate the halo of romance with whl'.h
he would aurroiiiiri her.
How can one worship the modern
KlrlV She treats lightly all the old
Ideals. She talks lightly of love, innr
rliiKe and religion. She thinks It clever
to make all kinds of risky little speech
es ami startllut,' allusions.
To Wnllc C.riiccfully.
It Is a rare thing to see a woman walk
well, and the fault lies with the failure
to tench her how. A girl Is taught to
dance, to ride and to swim, but since
walking Ih the. natural means of loco
motion she Is allowed to iterform It In
her own natural way. and to be natural
Is, unfortunately, not always to be
A long, swinging KH. I which the
arms, swinging backward and forward
like penilidums, (days as Important a
part as the legs, or a small, mlnelng
iace, that no one else can manage to
keep In step with, Is far from graceful.
To walk with the entire body In act
ive motion or with the body motionless
mid the head ami neck Htretehed for
ward, as though to lead the way, Is
('dually ugly. In graceful walking there
Is no silliness and but little motion.
i he body Is held erect, the shoulders
well back, the chest expanded, the ab
domen In, and one steps out linn and
true, pulling each fool, slightly pointed
outward, not directly In front of the
other, but to one side, placing the ball
of the fool on the ground and allowing
the weight of the body to rest thereon
for a fraction of a second, then raising
the body on It toward the loe before
following with the other foot.
Practice this method ir yon would
walk well. It may In reading seem
complicated, but It Is In reality very
dinplc, and with a little practice one
want aciulres the art. American
Matthew Arnold' Hlnter Dead.
Mrs. W. H. Korster, whose death oc
curred recently, was the sister of
Malhew Arnold, and the "Dearest K."
who llgured so fre
ducnlly In her broth
er's two volumes of
lei I ers. Young l-'ors-
IjC TVl icr wasa iuaKcr.auti
-C ffl ' '" H",M' (biys It was
I "tT .'Til i .I,,. ..i ,
Ill V l l'l Hill ll'tl III llllll-
ry outside the "socle-
aSmr7(! Former
scriiN' Willi m u e u
amusement how.soou
nl'lcr the wedding, a couple of grave
elders called olllclally on the young
couple, solemnly eseommuulcaled Will
iam l''orster, and (hen shook hands ami
utald to lunch.
Till I.11WM III' l'l'ltMllHl.
Serious friendship cannot be enjoyed
cixcepl by persons of character. Those
who, themselves light and frivolous,
choose friends front whim or fancy, or
drift into tl.e relat oi from chniuv pi ox
luilty, or who make passionate or ex
travagant ilemauds, forgetting the
other duties of life in a swift transport
of feeling, must forever remain Iguor
nut of the depth, the solemnity and the
uncivilness of which friendship Is capa
ble .says tile Denver Times.
Kinersoit says: "(Mir frleiuHhlps hur
ry to short and poor conclusions be
cause we have made them a texture of
tlhcr of the human heart. The laws of
friendship are austere and eternal -of
one web with the law of nature and of
morals. Hut we have aimed at a swift
and petty benefit to such a sudden
swivtness. We snatch at the slowest
fruit In the whole garden of (led. which
many summers and many winters must
Do Not Omit CIvIIKUh.
If, as the old saying has It, civility
costs nothing, it certainly gains much,
both In the way of liking and kindness,
theiefoiv, It seems a great pity that so
many people dUpeiiM' with It In small
matters of dally life.
There are, no doubt, very few people
who are actually and actively rude and
uncivil, but there are, on the other
hand, many who are, If we may use the
term, passively Impolite. They do not.
that Is. commit a downright rudeness,
but they omit a vast number of little
Men, perhaps, grumble the most, but
It Is the women who really feel most
tliu loss of little civilities, for every
woman at heart loves to lo thought of,
looked after and treated with care and
1!iiijiIiu'n In a Duty,
Ho happy! He happy In spite of ev
erything! When a person Is not happy,
ho Is a failure In life. To be happy Is
to bo normal, and the noruiul people
iff 1
AVE 17 :
I I X.i ..I I I-
It S. I
are those who come out on top In the
long run. Nature and human nature
detest abnormal things, and unhappy
people are certainly abnormal people.
