hoodrivernews.com Wednesday, March 4, 2020 B5 HOOD RIVER NEWS | Hood River, Ore. ‘PROGRESS: WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?’ History Museum explores HR innovations The History Museum of Hood River County invites the public to explore products of local imagination: A range of innovations that have pushed progress here in the Hood River area. “Ingenious: Innovation and Invention in the Gorge” is open now through July 15. “For thousands of years, hu- mans living in the Gorge have been confronted by natural challenges: Weather, terrain, remoteness,” said a museum press release. “Of necessity and through their own ingenu- ity and resourcefulness, people have managed to survive and thrive in this beautiful place.” From traditional Native American fishing practices to today’s high-tech sector, the history of the Columbia River Gorge is a story of innovation, said the press release. “Thou- sands of creative people from this relatively small commu- nity have made advances in every area of society,” said a press release. “Evolving prac- tices and technologies have worked to sustain and enrich human life, agriculture, and commerce.” Native peoples have lived here for thousands of years, managing the area’s natural riches — salmon, berries, nuts, roots, and wildlife. And when the early Euro-American ex- plorers and settlers reached the valley, they too recognized its bounty. Creating the backdrop for the many loans on display are more than 100 illustrations, dating from the late 1800s to now. Each was published by the U.S. Patent Office at the time the invention was ap- proved by the government. A number of inventions developed, patented, trade- marked, or copyrighted by locals are on view at the mu- seum. “A favorite is a sequence of kite skiing control bars, made by Cory Roeseler,” said Lynn Orr, the museum’s executive director. “The earliest appears to be fishing gear crossed with bicycle parts. “Another installation high point is a large model of the ‘Farmers Screen,’ lent by the Farmers Conservation Alli- ance. The model explains the physics of this fish screen system, designed to keep fish and debris out of irrigation channels,” she said. “High-tech loans include three UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) lent by Aerovel and INSITU.” Orr said that, on a more artistic note, Arthur Babitz’s “Video LunchBox” tool kit is on display and waiting for patrons to give it a try. This ensemble of LunchBox controls, camera, TV monitor, and kids’ action figures was designed to aid in the production stop-action videos (think “Wallace and Gromit,” said the press re- lease). These displays, along with Jantzen bathing suits, Tofurky and many other local items, tell the story of local innovation. ■ The History Museum of Hood River County is located at 300 E. Port Marina Drive and is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit www.hoodriverhistorymuse- um.org. DOWNSIZING WORKSHOP ‘Is it time to plan for a life transition?’ Megan Spears, certified pro- fessional organizer with Dis- order2Order, is hosting a free, open discussion on the topic of downsizing on Friday, March 6 at 2 p.m. at Hawks Ridge Senior Living in Hood River. According to the LA Times, there are 300,000 items in the average American home, said a press release. “That’s a lot of stuff to sort through, so it’s important to be proactive and create a plan for your future,” said Spears. “Downsizing is a sensitive topic and we need to start talking about what we want to do with all this stuff.” Regard- less if you’re an empty nester or Megan Spears transitioning to a senior community, this presentation will help you start planning for the future, said Spears. For details, visit www.dis- order2order.com. Submitted photo Google Wind Challenge Mar. 14 The seventh annual Google Wind Challenge — a hands- on event that fuels student interest in science, technology and wind energy — returns Saturday, March 14 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fort Dalles Readiness Center, The Dalles. Through the challenge, teams of middle and high school students learn how to harness the power of wind energy tech- nology as they race against the clock in an all-day competition to design and build the stron- gest, fastest wind turbine, said a press release. The public is invited to watch the teams compete and to participate in a hands-on STEM Fair from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. that features inter- active activities from OMSI, Gorge MakerSpace, Google, Columbia Gorge Community College, FIRST Tech Chal- lenge teams and more. Stu- dents of all ages are welcome to take part in the free day of activities. The event is sponsored by Google and held in partner- ship with Gorge Technology Alliance and Columbia Gorge Community College. Learn more at windchallenge.org. ROCKFORD GRANGE hosts its annual Seed Share event March 7. Seed Share returns March 7 Rockford Grange’s seventh annual Seed Share is on Sat- urday, March 7 from 2-5 p.m. There will be a wide range of vegetable, flower and herb seeds (all non-GMO