CV- 1 ' r r- & I . i mr ".- n V. ..) ;A ' W L, :s. The New Age. u VOL. IV. POKTLAND, OHEGOiN", SATITHDAY, XOV.KM IJKK 135, 381M). ?) : NO. 34. FIRST NATIONSBANK cTottND' Di'ulKiuitoil Dcpifltiiry hIiiI President, It. W t'orbett, ciifhliT, K 0. Wlthlnc'""; nsltitit cnhlcr, nn smni ciiMiior, n i Aivorn !tteri of credit Usucri, avullable tit Kurope nntl the Knitern Pintcs. Sight exchiuise and lelcRrAi'tili imn-H-r soi-l on Now York, noMun, I hlc&ito, St I'aul, Oum'ia, Shij FrntirUvo, Mid theiir.i. Ipal points 111 tho Nurthnrst Sitdit ami time bills drnwu In uuii to ult on London, Paris, Berlin, Vrtuilcfort-oti-tlie-Mnili Hong Kong Collcotloni made on favorable terms at all accessible jiolnts. LADD fc TILTOIM, BANKERS SSSSK KMiihlUheil in 1850. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on timo deposits. Collections niitdo nt nil points on favornblo tounB. Letters ot credit Issued (Tallablo In Europe nnd tho Fastem slates. Sight oxohango nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Deuvor, Omaha, Snn Francisco and various points in Oio gon, Washington, Idaho, Montnmi nnd British Coluinbin. Exchongo gold on Loudon, Pat is, Berlin, Frankfort nnd Uong Kong. The United States National Bank Transaots a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of tho United States and Kurope. TYLER WOODWARD, President. F. C. MILLER. filumauer-Frank Drug Co., Wholesale Distributors Til HiT'll TTT l 71 fT 1 MMtiWIRMflUM OF ALU KINDS. Silk and Wire Bolting Cloth of all numbers. Cotton, Leather and Chain Belting1 of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House. CROFUT, M'AYEAL & CO., Telephone Grant 86 J. 49 FIRST STREET. WOLFF&ZWiG PORTLAND, OREGON. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Manufacturers of Saw and Shingle- Mill Machinery, Pollers, Engines, Head IHocka, lurging Engines and Loggers' Supplies, steel Riveted Pipes for Flumes and Drv Kilns. Iron, Semi-stool nnd Hrass Castings for all purposes. Special attention given to all kinds of repairs. Agonts for Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal. a KUSALANA" Is the very CEYLON TEA. Other brands arc not JUST AS GOOD. KUSALANA is packed in one pound lead packages, put up in Ceylon, while the U is still FRESH and AROMATIC. If your dealer has not got it he can pt it from us. Corbitt $c Wlacleay Co., Tea Importers. PORTLAND, OR. NO MORE ORECON fi.!n..i. f ii. ninl It.iiililor fwa Ttasilrnrhf poait. I eUl'OrriHTU I'ft llltll IT -.U'lTC'H i. iniMUinu...,, In.wt!...d r..iitiiiiiiiiin. mill HlU'iUuiilniiitsni nmu li"inu , u - -- ; .. ,- , . ....., i ii.,... lUUIIH"! , .-l , . . (- . ... I.' 1 1 . .. . - . .. I rini.Fl ill I'll I it lit .' I ! Hi thebie'Htilai.tinK i.HMin-in tln.'H'UK ";ii thetuMJ'J.KXlwS' Uquitu rori.j'iini'l, uti fi w ' OVERLAND WAREHOUSE Finest and Most Central A GENERAL STORACE BUSINESS TRANS Storao Rntos Roasoi SPENCER-CLARKE CO., losboos. TATUW1 BOWEN riliiinrliil Aki'IiI of the I illicit Ntiitc. J. W. Newklrkj second JACOD KA.MM, Vico-Prcsidont. Cashier. Beau Brummel The Best 5 Cent Cigar Made For Snle bg All Dealers. 144-M6 Fourth Street, PORTLAND, OR. finest grade of BACKACHE KER iron Works i KIDNEY TEA tiiiiihlti Ni u-ICi l uthni ( t'rilio, IlrU-b-Puit Dc. i.,,L,ii..ti fit, i id r,iiuu, Ncmnuneiit, nil iklnl.titiJ ur iii-i-ased (.oiiilltloii ol r 8 rotlon,ri'irulatlin .n. '1 lit: otfuct OD "1. 'i i'"'1"- " ' ; " uso i ' ' " " ' "' Storehouse in the City, Chonp Insuranoo. Cor. Fourth and DnvlR. ENGINES MILL SUPPLIES. WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS, Pumping1 Plants of any Capacity, Wilfrey Concentrators, S. F. Air Compressors and Giant Drills, Mining Hoists, Cars, etc., Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws. Saw Mills, Shingle Mills and Woodworking Machinery. Pittsburg Boiler Scale Resolvent, (No charge if not satisfactory). ALBANY CREASE. 