A2 Hood River News, Saturday, January 3, 2015 Help restore museum paddlewheel Mel Gibson in ‘Maverick,’ airs Jan. 16 as fundraiser Do you want to help save the History Museum’s most iconic artifact? Do you love movies? On Friday, Jan. 16, The Hood River County His- tory Museum will be show- ing “Maverick.” The 1994 movie features Mel Gibson as Brett Maverick, a gambler in need of money for a poker tournament. He encounters many comical mishaps and challenges, including facing a char ming female thief played by Jodi Foster. It also features James Garner, who played Maverick in the 1950s television series. Key scenes of the film were done in the Gorge, around Cascade Locks. The paddlewheel is not only a movie icon, but also the largest artifact on dis- play at the Hood River Histo- ry Museum. The paddle- wheel stands in the front of the museum acting as an ex- traordinary symbol of an im- portant part of Hood River’s historical significance. Last spring the Hood River High School students generously donated $2,000 toward the painting and repair of the O RDER Continued from Page A1 changing event,” she added, be it a move, a marriage or divorce, the birth of a child, a change in careers or a death. There is no typical day in her field because there are no typical clients — every- one has different challenges, which requires different ap- proaches. But what usually happens is this: A client will call her with a particular challenge, and the two will talk it over until a solution is found. Spears’ role is to “identify what needs to be done, create an action plan — a process of sorts, usually depending on the type of client — business client or residential client, they require dif ferent things.” Then, she brings “every- thing with me to a work ses- sion, so clients don’t have to worry about having any- thing that they have to bring other than themselves to the session,” such as file folders or storage boxes, which she prepares before the appoint- ment. Once onsite, she “as- sesses the situation. A lot of times, I don’t see a space be- forehand — all the informa- tion I gather is based on the phone call. I’ve been doing this for ten years, so I have a pretty good feel for what I’m getting myself into before getting onsite,” she said. And then it’s time to jump in. In addition to bringing supplies and expertise, she serves as a “support system and cheerleader to get the project completed,” Spears said. “That’s where a lot of people get stuck. They feel like they can tackle (a pro- ject) today, then get over- whelmed by too many deci- sions and stop. I come in, and, based on the assess- ON THE AGENDA Hood River County Board of Commissioners and Hood River City Coun- cil will hold special meet- ings on Jan. 5. Commis- sioners and councilors elected in November will be sworn in. The County Board meets at 4:30 p.m. at the County Administration building, 601 State St. The City Council meets at 5 p.m. at City Hall, Sec- ond and State streets. Cascade Locks City Council will swear in its mayor and council, re- elected Nov. 4, on Jan. 12. ■ These are the regular meeting times of govern- ing bodies for these agen- cies: Submitted photo HISTORY MUSEUM of Hood River County is hosting a video fundraiser at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 16 to raise funds that will help repair the iconic paddlewheel that rests outside the museum doors. paddlewheel. More funds are needed to complete the restoration of the paddle- wheel. Come enjoy a great western classic and help us restore this icon to its former days of Hollywood stardom! The movie is free with reg- ular museum admission: $5 for adults and children 10 and under are free. Museum members and active military are free. This is the second in a series of movies made in the Gorge that will be shown in the Museum this winter to raise money to repair the paddlewheel. The museum is located at 300 East Marina Drive. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the movie will start at 6 p.m. The movie is co- sponsored by the Hood River County Library District. ‘People are being asked to do so much more with so much less. You have to be efficient and productive, and being organized is a big piece of that.’ MEGAN SPEARS ment, we set goals, we get that done.” And “99.9 percent” of the time, she and her clients are successful in completing the job, however long it might take. “It’s a fabulous feeling for clients because they got something done that seemed daunting or overwhelming to completion,” Spears said. Paper seems to be the biggest challenge people face, whether it’s in a busi- ness or home setting. And no matter what project she’s working on, “there’s always a point of paper that comes into play,” she said. But it’s not just paper clutter she deals with. “Every now and again I get to work on a pantry — that’s really fun — or somebody’s closet. Or spare bedrooms are a com- mon one, too.” She’s even helped organize photographs Cascade Yoga at Cascade Locks School 300 Wa Na Pa Street Intro to Yoga Gentle, beginner-level class. Tues. & Thurs. - 3:45-5:00 pm Yoga for Everyone on