The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 11, 1913, Image 7

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1)uvI(Ihoii in your
Kntcr 4'J9 V. U
telephone directory
Klrut class meulu und aceoi imodu
uona ut .Mouniuin llrook Inn. Trout
1-uko. Mm. M. Hillings, Prop
A. I lleitHlier, formerly with the
Pueille Power & Light Company here
upent Beverul duys lit town last week
Minn Klizubcth Howell of t'.ioux City
Iowa, arrived last week and U a guest
at the home of Archie AdauiH.She ex
pects to upend the summer with Mrs,
Alice Osborne at Oak drove.
Mrs. M. Hilling,, js now ready to re
ceive guests at her place, Mountain
llrook Inn, Trout Lake, Wash. Spe
cial Sunday dinners will be served to
parties If notified In advance l'ho te,
George It. Miller, the Cloud Cap Inn
Hume, was in town last week on his
way to Portland, lie recently made
uocciii io me inn und reports
thut the last three miles of the trip
are still snow covered, being still 15
feet deep in some places.
Miss Francis, teacher in the local
schools, expects to leave next week
lor i iiicago, visiting a number of
places of scenic interest en route
From there she will return to Haven
pun, towa, to spend the summer at
her home.
Mrs. J. V. Kigby expects her broth
er, uev. j. .vi. i.resennger ,to arrive
today for a short visit. Mr. Gresen
rlger was presiding elder of the l It
ciiurcu nere ior a number or years
and will be remembered by many old
friends. He has been living in Flor
ida, but recently returned to Oregon
and is now living at W'alula. Mrs
Kigby and he hae not seen each
other for 'M years.
Mood Kiver'g legal fraternity has
received an addition in the person of
H. K. Stanton of Oak Grove, who has
decided to resume the practice of law
In this city. Mr. Stanton purchased
a rancn at i;ik urove about a year
ago. Previously he had practiced
law at Stromsberg, Xeb., for 23 years
Me has not yet secured an office, but
this will be announced later
Judge Castner a Fire Warden
I'nder a new law County Judg
Castner Is now fire warden for the
county, lie will be authorized to is
sue permits for burning slashings and
starting fires. The season during
which such permits are required Is
between June 1 and October 1.
Heights Team May Disband
The Heights baseball team of this
city, which has maintained one of
the strongest aggregations in the
Mid ( olumbla district for the past
three seasons, will probably disband
since Charles Hart and "Itillie" Hall.
the team's battery, have accepted
places on the Myrtle Point team for
the remainder of the season. Hurt
has been pitching and Hall catching
cm the local team for the past three
An Ice cream social will
on the lawn of the Valley
Church Thursday evening.
Kveryone Invited.
be given
June 12
Last Thursclav afternoon the Sans
Soncl l-jiibroidery Club entertained
their ex nieinbern at a garden party
on the beautiful lawn of the tut ton
home. During the afternoon various
embroidery stitches were demonstrat
ed. One of Die most popular was
"punch work." in which sides were
chosen mid hen each lady was
given a marslimaliovv. At a given
signal the leaders started to eat
their marshmallow s and as soon as
they were hw allowed gave their neigh
bors a "punch." The neighbor then
ate hers and so on clown the line,
the side finishing first being pronounc
ed the most adept in this particular
stitch. Other kinds of needlework
tried were fagoting, cat stitch, drawn
work and Irish crochet. The guests
were then told that they would be
taught padding and were led to the
daintily appointed refreshment tables
HCattered about under the trees. Tljere
were about forty members and guests
K. O. Hall, who secured the con
tract for laying macadam on several
of tin city streets, has lost no time
in gelling busy. A crew of men and
a sleatii plow were put to work this
week on the west end of Cascade
Avenue and the work Is progressing
rapidly. Most of the business streets
which are to be hard surfaced are
now graded and covered with crushed
rock. The surfacltiK work wns start
ed this week on F'ront and F'lrst
lit recta.
Portland, with her Hose F'estlval,
now the Mecca of the Northwest.
A bumper strawberry crop!
With a cloudless Hummer day and
about 1000 persons present, Weston's
twenty-first annual reunion of Umatil
la county p.jneers was held.
During the wool galea at lleppner.
1,000,000 pounds was disposed of at
prices ranging about three cents less
than last year.
Dallas is planning the finest cele
bration of Independence Day ever held
In that city. The Dallas Chautauqua
will open July 4, to continue for one
A number of widows have applied
tor the mothers' pensions at the office
of the county clerk at Albany, during
the past few days, and their requests
will be considered by the county court.
V. H. Snodgrass, ex-deputy warden
of the penitentiary and now chief Of
the guards there, was arrested on
charge of having attacked and I
verely beaten a prisoner May 16.
