The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 04, 1913, Image 1

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Highest Grade
Job Trinling
Get Hcsultj
Hood River Growers at Massmeeting Decide in Favor
of Affiliating: with North Pacific
by Unanimous
sociation Complete Connection
President of Distributors; Sieg a
Neighboring: Districts Also Join
By a unanimous vote, Hood River
growers at a massmeeting held Satur
day expressed themselves in favor of
affiliating with the North I'acilic Dis
tributors and gave to the board of di
rectors of the Apple Growers' Associa
tion power to make the connection.
The action taken here decided the
destiny of the co-operative marketing
concern of the Northwest growers.
Men active in the organization were
present from Washington, Idaho and
Mon .una. They brought word that the
subordinate organizations had been
perfected in those districts and that
the grow erB were strongly in favor of
the Distributors operating this year.
Inasmuch as local conditions made it
impossible for Wenatchee to join this
year, it was felt that Hoed River must
join la order to make the big organi
zation a successful and efficient one.
At two previous massmeetings Hood
River growers had expressed them
selves as unanimously in favor of as
sisting t lie proposed cooperative move
ment between the district of the
Northwest, but the board of directors
of the Apple Growers 'Association de
cided to call for a final expression
before completing the alliliation.
The action taken Saturday mean&
that Hood River will this year enjoy
the fruity of complete cooperation, lo
cal marketing organizations having
been already amalgamated in the Ap
pie (.rowers' Association.
Hood River's action was watched
with interest by all the other fruit
producing districts of' the Northwest.
All these dirtricts, with the exception
of Wenatchee and Rogue River, are
now affiliated with the Distributors
niul the board of trustees of that or
ganlzr.tion will at once proceed to per
fect a marketing machine in order ro
handle this year's crop.
Idaho Fully Organized
There was a large gathering ct
growers present, lleilbronner Hall be
ing about two-third full. The meet
ing in the afternoon whs proceeded by
a meeting of the board of trustees of
the North Pacific Distributors. As the
train from the Kast did not arrive tin
til after 11. however, tins session wan
necessarily short.
The innxsmoeMng was called to ord
er about two o'clock by H. F. David
Kin. trustee or the Distributors repre
senting the Hood River subceiitral.
"We've got a hot day and a red hot
subject, declared .Mr. Davidson, so
I believe I am safe in promising you
an Interesting afternoon." He intro
duced W. N. Yost of Idaho as the
first speaker.
Mr. Yost was a forceful and convinc
ing speaker. He said that he had been
enthusiastic over the proposition of se
curing harmony instead of rivalry be
(ween the fruit districts of the North
west. I lt has worked untiringly to
get Idaho lined up and has succeeded
in doing so. Kigliteen competing mar
keting organizations have been re-organized
Into a subceiitral having 15
"We have secured these results after
long and arduous labors," said Mr.
Yost, "and the time has now come
when we must either have the assur
ance that the Distributors will operate
this year or we must start all over
Again and reorganize our selling forces
under the old system, but I recoil from
attempting to harvest another crop un
der the old competitive system. I rfm
convinced that the people of the North
west are in the fullest, sympathy with
this movement for cooperation nnd
economic conditions nre right for it
to be done and done now. If we wait,
until the fruit tonnage Increases, ns it
will every year, then the organiza
tion of such a central marketing agen
cy would be too produgous a task for
us to attempt. We want Hood River
to join ami lend a hnnd and we want
a decisive answer not later than to
day." Walla Walla Signed Up
II. Iliiber was present from Walla Wal
la to tell of the progress that bus been
made there and to urge Hood River
growers to take some action. He
said that growers there were strong
ly In favor of the cooperative Belling
VoteDirectors of
agency and that 80 per cent of the
apple crop in the Walla Walla section
lias already been pledged to the Dis
tributors. They want it put through
this year, urged Hood River to be
come a factor, and asked a prompt
Spokane Banker Talks
11. Dormer, a prominent Spokane
banker and owner of several hundred
acres of orchard, was next introduced.