computers. Organization is important because the more efficiently a space is organized, the eas- ier time management be- comes. “People are being asked to do so much more with so much less. You have to be ef- ficient and productive, and being organized is a big piece of that,” she said. Her journey to profession- Cascade Locks Cascade Locks City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers, 140 W. WaNaPa St., second and fourth Mondays of the month. Cascade Locks Planning Commission, 7 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers, 140 W. WaNaPa St., second Thursday of the month. Cascade Locks Port Commission, 6 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers, 140 W. WaNaPa St., first and third Thursdays of the month. al organizing came gradual- ly. Before the birth of her children, she worked in ad- ministrative management “which really was a great foundation as an organizer,” she said. Then, as a stay at home mom with two young children (now ages 10 and 12), she started “helping a lot of people” with their clutter. “In the transition as a stay at home mom, I found myself being asked to help out friends (with organizational projects), which really was the catalyst to starting my business. “…It was one of those things,” she said. “It’s not easy for me — it’s just as hard for me as anyone else — it’s just that I recognize the benefits a little more clearly.” Hood River City of Hood River Plan- ning Commission meeting, 5:30 p.m., Hood River City Hall Council Chambers, 211 Second St., generally the first and third Mon- days of the month. Place and dates subject to change. Hood River Port Com- mission, 5 p.m., 100 E. Port Marina Drive, board room, first and third Tuesdays of the month. Hood River City Council, 6 p.m., Hood River City Hall Council Chambers, 211 Second St., second and fourth Mondays of the month. Hood River Soil and Water Conservation Dis- trict Board of Directors meeting, 4 p.m., OSU Ex- tension Service Building, 2990 Experiment Station Road, first Thursday of the month. Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District, 6 p.m., Aquatic Center, 1601 May St., third Wednesday of the month. Place sub- ject to change. Hood River County Hood River County Board of Commissioners regular session, 6 p.m., 601 State St., first floor confer- ence room, third Monday of the month. Time subject to change. The switch from helping friends to founding Disorder 2 Order came after someone “introduced me to the indus- try,” she said. She joined the Oregon CPO chapter, located in Portland (NAPO-Oregon), and then the national associ- ation (NAPO). To receive cer- tification, she had to meet a specific level of hours work- ing with clients — 1,500 with- in three years — and then had to sit for an exam. Becoming a professional CPO was an “amazing feel- ing. This is something I can do really well, and I want to share that with my clients,” Spears said. Another benefit? “The thing I like best about it is that it’s a career that I can fit into my family,” she said. “I Library District Board meeting, 7 p.m., 502 State St., conference room, third Tuesday of the month. Hood River County Plan- ning Commission meeting, 7 p.m., 601 State St., first floor, generally second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Hood River County Water Planning Group, 2 p.m., 601 State St., first floor confer- ence room, generally first Wednesday of the month. Museum Board Meeting, 12 p.m., Grace Su’s China Gorge Restaurant, general- ly second Wednesday of the month. Hood River County Com- mission on Children and Families Board meeting, 5:15 p.m., Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital boardroom, generally first Tuesday of the month. Hood River County School Board, 6:30 p.m., meets at schools and dis- trict facilities on a rotating schedule (visit hoodriv- er.k12.or.us for location), second and fourth Wednes- days of the month unless school vacations or other holidays interrupt the schedule. Hood River County Transportation District, 9 a.m., Hood River County Transportation District Board Room, 224 Wasco Loop, second Wednesday of the month. don’t have to report to any- one. I decide when I work, what my hours need to be. I can fit that around my fami- ly.” To contact Spears at Disor- der 2 Order, call 503-318-2912 or email megan@disorder2order.com. Swing by for HAPPY HOUR 5-6 PM Every Day Grab gift certificates for your employees 541-386-3940 Stonehedge Gardens Wow!! Look who is 80! Dr. Robert Wymore, MD Our family would like to invite his family, friends, and patients to help celebrate this special day. 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Open seven days a week: Sun. - Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fri. - Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. 1210 13th St., on the Heights, Hood River 541-387-3300 ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT HERE! Only $0.25 a word with a 25 word minimum. Contact your ad representative today! Jody, Liana, Kirsten or Chelsea Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm 541.386.1234 • HoodRiverNews.com