If the efforts of the 22 widows with
children who have made application
for pensions under the law recently
passed by the legislature are success
ful the state will -expend $510 a month
In Douglas county alone.
George L. Hlodgett, sentenced for
life in the Salem penitentiary for the
murder of Alice Mlnthorn at Portland
In 1!)()G, has been released under a
conditional pardon given by Governor
A grand Jury at The Dalles ha3 re
turned mi indictment against George
F. Ross charging him with the em
bezzlement of public funds to the
amount of $884.63, while recorder of
that city. He was given bonds.
Jackson county will Issue a pam
phlet along the lines established by
California counties. The edition will
be at least 50,000 and It will contain
approximately 100 pages, Including
statistics and maps. The county court
has authorized this work.
The big V-shaped harrow now being
built at Astoria for the port commis
sion will soon be ready for use in lm
proving the channel across the shoal
at the mouth of the Columbia. It will
have a spread of 20 feet, with eight
th rey foot revolving discs.
Taking a dare to climb a tree while
out with a party of Joy riderB near
Medtord, Miss Itamona Ladd, 18 years
old, climbed to a height of 30 feet.
A branch broke and she fell. She was
carried to a hospital, and it Is said
that her back is broken.
The Trl County fair w ill be held In
Condon this fall on October 1, 2 and
3, according to the decision of the ex
ecutive committee in a special meet
ing. The Tri-County fair is to be a
permanent yearly t ent - in Condon
Advices were received by State En
gineer Lewis that !000 acres of land
belonging to the Columbia Southern
project, has been withdrawn from en
try by the Interior department. The
original project consisted of 23,000
acres and the 0000 acres were Includ
ed within the last few years.
The forestry service has ordered a
telephone line to be installed connect
ing Prairie City with the summit of
Strawberry Peak, 12 miles distant.
A station will be erected on the ex
treme summit of the peak at a height
of over 10,000 feet, which overlooks
the entire forestry district of eastern
Stone houses may replace the regu
lation two roomed shanties which now
form the abodes of homesteaders on
virtually every quarter section In
Christmas Lake and Silver Lake val
leys. This Is made possible by the
discovery of a half dozen stone quar
ries on the side of Table Mountain.
Mandamus proceedings have been
begun by the Oregon & California rail
road company against Sheriff Reeves
of Washington county, to require him
to show cause why he will not accept
a tender of $19,755.08 In payment of!
the onipiiny s t:.x in that county. This
amount does not include a special road
tax of $2,185.04.
After waiting since 1910 to be reim
bursed to the extent of $72 for rver-
charges on some household goods ship-
tied from Mobile. Ala., te Itonnburg,
K. Lynn Tunnell has been notified by
the st..te railroad commissioner that
the Interstate commerce oommlssien
has decided in his favor. The com
mission took his case up several years
ago, and the delay was due to the fact
that many railroad lines wetit In
The McMinnville council awarded a
contract for street grading to a firm
of Portland contractors, and Mayor
W. T. Vinton refused to affix hU sig
nature. Contempt of court proceed
ings followed, and the mayor was
fined $:!00 and sentenced to six months
confinement ia the reunty jail with
out ball, or until such time as be sees
fit to obey the orders ef Ut olrcult
court that he sign the contraot.
The Smith-Towers Logging eoia-
pany, one of tile largest ooneerns or
Its kind on the roast. Is making pre
parations to open two camps three
miles above Coqulllo, where It kas
about 50,000,000 feet of timber. The
right of way for a logging railroad to
extend two miles Into fie timber from
the main line is now being oleared and
the road will be constructed forth
with. The logs will no to Um a 1
Smith sawmill at Marshfiold.
Buy Your 4th of Jul y Suit Now Royal Made-to-Measure Suits, $ 13.50 u p.
Every Suit Guaranteed to Fit and to Be Strictly All-Wool.
HE Royal Tail ors have broken all records in the Made-to-Measure Tailor Business this
season, and in order to make a grand cleanup of the spring season, they have reduced
the prices on some of the best numbers of the season's goods. Every man knows that he nev
er heard of an All- Wool Made-to-Measure Suit, guaranteed to (2? 1 CA
fit and hold its shape for a year, at the exceedingly low price of . . . fP A 3 J
We Can Mention Only a Few of the Numbers and Prices Here
7001 Is a brown striped cheviot; 7002, a grey herringbone stripe suiting Suit, $13.50
7003 Light brown mixture; 7004, grey diagonal; 7005, tan diagonal; 7006, light grey diagonal. Suit, $16.00
7168 Navy stripe worsted; 7092, grey stripe worsted; 7111-12-14, tan, navy, brown diagonals, $25 Suit, $20.00
7258 Grey silk striped worsted; 7259, tan silk check striped worsted, $30.00 suits, cut down to . $22.50
Here Is one of the big surprises of these unusual offerings 7384, a fine, soft finish Blue Serge Suit $25.00
fJThere are about 500 samples to choose from and every one is guaranteed all wool. Make your selection
early, so you will not be disappointed in getting your suit on time.