He said that the many weaknesses
and defects of the old system had be
come more evident than ever before.
"With the rapidly increasing volume
of the fruit business in the North
west," he said,"it is folly to attempt to
continue under the old system; which
was bound to glut the markets early
in the season. We must by all means
secure a better means of distribution.
If this is done I believe that a large
part of the capital now invested In
apple lands can be saved. To do this
the fruit crop of the Northwest must
be handled by a scientific selling agen
cy. Our people up in the Spokane dis
trict are unanimously of the opinion
that the North Pacific Distributors is
the organization that will best meet
our present and future needs.
"We have heard it advocated that we
continue the old system and look for
the survival of the fittest, but there
are none of us who can afford to pur
sue any such cutthroat policy as that
There is a better means of meeting
conditions and we believe that Dlstrlb
utors affords that means."
Montana a Big Factor
Montana has joined the Distributors
and promises to be one of the biggest
factors in the fruit industry of tin
Non.hwest from point of production.
according to William Sackett, who was
present from that state. "We have
heavy plantings of young trees up
there," said Mr. Sackett, "and while
we have not yet pulled up any of them
we are ready to hang any man who
plants any more. We now have 30,000
jicres planted and 5.0m) more were set
out during the past year. We do not
think that the Distributors will be
hurt by Wenatchee's holding out, for
If the rest of the districts get to
gether they will control 80 per cent of
the crop of the Northwest."
Willamette Vjlley in Line
Willamette Valley is not yet a heavy
producer of fruit, but there are ex
tensive plantings and it will be a fac
tor in a few years, according to H. K.
Newell, president of the State Hoard
of 'Horticulture, who was present at
the meeting. He said that he had
interviewed managers of the local or
ganizations and that they were strong
ly in favor of the Distributors. He
said that all were ready to take part.
H. ('. Sampson, secretary of the Dis
tributors, told of the country-wide In
terest that is being taken in this ef
fort of the fruit producers of the
Northwest to unite In a central selling
agency. He has recently traveled ex
tensively through the fruit sections of
the country and said this movement
by the Northwest Is in line with simi
lar movements in other agricultural
sections, where the producers are be
ing forced to unite in order to secure
an adequate return for their products.
Since the Distributors was organized
Canada has taken up and perfected 'n
similar organization, patterned after It
This was done with the co-operation
i)t the government.
I hnve visited all the fruit sections
of the Northwest," said Mr. Sampson,
"and I have found an almost unani
mous opinion In favor of this central
selling agency."
Attorney Drown of Corvallls stated
that all sections In the neighborhood
of that, city, Kugene and Albany were
in favor of the Distributors.
Robbint Explains Organization
John tlellntly of Wenatchee explain
ed how a factional fight there pre
vented them from Joining this year,
but said they were in sympathy with
the movement, Intimating that they
would join when they had their trou
bles settled.
.1. II. Robbins, mniiiiKer.of the Yak
ima Association nnd also of the DIs
trlbutors made a lengthy talk, explain
Fruit Distributors
Apple Growers As
Davidson Chosen
Sales Manager-
-Harmony Prevails.
ing the agency In detail. It la pattern
ed tifter the successful central agency
of the California citrus growers. The
pack and grade of all districts Is to
be standardized. A wider distinction
will be made between fancy and ex
tra fancy brands and the shipping of
"C" grade fruit will not be encouraged
The largest possible number of selling
agents are to be placed in the field at
once and claim agents and traffic man
agers appointed. The present trade of
any district in the association is not
to be disturbed and each district is
to furnish fruit to such markets as Its
trade has established, but it is to be
furnished through the Distributors
Association. Markets calling for no
special kind are to be supplied propor
tionately from each district, based up
on the tonnage signed up.
