hoodrivernews.com Wednesday, February 12, 2020 B9 HOOD RIVER NEWS | Hood River, Ore. INVITE OVER 55,000 VISITORS TO YOUR BUSINESS THIS SUMMER Coming May 2020 Visitor Guide COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE Advertise! 2019-2020 C O L U M B I A R I V E R All ads print in FULL COLOR on glossy paper. DR I V E | HIK E | LE AR N | CAMP | DINE | DR INK A publicat ion of t he Hood River New s and T he Dalle s Chronicle Pay over 3 months (April, May, June 2020) 1 Columbia River Gorge Visitor’s Guide 2018-19 RESERVE SPACE BY: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 AD FINALIZED BY: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2020 PUBLISHES IN MAY Contact gorgesalesteam@eaglenewspapers.com to reserve your spot Suzette, Niki, Tom, Tamara, Jody and Chelsea The Dalles Chronicle 541-296-2141 Hood River News 541-386-1234 columbiagorgevisitorsguide.com