A complete line of Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Hats, Dress and Work Trousers
New knitted Neckwear, 25c to $1.00; Summer-weight Suspenders, Invisible Suspenders, Arm Bands, Guaranteed
Silk Socks, 50c; Guaranteed Wool Socks, all colors, 25c; Leather Belts, 25c to 75c; Soft and Starched Collars;
Munsingwear Union Suits; Porosknit and B.V.D. Unions and separate garments. Balbriggan, Lisle and Mercerized Underwear
All White Coods Priced Lower Until Saturday, June 14th
Bragg Mercantile Co.
The Tad System is Working Fine
19 Minevvorkcrs Officials Ac
cused of Fart in Restrict
ing Coal Competition.
It rt-maing for Colonel Watterson to J
say what lie thinks about Colonel;
Roosevelt, who lived at the White
House for seven years and only used
the mint bed a half-dozen times.
Chautauqua July 21-28. He there.
Charleston, VC Vh President Whi.
ami 18 other officials of the Unite
Mine Workers of America, were indict
ed in the federal court here on a
charge of violating the Sherman anti
trust law. It is nllei;ed the defendants
conspired with the coal operators of
western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois to raise wapes in the West
Virginia coal fields so as to prevent its
competition with the other four states
In the western mi.rket.
The Indictments charged that the 19
men affiliated with the United Mine
workers of America did in Kanawha
county. West Hirfcinia, and within the
jurisdiction of the federal district
court, engage in a combination and
conspiracy unlawfully in restraint of
trade and commerce in the several
states; the offense is said to have
started September 1, 11)12, and con
tiii'iiil since.
Ii is charged that the indicted men
hae been agents and members of "an
unincorporated voluntary organization
of individuals as a labor union known
as the United Mineworkers of Ameri
ca, having many thousands "of mem
bers, who conspired, by regulating
wages, to control the price at which
the co.M mined in the state of West
Virginia could compete with coal min
ed in l'ennsylvanl'i Ohio, Indintvi and
Tomato Plants
We have for sale, younp;
Tomato plants that were
grown in lime and sulphur
which stop the disease of
blipht. CTry our plants
one year and you will buy
them every year.
Geo. Hasllnger
Phone 3393
ffieunt Hceci Railroad
KlT.Ttuo 12:01 A. M.
Sunday. Svpt. 8th
No. I
a. n.
8 mi
8 05
8 15
8 85
8 40
9 05.
9 15
9 20
9 45
10 10
10 15
10 40
10 45
Lv. Hiwxi Rivr Ar.
S Hi lihmi'k.
Mo. 2
2 55
.. : 50
2 :m
Van Morn.. 2 10
M-hr ...
TnMit Cwk
Ar. Piirkitale I. v.
2 05
2 .
1 50
, 1 4;i
1 30
1 15
1 05
1 00
A. WILSON. Agent.
Western Executive Favor Liberal
Land Policy.
Salt I,nk City, t'tah. When the
national conference of governors
meets in Colorado Springs next Au
gust It will be asked by the western
governors to go on record against the
conservation policy pursued by the
last three national administrations.
This was made certain when the
western conference officers, at Its
closing session declared for a more
liberal administration of the public
lands by the national government.
See the Late 1913 Model i
Friends of llev. J. H. Parsons, as
well as members of his congregation,
will be pleased to learn that he was
returned by the conference to his
charge here. This was in response
to n unanimous petition signed by
members of his congregation.
Lawn Mower
Sell Sharpening f
i at en r Mir Adjusting
Hall Hearings. Patent $
Draw-out Wiper P.lades
always adjusted. Every
blade absolutely perfect.
Ruv a Monev hack and
save annoyance and ad- $
111 I IV' I 1(11 I A TIUXi
l-Aclusive Agent
1 Mood River, Oregon
It will be a Big Day in the APPLE CITY
The Day's Program will Include:
Gorgeous Automobile Parade; Hose Races, The
Dalles vs. Hood River; Band Concerts; Base
Ball Games; Dancing Afternoon and Evening;
Fourth of July Exercises; Real Live Greased
Pig; Aquatic Sports, Etc.
Something Doing Every Minute A Day Chuck Full of Amusement
Special Reduced Rates
on Railroads and Boats