It Is said that nothing makes happiness
like happiness, and, from observation,
one sees that It Is true, says the Pitts
burg Press. Happiness is two things
a good habit and a spiritual state.
Many women, you think, are born un
happy. Ih there any one such u weak
minded creature that she cannot cul
tivate the good habit of being happy?
The trouble with average womnn
who fancies herself unhappy Is only
an unwholesome fancy. She caresses
and nourishes uuhapplness. In other
words, she hugs trouble. She luxuri
ates In being melancholy, In looking on
the wrong side of things. If nhe only
knew how disagreeable this made her
In the sight of men, she would very
soon change her tactics, for It has conio
to be a recognized fact In modern civ
Illzatlon that happiness Is a necessity
of life.
A Club Lender.
Mrs. Frederick Hanger, of Arkansas,
Is not only noted In her own State for
her o x c o u 1 1 vo
abilities In the
Held of club work
a in o n g women,
but was also In
strumental In se
curing the suc
cess of the na
tional meeting of
women's clubs
held last year In
Mio. iiANOKit. Denver, Col. Mrs.
Hanger now holds the honored olllce, of
President of the Arkansas federation
of women's clubs.
lll-Trcntiiicilt of Hoys.
"I am always made sorry whon I
ride In the ears, through the shoppbig
districts particularly," says a writer,
"to nee the way mothers lll-lreat small
boys. It Is quiet as disastrous as phys.
leal Ill-treatment might be.
"I see poor little Tellows of 7 and 8,
nice little men who would be manly If
they were allowed to be, pulled around
In the ears, out of the cars, pushed Into
that seat and out of It Into another as
If they were so many little dummies.
They usually are very nearly that, for
seven or eight years of such pushing
and pulling Is enough to take all the
spirit out of a small boy unless he has
unusual vigor of character. A boy of
that age ought to be beginning to look
out for his mother and finding seats
for her.
"Occasionally a sensible mother,
who .treats her boy like a human be
ing, Is to l)u found, and It Is a pleasure
to see them together. The boy who Is
dragged around during the early part
of his life Is apt to come to himself
after a time If he Is not entirely ruined,
and then he goes to an opposite ex
treme, Is rude and self-asserting while
he Is frying to cHtabllsh an equilibrium,
and the mother can't Imagine what the
trouble."-New York Timet.
Athletic Mold, A ill tu I
There Is a tremor of uncertainty and
fear among the ranks of the athletic
ami shirt-waist maidens.
It Is softly whispered among those
who think they know that the knell of
the reform skirt and linen collar has
been run and that the girl of girls will
In the near future be the dainty, be
frilled, frou-frou girl of the early T)0st
says the New York Herald,
Women may deny the soft Impeach
ment that they dress to please tho
men, but as this weakness has been a
falling with the gentler sex for many
years, It will take a great many more
for the stroug-mlmled women to mold
their weaker sisters to an utter Indif
ference to the good opinion of Borne
favored man.
"After all Is said and done," remark
ed a wlii woman, "man Is really tho
arbiter of woman's dress."
MIhh liny ii NovcllHt.
Another writer from the ranks of so
ciety will soon have book readers talk
ing. Miss Hay, daughter of Secretary
Hay, is at present
engaged In writing
a novel that will
deal with the social
life of Washington.
Her book, friends
s a y , Is likely to
cause something of
a stir In the fash
ionable and diplo
matic world, as a
number of the char
acters will be easily recognized as per
sons In public life. Miss Hay mado
her debut In society a year ago. Sho
is a handsome young woman of many
Short I'umIiIoiih,
Side or knife plaiting Is back again.
Fine Ntiede Is the proper thing for
dress wear.
Strapping Is no longer necessarily on
the straight.
Evening hoods are to be a big fea
ture this winter.
The pocket lurks In almost every
garment Mive the skirt.