An auxiliary board composed of two
members in each district in addition to
a representative on the board of di
rectors, to have one vote for each
luo cars tonnage from each district
based on the previous year's shipment,
is to decide all disputed questions aris
Yakima Will Come In
Frank Sickels of Yakima declared
that a final solution of the fruit grow
ers' problems of the Northwest would
never be reached until they had united
In a central selling agency. He said
that all questions of pruning, spray
ing and the like were not to be com
pared with the marketing problem
"What is the .use of producing fine ap
pJes, he Interrogated, "if we do not
get paid for them as we should?" He
said that in Yakima they felt that the
lateness of the season was a serious
handicap this year for the Distributors,
but so fully convinced are they that a
central selling agency must be perfect
en at tne earliest possible moment
thar they are going to join. They
have only been waiting for Hood Riv
er's decision.
Action Is Taken
H. C.Coleman made the motion that
the Distributors be endorsed. Walter
Kimball thought that a representative
gathering was not present and that fin
al action should be deferred until an
other meeting to be held a week
hence. C .T. Hoyt took the floor
and said that it was such a busy-
season inai ne aid not tlilnk a more
representative meeting could he had
and made a motion that the matter be
left in the hands of the board of di
rectors of the Apple Growers' Associa
tion with power to act. L. F. Hen
derson supported this motion and
said the time was ripe and action
should be taken. J. I,. Carter was of
the same opinion. The last-named
motion was put and unanimously car
A. I. Mason was not satisfied with
motion and said the gathering should
have courage enough to go on record
ai to their attitude towards the que
tion of joining the Distributors. A
motion to the effect that It wa the
sense of the meeting that Hood River
should join the Distributors was put
and also carried unanlmotislv.
Adjacent Districts Heard From
The I Males. Mosier. White Salmon
and I'nderwood nre all included in the
Hood River subceiitral and they were
all heard from in favor of ioinlti the
Distributors. John Carroll snoke for
Mosier, Mr. Conger for Whit,. Salmon,
J. K. Slade, Frank Fox and W. F.
Cash for I'nderwood. Others nresent
from the neighboring districts includ
ed P. I. Packard. Melville Carnlne nnd
Paul McKercher from I'nderwood ami
K. M. Peck, F. J. Kmpenger, M. C.
Martin nnd John Humphrey from
Whit,. Salmon.
M. E. Church Services
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preach-
ng services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m.
Children's Day services will be held
at 10:4". A. M. The children of the
Sunday School will render ihe program
at this service. Kpworth League at 7 n.
fit. Prayer meeting on Thursday ev
ening at 8:00 o'clock. All are cord
ially invited. W. H. Young, pastor.
The News for strawberry tickets.
K. O. Hall was awarded the contract
for macadamizing State, Oak, Cascade
and a part of Ninth street at the meet
ing of the Common Council Monday
evening. Only two bids were submit
ted. The Reliance Construction Com
pany of Portland bid
127,000. This is the
something over
same company
which secured two of the waterworks
contracts and also the contract for
paving the city streets. Mr. Hall's
bid was $23,210. The contract calls
for the completion of the macadamiz
ing in 45 days from the awarding of
the contract.
It was also decided ti further Im
prove the East Side Grade. During
the past two seasons the road has been
widened and improved but sections of
the surface are still rough and about
$2n0 will be Bpent In improving it,
pending further permanent improve
Contracts let this spring for con
struction of the waterworks system
called for Its completion by June 1.
The Reliance Construction Company
asked Monday for an extension and so
also did E. O. Hall. Mr. Hall's work
Is practically done but he Is held up
waiting for material from the East.
The Reliance Company still has con
siderable work to be done on laying
the pipe line. The Council refused to
allow an extension In either case.
The Council is now meeting only ev
ery other week in pursuance of an
ordinance recently passed.
Rev. J. B. Parsons of the U. B.
church left Monday for the Oregon
conference at Tillamook, to be gone
about a week. A petition signed by
all the members of the congregation
will be presented to the conference
asking that Mr. Parsons be returned
here, where he has done so much In
building up a strong and loyal church.
A financial report which will be sub
mitted to the conference shows that
contributions made by the local con
gregation during the past year have
reached the sum of $7,400. This in
cludes contributions for all purposes.
