hoodrivernews.com Wednesday, February 12, 2020 B5 HOOD RIVER NEWS | Hood River, Ore. FTC AT HRVHS Photos by Nicholas Arenas FTC S UPERQUALIFIER A T HRVHS Trophy-winning teams at the First Technology Challenge (FTC) SuperQualifier Coronet at Hood River Valley High School Feb. 8 included HRV’s Team Java, above, Steelheads, right, and Men/ Mujeres in Green, below. Details to come in the Weekend edition. Photo by Kirby Neumann-Rea Unified Robotics demonstra- tion winners pose Saturday with FTC team members who support the special needs students as they learn robotic technology. Trophy winners were David George, third from left; Jesse Bigelow, third from right, and Taylor Meckholl, sec- ond from right. BETTER TV FOR LESS! Terms and con ditions Code: DIS apply. Call for for 12 months CALL TODAY - For $100 Gift Card Offer ends 7/15/20. Introducing the INOGEN ONE – It’s oxygen therapy on your terms No more tanks to refi ll. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. 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Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. Fees apply for additionalTV’s: Hopper $15/mo., Joey $5/mo., Super Joey $10/mo. You can’t get BS from a buffalo. ™ *Internet access service and charges not included. Frontier does not warrant that the service will be error-free or uninterrupted. Nest products: Additional $9 shipping fee per Nest device. Nest products must be purchased with new Internet service or eligible Frontier Secure services. Taxes, governmental and Frontier-imposed surcharges, minimum system requirements and other terms and conditions apply. Nest®, Nest Learning Thermostat™, Nest Protect™, Nest Cam™ and the Nest logo are trademarks or service marks of Nest Labs, Inc. ©2017 Frontier Communications Corporation Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FNSI) DETERMINATION FINDING OF NO S I G N I F I C A N T I M- PACT To: All Interested Government Agen- cies, Public Groups, and Concerned Cit- izens From: Crystal Springs Water Dis- trict Subject: In accor- dance with rules and procedures implementing the Drinking Water Re- volving Loan Fund, a n e n v i ro n m e n t a l assessment has been performed by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) - Drinking Water Ser- vices on the pro- posed project: South Reser voir Project, Odell, OR. Purpose / Summary: Th e p u r p o s e o f t h i s p ro j e c t i s t o construct improve- ments to the Crystal Springs drinking wa- ter system, including construction of a new 800,000-gallon Water District water tank and upgrade approximately 1,000 l i n e a l - f e e t o f 12 - inch transmission main. The project was designed to avoid impacts to environmentally sen- sitive elements (such as wetlands, flood plains, historic sites, prime agricultural lands, or threatened or endangered spe- cies). Planning for the project includ- ed agency consul- tations, a wetland determination, a c u l t u ra l re s o u rc e survey, and a biolog- ical evaluation. Finding: OHA has reviewed the envi- ronmental informa- tion document (EID) submitted by Crystal Springs Water Dis- trict. Following the review, OHA hereby issues a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) and deter- mines that an envi- ronmental impact report (EIR) is not necessary. This de- cision is based on a review of the infor- mation contained in the EID and any sup- porting data. The EID and any supporting data are available for public viewing at: Oregon Health Au- thority Drinking Water Ser- vices 800 NE Oregon Street; Suite 640 Po r t l a n d , O re g o n 97232 Public Comments: Comments support- ing or disagreeing with the decision to issue the FNSI may be sub- mitted for consid- eration by OHA. All comments concern- ing the FNSI for the above project must be addressed to: Oregon Health Au- thority Drinking Water Ser- vices Attn. Environmental Review Coordinator P.O. Box 14450 Po r t l a n d , O re g o n 97293-0450 All comments must be received by the close of business on March 9, 2020 . After an evaluation of pub- lic comment, OHA will make its final de- cision. No action will be taken on the proj- ect until the close of the comment period. Feb. 8, 12, 2020 #1330 PUBLIC NOTICE: W ireless Site Te c h n o l o g y, L L C proposes the construction of a 25-meter (25.9-me- ters with appurte- nances) monopine communications tower to be locat- ed at 1483 Coun- try Club Road in the City of Hood River, within Hood River County, Ore- gon (Map & Tax Lot: 02N10E0900700). The proposed com- munications tow- er will be located at 45° 40’ 38.38” N , 121 ° 3 4 ’ 16 . 