29 to 35 First Street, PORTLAND , 34 and 36 Fremont St., S. F. I .BOILERS, BEHALF OF IHE IP Mrs. Luov Thurman Is- iLing Portland. A DKlLLinni ijuuvncu I liiriN I'tuli-i- tli Auspice or tlw V. T. I'. (liinil i:l ic:i t Iciiiii 1 Wl (lie Southern State. Mrs. Lucy lhunnnn, world nuua tionul superintendent for tho e' Jed section of tho Wonmn'H Uhivfttinu Temperiinco Union, arrived in rt land Wednesday. Slio is a noted HpuVcor on toinneranco and race nuostiouniniu methods of securing tho former a' eliminating tho latter. Sho tn ni'mi flu nmiiitrv nt-. roifiilnr inlnr" of encouraging old unions and staying now ones. In this city she is tho uost of tho now Lucy Thurman colored un ion, under whoso auspices sho will'do- liver her main lectures hero. i Mrs. Thurman was born in Toronto, Canada, in IS"'2. Personally, :sho knew nothing of tho blighting offoots of hhnery, yet her love for those of her raco less fortunate than herself was so strong that at tho age of 17 she left homo determined to do something for their elevation. At Rochester, N. V., she met two of tho nation's leading colored men, Frederick Douglass and William Wells Jlrown, who recognized her ability and secured for her a school in Maryland, which sho taught for three years. She then went to Mlchi l'iui. where sho married, and whoro sho ..till liitu iwivtttii ttnti t lwittwt It was in Toledo, O., that Mrs. Thur man decided to give up her life to tem perance won;, in tno yearn iniu ioi lowed sho linn held many responsible positions in tho Woman's Christian Temperance union. Sho was for four years president of the .lackson county, Michigan, union, and for two years superintendent of tho colored work in that state. Sho was president of tho llrst colored women' met at Atlanta, (ia congress, wmcii In 1SU2. Vhe' satneyear she was a delegate to the world's Women's Christian Temper- mice Union convention, in Loiidmi. Ill IKIKI the national convention at Chicago elected "her to her present su nerintondencv. Sho is now also liicsl- dent of tho state colored Woman's .i . .! ... 'i'. ........r. it..i.... l II11M1IIU ll'IMJIUllllItU I'iiiwii. Ill speaking of the social positior of ; . .... .'.... . 1 ,v ....."... the Negro, Mrs. Thurman said it is bet ,......,.. Llli. ifr L! !.,. tor now than ever and impioving oery day. It was for this puproso that tho colored association was organized. It doesn't udwieato equal social position or intermingling in the South, for it ! knows this l- impossible, bu it lollows along tho lino of mothers' ' meetings, kindergartens, rescue works, homes for tho aged, homes- for motherless children and all moral and religious training. Tho immediate object is to elevate thu women of the race and to change their Ininu surroundings. It also seeks tho establishment of public schools in tho South for colored children, as they aro not peiimtted to attend most of tho ordinal y schools there. Tho association has already founded many sclnols, the largest of which is tho Hooker Washington, whoo course of studv includes 21 departments. Ho- sides tho ordinary branches of study, it has great industrial departments, where tho boys an taught tho trades and the girls such household initios as domestic conking, kitchen woik, sew ing, nursing of tho sick, etc. In tho last !I0 years over 25,0Uti colored toach cm huio graduated from Southern schools. Mrs. Thiuinaii Wednesday night ad dressed a lni'L'o audience at tho Sunny side Methodist church, under tho au spices of tho Suiuiysido union. Mrs. Ambler, president of the SuntiVHido union, presided, and Mrs. L. II. Ad ditnn wux seated on tho platform. After instrumental music, sripturo lending and prayer by Mrs. Additou, Mrs. Thurman was introduced, ami for er mi hour held thu attention pf tho audience to ail eloquent and able ad dress along tempcruuee lines, mid hugely pertaining to tho progress mud) l tlie ciiluie I jMiople of the Southland, "he began her line locturo by a touch, in allusion to the slavery of tho col- oied people, a system, Mill HMid, wlltclj uislavcd the body, but uot tho sjirilt mil soul ol the black man. Then l)0 -peaker coiujmred the sluxory of tho eoliirod rmo with that of intern per aut', which, oho declured, was many told uoihfl, for it euslavud thu soul on well as the lody. Tim procession of liiii.oiio drunkards, tho said, was cnur marching on and receiving recruits ii-oin the homes all ovor tho country, the rich as well ns tho poor. It is this eil, she said, that tho W. C. T. U. uu strhing to eradicato. Passing fioin thid iKiiut, Mrs. Tlnirmiui dis cussed tho onditioii of tho colored peo ple of tho Southland and her work in is- . II Iaki toa v. X in &v o-s. i that portion of tho United Statos. She kinds of desiroblu hooksi now and suo llrst told of tho fcchool sho was led to onddiand eohool hooka at icdiicod teach in Maryland on a plantation through tho iullueuco of Frederick Doimlnxs and (loneial O I). Howard, the latter then head of the Freed man bureau ot education. The school wax on an old