For many years the fruit grower of the Northwest hag dreamed of
an organization, owned by himself, controlled by himself, and such
dream is now realized in the final, complete and harmonious organiza
tion of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors in this city.
The largest deciduous fruit association in the entire world, and one
which in four or five years will be the largest organization of any
kind of similar character, is being developed by the officers and sales
managers for the complete development of plans which will bring
immediate' action on the selling and distributing of the deciduous fruits
of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.
Unusually strong In experience, character and qualification are the
officers of this association. The president, H. F. Davidson of Hood
River, is one of the largest growers and shippers and a man of the
largest experience in the Pacific Northwest.
W. N. Yost of Southern Idaho, the vice-president, like Mr. Davidson,
is an extensive orchard owner and is thoroughly known throughout
the entire State of Idaho.
H. C. Sampson of Spokane, secretary and treasurer, has had a large
and varied successful business experience in mamrging large financial
J. H. Robbins of North Yakima, the general manager, is by far the
largest shipper of deciduous fruits of the Northwest, having handled
more than 2.0dn cars in 1;12. His banking and business experience
have been extensive In both Washington and Oregon.
N. C. Richards ot North Yakima, general counsel, is the president
of the electric railway line8 of North Yakima, has for many years been
a close student of cooperative im thods, was one of the original organ-
izers of the Yakima Valley Fruit Growers' Association, and is one of the
best known attorneys of the Northwest.
Other trustees are V. M. Sackett, a well known grocer and business
man of Corvallis, Mont., and Harry Huber, secretary of the Milton
(Oregon) Fruit Growers' I'nion.
The executive committee consists of President Davidson, Vice Presi
dent Yost and a third member vet to be selected.
The board of trustees has been most fortunate in securing the three
most capable sales managers in the deciduous fruit industry. These
are U. A .Parham, salesmanager for the North Yakima Fruit Growers'
Association, Wilnter Sieg, sales manager for the Apple Growers' Asso
ciation (the amalgamated associations of Hood River) and H. E.
Smith, sales manager for the amalgamated associations of Southern
Idahy and Eastern Oregon.
The most experienced nd capable traffic and claims manager and
other officers as needed from time to time will be secured from the
Northwest to co-operate with the above-named ollicers.
The combined judgment: and cooperation of this capable and ex
perienced group of men will solve the problems that confront the
Iruit industry of the Northwest.
As rapidly as possible the North Pacific Fruit Distributors will
develop its own machinery in the markets of the world, in the mean
time working with and through the organized channels of trade, the
established trade of each shipping district being retained and devel
oped. This entire force of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors a non
profit, cooperative association at all times will be under the abso
lute control of the growers themselves. At no time can any outside
organization, man or group of men, other than the growers, dominate
or direct, it.
It is anticipated that the organization will save hundreds of dollars
for the growers through economy of office administration, sales mana
gers, travelling expenses and market reports, and jet in all these
tilings give a wider and mote satisfactory service. I twill secure a
larger cooperation with transportation companies, better and cheaper
storage and wider and more intelligent distribution, will enforce
uniform pack and grade and carry on intelligent, comprehensive ad
vertising fvr the various fruits of the four states.
Four main defects in farm butter
as compared with creamery butter are
pointed out by O. G. Simpson of the
dairy school at the Oregon Agricultur
al College. He gays
"The main defects In farm butter
as compared with creamery butter.are
bad flavor, staleness or rancidity, too
many shades of color, and unsuitable
packages. The flavor is of the high
est importance, and no matter how
good the butter is in other respects, If
the flavor is wrong it Is classed as an
inferior article.
"No matter how skillful the butter
maker is, it is impossible for him to
make a strictly first class butter out of
poorly flavored or tainted cream
Cream may become tainted from four
causes: bacterial Infection, absorb
tion of flavors, food eaten, or disease
in the cow. The bacterial infection
may come of unclean cow s and stables,
unclean condition of milkers, unclean
utensils, or keeping the cream in un
clean surroundings, especially in a.
temperature above 60 degrees.