4 ” W (NAD 83) and is anticipated to be an unlit structure. The proposed com- munications tower can be identified by FCC Form 854 File Number A1153155. Interested persons may review the ap- plication by going to www.fcc.gov/asr/ applications and entering the FCC Form 854 File Num- ber A1153155. In- t e re s t e d p e rs o n s may raise environ- mental concerns about the proposed structure by filing a Request for Envi- ronmental Review w i t h t h e Fe d e ra l Communications Commission. The Federal Communi- cations Commission strongly encourages interested parties to file Requests for En- vironmental Review online, and instruc- tions for making such filings can be found at www.fcc. g o v / a s r / e n v i ro n - mentalrequest. The mailing address for interested par ties that would prefer to file a Request for Environmental Re- view by paper copy is as follows; FCC Request for Environ- mental Review, Attn: Ramon W illiams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. Additionally, Wireless Site Tech- nology, LLC invites comments on the impact the proposed tower may have on Historic Properties. Comments may be sent to George Swearingen of Tower Engineering Profes- sionals, Inc. Written comments can be sent to gswearin- gen@tepgroup.net or 326 Tryon Road, Raleigh NC 27603. G e o rg e S w e a r i n - gen can be reached at (919) 661-6351. Please respond to this request for com- Notice of the Hood River Urban Renewal Agency Annual Financial Statement The Hood River Urban Renewal Agency has prepared and filed its annual statement with the City of Hood River as required by ORS 457.460. The information contained in the statement is available to all interested persons by contacting the City Recorder at the City of Hood River, 211 2nd Street, Hood River, Oregon on online at cityofhoodriver.gov/administration/finance-reports/. In FY 2018/19, the Agency received approximately $1.8 million in property taxes that, along with existing reserves, were used to repay debt and fund capital construction activities. In FY 2019/20, the Agency estimates to receive approximately $2.0 million in property taxes and does not anticipate any debt borrowings. Estimated property tax collections and existing reserves will be used to repay outstanding debt and fund plan area projects. The following is the result of the City of Hood River Urban Renewal Plan’s FY 2018/19 division of tax process: Feb. 12, 19, 2020 #1302 ment within 30 days of the publication date of this notice. (OR Hwy 281) Feb. 12, 2020 #1331 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE VACANCY KEN JERNSTEDT AIRFIELD AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE There are three open positions on the Airport Advisory Committee (AAC). The AAC advises the Po r t C o m m i s s i o n on airpor t issues, planning, and devel- opment. The com- mittee is comprised of seven members of public, two Port commissioners, a representative from WAAAM, and a rep- resentative of the Fixed Base Operator ( F B O ) . Th e t e r m is for three years and members are appointed by the Por t Commission. Aviation experience is preferred. Interested parties should download the Committee Vol- unteer Application form at https://bit. ly/2OyyebA and mail the completed form to: Airport Advisory Committee Port of Hood River 1000 E. Port Marina Drive H o o d R i v e r, O R 97031 The application may also be submitted via email attachment to porthr@gorge.net. Applications will be accepted until Feb- ruary 18, 2020. For more informa- tion, please contact t h e Po r t o f H o o d River via email to porthr@gorge.net Feb. 5, 8, 12, 15, 2020 #1322 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HOOD RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Hood River C o u n t y B o a rd o f Commissioners will c o n d u c t a Pu b l i c Hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2019 at 6:00pm, or soon t h e re a f t e r, a t t h e County Business Administration Build- ing, 601 State Street, Hood river OR. Th e h e a r i n g i s t o consider referring a Public Safety Five- Year Local Option Property Tax Mea- sure to the voters at the May 19, 2020 election. Written comments o r o ra l t e s t i m o n y may be provided at the hearing, or to staff in advance of the hearing. Written comments submit- ted the night of the hearing, at least 10 copies shall be pro- vided for the Board of Commissioners and staff. The Board of Commissioners may act at the hear- ing on February 18, 2 0 2 0 t o re f e r t h e ballot measure to the voters at the May 19, 2020 election. Copies of materi- als related to the proposed Local Op- tion Tax are avail- able for review or p u rc h a s e ( $ 0 . 2 5 / page) at the Hood River County Ad- ministration Office, 6 01 S t a t e S t re e t , H o o d R i v e r, O R . Documents will also be available online 2/14/20 at http:// www.co.hood-river. or.us/, on the front page. For additional information or ques- tions concerning the proposed Public Safety Local Option Tax please contact County Administra- tion at admin@co. hood-river.or.us or at (541) 386-3970. Feb. 5, 8, 12 ,2020 #1308