and many organic and heirloom varieties) available free to home gardeners. “Once again, West Coast Seeds and several other seed companies will be donating many locally adapted vari- eties to add to our growing Seed Bank,” said a Rockford Grange press release. “Do you have saved seeds to share? Extra seeds from last year? Please bring them and help build local resilience,” There is a $5 suggested do- Rockfordgrange.net or call 541- said the press release. Members will demonstrate nation (free if you bring seeds 400-2344. Rockford Grange is how to test the germination to share) but no one turned also on Facebook. rate of seeds so people can away for lack of funds. make sure they are starting For more information, visit with viable seed before in- vesting time and energy into growing. There will also be demon- strations and information about seed starting and seed Save with Frontier Internet Bundles Serious speed! Bundle and save today saving, and Master Gardeners will be available for questions. Kids activities will include shelling and packaging seeds to share with others. There will also be tea, coffee and treats. Call today and pay less Enter downstairs at the 855-972-6641 Rockford Grange, 4262 Barrett Drive. All are welcome. 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GRAND ALASKAN CRUISE & TOUR 1-877-840-6119 Promo code N7017 Call Inogen Today To Request Your FREE Info Kit Ask About A FREE 3 Day Vacation Voucher To Over 20 Destinations!!! 1,749 1,499 * $ 12 days, departs May - Sep, 2020 TM Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually FROM $ 1-855-839-0752 © 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved. MKT-P0108 *Prices are per person based on double occupancy plus $ 299 taxes & fees. Single supplement and seasonal surcharges may apply. Add-on airfare available. Offers apply to new bookings only, made by 3/31/20. Other terms and conditions may apply. Ask your Travel Consultant for details. Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Odell Sanitary District will hold a Board meeting on March 10, 2020 at 7:00pm. The meet- ing will take place at the District office, lo- cated at 3700 Deth- man Ridge Road. All interested persons are invited to attend. Chuck Rapelje, Man- ager. Mar. 4, 2020 #1314 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COLINTY OF HOOD RIVER In the Matter of the Estate of JACOB VELDHUISEN, De- ceased. Case No. 20PB0l I l6 NOTICE TO I N T E R E S T E D PERSONS IS HERE- BY GIVEN that Curt Veldhuisen has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the Personal Rep- resentative at the law office of Jaques Sharp, 205 Third St. (PO Box 457), Hood R i v e r, O R 9 7 0 31 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice stated below, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the pro- ceedings may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the Personal Represen- tative, or from the attorney for the Per- sonal Representa- tive. Dated and first published February 19, 2020 PERSONAL REP- RESENTATIVE: Curt Veldhuisen, 2305 Victor Street, Bell- ingham, WA98225 AT TO R N E Y F O R PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE: JAQUES SHARP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 2O5 Third St. (PO Box 457), H o o d R i v e r, O R 97031 Fe b . 19 , 2 6 , March 4, 2020 #1334 PUBLIC NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on March 17, 2020, the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the Port of Hood River, Oregon (the “Port”) will hold a regular meeting commenc- ing at approximately 5:00 p.m. The pub- lic meeting will be held at the regular meeting place of the Board, located at the Marina Center Boardroom, 1000 E. Port Marina Drive, Hood River, Oregon 97031. One purpose of the meeting is to con- sider a resolution authorizing the is- suance, sale, exe- cution and delivery of a Taxable Gener- al Revenue Bond, Series 2020 and third Supplemental D e c l a ra t i o n i n a n aggregate princi- ple amount not to exceed $1,900,000 (the “Bond”). This is to refinance the Por t’s Installment Note in the original principal amount of $2,250,000 to LJS Manufacturing, Inc. (the “Note”), fund any required debt service reserve and pay any costs of is- suance of the Series 2020 Bond, and to execute the Third Supplemental Dec- laration which estab- lishes the terms un- der which the Series 2020 Bond is issued. Additional informa- tion may be obtained from the Board at their office at the Port, or from Fred Kowell, Chief Finan- cial Officer, Port of Hood River, Oregon 97031, Telephone: (541) 386-1645. This notice is published pursuant to ORS 777.565. DATED: February 26, 2020. PUBLISHED: Feb. 29, Mar. 4. 