"Absorbtion of flavors takes place
with remarkable rapidity when milk or
cream is allowed to stand In an at
mosphere where odors are present, es
pecially when the milk is warm.
Foods that have strong tastes and
odors, such as onions, decayed silage,
old stalky kale, or turnip tops should
not be fed within a few hours of milk
ing. Experiments have shown that
milk will nt possess the flavors of
such foods if not drawn for eight or
twelve hours after feeding. Cows that
are abnormally heated or excited be
fore milking give a tainted milk.
Many dseases also effect the cow's
Mr. and Mrs. M. M .Hill, Miss Ruth
Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith re
turned Monday from an automobile
trip to Trout Lake and Glenwood. A
punctured tire made a call on their
inventive powers and a coll of rope
obtained from a farmer was wound
around the tire, enabling them to ccn
tinue the trip.
Davidson Is Elected
Distributors9 President
Following the mass meeting held
Saturday afternoon when Hood River
growers endorsed the North Pacific
Distributors, the board of trustees of
the latter organization held a business
meeting to elect permanent officers
and make final plans for operating as
a central selling agency for the North
west this year.
Officers elected previously were tem
porary and those chosen Saturday
were aa follows: 11 .F. Davidson of
this city .president; W. N. Yost of
Southern Idaho, vice president, H. C.
Sampson of Spokane, secretary and
treasurer. J .H. Robbins of North
Yakima, general manager; N. C. Rich
ards of North Yakima, general counsel.
Wilmer Sieg of this city, B. A. Perham
and H. E. Smith were appointed sales
managers. More detailed reference
to these men is given in another col
umn. Secretary Sainpeon was Instructed
to employ the necessary help for carry
ing on the business. A selling force
will be put Into the field at once.
There Is to be a meeting in the near
future of the directors in conjunction
with the sales managers and chief in
spectors from each of the districts
for the purpose of adopting a practi
cal and efficient set of grading rules
to apply to all of the territory covered
by the organization. Further arrange
ments will also be made at this meet
ing for the actual transaction of busi
ness and it is expected to have the or
ganjzation perfected and ready for the
distribution of fruit In ample time to
take care of the cherrjr crop, which
will follow the strawberry crop. No
attempt will be made this year, on
account of the lateness of the season,
to handle strawberries.
A vigorous campaign of advertising
will be inaugurated at once and the
directors from all districts have been
asked to furnish Secretary Sampson
with a list of the principal varieties of
fruit which the districts wish to push
as their special products. They will
also furnish a list and description of
brands which they wish to use, all of
which will be given the fullest public
ity in the advertising campaign.
The work of selling these apples is
In the hands of an efficient board of
salesmen, namely: Wilmer Sieg, A. P.
Perham and H. E .Smith. Each one of
these will give his especial attention
to the different features for which his
experience, has especially fitted him.
"In this age of specialization," said
President Davidson, " the management
of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors
is thoroughly imbued with the idea
that it is necessary to employ special
ists In the different departments and
we intend to secure the best talent
available and as much as the volume
of business warrants."
Statement Given Out
Manager Sieg and Davidson of the
Apple Growers' Association had the
following statement which they wished
given to Hood River growers: "So
far as Hood River lg concerned we be
lieve that the affiliation with the North
Pacific Distributors as arranged will
be of material advantage to the fruit
growers of Hood River and that it will
get them larger returns for their pro
duct than would be otherwise possible,
as it is understood that every advan
tage in the way of reputation and es
tablished trade will be conserved to
Hood River people, that the brands
George L. Madden to F. A. Howe, lt
acres east of Dee, $1600.
W. W. Nason to W. S. Chandler, lots
b. t. ;t;: an d!4. block 2:!, Hood River
C. D. Roberts to Jennie W. Donnell,
that part of 20 acre tract on East Side
lying east of county road.
G. L. Kirkpatrick to Orion K. Kruge,
lots "-" and "If" First Addition South,
. Zitldeil to Bessie Schatz five acres
on East Side.