Hoots are beautifully "medium,"
though they lean to heaviness.
You must have a buckle on your bon
net, not to mention your hat. Other
wise no one will care enough to ask
you where you got it.
Don't ehoono a oue-pleco skirt for r
girl. It will sag, and a short dress
that sags Is simply horrible. If she's
too old to have It on the straight, tnakt
It with three or more gores.
Always ask for the famous General
Arthur cigar. Esberg-QunstCigurCo.,
goneral agents, Portland, Or.
P. P. Thompson, denlor In tobacco,
cigars, fruit, candies and nuts. 250 B
Wntts & Matthicu, druggists, 27
Russell St., 11111 block, Porltnnd, Or.
Knhn Dro., dealers in hides, fun
and wool. 101 Ptont strcot, Portland,
.G. Dnnlelson, watchmnkor, jowolot
and diainoud-sottor, 140 Sixth street,
Portland, Or. All work guaranteed.
N. E. Rowan, 181 j. Mndleon Etreet,
dealer in clgnis, tobacco, fruits, cum
dies, pop, ice cienm and ginger ale.
Lake Charles Houso, 89 North Fifth
street, Portland. Choicest brands of
wines, liquors and cigars.
Ererybody smokes tho colobratod
Monogram and Pandora cigars. Thoy
havo no equal.
Marine drug store, 0. A. Watson,
proprietor, 81 North Third strcot, Port
land, Oregon.
Tho Popular, 125 First strcot, hot.
Washington and Alder, Portland, Or.,
John Ecklnnd, proprietor. Tol. Oro
gon rod 0U4, Columbia 608.
Tho Front Stroet Stove Hospital, 2U3
296 Front streot. All kinds of stool
ranges and air-tight Btoves mado to
ordor. Stoves sold and exchanged;
castings for all kinds of stoves; tooling
h specialty. N. Nowman, proprietor.
Jno. P. Sharkey, manufneurer of
harness, collars, saddloH and strap
work; importer of anddlory, hardware,
whips, pads, otc, 66 Union avo., Port
land, Or.
Entorfiriso Pickling Works Cathup,
pickloB, vinegar, suuoos, cider, mus
tards, chow chow, uto. T. S. Finuo
gnn, propriotor, East Aldor stroet and
Union avenue, Portltind, Or. Tela
phono, white No. 4.
Storlim; nnd Yalo bicycles, chair
and ohainloyH, $36 to $75; caah or In
stallment. '90 wohelu for tent. Den
ton & Co., 1U0 Sixth street.
nockiugor Sc Co., dcalors in new and
second-bund goods, furniture, stoves,
tinware, hsrdwnie, glassware and
crockery. Untight sold and exchanged.
80 and 83 Union avenue, East Side,
Portland, Or.
Ernest Gclsler, manufacturer and
dealer in hlgh-grado Havana cigars and
tobacco. Salo&room and factory:
IGOK North Sixtli streot, opposlto
Union depot, Portland, Or. Box trade
a specialty.
Tho Western Oyster IIoubj, Sam
Mackin, pioptietor. Oysters aud
crawfish, wholesale and retail. Hy
tho gallon, $2; by the pint, 26 conts.
262 Washington Etroot, between Soo
ond and Thitd. Telephone brown 434.
O. A. Alvord, photographor. Studio,
186K Morrison street, west end ol
bridgo, Portland, Or. Our prices:
Cabinet, carbon finish, $1 and f 2 per
dozen; smaller sizes, 0 for 25 cents.
All work tlrst-olasB.
When you build see Low Is & Lowis,
contractors and builders. Oregon Tel
ephone 1,005 Green. Special attention
paid to jobbing and repairing etuirs
and itairbnildiug. 307 Madison struct,
botweon Fifth and Sixth, Portlund,
Tho A. D. T. Messongor Co. is tho okb
est and best service of tho kind in tho
town. Renders of tho Now Ago, give
them tho preference.
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or uny good securities. Notes and
mortgages bought 8. W. King, room
45, Washington building.