2020 #1345 CITY OF HOOD RIVER REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO PROVIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The City of Hood River requests pro- posals from Engi- neering Firms and Engineers to provide Project Management Support for Capital Improvement Proj- ects. These projects will span from Feb- ruar y 2020 to not later than June 30th, 2020 and the cost should not exceed $50,000 for that timeframe. Submittals must be received by 5:00pm on Monday March 16th, 2020 at the City of Hood River Public Works Office, 1200 18th Street (or by mail at 211 2nd Street) Hood River, Oregon 97031.Sub- mittals received after the designated time and date will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. The City may reject any submittal not in compliance with all prescribed public procurement proce- dures and require- ments and may re- ject for good cause any or all submittals on a finding of the City that it is in the public interest to do so. The City of Hood River reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive any and all informalities in the best interest of the City. The City is not liable for any costs incurred by consul- tants in replying to the RFP or in prepar- ing for or delivering any oral presenta- tions that may be required during the selection process. The full Request for Proposals is avail- able from the City of Hood River website http://cityofhoodriv- er.gov or via e-mail request to M.Mess- mer@cityofhoodriv- er.gov Feb. 29 Mar. 4, 7, 2020 #1346 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HOOD RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Hood River C o u n t y B o a rd o f Commissioners will c o n d u c t a Pu b l i c Hearing on Monday, March 16th, 2020, beginning at approx- imately 6:00 PM in the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners’ conference room on the first floor of the County Business Administration Build- ing, 601 State Street, Hood River, Oregon 97031. Th e h e a r i n g i s t o consider a proposed forestland lease and easement between Hood River County and Crystal Springs Water District con- cerning TL 200 in T1S, R10E, Section 20 and TL 400 in T1S, R10E Section 21. Any person may appear and written and oral testimony pertaining to the proposed lease and easement will be considered. Written comments or oral testimony may be provided at the hearing, or to staff in advance of the hear- ing. Written com- ments submitted the night of the hearing, at least 10 copies shall be provided for the Board of Commissioners and staff. The Board of Commissioners may take action at the hearing on March 16th, 2020, or may continue the matter to a date and time announced at the hearing. The Board of Commissioners acting in a quasi-ju- dicial capacity will ultimately deter- mine if the lease and easement is in the best interest of the County. Copies of materials related to the pro- posed lease and easement are avail- able for review or p u rc h a s e ( $ 0 . 2 5 / page) at the Hood River County Forest- ry Department, 918- 18th Street, Hood River, OR fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing. Documents will also be avail- able online at http:// www.co.hood-river. or.us/, on the For- estr y Depar tment page. For addition- al information or questions concern- i n g t h e p ro p o s e d f o re s t l a n d l e a s e and easement, con- tact Doug Thiesies, Hood River County Forest Manager at doug.thiesies@co. hood-river.or.us or at (541) 387-6888. The Board of Coun- ty Commissioners’ c o n f e re n c e ro o m is handicapped ac- cessible. If special accommodations are needed for per- sons with hearing, visual, or manual im- pairments who wish to participate in the hearing, please con- tact (541) 386-3970, a t l e a s t 2 4 - h o u rs prior to the hearing. Mar. 4, 7, 11, 2020 #1347 LEGAL NOTICE – ACCREDITATION NOTIFICATION To t h e c o n s t i t - uents of Columbia Gorge Community College: Columbia Gorge Community College is independently accredited by the Northwest Com- mission on Colleges a n d U n i v e rs i t i e s . The Commission’s most recent action relating to Colum- bia Gorge Com- munity College’s accreditation was a mid-cycle review in 2016. The Commis- sion will conduct a seven-year compre- hensive evaluation of Columbia Gorge Community Col- lege’s accreditation, which will include a visit by an evaluation team, from April 22 to 24, 2020. In accordance with Commission Policy A-5, “Public Noti- fication and Third Pa r t y C o m m e n t s Regarding Full- Scale Evaluations,” Columbia Gorge Community College invites the public to send comments regarding the Col- lege’s qualifications for accreditation to the Commission. All comments must be in writing, have an original signature, and be submitted to the President of the Northwest Com- mission on Colleges a n d U n i v e rs i t i e s , 8060 165th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052, (425) 558- 4224. All comments must be received by the Commission no later than March 22, 2020. Signed comments are for- warded, as received, to Columbia Gorge Community Col- lege, the evaluation committee, and the Commission. A copy of Commission Pol- icy A-5, “Public No- tification and Third Pa r t y C o m m e n t s Regarding Full-Scale Evaluations,” may be obtained via the Standards and Pol- icies / Operational Policies links on the Commission’s web- s i t e , w w w. n w c c u . org, or by contacting the Commission office, (425) 558- 4224. Mar. 4, 2020 #1348