W. II. Fallen to Sivert Anderson,
lots 1 and 4. block A. Barrett Sipma
Cora M llintis to Frank M. Dickin
son and Jas. II. Holen. 20 acres at
Oak Grove.
Newton Clark to F. H. Dwintiell, un
livided one-third of 40 acres iu Bar
rett district and onthird of lots S
and HiKhlamU Subdivision. $
C. P. Jordan to Charles liog. ;!
u res in Barrett district.
Charles T. Early to Home Telephone
Company, lot S. block 2, town of Odell.
1 1 in r W. Hay den to Thomas D.
Tweedy, lot 4. block 1. Clark's First
which we have been using will be
pushed and advertised to the fullest
possible extent, and that the trade
which has been established will con
tinue to get our fruit. We believe that
in addition to this assistance the Dis
tributors will give to the districts not
so w ell organized as Hood River better
values for their products than they
would otherwise receive by more thor
ough and comprehensive distribution,
which in turn will eliminate a lot of
the competition and slaughtering of
prices which last season materially af
fected all apple-producing districts of
the Northwest, including Hood River.
"In perfecting our affiliation with
the Distributors the directors of the
Apple Growers' Association were fully
cognizant of Hood River's position and
made no sacrifices whatever. We have
put matters in such shape that Hood
River has all to gain and nothing to
lose and the directors of the Distrib
utors protected other districts to the
same extent."
Growers Will Be Informed
In order that all growers of the val-'
ley may be fully informed as to the
relation which Hood River now bears
to the central selling agency of the
Northwest, a series of meetings to be
held in the different sections of the
valley are being planned. They will
be held as soon as possible. In the
meantime officers of the Association
state that they will be glad to give
out any information.
Of all the "butchers and bakers and
candlestick makers" who participated
in the tournament of the Benedict
Tennis Club the Bakers proved to be
the winning combination, E. A. Baker
winning the singles, and E .A. and
Will Baker taking the doubles.
About 25 competed in the tourna
ment, the singles being played on a
handicap basis. In the doubles the
following succeeded in reaching semi
finals: E. A. and Will Baker, L. A.
Henderson and Harold Hershner, J. II.
Heilbronner and. Dr Waugh, E. A.
Franz and H. A. MacDonald. The fi
nals were played between Baker and
Baker and Heilbronner and Waugh.
The scores were as follows: 6-0, 6-4
and 6-1.
Those who reached the semi-finals
in the singles were Charles Hall, Mur
ray Kay, E. A. Baker and Harold
Hershner. The winners Messrs. Bak
er and Hall played the decisive
match Saturday, Baker winning. The
game was closely contested and ex
citing throughout, the scores being 6-3,
3-6, 6-3, 3 6 and 6-1.
Prizes were given the winner, donat
ed by th E. A. Franz Company.
With the opening of the strawberr)
ason there has been a keen demautl
for Hood River fruit at g od prici ) and
H. M. Huxley of the Apple Growers'
Association reports that where berries
have been shipped this season many
buyers have doub'.ed and all have 1 1-
creased their orders. The quality
and pack have been good so far this
season. I he market is said to be
practically bare and as a consequence
the demand has so far been strong
and at good prices. Conditions up to
date have been much more favorable
than last year.
"If we can continue to keep up the
quality and pack, there will be a good
tl' inaml for our berries." said Mr. Hux
ley. The warm weather of the past
few days has matured the crop rapidly
and the first carload shipment was
made by the Association the first of
the week.
The sun has been so hot recently
as to threaten the berries, but on uc
count of the heavy foliage this year
it has done no damage. There Is
now- a strong demand for piek'-rs.
Robert Carter has dipos.-d of bis
interest in the Columbia Auto ami
Machine Company. The company fia i
been reorganized and those now In
terested include L. H. Gondenli.Tgt
president and manager, E. L.
Chun, secretary and treasurer,
Archie ViLintM li t,r,Mlit,-iit
Carter is planning to ent.-r tti auio-
tnoiuie iiii:.iie-ss at Walla Walla.
Hood River's Fourth will bo a hum