A6 Hood River News, Saturday, February 21, 2015 SHERIFF LOG CCA issues call for ‘Best of Gorge’ exhibit in May Columbia Center for the Arts an- nounces a call to artists of the Gorge to submit work for the annual “Best of the Gorge” show this June and July at Columbia Art Gallery. All artists who reside in the Gorge, as well as member artists, are invited to submit work for an exhibit that showcases the best art the Gorge has to offer. Artists must re- side in the mid-Columbia region from east of the Sandy River to Goldendale (see www.columbiaarts.org for a map). This show features work of area artists in all media: paint, pastel, drawing, printmaking, glass, clay, metal, photography, etc., and is de- signed to showcase the bounty of creativity that exists in our region. We will be looking for excellence and to be inspired by great work that hasn’t been previously seen in the Mid-Columbia region. This year’s show will be juried by Jennifer Zika, Manager of Portland Art Museum’s Rental Sales Gallery. She will be ju- rying the work and selecting the prize-winners for which there are cash prizes. Last year’s event was well re- ceived by a large crowd who turned out to see the impressive work that was juried by Arthur DeBow, of Ore- gon School of Arts and Crafts. Cath- leen Rehfeld was the first prize win- ner with her painting “Hood River Road”. Will Richards won second prize with a metal sculpture and Margit Elkin won third place with a fiber sculpture. To help the curators plan for the show, email the CCA Gallery by March 15 of your intent to partici- pate, and include the medium of work to be submitted. At that time an inventory sheet will be emailed to you. You will need to bring this com- pleted inventory sheet when you de- liver your work. (NOTE: Each artist may submit up to three pieces of art.) For artists who are interested in submitting work, more informa- tion and a complete prospectus are ava i l abl e o n l i n e at : c o l u m b i - aarts.org/gallery/2015/6/bestofthe gorge.html. HRV grad rates among top in Oregon For the fourth year in a row, Hood River Valley High School’s four-year gradua- tion rate ranked amongst the state’s best. With an 81.40 percent on- time 4-year graduation rate and a 90.61 percent five-year completer rate, HRVHS is beating the state averages in nearly every metric used to measure graduation rates, district officials said in a press release. The State of Oregon re- cently announced that Ore- gon’s four-year graduation rate for 2014 was 71.98 per- cent; this represents a slight increase in the state’s most notable metric for measur- ing school success. The four- year graduation rate looks at a cohort, or groups of stu- dents, who enter high school in a given year and graduate within four years of high school entry. Most of last year’s gradu- ates were part of the 2010-11 cohort. Students who were in their fifth year of high school last year were part of the 2009-10 cohor t. T he “Completer Rate” looks at students who receive a stan- dard diploma, an extended diploma, a GED, an adult high school diploma, or an alternative certificate. This rate is of particular impor- tance as it indicates a stu- dent’s completion of a pro- gram of study. Principal Rich Polking- horn stated, “It takes a com- mitment from students, staff, and parents, working togeth- er, to make it all happen. I am proud of the effort our staff and students have put for- ward. Graduation rates are also a reflection of the excel- lent work the entire Hood River County School District staff is doing to prepare stu- dents at our elementary and middle school levels so they are prepared to meet the challenges of high school. We are committed to student success and will continue to work towards improving our excellent graduation rates.” The 2013-14 g raduates were the first Oregon stu- dents required to demon- strate proficiency in essen- tial skills of reading, writing and mathematics in order to earn a diploma. The Department of Educa- tion releases graduation rates based on subgroups to include: All Students, White, Asian Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Native American, Multi-Ethnic, Stu- dents with Disabilities, Eng- lish Language Learners, Eco- nomically Disadvantaged, and by Gender. These groups are divided into four-year graduation rate and five-year completer groups. Subgroup rates, four-year completers