plantation, and there were 7(1 pupils, tanging in age from fi to 7o ,vear, and among her pupils va an "auntie" 7.". years of age, who wanted to learn to lead the Hlblc. it was here she witnessed the strong desire that tile colored people had to learn and lie taught. Mrs. Thurman re marked that'the colored people of the South had been largely misjudged, and she confessed that, taking into consid eration the fact that they had come from years of hondime, their progress in educational and industrial lines had been remarkable. The most interesting and instructive part of her lecture- wa her account of tho great suhools that have been estab lished for the education of the colored youth of the Southland. It was no doubt a revelation to many present. She told of the great university at At lanta, lia., with its hundreds of stu dents, the gieat school at Savannah, and at other cities of tho South, where the colored youth receive higher edu cation. Along these lines site consid ered that the advance of her people had been most wonderful, coining as they did so recently from the kinds of slavery. schools, sho said, are the result the endeavors of the colored people themselves. Sho visited one college, near Savannah, which is on a planta tion where there had been hundreds of slaves, but where now there were !I00 lino you tig colored men being edu cated. Still on this same plantation are the old cabins tho samo as they wero in tho days of slavery. She spoke of the thrift of the colored pecplo in many places, and of their place among tlie industries of tho Southland, talking with great force along this lino, and demonstrating the capabilities of tho colored raco for development and progress. Tho speaker said that sho hail entered tho work among her own people about 1805. She spoke of her visit to Loudon as the delegate in 1HUII to the world's W. U. T. U. convention, when she became the guest of Lady J Henry Somerset. Tho same year sho had attended the llrst great convention of cohned women of tho South, which convened at Atlanta, Ga., and was there chosen presiding ollleer. Her address was packed full of Infor mation from the opening to tho close, ami sue spoKo wmi groin iiuouoy. mhi will lm at tho homo of Mrs. Addlton, -' 'u Second street, wiiero slm will lu pleased to meet the members of tho W. i C. T. U. of Portland. ,. , Miiiuny evening .irs. uiiirmau win speak at the Jiothel .Methodist Kpisco- pal ciitircn. .Mrs. intirmiin win also tieiiviu- iiircu iiiiiui'sses miner wienie , . . .,... 4....1 ....I.... ll... .1....... " '"; " "'" '"". "'" "' 111 wliiuli 111'.. IIU IllllllU't SIllllllllV ll. ' .? ...' ............ ..,......,,, .... vember L'li, :i:!10 P. M., at First I!aitist church, corner of Twelfth and Taylor; Monday, November i!7, U:!it) P. M., at tho regular meeting of the union; Mon day, 8 P. M., Second Itaptist church, Fast Atikeny and Seventh. These meetings are all freo to tho public. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "IIi-oh ii'm III Town." An intended laugh is tho way the management of "Ilrown's in Town" describes tho newest farce which will bo tho attraction at I'ordray's next week. It is ruploto with hiiiiioious complications, and is said to brim over with witty thrusts and a choice selection of catchy musical numbers. Tho action of thu farce all takes place during one summer's day in tho coun try homo of a man supposed to bo Mr. lirown, but in nnility is the young hero. The plot hinges on the desire of a young man who marries at tho ago of '2'i against the wishes of bis father and takes his bride to the coun try phn'o to concoct a schemo whereby ho can break the news to his irate parent. Ho wishes to bo alone, but his friends and relatives happen in, and to keep his marriage a secret, causes quite a uumlicr of complications to arise. Three acts are used ill which to tell tho story, the llrst being morn ing, the second afternoon and the third night. "A M ranger In New Yiuh." "A Straiigor in Now York," with Otttohy songs and music, new Hennery and capable jieople, opened a week's f engagement lust ineuiug at the drand opera house, to standing room, says tho St. Paul Pioneer-l'russ. Tho piece In a musical comedy in three tuts, mid lius been seen here before. Tho com- ipuny is woll iwiauceo, tno songs are up to date, and tho specialties aro good. Tho duueing of Miss Mh Hello Ilavies nnd Charles Hooker aro ospocially commendable. In tho mutter of scenery too much praise cannot lm bestowed on I Voogtliu, tho a it i 1.1, for his faithful roiiroduetioij of one of the swell rooms in Madison Square Harden. I'aul F. Nicholson, jr., u the htraugor in New York, is uuique and gives popular promise of creating a thoroughly new comedy character. "Tho Stranxer" will appaar at tho Marquum (Jrand Novwiubw SO, ao, with u Tliauksgiviug matiueo. Portland Hook nnd Btatiotmrv Coin, pnny will buy, soil oi uxohango till prices. 