E. II. Moorohouse & Company, (inc.)
1808 wall paper; paints, oils, var
nishes, and room mouldings. 305 Ai
der stroot, between Fifth and Sixth,
Portland, Or.
Ann Arbor Homo Bakery, M.
Shields, propriotor, 847 Morrison
streot, Portland, and 403 Union uvonuo,
cor. Sacrnmonto, Albina. Home-made
bread, cakes and pies. Baked beans
ond Boston Brown Bread every Satur
day. Tolophouo Red 1842; Telephone
Roil 341.
Ring up Dr. Darling, 204 Morrison
stroet, cor. Third aud Morrison, ovet
McAllen A McDonnell's. Ofllco
hours, 10:30 to 13 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p.
m, At residence, E, 34th und Bel
mont streets, morning aud evenings,
Residence 'phones, Oregon, blue 876;
Columbia, 6137; ofllco 'phono, Colum
bia 14.
The Acorn, John Grimm, propriotor.
Fine wines, liquors und cigars. Woin
hard's beer on draught. 1'rlvuto fam
ily rooms, All kinds of sandwiches.
Phono, red 1882, Cottier Sixth and
Aukunj streets, Portland, Or.
French Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works.
All work done at very moderate prices.
Dyeing and oleaning of all kinds ol
ladies' nnd Gent's clothing. Mourning
cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Doleau,
pioprielor, 465 Glisau aU-t.
Tho finest place in the oity to obtain
fit at quality cigarsJJ tobacco and smok
ers' artioles is that of Rosouthal &
Budd, ut 287 aud 287 K Washington
street, between Fourth and Fifth.
Give those genial dealers a call when
you wish anything iu their lino. Tolo
phone Main 76. - .
Columbia Bridgo Company (incor
ratod), goneral contractors. 715
mam bet of Commerce
Smyth & Howard, gonaral contract
ore. Roads, bridges, trestles, munici
pal improvements, etc., Portland, Or.
Diamond Vittiflod Briok Company,
(incorporated). Paving briok n spo
oialty. 013 Chnmbjr of Commerce
Bohemian Bottling Works, solo hot
tleis of b'chlitz Milwaukeo Boor.
Phono Grant 821. 851 Stark street,
Portlund, Or.
Wiro Fenco Works Wiro fence,
iron fence, ofllco railing, window
guards, etc. Portlnnd Wiro & Iron
Works, 334 Aldor. Phono, 1001 black.
Portland Transfer Saloon Ghas. 0.
Siglin, proprietor. Choico wines,
liquors and cigars. 321 Glisan, cor
ner Sixth, Portland, Or.
Wall paper, painting and paper
hanging und wall tinting. First-alass
work; modorate prices. J. W. Konnu,
84 First stroot. Oregon phono, Hood
Go to tho Mobilo Oyster Parlors, 182
'ihird street, cornor x .tnhill, for craw
fish, oysters or U. tunics. Tolophono
Oregon blaok 2064. D. O. Goosncll,
Economy KTToo Shop, 192 Od; men's
half solos, sewed. $1; nailed, 70:;
2ds, 60c; 8ds, 05o. Ladies', sowod,
76o; nailed, 60c; 2ds, 35c. Bost stock
and work. A. M. Hollnbough, prop.
Burnsido fittcot Livery, Foed and
Sale Stablo, D. M. Biiigman & Son,
proprietors. First-class rigs; reasona
ble prices; homos bought and sold.
Special uaoommodntio.ia for farmers'
patronage. Oregon 'phone black 001.
Cornor Fourth aud Burnsido streets,
Portlund, Or.
A. A. Unruh, bicyclo ropairing.
Brazing and cutting down frames a
specialty. Bicyole sundries Baked
enamel. A.I1 work guatnnteed. 183
Foot of Morrison stroet, Portland, OV.
Cull und see mo when you aro broken
dawn. Agency for tho Impeiial Blcy
olo; guaranteed (oi ono your. Oregon
'phone black 2801.
George Baker & Co., praotical furni
ture auctioneers and expert valuers.