White students — HRVHS rate was 88.8, compared to 74.25 statewide Hispanics — 75.2 and 65 percent Students with disabilities — 63 percent and 51 percent English Language learn- ers — 50 and 52 percent Economically disadvan- taged — 75 and 64 Females — 85.4 and 76.3 Males — 78 and 68 District comparisons, overall and Hispanic Benson Tech — 85.4 per- cent and 80.7 percent North Marion — 82.9 and 78.2 Hood River Valley — 81.4 and 75.2 Parkrose — 78.3 and 63 Forest Grove — 76.6 and 72 Hillsboro — 76 and 68 Feb. 9 to 17 All calls were responded to within the City of Hood River. ■ Assaults, harass- ment, menacing and do- mestic violence: Feb. 13 — Avalon Drive — Harassment reported. ■ Controlled substance violations (non-DUII): Feb. 9 — Indian Creek Road, 1200 block — Male cited for unlawful posses- sion of less than one ounce of marijuana on a traffic stop. Feb. 13 — Hood River — Two juvenile males cited for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana follow- ing a K9 search. Feb. 14 — Orchard Road — Female arrested for un- lawful possession of meth following a traffic stop. Feb. 17 — Cascade Locks — Female arrested for pos- session of heroin and lodged at NORCOR. ■ Disorderly conduct, mischief, criminal tres- pass and vandalism: Feb. 9 — Highway 35, 6700 block — Female arrested for disorderly conduct II. ■ Driving under the in- fluence of intoxicants: Feb. 12 — Hood River — Male arrested for misde- meanor driving while sus- pended and driving under the influence of alcohol. He was lodged at NORCOR on those charges and for a pro- bation violation. ■ Identity theft or bank/credit card fraud: Feb. 16 — Clear Creek Road, 7300 block — Credit card fraud reported. ■ Motor vehicle crash- es, offenses and im- pounds: Feb. 15 — Highway 281 at Baseline Drive — Single ve- hicle crash reported. The driver abandoned the vehi- cle after causing damage to the Parkdale Memorial Gar- den. ■ Outstanding war- rants, parole, probation or terms violations: Feb. 10 — State Street, 300 block — Female arrested on an active arrest warrant and lodged at NORCOR. ■ Theft, burglary or robbery: Feb. 10 — Webster Street, 2600 block — Burglary re- ported. Feb. 11 — S.W. WaNaPa Street, 600 block, Cascade Locks — Theft reported. Two suspects were identi- fied and one was located, cited and released. Feb. 12 — Indian Creek Road, 1200 block — Theft re- ported. Feb. 11 — Orchard Road, 1600 block — Chain saw re- ported stolen. ■ Sex offenses: None reported ■ Other: Feb. 9 — S.W. WaNaPa Street, 100 block, Cascade Locks — Unlawful use of a weapon reported. Feb. 13 — Cascade Locks — Abandoned vehicle re- ported. PUBLIC RECORDS – MARRIAGE PERMITS Jan. 1 to Feb. 17 Mayra Sandoval, 21, of Hood River, and Gonzalo Jair Ortiz Arrendondo, 25, of Leon, Mexico, on Jan. 5. Scott Lloyd Brous, 25, of Parkdale, and Martha Leti- cia Robles Rodriguez, 26, of Hood River, on Jan. 8. Tracy Vaughn Crank, 24, and Sunseray Lou Bevel Rebo, 20, both of Sunnyside, Wash., on Jan. 8. Francisco De Jesus, 27, and Jessica C. Cruz, 22, both of Hood River, on Jan. 13. Juventino Vences, 25, and Maria Sandra Galindo, 17, both of Hood River, on Jan. 21. Jeffrey Allen Blaisdell, 56, and Marissa Lynn An- derson, 56, both of Carson, Wash., on Jan. 22. Eder Soto Valerio, 30, and Olga Olivia Silva Chavez, 36, both of Hood River, on Feb. 3. Alexander Arlyn Boyle, 22, and Christina Noelle Berryman, 25, both of Hood River, on Feb. 4. Francisco Ibarra Vargas, 21, and Cynthia Jazmin Al- cantar Villanueva, 19, both of Wamic, Ore., on Feb. 5. Francisco J av i e r Calderon Camargo, 19, of Hood River, and Alexandria Lynn Perkins, 18, of The Dalles, on Feb. 6. Esteban Galindo Cortes, 2 0 , a n d Lyd i a L a c h i n o Ramirez, 18, both of Hood River, on Feb. 6. Isreal Alonzo Gonsalez, 27, and Lucero Munoz, 18, both of Hood River, on Feb. 11. PET OF THE WEEK Susie has a smile that never stops Photo by Kirby Neumann-Rea U RSINE O N T HE S TREET The State Street bear went away for a few weeks in January, and returned with a new – albeit temporary – look this month. “Buddy” sports a white coat for now, but it’s just primer as owner Jeff Mueller is in the process of giving the bear a new coat. The State Street bear, with his weekly change of messages, has become a fixture at the 9th street intersection in recent years, and two weeks ago the sign was in keeping with Buddy’s temporary look: “What do polar bears