203 'a Morrison Btieot, botwoon Fiout and Firiit. HE NEWS Of IHE WEEK. From All Parts of the Now World and the Old. I OF INTEWST TO OUR READERS 'CoiiiireliiKlv itevlew of Die Import, lint lliiiitinnluuH nf the I'iikI Week Culled Trout the Tilfi;riili Columns Leather and hides are going up rap- idly. The Poors have Fstcourt cut olY on , all sides. j Much anxiety is folt for a number of i vessels long overdue nt San Francisco. I Four transports with relnforcotneiiLM ' for Otis sailed from San Francisco Monday. A wireless telegraphic company was. organized in Now lork; capital, $12, 000,000. Hundreds of Poors wero killed near Liidysmith Thursday. The llritlsh loss was slight. Tho Protestant Kplscopal church has decided to send missionaries to our now possessions. The supremo court has decided that the Northern Pacillc railroad cannot hold a -100-foot strip thtough Spokane. Tho wreck of tho barkentino Juno Falkonburg was found oil' Capo Flat tery with nothing on board but a black cat. Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Paul, St. Louis, (ialveston and Philadelphia are all after tho Republican national con vention. Transcontinental railroad pnpscngor rates have been restored as a result ot a conference held in Portland by tho various lines. Tho Yuqul Indians aro drilling like soldiers, and are being exhorted bj their chiefs to light until the whites aro all exterminated. While showing a friend how he would drop a footpad, a Portland butcher shot and seriously wounded a boy who was looking on. Ten ships aro reported to liavo gone ashore on the straits of Magellan. It is feared their crews havo fallen into the hands of tho cannibals. After a thorough investigation tho Ciormau government finds that tho in spection of meats as conducted in this country to bo perfectly roliable. Fmporor William is in Kughtiid. Ho was received with all tho ,pomp of royalty. Public buildings wero deco ra tod with llritlsh, German mid United States Hags. The Sumoait treaty will soon bo dis posed of. Secretary Hay merely awaltH tho arrival of text of agreement entered into between Germany mid Great lirit iiiu. Tho industries of Cuba aro in n de plorable condition. In two province the destruction of sugar interests alouo is estimated at .fllSO, (Mil), 000, mid there mo no oll'orts at rebuilding. Because tho supremo lodge has do cided to rerato old members, thereby iuci easing tho assessments, the K nights and Lai lies of Honor in Now Jersey are talking of secession. A special session of tho Washington legislature is boinj; talked of. A steel palace for tho mikado ol Japan is to bo designed and built by Chicago men. Oklahoma wants statehood. A lobby of lfi persons has been appointed to g; to Washington, There is a movement on foot to hold in Chicago next November an interna tional livestock fair. Smallpox has broken out among thu colored boldiora of tho Forty-llfth regi ment at Angel island. Kentucky Republicans insist on in stalling Taylor as governor, mid it is said force may bo used. Tho American consul at Pretoiia has been rofused permission by tho statu department to bundle money for Lug libit soldiers. Two hundred Spanish prisoners have boon sunt to tho pioviuco of Punuy. A., vessel witli food and clothing will bo sent to them. A brilliant display of meteors was witnessed at lurmiugham, Ala. A number of uogioos In their fuur, re sorted to prayer. fJJ Ah a result of n collision on tho Onmlm railroad near Humboldt, S. )., five persons were killed and a number of others fatally injured. A lurgo force of Hours are nqmrtod to bo moving south. Sir Alfred Milner, governor of Cupu Colony, has issued a proclamation assuring tho Hutch that they will receive protection. The ubw revolutionary movement is widespread and Colombia Is said to bo iu u bud way. Heavy tribute is beiny levied for tho support of tho govern ment and business Id practically at a standstill. Tho commissioner of Indian affairs, W. A. Jones, iu his