Conducting auctions at privato resi
dences a spcoialty. All sales promptly
settled and statements furnished.
Cash advanced on consignments, or fur
niture of housos purchased for cash.
Bankers' roferonce Ladd & Tilton.
Columbia phone 230. Offices nnd sales
rooms, Nos. 852-854 Aldor street, Port
land, Or.
FRANK KIEUNAN', I'roprlotor.
No. 81 North sixth Btroet, Cornor Kvcrctl
Tttblo Ilnnril, ll.Wl per week; Ilonrd nnd IOdp.
Ini?, ll.A0ici wt'ok. Five Mont Ticket. 11.00;
HIiikIo Mould, 'J.') (villa; IxkIrIiib, a to 0 cents.
Tuble miiillcil w ltli tliu bout the nmrket affords.
Dealer In
Wo handle .nnd roenmmend (10LDEN WEST
llukltiK l'uwilcr.
Corner 11th mid Morrison.
Established In New York ITU.
New York, CIiIciiru, Iloston, 1'hlladelplila,
Denver, Portland.
I l'aiiita, Co lorn, Viirnlsliei, Lend, Drushci,
rtUtb' Materials, wholesale only. No. CO First
Btreet, corner Pino, I'ortland, Or. Thones,
OrcKn Ked 1853, Columbia 451.
ltest Grades of
Fourth and Stark Sts., I'ORTLAND, OREGON
Private. Entrance, 1W Fourth Street. Tele
phone lllaek ISM.
Coal and Wood.
Ofllco and Yards, 18MW E. Water 8trcot,
Oregon I'houe Union 4S1, Columbia Mil.
.Room 614 THE DEKUM...
Tel, Red 2844.
"A man who is careless about his persona! ap
pearance, will be careless of everything else, q
Sam'l Rosenblatt
Sc Co.
N. W. Cor. Third and Morrison Sts.
Wo arc readj' to riiow you the finest line of Jafaneso and Chinese curios, novelties, brlc-a.
brno, silk handkerchiefs, embroideries, etc. All toys of nil kinds to jilcaso tho children at
Cor. Fourth and Morrison Stroots.
Steel and Wood Ship Builders.
Mnnufucturora of Saw nnd Sliinglo Mill Machinery, Hollors, Engines, Head
Blocks, Logging Engines and Loggers' Supplies. Steel Itiveted Pipes (or Flnmes
and Dry Kilns. Iron, Semi-Steel and Brass Castings for all purposes. Special,
attention given to all kinds of repairs. Agents for Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal.
300 East Water Stront '
La Crando, Oregon.
CAPITAL, $00,000.00; SURPLUS, $8,5C0.CO.
DIR ROTORS: J. Ff. Rlnehart, George Acklos, J. D. McKonnon, Joseph
Palni'T. F. S. Stanley. J. II. Robbins, J. W. Scriber.
OFKIOKRS: J. II. Rinehart, president; Joseph Palmer, vice-president; J.
W. Scriber, cashier.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, (.70,000.00; Surplus and Undividod Profits, $53,824.78.
KKSKRVE AG KXTS First National Rank, Chicago, Ills.; First National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Rank, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRKOTORS: Levi Ankeny, Pres.; M. Raruh, Vice-Pree ;
O. R. Wade. Cashier; H. O. Guernsey, Aas't Cashier; J. S. McLeod, W. S.
Bjers, W. b Matlock.
Depot Hotel
I. B. Cor. Seventh and Glisan Sts.
Two block from Union Dpot.
Meals 20 CenU.
Lodgings 26 and 36 Cents.
Six Meal Tickets for $1 00.
A. BLOCK, Proprietor.
romir proprietor Waihincton Hotel
Electrical Supplies
Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incan
descent. Electric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds
of Machinery.
Portland General Electric Co.
THE first thing that at
tracts your attention
8DOUT inc
clothes is their smart, dressy
They are cut in the latest,
correct style.
They have the right ex
pression. They fit and keep their
shape better than any other
clothes you can buy.
- . "m.,. -;