eat? Ice-bergers.” Mueller wants to make sure he doesn’t get too weathered so Buddy will go back inside in a few weeks and re-emerge with his familiar brown coat. Death Notice J. Guadalupe Flores Gonzalez J. Guadalupe Flores Gon- zalez, 39, passed away on Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015, at St. Vincent Medical Center, in Por tland, Ore. J. Guadalupe was born Dec. 2, 1975. A funeral service was scheduled for J. Guadalupe at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20, at Anderson’s Tribute Center. Arrangements are under the direction of Anderson’s Tribute Center (Funerals • Receptions • Cremations), 1401 Belmont Ave., Hood River, OR 97031; 541-386-1000. Please visit andersonstrib- utecenter.com to leave a note of condolence for family. “But I’ve already prearranged.” If you have already made funeral prearrangements, and have changes in your preferences, family dynamics, or in the issuing firm, you’ll be happy to know that these policies are transferrable. Call us and we’ll be able to ease your mind. This week volunteers at Adopt A Dog have selected Susie as the pro g ram’s adoptable pet of the week: Hard to keep your eyes off this girl, ain’t it?! This is Susie. And what a story she has! First, though, I’ll let you know that Susie is about a year old, and likely a Boxer/American Bulldog mix. She weighs in at 67 pounds ... which is much better than she was just a few months ago. Susie was found living under an over- turned boat right around Christmas time way up in Washington. She was skin- ny, scared, and shivering cold. It took some time for the Good Samaritan to get cl o s e e n o u g h t o h e r t o catch, but Susie was hun- gry, and the lady was deter- mined and had plenty of treats for the luring! But eve r s i n c e t h e n , S u s i e knows a good thing and fig- ures treats are where peo- ple are and she comes a- runnin’! Although sudden, loud noises do still spook her, and she’ll try to hide — like under your arm, or behind your leg — give her just a minute and she’s fine! Any- how, the vet up there waited several weeks for an owner Susie to come claim this goofy girl, but no one did. Unfortunately for Susie, she was rescued in a county with strict laws against bully breeds, and had she been tur ned over to the county, that would have been the end of the story, but that’s where we come in. Hood River Adopt A Dog was contacted to help out and within hours, Susie w a s o n h e r w ay t o t h e Gorge. Talk about a smile on that girl! She never stops! Susie still has some manners to learn, but treats make that super easy. Go figure ... she likes food! She’s packed on some healthy weight, knows Hear More Clearly In Noisy Places! The Award Winning Home Care Service that puts the “Gold” in your Golden Years. Free Demonstration * In your home or at our office * Anderson’s Hearing Aid Counselors TRIBUTE CENTER Funerals • Receptions • Cremations 541-387-3277 1401 Belmont Road • Hood River 924 12th St, Hood River 5 4 1 - 3 8 6 - 1 0 0 0 some basic commands, and is getting leash skills down, too. Susie is super friendly with other dogs and defi- nitely keeps the play time going for as long as she can! And then it’s snuggle time! Every time I see that face smiling back at me, I just gotta chuckle! She’s got a lot of energy and love and so many reasons to please, she’s a real delight! Susie would love an ac- tive home willing to teach her more manners and give her as much love as she gives out! She seems to be housetrained, is current on shots, microchipped and will be spayed this week. The adoption fee for Funny Girl Susie is $195. The fee to adopt is charged to recoup standard Call for a free consultation No obligation. No hassles. 541-387-0207 HEARTSOFGOLDCAREGIVERS.COM veterinary expenses. Since many of our dogs are in fos- ter, please call ahead to meet Susie in Odell at the Hukari Animal Shelter 3910 Heron Drive or call for more information at 541- 354-1083. Adoption hours are Wed., 5-7 p.m. and Sat., 9-11 a.m. You can fill out an appli- cation online at our web- s i t e, h o o d r ive r a d o p t a - dog.org, or download and scan and email to us at adoptadog@gorge.net, or fax it in to 1-877-833-7166. We o f f e r 2 4 Pe t Wa t c h m i - crochips, which include free registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service. For more infor mation visit 24petwatch.com or call 1-866-597-2424.