annual rejioit mnkos recommendation for more Indian hcliuols, Thoro is to be no extinguish ment of tho Indian population, but ol the tribes. LATER NEWS. riotormuritzbtirg jls threatened by tho Hours. Window glass jobbers of Now York have organized. Many bonds aro being purchased by the government; now. Tho United States cruiser Montgom ery has arrived at Montevideo. A largo corporation was organized iiu Haker City, Or., to develop arid binds. In oonsoquot'eo of Lord Salisbury'! bereavement, diplomatic matters will be delayed. It Is said thr.t tho Poors movo so fast nnd often that tho Hrltlsh cannot keep track of thorn. Tho Americans aro in control of vastly greater territory in Luzon than they wero a month ago. Agtiinaldo, with a few men, womoti and carts, was seen between San Fabian and San Fernando on Friday, James D. Hlohurdson will very prob ably bo tho leader of the minority in tho next hotiso of representatives. As a matter of convenience for theii Western busiuess, tho Pullman com pany will build lepalr shops in Denver. A llrooklyn court has rendered a de cision that school boards cannot bo forced to admit negroes in whito schools. The Vancouvor (H. O.) chief of no lice believes he has tho long-sought Tascott, the murderer of Mlllloniaio Suell, of Chicago. Tho Hrltlsh court of appeals has re versed tho lower court and will permit the Mexican International railroad to proceed with its plan for funding ita 0 per cent bonds. Tho navy department has awarded tho contract for u dry dock at the League Island navy-yard, Philadelphia, to tho Atlantic, Gulf & l'nulllc Com pany, for if 782,000. A reiHirt has been rocelvod at Vic toria of tho drowning in Alaska of a Mrs. Dumhlotuii, another woman and three unknown men. They wero car ried under tho ice iu a small boat. Hecauso ho transferred his Washing ton home, the gift of patriotic citizens, llrst to his wife and later "to his son, Admiral Dewey is tho subject of much censure, and contributors to thu fund will accept no explanation. Congress will be petitioned to croato positions for Fitzhtigh Leo and "Ola 1 loss" Whcoler. A fund will also bo started to purchase each of them u sword. Tho movement is being engi neered by young ladles, who want theli idols to bo major-generals. 'Miu llrsto meeting was held iu Chicago. The liners are said to bo pillaging. Reports of great Hritish victories aro not continued. Four thousand miners iu Indiana have gone on a wage strike. Democratic newspapers iu Kentucky now concede Taylor nearly 2,000. Cattle now command tho highest prices since 188'J in tho Chicago mar kets. Lumbermen in this country think that Canada is too sovero Inhoriretalla tiou. Tho Standard Oil Compai.w hat raised tho price on crude oil to a point thu highest iu four years, Tho revenuo cuttoi Manning will soon leave Now York for tho North Pa cific coast, where she is to remain iu future. President's message will 11 buhl oitiin until the latest possible timo, awaiting developments lu tho Philip pines. - Two confessed horse-thlovos In Illi nois traveled a lough - road on their way to jail mid nanowly escaped lynching twice. A teiriblo battle took place last Thursday between Colombian robol.i and government forces. A thousand rebels wore killed. & Walter Morohead, of Loudon, ya-jt , stockholder iu the Soiitheiu Paoillp? has appealed to tho court to nut aslda tho recent reorganization. Tho Hchoouor Maple Leaf win wrecked abreast of New Glasgow. Her captain, now dead, was to have been mariiod on his ai rival iu pert. Tho torpcdo-lout Dtihlgivn is dot up to requirements and her buildois will have to pay lines. Tho boat, it is said, should uot have been accepted. General Puiistou says that Colonel Mutcalf is not guilty of tho charged of murdering a Filipino preferred against him by a member of tho Twentieth Kansas. The Santa Fu Is stretching out for trade In northern California. It ban recently bonded tho Klamath road, the Hull Line alsmt Furoku harbor and imiiiouko tracts of limber land. Hy the death of Vice-President Ho hart, tho oilico of vice-president be comes vacuo t fur the rust of MoKiti ley's, Uriu. Tho piesident pro tout of the ttuuatu will be elected when con gress meets. Aaron Wolfsohn, who was supposed, to havo committed suicide in Los An geles last sunitnur, has turned up in Chicago. Ho was lu ignorance of tho fact that ho had been mutinied as dead. Alleged lulutlvos collected : 10,000 Ufa. insurance. i